Beispiel #1
        void AttachedPropertiesSnippets()
            InkCanvas.SetTop(button1, 100);

            InkCanvas.SetBottom(button1, 100);

            InkCanvas.SetLeft(button1, 100);

            InkCanvas.SetRight(button1, 100);

            double buttonLeft = InkCanvas.GetLeft(button1);

            double buttonRight = InkCanvas.GetRight(button1);

            double buttonTop = InkCanvas.GetTop(button1);

            double buttonBottom = InkCanvas.GetBottom(button1);
Beispiel #2
        // Token: 0x060077AE RID: 30638 RVA: 0x002225D4 File Offset: 0x002207D4
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
            Size availableSize = new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity);
            Size result        = default(Size);

            foreach (object obj in base.InternalChildren)
                UIElement uielement = (UIElement)obj;
                if (uielement != null)
                    double num = InkCanvas.GetLeft(uielement);
                    if (!DoubleUtil.IsNaN(num))
                        result.Width = Math.Max(result.Width, num + uielement.DesiredSize.Width);
                        result.Width = Math.Max(result.Width, uielement.DesiredSize.Width);
                    double num2 = InkCanvas.GetTop(uielement);
                    if (!DoubleUtil.IsNaN(num2))
                        result.Height = Math.Max(result.Height, num2 + uielement.DesiredSize.Height);
                        result.Height = Math.Max(result.Height, uielement.DesiredSize.Height);
Beispiel #3
        //void myimg_MouseDown()
        void myimg_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            //mouseClick = e.GetPosition(null);

            System.Windows.Controls.Image nearestImage = findNearestImage(System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position.X, System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position.Y);



            //baseTop = InkCanvas.GetTop(((System.Windows.Controls.Image)sender));
            //baseLeft = InkCanvas.GetLeft(((System.Windows.Controls.Image)sender));

            baseTop  = InkCanvas.GetTop(nearestImage);
            baseLeft = InkCanvas.GetLeft(nearestImage);

            deltaLeft = new double[selectedImages.Count()];
            deltaTop  = new double[selectedImages.Count()];

            for (int i = 0; i < selectedImages.Count(); i++)
                deltaLeft[i] = InkCanvas.GetLeft(selectedImages[i]);
                deltaTop[i]  = InkCanvas.GetTop(selectedImages[i]);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the segment where the window is hung
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rect">Rectangle that represent the window</param>
        /// <returns>Return the finded segment</returns>
        private Line FindSegmentByWindow(Rectangle rect)
            double x      = InkCanvas.GetLeft(rect);
            double y      = InkCanvas.GetTop(rect);
            double width  = rect.Width;
            double height = rect.Height;

            Line wall = null;

            // Loop throught the segment and search the segment that contain the window
            foreach (UIElement element in _receiver.ViewModel._mainWindow.canvas.Children)
                if (element is Line line)
                    if (x > line.X1 && x + width < line.X2 ||
                        x > line.X2 && x + width < line.X1 ||
                        y > line.Y1 && y + height < line.Y2 ||
                        y > line.Y2 && y + height < line.Y1)
                        wall = line;
        private bool BeginCrop(PathGeometry path)
            TouchableImage image = this._selectedImage;

            if (image != null)
                //이 이미지 위치정보 A+ 저장
                double outerImage_x      = InkCanvas.GetLeft(image);
                double outerImage_y      = InkCanvas.GetTop(image);
                double outerImage_width  = image.Width;
                double outerImage_height = image.Height;
                Rect   outerImageRect    = new Rect(0, 0, outerImage_width, outerImage_height);

                //입력받은 패스를 가지고 이미지의 좌표에 맞게 좌표수정
                path.Transform = new TranslateTransform(-outerImage_x, -outerImage_y);

                //화면 영역에 맞게 combine 된 clipping path를 구함
                RectangleGeometry imageRectGeo         = new RectangleGeometry(outerImageRect);
                CombinedGeometry  combinedGeoIntersect = new CombinedGeometry(GeometryCombineMode.Intersect, imageRectGeo, path);

                //이미지에 적용, 패스로 크로핑
                image.Clip = combinedGeoIntersect;

