static void Main(string[] args)
            int[] sample = { 1, 2, 3, 5, (int)(Math.Pow(Math.E, 2) + 1) };

            Console.Out.WriteLine("Исходный массив:");

            Console.Out.WriteLine("После обработки статическим методом:");
            print(map(sample, Pow));

            IntOperation Ln = delegate(int value)

            Console.Out.WriteLine("После обработки анонимным методом:");
            print(map(sample, Ln));

            Console.Out.WriteLine("После обработки лямбда-выражением:");
            print(map(sample, (int value) => {
                int a = 0, b = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < value; i++)
                    int temp = a;
                    a        = b;
                    b        = temp + b;

Beispiel #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IPerson p = new Person("Wekoslav", "Stefanovski");


            SingleIntOperation square = x => x * x;
            SingleIntOperation cube   = x => x * x * x;

            IntOperation add = (x, y) => x + y;
            IntOperation sub = (x, y) => x - y;
            IntOperation mul = (x, y) => x * y;
            IntOperation div = (x, y) => x / y;

            TakeTwoListsAndOperate addTwoLists = (first, second) => from f in first from s in second select f + s;





            p = null;

            Console.WriteLine(savedOp(0, 0));

            var p2 = new Person("Ivan", "Acev");

 public static void ChangeListValues(ref List <int> list, IntOperation op)
     for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
         list[i] = op(list[i]);
Beispiel #4
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IntOperation res = new IntOperation(Start);

            if (checkBox1.Checked)
                res += op1;
                //textBox1.Text = res.ToString();
                //label1.Text = res(Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text), Convert.ToInt32(textBox2.Text)).ToString();

            if (checkBox2.Checked)
                res += op2;
                //textBox1.Text = res.ToString();

            if (checkBox3.Checked)
                res += op3;
                //textBox1.Text = res.ToString();

            if (checkBox4.Checked)
                res += op4;
                //textBox1.Text = res.ToString();

            label1.Text = res(Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text), Convert.ToInt32(textBox2.Text)).ToString();
            //label1.Text = Convert.ToString(res);
Beispiel #5
        private static void DelegatePresentation()
            var a = 3;
            var b = 2;

            IntOperation operation = new IntOperation(SomeFunction);
            //operation = SomeFunction; //or this
            //operation = Math.Min; // or this

            var ret = operation.Invoke(a, b);

            //var ret2 = operation(a, b); //shorter version
            Console.WriteLine("Sum on {0} and {1} is {2}", a, b, ret);

            operation = Math.Max;
            ret       = operation.Invoke(a, b); //subtraction
            Console.WriteLine("Max on {0} and {1} is {2}", a, b, ret);

            Func <int, int, int> func   = SomeFunction; //new SomeFunction<int, int, int>(operation);
            Action <string>      action = Print;

            _action = action;

            //subscribing to delegate - works only with void delegates
            action += s => { Console.WriteLine("1"); };
            action += s => { Console.WriteLine("s2"); };

Beispiel #6
        public void Lambda()
            IntOperation addOperation = (a, b) => a + b;
            IntOperation subOperation = (a, b) => a - b;

            Console.WriteLine(addOperation(5, 5));
            Console.WriteLine(subOperation(5, 5));
Beispiel #7
 public Form1()
     op1 = Form1.Sum;
     op2 = Form1.Min;
     op3 = Form1.Mul;
     op4 = Form1.Div;
Beispiel #8
        private void demoButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int          result;
            IntOperation Square = x => x * x;

            result = Square(5);
            MessageBox.Show("5 squared is  " + result.ToString());
Beispiel #9
    static void Main()
        IntOperation op1    = new IntOperation(Sum);
        int          result = op1(5, 10); //15

        op1    = new IntOperation(Mul);   //op1 = Mul
        result = op1(5, 10);              //50
Beispiel #10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var op = new IntOperation(Add);

            Console.WriteLine(op(2, 2));

            op = Subtract;
            Console.WriteLine(op(3, 2));
Beispiel #11
        public static void main()
            var op = new IntOperation(Add);

            Console.WriteLine(op(2, 2));

            op = Subtract;
            Console.WriteLine(op(2, 2));
 static int[] map(int[] array, IntOperation callback)
     int[] result = new int[array.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
         result[i] = callback(array[i]);
Beispiel #13
 static public int[] Map(int[] arr, IntOperation op)
     int[] res = new int[arr.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
         res[i] = op(arr[i]);
     return res;
Beispiel #14
        public void WhenOperationReturnsValueType_NoGCAllocs()
            var op = new IntOperation();

            Assert.That(() =>
                var handle = m_ResourceManager.StartOperation(op, default);
            }, TestTools.Constraints.Is.Not.AllocatingGCMemory(), "GC Allocation detected");
Beispiel #15
        public void CreateDelegate()
            Delegates    delegateExpl = new Delegates();
            IntOperation addOperation = new IntOperation(delegateExpl.Add);

