protected override Rectangle GetInteractionArea(SceneMB sceneMB)
            var size    = representable.Size;
            var context = representable.Context;

            var elemRef = context as ElementReference;

            if (elemRef == null)

            var       topLeft = new Vector2(elemRef.getX() - size.x / 2f, elemRef.getY() - size.y);
            Rectangle area    = new InfluenceArea((int)topLeft.x - 20, (int)topLeft.y - 20, (int)size.x + 40, (int)size.y + 40);
            var       scene   = sceneMB.SceneData as Scene;

            if (scene != null && scene.getTrajectory() == null)
                // If no trajectory I have to move the area to the trajectory for it to be connected
                area = area.MoveAreaToTrajectory(sceneMB.Trajectory);
            else if (elemRef.getInfluenceArea() != null && elemRef.getInfluenceArea().isExists())
                area = elemRef.getInfluenceArea().MoveArea(topLeft);
 public AddNewPointTool(Rectangle rectangle, int x, int y, InfluenceAreaDataControl iadc)
     this.rectangle   = rectangle;
     this.iadc        = iadc;
     oldInfluenceArea = (InfluenceArea)iadc.getContent();
     newPoint         = new Vector2(x, y);
Beispiel #3
 public DeletePointTool(Rectangle rectangle, Vector2 point, InfluenceAreaDataControl iadc)
     this.rectangle   = rectangle;
     this.oldPoint    = point;
     this.oldIndex    = rectangle.getPoints().IndexOf(point);
     this.iadc        = iadc;
     oldInfluenceArea = (InfluenceArea)iadc.getContent();
    public object Clone()
        InfluenceArea ia = (InfluenceArea)this.MemberwiseClone();

        ia.exists = exists;
        ia.height = height;
        ia.width  = width;
        ia.x      = x;
        ia.y      = y;
  * Creates a new Exit
  * @param rectangular
  * @param x
  *            The horizontal coordinate of the upper left corner of the exit
  * @param y
  *            The vertical coordinate of the upper left corner of the exit
  * @param width
  *            The width of the exit
  * @param height
  *            The height of the exit
 public ActiveArea(string id, bool rectangular, int x, int y, int width, int height) : base(id)
     this.rectangular = rectangular;
     this.x           = x;
     this.y           = y;
     this.width       = width;
     this.height      = height;
     Vector2s         = new List <Vector2>();
     conditions       = new Conditions();
     influenceArea    = new InfluenceArea();
  * Creates a new ElementReference
  * @param idTarget
  *            the id of the element that is referenced
  * @param x
  *            the horizontal position of the element
  * @param y
  *            the vertical position of the element
 public ElementReference(string idTarget, int x, int y)
     this.idTarget = idTarget;
     this.x = x;
     this.y = y;
     this.scale = 1;
     this.layer = -1;
     documentation = null;
     conditions = new Conditions();
     influenceArea = new InfluenceArea();
Beispiel #7
     * Creates a new ElementReference
     * @param idTarget
     *            the id of the element that is referenced
     * @param x
     *            the horizontal position of the element
     * @param y
     *            the vertical position of the element
     * @param layer
     *            the position where this element reference will be paint

    public ElementReference(string idTarget, int x, int y, int layer)
        this.idTarget = idTarget;
        this.x        = x;
        this.y        = y;
        this.scale    = 1;
        this.layer    = layer;
        documentation = null;
        conditions    = new Conditions();
        influenceArea = new InfluenceArea();
  * Creates a new Exit
  * @param rectangular
  * @param x
  *            The horizontal coordinate of the upper left corner of the exit
  * @param y
  *            The vertical coordinate of the upper left corner of the exit
  * @param width
  *            The width of the exit
  * @param height
  *            The height of the exit
 public ActiveArea(string id, bool rectangular, int x, int y, int width, int height)
     : base(id)
     this.rectangular = rectangular;
     this.x = x;
     this.y = y;
     this.width = width;
     this.height = height;
     Vector2s = new List<Vector2>();
     conditions = new Conditions();
     influenceArea = new InfluenceArea();
Beispiel #9
    public override bool doTool()
        if (rectangle.isRectangular())
        if (rectangle.getPoints().Contains(oldPoint))

            if (iadc != null && rectangle.getPoints().Count > 3)
                int minX = int.MaxValue;
                int minY = int.MaxValue;
                int maxX = 0;
                int maxY = 0;
                foreach (Vector2 point in rectangle.getPoints())
                    if (point.x > maxX)
                        maxX = (int)point.x;
                    if (point.x < minX)
                        minX = (int)point.x;
                    if (point.y > maxY)
                        maxY = (int)point.y;
                    if (point.y < minY)
                        minY = (int)point.y;
                newInfluenceArea = new InfluenceArea();
                newInfluenceArea.setHeight(maxY - minY + 40);
                newInfluenceArea.setWidth(maxX - minX + 40);

                ActiveArea aa = (ActiveArea)rectangle;

Beispiel #10
        public InteractuableResult Interacted(PointerEventData pointerData = null)
            var ed = area.Element as Exit;

            if (Game.Instance.GameState.IsFirstPerson)
                Game.Instance.Execute(new EffectHolder(new Effects {
                    new ExecuteExitEffect(this)
                var       sceneMB    = FindObjectOfType <SceneMB>();
                var       scene      = sceneMB.SceneData as Scene;
                Rectangle actionArea = null;
                if (scene != null && scene.getTrajectory() == null)
                    // If no trajectory I have to move the area to the trajectory for it to be connected
                    actionArea = ed.MoveAreaToTrajectory(sceneMB.Trajectory);
                    actionArea = new InfluenceArea(ed.getX() - 20, ed.getY() - 20, ed.getWidth() + 40, ed.getHeight() + 40);
                    if (ed.getInfluenceArea() != null && ed.getInfluenceArea().isExists())
                        var points  = ed.isRectangular() ? ed.ToRect().ToPoints() : ed.getPoints().ToArray();
                        var topLeft = points.ToRect().position;
                        actionArea = ed.getInfluenceArea().MoveArea(topLeft);
                var exitAction = new Core.Action(Core.Action.CUSTOM)
                    Effects = new Effects()
                        new ExecuteExitEffect(this)
                PlayerMB.Instance.Do(exitAction, actionArea);
Beispiel #11
    public static Rectangle MoveArea(this Rectangle area, Vector2 point)
        var r = new InfluenceArea();

        if (area.isRectangular())
            r.setX(area.getX() + (int)point.x);
            r.setY(area.getY() + (int)point.y);
            var moved = area.getPoints().ConvertAll(p => p + point);

Beispiel #12
        protected override Rectangle GetInteractionArea(SceneMB sceneMB)
            var       aad   = element as ActiveArea;
            var       scene = sceneMB.SceneData as Scene;
            Rectangle area  = null;

            if (scene != null && scene.getTrajectory() == null)
                // If no trajectory I have to move the area to the trajectory for it to be connected
                area = aad.MoveAreaToTrajectory(sceneMB.Trajectory);
                area = new InfluenceArea(aad.getX() - 20, aad.getY() - 20, aad.getWidth() + 40, aad.getHeight() + 40);
                if (aad.getInfluenceArea() != null && aad.getInfluenceArea().isExists())
                    var points  = aad.isRectangular() ? aad.ToRect().ToPoints() : aad.getPoints().ToArray();
                    var topLeft = points.ToRect().position;
                    area = aad.getInfluenceArea().MoveArea(topLeft);
Beispiel #13
     * Creates a new Exit
     * @param x
     *            The horizontal coordinate of the upper left corner of the exit
     * @param y
     *            The vertical coordinate of the upper left corner of the exit
     * @param width
     *            The width of the exit
     * @param height
     *            The height of the exit
    public Exit(bool rectangular, int x, int y, int width, int height)
        this.x      = x;
        this.y      = y;
        this.width  = width;
        this.height = height;

        documentation    = null;
        points           = new List <Vector2>();
        nextScenes       = new List <NextScene>();
        this.rectangular = rectangular;
        influenceArea    = new InfluenceArea();

        destinyX        = int.MinValue;
        destinyY        = int.MinValue;
        conditions      = new Conditions();
        effects         = new Effects();
        postEffects     = new Effects();
        notEffects      = new Effects();
        hasNotEffects   = false;
        transitionType  = NO_TRANSITION;
        transitionTime  = 0;
        defaultExitLook = new ExitLook();
Beispiel #14
    public override void ParseElement(XmlElement element)
            resourcess = element.SelectNodes("resources"),
            defaultsinitialsposition = element.SelectNodes("default-initial-position"),
            exits = element.SelectNodes("exits/exit"),
            nextsscene = element.SelectNodes("next-scene"),
            objectsrefs    = element.SelectNodes("objects/object-ref"),
            charactersrefs = element.SelectNodes("characters/character-ref"),
            atrezzosrefs   = element.SelectNodes("atrezzo/atrezzo-ref"),
            activesareas   = element.SelectNodes("active-areas/active-area"),
            barriers       = element.SelectNodes("barrier"),
            trajectorys    = element.SelectNodes("trajectory");

        string tmpArgVal;

        string sceneId      = "";
        bool   initialScene = false;
        int    playerLayer  = -1;
        float  playerScale  = 1.0f;

        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("id");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            sceneId = tmpArgVal;
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("start");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            initialScene = tmpArgVal.Equals("yes");
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("playerLayer");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            playerLayer = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("playerScale");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            playerScale = float.Parse(tmpArgVal, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        scene = new Scene(sceneId);
        if (initialScene)

        if (element.SelectSingleNode("name") != null)
        if (element.SelectSingleNode("documentation") != null)

        foreach (XmlElement el in resourcess)
            currentResources = new ResourcesUni();
            tmpArgVal        = el.GetAttribute("name");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))

            assets = el.SelectNodes("asset");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in assets)
                string type = "";
                string path = "";

                tmpArgVal = ell.GetAttribute("type");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                    type = tmpArgVal;
                tmpArgVal = ell.GetAttribute("uri");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                    path = tmpArgVal;
                currentResources.addAsset(type, path);

            conditions = el.SelectNodes("condition");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in conditions)
                currentConditions = new Conditions();
                new ConditionSubParser_(currentConditions, chapter).ParseElement(ell);


        foreach (XmlElement el in defaultsinitialsposition)
            int x = int.MinValue, y = int.MinValue;

            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("x");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                x = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("y");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                y = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);

            scene.setDefaultPosition(x, y);

        foreach (XmlElement el in exits)
            int    x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
            bool   rectangular = true;
            int    influenceX = 0, influenceY = 0, influenceWidth = 0, influenceHeight = 0;
            bool   hasInfluence = false;
            string idTarget = "";
            int    destinyX = int.MinValue, destinyY = int.MinValue;
            int    transitionType = 0, transitionTime = 0;
            bool   notEffects = false;