                //새 이미지를 만든다.
                TouchableImage cloneImg = new TouchableImage();
                //cloneImg.RenderTransform = image.RenderTransform.Clone();
                cloneImg.Source = image.Source.Clone();
                cloneImg.Width  = image.ActualWidth;
                cloneImg.Height = image.ActualHeight;

                //이미지의 영역과 클리핑 데이터로 새로운 클리핑 영역을 만듦
                CombinedGeometry combinedGeoXor = new CombinedGeometry(GeometryCombineMode.Xor, imageRectGeo, path);
                cloneImg.Clip = combinedGeoXor;

                //새로 만들어진 이미지를 넣고 배치한다.

                //cloneImg.RenderTransform = new RotateTransform();

                InkCanvas.SetLeft(cloneImg, outerImage_x);
                InkCanvas.SetTop(cloneImg, outerImage_y);

                //원본 이미지에 재적용
                //클리핑된 이미지 B 완성 (선택한 영역만 남은 그림)
                //이 이미지 위치정보 B+ 저장

                //원본 이미지의 인덱스 위치에
                //이미지 A 를 A+ 위치에 배치
                //이미지 B 를 B+ 위치에 배치

                //원본 이미지 캔버스에서 제거

                if (this.ImageCropped != null)
                    ImageCropped(this, null);
Beispiel #6
        void myimg_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            // if (((System.Windows.Controls.Image)sender).IsMouseCaptured)
            //System.Windows.Point mouseCurrent = e.GetPosition(null);
            //double Left = mouseCurrent.X;
            //double Top = mouseCurrent.Y;

            if ((deltaTop[0] != -1) && (deltaLeft[0] != -1))
                double CursorLeft = System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position.X;
                double CursorTop  = System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position.Y;

                for (int i = 0; i < selectedImages.Count(); i++)
                    selectedImages[i].SetValue(InkCanvas.LeftProperty, (CursorLeft - (baseLeft - deltaLeft[i])));
                    selectedImages[i].SetValue(InkCanvas.TopProperty, (CursorTop - (baseTop - deltaTop[i])));

                    double SOFUKCINGCOLD = InkCanvas.GetLeft(selectedImages[i]);
                    double IHATETHISPROJ = InkCanvas.GetTop(selectedImages[i]);

                    selectedTextBlocks[i].SetValue(InkCanvas.LeftProperty, SOFUKCINGCOLD - 20);
                    selectedTextBlocks[i].SetValue(InkCanvas.TopProperty, IHATETHISPROJ + 40 + 10);
            // }
Beispiel #7
        private void AddCopy(InkCanvas inkCanvas)
            var strokeCollection = new StrokeCollection();

            foreach (var selectedStroke in _selectedStrokes)
                var stroke = selectedStroke.Clone();
            var uiElementCollection = new List <UIElement>();

            foreach (UIElement selectedElement in _selectedElements)
                var element = WPFHelper.Clone(selectedElement, inkCanvas);
                if (element == null)
                InkCanvas.SetLeft(element, InkCanvas.GetLeft(selectedElement));
                InkCanvas.SetTop(element, InkCanvas.GetTop(selectedElement));
            _repetitions.Add(new Tuple <ReadOnlyCollection <UIElement>, StrokeCollection>(new ReadOnlyCollection <UIElement>(uiElementCollection), strokeCollection));
Beispiel #8
        private void _drawerTextBox_LostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            String text = _drawerTextBox.Text;

            if (text.Length > 0)
                var textBlock = new TextBlock();
                //textBlock.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.NoWrap;
                textBlock.Text = text;


                textBlock.Visibility   = Visibility.Visible;
                textBlock.Foreground   = _drawerTextBox.Foreground;
                textBlock.FontSize     = _drawerTextBox.FontSize;
                textBlock.TextWrapping = _drawerTextBox.TextWrapping;

                InkCanvas.SetLeft(textBlock, InkCanvas.GetLeft(_drawerTextBox));
                InkCanvas.SetTop(textBlock, InkCanvas.GetTop(_drawerTextBox));


