Beispiel #1
 InterProcMapping(InterProcMapping ipm)
   this.calleePTG = ipm.calleePTG;
   this.callerPTG = ipm.callerPTG;
   this.callerThisRef = ipm.callerThisRef;
   this.arguments = ipm.arguments;
   this.mapping = new Dictionary<IPTAnalysisNode, Nodes>(ipm.mapping);
Beispiel #2
        public override void ApplyNonAnalyzableCall(Variable vr, Method callee, Variable receiver, ExpressionList arguments,
                                                    Label lb, out InterProcMapping ipm)
            Nodes receiverValues       = Nodes.Empty;
            bool  IsReceiverConsistent = false;

            if (receiver != null)
                receiverValues       = Values(receiver);
                IsReceiverConsistent = IsExposable(receiver);
            ConsistencyForCalls(callee, lb, receiverValues, IsReceiverConsistent,
                                receiver, arguments);

            // OJO!!!!!!
            base.ApplyNonAnalyzableCallOld(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, lb, out ipm);
Beispiel #3
        public override void ApplyAnalyzableCall(Variable vr, Method callee, Variable receiver, ExpressionList arguments, PointsToState calleecState, Label lb, out InterProcMapping ipm)
            Nodes receiverValues       = Nodes.Empty;
            bool  IsReceiverConsistent = false;

            if (receiver != null)
                receiverValues       = Values(receiver);
                IsReceiverConsistent = IsExposable(receiver);

            base.ApplyAnalyzableCall(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, calleecState, lb, out ipm);

            if (receiver == null)

            BeforeUpdateConsystency(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, calleecState, lb, ipm);

            ConsistencyForCalls(callee, lb, receiverValues, IsReceiverConsistent,
                                receiver, arguments);

            AfterUpdateConsystency(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, calleecState, lb, ipm);
        // Get the least elements representing the bottom for the lattice of m
        //public static Reentrancy BottomFor(Method m)
        //    return new Reentrancy(m);

        protected override void BeforeBindCallWithCallee(PointsToState callerPTS, PointsToState calleePTS, Variable receiver, ExpressionList arguments, Variable vr, Label lb, InterProcMapping ipm)
            base.BeforeBindCallWithCallee(callerPTS, calleePTS, receiver, arguments, vr, lb, ipm);
            Reentrancy reentrancyCalleeState = (Reentrancy)calleePTS;
            Receivers potentialReceivers = Receivers.Empty;
            if (receiver != null)
                Nodes values = pointsToGraph.GetValuesIfEmptyLoadNode(receiver, lb);
            bool isReentrant = false;

            // Check Exposure por every parameters
            if (!IsMethodToIgnoreForReentrancy(reentrancyCalleeState.Method))
                //isReentrant = ReentrancyAnalysisForAnalyzableCalls(reentrancyCalleeState.Method, reentrancyCalleeState, lb,
                //    potentialReceivers, ipm);
                isReentrant = false;
                CheckExposureForCall(calleePTS, receiver, arguments, lb, isReentrant);
        // Get the least elements representing the bottom for the lattice of m
        //public static Reentrancy BottomFor(Method m)
        //    return new Reentrancy(m);

        protected override void BeforeBindCallWithCallee(PointsToState callerPTS, PointsToState calleePTS, Variable receiver, ExpressionList arguments, Variable vr, Label lb, InterProcMapping ipm)
            base.BeforeBindCallWithCallee(callerPTS, calleePTS, receiver, arguments, vr, lb, ipm);
            Reentrancy reentrancyCalleeState = (Reentrancy)calleePTS;
            Receivers  potentialReceivers    = Receivers.Empty;

            if (receiver != null)
                Nodes values = pointsToGraph.GetValuesIfEmptyLoadNode(receiver, lb);
            bool isReentrant = false;

            // Check Exposure por every parameters
            if (!IsMethodToIgnoreForReentrancy(reentrancyCalleeState.Method))
                //isReentrant = ReentrancyAnalysisForAnalyzableCalls(reentrancyCalleeState.Method, reentrancyCalleeState, lb,
                //    potentialReceivers, ipm);
                isReentrant = false;
                CheckExposureForCall(calleePTS, receiver, arguments, lb, isReentrant);
Beispiel #6
    private static bool change(InterProcMapping ipm1, InterProcMapping ipm2)
      int count1 = 0;
      int count2 = 0;

      foreach (IPTAnalysisNode n in ipm1.mapping.Keys)
        count1 += ipm1.mapping[n].Count;
      foreach (IPTAnalysisNode n in ipm2.mapping.Keys)
        count2 += ipm2.mapping[n].Count;

      return (count1 != count2);
Beispiel #7
    /// <summary>
    /// Compute the interProc mapping between callee and caller.
    /// This is a fixpoint of steps 1,2 and 3
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="caller"></param>
    /// <param name="callee"></param>
    /// <param name="thisRef"></param>
    /// <param name="arguments"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static InterProcMapping ComputeInterMapping(PTGraph callerPTG, PTGraph calleePTG,
        Variable thisRef, ExpressionList arguments, Variable vr)
      // Be sure that every parameter has its value or load node
      foreach (Parameter p in callerPTG.ParameterMap.Keys)
          callerPTG.GetValuesIfEmptyLoadNode(p, callerPTG.MethodLabel);
      InterProcMapping ipm = new InterProcMapping(callerPTG, calleePTG, thisRef, arguments);

