Beispiel #1
 public override void SetLocalScaling(ref IndexedVector3 scaling)
     for (int i = 0; i < m_children.Count; i++)
         IndexedMatrix  childTrans = GetChildTransform(i);
         IndexedVector3 childScale = m_children[i].m_childShape.GetLocalScaling();
         //		childScale = childScale * (childTrans.getBasis() * scaling);
         childScale = childScale * scaling / m_localScaling;
         m_children[i].m_childShape.SetLocalScaling(ref childScale);
         childTrans._origin = ((childTrans._origin) * scaling);
         UpdateChildTransform(i, ref childTrans, false);
     m_localScaling = scaling;
Beispiel #2
        public void RenderDebugLines(GameTime gameTime, ref IndexedMatrix view, ref IndexedMatrix projection)
            m_debugEffect.World      = Matrix.Identity;
            m_debugEffect.View       = view.ToMatrix();
            m_debugEffect.Projection = projection.ToMatrixProjection();

            if (m_lineIndex > 0)
                foreach (EffectPass pass in m_debugEffect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)
                    m_game.GraphicsDevice.DrawUserPrimitives <VertexPositionColor>(PrimitiveType.LineList, m_lineVertices, 0, m_lineIndex / 2);
            m_lineIndex = 0;
        private void CreateScene5(int dim)
            BoxShape boxShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(0.5f));
            float    mass     = 1.0f;

            for (int x = 0; x < dim; x++)
                for (int e = x; e < dim; e++)
                    //IndexedVector3 pos = new IndexedVector3(e - 0.5f * x, x * 1.01f - 14, 25);
                    IndexedVector3 pos = new IndexedVector3(e - 0.5f * x, x * 1.0f, 0);
                    RigidBody      rb  = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(pos), boxShape);
Beispiel #4
        public virtual void Project(ref IndexedMatrix trans, ref IndexedVector3 dir, ref float min, ref float max)
            IndexedVector3 localAxis = dir * trans._basis;
            IndexedVector3 vtx1      = trans * LocalGetSupportingVertex(localAxis);
            IndexedVector3 vtx2      = trans * LocalGetSupportingVertex(-localAxis);

            min = vtx1.Dot(dir);
            max = vtx2.Dot(dir);

            if (min > max)
                float tmp = min;
                min = max;
                max = tmp;
Beispiel #5
        public override void GetAabb(ref IndexedMatrix trans, out IndexedVector3 aabbMin, out IndexedVector3 aabbMax)
            IndexedVector3 halfExtents = GetHalfExtentsWithoutMargin();

            AabbUtil2.TransformAabb(ref halfExtents, GetMargin(), ref trans, out aabbMin, out aabbMax);
            if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugBoxShape)
                MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "halfExtentWithout", GetHalfExtentsWithoutMargin());
                MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "transform", trans);
                MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "outMin", aabbMin);
                MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "outMax", aabbMax);
        public override void GetAabb(ref IndexedMatrix trans, out IndexedVector3 aabbMin, out IndexedVector3 aabbMax)
            IndexedVector3 halfExtents = new IndexedVector3(GetRadius());

            halfExtents[m_upAxis] = GetRadius() + GetHalfHeight();

            halfExtents += new IndexedVector3(GetMargin());
            IndexedBasisMatrix abs_b  = trans._basis.Absolute();
            IndexedVector3     center = trans._origin;
            IndexedVector3     extent = new IndexedVector3(abs_b._el0.Dot(ref halfExtents),
                                                           abs_b._el1.Dot(ref halfExtents),
                                                           abs_b._el2.Dot(ref halfExtents));

