Beispiel #1
        public JsonResult RefreshActivityIndex(int issueId, int userId, string right)
            IssueCreating ic = new IssueCreating();
            CreatingVM    vm = new CreatingVM();

            vm.UserWithMostChanges = ic.UserWithMostChanges(issueId);
            if (right == "O")
                vm.AllUserChangeCounts     = ic.GetAllChangeCountsByUser(issueId);
                vm.AllUserChangeCounts     = ic.GetAllChangeCountsByUser(issueId);
                vm.GroupActivity           = ic.GetGroupActivity(issueId);
                vm.GroupTrustworthiness    = ic.GetGroupTrustworthiness(issueId);
                vm.DecisionTrustworthiness = ic.GetDecisionTrustworthiness(issueId);
                vm.AllUserChangeCounts     = new List <KeyValuePair <UserShortModel, int> >();
                vm.AllUserChangeCounts     = new List <KeyValuePair <UserShortModel, int> >();
                vm.GroupActivity           = new List <KeyValuePair <string, int> >();
                vm.GroupTrustworthiness    = new List <string>();
                vm.DecisionTrustworthiness = new List <string>();
            vm.UserChangesCount  = ic.GetUserChangesCount(issueId, userId);
            vm.InfoCount         = ic.GetInfoCountForUser(issueId, userId);
            vm.LastChange        = ic.GetLastChange(issueId);
            vm.Last100Changes    = ic.GetLast100Changes(issueId);
            vm.UnreadInformation = ic.GetUnreadInformation(issueId, userId);
            var result = new JsonResult
                Data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(vm)

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// MVC get action for define issue view (Creating.cshtml)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="issueId">usually issue id of issue to be shown, but if issue id equals -1 then view for new issue is prepared</param>
        /// <returns>define issue vies (Creating.cshtml)</returns>
        public ActionResult Creating(int issueId)
            CreatingVM    vm     = new CreatingVM();
            IssueCreating ic     = new IssueCreating();
            int           userId = GetUserIdFromClaim();

            vm.AllTags = ic.GetAllTags();
            vm.Issues  = new List <IssueShort>();
            vm.Issues.Add(new IssueShort(-1, "none"));
            vm.AllUsers = ic.GetAllUsers();
            vm.UserId   = userId;

            //existing issue
            if (issueId != -1)
                vm.Issue        = ic.GetIssue(issueId);
                vm.AccessRights = ic.GetAccessRightsOfIssue(issueId);
                AccessRightModel arm = ic.AccessRightOfUserForIssue(userId, issueId);
                vm.AccessRight = arm.Right;
                vm.SelfAssessmentDescription = arm.SelfAssessmentDescr;
                vm.SelfAssessmentValue       = Convert.ToInt32(arm.SelfAssessmentValue);
                vm.Comments = ic.GetIssueComments(issueId, userId);
                vm.GroupthinkNotifications = ic.GetGroupthinkNotifications(issueId, userId);
                vm.GroupshiftProperties    = ic.GetGropshiftProperties(issueId);
                if (ic.MarkAsRead(issueId, userId)) //try to makr issue as read for user
                    var ctx2 = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <NotificationHub>();
                    ctx2.Clients.All.updateActivity(issueId, userId);
                vm.UserWithMostChanges = ic.UserWithMostChanges(issueId);
                if (vm.AccessRight == "O") // specific inits for issue owner
                    vm.AllUserChangeCounts     = ic.GetAllChangeCountsByUser(issueId);
                    vm.GroupActivity           = ic.GetGroupActivity(issueId);
                    vm.GroupTrustworthiness    = ic.GetGroupTrustworthiness(issueId);
                    vm.DecisionTrustworthiness = ic.GetDecisionTrustworthiness(issueId);
                else // inits for other users
                    vm.AllUserChangeCounts     = new List <KeyValuePair <UserShortModel, int> >();
                    vm.GroupActivity           = new List <KeyValuePair <string, int> >();
                    vm.GroupTrustworthiness    = new List <string>();
                    vm.DecisionTrustworthiness = new List <string>();
                vm.UserChangesCount  = ic.GetUserChangesCount(issueId, userId);
                vm.InfoCount         = ic.GetInfoCountForUser(issueId, userId);
                vm.ReadInfoCount     = ic.GetReadInfoCountForUser(issueId, userId);
                vm.UnreadInformation = ic.GetUnreadInformation(issueId, userId);
                vm.UserChanges       = ic.GetUserChanges(issueId, userId);
                vm.LastChange        = ic.GetLastChange(issueId);
                vm.Last100Changes    = ic.GetLast100Changes(issueId);
            else // new issue
                vm.Issue                  = new IssueModel();
                vm.Issue.Status           = "CREATING";
                vm.Issue.Setting          = "A";
                vm.Issue.AnonymousPosting = false;
                vm.AccessRights           = new List <AccessRightModel>();
                vm.AccessRights.Add(new AccessRightModel(userId, "Owner", vm.AllUsers.Where(x => x.Id == userId).FirstOrDefault().Name));
                vm.AccessRight             = "O";
                vm.Issue.Id                = -1;
                vm.Comments                = new List <CommentModel>();
                vm.GroupthinkNotifications = new List <NotificationModel>();
                vm.GroupshiftProperties    = new List <KeyValuePair <string, List <string> > >();
                vm.InfoCount               = 0;
                vm.ReadInfoCount           = 0;
                vm.UserChangesCount        = 0;
                vm.UserChanges             = new List <UserChangeModel>();
                vm.UnreadInformation       = new List <KeyValuePair <string, int> >();
                vm.Last100Changes          = new List <UserChangeModel>();
                vm.LastChange              = new UserChangeModel();
                vm.GroupActivity           = new List <KeyValuePair <string, int> >();
                vm.GroupTrustworthiness    = new List <string>();
                vm.DecisionTrustworthiness = new List <string>();
            vm.AllUsers = vm.AllUsers.Where(x => x.Id != userId).ToList();

            UserShortModel rmUser;

            foreach (AccessRightModel arm in vm.AccessRights)
                rmUser = vm.AllUsers.Where(x => x.Id == arm.UserId).FirstOrDefault();
            vm.AllUsers.Insert(0, new UserShortModel(0, "", ""));
