Beispiel #1
        public override bool BtnDeleteClick()

            // Test if the controls are filled 
            if (GetControlReferences () == false)
                return false;

            // No Item is selected
            if (_edMainName.Text == "")
                return false;

            if (this._fragmentState.BtnDeleteClick ( ) != null)

                if (this._fragmentState.GetType ().ToString () == "UI.StateFragmentAnsprechpartner")
                    // If it is deleting the Ansprechpartner, get out of this sub
                    return true;

                if (this._fragmentState.GetType().ToString() == "UI.StateFragmentTask")
                    // If it is deleting the Ansprechpartner, get out of this sub
                    return true;

                _person = BusinessLayer.Interessent.Create();
                Android.Widget.Toast.MakeText (_mainActivity, _mainActivity.Resources.GetString(Resource.String.DeletedSuccessfully), Android.Widget.ToastLength.Short).Show ();
                _interessenten.RemoveAt (_selectedIndex);
                _adapter = new InteressentViewAdapter (_mainActivity,_interessenten);
                _list.Adapter = _adapter;
                return true;

            return false;

Beispiel #2
        async public override System.Threading.Tasks.Task BtnSearchClickAsync ()

            _interessenten = await BusinessLayer.Interessent.GetInteressentenAsync (_edSearch.Text, Utilities.GetCurrentLanguage(_mainActivity),MainActivity.User);

            _adapter = new InteressentViewAdapter (_mainActivity, _interessenten);
            if (_mainActivity._activityData == null)
                _mainActivity._activityData = new MainActivityData ();
            _mainActivity._activityData.Interessenten = _interessenten;
            _list.Adapter = _adapter;
            _edMainName.Text = "";
            _tvEmail.Text = "";
            _tvNummer.Text = "";
            _tvTelefon.Text = "";
            _tvUmsatz.Text = "";
            _fragmentState.BtnSearchClick ();        

Beispiel #3
        async public override Task<bool> BtnSaveClickAsync ()

            bool bInserting = false;
            if (_person.ID == null)
                bInserting = true;

            if ( await _fragmentState.BtnSaveClickAsync () == false)
                return false;

            if (bInserting)
                // INSERT statement
                _interessenten.Add ((BusinessLayer.Interessent)_person);
                _selectedIndex = _interessenten.Count - 1;
                // UPDATE statement
                _interessenten [_selectedIndex] = (BusinessLayer.Interessent)_person;                       

            // Refresh the listview
            _adapter = new UI.InteressentViewAdapter(_mainActivity,_interessenten);
            _list.Adapter = _adapter;

            // Inform the user
            Android.Widget.Toast.MakeText(_mainActivity,_mainActivity.Resources.GetString(Resource.String.SavedSuccessfully), Android.Widget.ToastLength.Short).Show();

            // refresh the general controls
            _edMainName.Text = _person.Name;
            _tvEmail.Text = _person.Email;
            _tvNummer.Text = _person.Nummer;
            _tvTelefon.Text = _person.Telefon;
            _tvUmsatz.Text = _person.Umsatz;

            return true;

Beispiel #4
        public override void BtnSearchClick()

            _interessenten = BusinessLayer.Interessent.GetInteressenten (_edSearch.Text,Utilities.GetCurrentLanguage(_mainActivity),MainActivity.User);
            _adapter = new InteressentViewAdapter (_mainActivity,_interessenten);
            _list.Adapter = _adapter;
            _edMainName.Text = "";
            _tvEmail.Text = "";
            _tvNummer.Text = "";
            _tvTelefon.Text = "";
            _tvUmsatz.Text = "";
            _fragmentState.BtnSearchClick ();