public static DataTable ToDataTable(this IEnumerable en, JQGrid grid)
			DataTable result = new DataTable();
			DataView dataView = en as DataView;
			if (dataView != null)
				result = dataView.ToTable();
				if (en != null)
					result = IEnumerableExtensions.ObtainDataTableFromIEnumerable(en, grid);
			return result;
Beispiel #2
		internal static List<string> GetListOfColumns(JQGrid grid)
			List<string> result = new List<string>();
			grid.Columns.FindAll((JQGridColumn c) => c.EditType == EditType.DatePicker || c.EditType == EditType.AutoComplete).ForEach(delegate(JQGridColumn c)
				result.Add(c.EditType.ToString().ToLower() + ":" + c.DataField);
			return result;
Beispiel #3
		internal static List<string> GetListOfSearchEditors(JQGrid grid)
			List<string> result = new List<string>();
			grid.Columns.FindAll((JQGridColumn c) => c.SearchType == SearchType.DatePicker || c.SearchType == SearchType.AutoComplete).ForEach(delegate(JQGridColumn c)
			return result;
Beispiel #4
		internal static string GetAttachEditorsFunction(JQGrid grid, string editorType, string editorControlID)
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			stringBuilder.Append("function(el) {");
			stringBuilder.Append("setTimeout(function() {");
			stringBuilder.AppendFormat("var ec = '{0}';", editorControlID);
			if (editorType == "datepicker")
				stringBuilder.Append("if (typeof($(el).datepicker) !== 'function')");
				stringBuilder.Append("alert('JQDatePicker javascript not present on the page. Please, include jquery.jqDatePicker.min.js');");
				stringBuilder.Append("$(el).datepicker( eval(ec + '_dpid') );");
			if (editorType == "autocomplete")
				stringBuilder.Append("if (typeof($(el).autocomplete) !== 'function')");
				stringBuilder.Append("alert('JQAutoComplete javascript not present on the page. Please, include jquery.jqAutoComplete.min.js');");
				stringBuilder.Append("$(el).autocomplete( eval(ec + '_acid') );");
			return stringBuilder.ToString();
Beispiel #5
 public LowStockGridModel()
     LowStockGrid = new JQGrid()
         Columns = new List <JQGridColumn>()
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Id",
                 DataType   = typeof(Guid),
                 PrimaryKey = true,
                 Visible    = false,
                 Searchable = false
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "WhName",
                 HeaderText = "仓库",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "InvName",
                 HeaderText = "存货",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Specs",
                 HeaderText = "规格型号",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "STUnitName",
                 HeaderText = "计量单位",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "LowStock",
                 HeaderText = "最低库存量",
                 DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                 Formatter  = new DigitFormatter(),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Num",
                 HeaderText = "可用量",
                 DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                 Formatter  = new DigitFormatter(),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "DifNum",
                 HeaderText = "短缺量",
                 DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                 Formatter  = new DigitFormatter(),
     LowStockGrid.AppearanceSettings.ShowRowNumbers = true;
Beispiel #6
 public LocatorBookGridModel()
     LocatorBookGrid = new JQGrid()
         Columns = new List <JQGridColumn>()
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Id",
                 DataType   = typeof(Guid),
                 PrimaryKey = true,
                 Visible    = false,
                 Searchable = false
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Code",
                 HeaderText = "月份",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "WhName",
                 HeaderText = "仓库",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "LocatorName",
                 HeaderText = "货位",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "InvName",
                 HeaderText = "存货",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Specs",
                 HeaderText = "规格型号",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "STUnitName",
                 HeaderText = "计量单位",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "InNum",
                 HeaderText = "收入数量",
                 DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                 Formatter  = new DigitFormatter(),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "OutNum",
                 HeaderText = "发出数量",
                 DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                 Formatter  = new DigitFormatter(),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Num",
                 HeaderText = "结存数量",
                 DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                 Formatter  = new DigitFormatter(),
     LocatorBookGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowRefreshButton   = true;
     LocatorBookGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowSearchButton    = true;
     LocatorBookGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowColumnChooser   = true;
     LocatorBookGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowExcelButton     = true;
     LocatorBookGrid.SearchDialogSettings.MultipleSearch = true;
     LocatorBookGrid.AppearanceSettings.ShowRowNumbers   = true;
        private static DataTable ObtainDataTableFromIEnumerable(IEnumerable ien, JQGrid grid)
            DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();

            foreach (object current in ien)
                if (current is DbDataRecord)
                    DbDataRecord dbDataRecord = current as DbDataRecord;
                    if (dataTable.Columns.Count == 0)
                        foreach (JQGridColumn jQGridColumn in grid.Columns)
                    DataRow dataRow = dataTable.NewRow();
                    foreach (JQGridColumn jQGridColumn2 in grid.Columns)
                        dataRow[jQGridColumn2.DataField] = dbDataRecord[jQGridColumn2.DataField];
                    if (current is DataRow)
                        DataRow dataRow2 = current as DataRow;
                        if (dataTable.Columns.Count == 0)
                            foreach (JQGridColumn jQGridColumn3 in grid.Columns)
                        DataRow dataRow3 = dataTable.NewRow();
                        foreach (JQGridColumn jQGridColumn4 in grid.Columns)
                            dataRow3[jQGridColumn4.DataField] = dataRow2[jQGridColumn4.DataField];
                        Type           type       = current.GetType();
                        PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties();
                        if (dataTable.Columns.Count == 0)
                            PropertyInfo[] array = properties;
                            for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                                PropertyInfo propertyInfo = array[i];
                                Type         type2        = propertyInfo.PropertyType;
                                if (type2.IsGenericType && type2.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable <>))
                                    type2 = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type2);
                                dataTable.Columns.Add(propertyInfo.Name, type2);
                        DataRow        dataRow4 = dataTable.NewRow();
                        PropertyInfo[] array2   = properties;
                        for (int j = 0; j < array2.Length; j++)
                            PropertyInfo propertyInfo2 = array2[j];
                            object       value         = propertyInfo2.GetValue(current, null);
                            if (value != null)
                                dataRow4[propertyInfo2.Name] = value;
                                dataRow4[propertyInfo2.Name] = DBNull.Value;
 public MvcHtmlString JQGridPartial(JQGrid grid)
     //JQGridRenderer jQGridRenderer = new JQGridRenderer();
     return MvcHtmlString.Create(JQGridRenderer.RenderHtml(grid, JQGridRenderMode.Partial));
 public MvcHtmlString JQGridScript(JQGrid grid)
     //JQGridRenderer jQGridRenderer = new JQGridRenderer();
     return MvcHtmlString.Create(JQGridRenderer.RenderHtml(grid, JQGridRenderMode.Script));
Beispiel #10
        public CardDonateInventoryGrid()
            CardGrid = new JQGrid()
                Columns = new List <JQGridColumn>()
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "Id",
                        PrimaryKey = true,
                        DataType   = typeof(Guid),
                        Visible    = false,
                        Searchable = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "CardNo",
                        HeaderText = "卡号",
                        DataType   = typeof(string)
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "MemberName",
                        HeaderText = "会员名",
                        DataType   = typeof(string)
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "Balance",
                        HeaderText = "余额",
                        DataType   = typeof(decimal)
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "Recharge",
                        HeaderText = "充值",
                        DataType   = typeof(decimal)
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "Points",
                        HeaderText = "积分",
                        DataType   = typeof(decimal)
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "IdCard",
                        HeaderText = "证件号",
                        DataType   = typeof(string)
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "LinkPhone",
                        HeaderText = "联系电话",
                        DataType   = typeof(string)
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "LinkAddress",
                        HeaderText = "联系地址",
                        DataType   = typeof(string)
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "Email",
                        HeaderText = "Email",
                        DataType   = typeof(DateTime)
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "CardType",
                        HeaderText = "卡类型",
                        DataType   = typeof(string)

