Beispiel #1
 public JPoint PopupPoint(JRect rect, JPoint moveDir)
     if (IsIn(rect) || rect.IsIn(this))
         JPoint tmCenter =;
         JPoint p = - center;
         float d = p.Mod;
         JPoint dir = moveDir.Contrary;
         dir = dir.Normal;
         float absX = Math.Abs(dir.x);
         float absY = Math.Abs(dir.y);
         float heightSum = (rect.height + this.height) / 2f;
         float widthSum = (rect.width + this.width) / 2f;
         if (absY >= absX)
             float y = + (dir.y >= 0 ? heightSum : -heightSum);
             tmCenter.y = y;
             float x = + (dir.x >= 0 ? widthSum : -widthSum);
             tmCenter.x = x;
         return tmCenter;
Beispiel #2
        private void GetJointLocations(Skeleton skeleton)
            canvasWidth  = (int)handCanvas.ActualWidth;
            canvasHeight = (int)handCanvas.ActualHeight;

            // 这里右手的结点是我左手的位置信息

            Joint center = skeleton.Joints[JointType.HipCenter];
            Joint left   = skeleton.Joints[JointType.HandLeft];
            Joint right  = skeleton.Joints[JointType.HandRight];

            leftHand  = JointLocation(right);
            rightHand = JointLocation(left);
            //JAngle leftAngle = JointAngle(skeleton.Joints[JointType.HandLeft]);
            //gestureBlock.Text = "AX:" + leftAngle.X +"JX:"+ left.Position.X;

            //Joint frontHand;
            JAngle fAHand;

            if (leftHand.Z < (rightHand.Z + 0.1))
                //frontHand = right;
                fAHand     = JointAngle(right);
                isLeftHand = true;
            else if (isLeftHand)
                //frontHand = right;
                fAHand = JointAngle(right);
                //frontHand = left;
                fAHand     = JointAngle(left);
                isLeftHand = false;

            //double X = Math.Atan(frontHand.Position.X / frontHand.Position.Z) / 3.14 * 180 + 90;
            //// 1.5 是程序放大的倍数, +90 是舵机范围0-180, +45 是前面的45度在手势区不可能到达
            //double Y = 90 - Math.Atan(frontHand.Position.Y / frontHand.Position.Z) / 3.14 * 180 + 45;
            //angleX = (int)X;
            //angleY = (int)Y;

            //// read hand 仿生手臂操作
            //double rX = 90 - Math.Atan(frontHand.Position.X / frontHand.Position.Z) / 3.14 * 180 * 2;
            //double rY = Math.Atan(frontHand.Position.Y / frontHand.Position.Z) / 3.14 * 180 * 1.5 + 90 + 45;

            angleX = 180 - fAHand.X;
            angleY = fAHand.Y + 30;

            gestureBlock.Text = "AX:" + angleX + " AY:" + angleY;
            //statusBarText.Text = _debug;
            debugBlock.Text = _debug;
            distBlock.Text  = "距离摄像头:" + Math.Round(center.Position.Z, 2) + "米";
            //positionBlock.Text = "AY" + Y + "JY:" + left.Position.Y;
Beispiel #3
    void generateOneLine(JPoint p0, JPoint p1, JPoint p2, JPoint p3)
//		p0 = new JPoint (336, 392);
//		p1 = new JPoint (355, 457);
//		p2 = new JPoint (482, 502);
//		p3 = new JPoint (501, 567);
//		Debug.Log("p0 "+p0.x+","+p0.y +" p1 "+p1.x+","+p1.y+" p2 "+p2.x+","+p2.y+" p3 "+p3.x+","+p3.y);

        drawBezier(p0, p1, p2, p3);
Beispiel #4
 public JRect(JPoint center, float width, float height)
     debugRectList.Add(this); = center;
     this.width = width;
     this.height = height;
     this.point1 = JPoint.Zero;
     this.point1 = JPoint.Zero;
Beispiel #5
    void drawBezier(JPoint p0, JPoint p1, JPoint p2, JPoint p3)
        List <JPoint> pList = getBezierPointsList(p0, p1, p2, p3);

        for (int i = 0; i < pList.Count; i++)
            //tempTexture.SetPixels (pList [i].x-1, pList [i].y-1, 3, 3, redColorBrush);
            tempTexture.SetPixel(pList [i].x, pList [i].y, currColor);
Beispiel #6
 public bool IsIn(JPoint point)
     if (point1.x <= point.x
         && point.x <= point2.x
         && point2.y <= point.y
         && point.y <= point1.y)
         return true;
     return false;
Beispiel #7
    // p0 start p1 control1 p2 control2 p3 end
    List <JPoint> getBezierPointsList(JPoint p0, JPoint p1, JPoint p2, JPoint p3)
        List <JPoint> points = new List <JPoint> ();
        int           length = p3.x - p0.x;
        float         rate   = 1f / length;

        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            JPoint bezierPoint = pointOnBezier(p0, p1, p2, p3, rate * i);
Beispiel #8
    JPoint pointOnBezier(JPoint p0, JPoint p1, JPoint p2, JPoint p3, float t)
        float ax, bx, cx, dx;
        float ay, by, cy, dy;

        ax = (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (float)p0.x;
        bx = 3 * t * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (float)p1.x;
        cx = 3 * t * t * (1 - t) * (float)p2.x;
        dx = t * t * t * (float)p3.x;

        ay = (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (float)p0.y;
        by = 3 * t * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (float)p1.y;
        cy = 3 * t * t * (1 - t) * (float)p2.y;
        dy = t * t * t * (float)p3.y;
        JPoint result = new JPoint((int)(ax + bx + cx + dx), (int)(ay + by + cy + dy));