            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("rectangular");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                rectangular = tmpArgVal.Equals("yes");
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("x");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                x = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("y");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                y = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("width");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                width = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("height");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                height = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                hasInfluence = tmpArgVal.Equals("yes");
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceX");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceX = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceY");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceY = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceWidth");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceWidth = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceHeight");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceHeight = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("idTarget");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                idTarget = tmpArgVal;
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("destinyX");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                destinyX = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("destinyY");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                destinyY = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("transitionType");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                transitionType = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("transitionTime");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                transitionTime = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("not-effects");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                notEffects = tmpArgVal.Equals("yes");

            currentExit = new Exit(rectangular, x, y, width, height);
            if (hasInfluence)
                InfluenceArea influenceArea = new InfluenceArea(influenceX, influenceY, influenceWidth, influenceHeight);

            exitslook = el.SelectNodes("exit-look");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in exitslook)
                currentExitLook = new ExitLook();
                string text       = null;
                string cursorPath = null;
                string soundPath  = null;

                tmpArgVal = ell.GetAttribute("text");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                    text = tmpArgVal;
                tmpArgVal = ell.GetAttribute("cursor-path");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                    cursorPath = tmpArgVal;
                tmpArgVal = ell.GetAttribute("sound-path");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                    soundPath = tmpArgVal;

                if (soundPath != null)

            if (el.SelectSingleNode("documentation") != null)

            points = el.SelectNodes("point");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in points)
                int x_ = 0;
                int y_ = 0;

                tmpArgVal = ell.GetAttribute("x");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                    x_ = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
                tmpArgVal = ell.GetAttribute("y");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                    y_ = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
                currentPoint = new Vector2(x_, y_);

            conditions = el.SelectNodes("condition");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in conditions)
                currentConditions = new Conditions();
                new ConditionSubParser_(currentConditions, chapter).ParseElement(ell);

            effects = el.SelectNodes("effect");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in effects)
                currentEffects = new Effects();
                new EffectSubParser_(currentEffects, chapter).ParseElement(ell);

            notseffect = el.SelectNodes("not-effect");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in notseffect)
                currentEffects = new Effects();
                new EffectSubParser_(currentEffects, chapter).ParseElement(ell);

            postseffects = el.SelectNodes("post-effect");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in postseffects)
                currentEffects = new Effects();
                new EffectSubParser_(currentEffects, chapter).ParseElement(ell);

            if (currentExit.getNextScenes().Count > 0)
                foreach (NextScene nextScene in currentExit.getNextScenes())
                    Exit exit = (Exit)currentExit;
                    exit.setNextScenes(new List <NextScene>());
                    if (exit.getDefaultExitLook() == null)
                        if (nextScene.getExitLook() != null)
                            if (nextScene.getExitLook().getExitText() != null &&
                            if (nextScene.getExitLook().getCursorPath() != null &&

        foreach (XmlElement el in nextsscene)
            string idTarget = "";
            int    x = int.MinValue, y = int.MinValue;
            int    transitionType = 0, transitionTime = 0;

            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("idTarget");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                idTarget = tmpArgVal;
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("x");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                x = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("y");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                y = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("transitionType");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                transitionType = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("transitionTime");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                transitionTime = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);

            currentNextScene = new NextScene(idTarget, x, y);


            conditions = el.SelectNodes("condition");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in conditions)
                currentConditions = new Conditions();
                new ConditionSubParser_(currentConditions, chapter).ParseElement(ell);

            effects = el.SelectNodes("effect");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in effects)
                currentEffects = new Effects();
                new EffectSubParser_(currentEffects, chapter).ParseElement(ell);
            postseffects = el.SelectNodes("post-effect");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in effects)
                currentEffects = new Effects();
                new EffectSubParser_(currentEffects, chapter).ParseElement(ell);

        foreach (XmlElement el in objectsrefs)
            string idTarget = "";
            int    x = 0, y = 0;
            float  scale = 0;
            int    layer = 0;
            int    influenceX = 0, influenceY = 0, influenceWidth = 0, influenceHeight = 0;
            bool   hasInfluence = false;

            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("idTarget");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                idTarget = tmpArgVal;
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("x");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                x = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("y");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                y = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("scale");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                scale = float.Parse(tmpArgVal, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("layer");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                layer = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                hasInfluence = tmpArgVal.Equals("yes");
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("layer");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                layer = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceX");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceX = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceY");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceY = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceWidth");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceWidth = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceHeight");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceHeight = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);

            // This is for maintain the back-compatibility: in previous dtd versions layer has -1 as default value and this is
            // an erroneous value. This reason, if this value is -1, it will be changed to 0. Now in dtd there are not default value
            // for layer
            if (layer == -1)
                layer = 0;

            currentElementReference = new ElementReference(idTarget, x, y, layer);
            if (hasInfluence)
                InfluenceArea influenceArea = new InfluenceArea(influenceX, influenceY, influenceWidth, influenceHeight);
            if (scale > 0.001 || scale < -0.001)

            if (el.SelectSingleNode("documentation") != null)

            conditions = el.SelectNodes("condition");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in conditions)
                currentConditions = new Conditions();
                new ConditionSubParser_(currentConditions, chapter).ParseElement(ell);


        foreach (XmlElement el in charactersrefs)
            string idTarget = "";
            int    x = 0, y = 0;
            float  scale = 0;
            int    layer = 0;
            int    influenceX = 0, influenceY = 0, influenceWidth = 0, influenceHeight = 0;
            bool   hasInfluence = false;

            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("idTarget");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                idTarget = tmpArgVal;
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("x");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                x = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("y");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                y = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("scale");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                scale = float.Parse(tmpArgVal, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("layer");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                layer = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                hasInfluence = tmpArgVal.Equals("yes");
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("layer");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                layer = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceX");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceX = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceY");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceY = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceWidth");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceWidth = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceHeight");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceHeight = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);

            // This is for maintain the back-compatibility: in previous dtd versions layer has -1 as default value and this is
            // an erroneous value. This reason, if this value is -1, it will be changed to 0. Now in dtd there are not default value
            // for layer
            if (layer == -1)
                layer = 0;

            currentElementReference = new ElementReference(idTarget, x, y, layer);
            if (hasInfluence)
                InfluenceArea influenceArea = new InfluenceArea(influenceX, influenceY, influenceWidth, influenceHeight);
            if (scale > 0.001 || scale < -0.001)

            if (el.SelectSingleNode("documentation") != null)

            conditions = el.SelectNodes("condition");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in conditions)
                currentConditions = new Conditions();
                new ConditionSubParser_(currentConditions, chapter).ParseElement(ell);


        foreach (XmlElement el in atrezzosrefs)
            string idTarget = "";
            int    x = 0, y = 0;
            float  scale = 0;
            int    layer = 0;
            int    influenceX = 0, influenceY = 0, influenceWidth = 0, influenceHeight = 0;
            bool   hasInfluence = false;

            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("idTarget");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                idTarget = tmpArgVal;
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("x");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                x = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("y");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                y = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("scale");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                scale = float.Parse(tmpArgVal, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("layer");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                layer = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                hasInfluence = tmpArgVal.Equals("yes");
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("layer");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                layer = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceX");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceX = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceY");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceY = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceWidth");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceWidth = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceHeight");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceHeight = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);

            // This is for maintain the back-compatibility: in previous dtd versions layer has -1 as default value and this is
            // an erroneous value. This reason, if this value is -1, it will be changed to 0. Now in dtd there are not default value
            // for layer
            if (layer == -1)
                layer = 0;

            currentElementReference = new ElementReference(idTarget, x, y, layer);
            if (hasInfluence)
                InfluenceArea influenceArea = new InfluenceArea(influenceX, influenceY, influenceWidth, influenceHeight);
            if (scale > 0.001 || scale < -0.001)

            if (el.SelectSingleNode("documentation") != null)

            conditions = el.SelectNodes("condition");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in conditions)
                currentConditions = new Conditions();
                new ConditionSubParser_(currentConditions, chapter).ParseElement(ell);


        foreach (XmlElement el in activesareas)
            new ActiveAreaSubParser_(chapter, scene, scene.getActiveAreas().Count).ParseElement(el);

        foreach (XmlElement el in barriers)
            new BarrierSubParser_(chapter, scene, scene.getBarriers().Count).ParseElement(el);

        foreach (XmlElement el in trajectorys)
            new TrajectorySubParser_(chapter, scene).ParseElement(el);

        if (scene != null)
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Compare
        /// </summary>
        private async void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!CheckInputData()) return;

                // Load signs list
            Signature[] _signs = null;
            if (listBoxByFileName.Items.Count == 0) _signs = dictSigns.Values.ToArray();
                List<Signature> __signs = new List<Signature>();
                foreach (var item in listBoxByFileName.Items) __signs.Add(item as Signature);
                _signs = __signs.ToArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < mainSigns.Length; i++)
                Congruence[] cong = await CompareParallel(mainSigns[i], _signs);
                InfluenceArea area = new InfluenceArea(mainSigns[i].Data.Length);
                Result("File \"" + mainSigns[i].ToString() + "\"" + Environment.NewLine);
                if(cong != null) foreach (var item in cong)
                    area.AddInfluence(item.SignLink, item.Begin, item.Length, item.SignSigma);
                foreach (var item in area)
                    Result(String.Format("{0} :: {1} - {2}",
                                    TimeSpan.FromSeconds(item.Key.Begin / mainSigns[i].FreqRate),
                                    TimeSpan.FromSeconds(item.Key.End / mainSigns[i].FreqRate),
     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see es.eucm.eadventure.engine.cargador.subparsers.SubParser#startElement(java.lang.string, java.lang.string,
     *      java.lang.string, org.xml.sax.Attributes)
    public override void startElement(string namespaceURI, string sName, string qName, Dictionary <string, string> attrs)
        // If no element is being subparsed
        if (subParsing == SUBPARSING_NONE)
            // If it is a object tag, create the new object (with its id)
            if (qName.Equals("active-area"))
                int    x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
                string id = null;
                bool   rectangular = true;
                int    influenceX = 0, influenceY = 0, influenceWidth = 0, influenceHeight = 0;
                bool   hasInfluence = false;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in attrs)
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("rectangular"))
                        rectangular = entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes");
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("x"))
                        x = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("y"))
                        y = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("width"))
                        width = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("height"))
                        height = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("id"))
                        id = entry.Value.ToString();
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("hasInfluenceArea"))
                        hasInfluence = entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes");
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceX"))
                        influenceX = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceY"))
                        influenceY = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceWidth"))
                        influenceWidth = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceHeight"))
                        influenceHeight = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());

                activeArea = new ActiveArea((id == null ? generateId() : id), rectangular, x, y, width, height);
                if (hasInfluence)
                    InfluenceArea influenceArea = new InfluenceArea(influenceX, influenceY, influenceWidth, influenceHeight);
                descriptions = new List <Description>();

            else if (qName.Equals("point"))
                if (activeArea != null)
                    int x = 0, y = 0;

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in attrs)
                        if (entry.Key.Equals("x"))
                            x = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                        if (entry.Key.Equals("y"))
                            y = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());

                    Vector2 point = new Vector2(x, y);

            // If it is a description tag, create the new description (with its id)
            else if (qName.Equals("description"))
                description = new Description();
                subParser   = new DescriptionsSubParser(description, chapter);
                subParsing  = SUBPARSING_DESCRIPTION;
            else if (qName.Equals("actions"))
                subParser  = new ActionsSubParser(chapter, activeArea);
                subParsing = SUBPARSING_ACTIONS;

            // If it is a condition tag, create new conditions and switch the state
            else if (qName.Equals("condition"))
                currentConditions = new Conditions();
                subParser         = new ConditionSubParser(currentConditions, chapter);
                subParsing        = SUBPARSING_CONDITION;

            // If it is a effect tag, create new effects and switch the state
            else if (qName.Equals("effect"))
                subParser  = new EffectSubParser(currentEffects, chapter);
                subParsing = SUBPARSING_EFFECT;

        // If it is reading an effect or a condition, spread the call
        if (subParsing != SUBPARSING_NONE)
            subParser.startElement(namespaceURI, sName, qName, attrs);
     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see es.eucm.eadventure.engine.cargador.subparsers.SubParser#startElement(java.lang.string, java.lang.string,
     *      java.lang.string, org.xml.sax.Attributes)
    public override void startElement(string namespaceURI, string sName, string qName, Dictionary<string, string> attrs)
        // If no element is being subparsed
        if (subParsing == SUBPARSING_NONE)
            // If it is a object tag, create the new object (with its id)
            if (qName.Equals("active-area"))

                int x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
                string id = null;
                bool rectangular = true;
                int influenceX = 0, influenceY = 0, influenceWidth = 0, influenceHeight = 0;
                bool hasInfluence = false;

