Beispiel #1
 public static JObject CSharpTest(RPCRequestInfo c, JObject p)
     Thread.Sleep ((int)p ["ms"].AsNumber (0.0));
     return new JObject {
         { "hello", "world" }
Beispiel #2
    public void LoadFromJson(JObject source)
        // This is where the automatic deserialization takes place. We just tell the Jobject that we want an object of the type RelfectionData and it will handle the rest
        var reflectionDataObject = source.Deserialize<ReflectionData>();

        // This is just a simple method a created to read the data from reflectionDataObject back into this object
Beispiel #3
 public RPCException(string code, string msg, RPCException orig, JObject data = null)
     ErrorCode = code;
     ErrorMessage = msg + ": " + orig.ErrorMessage;
     ErrorData = data ?? new JObject ();
     ErrorData ["orig"] = orig.AsHeader ();
Beispiel #4
 public RPCException(string code, string msg, JObject data = null)
     : base(msg)
     ErrorCode = code;
     ErrorMessage = msg;
     ErrorData = data;
Beispiel #5
 private static JObject CreateResponse(JObject id)
     JObject response = new JObject();
     response["jsonrpc"] = "2.0";
     response["id"] = id;
     return response;
Beispiel #6
        public Download(Uri uri, string key, CookieContainer cc, JObject song)
            m_uri = uri;
            m_key = key;
            m_cc = cc;
            m_song = song;

            song["Status"] = "Opening file";
            string filename = (string)song["ArtistName"] + " - " + (string)song["Name"] + ".mp3";
            m_logger = new Logger(this.GetType().ToString() + " " + filename);
            string dst = "";
            string path = "";
            if (Main.PATH.Length != 0)
                path = Main.PATH + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
            dst = path + filename;
                m_path = dst;
                m_fs = new FileStream(dst, FileMode.Create);
            catch (Exception ex)
                char[] invalf = Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars();
                foreach (char c in invalf)
                    filename = filename.Replace(c, '_');
                dst = path + filename;
                    m_path = dst;
                    m_fs = new FileStream(dst, FileMode.Create);
                catch (Exception exc)
                    for (int i = 0; i < dst.Length; i++)
                        if (!Char.IsLetterOrDigit(dst[i]))
                            filename = filename.Replace(dst[i], '_');
                        dst = path + filename;
                        m_path = dst;
                        m_fs = new FileStream(dst, FileMode.Create);
                    catch (Exception exc2)
                        throw new Exception("Could not save the file buddy. (" + exc2.Message + ")");

            m_logger.Info("Starting download");
            song["Status"] = "Starting download";
            Segment s = new Segment(uri, cc, key, 0, SEGMENT_SIZE-1, m_path);
            s.Progress += new EventHandler(s_Progress);
            s.HeadersReceived += new Segment.HeadersReceivedHandler(s_HeadersReceived);
            m_start = DateTime.Now;
        public void Example()
            #region Usage
            JObject o = new JObject
                { "Cpu", "Intel" },
                { "Memory", 32 },
                    "Drives", new JArray

            // {
            //   "Cpu": "Intel",
            //   "Memory": 32,
            //   "Drives": [
            //     "DVD",
            //     "SSD"
            //   ]
            // }
        public void Example()
            #region Usage
            JObject o = new JObject
                { "name1", "value1" },
                { "name2", "value2" }

            JsonWriter writer = o.CreateWriter();

            // {
            //   "name1": "value1",
            //   "name2": "value2",
            //   "name3": [
            //     1,
            //     2
            //   ]
            // }
Beispiel #9
 public JObject ToJson()
     JObject json = new JObject();
     json["stack"] = StackScript.ToHexString();
     json["redeem"] = RedeemScript.ToHexString();
     return json;
Beispiel #10
 public ProccessDefination(JObject data) : base(data)
     this.StartAlias = data["StartAlias"].ToString();
     this.FinishAlias = data["FinishAlias"].ToString();
     var rtIdData = data["RuntimeId"];
     if (rtIdData != null) this.RuntimeId = new Guid(rtIdData.ToString());
Beispiel #11
 public JObject ToJson()
     JObject json = new JObject();
     json["usage"] = Usage;
     json["data"] = Data.ToHexString();
     return json;
Beispiel #12
        public void Example()
            #region Usage
            JValue s1 = new JValue("A string");
            JValue s2 = new JValue("A string");
            JValue s3 = new JValue("A STRING");

            Console.WriteLine(JToken.DeepEquals(s1, s2));
            // true

            Console.WriteLine(JToken.DeepEquals(s2, s3));
            // false

            JObject o1 = new JObject
                { "Integer", 12345 },
                { "String", "A string" },
                { "Items", new JArray(1, 2) }

            JObject o2 = new JObject
                { "Integer", 12345 },
                { "String", "A string" },
                { "Items", new JArray(1, 2) }

