Beispiel #1
        public static void ApplySetPieces(World world)
            var map = world.Map;
            int w = map.Width, h = map.Height;

            Random rand = new Random();
            HashSet<Rect> rects = new HashSet<Rect>();
            foreach (var dat in setPieces)
                int size = dat.Item1.Size;
                int count = rand.Next(dat.Item2, dat.Item3);
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    IntPoint pt = new IntPoint();
                    Rect rect;

                    int max = 50;
                        pt.X = rand.Next(0, w);
                        pt.Y = rand.Next(0, h);
                        rect = new Rect() { x = pt.X, y = pt.Y, w = size, h = size };
                    } while ((Array.IndexOf(dat.Item4, map[pt.X, pt.Y].Terrain) == -1 ||
                             rects.Any(_ => Rect.Intersects(rect, _))) &&
                             max > 0);
                    if (max <= 0) continue;
                    dat.Item1.RenderSetPiece(world, pt);
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            Entity boss = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "shtrs Bridge Sentinel");
            boss.Move(pos.X, pos.Y);

            Entity chestSpawner = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "shtrs encounterchestspawner");
            chestSpawner.Move(pos.X, pos.Y + 5f);

            Entity blobombSpawner1 = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "shtrs blobomb maker");
            blobombSpawner1.Move(pos.X, pos.Y + 5f);

            Entity blobombSpawner2 = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "shtrs blobomb maker");
            blobombSpawner2.Move(pos.X + 5f, pos.Y + 5f);

            Entity blobombSpawner3 = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "shtrs blobomb maker");
            blobombSpawner3.Move(pos.X - 5f, pos.Y + 5f);



        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            var deepWaterRadius = 1f;

            var border = new List<IntPoint>();

            var t = new int[Size, Size];

            for (var y = 0; y < Size; y++) //Replace Deep Water With NWater
                for (var x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                    var dx = x - (Size/2.0);
                    var dy = y - (Size/2.0);
                    var r = Math.Sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
                    if (r <= deepWaterRadius)
                        t[x, y] = 1;
            for (var x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                    if (t[x, y] == 1)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId = Water;
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Obstacles[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            var cooledRadius = 15;

            var t = new int[Size, Size];

            for (var y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                    var dx = x - Size / 2.0;
                    var dy = y - Size / 2.0;
                    var r = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
                    if (r <= cooledRadius)
                        t[x, y] = 1;

            for (var x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                    if (t[x, y] == 1)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();

                        tile.TileId = Cooled; tile.ObjType = 0;

                        if (world.Obstacles[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] == 0)
                            world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
Beispiel #5
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                    double dx = x - (Size / 2.0);
                    double dy = y - (Size / 2.0);
                    double r = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) + rand.NextDouble() * 4 - 2;
                    if (r <= 10)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId = Floor; tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Obstacles[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;

            Entity lord = Entity.Resolve(0x675);
            lord.Move(pos.X + 15.5f, pos.Y + 15.5f);

            Container container = new Container(0x0501, null, false);
            int count = rand.Next(5, 8);
            List<Item> items = new List<Item>();
            while (items.Count < count)
                Item item = chest.GetRandomLoot(rand);
                if (item != null) items.Add(item);
            for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
                container.Inventory[i] = items[i];
            container.Move(pos.X + 15.5f, pos.Y + 15.5f);
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            int[,] t = new int[5, 5];

            t[0, 2] = 1;
            t[1, 2] = 1;
            t[2, 2] = 1;
            t[3, 2] = 1;
            t[4, 2] = 1;
            t[2, 0] = 1;
            t[2, 1] = 1;
            t[2, 3] = 1;
            t[2, 4] = 1;
            t[1, 1] = 1;
            t[1, 3] = 1;
            t[3, 3] = 1;
            t[3, 1] = 1;

            for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++)                    //Rendering
                for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++)
                    if (t[x, y] == 1)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId = Lava; tile.ObjType = 0;
                        if (world.Obstacles[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] == 0)
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
 protected internal override void Resolve(State parent)
     parent.Death += (sender, e) =>
         var dat = e.Host.Manager.GameData;
         var w = e.Host.Owner;
         var pos = new IntPoint((int) e.Host.X - (dist/2), (int) e.Host.Y - (dist/2));
         if (w == null) return;
         for (int x = 0; x < dist; x++)
             for (int y = 0; y < dist; y++)
                 WmapTile tile = w.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                 if (groundToChange != null)
                     foreach (string type in groundToChange)
                         int r = Random.Next(targetType.Length);
                         if (tile.TileId == dat.IdToTileType[type])
                             tile.TileId = dat.IdToTileType[targetType[r]];
                             w.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                     int r = Random.Next(targetType.Length);
                     tile.TileId = dat.IdToTileType[targetType[r]];
                     w.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Shift cloud by adding specified value to all points in the collection.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cloud">Collection of points to shift their coordinates.</param>
 /// <param name="shift">Point to shift by.</param>
 public static void Shift( List<IntPoint> cloud, IntPoint shift )
     for ( int i = 0, n = cloud.Count; i < n; i++ )
         cloud[i] = cloud[i] + shift;
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            int heatedRadius = 15;

            int[,] t = new int[Size, Size];

            for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                    double dx = x - (Size / 2.0);
                    double dy = y - (Size / 2.0);
                    double r = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
                    if (r <= heatedRadius)
                        t[x, y] = 1;

            for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                    if (t[x, y] == 1)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();

                        tile.TileId = Heated; tile.ObjType = 0;

                        if (world.Obstacles[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] == 0)
                            world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;

Beispiel #10
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            var dat = world.Manager.GameData;
            for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                    double dx = x - (Size / 2.0);
                    double dy = y - (Size / 2.0);
                    double r = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) + rand.NextDouble() * 4 - 2;
                    if (r <= 10)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId = dat.IdToTileType[Floor]; tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;

            Entity lord = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "Phoenix Lord");
            lord.Move(pos.X + 15.5f, pos.Y + 15.5f);

            Container container = new Container(world.Manager, 0x0501, null, false);
            Item[] items = chest.GetLoots(world.Manager, 5, 8).ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
                container.Inventory[i] = items[i];
            container.Move(pos.X + 15.5f, pos.Y + 15.5f);
Beispiel #11
        // called for each visible tile
        protected override void UpdateTile(UIElement _tile, IntPoint ml)
            MapControlTile tile = (MapControlTile)_tile;

            BitmapSource bmp;

            if (m_map.Bounds.Contains(ml))
                byte b = m_map.MapArray[ml.Y, ml.X];

                if (b < 100)
                    bmp = m_symbolBitmapCache.GetBitmap(SymbolID.Wall, Colors.Black, false);
                    bmp = m_symbolBitmapCache.GetBitmap(SymbolID.Floor, Colors.Black, false);
                bmp = null;

            if (bmp != tile.Bitmap)
                tile.Bitmap = bmp;
Beispiel #12
        public void RoundTest( float x, float y, int expectedX, int expectedY )
            Point point = new Point( x, y );
            IntPoint iPoint = new IntPoint( expectedX, expectedY );

            Assert.AreEqual( iPoint, point.Round( ) );
Beispiel #13
        public void InequalityOperatorTest( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, bool areNotEqual )
            IntPoint point1 = new IntPoint( x1, y1 );
            IntPoint point2 = new IntPoint( x2, y2 );

            Assert.AreEqual( point1 != point2, areNotEqual );
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Get bounding rectangle of the specified list of points.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cloud">Collection of points to get bounding rectangle for.</param>
        /// <param name="minXY">Point comprised of smallest X and Y coordinates.</param>
        /// <param name="maxXY">Point comprised of biggest X and Y coordinates.</param>
        public static void GetBoundingRectangle( List<IntPoint> cloud, out IntPoint minXY, out IntPoint maxXY )
            if ( cloud.Count == 0 )
                throw new ArgumentException( "List of points can not be empty." );

            // take first point as min and max
            int minX = cloud[0].X;
            int maxX = cloud[0].X;
            int minY = cloud[0].Y;
            int maxY = cloud[0].Y;

            for ( int i = 1, n = cloud.Count; i < n; i++ )
                int x = cloud[i].X;
                int y = cloud[i].Y;

                // check X coordinate
                if ( x < minX )
                    minX = x;
                if ( x > maxX )
                    maxX = x;

                // check Y coordinate
                if ( y < minY )
                    minY = y;
                if ( y > maxY )
                    maxY = y;

            minXY = new IntPoint( minX, minY );
            maxXY = new IntPoint( maxX, maxY );
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate minimum angle between two lines measured in [0, 90] degrees range.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line1start">Starting point of the first line.</param>
        /// <param name="line1end">Ending point of the first line.</param>
        /// <param name="line2start">Starting point of the second line.</param>
        /// <param name="line2end">Ending point of the second line.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns minimum angle between two lines.</returns>
        public static double GetAngleBetweenLines( IntPoint line1start, IntPoint line1end, IntPoint line2start, IntPoint line2end )
            double k1, k2;

            if ( line1start.X != line1end.X )
                k1 = (double) ( line1end.Y - line1start.Y ) / ( line1end.X - line1start.X );
                k1 = double.PositiveInfinity;

            if ( line2start.X != line2end.X )
                k2 = (double) ( line2end.Y - line2start.Y ) / ( line2end.X - line2start.X );
                k2 = double.PositiveInfinity;

            // check if lines are parallel
            if ( k1 == k2 )
                return 0;

            double angle = 0;

            if ( ( k1 != double.PositiveInfinity ) && ( k2 != double.PositiveInfinity ) )
                double tanPhi = ( ( k2 > k1 ) ? ( k2 - k1 ) : ( k1 - k2 ) ) / ( 1 + k1 * k2 );
                angle = Math.Atan( tanPhi );
                // one of the lines is parallel to Y axis

                if ( k1 == double.PositiveInfinity )
                    angle = Math.PI / 2 - Math.Atan( k2 ) * Math.Sign( k2 );
                    angle = Math.PI / 2 - Math.Atan( k1 ) * Math.Sign( k1 );

