Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes three volume descriptors speciffic to the ISO 9660 Joliet:
        /// 1. Primary volume descriptor;
        /// 2. Suplementary volume descriptor;
        /// 3. Volume descriptor set terminator.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer">A binary writer to write the data.</param>
        /// <param name="volumeName">A normal string representing the desired name of the volume.
        /// (the maximum standard length for this string is 16 for Joliet, so if the name is larger
        /// than 16 characters, it is truncated.)</param>
        /// <param name="root">The root IsoDirectory, representing the root directory for the volume.</param>
        /// <param name="volumeSpaceSize">The ISO total space size IN SECTORS.
        /// (For example, if the ISO space size is 1,427,456 bytes, then the volumeSpaceSize will be 697)</param>
        /// <param name="pathTableSize1">The first path table size (for the primary volume) IN BYTES.</param>
        /// <param name="pathTableSize2">The second path table size (for the suplementary volume) IN BYTES.</param>
        /// <param name="typeLPathTable1">The location (sector) of the first LITTLE ENDIAN path table.</param>
        /// <param name="typeMPathTable1">The location (sector) of the first BIG ENDIAN path table.</param>
        /// <param name="typeLPathTable2">The location (sector) of the second LITTLE ENDIAN path table.</param>
        /// <param name="typeMPathTable2">The location (sector) of the second BIG ENDIAN path table.</param>
        private void WriteVolumeDescriptors(BinaryWriter writer,
                                            string volumeName,
                                            IsoDirectory root,
                                            UInt32 volumeSpaceSize,
                                            UInt32 pathTableSize1, UInt32 pathTableSize2,
                                            UInt32 typeLPathTable1, UInt32 typeMPathTable1,
                                            UInt32 typeLPathTable2, UInt32 typeMPathTable2)
            // Throughout this program I have respected the convention of refering to the root as ".";
            // However, one should not confuse the root with the current directory, also known as "." (along with the parent directory, "..").

            // Primary Volume Descriptor:

            // Create a Directory Record of the root and the volume descriptor.
            DirectoryRecordWrapper  rootRecord       = new DirectoryRecordWrapper(root.Extent1, root.Size1, root.Date, root.IsDirectory, ".");
            VolumeDescriptorWrapper volumeDescriptor = new VolumeDescriptorWrapper(volumeName, volumeSpaceSize, pathTableSize1, typeLPathTable1, typeMPathTable1, rootRecord, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, 8);

            volumeDescriptor.VolumeDescriptorType = VolumeType.Primary;

            // Suplementary volume descriptor:

            rootRecord       = new DirectoryRecordWrapper(root.Extent2, root.Size2, root.Date, root.IsDirectory, ".");
            volumeDescriptor = new VolumeDescriptorWrapper(volumeName, volumeSpaceSize, pathTableSize2, typeLPathTable2, typeMPathTable2, rootRecord, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, 8);
            volumeDescriptor.VolumeDescriptorType = VolumeType.Suplementary;

            // Volume descriptor set terminator:

            volumeDescriptor.VolumeDescriptorType = VolumeType.SetTerminator;
Beispiel #2
        protected override string GenerateCommandLineCommands()
            var xBuilder = new CommandLineBuilder();

            xBuilder.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("-o ", OutputFile);
            xBuilder.AppendSwitch("-b isolinux.bin");
            xBuilder.AppendSwitch("-boot-load-size 4");
            xBuilder.AppendFileNameIfNotNull(IsoDirectory.TrimEnd('\\', '/'));

            Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.High, xBuilder.ToString());

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes an ISO with the contains of the tree given as a parameter.
        /// This is a "virtual" ISO, which means that you will find on it only a directory structure;
        /// files will actually not ocupy any space on it. (For a better picture of what happens here,
        /// run the VirtualIsoCreator form in Forms namespace. There is a demo. Also, if you have CDCat
        /// installed on your PC, you should know by now the effect of the method below. Within CDCat,
        /// this method is used through the ExportIso class in BER.CDCat.Export namespace)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="volume">The directory structure to be turned into an iso.</param>
        /// <param name="writer">A binary writer to write the data.</param>
        private void Tree2Iso(BER.CDCat.Export.TreeNode volume, BinaryWriter writer)
            ArrayList dirList;