            Console.WriteLine(JToken.DeepEquals(o1, o2));
            // true

            Console.WriteLine(JToken.DeepEquals(s1, o1["String"]));
            // true
		private IElasticCoreType GetTypeFromJObject(JObject po, JsonSerializer serializer)
			JToken typeToken;
			serializer.TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.None;
			if (po.TryGetValue("type", out typeToken))
				var type = typeToken.Value<string>().ToLowerInvariant();
				switch (type)
					case "string":
						return serializer.Deserialize(po.CreateReader(), typeof(StringMapping)) as StringMapping;
					case "float":
					case "double":
					case "byte":
					case "short":
					case "integer":
					case "long":
						return serializer.Deserialize(po.CreateReader(), typeof(NumberMapping)) as NumberMapping;
					case "date":
						return serializer.Deserialize(po.CreateReader(), typeof(DateMapping)) as DateMapping;
					case "boolean":
						return serializer.Deserialize(po.CreateReader(), typeof(BooleanMapping)) as BooleanMapping;
					case "binary":
						return serializer.Deserialize(po.CreateReader(), typeof(BinaryMapping)) as BinaryMapping;
			return null;
Beispiel #14
        public static ProcessDefination FromJson(JObject data) {
            var entity = new ProcessDefination();
            entity.Id = new Guid(data["Id"].ToString());
            entity.ActivityDefinationId = new Guid(data["ActivityDefinationId"].ToString());
            entity.ActivityId = new Guid(data["ActivityId"].ToString());
            entity.Description = data["Description"].ToString();
            var arr = data["ActivedActivityIds"] as JArray;
            if (arr != null) {
                entity.ActivedActivityIds = new List<Guid>();
                foreach (JToken item in arr) {
                    entity.ActivedActivityIds.Add(new Guid(item.ToString()));
            var extra = data["Extra"] as JObject;
            if (extra != null)
                entity.Extras = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                foreach (var pair in extra)
                    entity.Extras.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value.ToString());

            return entity;
        public TransactionDefination(JObject data) : base(data)
            this.FromAlias = data["FromAlias"].ToString();
            this.ToAlias = data["ToAlias"].ToString();
            this.ConstraintKind = (ConstraintKinds)Enum.Parse(typeof(ConstraintKinds), data["ConstraintKind"].ToString());
            if (this.ConstraintKind != ConstraintKinds.None) this.Constraint = data["Constraint"]?.ToString();

Beispiel #16
 // change the json string to json object
 public void toJObject(string feed, JObject JO)
     JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
     using (JsonWriter writer = new JsonTextWriter(feed))
         serializer.Serialize(writer, JO);
        public void WritePropertyWithNoValue()
            var o = new JObject();
            o.Add(new JProperty("novalue"));

  ""novalue"": null
}", o.ToString());
Beispiel #18
 public JObject ToJson(ushort index)
     JObject json = new JObject();
     json["n"] = index;
     json["asset"] = AssetId.ToString();
     json["value"] = Value.ToDecimal();
     json["address"] = Wallet.ToAddress(ScriptHash);
     return json;
Beispiel #19
        public TransactionInfo(JObject data) : base(data)

            this.From = new Guid(data["From"].ToString());
            this.To = new Guid(data["To"].ToString());
            this.ConstraintKind = (ConstraintKinds)Enum.Parse(typeof(ConstraintKinds), data["ConstraintKind"].ToString());
            if (this.ConstraintKind != ConstraintKinds.None) this.Constraint = data["Constraint"].ToString();

Beispiel #20
    public void MoveTo(int x, int y, int z)
        JObject jRoot = new JObject();

        bool bRet = SavePosition(x, y, z);

        jRoot.Items.Add(KEY_RETURN, new JBoolean(bRet));
        public ParallelActivityInfo(JObject data) :base(data){
            var parallels = data["ParallelActivities"] as JArray;
            if (parallels != null) {
                foreach (var idstr in parallels) {
                    this._parallelActivities.Add(new Guid(idstr));

		private IElasticType GetTypeFromJObject(JObject po, JsonSerializer serializer)
			JToken typeToken;
			JToken propertiesToken;
			JToken fieldsToken;
			var type = string.Empty;

			var hasType = po.TryGetValue("type", out typeToken);
			if (hasType)
				type = typeToken.Value<string>().ToLowerInvariant();
			else if (po.TryGetValue("properties", out propertiesToken))
				type = "object";

			var originalType = type;
			var hasFields = po.TryGetValue("fields", out fieldsToken);
			if (hasFields)
				type = "multi_field";

			serializer.TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.None;

			switch (type)
				case "string":
					return serializer.Deserialize(po.CreateReader(), typeof(StringMapping)) as StringMapping;
				case "float":
				case "double":
				case "byte":
				case "short":
				case "integer":
				case "long":
					return serializer.Deserialize(po.CreateReader(), typeof(NumberMapping)) as NumberMapping;
				case "date":
					return serializer.Deserialize(po.CreateReader(), typeof(DateMapping)) as DateMapping;
				case "boolean":
					return serializer.Deserialize(po.CreateReader(), typeof(BooleanMapping)) as BooleanMapping;
				case "binary":
					return serializer.Deserialize(po.CreateReader(), typeof(BinaryMapping)) as BinaryMapping;
				case "object":
					return serializer.Deserialize(po.CreateReader(), typeof(ObjectMapping)) as ObjectMapping;
				case "nested":
					return serializer.Deserialize(po.CreateReader(), typeof(NestedObjectMapping)) as NestedObjectMapping;
				case "multi_field":
					var m =serializer.Deserialize(po.CreateReader(), typeof(MultiFieldMapping)) as MultiFieldMapping;
					m.Type = originalType;
					return m;
				case "ip":
					return serializer.Deserialize(po.CreateReader(), typeof(IPMapping)) as IPMapping;
				case "geo_point":
					return serializer.Deserialize(po.CreateReader(), typeof(GeoPointMapping)) as GeoPointMapping;
				case "geo_shape":
					return serializer.Deserialize(po.CreateReader(), typeof(GeoShapeMapping)) as GeoShapeMapping;
				case "attachment":
					return serializer.Deserialize(po.CreateReader(), typeof(AttachmentMapping)) as AttachmentMapping;

			return null;
        public void Example()
            #region Usage
            List<Post> posts = GetPosts();

            JObject rss =
                new JObject(
                    new JProperty("channel",
                        new JObject(
                            new JProperty("title", "James Newton-King"),
                            new JProperty("link", ""),
                            new JProperty("description", "James Newton-King's blog."),
                            new JProperty("item",
                                new JArray(
                                    from p in posts
                                    orderby p.Title
                                    select new JObject(
                                        new JProperty("title", p.Title),
                                        new JProperty("description", p.Description),
                                        new JProperty("link", p.Link),
                                        new JProperty("category",
                                            new JArray(
                                                from c in p.Categories
                                                select new JValue(c)))))))));