            aabbMin = center - extent;
            aabbMax = center + extent;
Beispiel #7
        public void DrawBox(ref IndexedVector3 boxMin, ref IndexedVector3 boxMax, ref IndexedMatrix transform, ref IndexedVector3 color, float alpha)
            DrawLine(transform * (new IndexedVector3(boxMin.X, boxMin.Y, boxMin.Z)), transform * (new IndexedVector3(boxMax.X, boxMin.Y, boxMin.Z)), color);
            DrawLine(transform * (new IndexedVector3(boxMax.X, boxMin.Y, boxMin.Z)), transform * (new IndexedVector3(boxMax.X, boxMax.Y, boxMin.Z)), color);
            DrawLine(transform * (new IndexedVector3(boxMax.X, boxMax.Y, boxMin.Z)), transform * (new IndexedVector3(boxMin.X, boxMax.Y, boxMin.Z)), color);
            DrawLine(transform * (new IndexedVector3(boxMin.X, boxMax.Y, boxMin.Z)), transform * (new IndexedVector3(boxMin.X, boxMin.Y, boxMin.Z)), color);
            DrawLine(transform * (new IndexedVector3(boxMin.X, boxMin.Y, boxMin.Z)), transform * (new IndexedVector3(boxMin.X, boxMin.Y, boxMax.Z)), color);
            DrawLine(transform * (new IndexedVector3(boxMax.X, boxMin.Y, boxMin.Z)), transform * (new IndexedVector3(boxMax.X, boxMin.Y, boxMax.Z)), color);
            DrawLine(transform * (new IndexedVector3(boxMax.X, boxMax.Y, boxMin.Z)), transform * (new IndexedVector3(boxMax.X, boxMax.Y, boxMax.Z)), color);
            DrawLine(transform * (new IndexedVector3(boxMin.X, boxMax.Y, boxMin.Z)), transform * (new IndexedVector3(boxMin.X, boxMax.Y, boxMax.Z)), color);
            DrawLine(transform * (new IndexedVector3(boxMin.X, boxMin.Y, boxMax.Z)), transform * (new IndexedVector3(boxMax.X, boxMin.Y, boxMax.Z)), color);
            DrawLine(transform * (new IndexedVector3(boxMax.X, boxMin.Y, boxMax.Z)), transform * (new IndexedVector3(boxMax.X, boxMax.Y, boxMax.Z)), color);
            DrawLine(transform * (new IndexedVector3(boxMax.X, boxMax.Y, boxMax.Z)), transform * (new IndexedVector3(boxMin.X, boxMax.Y, boxMax.Z)), color);
            DrawLine(transform * (new IndexedVector3(boxMin.X, boxMax.Y, boxMax.Z)), transform * (new IndexedVector3(boxMin.X, boxMin.Y, boxMax.Z)), color);

Beispiel #8
	    public static void IntegrateTransform(ref IndexedMatrix curTrans,ref IndexedVector3 linvel,ref IndexedVector3 angvel,float timeStep,out IndexedMatrix predictedTransform)
            predictedTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(curTrans._origin + linvel * timeStep);
            IndexedVector3 pos;
            IndexedQuaternion predictedOrn;
            IndexedVector3 scale;

            curTrans.Decompose(ref scale, ref predictedOrn, ref pos);

		    predictedOrn += (angvel * predictedOrn) * (timeStep * .5f));
            //Exponential map
		    //google for "Practical Parameterization of Rotations Using the Exponential Map", F. Sebastian Grassia

		    IndexedVector3 axis;
		    float	fAngle = angvel.Length(); 
		    //limit the angular motion
		    if (fAngle*timeStep > ANGULAR_MOTION_THRESHOLD)
			    fAngle = ANGULAR_MOTION_THRESHOLD / timeStep;

		    if ( fAngle < 0.001f )
			    // use Taylor's expansions of sync function
			    axis   = angvel*( 0.5f*timeStep-(timeStep*timeStep*timeStep)*(0.020833333333f)*fAngle*fAngle );
			    // sync(fAngle) = sin(c*fAngle)/t
			    axis   = angvel*( (float)Math.Sin(0.5f*fAngle*timeStep)/fAngle );
		    IndexedQuaternion dorn = new IndexedQuaternion(axis.X,axis.Y,axis.Z,(float)Math.Cos( fAngle*timeStep*.5f) );

            IndexedQuaternion orn0 = curTrans.GetRotation();

		    IndexedQuaternion predictedOrn = dorn * orn0;