            IsoDirectory[] dirArray;

            this.OnProgress("Initializing ISO root directory...", 0, 1);

            IsoDirectory root = new IsoDirectory(volume, 1, "0", Progress);

            // Folder structure and path tables corresponding to the Primary Volume Descriptor:

            this.OnProgress("Preparing first set of directory extents...", 0, 1);

            dirList = new ArrayList();

            // Set all extents corresponding to the primary volume descriptor;
            // Memorize the SORTED directories in the dirList list.
            // The first extent (corresponding to the root) should be at the 19th sector
            // (which is the first available sector: 0-15 are empty and the next 3 (16-18)
            // are occupied by the volume descriptors).
            IsoDirectory.SetExtent1(dirList, 0, 19);


            this.OnProgress("Calculating directory numbers...", 0, 1);

            dirArray = new IsoDirectory[dirList.Count];
            dirList.ToArray().CopyTo(dirArray, 0);                              // Copy to an array the sorted directory list.

            this.SetDirectoryNumbers(dirArray);                                 // Set the directory numbers, used in the path tables.


            this.OnProgress("Preparing first set of path tables...", 0, 2);

            // Create a memory stream where to temporarily save the path tables.
            // (We can't write them directly to the file, because we first have to write - by convention -
            // the directories. For now, we cannot do that, since we don't know the files' extents.
            // Those will be calculated later, when we know the actual size of the path tables, because
            // the files come at the end of the file, after the path tables.)
            // I used this algorihm, although a little backword, since this is the algorithm NERO uses,
            // and I gave them credit for choosing the best one ;)
            MemoryStream memory1       = new MemoryStream();
            BinaryWriter memoryWriter1 = new BinaryWriter(memory1);

            // Calculate the position of the first little endian path table, which comes right after the last directory.
            IsoDirectory lastDir         = dirArray[dirArray.Length - 1];
            UInt32       typeLPathTable1 = lastDir.Extent1 + lastDir.Size1 / IsoAlgorithm.SectorSize;

            this.WritePathTable(memoryWriter1, dirArray, Endian.LittleEndian, VolumeType.Primary);


            // Calculate the position of the first big endian path table.
            UInt32 typeMPathTable1 = typeLPathTable1 + (UInt32)(memory1.Length) / IsoAlgorithm.SectorSize;

            UInt32 pathTableSize1 = (UInt32)this.WritePathTable(memoryWriter1, dirArray, Endian.BigEndian, VolumeType.Primary);


            // end

            // Folder structure and path tables corresponding to the Suplementary Volume Descriptor:

            this.OnProgress("Preparing second set of directory extents...", 0, 1);

            dirList = new ArrayList();

            UInt32 currentExtent = typeLPathTable1 + (UInt32)(memory1.Length) / IsoAlgorithm.SectorSize;

            IsoDirectory.SetExtent2(dirList, 0, currentExtent);

            dirArray = new IsoDirectory[dirList.Count];
            dirList.ToArray().CopyTo(dirArray, 0);


            this.OnProgress("Preparing second set of path tables...", 0, 2);

            MemoryStream memory2       = new MemoryStream();
            BinaryWriter memoryWriter2 = new BinaryWriter(memory2);

            lastDir = dirArray[dirArray.Length - 1];
            UInt32 typeLPathTable2 = lastDir.Extent2 + lastDir.Size2 / IsoAlgorithm.SectorSize;

            this.WritePathTable(memoryWriter2, dirArray, Endian.LittleEndian, VolumeType.Suplementary);


            UInt32 typeMPathTable2 = typeLPathTable2 + (UInt32)(memory2.Length) / IsoAlgorithm.SectorSize;

            UInt32 pathTableSize2 = (UInt32)this.WritePathTable(memoryWriter2, dirArray, Endian.BigEndian, VolumeType.Suplementary);


            // end

            this.OnProgress("Initializing...", 0, 1);

            // Now that we know the extents and sizes of all directories and path tables,
            // all that remains is to calculate files extent. However, this being a virtual ISO,
            // it won't memorize real files, but only images of files, which will apear to have a real size,
            // but in fact, won't occupy any more space. So we will leave all the files' extents null (0).