Beispiel #9
    public JPoint[] getPositions()
        float  x0 = startPoint.transform.position.x;
        float  y0 = startPoint.transform.position.y;
        JPoint p0 = new JPoint((int)(x0 * 50f), (int)(y0 * 50f));

        float  x1 = controlA.transform.position.x;
        float  y1 = controlA.transform.position.y;
        JPoint p1 = new JPoint((int)(x1 * 50f), (int)(y1 * 50f));

        float  x2 = controlB.transform.position.x;
        float  y2 = controlB.transform.position.y;
        JPoint p2 = new JPoint((int)(x2 * 50f), (int)(y2 * 50f));

        float  x3 = endPoint.transform.position.x;
        float  y3 = endPoint.transform.position.y;
        JPoint p3 = new JPoint((int)(x3 * 50f), (int)(y3 * 50f));

        JPoint[] ret = new JPoint[4];
        if (x0 < x3)
            ret [0] = p0;
            ret [1] = p1;
            ret [2] = p2;
            ret [3] = p3;
            ret [0] = p3;
            ret [1] = p2;
            ret [2] = p1;
            ret [3] = p0;

Beispiel #10
 private void SetElementPosition(FrameworkElement element, JPoint jp)
     Canvas.SetLeft(element, jp.X - element.Width / 2);
     Canvas.SetTop(element, jp.Y);
     //Canvas.SetZIndex(element, 100);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the global tracked vars with needed values
        /// </summary>
        private void GetJointLocations(Skeleton thisSkeleton)
            head = JointLocation(thisSkeleton.Joints[JointType.Head]);

            sholderLeft = JointLocation(thisSkeleton.Joints[JointType.ShoulderLeft]);
            elbowLeft = JointLocation(thisSkeleton.Joints[JointType.ElbowLeft]);
            handLeft = JointLocation(thisSkeleton.Joints[JointType.HandLeft]);

            sholderRight = JointLocation(thisSkeleton.Joints[JointType.ShoulderRight]);
            elbowRight = JointLocation(thisSkeleton.Joints[JointType.ElbowRight]);
            handRight = JointLocation(thisSkeleton.Joints[JointType.HandRight]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves a framework element from canvas to a given position
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ellipse"></param>
        /// <param name="jp"></param>
        private void SetElementPosition(FrameworkElement element, JPoint jp)
            if (element.Equals(smileyHead))
                Canvas.SetTop(element, CanvasWidth - jp.Y + element.Height / 2 - 60);
                Canvas.SetTop(element, CanvasWidth - jp.Y + element.Height / 2);

            Canvas.SetLeft(element, jp.X - element.Width/2);
        /// <summary>
        /// 设置角度和旋转信息 同时获取primary hand
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skeleton"></param>
        private void GetJointLocations(Skeleton skeleton)
            canvasWidth  = (int)handCanvas.ActualWidth;
            canvasHeight = (int)handCanvas.ActualHeight;

            // 这里右手的结点是我左手的位置信息

            Joint center = skeleton.Joints[JointType.HipCenter];
            Joint left   = skeleton.Joints[JointType.HandLeft];
            Joint right  = skeleton.Joints[JointType.HandRight];

            leftHand  = JointLocation(right);
            rightHand = JointLocation(left);
            //JAngle leftAngle = JointAngle(skeleton.Joints[JointType.HandLeft]);
            //gestureBlock.Text = "AX:" + leftAngle.X +"JX:"+ left.Position.X;

            // 获取前面的那只手,好像这里的骨架完全相反的样子
            // 如果被追踪的那只手相差0.3米才会切换另外一只手
            //Joint frontHand;
            JAngle fAHand;

            if (leftHand.Z < (rightHand.Z - 0.3))
                //frontHand = right;
                fAHand     = JointAngle(right);
                isLeftHand = true;
            else if (rightHand.Z < leftHand.Z - 0.3)
                //frontHand = left;
                fAHand     = JointAngle(left);
                isLeftHand = false;
            else if (isLeftHand)
                fAHand = JointAngle(right);
                fAHand = JointAngle(left);

            //double X = Math.Atan(frontHand.Position.X / frontHand.Position.Z) / 3.14 * 180 + 90;
            //// 1.5 是程序放大的倍数, +90 是舵机范围0-180, +45 是前面的45度在手势区不可能到达
            //double Y = 90 - Math.Atan(frontHand.Position.Y / frontHand.Position.Z) / 3.14 * 180 + 45;
            //angleX = (int)X;
            //angleY = (int)Y;

            //// read hand 模仿手臂操作
            //double rX = 90 - Math.Atan(frontHand.Position.X / frontHand.Position.Z) / 3.14 * 180 * 2;
            //double rY = Math.Atan(frontHand.Position.Y / frontHand.Position.Z) / 3.14 * 180 * 1.5 + 90 + 45;

            if (isRealHand)
                angleX = 150 - fAHand.X + 30;
                angleY = fAHand.Y + 30;
                angleX = fAHand.X;
                angleY = fAHand.Y + 25;

            angleBlock.Text = "AX:" + angleX + " AY:" + angleY;
            //statusBarText.Text = _debug;
            debugBlock.Text = _debug;
            distBlock.Text  = String.Format("距摄像头{0:N2}米", center.Position.Z);
            //positionBlock.Text = "AY" + Y + "JY:" + left.Position.Y;
Beispiel #14
 public static Vector2 JPoint2Vector2(JPoint point)
     return new Vector3(point.x, point.y);
 private void SetElementPosition(FrameworkElement element, JPoint jp)
     Canvas.SetLeft(element, jp.X - element.Width / 2);
     Canvas.SetTop(element, jp.Y);
 private void GetJointLocations(Skeleton thisSkeleton)
     handLeft = JointLocation(thisSkeleton.Joints[JointType.HandLeft]);