Beispiel #1
 private static void HandleGroups(List <Group> groups, SQLiteConnection conn)
     foreach (Group g in groups)
         string sql = string.Format("SELECT GroupID, Name FROM DeviceGroups WHERE GroupID = {0}",;
         using (SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, conn))
             using (SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                 if (reader.Read())
                     if (reader.GetString(1) !=
                         Updater updater = new Updater("DeviceGroups", string.Format("GroupID = {0}",, conn);
                         updater.Set("Name",, true);
                     Inserter insert = new Inserter("DeviceGroups", conn);
                     insert.Set("Name",, true);
Beispiel #2
        public void Set(string path, string value, SQLiteConnection conn)
            ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(Attribute));

                log.DebugFormat("Setting attribute '{0}' to '{1}'", path, value);

                using (SQLiteTransaction t = conn.BeginTransaction())
                    Changer change = new Deleter("Attributes", $"Path = '{path}'", conn);

                    change = new Inserter("Attributes", conn);
                    change.Set("Path", path, true);
                    change.Set("Value", value, false);

            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Used when a new device is being added to the system
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="di">The device being added</param>
        /// <param name="conn">The DB connection to use</param>
        private static void AddDevice(DeviceInfo di, DateTimeOffset timestamp, SQLiteConnection conn)
            Inserter inserter = new Inserter("Devices", conn);

            if ( >= 0)
            inserter.Set("Name",, true);
            inserter.Set("Type", (int)di.type);
            inserter.Set("IPAddress", di.ipAddress, true);
            inserter.Set("Username", di.username, true);
            SimpleEncryptDecrypt sed = new SimpleEncryptDecrypt();

            inserter.Set("Password", sed.Encrypt(di.password), true);
            inserter.Set("DateActivated", timestamp);
            if (di.groupID < 0)
                inserter.Set("GroupID", di.groupID);


            long device_id = conn.LastInsertRowId;

            Database.AddCollectors(di, device_id, timestamp, conn);
Beispiel #4
            private void UpdateMostRecentData(long data_id, SQLiteConnection conn)
                Changer change = new Deleter("MostRecentDataPerCollector", $"CollectorID = {DCContext.ID.ID}", conn);


                change = new Inserter("MostRecentDataPerCollector", conn);
                change.Set("CollectorID", DCContext.ID.ID);
                change.Set("DataID", data_id);
Beispiel #5
            public long InsertData(SQLiteConnection conn)
                Inserter insert = new Inserter("Data", conn);

                insert.Set("CollectorID", DCContext.ID.ID);
                insert.Set("Value", Value, false);
                insert.Set("TimeStamp", Timestamp);

                UpdateMostRecentData(conn.LastInsertRowId, conn);

Beispiel #6
        private static void Insert(SQLiteConnection conn, int count, Dictionary <int, string> dict)
            Random r = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                int      a        = r.Next();
                string   b        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                Inserter inserter = new Inserter("Temp", conn);
                inserter.Set("A", a);
                inserter.Set("B", b, false);

                dict[a] = b;
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to make sure the *Type tables are updated
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conn">The connection to the database</param>
        /// <param name="values">The key/value pair that needs to exist in the DB. If there's a missing entry, or the description
        /// changed, we'll insert or update as appropriate</param>
        /// <param name="table">The table we're going to be updating</param>
        /// <param name="type_column">The name of the type column.</param>
        public static void PopulateTypesTable(this SQLiteConnection conn, Dictionary <int, string> values, string table, string type_column)
            ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(Extensions));
            Dictionary <int, string> db_values = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            string select_query = string.Format("SELECT {0}, Description FROM {1};", type_column, table);

            using (SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(select_query, conn))
                using (SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        db_values[reader.GetInt32(0)] = reader.GetString(1);

            List <int> db_types = new List <int>(db_values.Keys);
            List <int> types    = new List <int>(values.Keys);

            db_types.ForEach(t => types.Remove(t));

            // Whatever's left needs to be added
            foreach (int type in types)
                log.Info($"Inserting {type}=>{values[type]} into {table}");

                Inserter inserter = new Inserter(table, conn);
                inserter.Set(type_column, type);
                inserter.Set("Description", values[type], false);

                db_values[type] = values[type];

