public UIElement Create(IPeekSession session, IPeekResultScrollState scrollState)
            var view = new InlineCommentPeekView();

            view.DataContext = viewModel;
Beispiel #2
        public UIElement Create(IPeekSession session, IPeekResultScrollState scrollState)
            view             = new InlineCommentPeekView();
            view.DataContext = viewModel;

            // Report the desired size back to the peek view. Unfortunately the peek view
            // helpfully assigns this desired size to the control that also contains the tab at
            // the top of the peek view, so we need to put in a fudge factor. Using a const
            // value for the moment, as there's no easy way to get the size of the control.
            view.DesiredHeight.Subscribe(x => DesiredHeight = x + PeekBorders);