            // convert radians to degrees
            angle *= ( 180.0 / Math.PI );

            if ( angle < 0 )
                angle = -angle;

            return angle;
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate angle between to vectors measured in [0, 180] degrees range.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startPoint">Starting point of both vectors.</param>
        /// <param name="vector1end">Ending point of the first vector.</param>
        /// <param name="vector2end">Ending point of the second vector.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns angle between specified vectors measured in degrees.</returns>
        public static double GetAngleBetweenVectors( IntPoint startPoint, IntPoint vector1end, IntPoint vector2end )
            int x1 = vector1end.X - startPoint.X;
            int y1 = vector1end.Y - startPoint.Y;

            int x2 = vector2end.X - startPoint.X;
            int y2 = vector2end.Y - startPoint.Y;

            return Math.Acos( ( x1 * x2 + y1 * y2 ) / ( Math.Sqrt( x1 * x1 + y1 * y1 ) * Math.Sqrt( x2 * x2 + y2 * y2 ) ) ) * 180.0 / Math.PI;
 /// <summary>
 /// (Re)initialize with a fresh test case.
 /// Returns the target point (center of large box).
 /// </summary>
 public IntPoint InitTestCase(int largeBoxRelativePos)
     // Get small and large box center positions.
     IntPoint[] boxPosArr = GenerateRandomTestCase(largeBoxRelativePos);
     _smallBoxTopLeft = boxPosArr[0];
     _largeBoxTopLeft = boxPosArr[1];
     return boxPosArr[1];
 private void TilePlacementHandler()
      IntPoint nD = ExtendedMath.DistanceIntervals(new Vector2(Cam1.position.x, Cam1.position.z), new Vector2(_chunkCenter.x, _chunkCenter.z), _chunkSize/2);
      if ((nD.x > 0 ^ nD.x < 0) | (nD.y > 0 ^ nD.y < 0))
          _chunkCenter = new Vector2(_chunkCenter.x + (nD.x * _chunkSize.x), _chunkCenter.z + (nD.y * _chunkSize.y));
          IntPoint negaDir = new IntPoint((int)ExtendedMath.InvertValue((nD.x != 0 ? nD.x : nD.y)), (nD.y != 0 ? nD.y : (int)ExtendedMath.InvertValue(nD.x)));
Beispiel #19
		public static void ApplyTranslation(this Polygons polygons, IntPoint translation)
			for (int i = 0; i < polygons.Count; i++)
				for (int j = 0; j < polygons[i].Count; j++)
					polygons[i][j] = polygons[i][j] + translation;
Beispiel #20
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            var radius = rand.Next(Size - 5, Size + 1)/2;
            var border = new List<IntPoint>();

            var t = new int[Size, Size];
            for (var y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                    var dx = x - (Size/2.0);
                    var dy = y - (Size/2.0);
                    var r = Math.Sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
                    if (r <= radius)
                        t[x, y] = 1;
                        if (radius - r < 1.5)
                            border.Add(new IntPoint(x, y));

            var trees = new HashSet<IntPoint>();
            while (trees.Count < border.Count*0.5)
                trees.Add(border[rand.Next(0, border.Count)]);

            foreach (var i in trees)
                t[i.X, i.Y] = 2;

            for (var x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                    if (t[x, y] == 1)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId = Floor;
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Obstacles[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 2)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId = Floor;
                        tile.ObjType = Tree;
                        tile.Name = "size:" + (rand.Next()%2 == 0 ? 120 : 140);
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0) tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Obstacles[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = 2;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;

            var ent = Entity.Resolve(0x091f);
            ent.Size = 140;
            ent.Move(pos.X + Size/2 + 1, pos.Y + Size/2 + 1);
    public bool Select(Vector3 wordPos)
        IntPoint p = new IntPoint(wordPos.x * clipScalling, wordPos.z * clipScalling);

        List<IntPoint> poly = GetArea(mMesh);
        if(Clipper.PointInPolygon(p, poly) == 1){
            return true;

        return false;
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            int radius = rand.Next(Size - 5, Size + 1) / 2;
            List<IntPoint> border = new List<IntPoint>();

            int[,] t = new int[Size, Size];
            for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                    double dx = x - (Size / 2.0);
                    double dy = y - (Size / 2.0);
                    double r = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
                    if (r <= radius)
                        t[x, y] = 1;
                        if (radius - r < 1.5)
                            border.Add(new IntPoint(x, y));

            HashSet<IntPoint> trees = new HashSet<IntPoint>();
            while (trees.Count < border.Count * 0.5)
                trees.Add(border[rand.Next(0, border.Count)]);

            foreach (IntPoint i in trees)
                t[i.X, i.Y] = 2;

            XmlData dat = world.Manager.GameData;
            for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                    if (t[x, y] == 1)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId = dat.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 2)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId = dat.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType[Tree];
                        tile.Name = "size:" + (rand.Next() % 2 == 0 ? 120 : 140);
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0) tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;

            Entity ent = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "Ent Ancient");
            ent.Size = 140;
            ent.Move(pos.X + Size / 2 + 1, pos.Y + Size / 2 + 1);
    public bool Equals(IntPoint p)
        // If parameter is null return false:
        if ((object)p == null)
            return false;

        // Return true if the fields match:
        return ((x == p.x) & (y == p.y));
Beispiel #24
 private double diffEval(int[][] input, IntPoint p)
     double output = 1;
     double refEval;
     if (HashedResults.ContainsKey(Ref.Eval)) {
         refEval = HashedResults[Ref.Eval];
     } else {
         refEval = Ref.Eval(input);
     output = (refEval) / (refEval + input[p.X][p.Y] + .00001);
     HashedResults[Eval] = output;
     return output;
Beispiel #25
 private double prodEval(int[][] input, IntPoint p)
     double output = 1;
     double refEval;
     if (HashedResults.ContainsKey(Ref.Eval)) {
         refEval = HashedResults[Ref.Eval];
     } else {
         refEval = Ref.Eval(input);
     output = refEval * input[p.X][p.Y];
     HashedResults[Eval] = output;
     return output;
		public void InsideOutsidePoints()
				// a square with a hole (outside is ccw inside is cw)
				// __________
				// | _____  |
				// | |    | |
				// | |____| |
				// |________|
				string partOutlineString = "x:0, y:0,x:1000, y:0,x:1000, y:1000,x:0, y:1000,|x:100, y:100,x:0, y:900,x:900, y:900,x:900, y:0,|";
				Polygons bounderyPolygons = PolygonsHelper.CreateFromString(partOutlineString);
				AvoidCrossingPerimeters testHarness = new AvoidCrossingPerimeters(bounderyPolygons);
				Assert.IsTrue(testHarness.PointIsInsideBoundary(new IntPoint(1, 1)));

			// Here is a test case that was failing.
				// Looks a little like this
				// _____
				// |   |
				// | O |
				// | O |
				// |___|

				string partOutlineString = "x:90501, y:80501,x:109500, y:80501,x:109500, y:119500,x:90501, y:119500,|x:97387, y:104041,x:95594, y:105213,x:94278, y:106903,x:93583, y:108929,x:93583, y:111071,x:94278, y:113097,x:95594, y:114787,x:97387, y:115959,x:99464, y:116485,x:101598, y:116307,x:103559, y:115447,x:105135, y:113996,x:106154, y:112113,x:106507, y:110000,x:106154, y:107887,x:105135, y:106004,x:103559, y:104553,x:101598, y:103693,x:99464, y:103515,|x:97387, y:84042,x:95594, y:85214,x:94278, y:86904,x:93583, y:88930,x:93583, y:91072,x:94278, y:93098,x:95594, y:94788,x:97387, y:95960,x:99464, y:96486,x:101598, y:96308,x:103559, y:95448,x:105135, y:93997,x:106154, y:92114,x:106507, y:90001,x:106154, y:87888,x:105135, y:86005,x:103559, y:84554,x:101598, y:83694,x:99464, y:83516,|";
				Polygons bounderyPolygons = PolygonsHelper.CreateFromString(partOutlineString);
				IntPoint startPoint = new IntPoint(95765, 114600);
				IntPoint endPoint = new IntPoint(99485, 96234);
				AvoidCrossingPerimeters testHarness = new AvoidCrossingPerimeters(bounderyPolygons);

					IntPoint startPointInside = startPoint;
					testHarness.MovePointInsideBoundary(ref startPointInside);
					IntPoint endPointInside = endPoint;
					testHarness.MovePointInsideBoundary(ref endPointInside);


					Polygon insidePath = new Polygon();
					testHarness.CreatePathInsideBoundary(startPointInside, endPointInside, insidePath);
					Assert.IsTrue(insidePath.Count > 10); // It needs to go around the cicle so it needs many points (2 is a definate fail).

					Polygon insidePath = new Polygon();
					testHarness.CreatePathInsideBoundary(startPoint, endPoint, insidePath);
					Assert.IsTrue(insidePath.Count > 12); // two more than the last test to get the points in the right place
Beispiel #27
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            var t = new int[41, 41];

            for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                double angle = (360/5*i)*(float) Math.PI/180;
                var x_ = (int) (Math.Cos(angle)*15 + 20 - 3);
                var y_ = (int) (Math.Sin(angle)*15 + 20 - 3);

                for (var x = 0; x < 7; x++)
                    for (var y = 0; y < 7; y++)
                        t[x_ + x, y_ + y] = Circle[x, y];
                t[x_ + 3, y_ + 3] = 2;
            t[20, 20] = 3;

            for (var x = 0; x < 40; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < 40; y++)
                    if (t[x, y] == 1)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId = Floor;
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Obstacles[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 2)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId = Floor;
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Obstacles[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;

                        var penta = Entity.Resolve(0x0d5e);
                        penta.Move(pos.X + x + .5f, pos.Y + y + .5f);
                    else if (t[x, y] == 3)
                        var penta = Entity.Resolve(0x0d5f);
                        penta.Move(pos.X + x + .5f, pos.Y + y + .5f);
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            int[,] t = new int[41, 41];

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                double angle = (360/5*i)*(float) Math.PI/180;
                int x_ = (int) (Math.Cos(angle)*15 + 20 - 3);
                int y_ = (int) (Math.Sin(angle)*15 + 20 - 3);

                for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < 7; y++)
                        t[x_ + x, y_ + y] = Circle[x, y];
                t[x_ + 3, y_ + 3] = 2;
            t[20, 20] = 3;

            XmlData data = world.Manager.GameData;
            for (int x = 0; x < 40; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 40; y++)
                    if (t[x, y] == 1)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId = data.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 2)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId = data.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;

                        Entity penta = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, 0x0d5e);
                        penta.Move(pos.X + x + .5f, pos.Y + y + .5f);
                    else if (t[x, y] == 3)
                        Entity penta = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "Pentaract");
                        penta.Move(pos.X + x + .5f, pos.Y + y + .5f);
Beispiel #29
 public void Calculate(Polygons polys)
     min = new IntPoint(long.MaxValue, long.MaxValue);
     max = new IntPoint(long.MinValue, long.MinValue);
     for (int i = 0; i < polys.Count; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < polys[i].Count; j++)
             if (min.X > polys[i][j].X) min.X = polys[i][j].X;
             if (min.Y > polys[i][j].Y) min.Y = polys[i][j].Y;
             if (max.X < polys[i][j].X) max.X = polys[i][j].X;
             if (max.Y < polys[i][j].Y) max.Y = polys[i][j].Y;
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            XmlData dat = world.Manager.GameData;
            for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                    if (SetPiece[y, x] == 1)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId = dat.IdToTileType[Ground[0]];
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 2)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId = dat.IdToTileType[Ground[1]];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 7)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId = dat.IdToTileType[Ground[0]];
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType[Pillars[0]];
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 8)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId = dat.IdToTileType[Ground[0]];
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType[Pillars[1]];
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 9)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId = dat.IdToTileType[Ground[0]];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;

                        Entity hermit = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "Hermit God");
                        hermit.Move(pos.X + x + 0.5f, pos.Y + y + 0.5f);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the point is outside of polygon
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="val">Polygon to check</param>
        /// <param name="point">Point to check</param>
        /// <returns>true if point is outside of polygon</returns>
        public static bool IsOutside(this Geometry.Polygon val, Vector2 point)
            var p = new IntPoint(point.X, point.Y);

            return(Clipper.PointInPolygon(p, val.ToClipperPath()) != 1);
 /// <summary>
 /// Set pixel with the specified coordinates to the specified color.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="point">Point's coordiates to set color for.</param>
 /// <param name="color">Color to set for the pixel.</param>
 /// <remarks><para>See <see cref="SetPixel(int, int, Color)"/> for more information.</para></remarks>
 public void SetPixel(IntPoint point, Color color)
     SetPixel(point.X, point.Y, color);
Beispiel #33
        public IEnumerable <Entity> InstantiateEntities(RealmManager manager, IntPoint offset = new IntPoint())
            foreach (var i in _entities)
                var entity = Entity.Resolve(manager, i.Item2);
                entity.Move(i.Item1.X + 0.5f + offset.X, i.Item1.Y + 0.5f + offset.Y);
                if (i.Item3 != null)
                    foreach (var item in i.Item3.Split(';'))
                        string[] kv = item.Split(':');
                        switch (kv[0])
                        case "hp":
                            (entity as Enemy).HP        = Utils.FromString(kv[1]);
                            (entity as Enemy).MaximumHP = (entity as Enemy).HP;