      InterProcMapping oldImp = new InterProcMapping(ipm);

        oldImp = new InterProcMapping(ipm);

      } while (change(oldImp, ipm));

      return ipm;
 protected virtual void BeforeUpdateConsystency(Variable vr, Method callee, Variable receiver, 
     ExpressionList arguments, PointsToState calleecState, Label lb, InterProcMapping ipm)
Beispiel #9
    /// <summary>
    /// Apply the inter-procedural analysis, binding information from caller and callee
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="vr"></param>
    /// <param name="callee"></param>
    /// <param name="receiver"></param>
    /// <param name="arguments"></param>
    /// <param name="calleecState"></param>
    /// <param name="lb"></param>
    public virtual void ApplyAnalyzableCall(Variable vr, Method callee, Variable receiver,
        ExpressionList arguments, PointsToState calleecState, Label lb, out InterProcMapping ipm)

      // Apply the binding between the pointsToGraph of the caller and the callee
      // Returns also the mapping used during the parameter-arguments nodes binding 

      if (PointsToAnalysis.debug)
        Console.Out.WriteLine("before call to {0}", callee.Name);

      if (this.Method.Name.Name.StartsWith("UsingFoo"))

      ipm = InterProcMapping.ComputeInterProgMapping(this.pointsToGraph, calleecState.pointsToGraph,
          receiver, arguments, vr, lb);

      BeforeBindCallWithCallee(this, calleecState, receiver, arguments, vr, lb, ipm);

      PTGraph interProcPTG = ipm.ComputeInterProgGraph(this.pointsToGraph, calleecState.pointsToGraph,
          receiver, arguments, vr, lb);

      pointsToGraph = interProcPTG;

      AfterBindCallWithCallee(this, calleecState, receiver, arguments, vr, lb, ipm);

      if (PointsToAnalysis.debug)
        Console.Out.WriteLine("after call to {0}", callee.Name);


      // Update the set of write effects considering the writeffects of the callee
      // in nodes that will stay in the caller
      Set<LNode> removedLoadNodes = ipm.removedLoadNodes;
      // Join the set of non-analyzable calls
      //joinCalledMethod(callToNonAnalyzableMethods, calleecState.callToNonAnalyzableMethods);
Beispiel #10
      /// <summary>
    /// The old support for non Analyzables. TO DELETE
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="vr"></param>
    /// <param name="callee"></param>
    /// <param name="receiver"></param>
    /// <param name="arguments"></param>
    /// <param name="lb"></param>
    /// <param name="ipm"></param>
    public virtual void ApplyNonAnalyzableCallOld(Variable vr, Method callee, Variable receiver,
        ExpressionList arguments, Label lb, out InterProcMapping ipm)
      bool isPure = false;
      bool isReturnFresh = false;
      bool isReadingGlobals = true;
      bool isWritingGlobals = true;
      Set<Parameter> freshOutParameters = new Set<Parameter>();
      Set<Parameter> escapingParameters = new Set<Parameter>();
      Set<Parameter> capturedParameters = new Set<Parameter>();
      Set<Variable> outArguments = new Set<Variable>();

      isPure = PointsToAndEffectsAnnotations.IsAssumedPureMethod(callee);
      isReadingGlobals = PointsToAndEffectsAnnotations.IsDeclaredReadingGlobals(callee);
      isWritingGlobals = PointsToAndEffectsAnnotations.IsDeclaredWritingGlobals(callee);
      if (PointsToAnalysis.debug)
        Console.Out.WriteLine("before NON call to {0}", callee.Name);
      if (!callee.ReturnType.IsPrimitive && !CciHelper.IsVoid(callee.ReturnType))
        isReturnFresh = PointsToAndEffectsAnnotations.IsDeclaredFresh(callee);
        if (CciHelper.IsConstructor(callee))
          isReturnFresh = true;

      if (!callee.IsStatic && callee.ThisParameter != null)
        bool captured;
        if (PointsToAndEffectsAnnotations.IsDeclaredEscaping(callee.ThisParameter, out captured))
          if (captured)
      if (callee.Parameters != null)
        for (int i = 0; i < callee.Parameters.Count; i++)
          Parameter p = callee.Parameters[i];
          if (p.IsOut)
            if (PointsToAndEffectsAnnotations.IsDeclaredFresh(p))
            outArguments.Add(arguments[i] as Variable);
          bool captured;
          if (PointsToAndEffectsAnnotations.IsDeclaredEscaping(p, out captured))
            if (captured)