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in attrs)
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("rectangular"))
                        rectangular = entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes");
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("x"))
                        x = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("y"))
                        y = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("width"))
                        width = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("height"))
                        height = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("id"))
                        id = entry.Value.ToString();
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("hasInfluenceArea"))
                        hasInfluence = entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes");
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceX"))
                        influenceX = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceY"))
                        influenceY = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceWidth"))
                        influenceWidth = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceHeight"))
                        influenceHeight = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());


                activeArea = new ActiveArea((id == null ? generateId() : id), rectangular, x, y, width, height);
                if (hasInfluence)
                    InfluenceArea influenceArea = new InfluenceArea(influenceX, influenceY, influenceWidth, influenceHeight);
                descriptions = new List<Description>();

            else if (qName.Equals("point"))
                if (activeArea != null)
                    int x = 0, y = 0;

                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in attrs)
                        if (entry.Key.Equals("x"))
                            x = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                        if (entry.Key.Equals("y"))
                            y = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());

                    Vector2 point = new Vector2(x, y);

            // If it is a description tag, create the new description (with its id)
            else if (qName.Equals("description"))
                description = new Description();
                subParser = new DescriptionsSubParser(description, chapter);
                subParsing = SUBPARSING_DESCRIPTION;
            else if (qName.Equals("actions"))
                subParser = new ActionsSubParser(chapter, activeArea);
                subParsing = SUBPARSING_ACTIONS;

            // If it is a condition tag, create new conditions and switch the state
            else if (qName.Equals("condition"))
                currentConditions = new Conditions();
                subParser = new ConditionSubParser(currentConditions, chapter);
                subParsing = SUBPARSING_CONDITION;

            // If it is a effect tag, create new effects and switch the state
            else if (qName.Equals("effect"))
                subParser = new EffectSubParser(currentEffects, chapter);
                subParsing = SUBPARSING_EFFECT;

        // If it is reading an effect or a condition, spread the call
        if (subParsing != SUBPARSING_NONE)
            subParser.startElement(namespaceURI, sName, qName, attrs);
Beispiel #18
     * @param influenceArea
     *            the influenceArea to set

    public void setInfluenceArea(InfluenceArea influenceArea)
        this.influenceArea = influenceArea;
Beispiel #19
 public void setInfluenceArea(InfluenceArea influeceArea)
     this.influenceArea = influeceArea;
    public static XmlNode buildDOM(Scene scene, bool initialScene)
        XmlElement sceneElement = null;

        if (scene != null)
        // Create the necessary elements to create the DOM
        XmlDocument doc = Writer.GetDoc();

        // Create the root node
        sceneElement = doc.CreateElement("scene");
        sceneElement.SetAttribute("id", scene.getId());
        if (initialScene)
            sceneElement.SetAttribute("start", "yes");
            sceneElement.SetAttribute("start", "no");

        sceneElement.SetAttribute("playerLayer", scene.getPlayerLayer().ToString());
        sceneElement.SetAttribute("playerScale", scene.getPlayerScale().ToString());

        // Append the documentation (if avalaible)
        if (scene.getDocumentation() != null)
            XmlNode sceneDocumentationNode = doc.CreateElement("documentation");

        // Append the resources
        foreach (ResourcesUni resources in scene.getResources())
            XmlNode resourcesNode = ResourcesDOMWriter.buildDOM(resources, ResourcesDOMWriter.RESOURCES_SCENE);
            doc.ImportNode(resourcesNode, true);

        // Append the name
        XmlNode nameNode = doc.CreateElement("name");


        // Append the default inital position (if avalaible)
        if (scene.hasDefaultPosition())
            XmlElement initialPositionElement = doc.CreateElement("default-initial-position");
            initialPositionElement.SetAttribute("x", scene.getPositionX().ToString());
            initialPositionElement.SetAttribute("y", scene.getPositionY().ToString());

        // Append the exits (if there is at least one)
        if (scene.getExits().Count > 0)
            XmlNode exitsElement = doc.CreateElement("exits");

            // Append every single exit
            foreach (Exit exit in scene.getExits())
                // Create the exit element
                XmlElement exitElement = doc.CreateElement("exit");
                exitElement.SetAttribute("rectangular", (exit.isRectangular() ? "yes" : "no"));
                exitElement.SetAttribute("x", exit.getX().ToString());
                exitElement.SetAttribute("y", exit.getY().ToString());
                exitElement.SetAttribute("width", exit.getWidth().ToString());
                exitElement.SetAttribute("height", exit.getHeight().ToString());
                exitElement.SetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea", (exit.getInfluenceArea().isExists() ? "yes" : "no"));
                exitElement.SetAttribute("idTarget", exit.getNextSceneId());
                exitElement.SetAttribute("destinyY", exit.getDestinyY().ToString());
                exitElement.SetAttribute("destinyX", exit.getDestinyX().ToString());
                exitElement.SetAttribute("transitionType", exit.getTransitionType().ToString());
                exitElement.SetAttribute("transitionTime", exit.getTransitionTime().ToString());
                exitElement.SetAttribute("not-effects", (exit.isHasNotEffects() ? "yes" : "no"));

                if (exit.getInfluenceArea().isExists())
                    exitElement.SetAttribute("influenceX", exit.getInfluenceArea().getX().ToString());
                    exitElement.SetAttribute("influenceY", exit.getInfluenceArea().getY().ToString());
                    exitElement.SetAttribute("influenceWidth", exit.getInfluenceArea().getWidth().ToString());
                    exitElement.SetAttribute("influenceHeight", exit.getInfluenceArea().getHeight().ToString());

                // Append the documentation (if avalaible)
                if (exit.getDocumentation() != null)
                    XmlNode exitDocumentationNode = doc.CreateElement("documentation");

                //Append the default exit look (if available)
                ExitLook defaultLook = exit.getDefaultExitLook();
                if (defaultLook != null)
                    XmlElement exitLook = doc.CreateElement("exit-look");
                    if (defaultLook.getExitText() != null)
                        exitLook.SetAttribute("text", defaultLook.getExitText());
                    if (defaultLook.getCursorPath() != null)
                        exitLook.SetAttribute("cursor-path", defaultLook.getCursorPath());
                    if (defaultLook.getSoundPath() != null)
                        exitLook.SetAttribute("sound-path", defaultLook.getSoundPath());

                    if (defaultLook.getExitText() != null || defaultLook.getCursorPath() != null)

                // Append the next-scene structures
                foreach (NextScene nextScene in exit.getNextScenes())
                    // Create the next-scene element
                    XmlElement nextSceneElement = doc.CreateElement("next-scene");
                    nextSceneElement.SetAttribute("idTarget", nextScene.getTargetId());

                    // Append the destination position (if avalaible)
                    if (nextScene.hasPlayerPosition())
                        nextSceneElement.SetAttribute("x", nextScene.getPositionX().ToString());
                        nextSceneElement.SetAttribute("y", nextScene.getPositionY().ToString());

                    nextSceneElement.SetAttribute("transitionTime", nextScene.getTransitionTime().ToString());
                    nextSceneElement.SetAttribute("transitionType", nextScene.getTransitionType().ToString());

                    // Append the conditions (if avalaible)
                    if (!nextScene.getConditions().isEmpty())
                        XmlNode conditionsNode = ConditionsDOMWriter.buildDOM(nextScene.getConditions());
                        doc.ImportNode(conditionsNode, true);

                    //Append the default exit look (if available)
                    ExitLook look = nextScene.getExitLook();
                    if (look != null)
                        Debug.Log("SAVE 154: " + look.getExitText());
                        XmlElement exitLook = doc.CreateElement("exit-look");
                        if (look.getExitText() != null)
                            exitLook.SetAttribute("text", look.getExitText());
                        if (look.getCursorPath() != null)
                            exitLook.SetAttribute("cursor-path", look.getCursorPath());
                        if (look.getSoundPath() != null)
                            exitLook.SetAttribute("sound-path", look.getSoundPath());
                        if (look.getExitText() != null || look.getCursorPath() != null)

                    // Append the effects (if avalaible)
                    if (!nextScene.getEffects().isEmpty())
                        XmlNode effectsNode = EffectsDOMWriter.buildDOM(EffectsDOMWriter.EFFECTS,
                        doc.ImportNode(effectsNode, true);

                    // Append the post-effects (if avalaible)
                    if (!nextScene.getPostEffects().isEmpty())
                        XmlNode postEffectsNode = EffectsDOMWriter.buildDOM(EffectsDOMWriter.POST_EFFECTS,
                        doc.ImportNode(postEffectsNode, true);

                    // Append the next scene

                if (!exit.isRectangular())
                    foreach (Vector2 point in exit.getPoints())
                        XmlElement pointNode = doc.CreateElement("point");
                        pointNode.SetAttribute("x", ((int)point.x).ToString());
                        pointNode.SetAttribute("y", ((int)point.y).ToString());

                if (exit.getConditions() != null && !exit.getConditions().isEmpty())
                    XmlNode conditionsNode = ConditionsDOMWriter.buildDOM(exit.getConditions());
                    doc.ImportNode(conditionsNode, true);

                if (exit.getEffects() != null && !exit.getEffects().isEmpty())
                    Debug.Log("SceneDOM Effects: " + exit.getEffects().getEffects().Count);
                    XmlNode effectsNode = EffectsDOMWriter.buildDOM(EffectsDOMWriter.EFFECTS, exit.getEffects());
                    doc.ImportNode(effectsNode, true);

                if (exit.getPostEffects() != null && !exit.getPostEffects().isEmpty())
                    Debug.Log("SceneDOM PostEffects: " + exit.getPostEffects().getEffects().Count);
                    XmlNode postEffectsNode = EffectsDOMWriter.buildDOM(EffectsDOMWriter.POST_EFFECTS,
                    doc.ImportNode(postEffectsNode, true);

                if (exit.getNotEffects() != null && !exit.getNotEffects().isEmpty())
                    Debug.Log("SceneDOM NonEffects: " + exit.getNotEffects().getEffects().Count);
                    XmlNode notEffectsNode = EffectsDOMWriter.buildDOM(EffectsDOMWriter.NOT_EFFECTS,
                    doc.ImportNode(notEffectsNode, true);

                // Append the exit
            // Append the list of exits

        // Add the item references (if there is at least one)
        if (scene.getItemReferences().Count > 0)
            XmlNode itemsNode = doc.CreateElement("objects");

            // Append every single item reference
            foreach (ElementReference itemReference in scene.getItemReferences())
                // Create the item reference element
                XmlElement itemReferenceElement = doc.CreateElement("object-ref");
                itemReferenceElement.SetAttribute("idTarget", itemReference.getTargetId());
                itemReferenceElement.SetAttribute("x", itemReference.getX().ToString());
                itemReferenceElement.SetAttribute("y", itemReference.getY().ToString());
                itemReferenceElement.SetAttribute("scale", itemReference.getScale().ToString());
                if (itemReference.getLayer() != -1)
                    itemReferenceElement.SetAttribute("layer", itemReference.getLayer().ToString());
                if (itemReference.getInfluenceArea().isExists())
                    itemReferenceElement.SetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea", "yes");
                    InfluenceArea ia = itemReference.getInfluenceArea();
                    itemReferenceElement.SetAttribute("influenceX", ia.getX().ToString());
                    itemReferenceElement.SetAttribute("influenceY", ia.getY().ToString());
                    itemReferenceElement.SetAttribute("influenceWidth", ia.getWidth().ToString());
                    itemReferenceElement.SetAttribute("influenceHeight", ia.getHeight().ToString());
                    itemReferenceElement.SetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea", "no");