                        case "name":
                            entity.Name = kv[1]; break;

                        case "size":
                            entity.SetDefaultSize(Math.Min(500, Utils.FromString(kv[1])));

                        case "eff":
                            entity.ConditionEffects = (ConditionEffects)ulong.Parse(kv[1]);

                        case "conn":
                            (entity as ConnectedObject).Connection = ConnectionInfo.Infos[(uint)Utils.FromString(kv[1])];

                        case "mtype":
                            (entity as Merchant).Item = (ushort)Utils.FromString(kv[1]);

                        case "mcost":
                            (entity as SellableObject).Price = Math.Max(0, Utils.FromString(kv[1]));

                        case "mcur":
                            (entity as SellableObject).Currency = (CurrencyType)Utils.FromString(kv[1]);

                        case "mamnt":
                            (entity as Merchant).Count = Utils.FromString(kv[1]);

                        case "mtime":
                            (entity as Merchant).TimeLeft = Utils.FromString(kv[1]);

                        case "mdisc":     // not implemented

                        case "mrank":
                        case "stars":     // provided for backwards compatibility with older maps
                            (entity as SellableObject).RankReq = Utils.FromString(kv[1]);

                        case "mtax":
                            (entity as SellableObject).Tax = Utils.FromString(kv[1]);

                        case "xOffset":
                            var xo = float.Parse(kv[1]);
                            entity.Move(entity.X + xo, entity.Y);

                        case "yOffset":
                            var yo = float.Parse(kv[1]);
                            entity.Move(entity.X, entity.Y + yo);

                yield return(entity);
    public static void Bake(GameObject go, bool forced)
        var sc = go.GetComponent <SpriteShapeController>();
        var lc = go.GetComponent <LegacyCollider>();

        if (sc != null)
            List <IntPoint> path             = new List <IntPoint>();
            int             splinePointCount = sc.spline.GetPointCount();
            int             pathPointCount   = splinePointCount;

            ColliderCornerType cct = ColliderCornerType.Square;
            float co = 1.0f;

            if (lc != null)
                int hashCode = sc.spline.GetHashCode() + lc.m_ColliderCornerType.GetHashCode() + lc.m_ColliderOffset.GetHashCode();
                if (lc.m_HashCode == hashCode && !forced)

                lc.m_HashCode = hashCode;
                cct           = lc.m_ColliderCornerType;
                co            = lc.m_ColliderOffset;

            if (sc.spline.isOpenEnded)

            for (int i = 0; i < pathPointCount; ++i)
                int nextIndex = SplineUtility.NextIndex(i, splinePointCount);
                SampleCurve(sc.colliderDetail, sc.spline.GetPosition(i), sc.spline.GetRightTangent(i), sc.spline.GetPosition(nextIndex), sc.spline.GetLeftTangent(nextIndex), ref path);

            if (co != 0f)
                List <List <IntPoint> > solution   = new List <List <IntPoint> >();
                ClipperOffset           clipOffset = new ClipperOffset();

                EndType endType = EndType.etClosedPolygon;

                if (sc.spline.isOpenEnded)
                    endType = EndType.etOpenSquare;

                    if (cct == ColliderCornerType.Round)
                        endType = EndType.etOpenRound;

                clipOffset.ArcTolerance = 200f / sc.colliderDetail;
                clipOffset.AddPath(path, (ExtrasClipperLib.JoinType)cct, endType);
                clipOffset.Execute(ref solution, s_ClipperScale * co);

                if (solution.Count > 0)
                    path = solution[0];

            List <Vector2> pathPoints = new List <Vector2>(path.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; ++i)
                IntPoint ip = path[i];
                pathPoints.Add(new Vector2(ip.X / s_ClipperScale, ip.Y / s_ClipperScale));

            var pc = go.GetComponent <PolygonCollider2D>();
            if (pc)
                pc.pathCount = 0;
                pc.SetPath(0, pathPoints.ToArray());

            var ec = go.GetComponent <EdgeCollider2D>();
            if (ec)
                if (co > 0f || co < 0f && !sc.spline.isOpenEnded)
                ec.points = pathPoints.ToArray();
Beispiel #35
        public double GetDistance(IntPoint p1, IntPoint p2)
            double distance = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(p2.X - p1.X, 2) + Math.Pow(p2.Y - p1.Y, 2));

Beispiel #36
        private Bitmap CheckCheckbox(Bitmap image)
            //Mittelpunkt der Checkmarks
            IntPoint[] points = new IntPoint[] {
                new IntPoint {
                    X = 75, Y = 175
                new IntPoint {
                    X = 300, Y = 175
                new IntPoint {
                    X = 75, Y = 191
                new IntPoint {
                    X = 300, Y = 191
                new IntPoint {
                    X = 75, Y = 207
                new IntPoint {
                    X = 300, Y = 207
                new IntPoint {
                    X = 75, Y = 223
                new IntPoint {
                    X = 300, Y = 223
                new IntPoint {
                    X = 300, Y = 239
                new IntPoint {
                    X = 75, Y = 255
                new IntPoint {
                    X = 300, Y = 255
                new IntPoint {
                    X = 75, Y = 271

            int checkBoxID = 0;

            foreach (IntPoint p in points)
                IntPoint middle = new IntPoint
                    X = p.X,
                    Y = p.Y

                int halfBoxSize = int.Parse(tbCheckBoxSize.Text) / 2;

                IntPoint topLeft = new IntPoint
                    X = middle.X - halfBoxSize,
                    Y = middle.Y + halfBoxSize

                IntPoint topRight = new IntPoint
                    X = middle.X + halfBoxSize,
                    Y = middle.Y + halfBoxSize

                IntPoint bottomLeft = new IntPoint
                    X = middle.X - halfBoxSize,
                    Y = middle.Y - halfBoxSize

                IntPoint bottomRight = new IntPoint
                    X = middle.X + halfBoxSize,
                    Y = middle.Y - halfBoxSize

                int totalA = 0;

                //bereich um den Kasten
                for (int i = topLeft.X; i < topRight.X; i++)
                    for (int j = bottomLeft.Y; j < topRight.Y; j++)
                        Color c = image.GetPixel(i, j);
                        //Farbwerte im Feld addieren
                        totalA = totalA + c.A;

                        if (cbShowCheckedArea.IsChecked ?? true)
                            image.SetPixel(i, j, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0));

                //Totalen Farbwert durch Anzahl an Pixeln teilen
                int cAverage = totalA / ((halfBoxSize * 2) * (halfBoxSize * 2));

                if (cAverage > int.Parse(tbUncheckedUnder.Text) && cAverage < int.Parse(tbCheckedUnder.Text))


        public void CorrectSeamPlacement()
            // coincident points return 0 angle
                IntPoint p1 = new IntPoint(10, 0);
                IntPoint p2 = new IntPoint(0, 0);
                IntPoint p3 = new IntPoint(0, 0);
                Assert.IsTrue(PathOrderOptimizer.GetTurnAmount(p1, p2, p3) == 0);

            // no turn returns a 0 angle
                IntPoint p1 = new IntPoint(10, 0);
                IntPoint p2 = new IntPoint(0, 0);
                IntPoint p3 = new IntPoint(-10, 0);
                Assert.IsTrue(PathOrderOptimizer.GetTurnAmount(p1, p2, p3) == 0);

            // 90 turn works
                IntPoint p1 = new IntPoint(0, 0);
                IntPoint p2 = new IntPoint(10, 0);
                IntPoint p3 = new IntPoint(10, 10);
                Assert.AreEqual(PathOrderOptimizer.GetTurnAmount(p1, p2, p3), Math.PI / 2, .001);

                IntPoint p4 = new IntPoint(0, 10);
                IntPoint p5 = new IntPoint(0, 0);
                IntPoint p6 = new IntPoint(10, 0);
                Assert.AreEqual(PathOrderOptimizer.GetTurnAmount(p4, p5, p6), Math.PI / 2, .001);

            // -90 turn works
                IntPoint p1 = new IntPoint(0, 0);
                IntPoint p2 = new IntPoint(10, 0);
                IntPoint p3 = new IntPoint(10, -10);
                Assert.AreEqual(PathOrderOptimizer.GetTurnAmount(p1, p2, p3), -Math.PI / 2, .001);

            // 45 turn works
                IntPoint p1 = new IntPoint(0, 0);
                IntPoint p2 = new IntPoint(10, 0);
                IntPoint p3 = new IntPoint(15, 5);
                Assert.AreEqual(Math.PI / 4, PathOrderOptimizer.GetTurnAmount(p1, p2, p3), .001);

                IntPoint p4 = new IntPoint(0, 0);
                IntPoint p5 = new IntPoint(-10, 0);
                IntPoint p6 = new IntPoint(-15, -5);
                Assert.AreEqual(Math.PI / 4, PathOrderOptimizer.GetTurnAmount(p4, p5, p6), .001);

            // -45 turn works
                IntPoint p1 = new IntPoint(0, 0);
                IntPoint p2 = new IntPoint(10, 0);
                IntPoint p3 = new IntPoint(15, -5);
                Assert.AreEqual(-Math.PI / 4, PathOrderOptimizer.GetTurnAmount(p1, p2, p3), .001);

            // find the right point wound ccw
                // 4________3
                // |       /
                // |      /2
                // |      \
                // |0______\1
                List <IntPoint> testPoints = new List <IntPoint> {
                    new IntPoint(0, 0), new IntPoint(100, 0), new IntPoint(70, 50), new IntPoint(100, 100), new IntPoint(0, 100)
                int bestPoint = PathOrderOptimizer.GetBestIndex(testPoints);
                Assert.IsTrue(bestPoint == 2);

            // find the right point wound ccw
                // 3________2
                // |       |
                // |       |
                // |       |
                // |0______|1
                List <IntPoint> testPoints = new List <IntPoint> {
                    new IntPoint(0, 0), new IntPoint(100, 0), new IntPoint(100, 100), new IntPoint(0, 100)
                int bestPoint = PathOrderOptimizer.GetBestIndex(testPoints);
                Assert.IsTrue(bestPoint == 3);

            // find the right point wound ccw
                // 1________0
                // |       |
                // |       |
                // |       |
                // |2______|3
                List <IntPoint> testPoints = new List <IntPoint> {
                    new IntPoint(100, 100), new IntPoint(0, 100), new IntPoint(0, 0), new IntPoint(100, 0)
                int bestPoint = PathOrderOptimizer.GetBestIndex(testPoints);
                Assert.IsTrue(bestPoint == 1);

            // find the right point wound cw
                // 1________2
                // |       |
                // |       |
                // |       |
                // |0______|3
                List <IntPoint> testPoints = new List <IntPoint> {
                    new IntPoint(0, 0), new IntPoint(0, 100), new IntPoint(100, 100), new IntPoint(100, 0)
                int bestPoint = PathOrderOptimizer.GetBestIndex(testPoints);
                Assert.IsTrue(bestPoint == 1);

            // find the right point wound cw
                // 0________1
                // |       |
                // |       |
                // |       |
                // |3______|2
                List <IntPoint> testPoints = new List <IntPoint> {
                    new IntPoint(0, 100), new IntPoint(100, 100), new IntPoint(100, 0), new IntPoint(0, 0)
                int bestPoint = PathOrderOptimizer.GetBestIndex(testPoints);
                Assert.IsTrue(bestPoint == 0);