      //if (isWritingGlobals)
      //    addNonAnalyzableMethod(lb, callee);

      if (callee.Name.Name.Equals("Hola") || callee.Name.Name.Equals("GetEnumerator2"))

        PTGraph calleFakePTG = null;
        // Create a fake PTG for the calle using annotations...
        calleFakePTG = PTGraph.PTGraphFromAnnotations(callee);
        // , isPure, isReturnFresh, isWritingGlobals, isReadingGlobals);

          // calleFakePTG.GenerateDotGraph(callee.FullName + ".dot");      

        NonAnalyzableCallBeforeUpdatingPTG(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, lb,
          isPure, isReturnFresh, isWritingGlobals, isReadingGlobals,
          escapingParameters, capturedParameters, freshOutParameters);

          /*InterProcMapping */ 
           ipm = InterProcMapping.ComputeInterProgMapping(this.pointsToGraph, calleFakePTG,
               receiver, arguments, vr, lb);

          PTGraph interProcPTG = ipm.ComputeInterProgGraph(this.pointsToGraph, calleFakePTG,
              receiver, arguments, vr, lb);

          pointsToGraph = interProcPTG;

      NonAnalyzableCallAfterUpdatingPTG(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, lb,
           isPure, isReturnFresh, isWritingGlobals, isReadingGlobals,
           escapingParameters, capturedParameters, freshOutParameters);
      if (PointsToAnalysis.debug)
        Console.Out.WriteLine("after NON call to {0}", callee.Name);
Beispiel #11
      /// <summary>
      /// Register effect of the non-analyzable call in the pointsToGraph inferring the information from the callee annotations
      /// Basicale creates a PTG of the callee using annotations and call the standard binding mechanism
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="vr"></param>
      /// <param name="callee"></param>
      /// <param name="receiver"></param>
      /// <param name="arguments"></param>
      /// <param name="lb"></param>
      public virtual void ApplyNonAnalyzableCall(Variable vr, Method callee, Variable receiver,
          ExpressionList arguments, Label lb, out InterProcMapping ipm)

          if (PointsToAnalysis.debug)
              Console.Out.WriteLine("before NON call to {0}", callee.Name);

          PointsToState calleeState = CreateSummaryForFakeCallee(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, lb);

          ApplyAnalyzableCall(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, calleeState, lb, out ipm);

          if (PointsToAnalysis.debug)
              Console.Out.WriteLine("after NON call to {0}", callee.Name);
 private void BindCallerReadEffects(PointsToAndWriteEffects calleePTWE, Label lb, InterProcMapping ipm)
     foreach (AField af in calleePTWE.readEffects)
         // Get the related caller's nodes
         foreach (IPTAnalysisNode n in ipm.RelatedExtended(af.Src))
             if (IsVisibleEffect(n, af.Field))
                 readEffects.AddEffect(n, af.Field, lb);
             allReadEffects.AddEffect(n, af.Field, lb);
        /* This was related with the old way of dealing with non analyzable calls
        private void RegisterModifiesInReachableObjects(Variable v, Label lb, bool confined)
            // Use Filters for !owned!!!!!!
            Nodes reachables = PointsToGraph.NodesForwardReachableFromVariable(v, confined);
            foreach (IPTAnalysisNode n in reachables)
                //if (n is LValueNode || n.IsGlobal)
                    RegisterWriteEffect(n, PTGraph.allFields, lb,false);    
        private void RegisterReadInReachableObjects(Variable v, Label lb, bool confined)
            // Use Filters for !owned!!!!!!
            Nodes reachables = PointsToGraph.NodesForwardReachableFromVariable(v,confined);
            foreach (IPTAnalysisNode n in reachables)
                // Add Filters!!!!!!
                //if (n is LValueNode || n.IsGlobal)
                if (n.IsObjectAbstraction)
                    RegisterReadEffect(n, PTGraph.allFields, lb);

        /// <summary>
        /// Apply the inter-procedural analysis, binding information from caller and callee
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vr"></param>
        /// <param name="callee"></param>
        /// <param name="receiver"></param>
        /// <param name="arguments"></param>
        /// <param name="calleePTWE"></param>
        /// <param name="lb"></param>
        public override void ApplyAnalyzableCall(Variable vr, Method callee, Variable receiver, 
            ExpressionList arguments, PointsToState calleecState, Label lb, out InterProcMapping ipm)
            if (this.method.FullName.Contains("Count"))
                if (callee.Name.Name.Contains("Reverse"))
                { }
                if (callee.Name.Name.Contains("Dispose"))
                { }
            if (callee.Name.Name.Contains("MoveNext2")) 
              { }

            base.ApplyAnalyzableCall(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, calleecState, lb, out ipm);
            PointsToAndWriteEffects calleePTWE = (PointsToAndWriteEffects)calleecState;