                // Append the documentation (if avalaible)
                if (itemReference.getDocumentation() != null)
                    XmlNode itemDocumentationNode = doc.CreateElement("documentation");

                // Append the conditions (if avalaible)
                if (!itemReference.getConditions().isEmpty())
                    XmlNode conditionsNode = ConditionsDOMWriter.buildDOM(itemReference.getConditions());
                    doc.ImportNode(conditionsNode, true);

                // Append the exit
            // Append the list of exits

        // Add the character references (if there is at least one)
        if (scene.getCharacterReferences().Count > 0)
            XmlNode charactersNode = doc.CreateElement("characters");

            // Append every single character reference
            foreach (ElementReference characterReference in scene.getCharacterReferences())
                // Create the character reference element
                XmlElement npcReferenceElement = doc.CreateElement("character-ref");
                npcReferenceElement.SetAttribute("idTarget", characterReference.getTargetId());
                npcReferenceElement.SetAttribute("x", characterReference.getX().ToString());
                npcReferenceElement.SetAttribute("y", characterReference.getY().ToString());
                npcReferenceElement.SetAttribute("scale", characterReference.getScale().ToString());
                if (characterReference.getLayer() != -1)
                    npcReferenceElement.SetAttribute("layer", characterReference.getLayer().ToString());
                if (characterReference.getInfluenceArea().isExists())
                    npcReferenceElement.SetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea", "yes");
                    InfluenceArea ia = characterReference.getInfluenceArea();
                    npcReferenceElement.SetAttribute("influenceX", ia.getX().ToString());
                    npcReferenceElement.SetAttribute("influenceY", ia.getY().ToString());
                    npcReferenceElement.SetAttribute("influenceWidth", ia.getWidth().ToString());
                    npcReferenceElement.SetAttribute("influenceHeight", ia.getHeight().ToString());
                    npcReferenceElement.SetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea", "no");

                // Append the documentation (if avalaible)
                if (characterReference.getDocumentation() != null)
                    XmlNode itemDocumentationNode = doc.CreateElement("documentation");

                // Append the conditions (if avalaible)
                if (!characterReference.getConditions().isEmpty())
                    XmlNode conditionsNode = ConditionsDOMWriter.buildDOM(characterReference.getConditions());
                    doc.ImportNode(conditionsNode, true);

                // Append the exit
            // Append the list of exits

        // Append the exits (if there is at least one)
        if (scene.getActiveAreas().Count > 0)
            XmlNode aasElement = doc.CreateElement("active-areas");

            // Append every single exit
            foreach (ActiveArea activeArea in scene.getActiveAreas())
                // Create the active area element
                XmlElement aaElement = doc.CreateElement("active-area");
                if (activeArea.getId() != null)
                    aaElement.SetAttribute("id", activeArea.getId());
                aaElement.SetAttribute("rectangular", (activeArea.isRectangular() ? "yes" : "no"));
                aaElement.SetAttribute("x", activeArea.getX().ToString());
                aaElement.SetAttribute("y", activeArea.getY().ToString());
                aaElement.SetAttribute("width", activeArea.getWidth().ToString());
                aaElement.SetAttribute("height", activeArea.getHeight().ToString());
                if (activeArea.getInfluenceArea().isExists())
                    aaElement.SetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea", "yes");
                    InfluenceArea ia = activeArea.getInfluenceArea();
                    aaElement.SetAttribute("influenceX", ia.getX().ToString());
                    aaElement.SetAttribute("influenceY", ia.getY().ToString());
                    aaElement.SetAttribute("influenceWidth", ia.getWidth().ToString());
                    aaElement.SetAttribute("influenceHeight", ia.getHeight().ToString());
                    aaElement.SetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea", "no");

                // Append the documentation (if avalaible)
                if (activeArea.getDocumentation() != null)
                    XmlNode exitDocumentationNode = doc.CreateElement("documentation");

                // Append the conditions (if avalaible)
                if (!activeArea.getConditions().isEmpty())
                    XmlNode conditionsNode = ConditionsDOMWriter.buildDOM(activeArea.getConditions());
                    doc.ImportNode(conditionsNode, true);

                foreach (Description description in activeArea.getDescriptions())
                    // Create the description
                    XmlNode descriptionNode = doc.CreateElement("description");

                    // Append the conditions (if available)
                    if (description.getConditions() != null && !description.getConditions().isEmpty())
                        XmlNode conditionsNode = ConditionsDOMWriter.buildDOM(description.getConditions());
                        doc.ImportNode(conditionsNode, true);

                    // Create and append the name, brief description and detailed description
                    XmlElement aaNameNode = doc.CreateElement("name");
                    if (description.getNameSoundPath() != null && !description.getNameSoundPath().Equals(""))
                        aaNameNode.SetAttribute("soundPath", description.getNameSoundPath());

                    XmlElement aaBriefNode = doc.CreateElement("brief");
                    if (description.getDescriptionSoundPath() != null &&
                        aaBriefNode.SetAttribute("soundPath", description.getDescriptionSoundPath());

                    XmlElement aaDetailedNode = doc.CreateElement("detailed");
                    if (description.getDetailedDescriptionSoundPath() != null &&
                        aaDetailedNode.SetAttribute("soundPath", description.getDetailedDescriptionSoundPath());

                    // Append the description

                // Append the actions (if there is at least one)
                if (activeArea.getActions().Count > 0)
                    XmlNode actionsNode = ActionsDOMWriter.buildDOM(activeArea.getActions());
                    doc.ImportNode(actionsNode, true);

                    // Append the actions node

                if (!activeArea.isRectangular())
                    foreach (Vector2 point in activeArea.getPoints())
                        XmlElement pointNode = doc.CreateElement("point");
                        pointNode.SetAttribute("x", ((int)point.x).ToString());
                        pointNode.SetAttribute("y", ((int)point.y).ToString());

                // Append the exit
            // Append the list of exits

        // Append the barriers (if there is at least one)
        if (scene.getBarriers().Count > 0)
            XmlNode barriersElement = doc.CreateElement("barriers");

            // Append every single barrier
            foreach (Barrier barrier in scene.getBarriers())
                // Create the active area element
                XmlElement barrierElement = doc.CreateElement("barrier");
                barrierElement.SetAttribute("x", barrier.getX().ToString());
                barrierElement.SetAttribute("y", barrier.getY().ToString());
                barrierElement.SetAttribute("width", barrier.getWidth().ToString());
                barrierElement.SetAttribute("height", barrier.getHeight().ToString());

                // Append the documentation (if avalaible)
                if (barrier.getDocumentation() != null)
                    XmlNode exitDocumentationNode = doc.CreateElement("documentation");

                // Append the conditions (if avalaible)
                if (!barrier.getConditions().isEmpty())
                    XmlNode conditionsNode = ConditionsDOMWriter.buildDOM(barrier.getConditions());
                    doc.ImportNode(conditionsNode, true);

                // Append the barrier
            // Append the list of exits

        // Add the atrezzo item references (if there is at least one)
        if (scene.getAtrezzoReferences().Count > 0)
            XmlNode atrezzoNode = doc.CreateElement("atrezzo");

            // Append every single atrezzo reference
            foreach (ElementReference atrezzoReference in scene.getAtrezzoReferences())
                // Create the atrezzo reference element
                XmlElement atrezzoReferenceElement = doc.CreateElement("atrezzo-ref");
                atrezzoReferenceElement.SetAttribute("idTarget", atrezzoReference.getTargetId());
                atrezzoReferenceElement.SetAttribute("x", atrezzoReference.getX().ToString());
                atrezzoReferenceElement.SetAttribute("y", atrezzoReference.getY().ToString());
                atrezzoReferenceElement.SetAttribute("scale", atrezzoReference.getScale().ToString());
                if (atrezzoReference.getLayer() != -1)
                    atrezzoReferenceElement.SetAttribute("layer", atrezzoReference.getLayer().ToString());

                // Append the documentation (if avalaible)
                if (atrezzoReference.getDocumentation() != null)
                    XmlNode itemDocumentationNode = doc.CreateElement("documentation");

                // Append the conditions (if avalaible)
                if (!atrezzoReference.getConditions().isEmpty())
                    XmlNode conditionsNode = ConditionsDOMWriter.buildDOM(atrezzoReference.getConditions());
                    doc.ImportNode(conditionsNode, true);

                // Append the atrezzo reference
            // Append the list of atrezzo references

        if (scene.getTrajectory() != null)
            XmlNode trajectoryNode = TrajectoryDOMWriter.buildDOM(scene.getTrajectory());
            doc.ImportNode(trajectoryNode, true);

Beispiel #21
 public void setInfluenceArea(InfluenceArea influenceArea)
     this.influenceArea = influenceArea;
Beispiel #22
  * Constructor.
  * @param sceneDataControl
  *            Parent scene controller
  * @param dataControl
  * @param activeArea
  *            Exit of the data control structure
 public InfluenceAreaDataControl(SceneDataControl sceneDataControl, InfluenceArea influenceArea, DataControl dataControl)
     this.sceneDataControl = sceneDataControl;
     this.influenceArea    = influenceArea;
     this.dataControl      = dataControl;
     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see es.eucm.eadventure.engine.cargador.subparsers.SubParser#startElement(java.lang.string, java.lang.string,
     *      java.lang.string, org.xml.sax.Attributes)
    public override void startElement(string namespaceURI, string sName, string qName, Dictionary <string, string> attrs)
        Debug.Log("START: " + sName + " " + qName + " sub:" + subParsing + ", reading: " + reading);
        // If no element is being parsed
        if (subParsing == SUBPARSING_NONE)
            // If it is a scene tag, create a new scene with its id
            if (qName.Equals("scene"))
                string sceneId      = "";
                bool   initialScene = false;
                int    playerLayer  = -1;
                float  playerScale  = 1.0f;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in attrs)
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("id"))
                        sceneId = entry.Value.ToString();
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("start"))
                        initialScene = entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes");
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("playerLayer"))
                        playerLayer = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("playerScale"))
                        playerScale = float.Parse(entry.Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                scene = new Scene(sceneId);
                if (initialScene)

            // If it is a resources tag, create the new resources
            else if (qName.Equals("resources"))
                currentResources = new ResourcesUni();

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in attrs)
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("name"))

                reading = READING_RESOURCES;

            // If it is an asset tag, read it and add it to the current resources
            else if (qName.Equals("asset"))
                string type = "";
                string path = "";

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in attrs)
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("type"))
                        type = entry.Value.ToString();
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("uri"))
                        path = entry.Value.ToString();

                currentResources.addAsset(type, path);

            // If it is a default-initial-position tag, store it in the scene
            else if (qName.Equals("default-initial-position"))
                int x = int.MinValue, y = int.MinValue;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in attrs)
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("x"))
                        x = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("y"))
                        y = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());

                scene.setDefaultPosition(x, y);