            // Now compare the existing descriptions with the descriptions in values
            foreach (int type in values.Keys)
                if (values[type] != db_values[type])
                    log.Info($"Changing {type}=>{db_values[type]} to {values[type]} in {table}");

                    Updater updater = new Updater(table, $"{type_column} = {type}", conn);
                    updater.Set("Description", values[type], false);
Beispiel #8
        public void ProperlyHandleDates()
            using (FileDeleter fd = new FileDeleter(Extensions.GetTempDBFile()))
                Database db = new Database(new Context(fd.Fi));
                using (SQLiteConnection conn = db.Connection)

                    conn.ExecuteNonQuery("CREATE TABLE Temp(A INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, B TEXT NOT NULL)");

                    Dictionary <int, DateTimeOffset> dict = new Dictionary <int, DateTimeOffset>();
                    Random r     = new Random();
                    int    count = 100;
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                        int            a = r.Next();
                        DateTimeOffset b = new DateTimeOffset(2018, r.Next(1, 12), r.Next(1, 28), r.Next(0, 23), r.Next(0, 59), r.Next(0, 59), r.Next(0, 999), TimeSpan.FromHours(r.Next(-12, 12)));

                        Inserter ins = new Inserter("Temp", conn);
                        ins.Set("A", a);
                        ins.Set("B", b);

                        dict[a] = b;

                    foreach (int a in dict.Keys)
                        string sql = $"SELECT B FROM Temp WHERE A = {a}";
                        using (SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, conn))
                            using (SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                                bool read = reader.Read();
                                if (read)
                                    DateTimeOffset b = DateTimeOffset.Parse(reader.GetString(0));
                                    Assert.Equal(dict[a], b);
Beispiel #9
        public void ProperlyHandleLongs()
            using (FileDeleter fd = new FileDeleter(Extensions.GetTempDBFile()))
                Database db = new Database(new Context(fd.Fi));
                using (SQLiteConnection conn = db.Connection)

                    conn.ExecuteNonQuery("CREATE TABLE Temp(A INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, B INTEGER NOT NULL)");

                    Dictionary <int, long> dict = new Dictionary <int, long>();
                    Random r     = new Random();
                    int    count = 100;
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                        int  a = r.Next();
                        long b = r.NextLong();

                        Inserter ins = new Inserter("Temp", conn);
                        ins.Set("A", a);
                        ins.Set("B", b);

                        dict[a] = b;

                    foreach (int a in dict.Keys)
                        string sql = $"SELECT B FROM Temp WHERE A = {a}";
                        using (SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, conn))
                            using (SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                                bool read = reader.Read();
                                if (read)
                                    long b = reader.GetInt64(0);
                                    Assert.Equal(dict[a], b);
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new Hyper file with a single table and write some data into it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exampleDataDir">Path to the directory with example data.</param>
        public override void Execute(string exampleDataDir)
            Console.WriteLine("EXAMPLE - Insert data into a single tables within a new Hyper file.");

            // Start the Hyper process with telemetry enabled.
            using (HyperProcess hyper = new HyperProcess(Telemetry.SendUsageDataToTableau))
                // Connect to hyper and create new Hyper file "superstore.hyper".
                // Replaces file if it already exists when CreateMode.CreateAndReplace is set.
                using (Connection connection = new Connection(hyper.Endpoint, "superstore.hyper", CreateMode.CreateAndReplace))
                    // The table is called "Extract" and will be created in the "Extract" schema.
                    // This has historically been the default table name and schema for extracts created by Tableau.
                    TableName       extractTable           = new TableName("Extract", "Extract");
                    TableDefinition extractTableDefinition = new TableDefinition(extractTable)
                                                             .AddColumn("Customer ID", SqlType.Text(), Nullability.NotNullable)
                                                             .AddColumn("Customer Name", SqlType.Text(), Nullability.NotNullable)
                                                             .AddColumn("Loyalty Reward Points", SqlType.BigInt(), Nullability.NotNullable)
                                                             .AddColumn("Segment", SqlType.Text(), Nullability.NotNullable);

