Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 // An experimental feature in the case that you really want the audio to start in an instant you call Play.
 // By normally using Play and Stop it loads the audio the moment you called Play. It will introduces a
 // small delay in the case of a large audio file.
 // But by using this before actually calling Play it will be instant. However be aware that RAM is managed less efficiently in the following case.
 // Normally Introloop immediately unloads the previous track to minimize memory, but if you use Preload then
 // did not call Play with the same IntroloopAudio afterwards, the loaded memory will be unmanaged.
 // (Just like if you tick "Preload Audio Data" on your clip and have them in a hierarchy somewhere, then did not use it.)
 /// </summary>
 public void Preload(IntroloopAudio audio)