            // Calculate the total size in sectors of the file to be made.
            UInt32 volumeSpaceSize = 19;

            volumeSpaceSize += root.TotalDirSize;               // This only calculates the size of the directories, without the files.
            volumeSpaceSize += (UInt32)memory1.Length / IsoAlgorithm.SectorSize;
            volumeSpaceSize += (UInt32)memory2.Length / IsoAlgorithm.SectorSize;

            // Prepare the buffers for the path tables.
            byte[] pathTableBuffer1 = memory1.GetBuffer();
            Array.Resize(ref pathTableBuffer1, (int)memory1.Length);

            byte[] pathTableBuffer2 = memory2.GetBuffer();
            Array.Resize(ref pathTableBuffer2, (int)memory2.Length);

            // Close the memory streams.


            // Now all we have to do is to write all information to the ISO:

            this.OnProgress("Writing data to file...", 0, (int)volumeSpaceSize);

            // First, write the 16 empty sectors.

            this.OnProgress((int)(writer.BaseStream.Length / IsoAlgorithm.SectorSize));

            // Write the three volume descriptors.
                writer, volume.Name, root,
                pathTableSize1, pathTableSize2,
                typeLPathTable1, typeMPathTable1,
                typeLPathTable2, typeMPathTable2);

            this.OnProgress((int)(writer.BaseStream.Length / IsoAlgorithm.SectorSize));

            // Write the directories in a manner corresponding to the Primary Volume Descriptor.
            this.WriteDirectories(writer, dirArray, VolumeType.Primary);

            // Write the first two path tables.

            this.OnProgress((int)(writer.BaseStream.Length / IsoAlgorithm.SectorSize));

            // Write the directories in a manner corresponding to the Suplementary Volume Descriptor.
            this.WriteDirectories(writer, dirArray, VolumeType.Suplementary);

            // Write the other two path tables.

            this.OnProgress((int)(writer.BaseStream.Length / IsoAlgorithm.SectorSize));

            // If this were an ISO with real files, this is the part where we would write the files.

            // That's it ;)
		/// <summary>
		/// Writes an ISO with the contains of the tree given as a parameter.
		/// This is a "virtual" ISO, which means that you will find on it only a directory structure;
		/// files will actually not ocupy any space on it. (For a better picture of what happens here,
		/// run the VirtualIsoCreator form in Forms namespace. There is a demo. Also, if you have CDCat 
		/// installed on your PC, you should know by now the effect of the method below. Within CDCat, 
		/// this method is used through the ExportIso class in BER.CDCat.Export namespace)
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="volume">The directory structure to be turned into an iso.</param>
		/// <param name="writer">A binary writer to write the data.</param>
		private void Tree2Iso( BER.CDCat.Export.TreeNode volume, BinaryWriter writer ) {

			ArrayList dirList;
			IsoDirectory[] dirArray;

			this.OnProgress( "Initializing ISO root directory...", 0, 1 );

			IsoDirectory root = new IsoDirectory( volume, 1, "0", Progress );

			// Folder structure and path tables corresponding to the Primary Volume Descriptor:

			this.OnProgress( "Preparing first set of directory extents...", 0, 1 );

			dirList = new ArrayList();
			dirList.Add( root );

			// Set all extents corresponding to the primary volume descriptor;
			// Memorize the SORTED directories in the dirList list.
			// The first extent (corresponding to the root) should be at the 19th sector 
			// (which is the first available sector: 0-15 are empty and the next 3 (16-18) 
			// are occupied by the volume descriptors).
			IsoDirectory.SetExtent1( dirList, 0, 19 );

			this.OnProgress( 1 );

			this.OnProgress( "Calculating directory numbers...", 0, 1 );

			dirArray = new IsoDirectory[dirList.Count];
			dirList.ToArray().CopyTo( dirArray, 0 );		// Copy to an array the sorted directory list.

