Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>Submit tasks using a JPPFExecutorService</summary>
        /// <param name="client">The JPPF client connected to the server</param>
        public static void SubmitWithExecutor(JPPFClient client)
            JPPFExecutorService executor = new JPPFExecutorService(client);

            // send tasks 1 at a time
            IList <Future> futures = new List <Future>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                futures.Add(executor.Submit(new MyDotnetTask(100)));
            // process the results in the order the tasks were submitted
            foreach (Future future in futures)
                // future.get() returns the value of myTask.Result after execution
                // or throws an eventual exception that was raised
                try {
                    object result = future.get();
                    if (result != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("[executor service] got result = " + result);
                        Console.WriteLine("[executor service] no result or exception");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Console.WriteLine("[executor service] exception during execution: " + e.ToString());
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>Register a listener for jobs life cycle notifications emitted by the server</summary>
        /// <param name="client">The JPPF client from which to get a JMX connection</param>
        public static void RegisterJobNotificationListener(JPPFClient client)
            JMXDriverConnectionWrapper jmx      = GetJMXConnection(client);
            AbstractMBeanStaticProxy   jobProxy = new DriverJobManagementMBeanStaticProxy(jmx);

            jobProxy.AddNotificationListener(new MyJobNotificationListener(), "job notification");
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>Print the number of nodes connected to the server</summary>
        /// <param name="client">The JPPF client connected to the server</param>
        public static void PrintNbNodes(JPPFClient client)
            JMXDriverConnectionWrapper jmx = GetJMXConnection(client);

            java.lang.Integer n = jmx.nbNodes();
            int nbNodes         = (n == null) ? 0 : n.intValue();

            Console.WriteLine("there are " + nbNodes + " nodes");
Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>Obtain a JMX connection from a JPPF client</summary>
 /// <param name="client">The client to get the JMX connection from</param>
 /// <returns>An instance of <code>JMXDriverConnectionWrapper</code></returns>
 public static JMXDriverConnectionWrapper GetJMXConnection(JPPFClient client)
     if (jmx == null)
         // wait for a connection pool to be ready
         JPPFConnectionPool pool = client.awaitWorkingConnectionPool();
         // wait until at least one JMX connection is available from the pool
         java.util.List list = pool.awaitJMXConnections(Operator.AT_LEAST, 1, true);
         // return the first available JMX connection
         jmx = (JMXDriverConnectionWrapper)list.get(0);
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>Register a listener for tasks completion notifications emitted by all the nodes</summary>
        /// <param name="client">The JPPF client from which to get a JMX connection</param>
        /// <returns>An id string assigned to the registered listener</returns>
        public static string RegisterTaskNotificationListener(JPPFClient client)
            // name of the node task monitor MBean
            string mbeanName = JPPFNodeTaskMonitorMBeanStaticProxy.getMBeanName();
            // only receive notifications from .Net-capable nodes
            ExecutionPolicy dotnetPolicy = new Equal("jppf.dotnet.bridge.initialized", true);
            NodeSelector    selector     = new ExecutionPolicySelector(dotnetPolicy);
            // register the forwarding listener with the driver
            JMXDriverConnectionWrapper jmx = GetJMXConnection(client);
            string listenerId = jmx.RegisterFowrwardingNotificationListener(selector, mbeanName, new MyTaskNotificationListener(), "task notification");

            Console.WriteLine("registered task notifications listener with listenerId = " + listenerId);
            // return the listener id so it can be eventually removed later
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>Provision the specified number of slave nodes.
        /// This method forwards the provisioning request to all relevant nodes via the driver</summary>
        /// <param name="client">The JPPF client connected to the server</param>
        /// <param name="nbNodes">The number of slave nodes to provision</param>
        public static void ProvisionNodes(JPPFClient client, int nbNodes)
            // we are invoking the remote provisioning mbeans
            string mbeanName = JPPFNodeProvisioningMBeanStaticProxy.getMBeanName();
            // policy applied on master nodes with a .Net bridge initialized
            ExecutionPolicy masterPolicy   = new Equal("jppf.node.provisioning.master", true).and(new Equal("jppf.dotnet.bridge.initialized", true));
            NodeSelector    masterSelector = new ExecutionPolicySelector(masterPolicy);

            // parameters to the MBean method
            java.lang.Object[] parameters = { new java.lang.Integer(nbNodes), null };
            // Java signature of the remote MBean method to invoke
            java.lang.String[] signature = { "int", "org.jppf.utils.TypedProperties" };
            // send the request via the forwarding mbean
            JMXDriverConnectionWrapper         jmx   = GetJMXConnection(client);
            JPPFNodeForwardingMBeanStaticProxy proxy = new JPPFNodeForwardingMBeanStaticProxy(jmx);

            proxy.forwardInvoke(masterSelector, mbeanName, "provisionSlaveNodes", parameters, signature);
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>Submit tasks using a JPPFCompletionService</summary>
        /// <param name="client">The JPPF client connected to the server</param>
        public static void SubmitWithCompletionService(JPPFClient client)
            JPPFExecutorService   executor          = new JPPFExecutorService(client);
            JPPFCompletionService completionService = new JPPFCompletionService(executor);