            // {
            //   "channel": {
            //     "title": "James Newton-King",
            //     "link": "",
            //     "description": "James Newton-King's blog.",
            //     "item": [
            //       {
            //         "title": "Json.NET 1.3 + New license + Now on CodePlex",
            //         "description": "Annoucing the release of Json.NET 1.3, the MIT license and being available on CodePlex",
            //         "link": "",
            //         "category": [
            //           "Json.NET",
            //           "CodePlex"
            //         ]
            //       },
            //       {
            //         "title": "LINQ to JSON beta",
            //         "description": "Annoucing LINQ to JSON",
            //         "link": "",
            //         "category": [
            //           "Json.NET",
            //           "LINQ"
            //         ]
            //       }
            //     ]
            //   }
            // }
        public void AndExpressionTest()
            CompositeExpression compositeExpression = new CompositeExpression
                Operator = QueryOperator.And,
                Expressions = new List<QueryExpression>
                    new BooleanQueryExpression
                        Operator = QueryOperator.Exists,
                        Path = new List<PathFilter>
                            new FieldFilter
                                Name = "FirstName"
                    new BooleanQueryExpression
                        Operator = QueryOperator.Exists,
                        Path = new List<PathFilter>
                            new FieldFilter
                                Name = "LastName"

            JObject o1 = new JObject
                {"FirstName", "FirstName!"},
                {"LastName", "LastName!"}


            JObject o2 = new JObject
                {"FirstName", "FirstName!"}


            JObject o3 = new JObject

 public static TransactionDefination FromJson(JObject data, TransactionDefination entity = null)
     if (entity == null) entity = new TransactionDefination();
     Defination.FromJson(data, entity);
     entity.Constraint = data["Constraint"].ToString();
     entity.ConstraintKind = (ConstraintKinds)Enum.Parse(typeof(ConstraintKinds), data["ConstraintKind"].ToString());
     entity.From = new Guid(data["From"].ToString());
     entity.To = new Guid(data["To"].ToString());
     return entity;
Beispiel #26
 public ProccessInfo(JObject data) : base(data)
     this.BlockId = new Guid(data["BlockId"]);
     var actived = data["Activied"] as JArray;
     if (actived != null) {
         foreach (var idstr in actived) {
             this.Actived.Add(new Guid(idstr));
Beispiel #27
 private static JObject CreateErrorResponse(JObject id, int code, string message, JObject data = null)
     JObject response = CreateResponse(id);
     response["error"] = new JObject();
     response["error"]["code"] = code;
     response["error"]["message"] = message;
     if (data != null)
         response["error"]["data"] = data;
     return response;
    public void JObjectDictionary()
      Dictionary<JToken, int> dic = new Dictionary<JToken, int>(JToken.EqualityComparer);
      JObject v11 = new JObject() { { "Test", new JValue(1) }, { "Test1", new JValue(1) } };
      JObject v12 = new JObject() { { "Test", new JValue(1) }, { "Test1", new JValue(1) } };

      dic[v11] = 1;
      dic[v12] += 1;
      Assert.AreEqual(2, dic[v11]);
Beispiel #29
        public ActivityInfo(JObject data) :base(data){

            this.Deal = data["Deal"]?.ToString();
            this.StartMode = (ExecutionModes)Enum.Parse(typeof(ExecutionModes), data["StartMode"].ToString());
            this.FinishMode = (ExecutionModes)Enum.Parse(typeof(ExecutionModes), data["FinishMode"].ToString());
            this.StartConstraintKind = (ConstraintKinds)Enum.Parse(typeof(ConstraintKinds), data["StartConstraintKind"].ToString());
            this.FinishConstraintKind = (ConstraintKinds)Enum.Parse(typeof(ConstraintKinds), data["FinishConstraintKind"].ToString());
            if (this.StartConstraintKind != ConstraintKinds.None ) this.StartConstraint = data["StartConstraint"].ToString();
            if (this.FinishConstraintKind != ConstraintKinds.None ) this.FinishConstraint = data["FinishConstraint"].ToString();
Beispiel #30
        public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
            Department department = (Department)value;

            JObject o = new JObject();
            o["DepartmentId"] = new JValue(department.DepartmentId.ToString());
            o["Name"] = new JValue(new string(department.Name.Reverse().ToArray()));

Beispiel #31
        private int getStartHeight(string mongodbConnStr, string mongodbDatabase, int refundVal, string addr)
            JArray mints = getMintSNEOByAddr(mongodbConnStr, mongodbDatabase, addr);

            if (mints.Count == 0)

            JObject firstOb     = (JObject)mints[0];
            int     remainTotal = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("mintsneo size:" + mints.Count);
            List <NEP5.MintSNEOTemp> temps = new List <NEP5.MintSNEOTemp>();

            foreach (JObject mint in mints)
                int    remainVal  = (int)mint["remainVal"];
                string txid       = (string)mint["txid"];
                int    blockindex = (int)mint["blockindex"];

                remainTotal = remainTotal + remainVal;

                int result = remainTotal - refundVal;
                if (result <= 0)
                    NEP5.MintSNEOTemp temp = new NEP5.MintSNEOTemp(addr, txid, 0);
                    NEP5.MintSNEOTemp temp = new NEP5.MintSNEOTemp(addr, txid, result);

            foreach (NEP5.MintSNEOTemp temp in temps)
                string txid      = temp.txid;
                int    remainVal = temp.remainVal;

