public void TestStructArray()
            // The following can be improved with a Builder class for StructArray.
            List <Field> fields = new List <Field>();

            Field.Builder fieldBuilder = new Field.Builder();
            fieldBuilder = new Field.Builder();
            StructType structType = new StructType(fields);

            StringArray.Builder stringBuilder = new StringArray.Builder();
            StringArray         stringArray   = stringBuilder.Append("joe").AppendNull().AppendNull().Append("mark").Build();

            Int32Array.Builder intBuilder = new Int32Array.Builder();
            Int32Array         intArray   = intBuilder.Append(1).Append(2).AppendNull().Append(4).Build();
            List <Array>       arrays     = new List <Array>();


            ArrowBuffer.BitmapBuilder nullBitmap = new ArrowBuffer.BitmapBuilder();
            var         nullBitmapBuffer         = nullBitmap.Append(true).Append(true).Append(false).Append(true).Build();
            StructArray structs = new StructArray(structType, 4, arrays, nullBitmapBuffer, 1);

            Assert.Equal(4, structs.Length);
            Assert.Equal(1, structs.NullCount);
            ArrayData[] childArrays = structs.Data.Children; // Data for StringArray and Int32Array
            Assert.Equal(2, childArrays.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < childArrays.Length; i++)
                ArrayData arrayData = childArrays[i];
                if (i == 0)
                    Assert.Equal(ArrowTypeId.String, arrayData.DataType.TypeId);
                    Array       array             = new StringArray(arrayData);
                    StringArray structStringArray = array as StringArray;
                    Assert.Equal(structs.Length, structStringArray.Length);
                    Assert.Equal(stringArray.Length, structStringArray.Length);
                    Assert.Equal(stringArray.NullCount, structStringArray.NullCount);
                    for (int j = 0; j < stringArray.Length; j++)
                        Assert.Equal(stringArray.GetString(j), structStringArray.GetString(j));
                if (i == 1)
                    Assert.Equal(ArrowTypeId.Int32, arrayData.DataType.TypeId);
                    Array      array          = new Int32Array(arrayData);
                    Int32Array structIntArray = array as Int32Array;
                    Assert.Equal(structs.Length, structIntArray.Length);
                    Assert.Equal(intArray.Length, structIntArray.Length);
                    Assert.Equal(intArray.NullCount, structIntArray.NullCount);
                    for (int j = 0; j < intArray.Length; j++)
                        Assert.Equal(intArray.GetValue(j), structIntArray.GetValue(j));
Beispiel #2
        public static Func <int, T> GetGetter <T>(IArrowArray array)
            if (array is null)

            // TODO: determine fastest way to read out a value from the array.

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(bool))
                var booleanArray = new BooleanArray(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, bool>(
                           index => booleanArray.GetBoolean(index).GetValueOrDefault()));
            if (typeof(T) == typeof(bool?))
                var booleanArray = new BooleanArray(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, bool?>(booleanArray.GetBoolean));

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(sbyte))
                var int8Array = new Int8Array(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, sbyte>(
                           index => int8Array.GetValue(index).GetValueOrDefault()));
            if (typeof(T) == typeof(sbyte?))
                var int8Array = new Int8Array(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, sbyte?>(int8Array.GetValue));

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(byte))
                var uint8Array = new UInt8Array(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, byte>(
                           index => uint8Array.GetValue(index).GetValueOrDefault()));
            if (typeof(T) == typeof(byte?))
                var uint8Array = new UInt8Array(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, byte?>(uint8Array.GetValue));

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(short))
                var int16Array = new Int16Array(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, short>(
                           index => int16Array.GetValue(index).GetValueOrDefault()));
            if (typeof(T) == typeof(short?))
                var int16Array = new Int16Array(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, short?>(int16Array.GetValue));

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(ushort))
                var uint16Array = new UInt16Array(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, ushort>(
                           index => uint16Array.GetValue(index).GetValueOrDefault()));
            if (typeof(T) == typeof(ushort?))
                var uint16Array = new UInt16Array(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, ushort?>(uint16Array.GetValue));

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(int))
                var int32Array = new Int32Array(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, int>(
                           index => int32Array.GetValue(index).GetValueOrDefault()));
            if (typeof(T) == typeof(int?))
                var int32Array = new Int32Array(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, int?>(int32Array.GetValue));

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(uint))
                var uint32Array = new UInt32Array(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, uint>(
                           index => uint32Array.GetValue(index).GetValueOrDefault()));
            if (typeof(T) == typeof(uint?))
                var uint32Array = new UInt32Array(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, uint?>(uint32Array.GetValue));