                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "CardLevel",
                        HeaderText = "卡级别",
                        DataType   = typeof(string)
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "Status",
                        HeaderText = "状态",
                        DataType   = typeof(string)
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "CreateDate",
                        HeaderText = "发卡日期",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = false,
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "FullName",
                        HeaderText = "发卡操作员",
                        DataType   = typeof(string)
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "DeptName",
                        HeaderText = "发卡部门",
                        DataType   = typeof(string)
            CardGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowSearchButton    = true;
            CardGrid.SearchDialogSettings.MultipleSearch = true;
            CardGrid.HierarchySettings.HierarchyMode     = HierarchyMode.Parent;
            CardGrid.ClientSideEvents.SubGridRowExpanded = "showInventorySubGrid";
            CardGrid.MultiSelect     = true;
            CardGrid.MultiSelectKey  = MultiSelectKey.None;
            CardGrid.MultiSelectMode = MultiSelectMode.SelectOnCheckBoxClickOnly;
            CardGrid.ToolBarSettings.CustomButtons = new List <JQGridToolBarButton>()
                new JQGridToolBarButton()
                    Position   = ToolBarButtonPosition.Last,
                    ToolTip    = "批量设置商品赠送",
                    Text       = "批量设置商品赠送",
                    OnClick    = "customButtonClicked",
                    ButtonIcon = "ui-icon-extlink"

            InventoryGrid = new JQGrid()
                Columns = new List <JQGridColumn>()
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        EditActionIconsColumn   = true,
                        EditActionIconsSettings = new EditActionIconsSettings()
                            ShowEditIcon = true, ShowDeleteIcon = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "Id",
                        DataType   = typeof(Guid),
                        PrimaryKey = true,
                        Visible    = false,
                        Searchable = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "Code",
                        HeaderText = "编码",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "Name",
                        HeaderText = "名称",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = false

                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "CategoryName",
                        HeaderText = "存货分类",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = false,
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "UnitName",
                        HeaderText = "计量单位",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = false,
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "SalePrice",
                        HeaderText = "默认单价",
                        DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "SalePrice0",
                        HeaderText = "大杯单价",
                        DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "SalePrice1",
                        HeaderText = "中杯单价",
                        DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "SalePrice2",
                        HeaderText = "小杯单价",
                        DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "SalePoint",
                        HeaderText = "默认积分",
                        DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "SalePoint0",
                        HeaderText = "大杯积分",
                        DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "SalePoint1",
                        HeaderText = "中杯积分",
                        DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "SalePoint2",
                        HeaderText = "小杯积分",
                        DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                        Editable   = false

                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "IsValidate",
                        HeaderText = "是否赠送",
                        DataType   = typeof(bool),
                        Editable   = true,
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "InvalideDate",
                        HeaderText = "有效期",
                        DataType   = typeof(DateTime),
                        Editable   = true
            InventoryGrid.AppearanceSettings.Caption          = "存货档案";
            InventoryGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowSearchButton    = true;
            InventoryGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowEditButton      = true;
            InventoryGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowRefreshButton   = true;
            InventoryGrid.SearchDialogSettings.MultipleSearch = true;
            InventoryGrid.HierarchySettings.HierarchyMode     = HierarchyMode.Child;
            InventoryGrid.AutoWidth = false;

            InventoryGrid2 = new JQGrid()
                Columns = new List <JQGridColumn>()
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "Id",
                        DataType   = typeof(Guid),
                        PrimaryKey = true,
                        Visible    = false,
                        Searchable = false,
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "Code",
                        HeaderText = "编码",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "Name",
                        HeaderText = "名称",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = false

                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "CategoryName",
                        HeaderText = "存货分类",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = false,
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "UnitName",
                        HeaderText = "计量单位",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = false,
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "SalePrice",
                        HeaderText = "默认单价",
                        DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "SalePrice0",
                        HeaderText = "大杯单价",
                        DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "SalePrice1",
                        HeaderText = "中杯单价",
                        DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "SalePrice2",
                        HeaderText = "小杯单价",
                        DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "SalePoint",
                        HeaderText = "默认积分",
                        DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "SalePoint0",
                        HeaderText = "大杯积分",
                        DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "SalePoint1",
                        HeaderText = "中杯积分",
                        DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "SalePoint2",
                        HeaderText = "小杯积分",
                        DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                        Editable   = false
            //InventoryGrid2.AppearanceSettings.Caption = "赠送商品";
            InventoryGrid2.SearchDialogSettings.MultipleSearch = true;
            InventoryGrid2.MultiSelect     = true;
            InventoryGrid2.MultiSelectKey  = MultiSelectKey.None;
            InventoryGrid2.MultiSelectMode = MultiSelectMode.SelectOnRowClick;
Beispiel #11
		public JsonDelDialog(JQGrid grid)
			this._jsonValues = new Hashtable();
			this._grid = grid;
Beispiel #12
        public LinesGridModel()
            LinesGrid = new JQGrid()
                AutoWidth = true,
                Height    = Unit.Percentage(100),
                Columns   = new List <JQGridColumn>()
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "Id",
                        PrimaryKey = true,
                        Visible    = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField                = "Code",
                        DataType                 = typeof(string),
                        HeaderText               = "编码",
                        Editable                 = true,
                        EditDialogFieldSuffix    = "(*)",
                        EditClientSideValidators = new List <JQGridEditClientSideValidator>()
                            new RequiredValidator()
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField                = "Name",
                        DataType                 = typeof(string),
                        HeaderText               = "名称",
                        Editable                 = true,
                        EditDialogFieldSuffix    = "(*)",
                        EditClientSideValidators = new List <JQGridEditClientSideValidator>()
                            new RequiredValidator()

                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField                = "Mileage",
                        DataType                 = typeof(decimal),
                        HeaderText               = "里程(公里)",
                        Editable                 = true,
                        EditDialogFieldSuffix    = "(*)",
                        EditClientSideValidators = new List <JQGridEditClientSideValidator>()
                            new RequiredValidator(),
                            new Trirand.Web.Mvc.NumberValidator()
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "Comment",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = true,
                        HeaderText = "描述",
                        EditType   = EditType.TextArea

            LinesGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowAddButton       = true;
            LinesGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowEditButton      = true;
            LinesGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowRefreshButton   = true;
            LinesGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowSearchButton    = true;
            LinesGrid.AppearanceSettings.Caption          = "运输线路";
            LinesGrid.SearchDialogSettings.MultipleSearch = true;
            LinesGrid.SortSettings.InitialSortColumn      = "Code";
Beispiel #13
 public ConsItemGridModel()
     ConsItemGrid = new JQGrid()
         Columns = new List <JQGridColumn>()
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "iSerial",
                 HeaderText = "流水",
                 DataType   = typeof(Int64),
                 PrimaryKey = true,
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "vcAssName",
                 HeaderText = "会员名称",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "vcAssType",
                 HeaderText = "会员类型",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "vcCardID",
                 HeaderText = "会员卡号",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "vcGoodsName",
                 HeaderText = "商品名称",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "nPrice",
                 HeaderText = "单价",
                 DataType   = typeof(decimal),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "iCount",
                 HeaderText = "数量",
                 DataType   = typeof(int),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "nFee",
                 HeaderText = "合计",
                 DataType   = typeof(decimal),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "vcConsType",
                 HeaderText = "付款类型",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "vcComments",
                 HeaderText = "备注",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "cFlag",
                 HeaderText = "有效状态",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "dtConsDate",
                 HeaderText = "消费日期",
                 DataType   = typeof(DateTime),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "vcOperName",
                 HeaderText = "操作员",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "vcDeptID",
                 HeaderText = "门店",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
Beispiel #14
        public CategoryDeptGridModel()
            CategoryGrid = new JQGrid()
                Width   = 900,
                Columns = new List <JQGridColumn>()
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "Id",
                        DataType   = typeof(Guid),
                        PrimaryKey = true,
                        Visible    = false,
                        Searchable = false,
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "Code",
                        HeaderText = "编码",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "Name",
                        HeaderText = "名称",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "Comment",
                        HeaderText = "备注",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField              = "CategoryType",
                        DataType               = typeof(int),
                        Visible                = false,
                        Searchable             = false,
                        SearchToolBarOperation = SearchOperation.IsEqualTo,
            CategoryGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowSearchButton    = true;
            CategoryGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowRefreshButton   = true;
            CategoryGrid.SearchDialogSettings.MultipleSearch = true;
            CategoryGrid.MultiSelect     = true;
            CategoryGrid.MultiSelectKey  = MultiSelectKey.None;
            CategoryGrid.MultiSelectMode = MultiSelectMode.SelectOnCheckBoxClickOnly;
            CategoryGrid.HierarchySettings.HierarchyMode = HierarchyMode.Parent;

            CategoryGrid.ToolBarSettings.CustomButtons = new List <JQGridToolBarButton>()
                new JQGridToolBarButton()
                    Position   = ToolBarButtonPosition.Last,
                    ToolTip    = "批量设置分类门店",
                    Text       = "<span class='ui-pg-button-text'>批量设置分类门店</span>",
                    OnClick    = "customButtonClicked",
                    ButtonIcon = "ui-icon-extlink"

            DeptGrid = new JQGrid()
                Columns = new List <JQGridColumn>()
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        EditActionIconsColumn   = true,
                        EditActionIconsSettings = new EditActionIconsSettings()
                            ShowDeleteIcon = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "DeptId",
                        PrimaryKey = true,
                        Visible    = false,
                        Searchable = false,
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        HeaderText = "选择",
                        DataField  = "IsSelected",
                        DataType   = typeof(bool),
                        Editable   = true,
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        HeaderText = "编码",
                        DataField  = "DeptCode",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        HeaderText = "名称",
                        DataField  = "DeptName",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        HeaderText = "地址",
                        DataField  = "Address",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        HeaderText = "描述",
                        DataField  = "Comment",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),

                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField              = "DeptType",
                        DataType               = typeof(int),
                        Visible                = false,
                        Searchable             = false,
                        SearchToolBarOperation = SearchOperation.IsEqualTo,
            DeptGrid.AppearanceSettings.Caption        = "门店";
            DeptGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowRefreshButton = true;
            DeptGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowSearchButton  = true;
            DeptGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowEditButton    = true;
            DeptGrid.AutoWidth = false;
            DeptGrid.Width     = 700;
            DeptGrid.Height    = Unit.Percentage(100);
            DeptGrid.HierarchySettings.HierarchyMode = HierarchyMode.Child;

            Dept2Grid = new JQGrid()
                Columns = new List <JQGridColumn>()
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "DeptId",
                        PrimaryKey = true,
                        Visible    = false,
                        Searchable = false,
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        HeaderText = "编码",
                        DataField  = "DeptCode",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        HeaderText = "名称",
                        DataField  = "DeptName",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        HeaderText = "地址",
                        DataField  = "Address",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        HeaderText = "描述",
                        DataField  = "Comment",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField              = "DeptType",
                        DataType               = typeof(int),
                        Visible                = false,
                        Searchable             = false,
                        SearchToolBarOperation = SearchOperation.IsEqualTo,
            Dept2Grid.ToolBarSettings.ShowRefreshButton = true;
            Dept2Grid.ToolBarSettings.ShowSearchButton  = true;
            Dept2Grid.AutoWidth       = false;
            Dept2Grid.Width           = 600;
            Dept2Grid.Height          = Unit.Percentage(100);
            Dept2Grid.MultiSelect     = true;
            Dept2Grid.MultiSelectKey  = MultiSelectKey.None;
            Dept2Grid.MultiSelectMode = MultiSelectMode.SelectOnCheckBoxClickOnly;
Beispiel #15
        public ManageCardsGridModel()
            CardsGrid = new JQGrid()
                AutoWidth = true,
                Height    = Unit.Percentage(100),
                Columns   = new List <JQGridColumn>()
                    //new JQGridColumn()
                    //    DataField="Id",
                    //    DataType = typeof(Guid),
                    //    PrimaryKey=true,
                    //    Visible=false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "CardNo",
                        HeaderText = "卡号",
                        PrimaryKey = true,
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "Status",
                        HeaderText = "状态",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "PlateNo",
                        HeaderText = "车牌号",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "BrandModel",
                        HeaderText = "品牌型号",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "MotorNo",
                        HeaderText = "发动机号",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "OwnerName",
                        HeaderText = "车主",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "DeptName",
                        HeaderText = "部门",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "IssueOper",
                        HeaderText = "发卡操作员",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "CreateDate",
                        HeaderText = "发卡日期",
                        DataType   = typeof(DateTime),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "LossOper",
                        HeaderText = "挂失操作员",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "LossDate",
                        HeaderText = "挂失日期",
                        DataType   = typeof(DateTime),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "FoundOper",
                        HeaderText = "解挂操作员",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "FoundDate",
                        HeaderText = "解挂日期",
                        DataType   = typeof(DateTime),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "SecondCardNo",
                        HeaderText = "补卡卡号",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "AddOper",
                        HeaderText = "补卡操作员",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = false

