        public void showItemInformation()
            int    flag       = 0;
            string itemNumber = Request.QueryString["itemCode"];

            //Show Item Informaiton
            ItemBO b = bl.getItemByItemNumberBL(itemNumber);//check

            lblItemCode.Text        = b.ItemNumber;
            lblItemDescription.Text = b.Description;
            lblBin.Text             = b.Bin;
            lblUOM.Text             = b.UnitOfMeasure;
            lblInStock.Text         = b.InStockQty.ToString();

            //Show Supplier Information
            ItemSupplierJoinBO sObj = new ItemSupplierJoinBO();

            foreach (ItemSupplierJoinBO s in bl.getItemInformation(itemNumber))
                if (flag == 1)
                    lblSupplier1.Text = s.SupplierName;
                else if (flag == 2)
                    lblSupplier2.Text = s.SupplierName;
                else if (flag == 3)
                    lblSupplier3.Text = s.SupplierName;
        //Get all the supplier information
        public List <ItemSupplierJoinBO> getStockCardInformation(string itemNumber)
            var qry = (from i in context.Items
                       join si in context.Supplier_Item on i.ItemID equals si.ItemID
                       join s in context.Suppliers on si.SupplierID equals s.SupplierID
                       where i.ItemNumber.Equals(itemNumber)                                 //Need to change or not
                       select new { i.ItemNumber, i.Description, i.Bin, i.UnitOfMeasure, s.SupplierName }).ToList();

            List <ItemSupplierJoinBO> lst = new List <ItemSupplierJoinBO>();

            foreach (var q in qry)
                ItemSupplierJoinBO obj = new ItemSupplierJoinBO();
                obj.ItemCode     = q.ItemNumber;
                obj.Description  = q.Description;
                obj.Bin          = q.Bin;
                obj.Uom          = q.UnitOfMeasure;
                obj.SupplierName = q.SupplierName;
        //Get the suppliers lists
        public List <ItemSupplierJoinBO> getSupplierListByItemNumber(string itemNumber)
            var qry = (from i in context.Items
                       join si in context.Supplier_Item on i.ItemID equals si.ItemID
                       join s in context.Suppliers on si.SupplierID equals s.SupplierID
                       where i.ItemNumber == itemNumber
                       select new { i.ItemNumber, i.Description, i.Bin, i.UnitOfMeasure, s.SupplierName, s.SupplierID }).Distinct().ToList();

            List <ItemSupplierJoinBO> lst = new List <ItemSupplierJoinBO>();

            foreach (var q in qry)
                ItemSupplierJoinBO obj = new ItemSupplierJoinBO();
                obj.ItemCode     = q.ItemNumber;
                obj.Description  = q.Description;
                obj.Bin          = q.Bin;
                obj.Uom          = q.UnitOfMeasure;
                obj.SupplierName = q.SupplierName;
                obj.SupplierID   = q.SupplierID;