Beispiel #1
        public void ItemVersionedIdEquality()
            Guid        id0 = Guid.NewGuid();
            ItemVersion iv0 = new ItemVersion(new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "Locale", "en-GB" }
            ItemVersion iv1 = new ItemVersion(new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "Locale", "es-ES" }
            var ii0 = new ItemVersionedId(typeof(HeaderContent), id0, iv0);
            var ii1 = new ItemVersionedId(typeof(HeaderContent), new Guid(id0.ToString()), new ItemVersion(iv0));
            var ii2 = new ItemVersionedId(typeof(RestaurantContent), id0, new ItemVersion(iv0));
            var ii3 = new ItemVersionedId(typeof(HeaderContent), Guid.NewGuid(), new ItemVersion(iv0));
            var ii4 = new ItemVersionedId(typeof(HeaderContent), new Guid(id0.ToString()), iv1);

            Assert.True(ii0.Equals(ii1), ".Equals true");
            Assert.True(ii0 == ii1, "== true");
            Assert.False(ii0.Equals(ii2), ".Equals false by type");
            Assert.False(ii0 == ii2, "== false by type");
            Assert.False(ii1.Equals(ii3), ".Equals false by id");
            Assert.False(ii1 == ii3, "== false by id");
            Assert.False(ii0.Equals(ii4), ".Equals false by version");
            Assert.False(ii0 == ii4, "== false by version");

            Assert.False(ii0.GetHashCode() == ii2.GetHashCode(), "hash code by type");
            Assert.False(ii1.GetHashCode() == ii3.GetHashCode(), "hash code by id");
            Assert.False(ii0.GetHashCode() == ii4.GetHashCode(), "hash code by version");
Beispiel #2
        public static IEnumerable <Summary> GetReferencesFrom <TContent>(ItemVersionedId ividToItem, string propertyName)
            where TContent : class
            if (ReferenceGetter == null)
                // constructs expression for x => x.propertyName != null && x.propertyName.VersionedId == ividToItem

                var xParam  = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TContent), "x");
                var refProp = typeof(TContent).GetProperty(propertyName);
                var xGetRef = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(xParam, refProp);
                var neNull  = Expression.NotEqual(xGetRef, Expression.Constant(null));
                if (!typeof(Reference).IsAssignableFrom(refProp.PropertyType))
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Trying to get references for type {0} property {1} which is not of Reference type", typeof(TContent).FullName, propertyName));
                var xGetIvid  = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(xGetRef, refProp.PropertyType.GetProperty("VersionedId"));
                var ividConst = Expression.Constant(ividToItem);
                var comp      = Expression.Equal(xGetIvid, ividConst);
                var test      = Expression.AndAlso(neNull, comp);
                var lambda    = Expression.Lambda <Func <TContent, bool> >(test, xParam);

                foreach (var item in Collator.Instance.Get <TContent, TContent>(iq => iq.Where(lambda)))
                    yield return(Collator.Instance.GetSummary <Summary>(item));
                foreach (var summ in ReferenceGetter(ividToItem, typeof(TContent), propertyName))
                    yield return(summ);
Beispiel #3
        public void ItemIdSerialization()
            Guid        id0 = Guid.NewGuid();
            ItemVersion iv0 = new ItemVersion(new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "Locale", "en-GB" }
            var ii0  = new ItemVersionedId(typeof(TestData), id0, iv0);
            var dict = new Dictionary <ItemVersionedId, string>();

            dict.Add(ii0, "hello");

            string ser     = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dict);
            var    dictOut = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <ItemVersionedId, string> >(ser);

            Assert.Equal("hello", dictOut[ii0]);

            ser = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ii0);
            var iiOut = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ItemVersionedId>(ser);

            Assert.Equal(ii0, iiOut);
Beispiel #4
        public void ItemVersionedIdConstructors()
            ItemVersion iv0 = new ItemVersion(new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "Locale", "en-GB" }

            // ItemId uses ContentType() of the relevant type
            Guid id1     = Guid.NewGuid();
            Type extType = sys.LyniconSystem.Extender[typeof(TestData)];
            var  ii1     = new ItemVersionedId(extType, id1, iv0);

