public void Suspend()
            var dir   = Get("Suspend");
            var args  = Preset.Extract.ToArguments().Concat(GetSource("SampleHeavy.7z"));
            var value = new ExtractSetting
                SaveLocation  = SaveLocation.Preset,
                SaveDirectory = dir,

            using (var vm = NewVM(args, value))
                Assert.That(Wait.For(() => vm.State == TimerState.Run), $"1.{vm.State}");
                Assert.That(Wait.For(() => vm.State == TimerState.Suspend), $"2.{vm.State}");
                Assert.That(Wait.For(() => vm.State == TimerState.Run), $"3.{vm.State}");

            var dest = Io.Combine(dir, "SampleHeavy");

            Assert.That(Io.Exists(dest), dest);
        /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
        /// SevenZipLibrary
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the SevenZipLibrary class.
        /// </summary>
        /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
        public SevenZipLibrary()
            var dll = Io.Combine(GetType().Assembly.GetDirectoryName(), "7z.dll");

            _handle = Kernel32.NativeMethods.LoadLibrary(dll);
            if (_handle.IsInvalid)
                throw new Win32Exception("LoadLibrary");
Beispiel #3
        /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
        /// GetEntity
        /// <summary>
        /// Invokes the conversion.
        /// </summary>
        /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
        private Entity GetEntity()
            var src  = Io.Get(_source);
            var tmp  = Io.Get(src.BaseName);
            var name = src.IsDirectory ? src.Name :
                       tmp.Extension.FuzzyEquals(".tar") ? tmp.BaseName :
            var dest = Io.Combine(src.DirectoryName, $"{name}{GetExtension()}");

Beispiel #4
        /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
        /// CreateDirectory
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the directory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">Information of the archived item.</param>
        /// <param name="root">Path of the root directory.</param>
        /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
        public static void CreateDirectory(this ArchiveEntity src, string root)
            if (!src.IsDirectory)
            var path = Io.Combine(root, src.FullName);

            SetAttributes(src, root);
        /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
        /// SettingFolder
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the SettingFolder with the
        /// specified parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assembly">Assembly information.</param>
        /// <param name="format">Serialized format.</param>
        /// <param name="location">Location for the settings.</param>
        /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
        public SettingFolder(Assembly assembly, DataContract.Format format, string location) :
            base(format, location, assembly.GetSoftwareVersion())
            AutoSave = false;

            var exe = Io.Combine(assembly.GetDirectoryName(), "CubeChecker.exe");

            Startup = new("cubeice-checker") { Source = exe };
Beispiel #6
        public void Error_Permission()
            var dest   = Get(nameof(Error_Permission));
            var locked = Io.Combine(dest, @"Sample\Foo.txt");

            Io.Copy(GetSource("Sample.txt"), locked, true);

            using var ss      = Io.Open(locked);
            using var archive = new ArchiveReader(GetSource(""), "");

            Assert.That(() => archive.Save(dest), Throws.TypeOf <System.IO.IOException>());
Beispiel #7
        /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
        /// SetAttributes
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets attributes, creation time, last written time, and last
        /// accessed time to the extracted file or directory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">Information of the archived item.</param>
        /// <param name="root">Path of the root directory.</param>
        /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
        public static void SetAttributes(this ArchiveEntity src, string root)
            var path = Io.Combine(root, src.FullName);

            if (!Io.Exists(path))

            SetCreationTime(src, path);
            SetLastWriteTime(src, path);
            SetLastAccessTime(src, path);
            Io.SetAttributes(path, src.Attributes);
Beispiel #8
        public void Error_MultiVolume()
            var dest = Get(nameof(Error_MultiVolume));

            for (var i = 1; i < 4; ++i)
                var name = $"SampleVolume.rar.{i:000}";
                Io.Copy(GetSource(name), Io.Combine(dest, name), true);

            var src = Io.Combine(dest, "SampleVolume.rar.001");

            using var archive = new ArchiveReader(src);

            Assert.That(() => archive.Save(dest), Throws.TypeOf <System.IO.IOException>());
        public void CancelOverwrite()
            var dummy = GetSource("Sample.txt");
            var size  = Io.Get(dummy).Length;
            var dest  = Get("CancelOverwrite");
            var args  = Preset.Extract.ToArguments().Concat(GetSource(""));
            var value = new ExtractSetting
                SaveLocation  = SaveLocation.Preset,
                SaveDirectory = dest,