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(long))
                var int64Array = new Int64Array(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, long>(
                           index => int64Array.GetValue(index).GetValueOrDefault()));
            if (typeof(T) == typeof(long?))
                var int64Array = new Int64Array(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, long?>(int64Array.GetValue));

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(ulong))
                var uint64Array = new UInt64Array(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, ulong>(
                           index => uint64Array.GetValue(index).GetValueOrDefault()));
            if (typeof(T) == typeof(ulong?))
                var uint64Array = new UInt64Array(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, ulong?>(uint64Array.GetValue));

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(double))
                var doubleArray = new DoubleArray(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, double>(
                           index => doubleArray.GetValue(index).GetValueOrDefault()));
            if (typeof(T) == typeof(double?))
                var doubleArray = new DoubleArray(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, double?>(doubleArray.GetValue));

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(float))
                var floatArray = new FloatArray(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, float>(
                           index => floatArray.GetValue(index).GetValueOrDefault()));
            if (typeof(T) == typeof(float?))
                var floatArray = new FloatArray(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, float?>(floatArray.GetValue));

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(DateTime))
                if (array.Data.DataType.TypeId == ArrowTypeId.Date32)
                    var date32Array = new Date32Array(array.Data);
                    return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, DateTime>(
                               index => date32Array.GetDate(index).GetValueOrDefault().DateTime));
                else if (array.Data.DataType.TypeId == ArrowTypeId.Date64)
                    var date64Array = new Date64Array(array.Data);
                    return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, DateTime>(
                               index => date64Array.GetDate(index).GetValueOrDefault().DateTime));
            if (typeof(T) == typeof(DateTime?))
                if (array.Data.DataType.TypeId == ArrowTypeId.Date32)
                    var date32Array = new Date32Array(array.Data);
                    return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, DateTime?>(
                               index => date32Array.GetDate(index)?.DateTime));
                else if (array.Data.DataType.TypeId == ArrowTypeId.Date64)
                    var date64Array = new Date64Array(array.Data);
                    return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, DateTime?>(
                               index => date64Array.GetDate(index)?.DateTime));

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(DateTimeOffset))
                if (array.Data.DataType.TypeId == ArrowTypeId.Date32)
                    var date32Array = new Date32Array(array.Data);
                    return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, DateTimeOffset>(
                               index => date32Array.GetDate(index).GetValueOrDefault()));
                else if (array.Data.DataType.TypeId == ArrowTypeId.Date64)
                    var date64Array = new Date64Array(array.Data);
                    return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, DateTimeOffset>(
                               index => date64Array.GetDate(index).GetValueOrDefault()));
            if (typeof(T) == typeof(DateTimeOffset?))
                if (array.Data.DataType.TypeId == ArrowTypeId.Date32)
                    var date32Array = new Date32Array(array.Data);
                    return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, DateTimeOffset?>(
                else if (array.Data.DataType.TypeId == ArrowTypeId.Date64)
                    var date64Array = new Date64Array(array.Data);
                    return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, DateTimeOffset?>(

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(TimeSpan))
                var timestampArray = new TimestampArray(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, TimeSpan>(
                           index => timestampArray.GetTimestamp(index).GetValueOrDefault().TimeOfDay));
            if (typeof(T) == typeof(TimeSpan?))
                var timestampArray = new TimestampArray(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, TimeSpan?>(
                           index => timestampArray.GetTimestamp(index)?.TimeOfDay));

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(byte[]))
                var binaryArray = new BinaryArray(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, byte[]>(
                           // TODO: how to avoid this allocation/copy?
                           index => binaryArray.GetBytes(index).ToArray()));

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(string))
                var stringArray = new StringArray(array.Data);
                return((Func <int, T>)(object) new Func <int, string>(
                           index => stringArray.GetString(index)));

            // It's something else we don't yet support.
            switch (array.Data.DataType.TypeId)
            case ArrowTypeId.Decimal:
            case ArrowTypeId.Dictionary:
            case ArrowTypeId.FixedSizedBinary:
            case ArrowTypeId.HalfFloat:
            case ArrowTypeId.Interval:
            case ArrowTypeId.List:
            case ArrowTypeId.Map:
            case ArrowTypeId.Null:
            case ArrowTypeId.Struct:
            case ArrowTypeId.Time32:
            case ArrowTypeId.Time64:
            case ArrowTypeId.Union:
                // TODO: support additional types?
                throw new NotSupportedException(
                          $"Not supported array type: {array.Data.DataType.TypeId}");