/// given a vertex in the graph, find its upper and lower neighbor vertices
            protected Tuple <Vertex, Vertex> find_neighbor_vertices(VertexPair v_pair, Interval ival)
                Interval.VertexPairIterator itr = ival.intersections2.lower_bound(v_pair); // returns first that is not less than argument (equal or greater)
                Debug.Assert(itr != ival.intersections2.end());                            // we must find a lower_bound
                Interval.VertexPairIterator v_above = itr;                                 // lower_bound returns one beyond the give key, i.e. what we want
                Interval.VertexPairIterator v_below = --itr;                               // this is the vertex below the give vertex
                Tuple <Vertex, Vertex>      @out    = new Tuple <Vertex, Vertex>(null, null);

                @out.Item1 = v_above.first;         // vertex above v (xu)
                @out.Item2 = v_below.first;         // vertex below v (xl)
                Debug.Assert(@out.Item1 != @out.Item2);
                return(new Tuple <Vertex, Vertex>(@out.Item1, @out.Item2));
            // given a VertexPair and an Interval, in the Interval find the Vertex above and below the given vertex
            protected Tuple <Vertex, Vertex> find_neighbor_vertices(VertexPair v_pair, Interval ival, bool above_equality)
                Interval.VertexPairIterator itr = ival.intersections2.lower_bound(v_pair); // returns first that is not less than argument (equal or greater)
                Debug.Assert(itr != ival.intersections2.end());                            // we must find a lower_bound
                Interval.VertexPairIterator v_above = new Interval.VertexPairIterator();
                if (above_equality)
//C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: The following line was determined to be a copy assignment (rather than a reference assignment) - this should be verified and a 'CopyFrom' method should be created:
//ORIGINAL LINE: v_above = itr;
                    v_above.CopyFrom(itr);             // lower_bound returns one beyond the give key, i.e. what we want
                    v_above = ++itr;
                Interval.VertexPairIterator v_below = --itr;         // this is the vertex below the given vertex
                Tuple <Vertex, Vertex>      @out    = new Tuple <Vertex, Vertex>(null, null);

                @out.Item1 = v_above.first;         // vertex above v (xu)
                @out.Item2 = v_below.first;         // vertex below v (xl)
                return(new Tuple <Vertex, Vertex>(@out.Item1, @out.Item2));