                Console.WriteLine("txid:" + txid + "/remainVal:" + remainVal);
                var          client    = new MongoClient(mongodbConnStr);
                var          database  = client.GetDatabase(mongodbDatabase);
                var          coll      = database.GetCollection <BsonDocument>("MintSNEO");
                BsonDocument queryBson = BsonDocument.Parse("{from:'" + addr + "',txid:'" + txid + "'}");

                var collBson = database.GetCollection <NEP55.MintSNEO>("MintSNEO");
                List <NEP55.MintSNEO> query = collBson.Find(queryBson).ToList();

                NEP55.MintSNEO oper = query[0];
                oper.remainVal = remainVal;

                collBson.ReplaceOne(queryBson, oper);

        public async Task <bool> Find(string deviceName)
            // Find all the installed device types
            var response = await myConnection.GetAsync(myConnection.DeviceTypeList);

            if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)

            var htmlResult = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            // From String
            var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();


            var htmlNodes = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a");

            foreach (var node in htmlNodes)
                if (node.Attributes["href"]?.Value.StartsWith("/ide/device/editor") == true)
                    if (node.InnerText.Trim().Contains(deviceName))
                        Id = node.Attributes["href"].Value.Replace("/ide/device/editor/", "");

            if (Id == null)

            // Get the resource list for the smart app
            response = await myConnection.GetAsync($"{myConnection.DeviceTypeResourceListUri.ToString()}?id={Id}");

            if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)

            var jsonResult = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
            var jobject    = JObject.Parse("{ root: " + jsonResult.Result + " }");

            ResourceId   = null;
            ResourceType = null;
            foreach (var jo in jobject.SelectToken("root").Children())
                if (jo["type"].ToString() == "file")
                    ResourceId   = (string)jo["id"];
                    ResourceType = (string)jo["li_attr"]["resource-type"];
            if (ResourceId == null)

            // Get the code for this app
            List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > parms = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();

            parms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("id", Id));
            parms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("resourceId", ResourceId));
            parms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("resourceType", ResourceType));
            var content = new System.Net.Http.FormUrlEncodedContent(parms);

            response = await myConnection.PostAsync(myConnection.DeviceTypeCodeForResourceUri, content);

            if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)

            // Here is the code!
            Code = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            // Success
 /// <summary>
 /// Create an instance of object, based on properties in the JSON object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="objectType">The type of object expected.</param>
 /// <param name="jObject">The contents of JSON object that will be deserialized.</param>
 /// <param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>
 /// <returns>The object value.</returns>
 protected abstract T Create(Type objectType, JObject jObject, JsonSerializer serializer);
        public void Load()
            JObject o = (JObject)JToken.Load(new JsonTextReader(new StringReader("{'pie':true}")));

            Assert.AreEqual(true, (bool)o["pie"]);
Beispiel #35
 public abstract Task <JObject> Process(JObject connectEvent, ILambdaContext context);
        public Totales getTotales(JObject lista)
            bool cuitValido = Convert.ToBoolean(lista["valido"]),
                convenio = Convert.ToBoolean(lista["convenio"]),
                enDomicilio = Convert.ToBoolean(lista["enDomicilio"].ToString()),
                esExento = Convert.ToBoolean(lista["esExento"]);
            int empresaid = Convert.ToInt32(lista["empresaid"]);
            string provincia = lista["provincia"].ToString(),
                cuit = lista["cuit"].ToString(), codpro,
                monfac = lista["monfac"].ToString();

            prueba2 p = new prueba2();
            var lis = lista["lista"].ToArray();
            List<stocks> listaItems;
            stocks item, aux;
            Totales totales = new Totales();
            decimal bonicli = Convert.ToDecimal(lista["bonifcli"].ToString());

            if (lis.Count() > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < lis.Count(); i++)
                    if (lis[i]["asociado"].ToString().Contains("["))
                        lis[i]["asociado"] = "";
                    item = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<stocks>(lis[i].ToString());
                    if (item.codpro == "")
                        codpro = lis[i]["articulo"].ToString();
                        codpro = item.codpro;

                    aux = new stocks(item.cantidad, item.precioVenta, item.bonif, item.bonif1, item.impint, codpro, item.asociado, bonicli, item.parafecha, item.detalle, empresaid);
                listaItems = p.lista;
                totales.subtotal = this.getSubTotal(listaItems);
                totales.bonif = this.getBonifTotal(listaItems, bonicli);
                totales.neto = this.getNeto(listaItems, bonicli);
                totales.exento = this.getExento(listaItems);
                totales.impint = this.getImpInt(listaItems);
                totales.ivagral = this.getIvaGral(listaItems, bonicli);
                totales.ivadif = this.getIvaIDif(listaItems, bonicli);
                totales.percep = this.getPercep(listaItems, bonicli, empresaid, cuit, provincia, totales.neto, convenio, esExento, enDomicilio, cuitValido, monfac);
       = this.getTotal(listaItems);
       = + totales.percep;
                return totales;// totales;
                totales.subtotal = 0;
                totales.bonif = 0;
                totales.neto = 0;
                totales.exento = 0;
                totales.impint = 0;
                totales.ivagral = 0;
                totales.ivadif = 0;
                totales.percep = 0;
       = 0;
                return totales;
Beispiel #37
        private async Task <HttpResponseMessage> ExecuteOnOneInstanceAsync(Func <HttpRequestMessage> createRequest)
            // There may be many base urls - roll until one is found that works.
            // Start with the last client that was used by this method, which only gets set on
            // success, so it's probably going to work.
            // Otherwise, try every client until a successful call is made (true even under
            // concurrent access).

            string aggregatedErrorMessage = null;
            HttpResponseMessage response  = null;
            bool firstError = true;

            int startClientIndex;

            lock (lastClientUsedLock)
                startClientIndex = this.lastClientUsed;

            int  loopIndex   = startClientIndex;
            int  clientIndex = -1; // prevent uninitialized variable compiler error.
            bool finished    = false;

            for (; loopIndex < clients.Count + startClientIndex && !finished; ++loopIndex)
                clientIndex = loopIndex % clients.Count;

                    response = await clients[clientIndex]
                               .ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

                    if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK ||
                        response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NoContent)
                        lock (lastClientUsedLock)
                            this.lastClientUsed = clientIndex;


                    string message   = "";
                    int    errorCode = -1;

