private void OnBicubicCheck(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (rbBicubic.Checked)
         methodIntp = InterpolateMethod.Bicubic;
 private void OnrbBilinearCheck(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (rbBilinear.Checked)
         methodIntp = InterpolateMethod.Bilinear;
 private void OnrbNearestCheck(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (rbNearest.Checked)
         methodIntp = InterpolateMethod.Nearest;
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute Resampling.
        /// </summary>
        public void Execute()
            Progress = 0;

            if (_param == null)

            if (_result != null)

            _result = new ResamplingResult();

            //Calculate resampling point.
            double[] xi = CreateResamplingPoint();
            if (xi == null)
            for (int i = 0; i < _param.GetXYDataNum(); i++)
                if (StopFlag)
                ClrDataPoints xyData = _param.GetXYData(i);

                double[] yi;
                double[,] data;
                yi = new double[xi.Length];
                ConvertXYDataToXYArray(xyData, out data);
                InterpolateMethod method = _param.Interpolation ==
                                           ResamplingParameter.InterpolationAlgorithm.LINEAR ?
                                           InterpolateMethod.LINEAR : InterpolateMethod.PCHIP;

                if (UpdateResamplingProgress != null)
                    UpdateResamplingProgress(PROGRESS_RESAMPLING_PHASE.RESAMPLING_START, 0, i + 1, _param.GetXYDataNum());
                WrapMatlabInterp1(yi, data.GetLength(1), data, xi.Length, xi, method, ExtrapolateType.FILL_ZERO);
                _result.AddData(xi, yi);
                if (UpdateResamplingProgress != null)
                    UpdateResamplingProgress(PROGRESS_RESAMPLING_PHASE.RESAMPLING_DOING, 0, i + 1, _param.GetXYDataNum());

            if (UpdateResamplingProgress != null)
                UpdateResamplingProgress(PROGRESS_RESAMPLING_PHASE.RESAMPLING_END, 0, _param.GetXYDataNum(), _param.GetXYDataNum());
Beispiel #5
 /// <summary>
 /// interpolate between x1 and x2 to ty suing the interpolate method
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="method"></param>
 /// <param name="x1"></param>
 /// <param name="x2"></param>
 /// <param name="t"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static float Interpolate(float x1, float x2, float t, InterpolateMethod method = InterpolateMethod.Linear)
     if (method == InterpolateMethod.Linear)
         return(Mathf.Lerp(x1, x2, t));
         return(Mathf.Pow(x1, 1 - t) * Mathf.Pow(x2, t));
Beispiel #6
        public int Step(Point2d ptSrc, InterpolateMethod methodIntp)
            // The atomic operation to calculate the interpolated value.
            switch (methodIntp)
            case InterpolateMethod.Bicubic:
                return(Bicubic(GetNeighbourhood16(ptSrc), ptSrc));

            case InterpolateMethod.Bilinear:
                return(Bilinear(GetNeighbourhood4(ptSrc), ptSrc));

            case InterpolateMethod.Nearest:

                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid methodIntp.");
 private void InitData()
     // Set the initial data.
     pbDst.Image       = new Bitmap("./data/test.jpg");
     idxImgSrc         = 1;
     idxImgGuide       = 1;
     srcImgChanged     = true;
     guideImgChanged   = true;
     srcMrkShown       = false;
     guideMrkShown     = false;
     mineSrc           = false;
     mineGuide         = false;
     rbNearest.Checked = true;
     rbBsp.Checked     = true;
     methodIntp        = InterpolateMethod.Nearest;
     methodDeform      = DeformMethod.BSpline;
     algn1             = new Point2d[nAlign];
     algn2             = new Point2d[nAlign];
 static extern void WrapMatlabInterp1(double[] interYArray, int dataSize, double[,] dataArray, int interSize, double[] interXArray,
                                      InterpolateMethod Method, ExtrapolateType Extrap_value);