            // If it is an exit tag, create the new exit
            else if (qName.Equals("exit"))
                int    x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
                bool   rectangular = true;
                int    influenceX = 0, influenceY = 0, influenceWidth = 0, influenceHeight = 0;
                bool   hasInfluence = false;
                string idTarget = "";
                int    destinyX = int.MinValue, destinyY = int.MinValue;
                int    transitionType = 0, transitionTime = 0;
                bool   notEffects = false;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in attrs)
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("rectangular"))
                        rectangular = entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes");
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("x"))
                        x = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("y"))
                        y = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("width"))
                        width = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("height"))
                        height = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("hasInfluenceArea"))
                        hasInfluence = entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes");
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceX"))
                        influenceX = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceY"))
                        influenceY = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceWidth"))
                        influenceWidth = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceHeight"))
                        influenceHeight = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());

                    if (entry.Key.Equals("idTarget"))
                        idTarget = entry.Value.ToString();
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("destinyX"))
                        destinyX = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("destinyY"))
                        destinyY = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("transitionType"))
                        transitionType = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("transitionTime"))
                        transitionTime = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("not-effects"))
                        notEffects = entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes");

                currentExit = new Exit(rectangular, x, y, width, height);
                if (hasInfluence)
                    InfluenceArea influenceArea = new InfluenceArea(influenceX, influenceY, influenceWidth, influenceHeight);
                reading = READING_EXIT;

            else if (qName.Equals("exit-look"))
                currentExitLook = new ExitLook();
                string text       = null;
                string cursorPath = null;
                string soundPath  = null;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in attrs)
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("text"))
                        text = entry.Value.ToString();
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("cursor-path"))
                        cursorPath = entry.Value.ToString();
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("sound-path"))
                        soundPath = entry.Value.ToString();
                if (soundPath != null)
                //  Debug.Log("311" + currentExitLook.getExitText());

            // If it is a next-scene tag, create the new next scene
            else if (qName.Equals("next-scene"))
                string idTarget = "";
                int    x = int.MinValue, y = int.MinValue;
                int    transitionType = 0, transitionTime = 0;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in attrs)
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("idTarget"))
                        idTarget = entry.Value.ToString();
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("x"))
                        x = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("y"))
                        y = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("transitionType"))
                        transitionType = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("transitionTime"))
                        transitionTime = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());

                currentNextScene = new NextScene(idTarget, x, y);
                reading = READING_NEXT_SCENE;

            else if (qName.Equals("point"))
                int x = 0;
                int y = 0;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in attrs)
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("x"))
                        x = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("y"))
                        y = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());

                currentPoint = new Vector2(x, y);

            // If it is a object-ref or character-ref, create the new element reference
            else if (qName.Equals("object-ref") || qName.Equals("character-ref") || qName.Equals("atrezzo-ref"))
                Debug.Log("SceneReference Start");
                string idTarget = "";
                int    x = 0, y = 0;
                float  scale = 0;
                int    layer = 0;
                int    influenceX = 0, influenceY = 0, influenceWidth = 0, influenceHeight = 0;
                bool   hasInfluence = false;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in attrs)
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("idTarget"))
                        idTarget = entry.Value.ToString();
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("x"))
                        x = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("y"))
                        y = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("scale"))
                        scale = float.Parse(entry.Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("layer"))
                        layer = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("hasInfluenceArea"))
                        hasInfluence = entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes");
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceX"))
                        influenceX = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceY"))
                        influenceY = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceWidth"))
                        influenceWidth = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceHeight"))
                        influenceHeight = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());

                // This is for maintain the back-compatibility: in previous dtd versions layer has -1 as default value and this is
                // an erroneous value. This reason, if this value is -1, it will be changed to 0. Now in dtd there are not default value
                // for layer
                if (layer == -1)
                    layer = 0;

                currentElementReference = new ElementReference(idTarget, x, y, layer);
                if (hasInfluence)
                    InfluenceArea influenceArea = new InfluenceArea(influenceX, influenceY, influenceWidth, influenceHeight);
                if (scale > 0.001 || scale < -0.001)
                reading = READING_ELEMENT_REFERENCE;

            // If it is a condition tag, create the new condition, the subparser and switch the state
            else if (qName.Equals("condition"))
                currentConditions = new Conditions();
                subParser         = new ConditionSubParser(currentConditions, chapter);
                subParsing        = SUBPARSING_CONDITION;

            // If it is a effect tag, create the new effect, the subparser and switch the state
            else if (qName.Equals("effect"))
                currentEffects = new Effects();
                subParser      = new EffectSubParser(currentEffects, chapter);
                subParsing     = SUBPARSING_EFFECT;

            // If it is a post-effect tag, create the new effect, the subparser and switch the state
            else if (qName.Equals("post-effect"))
                currentEffects = new Effects();
                subParser      = new EffectSubParser(currentEffects, chapter);
                subParsing     = SUBPARSING_EFFECT;

            // If it is a post-effect tag, create the new effect, the subparser and switch the state
            else if (qName.Equals("not-effect"))
                currentEffects = new Effects();
                subParser      = new EffectSubParser(currentEffects, chapter);
                subParsing     = SUBPARSING_EFFECT;

            // If it is a post-effect tag, create the new effect, the subparser and switch the state
            else if (qName.Equals("active-area"))
                subParsing = SUBPARSING_ACTIVE_AREA;
                subParser  = new ActiveAreaSubParser(chapter, scene, scene.getActiveAreas().Count);

            // If it is a post-effect tag, create the new effect, the subparser and switch the state
            else if (qName.Equals("barrier"))
                subParsing = SUBPARSING_BARRIER;
                subParser  = new BarrierSubParser(chapter, scene, scene.getBarriers().Count);

            else if (qName.Equals("trajectory"))
                subParsing = SUBPARSING_TRAJECTORY;
                subParser  = new TrajectorySubParser(chapter, scene);

        // If it is subparsing an effect or condition, spread the call
        if (subParsing != SUBPARSING_NONE)
            subParser.startElement(namespaceURI, sName, qName, attrs);
     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see es.eucm.eadventure.engine.cargador.subparsers.SubParser#startElement(java.lang.string, java.lang.string,
     *      java.lang.string, org.xml.sax.Attributes)
    public override void startElement(string namespaceURI, string sName, string qName, Dictionary<string, string> attrs)
        Debug.Log("START: " + sName + " " + qName + " sub:" + subParsing + ", reading: " + reading);
        // If no element is being parsed
        if (subParsing == SUBPARSING_NONE)

            // If it is a scene tag, create a new scene with its id
            if (qName.Equals("scene"))
                string sceneId = "";
                bool initialScene = false;
                int playerLayer = -1;
                float playerScale = 1.0f;

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in attrs)
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("id"))
                        sceneId = entry.Value.ToString();
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("start"))
                        initialScene = entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes");
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("playerLayer"))
                        playerLayer = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("playerScale"))
                        playerScale = float.Parse(entry.Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                scene = new Scene(sceneId);
                if (initialScene)

            // If it is a resources tag, create the new resources
            else if (qName.Equals("resources"))
                currentResources = new ResourcesUni();

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in attrs)
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("name"))

                reading = READING_RESOURCES;

            // If it is an asset tag, read it and add it to the current resources
            else if (qName.Equals("asset"))
                string type = "";
                string path = "";

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in attrs)
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("type"))
                        type = entry.Value.ToString();
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("uri"))
                        path = entry.Value.ToString();

                currentResources.addAsset(type, path);

            // If it is a default-initial-position tag, store it in the scene
            else if (qName.Equals("default-initial-position"))
                int x = int.MinValue, y = int.MinValue;

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in attrs)
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("x"))
                        x = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("y"))
                        y = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());

                scene.setDefaultPosition(x, y);

            // If it is an exit tag, create the new exit
            else if (qName.Equals("exit"))
                int x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
                bool rectangular = true;
                int influenceX = 0, influenceY = 0, influenceWidth = 0, influenceHeight = 0;
                bool hasInfluence = false;
                string idTarget = "";
                int destinyX = int.MinValue, destinyY = int.MinValue;
                int transitionType = 0, transitionTime = 0;
                bool notEffects = false;

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in attrs)
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("rectangular"))
                        rectangular = entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes");
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("x"))
                        x = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("y"))
                        y = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("width"))
                        width = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("height"))
                        height = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("hasInfluenceArea"))
                        hasInfluence = entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes");
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceX"))
                        influenceX = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceY"))
                        influenceY = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceWidth"))
                        influenceWidth = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceHeight"))
                        influenceHeight = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());

                    if (entry.Key.Equals("idTarget"))
                        idTarget = entry.Value.ToString();
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("destinyX"))
                        destinyX = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("destinyY"))
                        destinyY = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("transitionType"))
                        transitionType = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("transitionTime"))
                        transitionTime = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("not-effects"))
                        notEffects = entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes");

                currentExit = new Exit(rectangular, x, y, width, height);
                if (hasInfluence)
                    InfluenceArea influenceArea = new InfluenceArea(influenceX, influenceY, influenceWidth, influenceHeight);
                reading = READING_EXIT;

            else if (qName.Equals("exit-look"))
                currentExitLook = new ExitLook();
                string text = null;
                string cursorPath = null;
                string soundPath = null;
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in attrs)
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("text"))
                        text = entry.Value.ToString();
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("cursor-path"))
                        cursorPath = entry.Value.ToString();
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("sound-path"))
                        soundPath = entry.Value.ToString();
                if (soundPath != null)
                //  Debug.Log("311" + currentExitLook.getExitText());

            // If it is a next-scene tag, create the new next scene
            else if (qName.Equals("next-scene"))
                string idTarget = "";
                int x = int.MinValue, y = int.MinValue;
                int transitionType = 0, transitionTime = 0;

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in attrs)
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("idTarget"))
                        idTarget = entry.Value.ToString();
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("x"))
                        x = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("y"))
                        y = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("transitionType"))
                        transitionType = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("transitionTime"))
                        transitionTime = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());

                currentNextScene = new NextScene(idTarget, x, y);
                reading = READING_NEXT_SCENE;

            else if (qName.Equals("point"))

                int x = 0;
                int y = 0;

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in attrs)
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("x"))
                        x = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("y"))
                        y = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());

                currentPoint = new Vector2(x, y);

            // If it is a object-ref or character-ref, create the new element reference
            else if (qName.Equals("object-ref") || qName.Equals("character-ref") || qName.Equals("atrezzo-ref"))
                Debug.Log("SceneReference Start");
                string idTarget = "";
                int x = 0, y = 0;
                float scale = 0;
                int layer = 0;
                int influenceX = 0, influenceY = 0, influenceWidth = 0, influenceHeight = 0;
                bool hasInfluence = false;

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in attrs)
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("idTarget"))
                        idTarget = entry.Value.ToString();
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("x"))
                        x = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("y"))
                        y = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("scale"))
                        scale = float.Parse(entry.Value.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("layer"))
                        layer = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("hasInfluenceArea"))
                        hasInfluence = entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes");
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceX"))
                        influenceX = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceY"))
                        influenceY = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceWidth"))
                        influenceWidth = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("influenceHeight"))
                        influenceHeight = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());

                // This is for maintain the back-compatibility: in previous dtd versions layer has -1 as default value and this is
                // an erroneous value. This reason, if this value is -1, it will be changed to 0. Now in dtd there are not default value
                // for layer
                if (layer == -1)
                    layer = 0;

                currentElementReference = new ElementReference(idTarget, x, y, layer);
                if (hasInfluence)
                    InfluenceArea influenceArea = new InfluenceArea(influenceX, influenceY, influenceWidth, influenceHeight);
                if (scale > 0.001 || scale < -0.001)
                reading = READING_ELEMENT_REFERENCE;

            // If it is a condition tag, create the new condition, the subparser and switch the state
            else if (qName.Equals("condition"))
                currentConditions = new Conditions();
                subParser = new ConditionSubParser(currentConditions, chapter);
                subParsing = SUBPARSING_CONDITION;

            // If it is a effect tag, create the new effect, the subparser and switch the state
            else if (qName.Equals("effect"))
                currentEffects = new Effects();
                subParser = new EffectSubParser(currentEffects, chapter);
                subParsing = SUBPARSING_EFFECT;

