public static VertexPosNormTex Convert(IPVertexStruct *pVertex) { var pTexCoords = Irit.AttrGetUVAttrib(pVertex->Attr, IritStrings.uvvals); return(new VertexPosNormTex( Convert(&pVertex->Coord), -Convert(&pVertex->Normal), pTexCoords != (void *)0 ? *(Vector2 *)pTexCoords : Vector2.Zero)); }
private IAsset BuildAsset(AssetLoadInfo loadInfo) { // todo: load from memory /* Get the data files: */ Irit.IPSetFlattenObjects(0); var pFileName = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(loadInfo.LoadPath); var pObjects = Irit.IPGetDataFiles((byte **)&pFileName, 1, TRUE, FALSE); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pFileName); if (pObjects == NULL) { throw new Exception($"Failed to load '{loadInfo.LoadPath}' as an ITD model."); } pObjects = Irit.IPResolveInstances(pObjects); var viewMat = new IrtHmgnMatType {
private static AssetLoadResultByLoader Load(AssetLoadInfo loadInfo, void *dicomManager) { int width, height, depth; CheckSuccess(DicomProject.AnalyzerGetDimensions(dicomManager, 1, &width, &height, &depth)); var lowerBuffer = new byte[width * height]; var higherBuffer = new byte[width * height]; var vertexList = new List <VertexPosNormTex>(); fixed(byte *pBuffer = higherBuffer) { int bufferSize = higherBuffer.Length; int bytesWritten; CheckSuccess(DicomProject.AnalyzerGetMonochromePixelDataBufferOfSlice(dicomManager, 1, pBuffer, &bufferSize, &bytesWritten)); } for (int z = 1; z < depth; z++) { CodingHelper.Swap(ref lowerBuffer, ref higherBuffer); fixed(byte *pBuffer = higherBuffer) { int bufferSize = higherBuffer.Length; int bytesWritten; CheckSuccess(DicomProject.AnalyzerGetMonochromePixelDataBufferOfSlice(dicomManager, z + 1, pBuffer, &bufferSize, &bytesWritten)); } for (int y = 0; y < height - 1; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width - 1; x++) { var vx = (100f / width) * x - 50f; var vy = (100f / height) * y - 50f; var vz = (100f / depth) * z - 50f; var yStride = width; var mcCube = new MCCubeCornerScalarStruct { CubeDim = new IrtPtType(100.0 / width, 100.0 / height, 100.0 / depth), Vrtx0Lctn = new IrtPtType(vx, vy, vz) }; mcCube.Corners[0] = UNormToDouble(lowerBuffer[yStride * y + x]); mcCube.Corners[1] = UNormToDouble(lowerBuffer[yStride * y + (x + 1)]); mcCube.Corners[2] = UNormToDouble(lowerBuffer[yStride * (y + 1) + (x + 1)]); mcCube.Corners[3] = UNormToDouble(lowerBuffer[yStride * (y + 1) + x]); mcCube.Corners[4] = UNormToDouble(higherBuffer[yStride * y + x]); mcCube.Corners[5] = UNormToDouble(higherBuffer[yStride * y + (x + 1)]); mcCube.Corners[6] = UNormToDouble(higherBuffer[yStride * (y + 1) + (x + 1)]); mcCube.Corners[7] = UNormToDouble(higherBuffer[yStride * (y + 1) + x]); // todo: use ref instead EstimateGradient(&mcCube); var MCPolys = Irit.MCThresholdCube(&mcCube, 0.5); while (MCPolys != null) { var texCoord = new Vector2((float)x / width, (float)z / depth); var vertex0 = MCPolys->GetClarityVertex(0, texCoord); var vertexCurr = MCPolys->GetClarityVertex(1, texCoord); for (var i = 2; i < MCPolys->NumOfVertices; i++) { var vertexPrev = vertexCurr; vertexCurr = MCPolys->GetClarityVertex(i, texCoord); vertexList.Add(vertex0); vertexList.Add(vertexPrev); vertexList.Add(vertexCurr); } //Irit.IritFree(MCPolys); MCPolys = MCPolys->Pnext; } } } } var pack = new ResourcePack(ResourceVolatility.Immutable); var rawVerticesData = new RawDataResource(ResourceVolatility.Immutable, vertexList.Count * sizeof(VertexPosNormTex)); pack.AddSubresource("VertexData", rawVerticesData); var pRawData = (VertexPosNormTex *)rawVerticesData.Map(); for (int i = 0; i < vertexList.Count; i++) { pRawData[i] = vertexList[i]; } rawVerticesData.Unmap(true); var vertexSet = new FlexibleModelVertexSet(ResourceVolatility.Immutable, new[] { new RawDataResSubrange(rawVerticesData, 0) }, VertexPosNormTex.GetElementsInfos(0), null); pack.AddSubresource("ModelVertexSet", vertexSet); var modelPart = new FlexibleModelPart { IndexCount = vertexList.Count, PrimitiveTopology = FlexibleModelPrimitiveTopology.TriangleList, VertexSetIndex = 0 }; var model = new FlexibleModel(ResourceVolatility.Immutable, new[] { vertexSet }, new[] { modelPart }, new Sphere(Vector3.Zero, 50)); pack.AddSubresource("Model", model); pack.MainSubresource = model; CheckSuccess(DicomProject.AnalyzerKillDicomAnalyzer(&dicomManager)); // todo: calculate hash honestly var hash = AssetHashMd5.Random(new Random()); var fileName = Path.GetFileName(loadInfo.LoadPath); var asset = new Asset(loadInfo.AssetName, pack, AssetStorageType.ReferenceOriginal, hash, loadInfo.ReferencePath, fileName); return(AssetLoadResultByLoader.Success(asset)); }