            Io.Copy(dummy, Io.Combine(dest, "Foo.txt"), true);
            using var vm = NewVM(args, value);
            using (vm.SetOverwrite(OverwriteMethod.Cancel)) vm.Test();
            Assert.That(Io.Get(Io.Combine(dest, "Foo.txt")).Length, Is.EqualTo(size));
Beispiel #10
        public void Overwrite()
            var dir   = Get("Overwrite");
            var src   = new[] { GetSource("Sample.txt") };
            var dest  = Io.Combine(dir, "");
            var args  = Preset.Compress.ToArguments().Concat(src);
            var value = new CompressSetting
                SaveLocation = SaveLocation.Query,
                OpenMethod   = OpenMethod.None,

            Io.Copy(GetSource(""), dest, true);
            using var vm = NewVM(args, value);
            using (vm.SetDestination(dest)) vm.Test();
            Assert.That(Io.Exists(dest), Is.True, dest);
Beispiel #11
        public void CancelPassword()
            var dir   = Get("CancelPassword");
            var src   = new[] { GetSource("Sample.txt") };
            var dest  = Io.Combine(dir, "");
            var args  = Preset.CompressZipPassword.ToArguments().Concat(src);
            var value = new CompressSetting
                SaveLocation  = SaveLocation.Preset,
                SaveDirectory = dir,
                OpenMethod    = OpenMethod.None,

            using var vm = NewVM(args, value);
            using (vm.SetDestination(dest)) vm.Test();
            Assert.That(Io.Exists(dest), Is.False, dest);
Beispiel #12
        /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
        /// Move
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves from the temporary directory to the provided directory.
        /// </summary>
        /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
        private void Move(Entity item)
            if (!item.FullName.HasValue())

            var src = Io.Get(Io.Combine(Temp, item.FullName));

            if (!src.Exists)

            var dest = Io.Get(Io.Combine(Destination, item.FullName));

            src.Move(dest, Overwrite);
        public void DeleteSource()
            var src   = Get("");
            var dest  = Get("DeleteSource");
            var args  = Preset.Extract.ToArguments().Concat(src);
            var value = new ExtractSetting
                SaveLocation  = SaveLocation.Preset,
                SaveDirectory = dest,
                DeleteSource  = true,

            Io.Copy(GetSource(""), src, true);
            Assert.That(Io.Exists(src), Is.True);
            using var vm = NewVM(args, value);
            Assert.That(Io.Exists(src), Is.False);
            Assert.That(Io.Exists(Io.Combine(dest, "Complex")), Is.True);
Beispiel #14
        public void WithFilter()
            var src   = GetSource("");
            var dest  = Get(nameof(WithFilter));
            var files = new[] { ".DS_Store", "Thumbs.db", "__MACOSX", "desktop.ini" };
            var opts  = new ArchiveOption {
                Filter = Filter.From(files)

            using (var archive = new ArchiveReader(src, opts)) archive.Save(dest);

            Assert.That(Io.Exists(Io.Combine(dest, @"フィルタリング テスト用")), Is.True);
            Assert.That(Io.Exists(Io.Combine(dest, @"フィルタリング テスト用\.DS_Store")), Is.False);
            Assert.That(Io.Exists(Io.Combine(dest, @"フィルタリング テスト用\desktop.ini")), Is.False);
            Assert.That(Io.Exists(Io.Combine(dest, @"フィルタリング テスト用\DS_Store.txt")), Is.True);
            Assert.That(Io.Exists(Io.Combine(dest, @"フィルタリング テスト用\Thumbs.db")), Is.False);
            Assert.That(Io.Exists(Io.Combine(dest, @"フィルタリング テスト用\__MACOSX")), Is.False);
            Assert.That(Io.Exists(Io.Combine(dest, @"フィルタリング テスト用\フィルタリングされないファイル.txt")), Is.True);
        public void Rename()
            var dummy = GetSource("Sample.txt");
            var dest  = Get(@"Rename");
            var args  = Preset.Extract.ToArguments().Concat(GetSource(""));
            var value = new ExtractSetting
                SaveLocation  = SaveLocation.Preset,
                SaveDirectory = dest,