                    // 4xx errors with valid SR error message as content should not be retried (these are conclusive).
                    if ((int)response.StatusCode >= 400 && (int)response.StatusCode < 500)
                            JObject errorObject = null;
                            errorObject = JObject.Parse(
                                await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false));
                            message   = errorObject.Value <string>("message");
                            errorCode = errorObject.Value <int>("error_code");
                        catch (Exception)
                            // consider an unauthorized response from any server to be conclusive.
                            if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
                                finished = true;
                                throw new HttpRequestException($"Unauthorized");
                        throw new SchemaRegistryException(message, response.StatusCode, errorCode);

                    if (!firstError)
                        aggregatedErrorMessage += "; ";
                    firstError = false;

                        var errorObject = JObject.Parse(
                            await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false));
                        message   = errorObject.Value <string>("message");
                        errorCode = errorObject.Value <int>("error_code");
                        aggregatedErrorMessage += $"[{clients[clientIndex].BaseAddress}] {response.StatusCode}";

                    aggregatedErrorMessage += $"[{clients[clientIndex].BaseAddress}] {response.StatusCode} {errorCode} {message}";
                catch (HttpRequestException e)
                    // don't retry error responses originating from Schema Registry.
                    if (e is SchemaRegistryException)

                    if (!firstError)
                        aggregatedErrorMessage += "; ";
                    firstError = false;

                    aggregatedErrorMessage += $"[{clients[clientIndex].BaseAddress}] HttpRequestException: {e.Message}";

            throw new HttpRequestException(aggregatedErrorMessage);
        public async Task <IActionResult> ImportUsersAsync(string accountId, string projectId, [FromBody] JObject data)
            Credentials credentials = await Credentials.FromSessionAsync(base.Request.Cookies, Response.Cookies);

            TwoLeggedApi oauth  = new TwoLeggedApi();
            dynamic      bearer = await oauth.AuthenticateAsync(Credentials.GetAppSetting("FORGE_CLIENT_ID"), Credentials.GetAppSetting("FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"), "client_credentials", new Scope[] { Scope.AccountRead, Scope.AccountWrite });

            if (!await IsAccountAdmin(accountId, bearer.access_token, credentials))

            string roleId = data["roleId"].Value <string>();
            JArray users  = data["userIds"].Value <JArray>();

            dynamic usersToAdd = new JArray();

            foreach (dynamic user in users)
                dynamic userToAdd = new JObject();
                userToAdd.user_id        = user;
                userToAdd.industry_roles = new JArray();
       = new JObject();
       = new JObject();
       = "admin";
       = new JObject();
       = "admin";

            RestClient  client            = new RestClient(BASE_URL);
            RestRequest importUserRequest = new RestRequest("/hq/v2/accounts/{account_id}/projects/{project_id}/users/import", RestSharp.Method.POST);

            importUserRequest.AddParameter("account_id", accountId.Replace("b.", string.Empty), ParameterType.UrlSegment);
            importUserRequest.AddParameter("project_id", projectId.Replace("b.", string.Empty), ParameterType.UrlSegment);
            importUserRequest.AddParameter("application/json", Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(usersToAdd), ParameterType.RequestBody);
            importUserRequest.AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + credentials.TokenInternal);

            IRestResponse importUserResponse = await client.ExecuteTaskAsync(importUserRequest);

        public async Task <ActionResult> DoLogin(FormCollection form)
            string email    = form[Keywords.EMAIL];
            string password = form[Keywords.PASSWORD];

            HttpResponseMessage response = await _loginService.CheckLogin(email, password);

            if (response == null)
                TempData[Keywords.ERROR] = Messages.SERVER_ERROR;

            if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
                TempData[Keywords.ERROR] = Messages.INVALID_ACCOUNT_ERROR;

            string token   = response.Headers.TryGetValues(Keywords.TOKEN_KEY, out var values) ? values.FirstOrDefault() : null;
            string content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            JObject jObject  = JObject.Parse(content);
            JObject dataJSON = (JObject)jObject.GetValue(Keywords.DATA);

            string name    = dataJSON.GetValue(Keywords.NAME).ToString();
            bool   isAdmin = !dataJSON.ContainsKey(Keywords.PERMISSION);
            User   user    = null;

            if (isAdmin)
                user = new User(email, name, token, isAdmin);

                return(RedirectToAction(Keywords.INDEX, Keywords.DASHBOARD));

            if ((int)dataJSON.GetValue(Keywords.STATUS) == Configs.DEACTIVE_STATUS)
                // User had been blocked
                TempData[Keywords.ERROR] = Messages.DEACTIVE_USER;

            // Set User Info
            string id          = jObject.GetValue(Keywords.ID).ToString();
            string idGroup     = dataJSON.GetValue(Keywords.ID_GROUP).ToString();
            string gender      = dataJSON.GetValue(Keywords.GENDER).ToString();
            string phoneNumber = string.Empty;

            if (dataJSON.ContainsKey(Keywords.PHONE))
                phoneNumber = dataJSON.GetValue(Keywords.PHONE).ToString();
            string address = string.Empty;

            if (dataJSON.ContainsKey(Keywords.ADDRESS))
                address = dataJSON.GetValue(Keywords.ADDRESS).ToString();

            user = new User(email, name, token, idGroup, gender, phoneNumber, address, id, isAdmin);

            return(RedirectToAction(Keywords.INDEX, Keywords.REPORT, new { page = 1 }));
Beispiel #40
        /// <summary>
        /// Try to parse the given JSON representation of an energy mix.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="JSON">The JSON to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="EnergyMix">The parsed connector.</param>
        /// <param name="ErrorResponse">An optional error response.</param>
        /// <param name="CustomEnergyMixParser">A delegate to parse custom energy mix JSON objects.</param>
        public static Boolean TryParse(JObject JSON,
                                       out EnergyMix EnergyMix,
                                       out String ErrorResponse,
                                       CustomJObjectParserDelegate <EnergyMix> CustomEnergyMixParser)
                EnergyMix = default;

                if (JSON?.HasValues != true)
                    ErrorResponse = "The given JSON object must not be null or empty!";