            IndexedMatrix newMatrix = IndexedMatrix.CreateFromQuaternion(predictedOrn);
            predictedTransform._basis = newMatrix._basis;
Beispiel #9
 /// continuous collision detection needs prediction
 public void PredictIntegratedTransform(float timeStep, out IndexedMatrix predictedTransform)
     if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugRigidBody)
         BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter.WriteLine("[{0}] predictIntegratedTransform pre", (String)m_userObjectPointer);
         MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, m_worldTransform);
         MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "LinearVel", m_linearVelocity);
         MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "AngularVel", m_angularVelocity);
     TransformUtil.IntegrateTransform(ref m_worldTransform, ref m_linearVelocity, ref m_angularVelocity, timeStep, out predictedTransform);
     if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugRigidBody)
         BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter.WriteLine("[{0}] predictIntegratedTransform post", (String)m_userObjectPointer);
         MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, predictedTransform);
Beispiel #10
 public SimMotionState(CollisionWorld pWorld, uint id, IndexedMatrix starTransform, object frameUpdates)
     m_properties = new EntityProperties()
         ID       = id,
         Position = starTransform._origin,
         Rotation = starTransform.GetRotation()
     m_lastProperties = new EntityProperties()
         ID       = id,
         Position = starTransform._origin,
         Rotation = starTransform.GetRotation()
     m_world = pWorld;
     m_xform = starTransform;
Beispiel #11
 public static float CapsuleCapsuleDistance(
     out IndexedVector3 normalOnB,
     out IndexedVector3 pointOnB,
     float capsuleLengthA,
     float capsuleRadiusA,
     float capsuleLengthB,
     float capsuleRadiusB,
     int capsuleAxisA,
     int capsuleAxisB,
     IndexedMatrix transformA,
     IndexedMatrix transformB,
     float distanceThreshold)
     return(CapsuleCapsuleDistance(out normalOnB, out pointOnB, capsuleLengthA,
                                   capsuleRadiusA, capsuleLengthB, capsuleRadiusB, capsuleAxisA, capsuleAxisB,
                                   ref transformA, ref transformB, distanceThreshold));
Beispiel #12
        public override void GetAabb(ref IndexedMatrix t, out IndexedVector3 aabbMin, out IndexedVector3 aabbMax)
            #if true
            base.GetAabb(ref t, out aabbMin, out aabbMax);
            aabbMin = MathUtil.MAX_VECTOR;
            aabbMax = MathUtil.MIN_VECTOR;

            //just transform the vertices in worldspace, and take their AABB
            for (int i = 0; i < m_numVertices; i++)
                IndexedVector3 worldVertex = IndexedVector3.Transformt(m_vertices[i], t);
                MathUtil.vectorMin(ref worldVertex, ref aabbMin);
                MathUtil.vectorMin(ref worldVertex, ref aabbMax);
        protected void GImpactVsShapeFindPairs(
            ref IndexedMatrix trans0,
            ref IndexedMatrix trans1,
            GImpactShapeInterface shape0,
            CollisionShape shape1,
            ObjectArray <int> collided_primitives)
            AABB boxshape = new AABB();

            if (shape0.HasBoxSet())
                IndexedMatrix trans1to0 = trans0.Inverse();
                //trans1to0 *= trans1;
                trans1to0 = trans1to0 * trans1;
                //trans1to0 = MathUtil.BulletMatrixMultiply(trans1,trans1to0);
                shape1.GetAabb(ref trans1to0, out boxshape.m_min, out boxshape.m_max);
                if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null && BulletGlobals.debugGimpactAlgo)
                    MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "GImpactAglo::GImpactVsShapeFindPairs trans1to0", trans1to0);
                    MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "box min", boxshape.m_min);
                    MathUtil.PrintVector3(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "box max", boxshape.m_max);
                shape0.GetBoxSet().BoxQuery(ref boxshape, collided_primitives);
                shape1.GetAabb(ref trans1, out boxshape.m_min, out boxshape.m_max);

                AABB boxshape0 = new AABB();
                int  i         = shape0.GetNumChildShapes();

                while (i-- != 0)
                    shape0.GetChildAabb(i, ref trans0, out boxshape0.m_min, out boxshape0.m_max);

                    if (boxshape.HasCollision(ref boxshape0))
Beispiel #14
        public override void Process(DbvtNode leaf)
            int index = leaf.dataAsInt;

            CompoundShape  compoundShape = (CompoundShape)(m_compoundColObj.GetCollisionShape());
            CollisionShape childShape    = compoundShape.GetChildShape(index);

            if (m_dispatchInfo.getDebugDraw() != null && (((m_dispatchInfo.getDebugDraw().GetDebugMode() & DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawAabb)) != 0))
                IndexedVector3 worldAabbMin;
                IndexedVector3 worldAabbMax;
                IndexedMatrix  orgTrans = m_compoundColObj.GetWorldTransform();

