/// <summary>
        /// 获取检索条件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filter"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetConditionSql(InterestFitFilter filter)
            string sql = "";

            sql += " WHERE  b.BusinessStatus <> 1";

            // 信托方
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.LendingSideKey))
                sql += " AND b.LendingSideKey = '" + filter.LendingSideKey + "'";

            // 批次号
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.BatchNo))
                sql += " AND b.GuaranteeNum = '" + filter.BatchNo + "'";

            // 合同号
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.ContractNO))
                sql += " AND b.ContractNo = '" + filter.ContractNO + "'";

            DateTime startime;
            DateTime endtime;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.GuaranteeFromTime))
                if (DateTime.TryParse(filter.GuaranteeFromTime, out startime))
                    sql += " AND b.ToGuaranteeTime >= " + startime;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.GuaranteeToTime))
                if (DateTime.TryParse(filter.GuaranteeToTime, out endtime))
                    sql += " AND b.ToGuaranteeTime <= " + endtime;

            // 状 态
            if ("已支付" == filter.PaymentStatus)
                sql += " AND b.PaymentDate IS NOT NULL";
            else if ("未支付" == filter.PaymentStatus)
                sql += " AND b.PaymentDate IS NULL";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.BranchKey))
                sql += @" AND b.BusinessID IN (
                          SELECT DISTINCT BusinessID 
                            FROM dbo.Bill WITH (NOLOCK) 
                            WHERE CompanyKey IN ('" + filter.BranchKey + "'))";
            // 贷款方
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.LoanServiceKey))
                sql += @" AND b.LendingSideID IN ( 
                            SELECT ba.BankAccountID FROM dbo.BankAccount ba 
                             WHERE ba.CompanyKey = '" + filter.LoanServiceKey + "')";

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 检索数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filter"></param>
        /// <param name="responseEntity"></param>
        public void SearchData(InterestFitFilter filter, ResponseEntity responseEntity)
            if (filter == null)
                ServiceUtility.SetResponseStatus(responseEntity, EnumResponseState.RequestCommandError);

            List <string> companys = Singleton <RedisEnumOperatorBLL> .Instance.GetUserOwnCompanyKeys(responseEntity.UserId);

            filter.BranchKey = string.Join("','", companys.ToArray());

            // 获取件数
            int totalCount = Singleton <InterestFitDAL <Business> > .Instance.GetCount(filter);

            if (totalCount <= 0)
                ServiceUtility.SetResponseStatus(responseEntity, EnumResponseState.NoResult);

            if (filter.PageNo < 1)
                filter.PageNo = 1;

            int fromIndex = (filter.PageNo - 1) * filter.PageSize;
            int toIndex   = filter.PageNo * filter.PageSize;

            if (toIndex > totalCount)
                toIndex = totalCount;

            filter.FromIndex = fromIndex;
            filter.ToIndex   = toIndex;
            var lstBusinessDatas = Singleton <InterestFitDAL <Business> > .Instance.SearchData(filter);

            if (lstBusinessDatas == null || lstBusinessDatas.Count == 0)
                ServiceUtility.SetResponseStatus(responseEntity, EnumResponseState.NoResult);
                var lstBusinessIds = lstBusinessDatas.Select(x => x.BusinessID);
                filter.BusinessIDs = string.Join(",", lstBusinessIds.ToArray());
                // 银行账户
                var bankAccounts = Singleton <RedisEnumOperatorBLL>
                                   .Instance.GetEnumRedisDataEntitys <BankAccountRedisEntity>();

                var lstBills = Singleton <BillDAL <Bill> > .Instance.SearchData(filter);

                var lstInterestFiltViewData = new List <InterestFiltViewData>();
                foreach (var business in lstBusinessDatas)
                    business.Bills = lstBills.FindAll(x => x.BusinessID == business.BusinessID).ToList();

                    decimal sum     = GetSum(business) + GetInter(business);
                    var     bankser = bankAccounts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.BankAccountID == business.LendingSideID);
                    lstInterestFiltViewData.Add(new InterestFiltViewData
                        ContractNO        = business.ContractNo,
                        CustomerName      = business.CustomerName,
                        idenNO            = business.IdentityNo,
                        GuaranteeSideDate = business.ToGuaranteeTime.ToDateString(),
                        SurplusInterest   = sum.ToAmtString(),
                        Loaner            = Singleton <RedisEnumOperatorBLL> .Instance.GetRedisData(
                            RedisEnumOperatorBLL.HashId_LendingGroup_4, bankser.CompanyKey).Name,
                        PayDate = business.PaymentDate.ToString()

                var responseResult = new ResponseListResult <InterestFiltViewData>();
                responseResult.TotalCount = totalCount;
                responseResult.LstResult  = lstInterestFiltViewData;

                ServiceUtility.SetResponseStatus(responseEntity, EnumResponseState.Success);
                responseEntity.Results = responseResult;