                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "AddDate",
                        HeaderText = "补卡日期",
                        DataType   = typeof(DateTime),
                        Editable   = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "AddReason",
                        HeaderText = "补卡原因",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = false
            CardsGrid.AppearanceSettings.Caption          = "IC卡清单";
            CardsGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowSearchButton    = true;
            CardsGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowEditButton      = false;
            CardsGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowRefreshButton   = true;
            CardsGrid.SearchDialogSettings.MultipleSearch = true;
            CardsGrid.ToolBarSettings.CustomButtons       = new List <JQGridToolBarButton>()
                new JQGridToolBarButton()
                    Position   = ToolBarButtonPosition.Last,
                    ToolTip    = "导出EXCEL",
                    Text       = "导出",
                    OnClick    = "customButtonClicked",
                    ButtonIcon = "ui-icon-extlink"
Beispiel #16
 public AddCardsGridModel()
     CardsGrid = new JQGrid()
         AutoWidth = true,
         Height    = Unit.Percentage(100),
         Columns   = new List <JQGridColumn>()
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Id",
                 DataType   = typeof(Guid),
                 PrimaryKey = true,
                 Visible    = false
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "IsInUser",
                 DataType   = typeof(bool),
                 HeaderText = "已挂失",
                 Editable   = false,
                 EditType   = EditType.CheckBox,
                 SearchType = SearchType.DropDown,
                 Formatter  = new CheckBoxFormatter()
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "CardNo",
                 HeaderText = "卡号",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
                 Editable   = false
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "SecondCardNo",
                 HeaderText = "补卡卡号",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
                 Editable   = true,
                 //EditType = EditType.Custom,
                 //EditTypeCustomGetValue = "getCardElementValue"
                 EditDialogFieldSuffix    = "(*)",
                 EditClientSideValidators = new List <JQGridEditClientSideValidator>()
                     new RequiredValidator(),
                     new NumberValidator(),
                     new Trirand.Web.Mvc.CustomValidator()
                         ValidationFunction = "validateCard",
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "AddReason",
                 HeaderText = "补卡原因",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
                 Editable   = true
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "PlateNo",
                 HeaderText = "车牌号",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
                 Editable   = false
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "BrandModel",
                 HeaderText = "品牌型号",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
                 Editable   = false
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "MotorNo",
                 HeaderText = "发动机号",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
                 Editable   = false
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "FullName",
                 HeaderText = "操作员",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
                 Editable   = false
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "DeptName",
                 HeaderText = "部门",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
                 Editable   = false
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "LossDate",
                 HeaderText = "挂失日期",
                 DataType   = typeof(DateTime),
                 Editable   = false
     CardsGrid.AppearanceSettings.Caption          = "补卡";
     CardsGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowSearchButton    = true;
     CardsGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowEditButton      = true;
     CardsGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowRefreshButton   = true;
     CardsGrid.SearchDialogSettings.MultipleSearch = true;
Beispiel #17
        public JQGrid GetJQGrid(DataTable dataTable, int totalRecords)
            if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("PageNumber")) dataTable.Columns.Remove("PageNumber");

            JQGrid jqg = new JQGrid
                page = page,
                records = totalRecords,
                total = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((double)totalRecords / rows))
            return jqg;
Beispiel #18
		public JsonSearchToolBar(JQGrid grid)
			this._jsonValues = new Hashtable();
			this._grid = grid;
Beispiel #19
 public ShelfLifeWarningGridModel()
     ShelfLifeWarningGrid = new JQGrid()
         Columns = new List <JQGridColumn>()
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Id",
                 DataType   = typeof(Guid),
                 PrimaryKey = true,
                 Visible    = false,
                 Searchable = false,
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "WhName",
                 HeaderText = "仓库",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "InvName",
                 HeaderText = "存货",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Specs",
                 HeaderText = "规格型号",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "STUnitName",
                 HeaderText = "计量单位",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Num",
                 HeaderText = "数量",
                 DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                 Formatter  = new DigitFormatter(),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Batch",
                 HeaderText = "批号",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "MadeDate",
                 HeaderText = "生产日期",
                 DataType   = typeof(DateTime),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "ShelfLife",
                 HeaderText = "保质期",
                 DataType   = typeof(int),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "ShelfLifeTypeName",
                 HeaderText = "保质期单位",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "InvalidDate",
                 HeaderText = "失效日期",
                 DataType   = typeof(DateTime),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "LocatorName",
                 HeaderText = "货位",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
     ShelfLifeWarningGrid.AppearanceSettings.ShowRowNumbers = true;
Beispiel #20
 public DriversGridModel()
     DriversGrid = new JQGrid()
         AutoWidth = true,
         Height    = Unit.Percentage(100),
         Columns   = new List <JQGridColumn>()
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Id",
                 DataType   = typeof(Guid),
                 Visible    = false,
                 PrimaryKey = true
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField                = "Code",
                 DataType                 = typeof(string),
                 HeaderText               = "编码",
                 Editable                 = true,
                 EditDialogFieldSuffix    = "(*)",
                 EditClientSideValidators = new List <JQGridEditClientSideValidator>()
                     new RequiredValidator()
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField                = "Name",
                 DataType                 = typeof(string),
                 HeaderText               = "姓名",
                 Editable                 = true,
                 EditDialogFieldSuffix    = "(*)",
                 EditClientSideValidators = new List <JQGridEditClientSideValidator>()
                     new RequiredValidator()
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "DriverNo",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
                 HeaderText = "驾驶证号",
                 Editable   = true
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Telephone",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
                 HeaderText = "电话",
                 Editable   = true
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Address",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
                 HeaderText = "地址",
                 Editable   = true
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "IdCardNo",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
                 HeaderText = "身份证号",
                 Editable   = true
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Comment",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
                 HeaderText = "描述",
                 Editable   = true
     DriversGrid.AppearanceSettings.Caption       = "驾驶员信息";
     DriversGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowSearchButton = true;
     DriversGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowAddButton    = true;
     //DriversGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowDeleteButton = true;
     DriversGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowEditButton    = true;
     DriversGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowRefreshButton = true;
Beispiel #21
 public JsonColModel(JQGrid grid)
     this._jsonValues = new Hashtable();
     this._grid       = grid;
Beispiel #22
 public JsonColModel(JQGridColumn column, JQGrid grid) : this(grid)
Beispiel #23
        public static string RemoveQuotesForJavaScriptMethods(string input, JQGrid grid)
            string text = input;

