Beispiel #1
        private void InitializeLayout()
            ResizeIteration = 0;
            int PreviousWidth  = -1;
            int PreviousHeight = -1;

            bool AttemptResize;


                int SidebarWidth  = 0;
                int SidebarHeight = 0;
                if (IsLeftSidebarVisible || IsRightSidebarVisible)
                    SidebarWidth = ButtonSize + ButtonLeftTopMargin * 2;

                    int LeftButtons  = LeftSidebarButtonBounds.Count();
                    int LeftHeight   = InventoryMargin + ButtonLeftTopMargin + LeftButtons * ButtonSize + (LeftButtons - 1) * ButtonBottomMargin + ButtonLeftTopMargin + InventoryMargin;
                    int RightButtons = RightSidebarButtonBounds.Count();
                    int RightHeight  = InventoryMargin + ButtonLeftTopMargin + RightButtons * ButtonSize + (RightButtons - 1) * ButtonBottomMargin + ButtonLeftTopMargin + InventoryMargin;
                    SidebarHeight = Math.Max(IsLeftSidebarVisible ? LeftHeight : 0, IsRightSidebarVisible ? RightHeight : 0);


                //  Compute size of menu
                int InventoryWidth = InventoryMenu.RelativeBounds.Width + InventoryMargin * 2 + SidebarWidth * 2;
                int ContentsWidth  = Content.RelativeBounds.Width + ContentsMargin * 2;
                width = Math.Max(InventoryWidth, ContentsWidth);
                bool IsWidthBoundToContents = ContentsWidth > InventoryWidth;
                height            = Math.Max(InventoryMenu.RelativeBounds.Height + InventoryMargin * 2, SidebarHeight) + Math.Max(Content.RelativeBounds.Height + ContentsMargin * 2, 0);
                xPositionOnScreen = (int)((Game1.viewport.Size.Width * DrawingScaleFactor - width) / 2);
                yPositionOnScreen = (int)((Game1.viewport.Size.Height * DrawingScaleFactor - height) / 2);

                //  Check if menu fits on screen
                bool IsMenuTooWide = width > Game1.viewport.Size.Width * DrawingScaleFactor;
                bool IsMenuTooTall = height > Game1.viewport.Size.Height * DrawingScaleFactor;
                bool FitsOnScreen  = !IsMenuTooWide && !IsMenuTooTall;
                bool DidSizeChange = width != PreviousWidth || height != PreviousHeight;
                PreviousWidth  = width;
                PreviousHeight = height;

                AttemptResize = !FitsOnScreen && ResizeIteration < 5 && Content.CanResize && DidSizeChange && (IsWidthBoundToContents || IsMenuTooTall);
            } while (AttemptResize);

            //  Set position of inventory and contents
            InventoryMenu.SetTopLeft(new Point(
                                         xPositionOnScreen + (width - InventoryMenu.RelativeBounds.Width) / 2,
                                         yPositionOnScreen + Content.RelativeBounds.Height + ContentsMargin * 2 + InventoryMargin)
            Content.SetTopLeft(new Point(
                                   xPositionOnScreen + (width - Content.RelativeBounds.Width) / 2,
                                   //BagInfo.Bounds.Right - ContentsMargin + (width - BagInfo.Bounds.Width - ContentsMargin - GetRelativeContentBounds().Width) / 2,
                                   yPositionOnScreen + ContentsMargin));

            //  Set bounds of sidebar buttons
            if (IsLeftSidebarVisible)
                DepositAllBounds  = new Rectangle(xPositionOnScreen + ContentsMargin + ButtonLeftTopMargin, InventoryMenu.Bounds.Top + ButtonLeftTopMargin, ButtonSize, ButtonSize);
                WithdrawAllBounds = new Rectangle(xPositionOnScreen + ContentsMargin + ButtonLeftTopMargin, InventoryMenu.Bounds.Top + ButtonLeftTopMargin + ButtonSize + ButtonBottomMargin, ButtonSize, ButtonSize);
                AutolootBounds    = new Rectangle(xPositionOnScreen + ContentsMargin + ButtonLeftTopMargin, InventoryMenu.Bounds.Top + ButtonLeftTopMargin + ButtonSize * 2 + ButtonBottomMargin * 2, ButtonSize, ButtonSize);
            if (IsRightSidebarVisible)
                HelpInfoBounds      = new Rectangle(xPositionOnScreen + width - ContentsMargin - ButtonLeftTopMargin - ButtonSize, InventoryMenu.Bounds.Top + ButtonLeftTopMargin, ButtonSize, ButtonSize);
                CustomizeIconBounds = new Rectangle(xPositionOnScreen + width - ContentsMargin - ButtonLeftTopMargin - ButtonSize, InventoryMenu.Bounds.Top + ButtonLeftTopMargin + ButtonSize + ButtonBottomMargin, ButtonSize, ButtonSize);

            //  Set bounds of close button
            Point CloseButtonOffset = Constants.TargetPlatform == GamePlatform.Android ? new Point(24, -24) : new Point(16, -16);

            upperRightCloseButton.bounds.X = xPositionOnScreen + width - upperRightCloseButton.bounds.Width + CloseButtonOffset.X;
            upperRightCloseButton.bounds.Y = yPositionOnScreen + CloseButtonOffset.Y;