            //throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #9
        /* METHOD: Parameters:  x coordinate
         *                      y coordinate
         * Returns: The nearest image from the specified coordiate
        private System.Windows.Controls.Image findNearestImage(double x, double y)
            System.Windows.Controls.Image output = new System.Windows.Controls.Image();
            double currentBest = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < selectedImages.Count(); i++)
                double left = InkCanvas.GetLeft(selectedImages[i]);
                double top  = InkCanvas.GetTop(selectedImages[i]);

                double distance = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(left - x, 2) + Math.Pow(top - y, 2));

                if (currentBest == -1)
                    currentBest = distance;
                    output      = selectedImages[i];
                else if (distance < currentBest)
                    currentBest = distance;
                    output      = selectedImages[i];
Beispiel #10
 internal void Scale(bool shouldAdd, int count)
     for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
         double _ScaleFactor = shouldAdd ? 1.2 : .8;
         _Scale *= _ScaleFactor;
         //TODO: implement
         //     _ScaleText.Text = _Scale.ToString();
         foreach (InkCanvas _InkCanvas in _canvasList.Children)
             foreach (Stroke _Stroke in _InkCanvas.Strokes)
                 for (int i = 0; i < _Stroke.StylusPoints.Count; i++)
                     StylusPoint _StylusPoint = _Stroke.StylusPoints[i];
                     _Stroke.StylusPoints[i] = new StylusPoint(_StylusPoint.X * _ScaleFactor, _StylusPoint.Y * _ScaleFactor);
             foreach (FrameworkElement _Image in _InkCanvas.Children)
                 InkCanvas.SetLeft(_Image, InkCanvas.GetLeft(_Image) * _ScaleFactor);
                 InkCanvas.SetTop(_Image, InkCanvas.GetTop(_Image) * _ScaleFactor);
                 _Image.Width  = _Image.ActualWidth * _ScaleFactor;
                 _Image.Height = _Image.ActualHeight * _ScaleFactor;
Beispiel #11
        private void startDrag()
            Console.WriteLine("Start Drag has been called");

            WC_inkCanvas.EditingMode = InkCanvasEditingMode.None;

            System.Windows.Controls.Image nearestImage = findNearestImage(System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position.X, System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position.Y);



            //baseTop = InkCanvas.GetTop(((System.Windows.Controls.Image)sender));
            //baseLeft = InkCanvas.GetLeft(((System.Windows.Controls.Image)sender));

            baseTop  = InkCanvas.GetTop(nearestImage);
            baseLeft = InkCanvas.GetLeft(nearestImage);

            deltaLeft = new double[selectedImages.Count()];
            deltaTop  = new double[selectedImages.Count()];

            for (int i = 0; i < selectedImages.Count(); i++)
                deltaLeft[i] = InkCanvas.GetLeft(selectedImages[i]);
                deltaTop[i]  = InkCanvas.GetTop(selectedImages[i]);

            imagesFollowMouse = true;
Beispiel #12
        private void TabControl1_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            if (tabDeleted)
            if (TabControl1.SelectedIndex <= 0)
                TabControl1.SelectedIndex = lastSelectedTab;
                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                TegakiCanvas.Strokes.Save(ms, true);
                NoteData nd = new NoteData()
                    tegaki = ms.ToArray(), borderMargin = lineMargine
                foreach (TextBlock TB in TegakiCanvas.Children.OfType <TextBlock>())
                Pages[(((TabControl1.Items[lastSelectedTab] as TabItem).Header as DockPanel).Children[1] as TextBlock).Text] = nd;

                lastSelectedTab = TabControl1.SelectedIndex;

                nd = Pages[(((TabControl1.Items[lastSelectedTab] as TabItem).Header as DockPanel).Children[1] as TextBlock).Text];


                if (nd.tegaki == null)