                    // Create the schema and the table

                    // Insert data into the "Extract"."Extract" table
                    using (Inserter inserter = new Inserter(connection, extractTable))
                        inserter.AddRow("DK-13375", "Dennis Kane", 518, "Consumer");
                        inserter.AddRow("EB-13705", "Ed Braxton", 815, "Corporate");

                    // ExecuteScalarQuery is for executing a query that returns exactly one row with one column
                    long count = connection.ExecuteScalarQuery <long>($"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {extractTable}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Table {extractTable} has a count of {count} rows");

                Console.WriteLine("The connection to the Hyper file has been closed.");

            Console.WriteLine("The Hyper process has been shut down.");
Beispiel #11
        public void NotBeNullable()
            using (FileDeleter fd = new FileDeleter(Extensions.GetTempDBFile()))
                Database db = new Database(new Context(fd.Fi));
                using (SQLiteConnection conn = db.Connection)

                    conn.ExecuteNonQuery("CREATE TABLE Temp(A INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, B TEXT NOT NULL)");

                    Inserter i = new Inserter("Temp", conn);
                    i.Set("A", 1);

                    Assert.Throws <SQLiteException>(() => i.Execute());
Beispiel #12
        public static void SetValue(string path, string value, bool normalize, DateTimeOffset timestamp, SQLiteConnection conn)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))

            string existing_value = GetValue(path, conn);

            if (value != existing_value)
                Clear(path, conn);

                Inserter insert = new Inserter("Configuration", conn);
                insert.Set("Path", path, true);
                insert.Set("Value", value ?? string.Empty, normalize);
                insert.Set("DateAdded", timestamp);
                insert.Set("IsValid", 1);
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Push down computations to Hyper during Insertion using expressions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exampleDataDir">Path to the directory with example data.</param>
        public override void Execute(string exampleDataDir)
            Console.WriteLine("EXAMPLE - Push down computations to Hyper during Insertion using Expressions");

            // Start the Hyper process with telemetry enabled.
            using (HyperProcess hyper = new HyperProcess(Telemetry.SendUsageDataToTableau))
                // Connect to hyper and create new Hyper file "superstore.hyper".
                // Replaces file if it already exists when CreateMode.CreateAndReplace is set.
                using (Connection connection = new Connection(hyper.Endpoint, "orders.hyper", CreateMode.CreateAndReplace))
                    // The table is called "Extract" and will be created in the "Extract" schema.
                    // This has historically been the default table name and schema for extracts created by Tableau.
                    TableName       extractTable           = new TableName("Extract", "Extract");
                    TableDefinition extractTableDefinition = new TableDefinition(extractTable)
                                                             .AddColumn("Order ID", SqlType.Int(), Nullability.NotNullable)
                                                             .AddColumn("Ship Timestamp", SqlType.Timestamp(), Nullability.NotNullable)
                                                             .AddColumn("Ship Mode", SqlType.Text(), Nullability.NotNullable)
                                                             .AddColumn("Ship Priority", SqlType.Int(), Nullability.NotNullable);

                    // Create the schema and the table

                    // Hyper API's Inserter allows users to transform data during insertion.
                    // To make use of data transformation during insertion, the inserter requires the following inputs
                    //   1. The connection to the Hyper instance containing the table.
                    //   2. The table name or table defintion into which data is inserted.
                    //   3. List of Inserter.ColumnMapping.
                    //       This list informs the inserter how each column in the target table must be tranformed.
                    //       The list must contain all the columns into which data is inserted.
                    //       "Inserter.ColumnMapping" maps a valid SQL expression (if any) to a column in the target table
                    //       For example new Inserter.ColumnMapping("target_column", $"{Sql.EscapeName("colA")}*{Sql.EscapeName("colB")})
                    //       The column "target_column" contains the product of "colA" and "colB" after successful insertion.
                    //       SQL expression string is optional in Inserter.ColumnMapping.
                    //       For a column without any transformation (identity transformation) only the column name is required.
                    //       For example new Inserter.ColumnMapping("no_data_transformation_column")
                    //   4. Inserter Definition, a list of column definitions for all the input values provided during insertion.

