Beispiel #1
        public static BigInteger GetDay21Part1Answer()
            // Program the springdroid with logic that allows it to survey the
            // hull without falling into space. What amount of hull damage
            // does it report?
            // Answer: 19360724
            BigInteger result = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("Starting Day 21 - Part 1...");
            var program        = GetDay21Input();
            var inputProvider  = new BufferedInputProvider();
            var outputListener = new ListOutputListener();
            var computer       = new IntcodeComputer(inputProvider, outputListener);


            // Define the robot instructions
            // Note - a jump will land 4 spaces ahead
            // Jump only if any of A, B, or C are holes
            // AND D is not a hole
            // ->
            // NOT A J <- JUMP is true if A is a hole
            // NOT B T <- TEMP is true if B is a hole
            // OR T J  <- JUMP is true if A or B is a hole
            // NOT C T <- TEMP is true if C is a hole
            // OR T J  <- JUMP is true if A or B or C is a hole
            // NOT D T <- TEMP is true if D is a hole
            // NOT T T <- TEMP is true if D is *not* a hole
            // AND T J <- JUMP is true if (A or B or C is a hole) AND (D is not a hole)
            var robotInstructions = new List <string>()
                "NOT A J",
                "NOT B T",
                "OR T J",
                "NOT C T",
                "OR T J",
                "NOT D T",
                "NOT T T",
                "AND T J",
            var robotInstructionAsciiInput = GetRobotInstructionAsciiInputValues(robotInstructions);


            // If the robot successfully made it across, then the last output
            // value will be a large non-ascii character
            if (outputListener.Values.Count > 0 && outputListener.Values.Last() > 255)
                result = outputListener.Values.Last();
                outputListener.Values.RemoveAt(outputListener.Values.Count - 1);
Beispiel #2
        public static BigInteger GetDay21Part2Answer()
            // Successfully survey the rest of the hull by ending your program
            // with RUN. What amount of hull damage does the springdroid now
            // report?
            // Answer: 1140450681
            BigInteger result = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("Starting Day 21 - Part 2...");
            var program        = GetDay21Input();
            var inputProvider  = new BufferedInputProvider();
            var outputListener = new ListOutputListener();
            var computer       = new IntcodeComputer(inputProvider, outputListener);


            // Define the robot instructions
            // Note - a jump will still land 4 spaces ahead
            // Jump if:
            // There is a hole in A, B, or C
            // And D is not a hole
            // And (H OR (E AND (I OR F)))
            // OR A J  |\
            // AND B J | | A, B, or C is a hole: !(A AND B AND C)
            // AND C J | |
            // NOT J J |/
            // AND D J | AND D is a block
            // OR F T  |\ (I OR F)
            // OR I T  |/
            // AND E T | E AND (I OR F)
            // OR H T  | H OR (E AND (I OR F))
            // AND T J | final
            var robotInstructions = new List <string>()
                "OR A J ",
                "AND B J",
                "AND C J",
                "NOT J J",
                "AND D J",
                "OR F T ",
                "OR I T ",
                "AND E T",
                "OR H T ",
                "AND T J",
            var robotInstructionAsciiInput = GetRobotInstructionAsciiInputValues(robotInstructions);


            // If the robot successfully made it across, then the last output
            // value will be a large non-ascii character
            if (outputListener.Values.Count > 0 && outputListener.Values.Last() > 255)
                result = outputListener.Values.Last();
                outputListener.Values.RemoveAt(outputListener.Values.Count - 1);