            // find the right point wound ccw
                // 4________3
                // |       /
                // |      /2
                // |      \
                // |0______\1
                List <IntPoint> testPoints = new List <IntPoint> {
                    new IntPoint(0, 0), new IntPoint(1000, 0), new IntPoint(900, 500), new IntPoint(1000, 1000), new IntPoint(0, 1000)
                int bestPoint = PathOrderOptimizer.GetBestIndex(testPoints);
                Assert.IsTrue(bestPoint == 2);

            // ccw
                // 2________1
                // |       /
                // |      /0
                // |      \
                // |3______\4
                List <IntPoint> testPoints = new List <IntPoint> {
                    new IntPoint(90, 50), new IntPoint(100, 100), new IntPoint(0, 100), new IntPoint(0, 0), new IntPoint(100, 0)
                int bestPoint = PathOrderOptimizer.GetBestIndex(testPoints);
                Assert.IsTrue(bestPoint == 0);

            // ccw
                // 2________1
                //  \      /
                //   \3   /0
                //   /    \
                //  /4_____\5
                List <IntPoint> testPoints = new List <IntPoint> {
                    new IntPoint(90, 50), new IntPoint(100, 100), new IntPoint(0, 100), new IntPoint(10, 50), new IntPoint(0, 0), new IntPoint(100, 0)
                int bestPoint = PathOrderOptimizer.GetBestIndex(testPoints);
                Assert.IsTrue(bestPoint == 3);

            // ccw
                // 2________1
                //  \      /
                //   \3   /0 less angle
                //   /    \
                //  /4_____\5
                List <IntPoint> testPoints = new List <IntPoint> {
                    new IntPoint(950, 500), new IntPoint(1000, 1000), new IntPoint(0, 1000), new IntPoint(100, 500), new IntPoint(0, 0), new IntPoint(1000, 0)
                int bestPoint = PathOrderOptimizer.GetBestIndex(testPoints);
                Assert.IsTrue(bestPoint == 3);

            // ccw
                // 2________1
                //  \      /
                //   \3   /0 more angle
                //   /    \
                //  /4_____\5
                List <IntPoint> testPoints = new List <IntPoint> {
                    new IntPoint(550, 500), new IntPoint(1000, 1000), new IntPoint(0, 1000), new IntPoint(100, 500), new IntPoint(0, 0), new IntPoint(1000, 0)
                int bestPoint = PathOrderOptimizer.GetBestIndex(testPoints);
                Assert.IsTrue(bestPoint == 0);

            // ccw
                // 5________4
                //  \      /
                //   \0   /3
                //   /    \
                //  /1_____\2
                List <IntPoint> testPoints = new List <IntPoint> {
                    new IntPoint(10, 50), new IntPoint(0, 0), new IntPoint(100, 0), new IntPoint(90, 50), new IntPoint(100, 100), new IntPoint(0, 100),
                int bestPoint = PathOrderOptimizer.GetBestIndex(testPoints);
                Assert.IsTrue(bestPoint == 0);

            // find the right point wound cw (inside hole loops)
                // 1________2
                // |       /
                // |      /3
                // |      \
                // |0______\4
                List <IntPoint> testPoints = new List <IntPoint> {
                    new IntPoint(0, 0), new IntPoint(0, 100), new IntPoint(100, 100), new IntPoint(90, 50), new IntPoint(100, 0)
                int bestPoint = PathOrderOptimizer.GetBestIndex(testPoints);
                Assert.IsTrue(bestPoint == 1);

            // find the right point wound cw
                // 2________3
                // |       /
                // |      /4
                // |      \
                // |1______\0
                List <IntPoint> testPoints = new List <IntPoint> {
                    new IntPoint(100, 0), new IntPoint(0, 0), new IntPoint(0, 100), new IntPoint(100, 100), new IntPoint(90, 50)
                int bestPoint = PathOrderOptimizer.GetBestIndex(testPoints);
                Assert.IsTrue(bestPoint == 2);

            // cw
                // 4________5
                //  \      /
                //   \3   /0
                //   /    \
                //  /2_____\1
                List <IntPoint> testPoints = new List <IntPoint>
                    new IntPoint(90, 50), new IntPoint(100, 0), new IntPoint(0, 0), new IntPoint(10, 50), new IntPoint(0, 100), new IntPoint(100, 100)
                int bestPoint = PathOrderOptimizer.GetBestIndex(testPoints);
                Assert.IsTrue(bestPoint == 4);

            // cw
                // 1________2
                //  \      /
                //   \0   /3
                //   /    \
                //  /5_____\4
                List <IntPoint> testPoints = new List <IntPoint>
                    new IntPoint(10, 50), new IntPoint(0, 100), new IntPoint(100, 100), new IntPoint(90, 50), new IntPoint(100, 0), new IntPoint(0, 0),
                int bestPoint = PathOrderOptimizer.GetBestIndex(testPoints);
                Assert.IsTrue(bestPoint == 1);
Beispiel #38
        public static void GenerateHexLinePaths(Polygons in_outline, ref Polygons result, int lineSpacing, int infillExtendIntoPerimeter_um, double rotationDegrees, int layerIndex)
            int extraRotationAngle = 0;

            if (in_outline.Count > 0)
                Polygons outlines = in_outline.Offset(infillExtendIntoPerimeter_um);
                if (outlines.Count > 0)
                    int         perIncrementOffset = (int)(lineSpacing * Math.Sqrt(3) / 2 + .5);
                    PointMatrix matrix             = new PointMatrix(-(rotationDegrees + extraRotationAngle));         // we are rotating the part so we rotate by the negative so the lines go the way we expect


                    AABB boundary = new AABB(outlines);

                    boundary.min.X  = ((boundary.min.X / lineSpacing) - 1) * lineSpacing;
                    boundary.min.Y  = ((boundary.min.Y / perIncrementOffset) - 1) * perIncrementOffset;
                    boundary.max.X += lineSpacing;
                    boundary.max.Y += perIncrementOffset;
                    Polygons unclipedPatern = new Polygons();

                    foreach (IntPoint startPoint in StartPositionIterator(boundary, lineSpacing, layerIndex))
                        Polygon attachedLine = new Polygon();
                        foreach (IntPoint center in IncrementPositionIterator(startPoint, boundary, lineSpacing, layerIndex))
                            // what we are adding are the little plusses that define the points
                            //        | top
                            //        |
                            //        /\ center
                            //   left/  \ right
                            IntPoint left  = center + new IntPoint(-lineSpacing / 2, -perIncrementOffset / 3);
                            IntPoint right = center + new IntPoint(lineSpacing / 2, -perIncrementOffset / 3);
                            IntPoint top   = center + new IntPoint(0, perIncrementOffset * 2 / 3);

                            switch (layerIndex % 3)
                            case 0:                                     // left to right
                                attachedLine.Add(left); attachedLine.Add(center);
                                attachedLine.Add(center); attachedLine.Add(right);
                                unclipedPatern.Add(new Polygon()
                                    top, center

                            case 1:                                     // left to top
                                attachedLine.Add(left); attachedLine.Add(center);
                                attachedLine.Add(center); attachedLine.Add(top);
                                unclipedPatern.Add(new Polygon()
                                    center, right

                            case 2:                                     // top to right
                                attachedLine.Add(top); attachedLine.Add(center);
                                attachedLine.Add(center); attachedLine.Add(right);
                                unclipedPatern.Add(new Polygon()
                                    left, center
                        if (attachedLine.Count > 0)

                    PolyTree ret     = new PolyTree();
                    Clipper  clipper = new Clipper();
                    clipper.AddPaths(unclipedPatern, PolyType.ptSubject, false);
                    clipper.AddPaths(outlines, PolyType.ptClip, true);
                    clipper.Execute(ClipType.ctIntersection, ret, PolyFillType.pftPositive, PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd);

                    Polygons    newSegments   = Clipper.OpenPathsFromPolyTree(ret);
                    PointMatrix inversematrix = new PointMatrix((rotationDegrees + extraRotationAngle));

Beispiel #39
        private static IEnumerable <IntPoint> StartPositionIterator(AABB boundary, int lineSpacing, int layerIndex)
            int perIncrementOffset = (int)(lineSpacing * Math.Sqrt(3) / 2 + .5);
            int yLineCount         = (int)((boundary.max.Y - boundary.min.Y + perIncrementOffset) / perIncrementOffset) + 1;

            switch (layerIndex % 3)
            case 0:                     // left to right
                for (int yIndex = 0; yIndex < yLineCount; yIndex++)
                    long yPosition     = boundary.min.Y + yIndex * perIncrementOffset;
                    bool removeXOffset = ((yPosition / perIncrementOffset) % 2) == 0;
                    long xOffsetForY   = lineSpacing / 2;
                    if (removeXOffset)                             // if we are at every other y
                        xOffsetForY = 0;
                    long firstX = boundary.min.X + xOffsetForY;

                    yield return(new IntPoint(firstX, yPosition));

            case 1:                     // left to top
                IntPoint nextPoint = new IntPoint();
                for (int yIndex = yLineCount; yIndex >= 0; yIndex--)
                    long yPosition         = boundary.min.Y + yIndex * perIncrementOffset;
                    bool createLineSegment = ((yPosition / perIncrementOffset) % 2) == 0;
                    if (createLineSegment)
                        nextPoint = new IntPoint(boundary.min.X, yPosition);
                        yield return(nextPoint);

                IntPoint positionAdd = new IntPoint(lineSpacing, 0);
                nextPoint += positionAdd;
                while (nextPoint.X > boundary.min.X &&
                       nextPoint.X < boundary.max.X)
                    yield return(nextPoint);

                    nextPoint += positionAdd;

            case 2:                     // top to right
                IntPoint nextPoint = new IntPoint();
                for (int yIndex = 0; yIndex < yLineCount; yIndex++)
                    long yPosition         = boundary.min.Y + yIndex * perIncrementOffset;
                    bool createLineSegment = ((yPosition / perIncrementOffset) % 2) == 0;
                    if (createLineSegment)
                        nextPoint = new IntPoint(boundary.min.X, yPosition);
                        yield return(nextPoint);

                IntPoint positionAdd = new IntPoint(lineSpacing, 0);
                nextPoint += positionAdd;
                while (nextPoint.X > boundary.min.X &&
                       nextPoint.X < boundary.max.X)
                    yield return(nextPoint);

                    nextPoint += positionAdd;
Beispiel #40
        private int RenderBlock(int leftPos, int rightPos, Color?selectedTextColor, Color bgColor, IntRect rectContent, IFastGridCellBlock block, FastGridCellAddress cellAddr, bool leftAlign, bool isHoverCell)
            bool renderBlock = true;

            if (block.MouseHoverBehaviour == MouseHoverBehaviours.HideWhenMouseOut && !isHoverCell)
                renderBlock = false;

            int width = 0, top = 0, height = 0;

            switch (block.BlockType)
            case FastGridBlockType.Text:
                var font       = GetFont(block.IsBold, block.IsItalic);
                int textHeight = font.GetTextHeight(block.TextData);
                width  = font.GetTextWidth(block.TextData, _columnSizes.MaxSize);
                height = textHeight;
                top    = rectContent.Top + (int)Math.Round(rectContent.Height / 2.0 - textHeight / 2.0);

            case FastGridBlockType.Image:
                top    = rectContent.Top + (int)Math.Round(rectContent.Height / 2.0 - block.ImageHeight / 2.0);
                height = block.ImageHeight;
                width  = block.ImageWidth;

            if (renderBlock && block.CommandParameter != null)
                var activeRect = new IntRect(new IntPoint(leftAlign ? leftPos : rightPos - width, top), new IntSize(width, height)).GrowSymmetrical(1, 1);
                var region     = new ActiveRegion
                    CommandParameter = block.CommandParameter,
                    Rect             = activeRect,
                    Tooltip          = block.ToolTip,
                if (_mouseCursorPoint.HasValue && activeRect.Contains(_mouseCursorPoint.Value))
                    _drawBuffer.FillRectangle(activeRect, ActiveRegionHoverFillColor);
                    CurrentHoverRegion = region;

                bool renderRectangle = true;
                if (block.MouseHoverBehaviour == MouseHoverBehaviours.HideButtonWhenMouseOut && !isHoverCell)
                    renderRectangle = false;

                if (renderRectangle)
                    _drawBuffer.DrawRectangle(activeRect, ActiveRegionFrameColor);

            switch (block.BlockType)
            case FastGridBlockType.Text:
                if (renderBlock)
                    var textOrigin = new IntPoint(leftAlign ? leftPos : rightPos - width, top);
                    var font       = GetFont(block.IsBold, block.IsItalic);
                    var fontcolor  =
                        ?? block.FontColor
                        ?? ((cellAddr.IsColumnHeader)
                                ? (cellAddr.IsColumnFilter) ? HeaderFilterFontColor : HeaderFontColor
                                : CellFontColor);
                    _drawBuffer.DrawString(textOrigin.X, textOrigin.Y, rectContent, fontcolor, UseClearType ? bgColor : (Color?)null,

            case FastGridBlockType.Image:
                if (renderBlock)
                    var imgOrigin = new IntPoint(leftAlign ? leftPos : rightPos - block.ImageWidth, top);
                    var image     = GetImage(block.ImageSource);
                    _drawBuffer.Blit(new Point(imgOrigin.X, imgOrigin.Y), image.Bitmap, new Rect(0, 0, block.ImageWidth, block.ImageHeight),
                                     image.KeyColor, image.BlendMode);