                AabbUtil2.TransformAabb(leaf.volume.Mins(), leaf.volume.Maxs(), 0f, ref orgTrans, out worldAabbMin, out worldAabbMax);
                m_dispatchInfo.getDebugDraw().DrawAabb(worldAabbMin, worldAabbMax, new IndexedVector3(1, 0, 0));
            ProcessChildShape(childShape, index);
Beispiel #15
        public void SetTimeStepAndCounters(float collisionMarginTriangle, DispatcherInfo dispatchInfo, ManifoldResult resultOut)
            m_dispatchInfoPtr         = dispatchInfo;
            m_collisionMarginTriangle = collisionMarginTriangle;
            m_resultOut = resultOut;

            //recalc aabbs
            //IndexedMatrix convexInTriangleSpace = MathUtil.bulletMatrixMultiply(IndexedMatrix.Invert(m_triBody.getWorldTransform()) , m_convexBody.getWorldTransform());
            IndexedMatrix  convexInTriangleSpace = m_triBody.GetWorldTransform().Inverse() * m_convexBody.GetWorldTransform();
            CollisionShape convexShape           = m_convexBody.GetCollisionShape();

            convexShape.GetAabb(ref convexInTriangleSpace, out m_aabbMin, out m_aabbMax);
            float          extraMargin = collisionMarginTriangle;
            IndexedVector3 extra       = new IndexedVector3(extraMargin);

            m_aabbMax += extra;
            m_aabbMin -= extra;
        public override void CalculateLocalInertia(float mass, out IndexedVector3 inertia)
            //approximation: take the inertia from the aabb for now
            IndexedMatrix  ident = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
            IndexedVector3 aabbMin;
            IndexedVector3 aabbMax;

            GetAabb(ref ident, out aabbMin, out aabbMax);

            IndexedVector3 halfExtents = (aabbMax - aabbMin) * .5f;
            float          lx          = 2f * (halfExtents.X);
            float          ly          = 2f * (halfExtents.Y);
            float          lz          = 2f * (halfExtents.Z);

            inertia = new IndexedVector3(mass / (12.0f) * (ly * ly + lz * lz),
                                         mass / (12.0f) * (lx * lx + lz * lz),
                                         mass / (12.0f) * (lx * lx + ly * ly));
Beispiel #17
        public override void SetAxis(ref IndexedVector3 axis1, ref IndexedVector3 axis2)
            IndexedVector3 zAxis = IndexedVector3.Normalize(axis1);
            IndexedVector3 yAxis = IndexedVector3.Normalize(axis2);
            IndexedVector3 xAxis = IndexedVector3.Cross(yAxis, zAxis);             // we want right coordinate system

            IndexedMatrix frameInW = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

            frameInW._basis = new IndexedBasisMatrix(xAxis.X, yAxis.X, zAxis.X,
                                                     xAxis.Y, yAxis.Y, zAxis.Y,
                                                     xAxis.Z, yAxis.Z, zAxis.Z);

            // now get constraint frame in local coordinate systems
            m_frameInA = m_rbA.GetCenterOfMassTransform().Inverse() * frameInW;
            m_frameInB = m_rbB.GetCenterOfMassTransform().Inverse() * frameInW;

Beispiel #18
        public void ShootTrimesh(IndexedVector3 startPosition, IndexedVector3 destination)
            if (m_dynamicsWorld != null)
                float         mass           = 4.0f;
                IndexedMatrix startTransform = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                startTransform._origin = new IndexedVector3(startPosition);

                RigidBody body = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, startTransform, m_trimeshShape2);

                IndexedVector3 linVel = new IndexedVector3(destination - startPosition);
                linVel *= m_ShootBoxInitialSpeed * 0.25f;

                body.SetLinearVelocity(ref linVel);
Beispiel #19
        static void FindIncidentEdge(ClipVertex[] c,
                                     Box2dShape poly1, ref IndexedMatrix xf1, int edge1,
                                     Box2dShape poly2, ref IndexedMatrix xf2)
            IndexedVector3[] normals1 = poly1.GetNormals();

            int count2 = poly2.GetVertexCount();

            IndexedVector3[] vertices2 = poly2.GetVertices();
            IndexedVector3[] normals2  = poly2.GetNormals();

            Debug.Assert(0 <= edge1 && edge1 < poly1.GetVertexCount());