                    // Inserter definition contains the column definition for the values that are inserted.
                    List <TableDefinition.Column> inserterDefinition = new List <TableDefinition.Column>();
                    inserterDefinition.Add(new TableDefinition.Column("Order ID", SqlType.Int(), Nullability.NotNullable));
                    inserterDefinition.Add(new TableDefinition.Column("Ship Timestamp Text", SqlType.Text(), Nullability.NotNullable));
                    inserterDefinition.Add(new TableDefinition.Column("Ship Mode", SqlType.Text(), Nullability.NotNullable));
                    inserterDefinition.Add(new TableDefinition.Column("Ship Priority Text", SqlType.Text(), Nullability.NotNullable));

                    // Column 'Order Id' is inserted into "Extract"."Extract" as-is.
                    // Column 'Ship Timestamp' in "Extract"."Extract" of timestamp type is computed from Column 'Ship Timestamp Text' of text type using 'to_timestamp()'.
                    // Column 'Ship Mode' is inserted into "Extract"."Extract" as-is.
                    // Column 'Ship Priority' is "Extract"."Extract" of integer type is computed from Colum 'Ship Priority Text' of text type using 'CASE' statement.
                    string textToTimeStampExpression       = $"to_timestamp({Sql.EscapeName("Ship Timestamp Text")}, {Sql.EscapeStringLiteral("YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS")})";
                    string shipPriorityAsIntCaseExpression = $"CASE {Sql.EscapeName("Ship Priority Text")}" +
                                                             $" WHEN {Sql.EscapeStringLiteral("Urgent")} THEN 1 " +
                                                             $" WHEN {Sql.EscapeStringLiteral("Medium")} THEN 2 " +
                                                             $" WHEN {Sql.EscapeStringLiteral("Low")} THEN 3 END";

                    List <Inserter.ColumnMapping> columnMappings = new List <Inserter.ColumnMapping>();
                    columnMappings.Add(new Inserter.ColumnMapping("Order ID"));
                    columnMappings.Add(new Inserter.ColumnMapping("Ship Timestamp", textToTimeStampExpression));
                    columnMappings.Add(new Inserter.ColumnMapping("Ship Mode"));
                    columnMappings.Add(new Inserter.ColumnMapping("Ship Priority", shipPriorityAsIntCaseExpression));

                    // Insert data into the "Extract"."Extract" table with expressions.
                    using (Inserter inserter = new Inserter(connection, extractTable, columnMappings, inserterDefinition))
                        inserter.AddRow(399, "2012-09-13 10:00:00", "Express Class", "Urgent");
                        inserter.AddRow(530, "2012-07-12 14:00:00", "Standard Class", "Low");

                    // ExecuteScalarQuery is for executing a query that returns exactly one row with one column.
                    long count = connection.ExecuteScalarQuery <long>($"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {extractTable}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Table {extractTable} has a count of {count} rows");

                Console.WriteLine("The connection to the Hyper file has been closed.");

            Console.WriteLine("The Hyper process has been shut down.");
Beispiel #14
        public void InsertNullOK()
            using (FileDeleter fd = new FileDeleter(Extensions.GetTempDBFile()))
                Database db = new Database(new Context(fd.Fi));
                using (SQLiteConnection conn = db.Connection)


                    int    count = 100;
                    Random r     = new Random();
                    Dictionary <int, string> dict = new Dictionary <int, string>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                        Inserter inserter = new Inserter("Temp", conn);
                        int      a        = r.Next();
                        inserter.Set("A", a);

                        // Make every other one null
                        if (i % 2 == 0)
                            string b = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                            inserter.Set("B", b, false);
                            dict[a] = b;
                            dict[a] = null;


                    foreach (int a in dict.Keys)
                        string sql = $"SELECT B FROM Temp WHERE A = {a}";
                        using (SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, conn))
                            using (SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                                bool read = reader.Read();
                                if (read)
                                    if (dict[a] != null)
                                        string b = reader.GetString(0);
                                        Assert.Equal(dict[a], b);
                                        Assert.Throws <InvalidCastException>(() => reader.GetString(0));
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new Hyper file with a single table and write spatial data into it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exampleDataDir">Path to the directory with example data.</param>
        public override void Execute(string exampleDataDir)
            Console.WriteLine("EXAMPLE - Insert spatial data into a single tables within a new Hyper file.");