                TegakiCanvas.Strokes = new StrokeCollection(new MemoryStream(nd.tegaki));
                lineMargine          = nd.borderMargin;
                for (int i = 0; i < nd.TBFontSizes.Count; i++)
                    TextBlock tb = new TextBlock()
                        Text = nd.TBtexts[i], FontSize = nd.TBFontSizes[i], LineHeight = nd.TBLineHeights[i]
                    InkCanvas.SetLeft(tb, nd.TBXs[i]);
                    InkCanvas.SetTop(tb, nd.TBYs[i]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Canvas computes a position for each of its children taking into account their margin and
        /// attached Canvas properties: Top, Left.
        /// Canvas will also arrange each of its children.
        /// This code is same as the Canvas'.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arrangeSize">Size that Canvas will assume to position children.</param>
        protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeSize)
            //Canvas arranges children at their DesiredSize.
            //This means that Margin on children is actually respected and added
            //to the size of layout partition for a child.
            //Therefore, is Margin is 10 and Left is 20, the child's ink will start at 30.

            foreach (UIElement child in InternalChildren)
                if (child == null)

                double x = 0;
                double y = 0;

                //Compute offset of the child:
                //If Left is specified, then Right is ignored
                //If Left is not specified, then Right is used
                //If both are not there, then 0
                double left = (double)InkCanvas.GetLeft(child);
                if (!DoubleUtil.IsNaN(left))
                    x = left;
                    double right = (double)InkCanvas.GetRight(child);

                    if (!DoubleUtil.IsNaN(right))
                        x = arrangeSize.Width - child.DesiredSize.Width - right;

                double top = (double)InkCanvas.GetTop(child);
                if (!DoubleUtil.IsNaN(top))
                    y = top;
                    double bottom = (double)InkCanvas.GetBottom(child);

                    if (!DoubleUtil.IsNaN(bottom))
                        y = arrangeSize.Height - child.DesiredSize.Height - bottom;

                child.Arrange(new Rect(new Point(x, y), child.DesiredSize));

Beispiel #14
        public Property GetProperty()
            Property p = new Property();

            p.height    = (int)this.Height;
            p.width     = (int)this.Width;
            p.absoluteX = (int)InkCanvas.GetLeft(this);
            p.absoluteY = (int)InkCanvas.GetTop(this);
Beispiel #15
 private void RefreshUIElements(double dX, double dY, int repIndex)
     for (int i = 0; i < _selectedElements.Count; i++)
         var uiElement       = _repetitions[repIndex].Obj1[i];
         var originalElement = _selectedElements[i];
         InkCanvas.SetLeft(uiElement, InkCanvas.GetLeft(originalElement) + dX);
         InkCanvas.SetTop(uiElement, InkCanvas.GetTop(originalElement) + dY);
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Send new text box to server when text box is modified
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        public void textBoxModified(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            TextBox sourceTextBox = (TextBox)e.Source;

            if (isCreatingATextBox)
                client.ask_add(new TextBoxElement(sourceTextBox, InkCanvas.GetLeft(sourceTextBox), InkCanvas.GetTop(sourceTextBox), 0));
                isCreatingATextBox = false;
Beispiel #17
        private List <MapDatabase.Layer> SaveLayers()
            List <MapDatabase.Layer> _Layers = new List <MapDatabase.Layer>();

            foreach (InkCanvas _InkCanvas in _canvasList.Children)
                MapDatabase.Layer _Layer = new MapDatabase.Layer();
                foreach (Image _Image in _InkCanvas.Children.OfType <Image>())
                    Image             img       = _Image;
                    ImageSource       imgSource = img.Source;
                    BitmapImage       bmp       = imgSource as BitmapImage;
                    string            path      = bmp.UriSource.OriginalString;
                    double            x         = InkCanvas.GetLeft(_Image);
                    double            y         = InkCanvas.GetTop(_Image);
                    double            width     = _Image.ActualWidth;
                    double            height    = _Image.ActualHeight;
                    MapDatabase.Image imga      = new MapDatabase.Image
                        Path   = path,
                        X      = x,
                        Y      = y,
                        Width  = width,
                        Height = height


                List <MapDatabase.Polygon> _Polygons = _Layer.Polygons;
                foreach (Stroke _Stroke in _InkCanvas.Strokes)
                    List <Point> _Points = new List <Point>();
                    foreach (StylusPoint _StylusPoint in _Stroke.StylusPoints)
                        Point _Point = new Point();
                        _Point.X = (int)_StylusPoint.X;
                        _Point.Y = (int)_StylusPoint.Y;
                    MapDatabase.Polygon _Polygon = new MapDatabase.Polygon();
                    _Polygon.Color  = _Stroke.DrawingAttributes.Color;
                    _Polygon.Points = _Points;
Beispiel #18
        public void SaveFile(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            _MapDatabase._Layers = SaveLayers();