                #region Parse IsGreenEnergy           [mandatory]

                if (!JSON.ParseMandatory("is_green_energy",
                                         "is green energy",
                                         out Boolean IsGreenEnergy,
                                         out ErrorResponse))


                #region Parse EnergySources           [optional]

                if (JSON.ParseOptionalJSON("energy_sources",
                                           "energy sources",
                                           out IEnumerable <EnergySource> EnergySources,
                                           out ErrorResponse))
                    if (ErrorResponse != null)


                #region Parse EnvironmentalImpacts    [optional]

                if (JSON.ParseOptionalJSON("environ_impact",
                                           "environmental impacts",
                                           out IEnumerable <EnvironmentalImpact> EnvironmentalImpacts,
                                           out ErrorResponse))
                    if (ErrorResponse != null)


                #region Parse SupplierName            [optional]

                var SupplierName = JSON.GetString("supplier_name");


                #region Parse EnergyProductName       [optional]

                var EnergyProductName = JSON.GetString("energy_product_name");


                EnergyMix = new EnergyMix(IsGreenEnergy,

                if (CustomEnergyMixParser != null)
                    EnergyMix = CustomEnergyMixParser(JSON,

            catch (Exception e)
                EnergyMix     = default;
                ErrorResponse = "The given JSON representation of an energy mix is invalid: " + e.Message;
Beispiel #41
        private string GetTestHostPath(string runtimeConfigDevPath, string depsFilePath, string sourceDirectory)
            string testHostPackageName = "microsoft.testplatform.testhost";
            string testHostPath        = string.Empty;

            if (this.fileHelper.Exists(runtimeConfigDevPath) && this.fileHelper.Exists(depsFilePath))
                EqtTrace.Verbose("DotnetTestHostmanager: Reading file {0} to get path of testhost.dll", depsFilePath);

                // Get testhost relative path
                using (var stream = this.fileHelper.GetStream(depsFilePath, FileMode.Open))
                    var context         = new DependencyContextJsonReader().Read(stream);
                    var testhostPackage = context.RuntimeLibraries.Where(lib => lib.Name.Equals(testHostPackageName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (testhostPackage != null)
                        foreach (var runtimeAssemblyGroup in testhostPackage.RuntimeAssemblyGroups)
                            foreach (var path in runtimeAssemblyGroup.AssetPaths)
                                if (path.EndsWith("testhost.dll", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                                    testHostPath = path;

                        testHostPath = Path.Combine(testhostPackage.Path, testHostPath);
                        EqtTrace.Verbose("DotnetTestHostmanager: Relative path of testhost.dll with respect to package folder is {0}", testHostPath);

                // Get probing path
                using (StreamReader file = new StreamReader(this.fileHelper.GetStream(runtimeConfigDevPath, FileMode.Open)))
                    using (JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(file))
                        JObject context                = (JObject)JToken.ReadFrom(reader);
                        JObject runtimeOptions         = (JObject)context.GetValue("runtimeOptions");
                        JToken  additionalProbingPaths = runtimeOptions.GetValue("additionalProbingPaths");
                        foreach (var x in additionalProbingPaths)
                            EqtTrace.Verbose("DotnetTestHostmanager: Looking for path {0} in folder {1}", testHostPath, x.ToString());
                            string testHostFullPath = Path.Combine(x.ToString(), testHostPath);
                            if (this.fileHelper.Exists(testHostFullPath))

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(testHostPath))
                // Try resolving testhost from output directory of test project. This is required if user has published the test project
                // and is running tests in an isolated machine. A second scenario is self test: test platform unit tests take a project
                // dependency on testhost (instead of nuget dependency), this drops testhost to output path.
                testHostPath = Path.Combine(sourceDirectory, "testhost.dll");
                EqtTrace.Verbose("DotnetTestHostManager: Assume published test project, with test host path = {0}.", testHostPath);

        public JObject ToJObject()

            JObject jobject = JObject.FromObject(this);
            return jobject;
 public static void ConvertUUIDs(JObject bundle)
     ConvertUUIDs(bundle, CreateUUIDLookUpTable(bundle));
Beispiel #44
        public JObject BuildQuerySettings(string collection)
            var          indexConfig = OpenContentUtils.GetIndexConfig(_templateUri, collection);
            var          jsonEdit    = Build(collection, DnnLanguageUtils.GetCurrentCultureCode(), true, true, false, false);
            SchemaConfig newSchema   = new SchemaConfig(true);

            // max results
            newSchema.Properties.Add("MaxResults", new SchemaConfig()
                Title = "MaxResults",
                Type  = "number"
            // Default no results
            newSchema.Properties.Add("DefaultNoResults", new SchemaConfig()
                Title = "Default No Results",
                Type  = "boolean"
            // Remove current item
            newSchema.Properties.Add("ExcludeCurrentItem", new SchemaConfig()
                Title = "Exclude Current Item",
                Type  = "boolean"
            // Show only Current User Items
            newSchema.Properties.Add("CurrentUserItems", new SchemaConfig()
                Title = "Only Current User Items",
                Type  = "boolean"
            // Filter
            SchemaConfig newSchemaFilter = new SchemaConfig(true)
                Title = "Filter"

            newSchema.Properties.Add("Filter", newSchemaFilter);
            OptionsConfig newOptions       = new OptionsConfig(true);
            OptionsConfig newOptionsFilter = new OptionsConfig(true);

            newOptions.Fields.Add("Filter", newOptionsFilter);