            // If it is a post-effect tag, create the new effect, the subparser and switch the state
            else if (qName.Equals("post-effect"))
                currentEffects = new Effects();
                subParser = new EffectSubParser(currentEffects, chapter);
                subParsing = SUBPARSING_EFFECT;

            // If it is a post-effect tag, create the new effect, the subparser and switch the state
            else if (qName.Equals("not-effect"))
                currentEffects = new Effects();
                subParser = new EffectSubParser(currentEffects, chapter);
                subParsing = SUBPARSING_EFFECT;

            // If it is a post-effect tag, create the new effect, the subparser and switch the state
            else if (qName.Equals("active-area"))
                subParsing = SUBPARSING_ACTIVE_AREA;
                subParser = new ActiveAreaSubParser(chapter, scene, scene.getActiveAreas().Count);

            // If it is a post-effect tag, create the new effect, the subparser and switch the state
            else if (qName.Equals("barrier"))
                subParsing = SUBPARSING_BARRIER;
                subParser = new BarrierSubParser(chapter, scene, scene.getBarriers().Count);

            else if (qName.Equals("trajectory"))
                subParsing = SUBPARSING_TRAJECTORY;
                subParser = new TrajectorySubParser(chapter, scene);


        // If it is subparsing an effect or condition, spread the call
        if (subParsing != SUBPARSING_NONE)
            subParser.startElement(namespaceURI, sName, qName, attrs);
    public override void ParseElement(XmlElement element)
            points = element.SelectNodes("point"),
            descriptionss = element.SelectNodes("description"),
            actionss = element.SelectNodes("actions"),
            conditions = element.SelectNodes("condition");
              //effects = element.SelectNodes("effect");

        string tmpArgVal;

        int x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
        string id = null;
        bool rectangular = true;
        int influenceX = 0, influenceY = 0, influenceWidth = 0, influenceHeight = 0;
        bool hasInfluence = false;

        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("rectangular");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            rectangular = tmpArgVal.Equals("yes");
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("x");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            x = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("y");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            y = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("width");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            width = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("height");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            height = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("id");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            id = tmpArgVal;
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            hasInfluence = tmpArgVal.Equals("yes");
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("influenceX");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            influenceX = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("influenceY");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            influenceY = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("influenceWidth");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            influenceWidth = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("influenceHeight");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            influenceHeight = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);

        activeArea = new ActiveArea((id == null ? generateId() : id), rectangular, x, y, width, height);
        if (hasInfluence)
            InfluenceArea influenceArea = new InfluenceArea(influenceX, influenceY, influenceWidth, influenceHeight);

        if (element.SelectSingleNode("documentation") != null)

        descriptions = new List<Description>();

        foreach (XmlElement el in descriptionss)
            description = new Description();
            new DescriptionsSubParser_(description, chapter).ParseElement(el);

        foreach (XmlElement el in points)
            if (activeArea != null)
                int x_ = 0, y_ = 0;

                tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("x");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                    x_ = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
                tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("y");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                    y_ = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);

                Vector2 point = new Vector2(x_, y_);

        foreach (XmlElement el in actionss)
            new ActionsSubParser_(chapter, activeArea).ParseElement(el);

        foreach (XmlElement el in conditions)
            currentConditions = new Conditions();
            new ConditionSubParser_(currentConditions, chapter).ParseElement(el);
    public override void ParseElement(XmlElement element)
            resourcess = element.SelectNodes("resources"),
            defaultsinitialsposition = element.SelectNodes("default-initial-position"),
            exits = element.SelectNodes("exits/exit"),
            nextsscene = element.SelectNodes("next-scene"),
            objectsrefs = element.SelectNodes("objects/object-ref"),
            charactersrefs = element.SelectNodes("characters/character-ref"),
            atrezzosrefs = element.SelectNodes("atrezzo/atrezzo-ref"),
            activesareas = element.SelectNodes("active-areas/active-area"),
            barriers = element.SelectNodes("barrier"),
            trajectorys = element.SelectNodes("trajectory");

        string tmpArgVal;

        string sceneId = "";
        bool initialScene = false;
        int playerLayer = -1;
        float playerScale = 1.0f;

        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("id");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            sceneId = tmpArgVal;
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("start");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            initialScene = tmpArgVal.Equals("yes");
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("playerLayer");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            playerLayer = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("playerScale");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            playerScale = float.Parse(tmpArgVal, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        scene = new Scene(sceneId);
        if (initialScene)

        if (element.SelectSingleNode("name") != null)
        if (element.SelectSingleNode("documentation") != null)

        foreach (XmlElement el in resourcess)
            currentResources = new ResourcesUni();
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("name");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))

            assets = el.SelectNodes("asset");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in assets)
                string type = "";
                string path = "";

                tmpArgVal = ell.GetAttribute("type");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                    type = tmpArgVal;
                tmpArgVal = ell.GetAttribute("uri");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                    path = tmpArgVal;
                currentResources.addAsset(type, path);

            conditions = el.SelectNodes("condition");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in conditions)
                currentConditions = new Conditions();
                new ConditionSubParser_(currentConditions, chapter).ParseElement(ell);


        foreach (XmlElement el in defaultsinitialsposition)
            int x = int.MinValue, y = int.MinValue;

            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("x");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                x = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("y");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                y = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);

            scene.setDefaultPosition(x, y);

        foreach (XmlElement el in exits)
            int x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
            bool rectangular = true;
            int influenceX = 0, influenceY = 0, influenceWidth = 0, influenceHeight = 0;
            bool hasInfluence = false;
            string idTarget = "";
            int destinyX = int.MinValue, destinyY = int.MinValue;
            int transitionType = 0, transitionTime = 0;
            bool notEffects = false;

            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("rectangular");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                rectangular = tmpArgVal.Equals("yes");
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("x");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                x = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("y");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                y = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("width");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                width = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("height");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                height = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                hasInfluence = tmpArgVal.Equals("yes");
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceX");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceX = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceY");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceY = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceWidth");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceWidth = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceHeight");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceHeight = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("idTarget");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                idTarget = tmpArgVal;
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("destinyX");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                destinyX = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("destinyY");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                destinyY = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("transitionType");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                transitionType = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("transitionTime");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                transitionTime = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("not-effects");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                notEffects = tmpArgVal.Equals("yes");

            currentExit = new Exit(rectangular, x, y, width, height);
            if (hasInfluence)
                InfluenceArea influenceArea = new InfluenceArea(influenceX, influenceY, influenceWidth, influenceHeight);

            exitslook = el.SelectNodes("exit-look");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in exitslook)
                currentExitLook = new ExitLook();
                string text = null;
                string cursorPath = null;
                string soundPath = null;

                tmpArgVal = ell.GetAttribute("text");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                    text = tmpArgVal;
                tmpArgVal = ell.GetAttribute("cursor-path");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                    cursorPath = tmpArgVal;
                tmpArgVal = ell.GetAttribute("sound-path");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                    soundPath = tmpArgVal;

                if (soundPath != null)

            if (el.SelectSingleNode("documentation") != null)

            points = el.SelectNodes("point");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in points)
                int x_ = 0;
                int y_ = 0;

                tmpArgVal = ell.GetAttribute("x");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                    x_ = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
                tmpArgVal = ell.GetAttribute("y");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                    y_ = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
                currentPoint = new Vector2(x_, y_);

            conditions = el.SelectNodes("condition");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in conditions)
                currentConditions = new Conditions();
                new ConditionSubParser_(currentConditions, chapter).ParseElement(ell);

            effects = el.SelectNodes("effect");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in effects)
                currentEffects = new Effects();
                new EffectSubParser_(currentEffects, chapter).ParseElement(ell);

            notseffect = el.SelectNodes("not-effect");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in notseffect)
                currentEffects = new Effects();
                new EffectSubParser_(currentEffects, chapter).ParseElement(ell);

            postseffects = el.SelectNodes("post-effect");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in postseffects)
                currentEffects = new Effects();
                new EffectSubParser_(currentEffects, chapter).ParseElement(ell);

            if (currentExit.getNextScenes().Count > 0)
                foreach (NextScene nextScene in currentExit.getNextScenes())

                    Exit exit = (Exit) currentExit;
                    exit.setNextScenes(new List<NextScene>());
                    if (exit.getDefaultExitLook() == null)
                        if (nextScene.getExitLook() != null)
                            if (nextScene.getExitLook().getExitText() != null &&
                            if (nextScene.getExitLook().getCursorPath() != null &&

        foreach (XmlElement el in nextsscene)
            string idTarget = "";
            int x = int.MinValue, y = int.MinValue;
            int transitionType = 0, transitionTime = 0;

            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("idTarget");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                idTarget = tmpArgVal;
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("x");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                x = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("y");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                y = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("transitionType");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                transitionType = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("transitionTime");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                transitionTime = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);

            currentNextScene = new NextScene(idTarget, x, y);
            currentNextScene.setTransitionType((NextSceneEnumTransitionType) transitionType);


            conditions = el.SelectNodes("condition");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in conditions)
                currentConditions = new Conditions();
                new ConditionSubParser_(currentConditions, chapter).ParseElement(ell);

            effects = el.SelectNodes("effect");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in effects)
                currentEffects = new Effects();
                new EffectSubParser_(currentEffects, chapter).ParseElement(ell);
            postseffects = el.SelectNodes("post-effect");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in effects)
                currentEffects = new Effects();
                new EffectSubParser_(currentEffects, chapter).ParseElement(ell);


        foreach (XmlElement el in objectsrefs)
            string idTarget = "";
            int x = 0, y = 0;
            float scale = 0;
            int layer = 0;
            int influenceX = 0, influenceY = 0, influenceWidth = 0, influenceHeight = 0;
            bool hasInfluence = false;

            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("idTarget");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                idTarget = tmpArgVal;
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("x");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                x = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("y");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                y = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("scale");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                scale = float.Parse(tmpArgVal, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("layer");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                layer = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                hasInfluence = tmpArgVal.Equals("yes");
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("layer");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                layer = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceX");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceX = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceY");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceY = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceWidth");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceWidth = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceHeight");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceHeight = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);

            // This is for maintain the back-compatibility: in previous dtd versions layer has -1 as default value and this is
            // an erroneous value. This reason, if this value is -1, it will be changed to 0. Now in dtd there are not default value
            // for layer
            if (layer == -1)
                layer = 0;

            currentElementReference = new ElementReference(idTarget, x, y, layer);
            if (hasInfluence)
                InfluenceArea influenceArea = new InfluenceArea(influenceX, influenceY, influenceWidth, influenceHeight);
            if (scale > 0.001 || scale < -0.001)

            if (el.SelectSingleNode("documentation") != null)

            conditions = el.SelectNodes("condition");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in conditions)
                currentConditions = new Conditions();
                new ConditionSubParser_(currentConditions, chapter).ParseElement(ell);


        foreach (XmlElement el in charactersrefs)
            string idTarget = "";
            int x = 0, y = 0;
            float scale = 0;
            int layer = 0;
            int influenceX = 0, influenceY = 0, influenceWidth = 0, influenceHeight = 0;
            bool hasInfluence = false;

            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("idTarget");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                idTarget = tmpArgVal;
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("x");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                x = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("y");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                y = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("scale");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                scale = float.Parse(tmpArgVal, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("layer");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                layer = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                hasInfluence = tmpArgVal.Equals("yes");
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("layer");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                layer = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceX");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceX = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceY");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceY = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceWidth");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceWidth = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceHeight");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceHeight = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);