            _MapDatabase._CStartPos.X = InkCanvas.GetLeft(_CStartPos);
            _MapDatabase._CStartPos.Y = InkCanvas.GetTop(_CStartPos);
            _MapDatabase._TStartPos.X = InkCanvas.GetLeft(_TStartPos);
            _MapDatabase._TStartPos.Y = InkCanvas.GetTop(_TStartPos);

            MemoryStream _MemoryStream = new MemoryStream();

            _XmlSerializer.Serialize(_MemoryStream, _MapDatabase);

            byte[] _Buffer = _MemoryStream.ToArray();
            File.WriteAllBytes(_FilePath, _Buffer);
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the button at the given position, if any. Not currently used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        /// <param name="y"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool FindButton(System.Windows.Point point)
            Rect buttonLoc = new Rect();

            foreach (Popup pop in activeButtonList)
                Button button = (Button)pop.Child;
                buttonLoc.X    = InkCanvas.GetLeft(button);
                buttonLoc.Y    = InkCanvas.GetTop(button);
                buttonLoc.Size = button.RenderSize;

                if (buttonLoc.Contains(point))
Beispiel #20
        public override string ShapeToFormat(Shape shape)
            Ellipse ellipse = (Ellipse)shape;

            if (Format == "SVG")
                double   radiusX    = ellipse.Width / 2;
                double   radiusY    = ellipse.Height / 2;
                XElement svgEllipse = new XElement("ellipse");
                svgEllipse.Add(new XAttribute("cx", dobuleToString(InkCanvas.GetLeft(ellipse) + radiusX)));
                svgEllipse.Add(new XAttribute("cy", dobuleToString(InkCanvas.GetTop(ellipse) + radiusY)));
                svgEllipse.Add(new XAttribute("rx", dobuleToString(radiusX)));
                svgEllipse.Add(new XAttribute("ry", dobuleToString(radiusY)));
                svgEllipse.Add(new XAttribute("fill", ellipse.Fill == null ? "none" : brushToString(ellipse.Fill)));
                svgEllipse.Add(new XAttribute("stroke", brushToString(ellipse.Stroke)));
                svgEllipse.Add(new XAttribute("stroke-width", ellipse.StrokeThickness.ToString()));
            if (Format == "VGF")
                double width    = ellipse.Width;
                double height   = ellipse.Height;
                double left     = InkCanvas.GetLeft(ellipse);
                double top      = InkCanvas.GetTop(ellipse);
                string stroke   = ellipse.Stroke.ToString();
                double thikness = ellipse.StrokeThickness;
                string fill     = ellipse.Fill == null ? "noFill" : ellipse.Fill.ToString();
                return($"Ellipse {left} {top} {width} {height} {stroke} {thikness} {fill};");
            if (Format == "JSON")
                double radiusX  = (ellipse).Width / 2;
                double radiusY  = (ellipse).Height / 2;
                string CX       = dobuleToString(InkCanvas.GetLeft(ellipse) + radiusX);
                string CY       = dobuleToString(InkCanvas.GetTop(ellipse) + radiusY);
                string RX       = dobuleToString(radiusX);
                string RY       = dobuleToString(radiusY);
                string stroke   = brushToString((ellipse).Stroke);
                string thikness = (ellipse).StrokeThickness.ToString();
                string fill     = (ellipse).Fill == null ? "none" : brushToString((ellipse).Fill);
                return($"{{\"type\":\"ellipse\", \"cx\":{CX},\"cy\":{CY},\"rx\":{RX},\"ry\":{RY},\" fill\":{fill},\"stroke\":\"{stroke}\",\"stroke-width\":{thikness}}}");
Beispiel #21
 public static void CloneElementsTo(IList <UIElement> targetCollection, IEnumerator sourceCollection, InkCanvas inkCanvas, int offset)
     while (sourceCollection.MoveNext())
         if (!(sourceCollection.Current is UIElement))
         var element = (UIElement)sourceCollection.Current;
         var clone   = Clone(element, inkCanvas);
         if (clone == null)
         InkCanvas.SetLeft(clone, InkCanvas.GetLeft(element) + offset);
         InkCanvas.SetTop(clone, InkCanvas.GetTop(element) + offset);
Beispiel #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the area and open a dialog to pick up a name for the area
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        public override async void Draw(Point p)

