//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldRunChecksInSingleThreadedPass() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void ShouldRunChecksInSingleThreadedPass()
            // given
            StoreAccess  store       = fixture.directStoreAccess().nativeStores();
            int          threads     = defaultConsistencyCheckThreadsNumber();
            CacheAccess  cacheAccess = new DefaultCacheAccess(new DefaultCounts(threads), threads);
            RecordAccess access      = FullCheck.RecordAccess(store, cacheAccess);

            FullCheck singlePass = new FullCheck(TuningConfiguration, ProgressMonitorFactory.NONE, Statistics.NONE, threads, true);

            ConsistencySummaryStatistics singlePassSummary = new ConsistencySummaryStatistics();
            InconsistencyLogger          logger            = mock(typeof(InconsistencyLogger));
            InvocationLog singlePassChecks = new InvocationLog();

            // when
            singlePass.Execute(fixture.directStoreAccess(), new LogDecorator(singlePassChecks), access, new InconsistencyReport(logger, singlePassSummary), cacheAccess, NO_MONITOR);

            // then
            assertEquals("Expected no inconsistencies in single pass.", 0, singlePassSummary.TotalInconsistencyCount);
 internal ComparativeLogging(RecordAccess access, InvocationLog log)
     this.Access = access;
     this.Log    = log;
 internal ReporterSpy(RecordReference <T> reference, PendingReferenceCheck <T> reporter, InvocationLog log)
     this.Reference = reference;
     this.Reporter  = reporter;
     this.Log       = log;
 internal LoggingReference(RecordReference <T> reference, InvocationLog log)
     this.Reference = reference;
     this.Log       = log;
 internal LoggingChecker(RecordCheck <REC, REP> checker, InvocationLog log)
     this.Checker = checker;
     this.Log     = log;
 internal LogDecorator(InvocationLog log)
     this.Log = log;