            // Get the normal of the reference edge in poly2's frame.
            IndexedVector3 normal1 = xf2._basis.Transpose() * (xf1._basis * normals1[edge1]);

            // Find the incident edge on poly2.
            int   index  = 0;
            float minDot = MathUtil.BT_LARGE_FLOAT;

            for (int i = 0; i < count2; ++i)
                float dot = normal1.Dot(normals2[i]);
                if (dot < minDot)
                    minDot = dot;
                    index  = i;

            // Build the clip vertices for the incident edge.
            int i1 = index;
            int i2 = i1 + 1 < count2 ? i1 + 1 : 0;

            c[0].v = xf2 * vertices2[i1];
            //	c[0].id.features.referenceEdge = (unsigned char)edge1;
            //	c[0].id.features.incidentEdge = (unsigned char)i1;
            //	c[0].id.features.incidentVertex = 0;

            c[1].v = xf2 * vertices2[i2];
            //	c[1].id.features.referenceEdge = (unsigned char)edge1;
            //	c[1].id.features.incidentEdge = (unsigned char)i2;
            //	c[1].id.features.incidentVertex = 1;
Beispiel #20
        public void SetWorldTransform(ref IndexedMatrix worldTrans, bool force)
            m_xform = worldTrans;
            // Put the new transform into m_properties
            m_properties.Position = m_xform._origin;
            m_properties.Rotation = m_xform.GetRotation();
            // A problem with stock Bullet is that we don't get an event when an object is deactivated.
            // This means that the last non-zero values for linear and angular velocity
            // are left in the viewer who does dead reconning and the objects look like
            // they float off.
            // BulletSim ships with a patch to Bullet which creates such an event.
            m_properties.Velocity        = Rigidbody.GetLinearVelocity();
            m_properties.AngularVelocity = Rigidbody.GetAngularVelocity();

            if (force

                || !AlmostEqual(ref m_lastProperties.Position, ref m_properties.Position, POSITION_TOLERANCE) ||
                !AlmostEqual(ref m_properties.Rotation, ref m_lastProperties.Rotation, ROTATION_TOLERANCE)
                // If the Velocity and AngularVelocity are zero, most likely the object has
                //    been deactivated. If they both are zero and they have become zero recently,
                //    make sure a property update is sent so the zeros make it to the viewer.
                || ((m_properties.Velocity == ZeroVect && m_properties.AngularVelocity == ZeroVect)
                    (m_properties.Velocity != m_lastProperties.Velocity ||
                     m_properties.AngularVelocity != m_lastProperties.AngularVelocity))
                //	If Velocity and AngularVelocity are non-zero but have changed, send an update.
                || !AlmostEqual(ref m_properties.Velocity, ref m_lastProperties.Velocity, VELOCITY_TOLERANCE)
                !AlmostEqual(ref m_properties.AngularVelocity, ref m_lastProperties.AngularVelocity,

                // Add this update to the list of updates for this frame.
                m_lastProperties = m_properties;
                if (m_world.LastEntityProperty < m_world.UpdatedObjects.Length)
                    m_world.UpdatedObjects[m_world.LastEntityProperty++] = (m_properties);

                //(*m_updatesThisFrame)[m_properties.ID] = &m_properties;
        public static bool Penetration(ConvexShape shape0, ref IndexedMatrix wtrs0, ConvexShape shape1, ref IndexedMatrix wtrs1, ref IndexedVector3 guess, ref GjkEpaSolver2Results results, bool usemargins)
            using (GjkEpaSolver2MinkowskiDiff shape = BulletGlobals.GjkEpaSolver2MinkowskiDiffPool.Get())
                using (GJK gjk = BulletGlobals.GJKPool.Get())
                    Initialize(shape0, ref wtrs0, shape1, ref wtrs1, ref results, shape, usemargins);
                    IndexedVector3 minusGuess = -guess;
                    GJKStatus      gjk_status = gjk.Evaluate(shape, ref minusGuess);
                    switch (gjk_status)
                    case GJKStatus.Inside:
                        //EPA	epa = new EPA();
                        eStatus epa_status = epa.Evaluate(gjk, ref minusGuess);
                        if (epa_status != eStatus.Failed)
                            IndexedVector3 w0 = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                            for (uint i = 0; i < epa.m_result.rank; ++i)
                                // order of results here is 'different' , EPA.evaluate.
                                w0 += shape.Support(ref epa.m_result.c[i].d, 0) * epa.m_result.p[i];
                            results.status     = GjkEpaSolver2Status.Penetrating;
                            results.witnesses0 = wtrs0 * w0;
                            results.witnesses1 = wtrs0 * (w0 - epa.m_normal * epa.m_depth);
                            results.normal     = -epa.m_normal;
                            results.distance   = -epa.m_depth;
                            results.status = GjkEpaSolver2Status.EPA_Failed;

