Beispiel #1
        protected override void CreateShadowMap(EntityLightShadow light)
            var shadowMapDesc = light.Light.Shadow as LightShadowMap;

            // create the shadow map
            var shadowMap = new ShadowMap
                LightDirection     = light.Light.Direction,
                LightPosition      = light.Entity.Transformation.Translation,
                ShadowMapSize      = shadowMapDesc.MaxSize,
                ShadowNearDistance = shadowMapDesc.NearDistance,
                ShadowFarDistance  = shadowMapDesc.FarDistance,
                CascadeCount       = light.Light.Type is LightDirectional ? shadowMapDesc.CascadeCount : 1, // cascades are only supported for directional shadow maps
                //Fov = light.Light.SpotFieldAngle,
                Filter = shadowMapDesc.FilterType,
                Layers = light.Light.Layers

            // find or create the shadow map texture
            ShadowMapTexture chosenTexture = null;

            chosenTexture = AllocateOrChooseTexture(shadowMap, shadowMapDesc.FilterType == LightShadowMapFilterType.Variance ? texturesVsm : texturesDefault);

            shadowMap.Texture = chosenTexture;
            light.ShadowMap = shadowMap;
        protected override void CreateShadowMap(EntityLightShadow light)
            // create the shadow map
            var shadowMap = new ShadowMap
                LightDirection     = light.Light.LightDirection,
                ShadowMapSize      = light.Light.ShadowMapMinSize,
                ShadowNearDistance = light.Light.ShadowNearDistance,
                ShadowFarDistance  = light.Light.ShadowFarDistance,
                CascadeCount       = light.Light.ShadowMapCascadeCount,
                Filter             = light.Light.ShadowMapFilterType,
                Layers             = light.Light.Layers

            light.ShadowMap = shadowMap;