            foreach (JQGridColumn jQGridColumn in grid.Columns)
                if (jQGridColumn.Formatter != null && jQGridColumn.Formatter.Count > 0 && jQGridColumn.Formatter[0] != null)
                    JQGridColumnFormatter jQGridColumnFormatter = jQGridColumn.Formatter[0];
                    if (jQGridColumnFormatter is CustomFormatter)
                        CustomFormatter customFormatter = (CustomFormatter)jQGridColumnFormatter;
                        string          oldValue        = string.Format("\"formatter\":\"{0}\"", customFormatter.FormatFunction);
                        string          newValue        = string.Format("\"formatter\":{0}", customFormatter.FormatFunction);
                        text     = text.Replace(oldValue, newValue);
                        oldValue = string.Format("\"unformat\":\"{0}\"", customFormatter.UnFormatFunction);
                        newValue = string.Format("\"unformat\":{0}", customFormatter.UnFormatFunction);
                        text     = text.Replace(oldValue, newValue);
                foreach (JQGridEditClientSideValidator jQGridEditClientSideValidator in jQGridColumn.EditClientSideValidators)
                    if (jQGridEditClientSideValidator is CustomValidator)
                        CustomValidator customValidator = (CustomValidator)jQGridEditClientSideValidator;
                        string          oldValue2       = string.Format("\"custom_func\":\"{0}\"", customValidator.ValidationFunction);
                        string          newValue2       = string.Format("\"custom_func\":{0}", customValidator.ValidationFunction);
                        text = text.Replace(oldValue2, newValue2);
                if (jQGridColumn.EditType == EditType.Custom)
                    string oldValue3 = string.Format("\"custom_element\":\"{0}\"", jQGridColumn.EditTypeCustomCreateElement);
                    string newValue3 = string.Format("\"custom_element\":{0}", jQGridColumn.EditTypeCustomCreateElement);
                    text      = text.Replace(oldValue3, newValue3);
                    oldValue3 = string.Format("\"custom_value\":\"{0}\"", jQGridColumn.EditTypeCustomGetValue);
                    newValue3 = string.Format("\"custom_value\":{0}", jQGridColumn.EditTypeCustomGetValue);
                    text      = text.Replace(oldValue3, newValue3);
                if ((jQGridColumn.Editable && jQGridColumn.EditType == EditType.DatePicker) || jQGridColumn.EditType == EditType.AutoComplete)
                    string attachEditorsFunction = GridUtil.GetAttachEditorsFunction(grid, jQGridColumn.EditType.ToString().ToLower(), jQGridColumn.EditorControlID);
                    text = text.Replace(string.Concat(new object[]
                    }), attachEditorsFunction);
                    text = text.Replace('"' + "dataInit" + '"', "dataInit");
                if ((jQGridColumn.Searchable && jQGridColumn.SearchType == SearchType.DatePicker) || jQGridColumn.SearchType == SearchType.AutoComplete)
                    string attachEditorsFunction2 = GridUtil.GetAttachEditorsFunction(grid, jQGridColumn.SearchType.ToString().ToLower(), jQGridColumn.SearchControlID);
                    text = text.Replace(string.Concat(new object[]
                    }), attachEditorsFunction2);
                    text = text.Replace('"' + "dataInit" + '"', "dataInit");
Beispiel #24
 public void SetUpGrid(JQGrid grid)
     grid.AppearanceSettings.Caption = this.Title;
        public ComponentJqGridModel()
            OrdersGrid = new JQGrid
                Columns = new List <JQGridColumn>()
                    new JQGridColumn {
                        DataField  = "ComponentID",
                        PrimaryKey = true,
                        Editable   = false,
                        Visible    = false
                    new JQGridColumn {
                        DataField = "SerialNumber",
                        Editable  = true,
                        DataType  = typeof(string)
                    new JQGridColumn {
                        DataField = "LeaseTag",
                        Editable  = true,
                        DataType  = typeof(string),
                        Width     = 100
                    new JQGridColumn {
                        DataField = "SRNumber",
                        Editable  = true,
                        DataType  = typeof(string),
                        Width     = 100
                    new JQGridColumn {
                        DataField = "StatementName",
                        Editable  = true,
                        DataType  = typeof(string)
                    new JQGridColumn {
                        DataField = "GID",
                        Editable  = true,
                        DataType  = typeof(string),
                        Width     = 100
                    new JQGridColumn {
                        DataField = "Note",
                        Editable  = true,
                        EditType  = Trirand.Web.Mvc.EditType.TextArea,
                        DataType  = typeof(string),
                        Width     = 200
                    new JQGridColumn {
                        DataField = "Make",
                        Editable  = true,
                        DataType  = typeof(string)
                    new JQGridColumn {
                        DataField = "ComponentType",
                        Editable  = true,
                        DataType  = typeof(string)
                    new JQGridColumn {
                        DataField = "Model",
                        Editable  = true,
                        DataType  = typeof(string)
                    new JQGridColumn {
                        DataField = "BeginDate",
                        Editable  = true,
                        DataType  = typeof(DateTime)
                    new JQGridColumn {
                        DataField = "EndDate",
                        Editable  = true,
                        DataType  = typeof(DateTime)
                    new JQGridColumn {
                        DataField = "DepartmentName",
                        Editable  = true,
                        DataType  = typeof(string),
                        Width     = 200
                    new JQGridColumn {
                        DataField = "Fund",
                        Editable  = true,
                        DataType  = typeof(string),
                        Width     = 100
                    new JQGridColumn {
                        DataField = "Org",
                        Editable  = true,
                        DataType  = typeof(string),
                        Width     = 100
                    new JQGridColumn {
                        DataField = "Program",
                        Editable  = true,
                        DataType  = typeof(string),
                        Width     = 100
                    new JQGridColumn {
                        DataField = "MonthlyCharge",
                        Editable  = true,
                        DataType  = typeof(string),
                        Width     = 100
                    new JQGridColumn {
                        DataField = "RateLevel",
                        Editable  = true,
                        DataType  = typeof(string),
                        Width     = 100
                    new JQGridColumn {
                        DataField = "Term",
                        Editable  = true,
                        DataType  = typeof(int),
                        Width     = 75
                    new JQGridColumn {
                        DataField = "Phone",
                        Editable  = true,
                        DataType  = typeof(string)
                    new JQGridColumn {
                        DataField = "Building",
                        Editable  = true,
                        DataType  = typeof(string)
                    new JQGridColumn {
                        DataField = "Room",
                        Editable  = true,
                        DataType  = typeof(string)
                    new JQGridColumn {
                        DataField = "ContractNumber",
                        Editable  = true,
                        DataType  = typeof(string)

            OrdersGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowRefreshButton = true;
            OrdersGrid.PagerSettings.ScrollBarPaging     = true;
            OrdersGrid.PagerSettings.PageSize            = 100;
            OrdersGrid.Height = 700;
            OrdersGrid.EditDialogSettings.Width = 700;

            OrdersGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowSearchToolBar = true;

            OrdersGrid.SortSettings.InitialSortColumn    = "SRNumber";
            OrdersGrid.SortSettings.InitialSortDirection = SortDirection.Desc;

            OrdersGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowEditButton       = true;
            OrdersGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowDeleteButton     = true;
            OrdersGrid.EditDialogSettings.CloseAfterEditing = true;