            Console.WriteLine(addOperation(5, 5));
            IntOperation subtractOperation = new IntOperation(delegateExpl.Substract);

            Console.WriteLine(subtractOperation(5, 5));
Beispiel #16
        public void CustomDelegate()
            var op = new IntOperation(Add);

            var addResult = op(2, 2);

            Assert.Equal(4, addResult);

            op = Subtract;
            Assert.Equal(0, op(2, 2));
Beispiel #17
        static void DelegateDemo()
            IntOperation operation = Add;

            operation += Substract;
            operation += Multiply;
            operation(10, 10);
            // foreach (var o in operation.GetInvocationList())
            // {
            //     System.Console.WriteLine(o.DynamicInvoke());
            // }
Beispiel #18
        static void Main()
            // Инициализируем делегат
            IntOperation op1    = MyClass.Sum;
            int          result = op1(5, 10);

            Console.WriteLine("Сумма: " + result);
            op1    = MyClass.Prz;
            result = op1(5, 10);
            Console.WriteLine("Произведение: " + result);
Beispiel #19
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Explicitly create the delegate
            IntOperation op = new IntOperation(Add);

            Console.WriteLine(op(2, 2));

            // Delegate is created automatically
            // from method
            op = Subtract;
            Console.WriteLine(op(2, 2));
Beispiel #20
        // It	is	important	to	understand	the	difference	between	delegate	(with	a	lowercase	d)	and	Delegate	(with	an	upper-case	D).	The	word
        // delegate	with	a lower-case	d	is	the	keyword	used	in	a	C#	program	that	tells	the	compiler	to create	a	delegate	type
        // The	word	Delegate	with	an	upper-case	D	is	the	abstract	class	that	defines the	behavior	of	delegate	instances.
        // Once	the	delegate	keyword	has	been	used to	create	a	delegate	type,	objects	of	that	delegate	type	will	be	realized	as
        // Delegate instances.

        /// <summary>
        /// Lambda expressions
        /// </summary>

        // Delegates	allow	a	program	to	treat	behaviors	(methods	in	objects)	as	items	of data.	A	delegate	is	an	item	of	data
        // that	serves	as	a	reference	to	a	method	in	an object.	This	adds	a	tremendous	amount	of	flexibility	for	programmers.
        // However, delegates	are	hard	work	to	use.	The	actual	delegate	type	must	first	be	declared and	then	made	to
        // refer	to	a	particular	method	containing	the	code	that	describes the	action	to	be	performed. Lambda	expressions	are	a
        // pure	way	of	expressing	the	“something	goes	in, something	happens	and	something	comes	out”	part	of	behaviors.	The	types
        // of the	elements	and	the	result	to	be	returned	are	inferred	from	the	context	in	which the	lambda	expression	is	used.
        // The	operator	=>	is	called	the	lambda	operator.	The	items	a	and	b	on	the	left of	the	lambda	expression	are	mapped	onto
        // method	parameters	defined	by	the delegate.	The	statement	on	the	right	of	the	lambda	expression	gives	the	behavior of	the	expression,
        // and	in	this	case	adds	the	two	parameters	together. When	describing	the	behavior	of	the	lambda	expression	you	can	use	the phrase
        // “goes	into”	to	describe	what	is	happening.	In	this	case	you	could	say	“a and	b	go	into	a	plus	b.”	The	name
        // lambda	comes	from	lambda	calculus
        public void LambdaExpressions()
            IntOperation add = (a, b) => a + b;

            add = (a, b) =>
                Console.WriteLine("Add called");
                return(a + b);

            Console.WriteLine(add(2, 2));
Beispiel #21
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Calling add {0}", add(2, 2));
            Console.WriteLine("Calling square {0}", square(2));

            add = (a, b) =>
                Console.WriteLine("Add called");
                return(a + b);

Beispiel #22
 public static void TimerCallback(Object o)
     if (a == true)
         op = Sum;
         op = Prz;
     Console.WriteLine("Результат: " + op(3, 3));
     a = !a;
Beispiel #23
        public void Run()
            // Explicitly create the delegate
            IntOperation op = new IntOperation(Add);

            Console.WriteLine(op(2, 2));

            // Delegate is created automatically from method
            op = Subtract;
            Console.WriteLine(op(2, 2));

Beispiel #24
        public static void TestLamda()
            Console.WriteLine("Calling add {0}", add(2, 2));
            Console.WriteLine("Calling square {0}", square(2));

            add = (a, b) =>
                Console.WriteLine("Add called");
                return(a + b);

            Console.WriteLine("Calling add {0}", add(3, 3));
Beispiel #25
        public static void TestMyDelegate()
            // A program can use the variable op to either hold a collection of subscribers or to refer to a single method.
            IntOperation op;