            //Count two point to create the rectangle area
            if (_areaPoints.Count == 2)
                Point p2 = _areaPoints.Pop();
                Point p1 = _areaPoints.Pop();

                this._fillBrush = new SolidColorBrush(ImageUtil.RandomColor());

                // It the area type name is null, it come from the message box input
                if (_areaTypeName == "")
                    _areaTypeName = await _receiver.ViewModel.ShowAreaDialog();

                Area area = _receiver.ViewModel._plan.AddArea(p1, p2, _areaTypeName); // Add to the plan

                // Create the TextBlock object that contain the area name
                TextBlock textBlock = new TextBlock
                    Text            = _areaTypeName,
                    Foreground      = Brushes.White,
                    Width           = 70,
                    Height          = 20,
                    TextAlignment   = TextAlignment.Center,
                    LayoutTransform = new ScaleTransform(1, -1)

                //Add the textBlock to the canvas
                InkCanvas.SetLeft(textBlock, InkCanvas.GetLeft(_receiver.LastShape) + (_receiver.LastShape.Width / 2) - (textBlock.Width / 2));
                InkCanvas.SetTop(textBlock, InkCanvas.GetTop(_receiver.LastShape) + (_receiver.LastShape.Height / 2) - (textBlock.Height / 2));

                // Add to the history
                MainWindow.main.History = "Area";
                _receiver.ViewModel._stackHistory.Push(new Tuple <Object, Object, string>(textBlock, area, "Area"));

                _receiver.LastShape = null;
Beispiel #23
        private void drag()
            if (imagesFollowMouse == true)
                double CursorLeft = System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position.X;
                double CursorTop  = System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position.Y;

                for (int i = 0; i < selectedImages.Count(); i++)
                    selectedImages[i].SetValue(InkCanvas.LeftProperty, (CursorLeft - (baseLeft - deltaLeft[i])));
                    selectedImages[i].SetValue(InkCanvas.TopProperty, (CursorTop - (baseTop - deltaTop[i])));

                    double SOFUKCINGCOLD = InkCanvas.GetLeft(selectedImages[i]);
                    double IHATETHISPROJ = InkCanvas.GetTop(selectedImages[i]);

                    selectedTextBlocks[i].SetValue(InkCanvas.LeftProperty, SOFUKCINGCOLD - 20);
                    selectedTextBlocks[i].SetValue(InkCanvas.TopProperty, IHATETHISPROJ + 40 + 10);
        /// <summary>
        /// Override of <seealso cref="FrameworkElement.MeasureOverride" />
        /// The code is similar to Canvas.MeasureOverride. The only difference we have is that
        /// InkCanvasInnerCanvas does report the size based on its children's sizes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="constraint">Constraint size.</param>
        /// <returns>Computed desired size.</returns>
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
            Size childConstraint = new Size(Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity);

            Size newSize = new Size();

            foreach (UIElement child in InternalChildren)
                if (child == null)

                // NOTICE-2006/02/03-WAYNEZEN,
                // We only honor Left and/or Top property for the measure.
                // For Right/Bottom, only the child.Width/Height will be used. Those properties will be used by the arrange
                // but not the measure.
                double left = (double)InkCanvas.GetLeft(child);
                if (!DoubleUtil.IsNaN(left))
                    newSize.Width = Math.Max(newSize.Width, left + child.DesiredSize.Width);
                    newSize.Width = Math.Max(newSize.Width, child.DesiredSize.Width);

                double top = (double)InkCanvas.GetTop(child);
                if (!DoubleUtil.IsNaN(top))
                    newSize.Height = Math.Max(newSize.Height, top + child.DesiredSize.Height);
                    newSize.Height = Math.Max(newSize.Height, child.DesiredSize.Height);