            Io.Copy(dummy, Io.Combine(dest, @"Complex.1.0.0\Foo.txt"), true);
            Io.Copy(dummy, Io.Combine(dest, @"Complex.1.0.0\Directory\Empty.txt"), true);

            using var vm = NewVM(args, value);
            using (vm.SetOverwrite(OverwriteMethod.Rename)) vm.Test();

            Assert.That(Io.Exists(Io.Combine(dest, @"Complex.1.0.0\Foo(1).txt")), Is.True);
            Assert.That(Io.Exists(Io.Combine(dest, @"Complex.1.0.0\Directory\Empty(1).txt")), Is.True);
Beispiel #16
        /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
        /// Invoke
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts an archive item of the specified index.
        /// </summary>
        /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
        private void Invoke(ArchiveReader src, int index, ExtractDirectory dir)
            GetType().LogDebug($"Format:{src.Format}", $"Source:{src.Source}");
            SetDestination(src, dir);

            var item = src.Items[index];

            Retry(() => src.Save(Temp, item, GetProgress()));

            var dest = Io.Combine(Temp, item.FullName);

            if (Formatter.FromFile(dest) != Format.Tar)
                using var e = new ArchiveReader(dest, Password, src.Options);
                Invoke(e, dir);
Beispiel #17
        public void MoveFailed()
            var dir   = Get("MoveFailed");
            var src   = new[] { GetSource("Sample.txt") };
            var dest  = Io.Combine(dir, "");
            var args  = Preset.CompressZip.ToArguments().Concat(new[] { "/o:runtime" }).Concat(src);
            var value = new CompressSetting
                SaveLocation  = SaveLocation.Preset,
                SaveDirectory = dir,
                OpenMethod    = OpenMethod.None,

            Io.Copy(GetSource(""), dest, true);
            using var vm = NewVM(args, value);
            using (Io.Open(dest))
                using (vm.SetDestination(dest))
        /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
        /// Invoke
        /// <summary>
        /// Invokes the file association.
        /// </summary>
        /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
        public static void Invoke(AssociateSetting src) => typeof(AssociateAction).LogWarn(() =>
            if (!src.Changed)

            var dir = typeof(AssociateAction).Assembly.GetDirectoryName();
            var exe = Io.Combine(dir, Properties.Resources.FileAssociate);

            if (Io.Exists(exe))
                typeof(AssociateAction).LogWarn($"{exe} not found");

            src.Changed = false;
Beispiel #19
        /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
        /// Select
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the directory to save the compressed archive file.
        /// The method may query the user as needed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">Source object.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">Runtime compress settings.</param>
        /// <returns>Path to save.</returns>
        /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
        public static string Select(this CompressFacade src, CompressRuntimeSetting settings)
            if (settings.Destination.HasValue())

            var ss  = src.Settings.Value.Compress;
            var cvt = new ArchiveName(src.Request.Sources.First(), src.Request.Format);
            var obj = new SaveQueryProxy(src.Select, cvt.Value.FullName, src.Request, ss)
                Format = cvt.Format,

            if (obj.Location == SaveLocation.Query)

            var dest = Io.Combine(obj.Value, cvt.Value.Name);

            return(Io.Exists(dest) && ss.OverwritePrompt ? obj.Invoke() : dest);
 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /// CompressRuntime
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the CompressRuntime class with
 /// the specified arguments.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="format">Archive format.</param>
 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
 public CompressRuntimeSetting(Format format)
     Format = format;
     Sfx    = Io.Combine(GetType().Assembly.GetDirectoryName(), Formatter.SfxName);
Beispiel #21
        /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
        /// GetPath
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the absolute path of the specified filename.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">Source type.</param>
        /// <param name="filename">Filename or relative path.</param>
        /// <returns>Absolute path.</returns>
        /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
        public static string GetPath(this Type src, string filename)
            var root = src.Assembly.GetDirectoryName();

            return(Io.Combine(root, "Results", src.FullName, filename));
Beispiel #22
 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /// GetValueToOpen
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the directory path to open.
 /// </summary>
 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
 private string GetValueToOpen(string src, IEnumerable <string> hints) =>
 hints.Take(2).Count() == 1 && hints.First() != WildCard?
 Io.Combine(src, hints.First()) :