            // Start the Hyper process with telemetry enabled.
            using (HyperProcess hyper = new HyperProcess(Telemetry.SendUsageDataToTableau))
                // Connect to hyper and create new Hyper file "spatial_data.hyper".
                // Replaces file if it already exists when CreateMode.CreateAndReplace is set.
                using (Connection connection = new Connection(hyper.Endpoint, "spatial_data.hyper", CreateMode.CreateAndReplace))
                    // The table is called "Extract" and will be created in the "Extract" schema.
                    // This has historically been the default table name and schema for extracts created by Tableau.
                    TableName       extractTable           = new TableName("Extract", "Extract");
                    TableDefinition extractTableDefinition = new TableDefinition(extractTable)
                                                             .AddColumn("Name", SqlType.Text(), Nullability.NotNullable)
                                                             .AddColumn("Location", SqlType.Geography(), Nullability.NotNullable);

                    // Create the schema and the table

                    // Hyper API's Inserter allows users to transform data during insertion.
                    // To make use of data transformation during insertion, the inserter requires the following inputs
                    //   1. The connection to the Hyper instance containing the table.
                    //   2. The table name or table defintion into which data is inserted.
                    //   3. List of Inserter.ColumnMapping.
                    //       This list informs the inserter how each column in the target table must be tranformed.
                    //       The list must contain all the columns into which data is inserted.
                    //       "Inserter.ColumnMapping" maps a valid SQL expression (if any) to a column in the target table
                    //       For example new Inserter.ColumnMapping("target_column", $"{Sql.EscapeName("colA")}*{Sql.EscapeName("colB")})
                    //       The column "target_column" contains the product of "colA" and "colB" after successful insertion.
                    //       SQL expression string is optional in Inserter.ColumnMapping.
                    //       For a column without any transformation (identity transformation) only the column name is required.
                    //       For example new Inserter.ColumnMapping("no_data_transformation_column")
                    //   4. Inserter Definition, a list of column definitions for all the input values provided during insertion.

                    // Inserter definition contains the column definition for the values that are inserted.
                    // The data input has two text values Name and Location_as_text.
                    List <TableDefinition.Column> inserterDefinition = new List <TableDefinition.Column>();
                    inserterDefinition.Add(new TableDefinition.Column("Name", SqlType.Text(), Nullability.NotNullable));
                    inserterDefinition.Add(new TableDefinition.Column("Location_as_text", SqlType.Text(), Nullability.NotNullable));

                    // Column 'Name' is inserted into "Extract"."Extract" as-is.
                    // Column 'Location' in "Extract"."Extract" of geography type is computed from Column 'Location_as_text' of text type
                    // using the expression 'CAST("Location_as_text") AS GEOGRAPHY'.
                    // Inserter.ColumnMapping is used for mapping the CAST expression to Column 'Location'.
                    string textToGeographyCastExpression         = $"CAST({Sql.EscapeName("Location_as_text")} AS GEOGRAPHY)";
                    List <Inserter.ColumnMapping> columnMappings = new List <Inserter.ColumnMapping>();
                    columnMappings.Add(new Inserter.ColumnMapping("Name"));
                    columnMappings.Add(new Inserter.ColumnMapping("Location", textToGeographyCastExpression));

                    // Insert spatial data into the "Extract"."Extract" table using CAST expression.
                    using (Inserter inserter = new Inserter(connection, extractTableDefinition, columnMappings, inserterDefinition))
                        inserter.AddRow("Seattle", "point(-122.338083 47.647528)");
                        inserter.AddRow("Munich", "point(11.584329 48.139257)");

                    // ExecuteScalarQuery is for executing a query that returns exactly one row with one column.
                    long count = connection.ExecuteScalarQuery <long>($"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {extractTable}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Table {extractTable} has a count of {count} rows");

                Console.WriteLine("The connection to the Hyper file has been closed.");