Beispiel #41
 public AABB()
     min = new IntPoint(long.MinValue, long.MinValue);
     max = new IntPoint(long.MinValue, long.MinValue);
Beispiel #42
 public AABB(Polygons polys)
     min = new IntPoint(long.MinValue, long.MinValue);
     max = new IntPoint(long.MinValue, long.MinValue);
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            var t = new int[23, 35];

            for (var x = 0; x < 23; x++) //Floor
                for (var y = 0; y < 35; y++)
                    t[x, y] = rand.Next() % 3 == 0 ? 0 : 1;

            for (var y = 0; y < 35; y++) //Perimeters
                t[0, y] = t[22, y] = 2;
            for (var x = 0; x < 23; x++)
                t[x, 0] = t[x, 34] = 2;

            var pts = new List <IntPoint>();

            for (var y = 0; y < 11; y++) //Crosses
                for (var x = 0; x < 7; x++)
                    if (rand.Next() % 3 > 0)
                        t[2 + 3 * x, 2 + 3 * y] = 4;
                        pts.Add(new IntPoint(2 + 3 * x, 2 + 3 * y));

            for (var x = 0; x < 23; x++) //Corruption
                for (var y = 0; y < 35; y++)
                    if (t[x, y] == 1 || t[x, y] == 0 || t[x, y] == 4)
                    var p = rand.NextDouble();
                    if (p < 0.1)
                        t[x, y] = 1;
                    else if (p < 0.4)
                        t[x, y]++;

            //Boss & Chest
            var pt = pts[rand.Next(0, pts.Count)];

            t[pt.X, pt.Y]     = 5;
            t[pt.X + 1, pt.Y] = 6;

            var r = rand.Next(0, 4);

            for (var i = 0; i < r; i++) //Rotation
                t = SetPieces.rotateCW(t);
            int w = t.GetLength(0), h = t.GetLength(1);

            for (var x = 0; x < w; x++) //Rendering
                for (var y = 0; y < h; y++)
                    if (t[x, y] == 1)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = Floor;
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Obstacles[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y]       = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 2)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = Floor;
                        tile.ObjType = WallA;
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Obstacles[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = 2;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y]       = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 3)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId = Floor;
                        world.Obstacles[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = 2;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y]       = tile;
                        var wall = Entity.Resolve(WallB);
                        wall.Move(x + pos.X + 0.5f, y + pos.Y + 0.5f);
                    else if (t[x, y] == 4)
                        var tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = Floor;
                        tile.ObjType = Cross;
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Obstacles[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = 2;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y]       = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 5)
                        var container = new Container(0x0501, null, false);
                        var count     = rand.Next(3, 8);
                        var items     = new List <Item>();
                        while (items.Count < count)
                            var item = chest.GetRandomLoot(rand);
                            if (item != null)
                        for (var i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
                            container.Inventory[i] = items[i];
                        container.Move(pos.X + x + 0.5f, pos.Y + y + 0.5f);
                    else if (t[x, y] == 6)
                        var mage = Entity.Resolve(0x0925);
                        mage.Move(pos.X + x, pos.Y + y);

            //Boss & Chest
Beispiel #44
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        int origid = npcId.intValue;

        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(npcId, new GUIContent("Npc ID"));
        if (origid != npcId.intValue)
            if (!changeNpc(npcId.intValue))
                npcId.intValue = origid;
        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(propLevel, new GUIContent("等级"));
        if (aiLabels == null)
        if (aiLabels != null)
            curSelAi        = EditorGUILayout.Popup("AI类型:", curSelAi, aiLabels);
            propAi.intValue = int.Parse(aiRows[curSelAi]["id"].ToString());

        //  EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel("模型ID:");
        MapNpcView view = (MapNpcView)target;

        //string info = "";
        //info += "模型ID:" + propModelId.stringValue + "\n";
        //info += "名字:" + + "\n";

        //info +="x:"+logic.x+",y:"+logic.y+"\n";
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("模型ID:\t" + propModelId.stringValue);
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("名字:\t" +;

        if (view.gameObject.transform.hasChanged)
            Vector3    pos   = view.gameObject.transform.localPosition;
            IntPoint   logic = PathUtilEdit.Real2Logic(pos);
            Quaternion rotat = view.gameObject.transform.localRotation;
            if (logic.x != propX.intValue || logic.y != propY.intValue)
                //Debug.Log("npc pos changed:" + logic.x + " != " + propX.intValue + "," + logic.y+" != "+propY.intValue);
                if (EditorData.terrainMan != null)
                    pos.y = EditorData.terrainMan.GetHeight(pos.x, pos.z);
                    view.gameObject.transform.localPosition = pos;
            propX.intValue         = logic.x;
            propY.intValue         = logic.y;
            propDirection.intValue = (int)(rotat.eulerAngles.y / 360 * 2 * Mathf.PI * 1000);
        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(propHeight, new GUIContent("出生范围 宽度"));

        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("X:\t" + propX.intValue);
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Y:\t" + propY.intValue);
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("朝向direction:\t" + propDirection.intValue);
        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(propScope, new GUIContent("活动范围"));
        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(propChase, new GUIContent("追击范围"));
        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(propNum, new GUIContent("数目"));
        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(propInterval, new GUIContent("重生间隔"));
        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(propWidth, new GUIContent("出生范围 长度"));
        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(propHeight, new GUIContent("出生范围 宽度"));

        //EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("test", MessageType.Info);
        //Debug.Log("npc name:" +",hash:";
        //string curModelId = propModelId.stringValue;
        // EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(propModelId, new GUIContent("模型ID"));
        // if (curModelId != propModelId.stringValue)
        // {
        //     Debug.Log("prop changed:" + propModelId.stringValue);
        //     changeModel(propModelId.stringValue,curModelId);
        // }
        // EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel("模型:");
        //Object prefab =  EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(curPrefab, typeof(GameObject));
        //if (curPrefab != prefab)
        //    Debug.Log("add new prefab:" + curPrefab);
        //    curPrefab = prefab;
        //    changePrefab(curPrefab);

Beispiel #45
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            int[,] t = new int[27, 27];

            int[,] q = (int[, ])quarter.Clone();

            for (int y = 0; y < 14; y++) //Top left
                for (int x = 0; x < 14; x++)
                    t[x, y] = q[x, y];

            q = SetPieces.reflectHori(q); //Top right
            for (int y = 0; y < 14; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 14; x++)
                    t[13 + x, y] = q[x, y];

            q = SetPieces.reflectVert(q); //Bottom right
            for (int y = 0; y < 14; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 14; x++)
                    t[13 + x, 13 + y] = q[x, y];

            q = SetPieces.reflectHori(q); //Bottom left
            for (int y = 0; y < 14; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 14; x++)
                    t[x, 13 + y] = q[x, y];

            for (int y = 1; y < 4; y++) //Opening
                for (int x = 8; x < 19; x++)
                    t[x, y] = 2;
            t[12, 0] = t[13, 0] = t[14, 0] = 2;

            int r = rand.Next(0, 4); //Rotation

            for (int i = 0; i < r; i++)
                t = SetPieces.rotateCW(t);

            t[13 + 6, 13] = 3;

            XmlData dat = world.Manager.GameData;

            for (int x = 0; x < 27; x++) //Rendering
                for (int y = 0; y < 27; y++)
                    if (t[x, y] == 1)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType[Wall];
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 2)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;

                    else if (t[x, y] == 3)
                        Entity cyclops = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, 0x0928);
                        cyclops.Move(pos.X + x, pos.Y + y);
Beispiel #46
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            var proto = world.Manager.Resources.Worlds["RockDragon"];

            SetPieces.RenderFromProto(world, pos, proto);
Beispiel #47
        private Bitmap DistortImage(Bitmap bitmap, IntPoint p1, IntPoint p2, IntPoint p3, IntPoint p4)
            if (p1.X != 0 && p2.Y != 0 && p3.Y != 0 && p4.X != 0)
                using (MagickImage image = new MagickImage(bitmap))
                    if (cbNormalize.IsChecked ?? true)

                    if (cbAutoGamma.IsChecked ?? true)

                    if (cbAutoLevel.IsChecked ?? true)

                    image.Threshold(new Percentage(int.Parse(tbThreshold.Text)));
                    image.Distort(DistortMethod.Perspective, new double[] {
                        p1.X, p1.Y, 0, 0,
                        p2.X, p2.Y, image.Width, 0,
                        p3.X, p3.Y, 0, image.Height,
                        p4.X, p4.Y, image.Width, image.Height

                    MagickGeometry size = new MagickGeometry(561, 795)
                        IgnoreAspectRatio = true


                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("No point was detected!", "No points", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

Beispiel #48
        public SimplifiedPic(List <BriefElecComp> Arr, MainWindow mainWindow)
            mainWindow.SyncProgess(0, "处理图像");
            PointArr     = new List <IntPoint>();
            FeatureArr   = new List <ElecFeature>();
            StructureArr = new List <ElecStructure>();
            mainWindow.SyncProgess(5, "处理导线");
            for (int i = 0; i < Arr.Count; i++)
                if (Arr[i].Comp == BriefElecComp.Comp_Wire)
                    IntPoint A = Arr[i].Interfaces[0];
                    IntPoint B = new IntPoint(Arr[i].Interfaces[1]);//一定要新建
                    for (int j = 0; j < Arr.Count; j++)
                        Arr[j].ReplaceWith(B, A);
            mainWindow.SyncProgess(10, "处理坐标");
            for (int i = 0; i < Arr.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < Arr[i].Interfaces.Count; j++)
                    if (!PointArr.Contains(Arr[i].Interfaces[j]))
                        PointArr.Add(new IntPoint(Arr[i].Interfaces[j]));
            mainWindow.SyncProgess(15, "整理元件");
            for (int i = 0; i < Arr.Count; i++)
                if (Arr[i].Comp != BriefElecComp.Comp_Wire)
                    int         Left        = PointArr.IndexOf(Arr[i].Interfaces[0]);
                    int         Right       = PointArr.IndexOf(Arr[i].Interfaces[1]);
                    ElecFeature elecFeature = Arr[i].elecComp.GetElecFeature();
                    elecFeature.SetFoot(Left, Right);

