Beispiel #1
        internal void MiniFilterReplyAndGetNext(SafeFileHandle hDataPort, SafeFileHandle hControlPort)
            if (State != IrpState.CallbackReturned)
                throw new ApplicationException("MiniFilterReplyMessage() Flags!=ContainsIRP");

            ioFlowHeader.Flags |= (IsDataModified ? (uint)HeaderFlags.HeaderFlagIsDataModified : 0);

            // Always restore the copy IOFLOW_HEADER, including FILTER_REPLY_HEADER.Status field.
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BackupHeaderBuffer, 0, Data, 0, (int)IOFLOW_HEADER.SIZEOF_IOFLOW_HEADER);

            // FltMgr reply message handler copies user reply buffer into a kernel-mode buffer.
            // The IoFlow driver needs to see the IOFLOW_HEADER, but only cause a buffer copy
            // of the data if the user modified the data.
            uint replyDataLength = IOFLOW_HEADER.SIZEOF_IOFLOW_HEADER;

            if (IsDataModified)
                replyDataLength += DataLength;

            // The call to CompleteMiniFilterGetMessage() is async and its completion handler
            // CompleteMiniFilterGetMessage() can get entered on another IOCP thread before
            // the call to FilterReplyAndGetNext() has returned on this thread. Therefore
            // set the IRP state to a post FilterReplyAndGetNext() state *before* the call.
            State = IrpState.GetMessageK2U;

            uint HResult = FilterReplyAndGetNext(hDataPort,
                                                 lpMessageBuffer,   // PFILTER_REPLY_HEADER lpReplyBuffer
                                                 replyDataLength,   // valid data is at start of static buffer.
                                                 lpMessageBuffer,   // PFILTER_MESSAGE_HEADER lpMessageBuffer
                                                 (uint)Data.Length, // DWORD dwMessageBufferSize
                                                 addrOverlapped);   // LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped

            if (HResult != HRESULT_ERROR_IO_PENDING)
                int    rc  = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                string msg = string.Format("FilterReplyAndGetNext != ERROR_IO_PENDING {0} HRESULT {1:X8}",
                                           rc.ToString(), HResult);
                if (HResult == 0x80070057)
                    Console.WriteLine("Check that FltLibIoFlow.dll and ioflow.sys ioctl same build.");
Beispiel #2
        internal void CompleteMiniFilterGetMessage()
            if (State != IrpState.GetMessageK2U)
                string msg = string.Format("CompleteGetMsg() err Flags {0} expected RxRunning", State.ToString());
                throw new ApplicationException(msg);

            // Expose *copy* IOFLOW_HEADER to caller. This limits confusion when user
            // has damaged the header by writing below DataBuffer[SIZEOF_IOFLOW_HEADER].
            Buffer.BlockCopy(Data, 0, BackupHeaderBuffer, 0, (int)IOFLOW_HEADER.SIZEOF_IOFLOW_HEADER);

            State          = IrpState.CallbackRunning;
            IsDataModified = false;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hDataPort"></param>
        internal void MiniFilterReplyMessage(SafeFileHandle hDataPort, SafeFileHandle hControlPort)
            if (State != IrpState.CallbackReturned)
                throw new ApplicationException("MiniFilterReplyMessage() Flags!=ContainsIRP");

            State = IrpState.ReplyMessageU2K;

            ioFlowHeader.Flags |= (IsDataModified ? (uint)HeaderFlags.HeaderFlagIsDataModified : 0);

            // Always restore the copy IOFLOW_HEADER, including FILTER_REPLY_HEADER.Status field.
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BackupHeaderBuffer, 0, Data, 0, (int)IOFLOW_HEADER.SIZEOF_IOFLOW_HEADER);

            // FltMgr reply message handler copies user reply buffer into a kernel-mode buffer.
            // The IoFlow driver needs to see the IOFLOW_HEADER, but only cause a buffer copy
            // of the data if the user modified the data.
            uint replyDataLength = IOFLOW_HEADER.SIZEOF_IOFLOW_HEADER;

            if (IsDataModified)
                replyDataLength += DataLength;

            uint HResult = FilterReplyMessage(hDataPort,         // HANDLE hPort - opened with
                                              lpMessageBuffer,   // PFILTER_REPLY_HEADER lpReplyBuffer
                                              replyDataLength);  // valid data is at start of static buffer.

            if (HResult != S_OK)
                int    rc  = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                string msg = string.Format("MiniFilterReplyMessage != S_OK {0} hr 0x{1:X8}",
                                           rc.ToString(), HResult);

            State = IrpState.Free;
Beispiel #4
        internal void StartMiniFilterGetMessage()
            if (State != IrpState.Free)
                throw new ApplicationException("StartMiniFilterGetMessage() Flags!=Free");
            State = IrpState.GetMessageK2U;

            uint HResult = FilterGetMessage(hPort,              // HANDLE hPort
                                            lpMessageBuffer,    // PFILTER_MESSAGE_HEADER lpMessageBuffer
                                            (uint)Data.Length,  // DWORD dwMessageBufferSize
                                            addrOverlapped);    // LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped

            if (HResult != HRESULT_ERROR_IO_PENDING)
                int    rc  = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                string msg = string.Format("StartMiniFilterGetMessage != ERROR_IO_PENDING {0} HRESULT {1:X8}",
                                           rc.ToString(), HResult);
Beispiel #5
        internal void StartMiniFilterGetMessage()
            if (State != IrpState.Free)
                throw new ApplicationException("StartMiniFilterGetMessage() Flags!=Free");
            State = IrpState.GetMessageK2U;