            OrdersGrid.ClientSideEvents.GridInitialized       = "initGrid";
            OrdersGrid.ClientSideEvents.BeforeEditDialogShown = "BeforeEdit";
            OrdersGrid.ClientSideEvents.AfterEditDialogShown  = "AfterEdit";
Beispiel #26
 public MvcHtmlString JQGrid(JQGrid grid, string id)
     //JQGridRenderer jQGridRenderer = new JQGridRenderer();
     grid.ID = id;
     return MvcHtmlString.Create(JQGridRenderer.RenderHtml(grid, JQGridRenderMode.Full));
Beispiel #27
		public JsonColModel(JQGrid grid)
			this._jsonValues = new Hashtable();
			this._grid = grid;
Beispiel #28
 private void SetupVirtualScrollingGrid(JQGrid grid)
     grid.PagerSettings.ScrollBarPaging = true;
     grid.PagerSettings.PageSize        = 20;
     grid.Height = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Pixel(400);
Beispiel #29
		public JsonColModel(JQGridColumn column, JQGrid grid) : this(grid)
Beispiel #30
 public StockLocatorGridModel()
     StockLocatorGrid = new JQGrid()
         Columns = new List <JQGridColumn>()
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Id",
                 DataType   = typeof(Guid),
                 PrimaryKey = true,
                 Visible    = false,
                 Searchable = false
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "WhName",
                 HeaderText = "仓库",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "InvName",
                 HeaderText = "存货",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Specs",
                 HeaderText = "规格型号",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "STUnitName",
                 HeaderText = "计量单位",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Num",
                 HeaderText = "台账结存数量",
                 DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                 Formatter  = new DigitFormatter(),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "LocatorNum",
                 HeaderText = "货位结存数量",
                 DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                 Formatter  = new DigitFormatter(),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "NumDif",
                 HeaderText = "结存数量差额",
                 DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                 Formatter  = new DigitFormatter(),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Batch",
                 HeaderText = "批号",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "MadeDate",
                 HeaderText = "生产日期",
                 DataType   = typeof(DateTime),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "ShelfLife",
                 HeaderText = "保质期",
                 DataType   = typeof(int),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "ShelfLifeType",
                 HeaderText = "保质期单位",
                 DataType   = typeof(int),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "InvalidDate",
                 HeaderText = "失效日期",
                 DataType   = typeof(DateTime),
     StockLocatorGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowRefreshButton   = true;
     StockLocatorGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowSearchButton    = true;
     StockLocatorGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowExcelButton     = true;
     StockLocatorGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowColumnChooser   = true;
     StockLocatorGrid.SearchDialogSettings.MultipleSearch = true;
     StockLocatorGrid.AppearanceSettings.ShowRowNumbers   = true;
Beispiel #31
		public static string RemoveQuotesForJavaScriptMethods(string input, JQGrid grid)
			string text = input;
			foreach (JQGridColumn current in grid.Columns)
				if (current.Formatter != null)
					JQGridColumnFormatter formatter = current.Formatter;
					if (formatter is CustomFormatter)
						CustomFormatter customFormatter = (CustomFormatter)formatter;
						string oldValue = string.Format("\"formatter\":\"{0}\"", customFormatter.FormatFunction);
						string newValue = string.Format("\"formatter\":{0}", customFormatter.FormatFunction);
						text = text.Replace(oldValue, newValue);
						oldValue = string.Format("\"unformat\":\"{0}\"", customFormatter.UnFormatFunction);
						newValue = string.Format("\"unformat\":{0}", customFormatter.UnFormatFunction);
						text = text.Replace(oldValue, newValue);
				foreach (JQGridEditClientSideValidator current2 in current.EditClientSideValidators)
					if (current2 is CustomValidator)
						CustomValidator customValidator = (CustomValidator)current2;
						string oldValue2 = string.Format("\"custom_func\":\"{0}\"", customValidator.ValidationFunction);
						string newValue2 = string.Format("\"custom_func\":{0}", customValidator.ValidationFunction);
						text = text.Replace(oldValue2, newValue2);
				if (current.EditType == EditType.Custom)
					string oldValue3 = string.Format("\"custom_element\":\"{0}\"", current.EditTypeCustomCreateElement);
					string newValue3 = string.Format("\"custom_element\":{0}", current.EditTypeCustomCreateElement);
					text = text.Replace(oldValue3, newValue3);
					oldValue3 = string.Format("\"custom_value\":\"{0}\"", current.EditTypeCustomGetValue);
					newValue3 = string.Format("\"custom_value\":{0}", current.EditTypeCustomGetValue);
					text = text.Replace(oldValue3, newValue3);
				if ((current.Editable && current.EditType == EditType.DatePicker) || current.EditType == EditType.AutoComplete)
					string attachEditorsFunction = GridUtil.GetAttachEditorsFunction(grid, current.EditType.ToString().ToLower(), current.EditorControlID);
					text = text.Replace(string.Concat(new object[]
					}), attachEditorsFunction);
					text = text.Replace('"' + "dataInit" + '"', "dataInit");
				if ((current.Searchable && current.SearchType == SearchType.DatePicker) || current.SearchType == SearchType.AutoComplete)
					string attachEditorsFunction2 = GridUtil.GetAttachEditorsFunction(grid, current.SearchType.ToString().ToLower(), current.SearchControlID);
					text = text.Replace(string.Concat(new object[]
					}), attachEditorsFunction2);
					text = text.Replace('"' + "dataInit" + '"', "dataInit");
			return text;
        public DeptOperManageGridModel()
            DeptOperManageGrid = new EntityJQGrid()
                Width   = 1100,
                Columns = new List <JQGridColumn>()
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        EditActionIconsColumn = true,
                        Viewable = false,
                        Hidedlg  = true,
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "vcOperID",
                        HeaderText = "客户端操作员编号",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        PrimaryKey = true,
                        Editable   = true,
                        Width      = 200,
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "vcOperName",
                        HeaderText = "客户端操作员名称",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = true,
                        Width      = 200,
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "vcDeptId",
                        HeaderText = "门店",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = true,
                    //new JQGridColumn()
                    //    DataField="DeptName",
                    //    HeaderText="门店",
                    //    DataType=typeof(string),
                    //    Searchable=false,
                    //    Visible=false,
                    //    Exportable=true,
                    //    Hidedlg=true,

                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "vcLimit",
                        HeaderText = "权限",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = true
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "vcActiveFlag",
                        HeaderText = "激活标志",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = true
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "vcPwdBeginFlag",
                        HeaderText = "密码初始化标志",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = true
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "IsDiscount",
                        HeaderText = "是否折扣",
                        DataType   = typeof(bool),
                        Editable   = true
            DeptOperManageGrid.AddDialogSettings.BottomInfo          = "新增客户端操作员时,密码默认为:000000";
            DeptOperManageGrid.EditDialogSettings.BottomInfo         = "密码初始化将会把客户端操作员登录的密码初始化为:000000";
            DeptOperManageGrid.HierarchySettings.HierarchyMode       = HierarchyMode.Parent;
            DeptOperManageGrid.ClientSideEvents.SubGridRowExpanded   = "showSubGrid";
            DeptOperManageGrid.ClientSideEvents.AfterAddDialogShown  = "enableFields";
            DeptOperManageGrid.ClientSideEvents.AfterEditDialogShown = "disableFields";