            Console.WriteLine("The Hyper process has been shut down.");
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates a device's status. If the new status is null, the existing status should be invalidated and no new
        /// entry added. If the new status is non-null, see it the existing status matches the new status. If the new
        /// and old status are identical, do nothing. If the new and old status are different somehow (the status itself,
        /// the is-alarm flag or the message are different), invalidate the old status and insert a new status.
        /// A single device may have different statuses, so we need to restrict our decisions to a set of types, which
        /// is included in the 3rd parameter. For example, the memory statuses are adequate, low, or critically low. Only
        /// one of these should be 'active' at a given time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="device_id">The ID of the device we're checking</param>
        /// <param name="type">The new type. Can be null to indicate the status should be cleared</param>
        /// <param name="statuses">The full set of statuses we should be considering. Will be a subset of all
        /// the statuses a device can have.</param>
        /// <param name="message">A message regarding the status</param>
        /// <param name="conn">The DB connection to use</param>
        protected static void SetDeviceStatus(long device_id, EStatusType?type, List <EStatusType> statuses, string message, SQLiteConnection conn)
            if (type.HasValue)

            EAlertLevel alert_level = (type.HasValue ? type.Value.GetAlertLevel() : null) ?? EAlertLevel.Normal;
            string      in_clause   = statuses.Join();
            string      clause      = $"DeviceID = {device_id} AND StatusType IN ({in_clause}) AND IsValid = 1";
            string      sql         = $"SELECT StatusType, IsAlarm, Message FROM DeviceStatus WHERE {clause};";
            bool        insert      = type.HasValue;
            bool        remove      = type.HasValue == false;

            if (type.HasValue)
                // We may be inserting a new type. We need to see if the current value for the device/status is the
                // same, or has changed. If it's the same we don't need to do anything. If it's changed, we'll want to
                // mark the old value as invalid, and insert the new value.
                using (SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, conn))
                    using (SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                        if (reader.Read())
                            EStatusType existing_type        = (EStatusType)reader.GetInt32(0);
                            EAlertLevel existing_alert_level = (EAlertLevel)reader.GetInt32(1);
                            string      existing_message     = reader.IsDBNull(2) ? string.Empty : reader.GetString(2);

                            // An existing record exists, so insert the new one and update the old one if something's changed.
                            // If nothing changed, we'll leave the old one alone
                            bool something_changed =
                                (type.Value != existing_type) ||
                                (alert_level != existing_alert_level) ||
                                (string.Compare(message, existing_message) != 0);

                            // If something has changed, we'll want to remove the old version, and insert the new
                            // version. If nothing changed, we don't want to do either.
                            insert = remove = something_changed;
                        // If it wasn't found, just insert, which is the default
            // In this case there's no status value, so that means were clearing out the old one, if it exists.

            if (insert || remove)
                if (remove)
                    Updater updater = new Updater("DeviceStatus", clause, conn);
                    updater.Set("IsValid", 0);

                if (insert)
                    Inserter inserter = new Inserter("DeviceStatus", conn);
                    inserter.Set("DeviceID", device_id);
                    inserter.Set("StatusType", (int)type);
                    inserter.Set("IsAlarm", (int)alert_level);
                    inserter.Set("Date", DateTimeOffset.Now);
                    inserter.Set("Message", message, false);
                    inserter.Set("IsValid", 1);
            // else, no change
Beispiel #17
 protected override void CloseLogic()
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new Hyper file with multiple tables and write some data into them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exampleDataDir">Path to the directory with example data.</param>
        public override void Execute(string exampleDataDir)
            Console.WriteLine("EXAMPLE - Insert data into multiple tables within a new Hyper file.");

            // Start the Hyper process with telemetry enabled.
            using (HyperProcess hyper = new HyperProcess(Telemetry.SendUsageDataToTableau))
                // Connect to Hyper and create new Hyper file "superstore.hyper".
                // It replaces the file if it already exists when CreateMode.CreateAndReplace is set.
                using (Connection connection = new Connection(hyper.Endpoint, "superstore.hyper", CreateMode.CreateAndReplace))
                    // Create definitions for the tables to be created.