            // This is for maintain the back-compatibility: in previous dtd versions layer has -1 as default value and this is
            // an erroneous value. This reason, if this value is -1, it will be changed to 0. Now in dtd there are not default value
            // for layer
            if (layer == -1)
                layer = 0;

            currentElementReference = new ElementReference(idTarget, x, y, layer);
            if (hasInfluence)
                InfluenceArea influenceArea = new InfluenceArea(influenceX, influenceY, influenceWidth, influenceHeight);
            if (scale > 0.001 || scale < -0.001)

            if (el.SelectSingleNode("documentation") != null)

            conditions = el.SelectNodes("condition");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in conditions)
                currentConditions = new Conditions();
                new ConditionSubParser_(currentConditions, chapter).ParseElement(ell);


        foreach (XmlElement el in atrezzosrefs)
            string idTarget = "";
            int x = 0, y = 0;
            float scale = 0;
            int layer = 0;
            int influenceX = 0, influenceY = 0, influenceWidth = 0, influenceHeight = 0;
            bool hasInfluence = false;

            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("idTarget");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                idTarget = tmpArgVal;
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("x");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                x = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("y");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                y = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("scale");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                scale = float.Parse(tmpArgVal, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("layer");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                layer = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                hasInfluence = tmpArgVal.Equals("yes");
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("layer");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                layer = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceX");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceX = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceY");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceY = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceWidth");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceWidth = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("influenceHeight");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                influenceHeight = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);

            // This is for maintain the back-compatibility: in previous dtd versions layer has -1 as default value and this is
            // an erroneous value. This reason, if this value is -1, it will be changed to 0. Now in dtd there are not default value
            // for layer
            if (layer == -1)
                layer = 0;

            currentElementReference = new ElementReference(idTarget, x, y, layer);
            if (hasInfluence)
                InfluenceArea influenceArea = new InfluenceArea(influenceX, influenceY, influenceWidth, influenceHeight);
            if (scale > 0.001 || scale < -0.001)

            if (el.SelectSingleNode("documentation") != null)

            conditions = el.SelectNodes("condition");
            foreach (XmlElement ell in conditions)
                currentConditions = new Conditions();
                new ConditionSubParser_(currentConditions, chapter).ParseElement(ell);


        foreach (XmlElement el in activesareas)
            new ActiveAreaSubParser_(chapter, scene, scene.getActiveAreas().Count).ParseElement(el);

        foreach (XmlElement el in barriers)
            new BarrierSubParser_(chapter, scene, scene.getBarriers().Count).ParseElement(el);

        foreach (XmlElement el in trajectorys)
            new TrajectorySubParser_(chapter, scene).ParseElement(el);

        if (scene != null)
    public override void ParseElement(XmlElement element)
            points        = element.SelectNodes("point"),
            descriptionss = element.SelectNodes("description"),
            actionss      = element.SelectNodes("actions"),
            conditions    = element.SelectNodes("condition");
        //effects = element.SelectNodes("effect");

        string tmpArgVal;

        int    x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
        string id = null;
        bool   rectangular = true;
        int    influenceX = 0, influenceY = 0, influenceWidth = 0, influenceHeight = 0;
        bool   hasInfluence = false;

        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("rectangular");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            rectangular = tmpArgVal.Equals("yes");
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("x");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            x = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("y");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            y = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("width");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            width = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("height");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            height = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("id");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            id = tmpArgVal;
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            hasInfluence = tmpArgVal.Equals("yes");
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("influenceX");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            influenceX = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("influenceY");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            influenceY = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("influenceWidth");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            influenceWidth = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("influenceHeight");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            influenceHeight = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);

        activeArea = new ActiveArea((id == null ? generateId() : id), rectangular, x, y, width, height);
        if (hasInfluence)
            InfluenceArea influenceArea = new InfluenceArea(influenceX, influenceY, influenceWidth, influenceHeight);

        if (element.SelectSingleNode("documentation") != null)

        descriptions = new List <Description>();

        foreach (XmlElement el in descriptionss)
            description = new Description();
            new DescriptionsSubParser_(description, chapter).ParseElement(el);

        foreach (XmlElement el in points)
            if (activeArea != null)
                int x_ = 0, y_ = 0;

                tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("x");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                    x_ = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
                tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("y");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                    y_ = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);

                Vector2 point = new Vector2(x_, y_);

        foreach (XmlElement el in actionss)
            new ActionsSubParser_(chapter, activeArea).ParseElement(el);

        foreach (XmlElement el in conditions)
            currentConditions = new Conditions();
            new ConditionSubParser_(currentConditions, chapter).ParseElement(el);
Beispiel #28
     * Creates a new Exit
     * @param x
     *            The horizontal coordinate of the upper left corner of the exit
     * @param y
     *            The vertical coordinate of the upper left corner of the exit
     * @param width
     *            The width of the exit
     * @param height
     *            The height of the exit
    public Exit(bool rectangular, int x, int y, int width, int height)
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.width = width;
        this.height = height;

        documentation = null;
        points = new List<Vector2>();
        nextScenes = new List<NextScene>();
        this.rectangular = rectangular;
        influenceArea = new InfluenceArea();

        destinyX = int.MinValue;
        destinyY = int.MinValue;
        conditions = new Conditions();
        effects = new Effects();
        postEffects = new Effects();
        notEffects = new Effects();
        hasNotEffects = false;
        transitionType = NO_TRANSITION;
        transitionTime = 0;
        defaultExitLook = new ExitLook();
 private bool mouseInInfluenceArea(InfluenceArea area)
        protected override void FillNode(XmlNode node, object target, params IDOMWriterParam[] options)
            var sceneElement = node as XmlElement;
            var scene        = target as Scene;

            if (scene != null)
            // Create the necessary elements to create the DOM
            XmlDocument doc = Writer.GetDoc();

            // Create the root node
            sceneElement.SetAttribute("id", scene.getId());
            sceneElement.SetAttribute("hideInventory", scene.HideInventory ? "yes" : "no");

            if (options.Any(o => o is CIP && (o as CIP).TargetId.Equals(scene.getId())))
                sceneElement.SetAttribute("start", "yes");
                sceneElement.SetAttribute("start", "no");

            sceneElement.SetAttribute("playerLayer", scene.getPlayerLayer().ToString());
            sceneElement.SetAttribute("playerScale", scene.getPlayerScale().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

            sceneElement.SetAttribute("class", scene.getXApiClass());
            sceneElement.SetAttribute("type", scene.getXApiType());

            // Append the documentation (if avalaible)
            if (scene.getDocumentation() != null)
                XmlNode sceneDocumentationNode = doc.CreateElement("documentation");

            // Append the resources
            foreach (ResourcesUni resources in scene.getResources())
                XmlNode resourcesNode = ResourcesDOMWriter.buildDOM(resources, ResourcesDOMWriter.RESOURCES_SCENE);
                doc.ImportNode(resourcesNode, true);

            // Append the name
            XmlNode nameNode = doc.CreateElement("name");


            // Append the default inital position (if avalaible)
            if (scene.hasDefaultPosition())
                XmlElement initialPositionElement = doc.CreateElement("default-initial-position");
                initialPositionElement.SetAttribute("x", scene.getPositionX().ToString());
                initialPositionElement.SetAttribute("y", scene.getPositionY().ToString());

            // Append the exits (if there is at least one)
            if (scene.getExits().Count > 0)
                XmlNode exitsElement = doc.CreateElement("exits");

                // Append every single exit
                foreach (Exit exit in scene.getExits())
                    // Create the exit element
                    XmlElement exitElement = doc.CreateElement("exit");
                    exitElement.SetAttribute("rectangular", (exit.isRectangular() ? "yes" : "no"));
                    exitElement.SetAttribute("x", exit.getX().ToString());
                    exitElement.SetAttribute("y", exit.getY().ToString());
                    exitElement.SetAttribute("width", exit.getWidth().ToString());
                    exitElement.SetAttribute("height", exit.getHeight().ToString());
                    exitElement.SetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea", (exit.getInfluenceArea().isExists() ? "yes" : "no"));
                    exitElement.SetAttribute("idTarget", exit.getNextSceneId());
                    exitElement.SetAttribute("destinyY", exit.getDestinyY().ToString());
                    exitElement.SetAttribute("destinyX", exit.getDestinyX().ToString());
                    if (exit.getDestinyScale() >= 0)
                        exitElement.SetAttribute("destinyScale", exit.getDestinyScale().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    exitElement.SetAttribute("transitionType", exit.getTransitionType().ToString());
                    exitElement.SetAttribute("transitionTime", exit.getTransitionTime().ToString());
                    exitElement.SetAttribute("not-effects", (exit.isHasNotEffects() ? "yes" : "no"));

                    if (exit.getInfluenceArea().isExists())
                        exitElement.SetAttribute("influenceX", exit.getInfluenceArea().getX().ToString());
                        exitElement.SetAttribute("influenceY", exit.getInfluenceArea().getY().ToString());
                        exitElement.SetAttribute("influenceWidth", exit.getInfluenceArea().getWidth().ToString());
                        exitElement.SetAttribute("influenceHeight", exit.getInfluenceArea().getHeight().ToString());

                    // Append the documentation (if avalaible)
                    if (exit.getDocumentation() != null)
                        XmlNode exitDocumentationNode = doc.CreateElement("documentation");

                    //Append the default exit look (if available)
                    ExitLook defaultLook = exit.getDefaultExitLook();
                    if (defaultLook != null)
                        XmlElement exitLook = doc.CreateElement("exit-look");
                        if (defaultLook.getExitText() != null)
                            exitLook.SetAttribute("text", defaultLook.getExitText());
                        if (defaultLook.getCursorPath() != null)
                            exitLook.SetAttribute("cursor-path", defaultLook.getCursorPath());
                        if (defaultLook.getSoundPath() != null)
                            exitLook.SetAttribute("sound-path", defaultLook.getSoundPath());

                        if (defaultLook.getExitText() != null || defaultLook.getCursorPath() != null)

                    // Append the next-scene structures
                    foreach (NextScene nextScene in exit.getNextScenes())
                        // Create the next-scene element
                        XmlElement nextSceneElement = doc.CreateElement("next-scene");
                        nextSceneElement.SetAttribute("idTarget", nextScene.getTargetId());

                        // Append the destination position (if avalaible)
                        if (nextScene.hasPlayerPosition())
                            nextSceneElement.SetAttribute("x", nextScene.getPositionX().ToString());
                            nextSceneElement.SetAttribute("y", nextScene.getPositionY().ToString());

                        nextSceneElement.SetAttribute("transitionTime", nextScene.getTransitionTime().ToString());
                        nextSceneElement.SetAttribute("transitionType", nextScene.getTransitionType().ToString());

                        // Append the conditions (if avalaible)
                        if (!nextScene.getConditions().IsEmpty())
                            DOMWriterUtility.DOMWrite(nextSceneElement, nextScene.getConditions());

                        //Append the default exit look (if available)
                        ExitLook look = nextScene.getExitLook();
                        if (look != null)
                            Debug.Log("SAVE 154: " + look.getExitText());
                            XmlElement exitLook = doc.CreateElement("exit-look");
                            if (look.getExitText() != null)
                                exitLook.SetAttribute("text", look.getExitText());
                            if (look.getCursorPath() != null)
                                exitLook.SetAttribute("cursor-path", look.getCursorPath());
                            if (look.getSoundPath() != null)
                                exitLook.SetAttribute("sound-path", look.getSoundPath());
                            if (look.getExitText() != null || look.getCursorPath() != null)

                        OrderedDictionary nextSceneEffects = new OrderedDictionary();

                        if (nextScene.getEffects() != null && !nextScene.getEffects().IsEmpty())
                            nextSceneEffects.Add(EffectsDOMWriter.EFFECTS, nextScene.getEffects());

                        if (nextScene.getPostEffects() != null && !nextScene.getPostEffects().IsEmpty())
                            nextSceneEffects.Add(EffectsDOMWriter.POST_EFFECTS, nextScene.getPostEffects());