			this.SetDirectoryNumbers( dirArray );			// Set the directory numbers, used in the path tables.

			this.OnProgress( 1 );

			this.OnProgress( "Preparing first set of path tables...", 0, 2 );

			// Create a memory stream where to temporarily save the path tables. 
			// (We can't write them directly to the file, because we first have to write - by convention - 
			// the directories. For now, we cannot do that, since we don't know the files' extents.
			// Those will be calculated later, when we know the actual size of the path tables, because
			// the files come at the end of the file, after the path tables.)
			// I used this algorihm, although a little backword, since this is the algorithm NERO uses,
			// and I gave them credit for choosing the best one ;)
			MemoryStream memory1 = new MemoryStream();
			BinaryWriter memoryWriter1 = new BinaryWriter( memory1 );

			// Calculate the position of the first little endian path table, which comes right after the last directory.
			IsoDirectory lastDir = dirArray[dirArray.Length-1];
			UInt32 typeLPathTable1 = lastDir.Extent1 + lastDir.Size1/IsoAlgorithm.SectorSize;

			this.WritePathTable( memoryWriter1, dirArray, Endian.LittleEndian, VolumeType.Primary );

			this.OnProgress( 1 );

			// Calculate the position of the first big endian path table.
			UInt32 typeMPathTable1 = typeLPathTable1 + (UInt32)( memory1.Length )/IsoAlgorithm.SectorSize;

			UInt32 pathTableSize1 = (UInt32)this.WritePathTable( memoryWriter1, dirArray, Endian.BigEndian, VolumeType.Primary );

			this.OnProgress( 2 );

			// end

			// Folder structure and path tables corresponding to the Suplementary Volume Descriptor:

			this.OnProgress( "Preparing second set of directory extents...", 0, 1 );

			dirList = new ArrayList();
			dirList.Add( root );

			UInt32 currentExtent = typeLPathTable1 + (UInt32)( memory1.Length )/IsoAlgorithm.SectorSize;

			IsoDirectory.SetExtent2( dirList, 0, currentExtent );

			dirArray = new IsoDirectory[dirList.Count];
			dirList.ToArray().CopyTo( dirArray, 0 );

			this.OnProgress( 1 );

			this.OnProgress( "Preparing second set of path tables...", 0, 2 );

			MemoryStream memory2 = new MemoryStream();
			BinaryWriter memoryWriter2 = new BinaryWriter( memory2 );

			lastDir = dirArray[dirArray.Length-1];
			UInt32 typeLPathTable2 = lastDir.Extent2 + lastDir.Size2/IsoAlgorithm.SectorSize;

			this.WritePathTable( memoryWriter2, dirArray, Endian.LittleEndian, VolumeType.Suplementary );

			this.OnProgress( 1 );

			UInt32 typeMPathTable2 = typeLPathTable2 + (UInt32)( memory2.Length )/IsoAlgorithm.SectorSize;

			UInt32 pathTableSize2 = (UInt32)this.WritePathTable( memoryWriter2, dirArray, Endian.BigEndian, VolumeType.Suplementary );

			this.OnProgress( 2 );

			// end

			this.OnProgress( "Initializing...", 0, 1 );

			// Now that we know the extents and sizes of all directories and path tables, 
			// all that remains is to calculate files extent. However, this being a virtual ISO,
			// it won't memorize real files, but only images of files, which will apear to have a real size,
			// but in fact, won't occupy any more space. So we will leave all the files' extents null (0).

			// Calculate the total size in sectors of the file to be made.
			UInt32 volumeSpaceSize = 19;
			volumeSpaceSize += root.TotalDirSize;	// This only calculates the size of the directories, without the files.
			volumeSpaceSize += (UInt32)memory1.Length / IsoAlgorithm.SectorSize;
			volumeSpaceSize += (UInt32)memory2.Length / IsoAlgorithm.SectorSize;

			// Prepare the buffers for the path tables.
			byte[] pathTableBuffer1 = memory1.GetBuffer();
			Array.Resize( ref pathTableBuffer1, (int)memory1.Length );

			byte[] pathTableBuffer2 = memory2.GetBuffer();
			Array.Resize( ref pathTableBuffer2, (int)memory2.Length );