            FuncGrid = new JQGrid()
                Columns = new List <JQGridColumn>()
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        Width = 100,
                        EditActionIconsColumn   = true,
                        EditActionIconsSettings = new EditActionIconsSettings()
                            ShowEditIcon = true, ShowDeleteIcon = false
                    //new JQGridColumn()
                    //    DataField="cnvcFuncAddress",
                    //    DataType=typeof(string),
                    //    Visible=false,
                    //    PrimaryKey=true,
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "IsInRole",
                        HeaderText = "选择",
                        DataType   = typeof(bool),
                        Editable   = true,
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "cnvcFuncName",
                        HeaderText = "功能名称",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        PrimaryKey = true,
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "cnvcFuncParentName",
                        HeaderText = "菜单名称",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        //EditFieldAttributes=new List<JQGridEditFieldAttribute>() { new JQGridEditFieldAttribute() { Name = "disabled", Value = "disabled" } },
            FuncGrid.AutoWidth = false;
            FuncGrid.Width     = 600;
            FuncGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowEditButton    = true;
            FuncGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowRefreshButton = true;
            FuncGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowSearchButton  = true;
            FuncGrid.HierarchySettings.HierarchyMode   = HierarchyMode.Child;
Beispiel #33
 private void SetupAddGridModel(JQGrid grid)
     grid.DataUrl = Url.Action("Add_RequestData");
     grid.EditUrl = Url.Action("Add_EditData");
		private static DataTable ObtainDataTableFromIEnumerable(IEnumerable ien, JQGrid grid)
			DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
			foreach (object current in ien)
				if (current is DbDataRecord)
					DbDataRecord dbDataRecord = current as DbDataRecord;
					if (dataTable.Columns.Count == 0)
						foreach (JQGridColumn current2 in grid.Columns)
					DataRow dataRow = dataTable.NewRow();
					foreach (JQGridColumn current3 in grid.Columns)
						dataRow[current3.DataField] = dbDataRecord[current3.DataField];
					if (current is DataRow)
						DataRow dataRow2 = current as DataRow;
						if (dataTable.Columns.Count == 0)
							foreach (JQGridColumn current4 in grid.Columns)
						DataRow dataRow3 = dataTable.NewRow();
						foreach (JQGridColumn current5 in grid.Columns)
							dataRow3[current5.DataField] = dataRow2[current5.DataField];
						Type type = current.GetType();
						PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties();
						if (dataTable.Columns.Count == 0)
							PropertyInfo[] array = properties;
							for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
								PropertyInfo propertyInfo = array[i];
								Type type2 = propertyInfo.PropertyType;
								if (type2.IsGenericType && type2.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>))
									type2 = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type2);
								dataTable.Columns.Add(propertyInfo.Name, type2);
						DataRow dataRow4 = dataTable.NewRow();
						PropertyInfo[] array2 = properties;
						for (int j = 0; j < array2.Length; j++)
							PropertyInfo propertyInfo2 = array2[j];
							object value = propertyInfo2.GetValue(current, null);
							if (value != null)
								dataRow4[propertyInfo2.Name] = value;
								dataRow4[propertyInfo2.Name] = DBNull.Value;
			return dataTable;
Beispiel #35
 private void SetupManageGridModel(JQGrid grid)
     grid.DataUrl = Url.Action("Manage_RequestData");
     grid.EditUrl = Url.Action("Manage_EditData");
Beispiel #36
 public RoleAssignGridModel()
     this.RolesGrid = new JQGrid()
         ID      = "RolesGrid",
         Columns = new List <JQGridColumn>()
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "RoleId",
                 PrimaryKey = true,
                 Visible    = false,
                 Searchable = false
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "RoleName",
                 HeaderText = "角色名",
                 DataType   = typeof(string)
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Description",
                 HeaderText = "角色描述",
                 DataType   = typeof(string)
     RolesGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowRefreshButton   = true;
     RolesGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowSearchButton    = true;
     RolesGrid.HierarchySettings.HierarchyMode     = HierarchyMode.Parent;
     RolesGrid.ClientSideEvents.SubGridRowExpanded = "showUsersSubGrid";
     this.UsersGrid = new JQGrid()
         ID      = "UsersGrid",
         Columns = new List <JQGridColumn>()
             new JQGridColumn()
                 Width = 100,
                 EditActionIconsColumn   = true,
                 EditActionIconsSettings = new EditActionIconsSettings()
                     ShowEditIcon = true, ShowDeleteIcon = false
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "IsInRole",
                 HeaderText = "选择",
                 DataType   = typeof(bool),
                 Editable   = true,
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "UserId",
                 PrimaryKey = true,
                 Visible    = false,
                 Searchable = false
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "UserName",
                 HeaderText = "用户名",
                 DataType   = typeof(string)
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "FullName",
                 HeaderText = "姓名",
                 DataType   = typeof(string)
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "DeptName",
                 HeaderText = "门店",
                 DataType   = typeof(string)
     UsersGrid.AutoWidth = false;
     UsersGrid.Width     = 600;
     UsersGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowEditButton    = true;
     UsersGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowRefreshButton = true;
     UsersGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowSearchButton  = true;
     UsersGrid.HierarchySettings.HierarchyMode   = HierarchyMode.Child;
Beispiel #37
 private void SetupLossGridModel(JQGrid grid)
     grid.DataUrl = Url.Action("Loss_RequestData");
     grid.EditUrl = Url.Action("Loss_EditData");
Beispiel #38
        public AuthorizationGridModel()
            this.RolesGrid = new JQGrid()
                Columns = new List <JQGridColumn>()
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "RoleId",
                        PrimaryKey = true,
                        Visible    = false,
                        Searchable = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "RoleName",
                        HeaderText = "角色名",
                        DataType   = typeof(string)
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "Description",
                        HeaderText = "角色描述",
                        DataType   = typeof(string)
            RolesGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowRefreshButton = true;
            RolesGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowSearchButton  = true;

            this.AuthorizationGrid = new JQGrid()
                Columns = new List <JQGridColumn>()
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        Width = 100,
                        EditActionIconsColumn   = true,
                        EditActionIconsSettings = new EditActionIconsSettings()
                            ShowEditIcon = true, ShowDeleteIcon = false
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "IsInRole",
                        HeaderText = "选择",
                        DataType   = typeof(bool),
                        Editable   = true,
                        Sortable   = false,
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "Code",
                        PrimaryKey = true,
                        HeaderText = "功能编码",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = false,
                        Visible    = false,
                        Sortable   = false,
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "Title",
                        HeaderText = "功能描述",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = false,
                        Width      = 300,
                        Sortable   = false,
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "IsClient",
                        HeaderText = "是否客户端",
                        DataType   = typeof(bool),
                        Editable   = false,
                        Sortable   = false,
                    new JQGridColumn()
                        DataField  = "Sort",
                        DataType   = typeof(string),
                        Editable   = false,
                        Visible    = false,
                        Searchable = false,
                        Sortable   = true,