            SchemaConfig schemaConfig = new SchemaConfig();
            var          schemaJson   = jsonEdit["schema"];

            if (schemaJson != null)
                schemaConfig = schemaJson.ToObject <SchemaConfig>();
            OptionsConfig optionsConfig = new OptionsConfig();
            JToken        optionsJson   = jsonEdit["options"];

            if (optionsJson != null)
                optionsConfig = optionsJson.ToObject <OptionsConfig>();
            List <string> fieldLst = new List <string>();

            GetFields(newSchemaFilter, newOptionsFilter, schemaConfig, optionsConfig, fieldLst, indexConfig);

            // Sort
            SchemaConfig newSchemaSort = new SchemaConfig()
                Type  = "array",
                Title = "Sort"

            newSchema.Properties.Add("Sort", newSchemaSort);

            newSchemaSort.Type  = "array";
            newSchemaSort.Items = new SchemaConfig(true);
            newSchemaSort.Items.Properties.Add("Field", new SchemaConfig()
                Title = "Field",
                Enum  = fieldLst
            newSchemaSort.Items.Properties.Add("Order", new SchemaConfig()
                Title = "Order",
                Enum  = new List <string>(new string[] { "asc", "desc" })

            OptionsConfig newOptionsSort = new OptionsConfig();

            newOptions.Fields.Add("Sort", newOptionsSort);
            newOptionsSort.Type  = "table";
            newOptionsSort.Items = new OptionsConfig(true);
            newOptionsSort.Items.Fields.Add("Field", new OptionsConfig()
                Type = "select",
                RemoveDefaultNone = true
            newOptionsSort.Items.Fields.Add("Order", new OptionsConfig()
                Type = "select",
                RemoveDefaultNone = true

            var json = new JObject();

            json["schema"]  = JObject.FromObject(newSchema);
            json["options"] = JObject.FromObject(newOptions);

            //File.WriteAllText(TemplateUri.PhysicalFullDirectory + "\\test.json", json.ToString());
Beispiel #45
        public override void Deserialize(Dictionary <PCFResourceType, DataBlockBase> dataBlocks,
                                         UnityNodeBase parentNode,
                                         ResourceResponse resourceResponse,
                                         List <Action <UnityNodeBase> > postInstallActions,
                                         bool optimizedLoad)
            GameObject parentGameObject = parentNode.GetGameObject();

            this.skinnedMesh = parentGameObject.AddComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>();

            ResourceBlock dataBlock = dataBlocks[resourceType] as ResourceBlock;
            AssetResource resource  = dataBlock.GetResource(this.referenceID);

            byte[]  metaDataBuffer = resource.GetMetaData();
            JObject metaData       = JObject.Parse(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(metaDataBuffer));

            UInt32 materialID    = metaData.Value <UInt32>("materialID");
            string rootBoneName  = metaData.Value <string>("rootBone");
            string probeBoneName = metaData.Value <string>("probeAnchor");
            int    quality       = metaData.Value <int>("quality");

            string[] boneNames         = metaData.Value <JArray>("bones").ToObject <string[]>();
            float[]  blendShapeWeights = metaData.Value <JArray>("blendShapeWeights").ToObject <float[]>();

            // Add a post install action so the bones will have time to be created.
            postInstallActions.Add((UnityNodeBase node) => {
                System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

                Transform[] bones = new Transform[boneNames.Length];

                //Mapp all bone transform in the hierarchy.
                Dictionary <string, Transform> bonesMapping = new Dictionary <string, Transform>();
                FindTransformsInHierarchy(node, bonesMapping);

                for (int i = 0; i < boneNames.Length; i++)
                    string name = boneNames[i];

                    if (bonesMapping.ContainsKey(name))
                        bones[i] = bonesMapping[name];
                        bones[i] = null;

                this.mesh = MeshSerializeUtilities.ReadMesh(resource.GetResourceData(), true);

                if (optimizedLoad)
                    //Free up mono memory for this mesh, now owned by the GPU.

                this.skinnedMesh.sharedMesh = this.mesh;
                this.skinnedMesh.bones      = bones;
                this.skinnedMesh.quality    = (SkinQuality)Enum.ToObject(typeof(SkinQuality), quality);

                for (int i = 0; i < blendShapeWeights.Length; i++)
                    this.skinnedMesh.SetBlendShapeWeight(i, blendShapeWeights[i]);

                if (bonesMapping.ContainsKey(rootBoneName))
                    this.skinnedMesh.rootBone = bonesMapping[rootBoneName];
                if (probeBoneName != null)
                    this.skinnedMesh.probeAnchor = bonesMapping[probeBoneName];

                //Debug.Log("time to deserialize skinned mesh: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            for (int i = 0; i < this.ChildNodes.Count; i++)
                UnityNodeBase child = this.ChildNodes[i];

                //Create a request to be send down the chain of children, see if any child will handle it.
                ResourceResponse materialRequest = new ResourceResponse(materialID, (ResourceResponse response) => {
                    skinnedMesh.material = response.GetMaterialRequest;

                child.Deserialize(dataBlocks, this, materialRequest, postInstallActions, optimizedLoad);
        public async Task <JArray> GetProjectsAsync(string hubId)
            Credentials credentials = await Credentials.FromSessionAsync(base.Request.Cookies, Response.Cookies);

            // the API SDK
            ProjectsApi projectsApi = new ProjectsApi();

            projectsApi.Configuration.AccessToken = credentials.TokenInternal;
            var projectsDM = await projectsApi.GetHubProjectsAsync(hubId);