                        // Append the next scene
                        DOMWriterUtility.DOMWrite(nextSceneElement, nextSceneEffects, DOMWriterUtility.DontCreateElement());


                    if (!exit.isRectangular())
                        foreach (Vector2 point in exit.getPoints())
                            XmlElement pointNode = doc.CreateElement("point");
                            pointNode.SetAttribute("x", ((int)point.x).ToString());
                            pointNode.SetAttribute("y", ((int)point.y).ToString());

                    if (exit.getConditions() != null && !exit.getConditions().IsEmpty())
                        DOMWriterUtility.DOMWrite(exitElement, exit.getConditions());

                    OrderedDictionary effectsTypes = new OrderedDictionary();

                    if (exit.getEffects() != null && !exit.getEffects().IsEmpty())
                        effectsTypes.Add(EffectsDOMWriter.EFFECTS, exit.getEffects());

                    if (exit.getPostEffects() != null && !exit.getPostEffects().IsEmpty())
                        effectsTypes.Add(EffectsDOMWriter.POST_EFFECTS, exit.getPostEffects());

                    if (exit.getNotEffects() != null && !exit.getNotEffects().IsEmpty())
                        effectsTypes.Add(EffectsDOMWriter.NOT_EFFECTS, exit.getNotEffects());

                    DOMWriterUtility.DOMWrite(exitElement, effectsTypes, DOMWriterUtility.DontCreateElement());

                    // Append the exit
                // Append the list of exits

            // Add the item references (if there is at least one)
            if (scene.getItemReferences().Count > 0)
                XmlNode itemsNode = doc.CreateElement("objects");

                // Append every single item reference
                foreach (ElementReference itemReference in scene.getItemReferences())
                    // Create the item reference element
                    XmlElement itemReferenceElement = doc.CreateElement("object-ref");
                    itemReferenceElement.SetAttribute("idTarget", itemReference.getTargetId());
                    itemReferenceElement.SetAttribute("x", itemReference.getX().ToString());
                    itemReferenceElement.SetAttribute("y", itemReference.getY().ToString());
                    itemReferenceElement.SetAttribute("scale", itemReference.Scale.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    if (itemReference.getLayer() != -1)
                        itemReferenceElement.SetAttribute("layer", itemReference.getLayer().ToString());
                    if (itemReference.getInfluenceArea().isExists())
                        itemReferenceElement.SetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea", "yes");
                        InfluenceArea ia = itemReference.getInfluenceArea();
                        itemReferenceElement.SetAttribute("influenceX", ia.getX().ToString());
                        itemReferenceElement.SetAttribute("influenceY", ia.getY().ToString());
                        itemReferenceElement.SetAttribute("influenceWidth", ia.getWidth().ToString());
                        itemReferenceElement.SetAttribute("influenceHeight", ia.getHeight().ToString());
                        itemReferenceElement.SetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea", "no");

                    // Append the documentation (if avalaible)
                    if (itemReference.getDocumentation() != null)
                        XmlNode itemDocumentationNode = doc.CreateElement("documentation");

                    // Append the conditions (if avalaible)
                    if (!itemReference.Conditions.IsEmpty())
                        DOMWriterUtility.DOMWrite(itemReferenceElement, itemReference.Conditions);

                    // Append the exit
                // Append the list of exits

            // Add the character references (if there is at least one)
            if (scene.getCharacterReferences().Count > 0)
                XmlNode charactersNode = doc.CreateElement("characters");

                // Append every single character reference
                foreach (ElementReference characterReference in scene.getCharacterReferences())
                    // Create the character reference element
                    XmlElement npcReferenceElement = doc.CreateElement("character-ref");
                    npcReferenceElement.SetAttribute("idTarget", characterReference.getTargetId());
                    npcReferenceElement.SetAttribute("x", characterReference.getX().ToString());
                    npcReferenceElement.SetAttribute("y", characterReference.getY().ToString());
                    npcReferenceElement.SetAttribute("scale", characterReference.Scale.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    npcReferenceElement.SetAttribute("orientation", ((int)characterReference.Orientation).ToString());
                    if (characterReference.getLayer() != -1)
                        npcReferenceElement.SetAttribute("layer", characterReference.getLayer().ToString());
                    if (characterReference.getInfluenceArea().isExists())
                        npcReferenceElement.SetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea", "yes");
                        InfluenceArea ia = characterReference.getInfluenceArea();
                        npcReferenceElement.SetAttribute("influenceX", ia.getX().ToString());
                        npcReferenceElement.SetAttribute("influenceY", ia.getY().ToString());
                        npcReferenceElement.SetAttribute("influenceWidth", ia.getWidth().ToString());
                        npcReferenceElement.SetAttribute("influenceHeight", ia.getHeight().ToString());
                        npcReferenceElement.SetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea", "no");

                    // Append the documentation (if avalaible)
                    if (characterReference.getDocumentation() != null)
                        XmlNode itemDocumentationNode = doc.CreateElement("documentation");

                    // Append the conditions (if avalaible)
                    if (!characterReference.Conditions.IsEmpty())
                        DOMWriterUtility.DOMWrite(npcReferenceElement, characterReference.Conditions);

                    // Append the exit
                // Append the list of exits

            // Append the exits (if there is at least one)
            if (scene.getActiveAreas().Count > 0)
                XmlNode aasElement = doc.CreateElement("active-areas");

                // Append every single exit
                foreach (ActiveArea activeArea in scene.getActiveAreas())
                    // Create the active area element
                    XmlElement aaElement = doc.CreateElement("active-area");
                    if (activeArea.getId() != null)
                        aaElement.SetAttribute("id", activeArea.getId());
                    aaElement.SetAttribute("rectangular", (activeArea.isRectangular() ? "yes" : "no"));
                    aaElement.SetAttribute("x", activeArea.getX().ToString());
                    aaElement.SetAttribute("y", activeArea.getY().ToString());
                    aaElement.SetAttribute("width", activeArea.getWidth().ToString());
                    aaElement.SetAttribute("height", activeArea.getHeight().ToString());
                    if (activeArea.getInfluenceArea().isExists())
                        aaElement.SetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea", "yes");
                        InfluenceArea ia = activeArea.getInfluenceArea();
                        aaElement.SetAttribute("influenceX", ia.getX().ToString());
                        aaElement.SetAttribute("influenceY", ia.getY().ToString());
                        aaElement.SetAttribute("influenceWidth", ia.getWidth().ToString());
                        aaElement.SetAttribute("influenceHeight", ia.getHeight().ToString());
                        aaElement.SetAttribute("hasInfluenceArea", "no");

                    // Behavior
                    if (activeArea.getBehaviour() == Item.BehaviourType.NORMAL)
                        aaElement.SetAttribute("behaviour", "normal");
                    if (activeArea.getBehaviour() == Item.BehaviourType.ATREZZO)
                        aaElement.SetAttribute("behaviour", "atrezzo");
                    if (activeArea.getBehaviour() == Item.BehaviourType.FIRST_ACTION)
                        aaElement.SetAttribute("behaviour", "first-action");

                    // Append the documentation (if avalaible)
                    if (activeArea.getDocumentation() != null)
                        XmlNode exitDocumentationNode = doc.CreateElement("documentation");

                    // Append the conditions (if avalaible)
                    if (!activeArea.getConditions().IsEmpty())
                        DOMWriterUtility.DOMWrite(aaElement, activeArea.getConditions());

                    foreach (Description description in activeArea.getDescriptions())
                        // Create the description
                        XmlNode descriptionNode = doc.CreateElement("description");

                        // Append the conditions (if available)
                        if (description.getConditions() != null && !description.getConditions().IsEmpty())
                            DOMWriterUtility.DOMWrite(descriptionNode, description.getConditions());

                        // Create and append the name, brief description and detailed description
                        XmlElement aaNameNode = doc.CreateElement("name");
                        if (description.getNameSoundPath() != null && !description.getNameSoundPath().Equals(""))
                            aaNameNode.SetAttribute("soundPath", description.getNameSoundPath());

                        XmlElement aaBriefNode = doc.CreateElement("brief");
                        if (description.getDescriptionSoundPath() != null &&
                            aaBriefNode.SetAttribute("soundPath", description.getDescriptionSoundPath());

                        XmlElement aaDetailedNode = doc.CreateElement("detailed");
                        if (description.getDetailedDescriptionSoundPath() != null &&
                            aaDetailedNode.SetAttribute("soundPath", description.getDetailedDescriptionSoundPath());

                        // Append the description

                    // Append the actions (if there is at least one)
                    if (activeArea.getActions().Count > 0)
                        DOMWriterUtility.DOMWrite(aaElement, activeArea.getActions());

                    if (!activeArea.isRectangular())
                        foreach (Vector2 point in activeArea.getPoints())
                            XmlElement pointNode = doc.CreateElement("point");
                            pointNode.SetAttribute("x", ((int)point.x).ToString());
                            pointNode.SetAttribute("y", ((int)point.y).ToString());

                    // Append the exit
                // Append the list of exits

            // Append the barriers (if there is at least one)
            if (scene.getBarriers().Count > 0)
                XmlNode barriersElement = doc.CreateElement("barriers");

                // Append every single barrier
                foreach (Barrier barrier in scene.getBarriers())
                    // Create the active area element
                    XmlElement barrierElement = doc.CreateElement("barrier");
                    barrierElement.SetAttribute("x", barrier.getX().ToString());
                    barrierElement.SetAttribute("y", barrier.getY().ToString());
                    barrierElement.SetAttribute("width", barrier.getWidth().ToString());
                    barrierElement.SetAttribute("height", barrier.getHeight().ToString());

                    // Append the documentation (if avalaible)
                    if (barrier.getDocumentation() != null)
                        XmlNode exitDocumentationNode = doc.CreateElement("documentation");

                    // Append the conditions (if avalaible)
                    if (!barrier.getConditions().IsEmpty())
                        DOMWriterUtility.DOMWrite(barrierElement, barrier.getConditions());

                    // Append the barrier
                // Append the list of exits

            // Add the atrezzo item references (if there is at least one)
            if (scene.getAtrezzoReferences().Count > 0)
                XmlNode atrezzoNode = doc.CreateElement("atrezzo");

                // Append every single atrezzo reference
                foreach (ElementReference atrezzoReference in scene.getAtrezzoReferences())
                    // Create the atrezzo reference element
                    XmlElement atrezzoReferenceElement = doc.CreateElement("atrezzo-ref");
                    atrezzoReferenceElement.SetAttribute("idTarget", atrezzoReference.getTargetId());
                    atrezzoReferenceElement.SetAttribute("x", atrezzoReference.getX().ToString());
                    atrezzoReferenceElement.SetAttribute("y", atrezzoReference.getY().ToString());
                    atrezzoReferenceElement.SetAttribute("scale", atrezzoReference.Scale.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    if (atrezzoReference.getLayer() != -1)
                        atrezzoReferenceElement.SetAttribute("layer", atrezzoReference.getLayer().ToString());

                    // Append the documentation (if avalaible)
                    if (atrezzoReference.getDocumentation() != null)
                        XmlNode itemDocumentationNode = doc.CreateElement("documentation");

                    // Append the conditions (if avalaible)
                    if (!atrezzoReference.Conditions.IsEmpty())
                        DOMWriterUtility.DOMWrite(atrezzoReferenceElement, atrezzoReference.Conditions);

                    // Append the atrezzo reference
                // Append the list of atrezzo references

            if (scene.getTrajectory() != null)
                DOMWriterUtility.DOMWrite(sceneElement, scene.getTrajectory());
 private bool mouseInInfluenceArea(InfluenceArea area)
     return true;