            // send tasks 3 at a time
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                completionService.Submit(new MyDotnetTask(100));
            // process the results in the order in which they arrive
            int count = 0;

            while (count < 3)
                // get the next completed task
                Future future = completionService.poll();
                // future.get() returns the value of myTask.Result after execution
                // or throws an eventual exception that was raised
                try {
                    object result = future.get();
                    if (result != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("[executor service] got result = " + result);
                        Console.WriteLine("[executor service] no result or exception");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Console.WriteLine("[executor service] exception during execution: " + e.ToString());
Beispiel #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            JPPFClient      client     = null;
            TopologyManager manager    = null;
            JobMonitor      jobMonitor = null;

            try {
                // initialize the .Net bridge with verbose/quiet mode
                // initialize a topology manager and register a listener for topology events
                manager = new DotnetTopologyManager(new MyTopologyListener());
                // initialize a topology manager and register a listener for topology events
                jobMonitor = new DotnetJobMonitor(manager, new MyJobMonitoringListener());
                // wait until the topology manager and job monitor are fully initialized
                while (jobMonitor.getJobDrivers().size() <= 0)
                JobDriver jobDriver = jobMonitor.getJobDrivers().get(0) as JobDriver;
                while (jobDriver.getTopologyDriver().getChildCount() <= 0)
                // initialize the JPPF client
                client = manager.getJPPFClient();
                // print the number of nodes connected to the server
                // provision a slave node for each .Net-capable master node
                //ProvisionNodes(client, 1);
                // subscribe to job notifications emitted by the JPPF server
                // subscribe to task completion notifications emitted by the JPPF nodes
                // uncomment to test an executor service
                // uncomment to test a completion service

                JPPFJob job = new JPPFJob();
                job.setName(".NET job");
                // execute the job only on nodes which successfully initialized the .Net bridge
                job.getSLA().setExecutionPolicy(new Equal("jppf.dotnet.bridge.initialized", true));
                int n = 5;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    job.add(new MyDotnetTask(1000)).setId("task " + (i + 1));
                MyDotnetTask myTask = new MyDotnetTask(3000);
                // this .Net task will time out after 1.5 second
                myTask.TimeoutSchedule = new JPPFSchedule(1500);
                job.add(myTask).setId("task " + (n + 1));
                // alternatively: job.add(new MyDotnetTask(3000)).setTimeoutSchedule(new JPPFSchedule(1500));
                // add a job listner that prints job events to the console
                job.addJobListener(new MyJobListener());
                Console.WriteLine("created job");
                // submit the job to the grid and get the execution results
                java.util.List results = client.submitJob(job);
                Console.WriteLine("got job results");
                for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++)
                    Task task = (Task)results.get(i);
                    //BaseDotnetTask dotnetTask = job.asBaseDotnetTask(task);
                    BaseDotnetTask dotnetTask = task.AsBaseDotnetTask();
                    if (dotnetTask != null) // if .Net task
                        if (dotnetTask.Exception != null)
                            Console.WriteLine("got exception for task " + dotnetTask + " : " + dotnetTask.Exception);
                        else if (dotnetTask.Result != null)
                            Console.WriteLine("got result for task " + dotnetTask + " : " + dotnetTask.Result);
                            Console.WriteLine("no result or exception for task " + dotnetTask);
            } catch (Exception e) {

            if (!Console.IsInputRedirected && !Console.IsOutputRedirected)
                Console.WriteLine("Please press ESC to terminate");
                    while (!Console.KeyAvailable)
                } while (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);
                Console.WriteLine("Waiting 5 seconds ...");
            if (client != null)
Beispiel #9
 /// <summary>Initialize this topology manager with the specified intervals, client and listeners</summary>
 /// <param name="topologyRefreshInterval">the interval in millis between refreshes of the topology</param>
 /// <param name="jvmHealthRefreshInterval">the interval in millis between refreshes of the JVM health data</param>
 /// <param name="client">the JPPF client used internally</param>
 /// <param name="listeners">the listeners to register</param>
 public DotnetTopologyManager(long topologyRefreshInterval, long jvmHealthRefreshInterval, JPPFClient client, params BaseDotnetTopologyListener[] listeners)
     : base(topologyRefreshInterval, jvmHealthRefreshInterval, client, ToJavaListeners(listeners))
Beispiel #10
 /// <summary>Initialize this topology manager with the specified client and listeners.
 /// The refresh intervals are determined from the configuration, or take a default value of 1000L if they are not configured</summary>
 /// <param name="client">the JPPF client used internally</param>
 /// <param name="listeners">the listeners to register</param>
 public DotnetTopologyManager(JPPFClient client, params BaseDotnetTopologyListener[] listeners)
     : this(Config.getLong("jppf.admin.refresh.interval.topology", 1000L), Config.getLong("", 1000L), client, listeners)