Beispiel #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("InkAnnotations Sample:");
            using (Library lib = new Library())
                Console.WriteLine("Initialized the library.");

                // Create a new document and blank first page
                Document doc  = new Document();
                Rect     rect = new Rect(0, 0, 612, 792);
                Page     page = doc.CreatePage(Document.BeforeFirstPage, rect);
                Console.WriteLine("Created new document and first page.");

                // Create and add a new InkAnnotation to the 0th element of first page's annotation array
                InkAnnotation inkAnnot = new InkAnnotation(page, rect, -1);
                Console.WriteLine("Created new InkAnnotation as 0th element of annotation array.");

                // Ask how many scribbles are in the ink annotation
                Console.WriteLine("Number of scribbles in ink annotation: " + inkAnnot.NumScribbles);

                // Create a vector of scribble vertices
                List <Point> scribble = new List <Point>();
                Point        p        = new Point(100, 100);
                p = new Point(200, 300);
                p = new Point(400, 200);
                Console.WriteLine("Created an array of scribble points.");

                // Add the scribble to the ink annotation
                Console.WriteLine("Added the scribble to the ink annotation.");

                // Ask how many scribbles are in the ink annotation
                Console.WriteLine("Number of scribbles in ink annotation: " + inkAnnot.NumScribbles);

                // Create another vector of scribble vertices
                scribble = new List <Point>();
                p        = new Point(200, 200);
                p = new Point(200, 300);
                p = new Point(300, 300);
                p = new Point(300, 200);
                p = new Point(200, 100);
                Console.WriteLine("Created another array of scribble points.");

                // Add the scribble to the ink annotation
                Console.WriteLine("Added the scribble to the ink annotation.");

                // Create another vector of scribble vertices
                scribble = new List <Point>();
                p        = new Point(300, 400);
                p = new Point(200, 300);
                p = new Point(300, 300);
                Console.WriteLine("Created another array of scribble points.");

                // Add the scribble to the ink annotation
                Console.WriteLine("Added the scribble to the ink annotation.");

                // Ask how many scribbles are in the ink annotation
                Console.WriteLine("Number of scribbles in ink annotation: " + inkAnnot.NumScribbles);

                // Get and display the points in ink annotation 0
                IList <Point> scribbleToGet = inkAnnot.GetScribble(0);
                for (int i = 0; i < scribbleToGet.Count; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("Scribble 0, point" + i + " :" + scribbleToGet[i]);

                // Get and display the points in ink annotation 1
                scribbleToGet = new List <Point>();
                scribbleToGet = inkAnnot.GetScribble(1);
                for (int i = 0; i < scribbleToGet.Count; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("Scribble 1, point" + i + " :" + scribbleToGet[i]);

                // Let's set the color and then ask the ink annotation to generate an appearance stream
                Color color = new Color(0.5, 0.3, 0.8);
                inkAnnot.Color = color;
                Console.WriteLine("Set the stroke color.");
                Form form = inkAnnot.GenerateAppearance();
                inkAnnot.NormalAppearance = form;
                Console.WriteLine("Generated the appearance stream.");

                // Update the page's content and save the file with clipping
                doc.Save(SaveFlags.Full, "InkAnnotations-out1.pdf");
                Console.WriteLine("Saved InkAnnotations-out1.pdf");

                // Remove 0th scribble
                // Ask how many scribbles are in the ink annotation
                Console.WriteLine("Number of scribbles in ink annotation: " + inkAnnot.NumScribbles);

                // Generate a new appearance stream, since we have removed the first scribble.
                inkAnnot.NormalAppearance = inkAnnot.GenerateAppearance();

                // Update the page's content and save the file with clipping
                doc.Save(SaveFlags.Full, "InkAnnotations-out2.pdf");

                // Kill the doc object
                Console.WriteLine("Killed document object.");