            // 2-legged account:read token
            TwoLeggedApi oauth  = new TwoLeggedApi();
            dynamic      bearer = await oauth.AuthenticateAsync(Credentials.GetAppSetting("FORGE_CLIENT_ID"), Credentials.GetAppSetting("FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET"), "client_credentials", new Scope[] { Scope.AccountRead });

            // get all projects
            RestClient  client          = new RestClient(BASE_URL);
            RestRequest projectsRequest = new RestRequest("/hq/v1/accounts/{account_id}/projects?limit=100", RestSharp.Method.GET);

            projectsRequest.AddParameter("account_id", hubId.Replace("b.", string.Empty), ParameterType.UrlSegment);
            projectsRequest.AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + bearer.access_token);
            IRestResponse projectsResponse = await client.ExecuteTaskAsync(projectsRequest);

            dynamic projectsHQ = JArray.Parse(projectsResponse.Content);

            // get business units
            RestRequest bizUnitsRequest = new RestRequest("/hq/v1/accounts/{account_id}/business_units_structure", RestSharp.Method.GET);

            bizUnitsRequest.AddParameter("account_id", hubId.Replace("b.", string.Empty), ParameterType.UrlSegment);
            bizUnitsRequest.AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + bearer.access_token);
            IRestResponse bizUnitsResponse = await client.ExecuteTaskAsync(bizUnitsRequest);

            dynamic bizUnits = JObject.Parse(bizUnitsResponse.Content);

            if (bizUnits.business_units != null)
                foreach (dynamic projectHQ in projectsHQ)
                    foreach (dynamic bizUnit in bizUnits.business_units)
                        if (projectHQ.business_unit_id ==
                            projectHQ.business_unit = bizUnit;

            dynamic projectsFullData = new JArray();

            foreach (dynamic projectHQ in projectsHQ)
                if (projectHQ.status != "active")
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, dynamic> projectDM in new DynamicDictionaryItems(
                    if ( =="b.", string.Empty))
                        projectHQ.DMData = JObject.Parse(projectDM.Value.ToString());

            return(new JArray(((JArray)projectsFullData).OrderBy(p => (string)p["name"])));
Beispiel #47
        static void Main()
            Console.Title = "2DXTicker";
            Console.Write("-------------------------\nCreated by GHYAKIMA#4310\n-------------------------\nBuild: {0}\nVersion: {1}x\n-------------------------\n", _buildDate,_version);

            // Parse the json file
            try { _jsonData = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(_jsonPath)); }
            catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { throw ex; }

            // Wait for beatmania process
            while (_waitForProcess)
                foreach (dynamic _json in _jsonData.Titles)
                    // Get hwnd
                    if (_hwnd == IntPtr.Zero) { _hwnd = memUtils.FindWindow((string)_json.windowTitle); _windowTitle = (string)_json.windowTitle; }
                    else if (_hwnd != IntPtr.Zero && _windowTitle == (string)_json.windowTitle)
                        _moduleName = (string)_json.moduleName;
                        _tickerAddress = (int)_json.tickerAddress;

                // Get process id 
                if (_processID == 0) { _processID = memUtils.GetWindowPID(_hwnd); }
                    // Get process handle 
                    if (_pHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { _pHandle = memUtils.OpenProcess(_processID); }

                    // Get base address of '_moduleName'
                    _memoryAddress = IntPtr.Add(memUtils.GetModuleAddress(_processID, _moduleName), _tickerAddress);
                    _waitForProcess = false;

                /*  */

            /* debug info  */
            if ((bool)_jsonData.Ticker.debug)
                Console.Write("_windowTitle: {0}\n_moduleName: {1}\n_tickerAddress: {2}\n-------------------------", _windowTitle, _moduleName, "0x" + _tickerAddress.ToString("X"));
                Console.Write("\n_hwnd: {0}\n_processID: {1}\n_pHandle: {2}\n_memoryAddress: {3}\n-------------------------\n", _hwnd, _processID, _pHandle, "0x" + _memoryAddress.ToString("X"));

            /* Create event handler */
            _process = Process.GetProcessById((int)_processID);
            _process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
            _process.Exited += new EventHandler(process_Exited);

            /* Open serial connection */

            /* Start reading ticker bytes */
            if (serialPort.IsOpen) {

 public static async Task<JObject> GetJObjectFromJsonBodyAsync(this HttpContext source)
     var json = await source.ReadBodyTextAsync();
     var result = JObject.Parse(json);
     return result;
 private void a_valid_address_is_validated()
     JObject jObjectResponse = JObject.Parse(this.responseText);
 internal Status(JObject status) : base(status)
        public void AddValueToObject()
            JObject o = new JObject();

 public ThemeItemState(JObject o)
        public void Parse()
            JObject o = (JObject)JToken.Parse("{'pie':true}");

            Assert.AreEqual(true, (bool)o["pie"]);
Beispiel #54
        public static string GetAliasFromConfig(JObject config)
            var name = GetValue <string>(config, "v2raygcon.alias");

            return(string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ? I18N.Empty : CutStr(name, 12));
Beispiel #55
 private bool FieldExists(string fieldName, JObject jObject)
     return(jObject[fieldName] != null);
Beispiel #56
 public static string Config2String(JObject config)
Beispiel #57
 /// <summary>
 /// Builds the object from the JSON response body
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data">JSON response body as a <see cref="JObject"/></param>
 public TransitionSettings(JObject data)
     JsonConvert.PopulateObject(data.ToString(), this);
Beispiel #58
 public static string Config2Base64String(JObject config)
        private static string TryGetValue(JObject user, string propertyName)
            JToken value;

            return(user.TryGetValue(propertyName, out value) ? value.ToString() : null);
Beispiel #60
 private void StoreChanged(object sender, JObject data)
     ComputeContent(inputContent, data);