            Assert.Equal(typeof(TestData), ii1.Type);

            // Serialize/Deserialize
            var ii2 = new ItemVersionedId(ii1.ToString());

            Assert.Equal(ii2.Type, ii1.Type);
            Assert.Equal(ii2.Id, ii1.Id);
            Assert.Equal(ii2, ii1);

            // Construct from basic type
            TestData td = Collator.Instance.GetNew <TestData>(new Address(typeof(TestData), "a"));

            td.Id = 5;
            var ii3 = new ItemVersionedId(sys.LyniconSystem, td);

            Assert.Equal(ii3.Id, td.Id);
            Assert.Equal(ii3.Version, VersionManager.Instance.CurrentVersionForType(typeof(TestData)));

            // Construct from container
            //Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();
            //Guid ident = Guid.NewGuid();
            //ContentItem ci = new ContentItem { Id = id, Identity = ident, DataType = typeof(RestaurantContent).FullName };
            //var ii4 = new ItemVersionedId(ci);
            //Assert.Equal(ii4.Id, ident);
            //Assert.Equal(ii4.Type, typeof(RestaurantContent));
            //Assert.Equal(ii4.Version, VersionManager.Instance.CurrentVersionForType(typeof(RestaurantContent)));

            // Construct from data item
            RestaurantContent rc = Collator.Instance.GetNew <RestaurantContent>(new Address(typeof(RestaurantContent), "x"));
            var ii5 = new ItemVersionedId(sys.LyniconSystem, rc);

            Assert.Equal(ii5.Id, ((ICoreMetadata)rc).Identity);
            Assert.Equal(ii5.Version, VersionManager.Instance.CurrentVersionForType(typeof(RestaurantContent)));

            // Construct from summary
            RestaurantSummary rs = Collator.Instance.GetSummary <RestaurantSummary>(rc);
            var ii6 = new ItemVersionedId(sys.LyniconSystem, rs);

            Assert.Equal(ii6.Id, rs.Id);
            Assert.Equal(ii6.Type, rs.Type);
            Assert.Equal(ii6.Version, VersionManager.Instance.CurrentVersionForType(typeof(RestaurantContent)));

            // No empty value allowed
            ContentItem cc       = null;
            ItemId      iitest   = null;
            object      otest    = null;
            string      stest    = null;
            Summary     summtest = null;

            Assert.Throws <NullReferenceException>(() => new ItemVersionedId(sys.LyniconSystem, cc));
            Assert.Throws <NullReferenceException>(() => new ItemVersionedId(iitest));
            Assert.Throws <NullReferenceException>(() => new ItemVersionedId(sys.LyniconSystem, otest));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => new ItemVersionedId(stest));
            Assert.Throws <NullReferenceException>(() => new ItemVersionedId(sys.LyniconSystem, summtest));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => new ItemVersionedId(typeof(RestaurantContent), null, iv0));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => new ItemVersionedId(null, Guid.NewGuid(), iv0));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => new ItemVersionedId(typeof(RestaurantContent), Guid.NewGuid(), null));
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a CrossVersionReference with an ItemVersion which has an AllowedVersionsOverlay to limit the versions which
 /// can be referred to, and the ItemVersionedId of the referred to item
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="allowedVersionsOverlay">A version key set to 'null' will allow the reference to be set to any version of that key. A version key set to a value will mean the reference is ALWAYS to that version, irrespective of the current version.</param>
 /// <param name="ivid">ItemVersionedId for the referred to item</param>
 public CrossVersionReference(ItemVersion allowedVersionsOverlay, ItemVersionedId ivid)
     : this(ivid)
     AllowedVersionsOverlay = allowedVersionsOverlay;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a CrossVersionReference from an ItemVersionedId
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ivid">ItemVersionedId for the referred to item</param>
 public CrossVersionReference(ItemVersionedId ivid) : base(ivid)
     VersionedId = ivid;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a CrossVersionReference from a serialized string for the ItemVersionedId for the referred to item
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">The serialized ItemVersionedId for the referred to item</param>
 public CrossVersionReference(string id) : base(new ItemVersionedId(id))
     VersionedId = new ItemVersionedId(id);