            AuthorizationGrid.AutoWidth = false;
            AuthorizationGrid.Width     = 800;
            AuthorizationGrid.Height    = 600;
            AuthorizationGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowRefreshButton = true;
            AuthorizationGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowSearchButton  = true;
            AuthorizationGrid.TreeGridSettings.Enabled          = true;
Beispiel #39
 public ReceiptGridModel()
     ReceiptGrid = new JQGrid()
         Columns = new List <JQGridColumn>()
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Id",
                 DataType   = typeof(Guid),
                 PrimaryKey = true,
                 Visible    = false,
                 Searchable = false,
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField              = "ReceiptType",
                 DataType               = typeof(int),
                 Visible                = false,
                 Searchable             = false,
                 SearchToolBarOperation = SearchOperation.IsEqualTo,
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "MemberName",
                 HeaderText = "姓名",
                 DataType   = typeof(string)
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "IdCard",
                 HeaderText = "证件号",
                 DataType   = typeof(string)
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "LinkPhone",
                 HeaderText = "联系电话",
                 DataType   = typeof(string)
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "LinkAddress",
                 HeaderText = "联系地址",
                 DataType   = typeof(string)
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Email",
                 HeaderText = "Email",
                 DataType   = typeof(string)
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Content",
                 HeaderText = "内容",
                 DataType   = typeof(string)
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Comment",
                 HeaderText = "备注",
                 DataType   = typeof(string)
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Status",
                 HeaderText = "状态",
                 DataType   = typeof(int),
                 Editable   = true,
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "StatusName",
                 HeaderText = "状态",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
                 Visible    = false,
                 Searchable = false,
                 Exportable = true,
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "CreateDate",
                 HeaderText = "创建日期",
                 DataType   = typeof(DateTime),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "FullName",
                 HeaderText = "创建操作员",
                 DataType   = typeof(string)
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "DeptName",
                 HeaderText = "创建部门",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "ModifyDate",
                 HeaderText = "修改日期",
                 DataType   = typeof(DateTime),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "ModifyFullName",
                 HeaderText = "修改操作员",
                 DataType   = typeof(string)
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "ModifyDeptName",
                 HeaderText = "修改部门",
                 DataType   = typeof(string)
Beispiel #40
 public BatchStopGridModel()
     BatchStopGrid = new JQGrid()
         Columns = new List <JQGridColumn>()
             new JQGridColumn()
                 EditActionIconsColumn   = true,
                 EditActionIconsSettings = new EditActionIconsSettings
                     ShowDeleteIcon      = false,
                     SaveOnEnterKeyPress = true
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Id",
                 DataType   = typeof(Guid),
                 PrimaryKey = true,
                 Visible    = false,
                 Searchable = false
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "StopFlag",
                 HeaderText = "是否冻结",
                 DataType   = typeof(bool),
                 Editable   = true,
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "WhName",
                 HeaderText = "仓库",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
                 Searchable = false,
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "InvName",
                 HeaderText = "存货",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
                 Searchable = false,
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Specs",
                 HeaderText = "规格型号",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
                 Searchable = false,
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "STUnitName",
                 HeaderText = "计量单位",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
                 Searchable = false,
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Num",
                 HeaderText = "数量",
                 DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                 Formatter  = new DigitFormatter(),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Batch",
                 HeaderText = "批号",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "MadeDate",
                 HeaderText = "生产日期",
                 DataType   = typeof(DateTime),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "ShelfLife",
                 HeaderText = "保质期",
                 DataType   = typeof(int),
                 Searchable = false,
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "ShelfLifeType",
                 HeaderText = "保质期单位",
                 DataType   = typeof(int),
                 Visible    = false,
                 Searchable = false,
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "ShelfLifeTypeName",
                 HeaderText = "保质期单位",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
                 Searchable = false,
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "InvalidDate",
                 HeaderText = "失效日期",
                 DataType   = typeof(DateTime),
     BatchStopGrid.AppearanceSettings.AlternateRowBackground = true;
     BatchStopGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowRefreshButton         = true;
     BatchStopGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowSearchButton          = true;
     BatchStopGrid.SearchDialogSettings.MultipleSearch       = true;
     BatchStopGrid.AppearanceSettings.ShowRowNumbers         = true;
Beispiel #41
 private void SetUpRolesGrid(JQGrid grid)
     grid.DataUrl = Url.Action("Roles_RequestData");
     grid.EditUrl = Url.Action("Roles_EditData");
Beispiel #42
 public BatchInventoryGridModel()
     BatchInventoryGrid = new JQGrid()
         Columns = new List <JQGridColumn>()
             //new JQGridColumn()
             //    DataField="Id",
             //    DataType=typeof(Guid),
             //    PrimaryKey=true,
             //    Visible=false,
             //    Searchable=false
             //new JQGridColumn()
             //    DataField="MVId",
             //    DataType=typeof(Guid),
             //    Visible=false,
             //    Searchable=false
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "InvId",
                 HeaderText = "存货",
                 DataType   = typeof(Guid),
                 Visible    = false,
                 //EditClientSideValidators = new List<JQGridEditClientSideValidator>()
                 //    new RequiredValidator()
                 PrimaryKey = true,
                 Searchable = false,
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField              = "WhId",
                 DataType               = typeof(Guid),
                 Visible                = false,
                 Searchable             = false,
                 SearchToolBarOperation = SearchOperation.IsEqualTo,
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "InvName",
                 HeaderText = "存货",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
                 Searchable = true,
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Specs",
                 HeaderText = "规格型号",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
                 Searchable = false,
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "STUnitName",
                 HeaderText = "计量单位",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
                 Searchable = false,
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField                = "Num",
                 HeaderText               = "数量",
                 DataType                 = typeof(decimal),
                 Editable                 = true,
                 EditDialogFieldSuffix    = "(*)",
                 EditClientSideValidators = new List <JQGridEditClientSideValidator>()
                     new RequiredValidator(),
                     new NumberValidator(),
                 Formatter = new CustomFormatter()
                     FormatFunction = "FormatNumber", UnFormatFunction = "UnFormatNumber"
                 }                                                                                                //new NumberFormatter(){ DecimalPlaces=0},
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Memo",
                 HeaderText = "行备注",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
                 Editable   = true,
     BatchInventoryGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowAddButton       = false;
     BatchInventoryGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowEditButton      = false;
     BatchInventoryGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowDeleteButton    = false;
     BatchInventoryGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowRefreshButton   = true;
     BatchInventoryGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowSearchButton    = true;
     BatchInventoryGrid.SearchDialogSettings.MultipleSearch = true;
     BatchInventoryGrid.AppearanceSettings.ShowRowNumbers   = true;
     BatchInventoryGrid.ClientSideEvents.SerializeGridData  = "serializeGridData";
     BatchInventoryGrid.ClientSideEvents.RowSelect          = "editRow";
     BatchInventoryGrid.PagerSettings.PageSize        = 1000;
     BatchInventoryGrid.PagerSettings.PageSizeOptions = "[100,200,300,400,1000]";
Beispiel #43
 public JsonAddDialog(JQGrid grid)
     this._jsonValues = new Hashtable();
     this._grid       = grid;
Beispiel #44
 public StockDayBookGridModel()
     StockDayBookGrid = new JQGrid()
         Columns = new List <JQGridColumn>()
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Id",
                 DataType   = typeof(Guid),
                 PrimaryKey = true,
                 Visible    = false,
                 Searchable = false
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Code",
                 HeaderText = "单据号",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "RdDate",
                 HeaderText = "单据日期",
                 DataType   = typeof(DateTime),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "RdName",
                 HeaderText = "收发类别",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "WhName",
                 HeaderText = "仓库",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "SalesmanName",
                 HeaderText = "业务员",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "IsVerify",
                 HeaderText = "是否审核",
                 DataType   = typeof(bool),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "VerifyDate",
                 HeaderText = "审核日期",
                 DataType   = typeof(DateTime),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "InvName",
                 HeaderText = "存货",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Specs",
                 HeaderText = "规格型号",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "STUnitName",
                 HeaderText = "计量单位",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Num",
                 HeaderText = "数量",
                 DataType   = typeof(decimal),
                 Formatter  = new DigitFormatter(),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "Batch",
                 HeaderText = "批号",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "MadeDate",
                 HeaderText = "生产日期",
                 DataType   = typeof(DateTime),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "ShelfLife",
                 HeaderText = "保质期",
                 DataType   = typeof(int),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "ShelfLifeTypeName",
                 HeaderText = "保质期单位",
                 DataType   = typeof(string),
             new JQGridColumn()
                 DataField  = "InvalidDate",
                 HeaderText = "失效日期",
                 DataType   = typeof(DateTime),
     StockDayBookGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowRefreshButton   = true;
     StockDayBookGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowSearchButton    = true;
     StockDayBookGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowExcelButton     = true;
     StockDayBookGrid.ToolBarSettings.ShowColumnChooser   = true;
     StockDayBookGrid.SearchDialogSettings.MultipleSearch = true;
     StockDayBookGrid.AppearanceSettings.ShowRowNumbers   = true;
		public JQGridDataResolvedEventArgs(JQGrid gridModel, IQueryable currentData, IQueryable allData)
			this._currentData = currentData;
			this._allData = allData;
			this._gridModel = gridModel;