            /*String str1 = "";
             * for (int i=0; i< FeatureArr.Count; i++)
             * {
             *  str1 += FeatureArr[i] + "\r\n";
             * }
             * MessageBox.Show(str1);*/
            String str = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < PointArr.Count; i++)
                str += "Point " + i + ":" + PointArr[i].X +
                       "," + PointArr[i].Y + "\n";

            /*String str2 = "";
             * for (int i=0; i<StructureArr.Count; i++)
             * {
             *  str2 += StructureArr[i] + "\n";
             * }
             * MessageBox.Show(str2);*/
            mainWindow.SyncProgess(20, "处理结构");
Beispiel #49
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply filter to an image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="imageData">Source image to get biggest blob from.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns image of the biggest blob.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="UnsupportedImageFormatException">Unsupported pixel format of the source image.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="UnsupportedImageFormatException">Unsupported pixel format of the original image.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidImagePropertiesException">Source and original images must have the same size.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">The source image does not contain any blobs.</exception>
        public Bitmap Apply(BitmapData imageData)
            // check pixel format of the source image
            if (!FormatTranslations.ContainsKey(imageData.PixelFormat))
                throw new UnsupportedImageFormatException("Source pixel format is not supported by the filter.");

            // locate blobs in the source image
            BlobCounter blobCounter = new BlobCounter(imageData);

            // get information about blobs
            Blob[] blobs = blobCounter.GetObjectsInformation( );
            // find the biggest blob
            int  maxSize     = 0;
            Blob biggestBlob = null;

            for (int i = 0, n = blobs.Length; i < n; i++)
                int size = blobs[i].Rectangle.Width * blobs[i].Rectangle.Height;

                if (size > maxSize)
                    maxSize     = size;
                    biggestBlob = blobs[i];

            // check if any blob was found
            if (biggestBlob == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The source image does not contain any blobs.");

            blobPosition = new IntPoint(biggestBlob.Rectangle.Left, biggestBlob.Rectangle.Top);

            // extract biggest blob's image
            if (originalImage == null)
                blobCounter.ExtractBlobsImage(new UnmanagedImage(imageData), biggestBlob, false);
                // check original image's format
                if (
                    (originalImage.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb) &&
                    (originalImage.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb) &&
                    (originalImage.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb) &&
                    (originalImage.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb) &&
                    (originalImage.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed)
                    throw new UnsupportedImageFormatException("Original image may be grayscale (8bpp indexed) or color (24/32bpp) image only.");

                // check its size
                if ((originalImage.Width != imageData.Width) || (originalImage.Height != imageData.Height))
                    throw new InvalidImagePropertiesException("Original image must have the same size as passed source image.");

                blobCounter.ExtractBlobsImage(originalImage, biggestBlob, false);

            Bitmap managedImage = biggestBlob.Image.ToManagedImage( );

            // dispose unmanaged image of the biggest blob
            biggestBlob.Image.Dispose( );

Beispiel #50
        public static void Generate(ConfigSettings config,
                                    Polygons in_outline,
                                    Polygons result_lines,
                                    bool zigZag,
                                    int layerIndex)
            // generate infill based on the gyroid equation: sin_x * cos_y + sin_y * cos_z + sin_z * cos_x = 0
            // kudos to the author of the Slic3r implementation equation code, the equation code here is based on that
            Polygons outline = in_outline.Offset(config.ExtrusionWidth_um / 2);
            var      aabb    = outline.GetBounds();

            var accelerator = new Pathfinding.PathingData(outline, config.ExtrusionWidth_um * 3, true);

            var linespacing_um = (int)(config.ExtrusionWidth_um / (config.InfillPercent / 100));
            var z = layerIndex * config.LayerThickness_um;

            int pitch     = (int)(linespacing_um * 2.41);         // this produces similar density to the "line" infill pattern
            int num_steps = 4;
            int step      = pitch / num_steps;

            while (step > 500 && num_steps < 16)
                num_steps *= 2;
                step       = pitch / num_steps;

            pitch = step * num_steps;             // recalculate to avoid precision errors
            double z_rads           = 2 * Math.PI * z / pitch;
            double cos_z            = Math.Cos(z_rads);
            double sin_z            = Math.Sin(z_rads);
            var    odd_line_coords  = new List <double>();
            var    even_line_coords = new List <double>();
            var    result           = new Polygons();
            var    chains           = new Polygon[] { new Polygon(), new Polygon() };          // [start_points[], end_points[]]
            var    connected_to     = new List <int>[] { new List <int>(), new List <int>() }; // [chain_indices[], chain_indices[]]
            var    line_numbers     = new List <int>();                                        // which row/column line a chain is part of

            if (Math.Abs(sin_z) <= Math.Abs(cos_z))
                // "vertical" lines
                double phase_offset = ((cos_z < 0) ? Math.PI : 0) + Math.PI;
                for (long y = 0; y < pitch; y += step)
                    double y_rads      = 2 * Math.PI * y / pitch;
                    double a           = cos_z;
                    double b           = Math.Sin(y_rads + phase_offset);
                    double odd_c       = sin_z * Math.Cos(y_rads + phase_offset);
                    double even_c      = sin_z * Math.Cos(y_rads + phase_offset + Math.PI);
                    double h           = Math.Sqrt(a * a + b * b);
                    double odd_x_rads  = ((h != 0) ? Math.Asin(odd_c / h) + Math.Asin(b / h) : 0) - Math.PI / 2;
                    double even_x_rads = ((h != 0) ? Math.Asin(even_c / h) + Math.Asin(b / h) : 0) - Math.PI / 2;
                    odd_line_coords.Add(odd_x_rads / Math.PI * pitch);
                    even_line_coords.Add(even_x_rads / Math.PI * pitch);

                int num_coords  = odd_line_coords.Count;
                int num_columns = 0;
                for (long x = (long)((Math.Floor(aabb.minX / (double)pitch) - 2.25) * pitch); x <= aabb.maxX + pitch / 2; x += pitch / 2)
                    bool     is_first_point  = true;
                    IntPoint last            = default(IntPoint);
                    bool     last_inside     = false;
                    int      chain_end_index = 0;
                    var      chain_end       = new IntPoint[2];
                    for (long y = (long)((Math.Floor(aabb.minY / (double)pitch) - 1) * pitch); y <= aabb.maxY + pitch; y += pitch)
                        for (int i = 0; i < num_coords; ++i)
                            var  current        = new IntPoint(x + (((num_columns & 1) == 1) ? odd_line_coords[i] : even_line_coords[i]) / 2 + pitch, y + (long)(i * step));
                            bool current_inside = accelerator.PointIsInside(current) == QTPolygonsExtensions.InsideState.Inside;
                            if (!is_first_point)
                                if (last_inside && current_inside)
                                    // line doesn't hit the boundary, add the whole line
                                    result.AddLine(last, current);
                                else if (last_inside != current_inside)
                                    // line hits the boundary, add the part that's inside the boundary
                                    var line = new Polygons();
                                    line.AddLine(last, current);
                                    line = outline.CreateLineIntersections(line);
                                    if (line.Count > 0)
                                        // some of the line is inside the boundary
                                        result.AddLine(line[0][0], line[0][1]);

                                        var end        = line[0][(line[0][0] != last && line[0][0] != current) ? 0 : 1];
                                        var lineNumber = num_columns;
                                        if (zigZag)
                                            chain_end[chain_end_index] = end;
                                            if (++chain_end_index == 2)
                                                chain_end_index = 0;
                                        // none of the line is inside the boundary so the point that's actually on the boundary
                                        // is the chain end
                                        var end        = last_inside ? last : current;
                                        var lineNumber = num_columns;
                                        if (zigZag)
                                            chain_end[chain_end_index] = end;
                                            if (++chain_end_index == 2)
                                                chain_end_index = 0;

                            last           = current;
                            last_inside    = current_inside;
                            is_first_point = false;

                // "horizontal" lines
                double phase_offset = (sin_z < 0) ? Math.PI : 0;
                for (long x = 0; x < pitch; x += step)
                    double x_rads      = 2 * Math.PI * x / pitch;
                    double a           = sin_z;
                    double b           = Math.Cos(x_rads + phase_offset);
                    double odd_c       = cos_z * Math.Sin(x_rads + phase_offset + Math.PI);
                    double even_c      = cos_z * Math.Sin(x_rads + phase_offset);
                    double h           = Math.Sqrt(a * a + b * b);
                    double odd_y_rads  = ((h != 0) ? Math.Asin(odd_c / h) + Math.Asin(b / h) : 0) + Math.PI / 2;
                    double even_y_rads = ((h != 0) ? Math.Asin(even_c / h) + Math.Asin(b / h) : 0) + Math.PI / 2;
                    odd_line_coords.Add(odd_y_rads / Math.PI * pitch);
                    even_line_coords.Add(even_y_rads / Math.PI * pitch);

                int num_coords = odd_line_coords.Count;
                int num_rows   = 0;
                for (long y = (long)((Math.Floor(aabb.minY / (double)pitch) - 1) * pitch); y <= aabb.maxY + pitch / 2; y += pitch / 2)
                    bool     is_first_point  = true;
                    IntPoint last            = default(IntPoint);
                    bool     last_inside     = false;
                    int      chain_end_index = 0;
                    var      chain_end       = new IntPoint[2];
                    for (long x = (long)((Math.Floor(aabb.minX / (double)pitch) - 1) * pitch); x <= aabb.maxX + pitch; x += pitch)
                        for (int i = 0; i < num_coords; ++i)
                            var  current        = new IntPoint(x + (long)(i * step), y + (((num_rows & 1) == 1) ? odd_line_coords[i] : even_line_coords[i]) / 2);
                            bool current_inside = accelerator.PointIsInside(current) == QTPolygonsExtensions.InsideState.Inside;
                            if (!is_first_point)
                                if (last_inside && current_inside)
                                    // line doesn't hit the boundary, add the whole line
                                    result.AddLine(last, current);
                                else if (last_inside != current_inside)
                                    // line hits the boundary, add the part that's inside the boundary
                                    var line = new Polygons();
                                    line.AddLine(last, current);
                                    line = outline.CreateLineIntersections(line);
                                    if (line.Count > 0)
                                        // some of the line is inside the boundary
                                        result.AddLine(line[0][0], line[0][1]);
                                        var end        = line[0][(line[0][0] != last && line[0][0] != current) ? 0 : 1];
                                        var lineNumber = num_rows;
                                        if (zigZag)
                                            chain_end[chain_end_index] = end;
                                            if (++chain_end_index == 2)
                                                chain_end_index = 0;
                                        // none of the line is inside the boundary so the point that's actually on the boundary
                                        // is the chain end
                                        var end        = (last_inside) ? last : current;
                                        var lineNumber = num_rows;
                                        if (zigZag)
                                            chain_end[chain_end_index] = end;
                                            if (++chain_end_index == 2)
                                                chain_end_index = 0;

                            last           = current;
                            last_inside    = current_inside;
                            is_first_point = false;


            if (zigZag && chains[0].Count > 0)
                // zig-zag connecting consists of joining alternate chain ends to make a chain of chains
                // the basic algorithm is that we follow the infill area boundary and as we progress we are either drawing a connector or not
                // whenever we come across the end of a chain we toggle the connector drawing state
                // things are made more complicated by the fact that we want to avoid generating loops and so we need to keep track
                // of the identity of the first chain in a connected sequence

                int chain_ends_remaining = chains[0].Count * 2;

                foreach (var outline_poly in outline)
                    var connector_points = new Polygon();                     // the points that make up a connector line

