Beispiel #1
        public static int AuthorizationCopyRights(IntPtr authorization, AuthorizationItemSet rights, IntPtr environment, int flags, out AuthorizationItemSet authorizedRights)
            var    itemSize     = Marshal.SizeOf <InternalAuthorizationItem>();
            IntPtr itemsPointer = IntPtr.Zero;
            int    result;

            // Convert the inner struct to a more "C native"-friendly struct
            var items = rights.Items.Select(
                x => new InternalAuthorizationItem
                Name        = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAuto(x.Name),
                Flags       = x.Flags,
                Value       = x.Value,
                ValueLength = x.ValueLength,

            try {
                // Allocate space so we can copy the items-array into it
                itemsPointer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(items.Count * itemSize);
                var iRights = new InternalAuthorizationItemSet {
                    Count = rights.Count,
                    Items = itemsPointer,

                var ptr = new IntPtr(itemsPointer.ToInt64());

                // Copy all structures into our allocated area
                for (var i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(items[i], ptr, false);
                    ptr = IntPtr.Add(ptr, itemSize);

                result = InternalAuthorizationCopyRights(authorization, iRights, environment, flags, out var outRights);

                authorizedRights = new AuthorizationItemSet {
                    Count = 0,
                    Items = new AuthorizationItem[0],
            finally {
                //if (itemsPointer.IsAllocated)
                //    itemsPointer.Free();

                for (var i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)

                if (itemsPointer != IntPtr.Zero)

Beispiel #2
 private static extern int InternalAuthorizationCopyRights(IntPtr authorization, InternalAuthorizationItemSet rights, IntPtr environment, int flags, out InternalAuthorizationItemSet authorizedRights);