Beispiel #1
 public static void HighlightCharacterAt <TFont, TGlyph>(
     this InnerDisplay <TFont, TGlyph> self,
     MathListIndex index, Color color) where TFont : IFont <TGlyph>
     if (index.SubIndexType != MathListSubIndexType.None)
         throw new ArgumentException
                   ("The subindex must be none to get the highlight a character in it.", nameof(index));
Beispiel #2
   public static PointF?PointForIndex <TFont, TGlyph>(
       this InnerDisplay <TFont, TGlyph> self,
       TypesettingContext <TFont, TGlyph> _,
       MathListIndex index) where TFont : IFont <TGlyph> =>
   index.SubIndexType != MathListSubIndexType.None
 ? throw new ArgumentException
             ("The subindex must be none to get the closest point for it.", nameof(index))
         : index.AtomIndex == self.Range.End
         // draw a caret after the inner
 ? self.Position.Plus(new PointF(self.DisplayBounds().Right, 0))
         // draw a caret before the inner
         : self.Position;
Beispiel #3
   public static MathListIndex IndexForPoint <TFont, TGlyph>(
       this InnerDisplay <TFont, TGlyph> self,
       TypesettingContext <TFont, TGlyph> context,
       PointF point) where TFont : IFont <TGlyph> =>
   // We can be before or after the inner
   point.X <self.Position.X + (self.Left?.Width / 2 ?? 0)
            //We are before the inner, so
 ? MathListIndex.Level0Index(self.Range.Location)
            : point.X> self.Position.X + self.Width - (self.Right?.Width / 2 ?? 0)
   //We are after the inner
 ? MathListIndex.Level0Index(self.Range.End)
   : MathListIndex.IndexAtLocation(self.Range.Location,
                                   MathListSubIndexType.Inner, self.Inner.IndexForPoint(context, point));
Beispiel #4
 public static void Highlight <TFont, TGlyph>(
     this InnerDisplay <TFont, TGlyph> self, Color color) where TFont : IFont <TGlyph> =>