Beispiel #25
 // Token: 0x060077AF RID: 30639 RVA: 0x00222714 File Offset: 0x00220914
 protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeSize)
     foreach (object obj in base.InternalChildren)
         UIElement uielement = (UIElement)obj;
         if (uielement != null)
             double x   = 0.0;
             double y   = 0.0;
             double num = InkCanvas.GetLeft(uielement);
             if (!DoubleUtil.IsNaN(num))
                 x = num;
                 double num2 = InkCanvas.GetRight(uielement);
                 if (!DoubleUtil.IsNaN(num2))
                     x = arrangeSize.Width - uielement.DesiredSize.Width - num2;
             double num3 = InkCanvas.GetTop(uielement);
             if (!DoubleUtil.IsNaN(num3))
                 y = num3;
                 double num4 = InkCanvas.GetBottom(uielement);
                 if (!DoubleUtil.IsNaN(num4))
                     y = arrangeSize.Height - uielement.DesiredSize.Height - num4;
             uielement.Arrange(new Rect(new Point(x, y), uielement.DesiredSize));
Beispiel #26
        public override string ShapeToFormat(Shape shape)
            Rectangle rect = (Rectangle)shape;

            if (Format == "SVG")
                XElement svgRect = new XElement("rect");
                svgRect.Add(new XAttribute("x", dobuleToString(InkCanvas.GetLeft(rect))));
                svgRect.Add(new XAttribute("y", dobuleToString(InkCanvas.GetTop(rect))));
                svgRect.Add(new XAttribute("width", dobuleToString(rect.Width)));
                svgRect.Add(new XAttribute("height", dobuleToString(rect.Height)));
                svgRect.Add(new XAttribute("fill", rect.Fill == null ? "none" : brushToString(rect.Fill)));
                svgRect.Add(new XAttribute("stroke", brushToString(rect.Stroke)));
                svgRect.Add(new XAttribute("stroke-width", rect.StrokeThickness.ToString()));
            if (Format == "VGF")
                double width    = rect.Width;
                double height   = rect.Height;
                double left     = InkCanvas.GetLeft(rect);
                double top      = InkCanvas.GetTop(rect);
                string stroke   = rect.Stroke.ToString();
                double thikness = rect.StrokeThickness;
                string fill     = rect.Fill == null ? "noFill" : rect.Fill.ToString();
                return($"Rectangle {left} {top} {width} {height} {stroke} {thikness} {fill};");
            if (Format == "JSON")
                string X        = dobuleToString(InkCanvas.GetLeft(rect));
                string Y        = dobuleToString(InkCanvas.GetTop(rect));
                string W        = dobuleToString(rect.Width);
                string H        = dobuleToString((rect).Height);
                string stroke   = brushToString((rect).Stroke);
                string thikness = (rect).StrokeThickness.ToString();
                string fill     = (rect).Fill == null ? "none" : brushToString((rect).Fill);
                return($"{{\"type\":\"rect\", \"x\":{X},\"y\":{Y},\"width\":{W},\"height\":{H},\"stroke\":\"{stroke}\", \"fill\":{fill},\"stroke-width\":{thikness}}}");
Beispiel #27
        private void inkCanvas_PreviewMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            if (creatingTextBox)
                e.Handled = true;
                InkCanvas.SetLeft(textBoxInCanvas, e.GetPosition((IInputElement)sender).X);
                InkCanvas.SetTop(textBoxInCanvas, e.GetPosition((IInputElement)sender).Y);
                editingText     = true;
                creatingTextBox = false;
            else if (editingText && !textBoxInCanvas.IsMouseOver)
                e.Handled = true;

                string text = textBoxInCanvas.Text;
                double X    = InkCanvas.GetLeft(textBoxInCanvas);
                double Y    = InkCanvas.GetTop(textBoxInCanvas);
                textBoxInCanvas.Text = "";

                Label label = new Label();
                label.Content = text;
                InkCanvas.SetLeft(label, X);
                InkCanvas.SetTop(label, Y);

                menuItemAddText.IsChecked = false;
                editingText = false;