			// Close the memory streams.

			this.OnProgress( 1 );

			// Now all we have to do is to write all information to the ISO:

			this.OnProgress( "Writing data to file...", 0, (int)volumeSpaceSize );

			// First, write the 16 empty sectors.
			this.WriteFirst16EmptySectors( writer );

			this.OnProgress( (int)(writer.BaseStream.Length/IsoAlgorithm.SectorSize) );

			// Write the three volume descriptors.
				writer, volume.Name, root,
				pathTableSize1, pathTableSize2,
				typeLPathTable1, typeMPathTable1,
				typeLPathTable2, typeMPathTable2 );

			this.OnProgress( (int)( writer.BaseStream.Length/IsoAlgorithm.SectorSize ) );

			// Write the directories in a manner corresponding to the Primary Volume Descriptor.
			this.WriteDirectories( writer, dirArray, VolumeType.Primary );

			// Write the first two path tables.
			writer.Write( pathTableBuffer1 );

			this.OnProgress( (int)( writer.BaseStream.Length/IsoAlgorithm.SectorSize ) );

			// Write the directories in a manner corresponding to the Suplementary Volume Descriptor.
			this.WriteDirectories( writer, dirArray, VolumeType.Suplementary );

			// Write the other two path tables.
			writer.Write( pathTableBuffer2 );

			this.OnProgress( (int)( writer.BaseStream.Length/IsoAlgorithm.SectorSize ) );

			// If this were an ISO with real files, this is the part where we would write the files.

			// That's it ;)
		/// <summary>
		/// Writes a path table corresponding to a given directory structure.
		/// The order of the directories is as following (ISO 9660 standard):
		/// 1. If two directories are on different levels, then the one on the lowest level comes first;
		/// 2. If the directories are on the same level, but have different parents, then they are ordered in the same order as their parents.
		/// 3. If the directories have the same parent, then they are sorted according to their name (lexicographic).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="writer">A binary writer to write the data.</param>
		/// <param name="dirArray">An array of IsoDirectories representing the directory structure.</param>
		/// <param name="endian">The byte order of numbers (little endian or big endian).</param>
		/// <param name="type">The type of writing to be performed:
		/// Primary - corresponding to the Primary Volume Descriptor (DOS Speciffic - 8 letter ASCII upper case names)
		/// Suplementary - corresponding to the Suplementary Volume Descriptor (Windows speciffic - 101 letter Unicode names)</param>
		/// <returns>An integer representing the total number of bytes written.</returns>
		private int WritePathTable( BinaryWriter writer, IsoDirectory[] dirArray, Endian endian, VolumeType type ) {
			if ( dirArray == null ) {
				return 0;

			int bytesWritten = 0;
			for ( int i=0; i<dirArray.Length; i++ ) {
				// The directory list is sorted according to the ISO 9660 standard, so the first one (0) should be the root.
				bytesWritten += dirArray[i].WritePathTable( writer, ( i==0 ), endian, type );

			// A directory must ocupy a number of bytes multiple of 2048 (the sector size).
			writer.Write( new byte[IsoAlgorithm.SectorSize - ( bytesWritten%IsoAlgorithm.SectorSize )] );