                    // we need to remember the first chain processed and the path to it from the first outline point
                    // so that later we can possibly connect to it from the last chain processed
                    int first_chain_chain_index = int.MaxValue;
                    var path_to_first_chain     = new Polygon();

                    bool drawing = false;                     // true when a connector line is being (potentially) created

                    // keep track of the chain+point that a connector line started at
                    int connector_start_chain_index = int.MaxValue;
                    int connector_start_point_index = int.MaxValue;

                    IntPoint cur_point = default(IntPoint);                     // current point of interest - either an outline point or a chain end

                    // go round all of the region's outline and find the chain ends that meet it
                    // quit the loop early if we have seen all the chain ends and are not currently drawing a connector
                    for (int outline_point_index = 0; (chain_ends_remaining > 0 || drawing) && outline_point_index < outline_poly.Count; ++outline_point_index)
                        var op0 = outline_poly[outline_point_index];
                        var op1 = outline_poly[(outline_point_index + 1) % outline_poly.Count()];
                        var points_on_outline_chain_index = new List <int>();
                        var points_on_outline_point_index = new List <int>();

                        // collect the chain ends that meet this segment of the outline
                        for (int chain_index = 0; chain_index < chains[0].Count; ++chain_index)
                            for (int point_index = 0; point_index < 2; ++point_index)
                                // don't include chain ends that are close to the segment but are beyond the segment ends
                                int beyond = 0;
                                if (GetDist2FromLineSegment(op0, chains[point_index][chain_index], op1, ref beyond) < 10 &&
                                    beyond != 0)

                        if (outline_point_index == 0 || (op0 - cur_point).Length() > 100)
                            // this is either the first outline point or it is another outline point that is not too close to cur_point

                            if (first_chain_chain_index == int.MaxValue)
                                // include the outline point in the path to the first chain

                            cur_point = op0;
                            if (drawing)
                                // include the start point of this outline segment in the connector

                        // iterate through each of the chain ends that meet the current outline segment
                        while (points_on_outline_chain_index.Count > 0)
                            // find the nearest chain end to the current point
                            int nearest_point_index        = 0;
                            var nearest_point_dist_squared = double.MaxValue;
                            for (int pi = 0; pi < points_on_outline_chain_index.Count; ++pi)
                                var first        = chains[points_on_outline_point_index[pi]][points_on_outline_chain_index[pi]];
                                var dist_squared = (first - cur_point).LengthSquared();
                                if (dist_squared < nearest_point_dist_squared)
                                    nearest_point_dist_squared = dist_squared;
                                    nearest_point_index        = pi;

                            int point_index = points_on_outline_point_index[nearest_point_index];
                            int chain_index = points_on_outline_chain_index[nearest_point_index];

                            // make the chain end the current point and add it to the connector line
                            cur_point = chains[point_index][chain_index];

                            if (drawing && connector_points.Count > 0 &&
                                (cur_point - connector_points.Last()).Length() < 100)
                                // this chain end will be too close to the last connector point so throw away the last connector point
                                connector_points.RemoveAt(connector_points.Count - 1);


                            if (first_chain_chain_index == int.MaxValue)
                                // this is the first chain to be processed, remember it
                                first_chain_chain_index = chain_index;

                            if (drawing)
                                // add the connector line segments but only if
                                //  1 - the start/end points are not the opposite ends of the same chain
                                //  2 - the other end of the current chain is not connected to the chain the connector line is coming from

                                if (chain_index != connector_start_chain_index && connected_to[(point_index + 1) % 2][chain_index] != connector_start_chain_index)
                                    for (int pi = 1; pi < connector_points.Count; ++pi)
                                        result.AddLine(connector_points[pi - 1], connector_points[pi]);

                                    drawing = false;
                                    // remember the connection
                                    connected_to[point_index][chain_index] = connector_start_chain_index;
                                    connected_to[connector_start_point_index][connector_start_chain_index] = chain_index;
                                    // start a new connector from the current location

                                    // remember the chain+point that the connector started from
                                    connector_start_chain_index = chain_index;
                                    connector_start_point_index = point_index;
                                // we have just jumped a gap so now we want to start drawing again
                                drawing = true;

                                // if this connector is the first to be created or we are not connecting chains from the same row/column,
                                // remember the chain+point that this connector is starting from
                                if (connector_start_chain_index == int.MaxValue || line_numbers[chain_index] != line_numbers[connector_start_chain_index])
                                    connector_start_chain_index = chain_index;
                                    connector_start_point_index = point_index;

                            // done with this chain end
                            if (points_on_outline_chain_index.Count > 0)
                                points_on_outline_chain_index.RemoveAt(Math.Min(points_on_outline_chain_index.Count - 1, points_on_outline_chain_index[0] + nearest_point_index));

                            if (points_on_outline_chain_index.Count > 0)
                                points_on_outline_chain_index.RemoveAt(Math.Min(points_on_outline_chain_index.Count - 1, points_on_outline_chain_index[0] + nearest_point_index));

                            // decrement total amount of work to do

                    // we have now visited all the points in the outline, if a connector was (potentially) being drawn
                    // check whether the first chain is already connected to the last chain and, if not, draw the
                    // connector between
                    if (drawing && first_chain_chain_index != int.MaxValue &&
                        first_chain_chain_index != connector_start_chain_index &&
                        connected_to[0][first_chain_chain_index] != connector_start_chain_index &&
                        connected_to[1][first_chain_chain_index] != connector_start_chain_index)
                        // output the connector line segments from the last chain to the first point in the outline
                        for (int pi = 1; pi < connector_points.Count; ++pi)
                            result.AddLine(connector_points[pi - 1], connector_points[pi]);

                        // output the connector line segments from the first point in the outline to the first chain
                        for (int pi = 1; pi < path_to_first_chain.Count; ++pi)
                            result.AddLine(path_to_first_chain[pi - 1], path_to_first_chain[pi]);

                    if (chain_ends_remaining < 1)

Beispiel #51
        public Tuple <IntPoint, IntPoint, IntPoint, IntPoint> SortCorners(List <IntPoint> cornerPoints, Bitmap image)
            IntPoint topLeft     = new IntPoint(0, 0);
            IntPoint topRight    = new IntPoint(image.Width, 0);
            IntPoint bottomLeft  = new IntPoint(0, image.Height);
            IntPoint bottomRight = new IntPoint(image.Width, image.Height);
            IntPoint p1          = new IntPoint(0, 0);
            IntPoint p2          = new IntPoint(0, 0);
            IntPoint p3          = new IntPoint(0, 0);
            IntPoint p4          = new IntPoint(0, 0);

            if (GetDistance(topLeft, cornerPoints[0]) < GetDistance(topLeft, cornerPoints[1]) &&
                GetDistance(topLeft, cornerPoints[0]) < GetDistance(topLeft, cornerPoints[2]) &&
                GetDistance(topLeft, cornerPoints[0]) < GetDistance(topLeft, cornerPoints[3]))
                p1 = cornerPoints[0];
            else if (GetDistance(topLeft, cornerPoints[1]) < GetDistance(topLeft, cornerPoints[2]) &&
                     GetDistance(topLeft, cornerPoints[1]) < GetDistance(topLeft, cornerPoints[3]) &&
                     GetDistance(topLeft, cornerPoints[1]) < GetDistance(topLeft, cornerPoints[0]))
                p1 = cornerPoints[1];
            else if (GetDistance(topLeft, cornerPoints[2]) < GetDistance(topLeft, cornerPoints[3]) &&
                     GetDistance(topLeft, cornerPoints[2]) < GetDistance(topLeft, cornerPoints[0]) &&
                     GetDistance(topLeft, cornerPoints[2]) < GetDistance(topLeft, cornerPoints[1]))
                p1 = cornerPoints[2];
                p1 = cornerPoints[3];

            //oben rechts
            if (GetDistance(topRight, cornerPoints[0]) < GetDistance(topRight, cornerPoints[1]) &&
                GetDistance(topRight, cornerPoints[0]) < GetDistance(topRight, cornerPoints[2]) &&
                GetDistance(topRight, cornerPoints[0]) < GetDistance(topRight, cornerPoints[3]))
                p2 = cornerPoints[0];
            else if (GetDistance(topRight, cornerPoints[1]) < GetDistance(topRight, cornerPoints[2]) &&
                     GetDistance(topRight, cornerPoints[1]) < GetDistance(topRight, cornerPoints[3]) &&
                     GetDistance(topRight, cornerPoints[1]) < GetDistance(topRight, cornerPoints[0]))
                p2 = cornerPoints[1];
            else if (GetDistance(topRight, cornerPoints[2]) < GetDistance(topRight, cornerPoints[3]) &&
                     GetDistance(topRight, cornerPoints[2]) < GetDistance(topRight, cornerPoints[0]) &&
                     GetDistance(topRight, cornerPoints[2]) < GetDistance(topRight, cornerPoints[1]))
                p2 = cornerPoints[2];
                p2 = cornerPoints[3];

            //unten links
            if (GetDistance(bottomLeft, cornerPoints[0]) < GetDistance(bottomLeft, cornerPoints[1]) &&
                GetDistance(bottomLeft, cornerPoints[0]) < GetDistance(bottomLeft, cornerPoints[2]) &&
                GetDistance(bottomLeft, cornerPoints[0]) < GetDistance(bottomLeft, cornerPoints[3]))
                p3 = cornerPoints[0];
            else if (GetDistance(bottomLeft, cornerPoints[1]) < GetDistance(bottomLeft, cornerPoints[2]) &&
                     GetDistance(bottomLeft, cornerPoints[1]) < GetDistance(bottomLeft, cornerPoints[3]) &&
                     GetDistance(bottomLeft, cornerPoints[1]) < GetDistance(bottomLeft, cornerPoints[0]))
                p3 = cornerPoints[1];
            else if (GetDistance(bottomLeft, cornerPoints[2]) < GetDistance(bottomLeft, cornerPoints[3]) &&
                     GetDistance(bottomLeft, cornerPoints[2]) < GetDistance(bottomLeft, cornerPoints[0]) &&
                     GetDistance(bottomLeft, cornerPoints[2]) < GetDistance(bottomLeft, cornerPoints[1]))
                p3 = cornerPoints[2];
                p3 = cornerPoints[3];

            //unten rechts
            if (GetDistance(bottomRight, cornerPoints[0]) < GetDistance(bottomRight, cornerPoints[1]) &&
                GetDistance(bottomRight, cornerPoints[0]) < GetDistance(bottomRight, cornerPoints[2]) &&
                GetDistance(bottomRight, cornerPoints[0]) < GetDistance(bottomRight, cornerPoints[3]))
                p4 = cornerPoints[0];
            else if (GetDistance(bottomRight, cornerPoints[1]) < GetDistance(bottomRight, cornerPoints[2]) &&
                     GetDistance(bottomRight, cornerPoints[1]) < GetDistance(bottomRight, cornerPoints[3]) &&
                     GetDistance(bottomRight, cornerPoints[1]) < GetDistance(bottomRight, cornerPoints[0]))
                p4 = cornerPoints[1];
            else if (GetDistance(bottomRight, cornerPoints[2]) < GetDistance(bottomRight, cornerPoints[3]) &&
                     GetDistance(bottomRight, cornerPoints[2]) < GetDistance(bottomRight, cornerPoints[0]) &&
                     GetDistance(bottomRight, cornerPoints[2]) < GetDistance(bottomRight, cornerPoints[1]))
                p4 = cornerPoints[2];
                p4 = cornerPoints[3];

            return(Tuple.Create(p1, p2, p3, p4));
Beispiel #52
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            XmlData dat = world.Manager.GameData;

            for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                    if (SetPiece[y, x] == 1)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor1];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 2)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor2];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 3)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor3];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 4)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor4];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 5)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Middle];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 6)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Air];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 7)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Air2];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 8)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Air3];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 9)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Air4];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (SetPiece[y, x] == 10)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Middle];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;