            // Join the set of non-analyzable calls
            joinCalledMethod(callToNonAnalyzableMethods, calleePTWE.callToNonAnalyzableMethods);
            // For each write effect in the calee
            foreach (AField af in calleePTWE.writeEffects)
                // Get the related caller's nodes
                foreach (IPTAnalysisNode n in ipm.RelatedExtended(af.Src))

                    if (IsVisibleEffect(n, af.Field))
                        writeEffects.AddEffect(n, af.Field, lb);
                    allWriteEffects.AddEffect(n, af.Field, lb);
            BindCallerReadEffects(calleePTWE, lb, ipm);
        /// <summary>
        /// Register effect of the non-analyzable call in the pointsToGraph inferring the information from the callee annotations
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vr"></param>
        /// <param name="callee"></param>
        /// <param name="receiver"></param>
        /// <param name="arguments"></param>
        /// <param name="lb"></param>
        public override void ApplyNonAnalyzableCall(Variable vr, Method callee, Variable receiver, 
            ExpressionList arguments, Label lb, out InterProcMapping ipm)
            if (this.method.FullName.Contains("<Except"))
                if (callee.Name.Name.Contains("Reverse"))
                { }
            if (this.method.FullName.Contains("Except"))
            if (this.method.Name.Name.Contains("MoveNext")) 
            if (callee.Name.Name.Contains("MoveNext"))
            if (callee.Name.Name.Contains("GetEnumerator2")) {
            if (receiver != null)
                bool isDelegate = PTGraph.IsDelegateType(receiver.Type);
                if (isDelegate)
                    bool isPureDelegate = PointsToAndEffectsAnnotations.IsAssumedPureDelegate(callee.ThisParameter)
                        || callee.FullName.Contains("Linq.Enumerable");
                    if (isPureDelegate)
                        ForceCheckForDelegate(lb, receiver);
            // PointsToAndEffectsAnnotations.WorstCase = true;
            if (callee.Parameters != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < callee.Parameters.Count; i++)
                    Parameter p = callee.Parameters[i];
                    bool isDelegate = PTGraph.IsDelegateType(p.Type);
                    if (isDelegate)
                        bool isPureDelegate = PointsToAndEffectsAnnotations.IsAssumedPureDelegate(p)
                            || callee.FullName.Contains("Linq.Enumerable");
                        if (isPureDelegate)
                            Variable v = (Variable)arguments[i];
                            ForceCheckForDelegate(lb, v);
            base.ApplyNonAnalyzableCall(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, lb, out ipm);

            // PointsToAndEffectsAnnotations.WorstCase = false;

        public override void ApplyNonAnalyzableCall(Variable vr, Method callee, Variable receiver, ExpressionList arguments, 
            Label lb, out InterProcMapping ipm)
            Nodes receiverValues = Nodes.Empty;
            bool IsReceiverConsistent = false;

            if (receiver != null)
                receiverValues = Values(receiver);
                IsReceiverConsistent = IsExposable(receiver);
            ConsistencyForCalls(callee, lb, receiverValues, IsReceiverConsistent,

            // OJO!!!!!!
            base.ApplyNonAnalyzableCallOld(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, lb, out ipm);
Beispiel #16
 protected virtual void BeforeUpdateConsystency(Variable vr, Method callee, Variable receiver,
                                                ExpressionList arguments, PointsToState calleecState, Label lb, InterProcMapping ipm)
Beispiel #17
    protected virtual void AfterBindCallWithCallee(PointsToState callerPTS, PointsToState calleePTS, Variable receiver, ExpressionList arguments, Variable vr, Label lb, InterProcMapping ipm)

        public override void ApplyAnalyzableCall(Variable vr, Method callee, Variable receiver, ExpressionList arguments, PointsToState calleecState, Label lb, out InterProcMapping ipm)
            Nodes receiverValues = Nodes.Empty;
            bool IsReceiverConsistent = false;
            if (receiver != null)
                receiverValues = Values(receiver);
                IsReceiverConsistent = IsExposable(receiver);

            base.ApplyAnalyzableCall(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, calleecState, lb, out ipm);

            BeforeUpdateConsystency(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, calleecState, lb,ipm);

            ConsistencyForCalls(callee, lb, receiverValues, IsReceiverConsistent,

            AfterUpdateConsystency(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, calleecState, lb,ipm);