            uint HResult = FilterGetMessage(hPort,              // HANDLE hPort
                                            lpMessageBuffer,    // PFILTER_MESSAGE_HEADER lpMessageBuffer
                                            (uint)Data.Length,  // DWORD dwMessageBufferSize
                                            addrOverlapped);    // LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped
            if (HResult != HRESULT_ERROR_IO_PENDING)
                int rc = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                string msg = string.Format("StartMiniFilterGetMessage != ERROR_IO_PENDING {0} HRESULT {1:X8}",
                                           rc.ToString(), HResult);
Beispiel #6
 internal void SetStateCallbackReturned()
     State = IrpState.CallbackReturned;
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hDataPort"></param>
        internal void MiniFilterReplyMessage(SafeFileHandle hDataPort, SafeFileHandle hControlPort)
            if (State != IrpState.CallbackReturned)
                throw new ApplicationException("MiniFilterReplyMessage() Flags!=ContainsIRP");

            State = IrpState.ReplyMessageU2K;

            ioFlowHeader.Flags |= (IsDataModified ? (uint)HeaderFlags.HeaderFlagIsDataModified : 0);

            // Always restore the copy IOFLOW_HEADER, including FILTER_REPLY_HEADER.Status field.
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BackupHeaderBuffer, 0, Data, 0, (int)IOFLOW_HEADER.SIZEOF_IOFLOW_HEADER);

            // FltMgr reply message handler copies user reply buffer into a kernel-mode buffer.
            // The IoFlow driver needs to see the IOFLOW_HEADER, but only cause a buffer copy
            // of the data if the user modified the data.
            uint replyDataLength = IOFLOW_HEADER.SIZEOF_IOFLOW_HEADER;
            if (IsDataModified)
                replyDataLength += DataLength;

            uint HResult = FilterReplyMessage(hDataPort,         // HANDLE hPort - opened with
                                              lpMessageBuffer,   // PFILTER_REPLY_HEADER lpReplyBuffer
                                              replyDataLength);  // valid data is at start of static buffer.

            if (HResult != S_OK)
                int rc = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                string msg = string.Format("MiniFilterReplyMessage != S_OK {0} hr 0x{1:X8}",
                                           rc.ToString(), HResult);

            State = IrpState.Free;
Beispiel #8
        internal void MiniFilterReplyAndGetNext(SafeFileHandle hDataPort, SafeFileHandle hControlPort)
            if (State != IrpState.CallbackReturned)
                throw new ApplicationException("MiniFilterReplyMessage() Flags!=ContainsIRP");

            ioFlowHeader.Flags |= (IsDataModified ? (uint)HeaderFlags.HeaderFlagIsDataModified : 0);

            // Always restore the copy IOFLOW_HEADER, including FILTER_REPLY_HEADER.Status field.
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BackupHeaderBuffer, 0, Data, 0, (int)IOFLOW_HEADER.SIZEOF_IOFLOW_HEADER);

            // FltMgr reply message handler copies user reply buffer into a kernel-mode buffer.
            // The IoFlow driver needs to see the IOFLOW_HEADER, but only cause a buffer copy
            // of the data if the user modified the data.
            uint replyDataLength = IOFLOW_HEADER.SIZEOF_IOFLOW_HEADER;
            if (IsDataModified)
                replyDataLength += DataLength;

            // The call to CompleteMiniFilterGetMessage() is async and its completion handler
            // CompleteMiniFilterGetMessage() can get entered on another IOCP thread before
            // the call to FilterReplyAndGetNext() has returned on this thread. Therefore
            // set the IRP state to a post FilterReplyAndGetNext() state *before* the call.
            State = IrpState.GetMessageK2U;

            uint HResult = FilterReplyAndGetNext(hDataPort,
                                                 lpMessageBuffer,   // PFILTER_REPLY_HEADER lpReplyBuffer
                                                 replyDataLength,   // valid data is at start of static buffer.
                                                 lpMessageBuffer,   // PFILTER_MESSAGE_HEADER lpMessageBuffer
                                                 (uint)Data.Length, // DWORD dwMessageBufferSize
                                                 addrOverlapped);   // LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped

            if (HResult != HRESULT_ERROR_IO_PENDING)
                int rc = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                string msg = string.Format("FilterReplyAndGetNext != ERROR_IO_PENDING {0} HRESULT {1:X8}",
                                           rc.ToString(), HResult);
                if (HResult == 0x80070057)
                    Console.WriteLine("Check that FltLibIoFlow.dll and ioflow.sys ioctl same build.");
Beispiel #9
        internal void CompleteMiniFilterGetMessage()
            if (State != IrpState.GetMessageK2U)
                string msg = string.Format("CompleteGetMsg() err Flags {0} expected RxRunning", State.ToString());
                throw new ApplicationException(msg);

            // Expose *copy* IOFLOW_HEADER to caller. This limits confusion when user
            // has damaged the header by writing below DataBuffer[SIZEOF_IOFLOW_HEADER].
            Buffer.BlockCopy(Data, 0, BackupHeaderBuffer, 0, (int)IOFLOW_HEADER.SIZEOF_IOFLOW_HEADER);

            State = IrpState.CallbackRunning;
            IsDataModified = false;
Beispiel #10
 internal void SetStateCallbackReturned()
     State = IrpState.CallbackReturned;