                        Entity elemental = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "Elemental Phantom");
                        elemental.Move(pos.X + Size / 2f, pos.Y + Size / 2f);
Beispiel #53
        public bool needSupportAt(IntPoint pointToCheckIfNeedsSupport, int currentZHeight_um)
            if (pointToCheckIfNeedsSupport.X < 1 ||
                pointToCheckIfNeedsSupport.Y < 1 ||
                pointToCheckIfNeedsSupport.X >= supportStorage.gridWidth - 1 ||
                pointToCheckIfNeedsSupport.Y >= supportStorage.gridHeight - 1 ||
                done[pointToCheckIfNeedsSupport.X + pointToCheckIfNeedsSupport.Y * supportStorage.gridWidth])

            int gridIndex = (int)(pointToCheckIfNeedsSupport.X + pointToCheckIfNeedsSupport.Y * supportStorage.gridWidth);

            if (generateInternalSupport)
                // We add 2 each time as we are wanting to look at the bottom face (even faces), and the intersections are bottom - top - bottom - top - etc.
                for (int zIndex = 0; zIndex < supportStorage.xYGridOfSupportPoints[gridIndex].Count; zIndex += 2)
                    SupportPoint currentBottomSupportPoint = supportStorage.xYGridOfSupportPoints[gridIndex][zIndex];
                    bool         angleNeedsSupport         = currentBottomSupportPoint.angleFromHorizon >= supportedAngleFromHorizon;
                    if (angleNeedsSupport)
                        bool zIsBelowBottomSupportPoint = currentZHeight_um <= currentBottomSupportPoint.z - interfaceZDistance_um - supportZDistance_um - extraErrorGap;
                        if (zIndex == 0)
                            if (zIsBelowBottomSupportPoint)
                            SupportPoint previousTopSupportPoint  = supportStorage.xYGridOfSupportPoints[gridIndex][zIndex - 1];
                            bool         zIsAbovePrevSupportPoint = currentZHeight_um > previousTopSupportPoint.z + supportZDistance_um;
                            if (zIsBelowBottomSupportPoint && zIsAbovePrevSupportPoint)

            else // we only ever look up to the first point needing support (the 0th index)
                if (supportStorage.xYGridOfSupportPoints[gridIndex].Count == 0)
                    // there are no points needing support here

                if (supportStorage.xYGridOfSupportPoints[gridIndex][0].angleFromHorizon < supportedAngleFromHorizon)
                    // The angle does not need support

                if (currentZHeight_um >= supportStorage.xYGridOfSupportPoints[gridIndex][0].z - interfaceZDistance_um - supportZDistance_um - extraErrorGap)
                    // the spot is above the place we need to support

Beispiel #54
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CanvasMove"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="movePoint">Point to move the canvas.</param>
 /// <param name="fillColorGray">Gray color to use for filling empty areas in grayscale images.</param>
 public CanvasMove(IntPoint movePoint, byte fillColorGray)
     : this()
     this.movePoint = movePoint;
     this.fillGray  = fillColorGray;
Beispiel #55
        public void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            int[,] t = new int[23, 35];

            for (int x = 0; x < 23; x++) //Floor
                for (int y = 0; y < 35; y++)
                    t[x, y] = rand.Next() % 3 == 0 ? 0 : 1;

            for (int y = 0; y < 35; y++) //Perimeters
                t[0, y] = t[22, y] = 2;
            for (int x = 0; x < 23; x++)
                t[x, 0] = t[x, 34] = 2;

            List <IntPoint> pts = new List <IntPoint>();

            for (int y = 0; y < 11; y++) //Crosses
                for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++)
                    if (rand.Next() % 3 > 0)
                        t[2 + 3 * x, 2 + 3 * y] = 4;
                        pts.Add(new IntPoint(2 + 3 * x, 2 + 3 * y));

            for (int x = 0; x < 23; x++) //Corruption
                for (int y = 0; y < 35; y++)
                    if (t[x, y] == 1 || t[x, y] == 0 || t[x, y] == 4)
                    double p = rand.NextDouble();
                    if (p < 0.1)
                        t[x, y] = 1;
                    else if (p < 0.4)
                        t[x, y]++;

            //Boss & Chest
            IntPoint pt = pts[rand.Next(0, pts.Count)];

            t[pt.X, pt.Y]     = 5;
            t[pt.X + 1, pt.Y] = 6;

            int r = rand.Next(0, 4);

            for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) //Rotation
                t = SetPieces.rotateCW(t);
            int w = t.GetLength(0), h = t.GetLength(1);

            XmlData dat = world.Manager.GameData;

            for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) //Rendering
                for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
                    if (t[x, y] == 1)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        tile.ObjType = 0;
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 2)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType[WallA];
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 3)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId = dat.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                        Entity wall = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, dat.IdToObjectType[WallB]);
                        wall.Move(x + pos.X + 0.5f, y + pos.Y + 0.5f);
                    else if (t[x, y] == 4)
                        WmapTile tile = world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y].Clone();
                        tile.TileId  = dat.IdToTileType[Floor];
                        tile.ObjType = dat.IdToObjectType[Cross];
                        if (tile.ObjId == 0)
                            tile.ObjId = world.GetNextEntityId();
                        world.Map[x + pos.X, y + pos.Y] = tile;
                    else if (t[x, y] == 5)
                        Container container = new Container(world.Manager, 0x0501, null, false);
                        Item[]    items     = chest.GetLoots(world.Manager, 3, 8).ToArray();
                        for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
                            container.Inventory[i] = items[i];
                        container.Move(pos.X + x + 0.5f, pos.Y + y + 0.5f);
                    else if (t[x, y] == 6)
                        Entity mage = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, "Deathmage");
                        mage.Move(pos.X + x, pos.Y + y);
Beispiel #56
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CanvasMove"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="movePoint">Point to move the canvas to.</param>
 public CanvasMove(IntPoint movePoint)
     : this()
     this.movePoint = movePoint;
 /// <summary>
 /// Get color of the pixel with the specified coordinates.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="point">Point's coordiates to get color of.</param>
 /// <returns>Return pixel's color at the specified coordinates.</returns>
 /// <remarks><para>See <see cref="GetPixel(int, int)"/> for more information.</para></remarks>
 public Color GetPixel(IntPoint point)
     return(GetPixel(point.X, point.Y));
        public override void RenderSetPiece(World world, IntPoint pos)
            var t = new int[Size, Size];
            var o = new int[Size, Size];

            for (int x = 0; x < 60; x++) //Flooring
                for (int y = 0; y < 60; y++)
                    if (Math.Abs(x - Size / 2) / (Size / 2.0) + rand.NextDouble() * 0.3 < 0.9 &&
                        Math.Abs(y - Size / 2) / (Size / 2.0) + rand.NextDouble() * 0.3 < 0.9)
                        double dist =
                            Math.Sqrt(((x - Size / 2) * (x - Size / 2) + (y - Size / 2) * (y - Size / 2)) / ((Size / 2.0) * (Size / 2.0)));
                        t[x, y] = rand.NextDouble() < (1 - dist) * (1 - dist) ? 2 : 1;

            for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++) //Corruption
                for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                    if (rand.Next() % 50 == 0)
                        t[x, y] = 0;

            const int bas = 16; //Walls

            for (int x = 0; x < 23; x++)
                if (x > 9 && x < 13)

                o[bas + x, bas]     = 2;
                o[bas + x, bas + 1] = 2;

                o[bas + x, bas + 21] = 2;
                o[bas + x, bas + 22] = 2;
            for (int y = 0; y < 23; y++)
                if (y > 9 && y < 13)

                o[bas, bas + y]     = 2;
                o[bas + 1, bas + y] = 2;

                o[bas + 21, bas + y] = 2;
                o[bas + 22, bas + y] = 2;
            o[bas - 1, bas + 7]       = o[bas - 1, bas + 8] = o[bas - 1, bas + 9] =
                o[bas - 1, bas + 13]  = o[bas - 1, bas + 14] = o[bas - 1, bas + 15] = 1;
            o[bas + 23, bas + 7]      = o[bas + 23, bas + 8] = o[bas + 23, bas + 9] =
                o[bas + 23, bas + 13] = o[bas + 23, bas + 14] = o[bas + 23, bas + 15] = 1;
            o[bas + 7, bas - 1]       = o[bas + 8, bas - 1] = o[bas + 9, bas - 1] =
                o[bas + 13, bas - 1]  = o[bas + 14, bas - 1] = o[bas + 15, bas - 1] = 1;
            o[bas + 7, bas + 23]      = o[bas + 8, bas + 23] = o[bas + 9, bas + 23] =
                o[bas + 13, bas + 23] = o[bas + 14, bas + 23] = o[bas + 15, bas + 23] = 1;

            for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++) //Columns
                for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++)
                    o[bas + 5 + x * 4, bas + 5 + y * 4] = 3;

            for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++) //Plants
                for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
                    if (((x > 5 && x < bas) || (x < Size - 5 && x > Size - bas) ||
                         (y > 5 && y < bas) || (y < Size - 5 && y > Size - bas)) &&
                        o[x, y] == 0 && t[x, y] == 1)
                        double r = rand.NextDouble();
                        if (r > 0.6) //0.4
                            o[x, y] = 4;
                        else if (r > 0.35) //0.25
                            o[x, y] = 5;
                        else if (r > 0.33) //0.02
                            o[x, y] = 6;

            int rotation = rand.Next(0, 4); //Rotation

            for (int i = 0; i < rotation; i++)
                t = SetPieces.rotateCW(t);
                o = SetPieces.rotateCW(o);

            Render(this, world, pos, t, o);

            //Boss & Chest

            var container = new Container(world.Manager, 0x0501, null, false);

            Item[] items = chest.GetLoots(world.Manager, 3, 8).ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
                container.Inventory[i] = items[i];
            container.Move(pos.X + bas + 11.5f, pos.Y + bas + 11.5f);

            Entity snake = Entity.Resolve(world.Manager, 0x0dc2);

            snake.Move(pos.X + bas + 11.5f, pos.Y + bas + 11.5f);
Beispiel #59
        private static ConvolutionColor GetColor(DataSource dataSource, int[] pixels, IntPoint coordinate, Point point)
            int x = coordinate.X;
            int y = coordinate.Y;

            var x0 = dataSource.XCoordinates[x];
            var x1 = dataSource.XCoordinates[x + 1];

            var y0 = dataSource.YCoordinates[y];
            var y1 = dataSource.YCoordinates[y + 1];

            double xRatio = GetRatio(x0, x1, point.X);
            double yRatio = GetRatio(y0, y1, point.Y);

            int width = dataSource.Width;

            var v00 = pixels[x + y * width];
            var v01 = pixels[x + 1 + y * width];
            var v10 = pixels[x + (y + 1) * width];
            var v11 = pixels[x + 1 + (y + 1) * width];

            //var result = (int)(((1 - xRatio) * v00 + xRatio * v10 +
            //                (1 - xRatio) * v01 + xRatio * v11 +
            //                (1 - yRatio) * v00 + yRatio * v01 +
            //                (1 - yRatio) * v10 + yRatio * v11) * 0.25);
            var result = v00;

Beispiel #60
            public bool IsOutside(Vector2 point)
                var p = new IntPoint(point.X, point.Y);

                return(Clipper.PointInPolygon(p, ToClipperPath()) != 1);