                    // Since the table name is not prefixed with an explicit schema name, the table will reside in the default "public" namespace.
                    TableDefinition orders = new TableDefinition("Orders")
                                             .AddColumn("Address ID", SqlType.SmallInt(), Nullability.NotNullable)
                                             .AddColumn("Customer ID", SqlType.Text(), Nullability.NotNullable)
                                             .AddColumn("Order Date", SqlType.Date(), Nullability.NotNullable)
                                             .AddColumn("Order ID", SqlType.Text(), Nullability.NotNullable)
                                             .AddColumn("Ship Date", SqlType.Date())
                                             .AddColumn("Ship Mode", SqlType.Text());

                    // Since the table name is not prefixed with an explicit schema name, the table will reside in the default "public" namespace.
                    TableDefinition customer = new TableDefinition("Customer")
                                               .AddColumn("Customer ID", SqlType.Text(), Nullability.NotNullable)
                                               .AddColumn("Customer Name", SqlType.Text(), Nullability.NotNullable)
                                               .AddColumn("Loyalty Reward Points", SqlType.BigInt(), Nullability.NotNullable)
                                               .AddColumn("Segment", SqlType.Text(), Nullability.NotNullable);

                    // Since the table name is not prefixed with an explicit schema name, the table will reside in the default "public" namespace.
                    TableDefinition products = new TableDefinition("Products")
                                               .AddColumn("Category", SqlType.Text(), Nullability.NotNullable)
                                               .AddColumn("Product ID", SqlType.Text(), Nullability.NotNullable)
                                               .AddColumn("Product Name", SqlType.Text(), Nullability.NotNullable)
                                               .AddColumn("Sub-Category", SqlType.Text(), Nullability.NotNullable);

                    // Since the table name is not prefixed with an explicit schema name, the table will reside in the default "public" namespace.
                    TableDefinition lineItems = new TableDefinition("Line Items")
                                                .AddColumn("Line Item ID", SqlType.BigInt(), Nullability.NotNullable)
                                                .AddColumn("Order ID", SqlType.Text(), Nullability.NotNullable)
                                                .AddColumn("Product ID", SqlType.Text(), Nullability.NotNullable)
                                                .AddColumn("Sales", SqlType.Double(), Nullability.NotNullable)
                                                .AddColumn("Quantity", SqlType.SmallInt(), Nullability.NotNullable)
                                                .AddColumn("Discount", SqlType.Double())
                                                .AddColumn("Profit", SqlType.Double(), Nullability.NotNullable);

                    // Create tables in the database.

                    // Insert data into Orders table.
                    using (Inserter inserter = new Inserter(connection, orders))
                        inserter.AddRow(399, "DK-13375", new Date(2012, 9, 7), "CA-2011-100006", new Date(2012, 9, 13), "Standard Class");
                        inserter.AddRow(530, "EB-13705", new Date(2012, 7, 8), "CA-2011-100090", new Date(2012, 7, 12), "Standard Class");

                    // Insert data into Customers table.
                    using (Inserter inserter = new Inserter(connection, customer))
                        inserter.AddRow("DK-13375", "Dennis Kane", 518, "Consumer");
                        inserter.AddRow("EB-13705", "Ed Braxton", 815, "Corporate");

                    // Insert data into Product table.
                    using (Inserter inserter = new Inserter(connection, products))
                        inserter.AddRow("TEC-PH-10002075", "Technology", "Phones", "AT&T EL51110 DECT");

                    // Insert data into Line Items table.
                    using (Inserter inserter = new Inserter(connection, lineItems))
                        inserter.AddRow(2718, "CA-2011-100006", "TEC-PH-10002075", 377.97, 3, 0.0, 109.6113);
                        inserter.AddRow(2719, "CA-2011-100090", "TEC-PH-10002075", 377.97, 3, null, 109.6113);

                    foreach (var name in new[] { orders.TableName, customer.TableName, products.TableName, lineItems.TableName })
                        // ExecuteScalarQuery is for executing a query that returns exactly one row with one column
                        long count = connection.ExecuteScalarQuery <long>($"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {name}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Table {name} has a count of {count} rows");

                Console.WriteLine("The connection to the Hyper file has been closed.");

            Console.WriteLine("The Hyper process has been shut down.");