                // 傳送文字方塊 string text 和座標 double X, Y給 server
                Packet packet = new Packet();
                packet.makePacketAddTextBox(0, text, X.ToString(), Y.ToString());
                homeWindow.sendToServer(this, packet);
                //echoWindow.receiveTextBox(text, X, Y);
Beispiel #28
        private List <MapDatabase.Layer> SaveLayers()
            List <MapDatabase.Layer> _Layers = new List <MapDatabase.Layer>();

            foreach (InkCanvas _InkCanvas in _CanvasList.Children)
                MapDatabase.Layer _Layer = new MapDatabase.Layer();
                foreach (Image _Image in _InkCanvas.Children.OfType <Image>())
                    _Layer._Images.Add(new MapDatabase.Image
                        Path   = ((BitmapImage)_Image.Source).UriSource.OriginalString,
                        X      = InkCanvas.GetLeft(_Image),
                        Y      = InkCanvas.GetTop(_Image),
                        Width  = _Image.ActualWidth,
                        Height = _Image.ActualHeight

                List <MapDatabase.Polygon> _Polygons = _Layer._Polygons;
                foreach (CustomStroke _Stroke in _InkCanvas.Strokes)
                    List <Point> _Points = new List <Point>();
                    foreach (StylusPoint _StylusPoint in _Stroke.StylusPoints)
                        Point _Point = new Point();
                        _Point.X = (int)_StylusPoint.X;
                        _Point.Y = (int)_StylusPoint.Y;
                    MapDatabase.Polygon _Polygon = new MapDatabase.Polygon();
                    _Polygon._Color  = _Stroke.DrawingAttributes.Color;
                    _Polygon._Points = _Points;
Beispiel #29
 private void sivuv_(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
         //כפץור סיבוב מוביל לכאן
         //כל לולאה עוברת על : עיגולים קווים עקומות
         // בכל פעם צריך לשים x y
         // getleft -> x gettop -> y && set
         float suni = float.Parse(zavit.Text);//מתקבל מהגויי
         foreach (Ellipse cir in circle_list)
             double nx1 = Math.Cos(suni) * InkCanvas.GetLeft(cir) + Math.Sin(suni) * InkCanvas.GetTop(cir);
             double ny1 = -Math.Sin(suni) * InkCanvas.GetLeft(cir) + Math.Cos(suni) * InkCanvas.GetTop(cir);
             InkCanvas.SetTop(cir, nx1);  //מכניס x
             InkCanvas.SetLeft(cir, ny1); //מכניס y
         foreach (Line cir in line_list)
             double nx1 = Math.Cos(suni) * InkCanvas.GetLeft(cir) + Math.Sin(suni) * InkCanvas.GetTop(cir);
             double ny1 = -Math.Sin(suni) * InkCanvas.GetLeft(cir) + Math.Cos(suni) * InkCanvas.GetTop(cir);
             InkCanvas.SetTop(cir, nx1);
             InkCanvas.SetLeft(cir, ny1);
         foreach (System.Windows.Shapes.Path cir in curve_list)
             double nx1 = Math.Cos(suni) * InkCanvas.GetLeft(cir) + Math.Sin(suni) * InkCanvas.GetTop(cir);
             double ny1 = -Math.Sin(suni) * InkCanvas.GetLeft(cir) + Math.Cos(suni) * InkCanvas.GetTop(cir);
             InkCanvas.SetTop(cir, nx1);
             InkCanvas.SetLeft(cir, ny1);
     catch (Exception)
        public void Window_SizeChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            double prevHeight = inkCanvas.Height;
            double prevWidth  = inkCanvas.Width;

            inkCanvas.Height = practiceDock.ActualHeight;
            inkCanvas.Width  = practiceDock.ActualWidth;
            //must have a gate to scale the gate and strokes around
            if (gateImage != null)
                float oldLeft = (float)InkCanvas.GetLeft(gateImage);
                float oldTop  = (float)InkCanvas.GetTop(gateImage);

                Rect newBounds = centerDrawing();

                System.Windows.Media.Matrix resizeMatrix = new System.Windows.Media.Matrix();
                resizeMatrix.Translate(newBounds.X - oldLeft, newBounds.Y - oldTop);

                inkCanvas.Strokes.Transform(resizeMatrix, false);