			return bytesWritten;
		/// <summary>
		/// Writes the containings of each directory
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="writer">A binary writer to write the data.</param>
		/// <param name="dirArray">An array of IsoDirectories to be written.</param>
		/// <param name="type">The type of writing to be performed:
		/// Primary - corresponding to the Primary Volume Descriptor (DOS Speciffic - 8 letter ASCII upper case names)
		/// Suplementary - corresponding to the Suplementary Volume Descriptor (Windows speciffic - 101 letter Unicode names)</param>
		private void WriteDirectories( BinaryWriter writer, IsoDirectory[] dirArray, VolumeType type ) {
			if ( dirArray == null ) {
			for ( int i=0; i<dirArray.Length; i++ ) {
				dirArray[i].Write(writer, type);
				this.OnProgress( (int)(writer.BaseStream.Length/IsoAlgorithm.SectorSize) );
		/// <summary>
		/// Writes three volume descriptors speciffic to the ISO 9660 Joliet:
		/// 1. Primary volume descriptor;
		/// 2. Suplementary volume descriptor;
		/// 3. Volume descriptor set terminator.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="writer">A binary writer to write the data.</param>
		/// <param name="volumeName">A normal string representing the desired name of the volume. 
		/// (the maximum standard length for this string is 16 for Joliet, so if the name is larger 
		/// than 16 characters, it is truncated.)</param>
		/// <param name="root">The root IsoDirectory, representing the root directory for the volume.</param>
		/// <param name="volumeSpaceSize">The ISO total space size IN SECTORS. 
		/// (For example, if the ISO space size is 1,427,456 bytes, then the volumeSpaceSize will be 697)</param>
		/// <param name="pathTableSize1">The first path table size (for the primary volume) IN BYTES.</param>
		/// <param name="pathTableSize2">The second path table size (for the suplementary volume) IN BYTES.</param>
		/// <param name="typeLPathTable1">The location (sector) of the first LITTLE ENDIAN path table.</param>
		/// <param name="typeMPathTable1">The location (sector) of the first BIG ENDIAN path table.</param>
		/// <param name="typeLPathTable2">The location (sector) of the second LITTLE ENDIAN path table.</param>
		/// <param name="typeMPathTable2">The location (sector) of the second BIG ENDIAN path table.</param>
		private void WriteVolumeDescriptors( BinaryWriter writer,
											 string volumeName,
											 IsoDirectory root,
											 UInt32 volumeSpaceSize,
											 UInt32 pathTableSize1, UInt32 pathTableSize2,
											 UInt32 typeLPathTable1, UInt32 typeMPathTable1,
											 UInt32 typeLPathTable2, UInt32 typeMPathTable2 ) {

			// Throughout this program I have respected the convention of refering to the root as "."; 
			// However, one should not confuse the root with the current directory, also known as "." (along with the parent directory, "..").

			// Primary Volume Descriptor:

			// Create a Directory Record of the root and the volume descriptor.
			DirectoryRecordWrapper rootRecord = new DirectoryRecordWrapper( root.Extent1, root.Size1, root.Date, root.IsDirectory, "." );
			VolumeDescriptorWrapper volumeDescriptor = new VolumeDescriptorWrapper( volumeName, volumeSpaceSize, pathTableSize1, typeLPathTable1, typeMPathTable1, rootRecord, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, 8 );
			volumeDescriptor.VolumeDescriptorType = VolumeType.Primary;
			volumeDescriptor.Write( writer );

			// Suplementary volume descriptor:

			rootRecord = new DirectoryRecordWrapper( root.Extent2, root.Size2, root.Date, root.IsDirectory, "." );
			volumeDescriptor = new VolumeDescriptorWrapper( volumeName, volumeSpaceSize, pathTableSize2, typeLPathTable2, typeMPathTable2, rootRecord, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, 8 );
			volumeDescriptor.VolumeDescriptorType = VolumeType.Suplementary;
			volumeDescriptor.Write( writer );

			// Volume descriptor set terminator:

			volumeDescriptor.VolumeDescriptorType = VolumeType.SetTerminator;
			volumeDescriptor.Write( writer );
		/// <summary>
		/// Sets the directory numbers according to the ISO 9660 standard, so that Path Tables could be built. (root=1, first child=2, etc.)
		/// The order of the directories is as following:
		/// 1. If two directories are on different levels, then the one on the lowest level comes first;
		/// 2. If the directories are on the same level, but have different parents, then they are ordered in the same order as their parents.
		/// 3. If the directories have the same parent, then they are sorted according to their name (lexicographic).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="dirArray">An array of SORTED IsoDirectories according to the ISO 9660 standard.</param>
		private void SetDirectoryNumbers( IsoDirectory[] dirArray ) {
			if ( dirArray == null ) {
			for ( int i=0; i<dirArray.Length; i++ ) {
				( (IsoDirectory)dirArray[i] ).Number = (UInt16)( i+1 );