            // Explicitly create the delegate
            op = new IntOperation(Add);
            Console.WriteLine(op(2, 2));

            // Delegate is created automatically
            // from method
            op = Subtract;
            Console.WriteLine(op(2, 2));
Beispiel #26
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var op = new IntOperation(Add);

            Console.WriteLine(op(2, 2));

            op = Substract;
            Console.WriteLine(op(2, 2));

            IntOperation add = (a, b) => a * b;

            Console.WriteLine(add(2, 2));

Beispiel #27
        static void Main()
            // Присваиваем имя метода обычным способом
            IntOperation op1 = new IntOperation(Sum);

            // Используем групповое преобразование
            op1 = Sum;
            int result = op1(5, 10);

            Console.WriteLine("Сумма: " + result);
            // Изменим ссылку на метод
            op1    = Prz;
            result = op1(5, 10);
            Console.WriteLine("Произведение: " + result);
Beispiel #28
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Создадим экземпляр делегата
            IntOperation op1 = new IntOperation(Sum);

            Console.WriteLine($"Делегат ссылается на метод: {op1.Method}");
            int result = op1(5, 10);

            Console.WriteLine($"Сумма: {result}");

            //Изменим ссылку на метод
            op1 = new IntOperation(Mult);
            Console.WriteLine($"Делегат ссылается на метод: {op1.Method}");
            result = op1(5, 10);
            Console.WriteLine($"Произведение: {result}");
Beispiel #29
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Calling add {0}", add(2, 2));
            Console.WriteLine("Calling square {0}", square(2));

            //CTO: estrutura do lambda é variavel => funcao no qual a variavel é mapeada para a função
            add = (a, b) =>
                Console.WriteLine("Add called");
                return(a + b);

            add(2, 2);

Beispiel #30
        public static void CreateDelegatesExample()
            // Explicitly create the delegate
            var op = new IntOperation((a, b) => {
                Console.WriteLine("Add called");
                return(a + b);

            Console.WriteLine(op(2, 2));
            // Delegate is created automatically
            // from method

            op = (a, b) => a - b;
            Console.WriteLine(op(2, 2));
Beispiel #31
        // Up	until	now	we	have	used	the	Action	and	EventHandler	types,	which provide	pre-defined	delegates.	We	can,	however,
        // create	our	own	delegates.	Up until	now	the	delegates	that	we	have	seen	have	maintained	a	collection	of method	references.
        // Our	applications	have	used	the	+=	and	-=	operators	to	add method	references	to	a	given	delegate.	You	can	also
        // create	a	delegate	that	refers to	a	single	method	in	an	object. A	delegate	type	is	declared	using	the	delegate
        // keyword.
        public void CreateDelegates()
            IntOperation op;

            //	Explicitly	create	the	delegate
            op = new IntOperation(Add);
            Console.WriteLine(op(2, 3));

            //	Delegate	is	created	automatically from method
            op = Substract;
            Console.WriteLine(op(2, 3));

            //  a	program	can	explicitly create	an	instance	of	the	delegate	class.	The	C#	compiler	will	automatically generate	the	code
            // to	create	a	delegate	instance	when	a	method	is	assigned	to	the delegate	variable. Delegates	can	be	used
            // in	exactly	the	same	way	as	any	other	variable.	You	can have	lists	and	dictionaries	that	contain	delegates
            // and	you	can	also	use	them	as parameters	to	methods.
Beispiel #32
 public Operator(Operators op, IntOperation oper = null) {
     OpType = op;
     Operation = oper;
Beispiel #33
        static void Main()
            Random rnd = new Random();

            IntOperation deleg = new IntOperation(Reduce);

            int size = 20;

            int[] massiv = new int[size];

            for (int ctr = 1; ctr < size; ctr++)
                massiv[ctr] = rnd.Next(1, 99);

           Console.WriteLine("Числа рандом");

           massiv = Map(massiv, x => x * x);

           Map(massiv, delegate(int x)
               return x;


           Map(massiv, Pow);

           for (int ctr = 0; ctr < size; ctr++)
               int Reduces = deleg(massiv[ctr]); 
               Console.Write("{0} ",massiv[ctr]);

           Console.WriteLine("\nУменьшение в 2");
           for (int ctr = 0; ctr < size; ctr++)
               int Reduces = deleg(massiv[ctr]); 
               Console.Write("{0} ", Reduces);

           deleg = new IntOperation(Pow);
           Console.WriteLine("\nВозводим в квадрат 2");
           for (int ctr = 0; ctr < size; ctr++)
               int Pows = deleg(massiv[ctr]); 
               Console.Write("{0} ",Pows);
           deleg = new IntOperation(Prime);
           Console.WriteLine("\nПростое число");
           for (int ctr = 0; ctr < size; ctr++)
               int Primes = deleg(massiv[ctr]); 
               Console.Write("{0} ",Primes);