                    case GJKStatus.Failed:
                        results.status = GjkEpaSolver2Status.GJK_Failed;
        public void StepUp(CollisionWorld collisionWorld)
            // phase 1: up
            IndexedMatrix start = IndexedMatrix.Identity, end = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

            m_targetPosition = m_currentPosition + upAxisDirection[m_upAxis] * (m_stepHeight + (m_verticalOffset > 0.0f ? m_verticalOffset : 0.0f));

            /* FIXME: Handle penetration properly */
            start._origin = (m_currentPosition + upAxisDirection[m_upAxis] * (m_convexShape.GetMargin() + m_addedMargin));
            end._origin   = (m_targetPosition);

            KinematicClosestNotMeConvexResultCallback callback = new KinematicClosestNotMeConvexResultCallback(m_ghostObject, -upAxisDirection[m_upAxis], 0.7071f);

            callback.m_collisionFilterGroup = GetGhostObject().GetBroadphaseHandle().m_collisionFilterGroup;
            callback.m_collisionFilterMask  = GetGhostObject().GetBroadphaseHandle().m_collisionFilterMask;

            if (m_useGhostObjectSweepTest)
                m_ghostObject.ConvexSweepTest(m_convexShape, ref start, ref end, callback, collisionWorld.GetDispatchInfo().GetAllowedCcdPenetration());
                collisionWorld.ConvexSweepTest(m_convexShape, ref start, ref end, callback, 0f);

            if (callback.HasHit())
                // Only modify the position if the hit was a slope and not a wall or ceiling.
                if (IndexedVector3.Dot(callback.m_hitNormalWorld, upAxisDirection[m_upAxis]) > 0.0)
                    // we moved up only a fraction of the step height
                    m_currentStepOffset = m_stepHeight * callback.m_closestHitFraction;
                    m_currentPosition   = MathUtil.Interpolate3(ref m_currentPosition, ref m_targetPosition, callback.m_closestHitFraction);
                m_verticalVelocity = 0.0f;
                m_verticalOffset   = 0.0f;
                m_currentStepOffset = m_stepHeight;
                m_currentPosition   = m_targetPosition;
        public override void ClientMoveAndDisplay(GameTime gameTime)
            IndexedVector3 walkDirection = IndexedVector3.Zero;
            float          walkVelocity  = 1.1f * 4.0f;
            float          walkSpeed     = walkVelocity * gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds / 1000.0f;

            IndexedMatrix  xform      = m_ghostObject.GetWorldTransform();
            IndexedVector3 forwardDir = xform._basis[2];
            IndexedVector3 upDir      = xform._basis[1];
            IndexedVector3 strafeDir  = xform._basis[0];


            KeyboardState keyboardState = Keyboard.GetState();

            if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.I))
                walkDirection += forwardDir;
            if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.K))
                walkDirection -= forwardDir;
            if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.J))
                IndexedMatrix orn = m_ghostObject.GetWorldTransform();
                orn._basis *= IndexedBasisMatrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(new IndexedVector3(0, 1, 0), 0.01f);
            if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.L))
                IndexedMatrix orn = m_ghostObject.GetWorldTransform();
                orn._basis *= IndexedBasisMatrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(new IndexedVector3(0, 1, 0), -0.01f);

            IndexedVector3 result = walkDirection * walkSpeed;

            m_character.SetWalkDirection(ref result);

Beispiel #24
        public override void GetAabb(ref IndexedMatrix trans, out IndexedVector3 aabbMin, out IndexedVector3 aabbMax)
            IndexedVector3 localHalfExtents = 0.5f * (m_localAabbMax - m_localAabbMin);
            float          margin           = GetMargin();

            localHalfExtents += new IndexedVector3(margin);
            IndexedVector3 localCenter = 0.5f * (m_localAabbMax + m_localAabbMin);

            IndexedBasisMatrix abs_b = trans._basis.Absolute();

            IndexedVector3 center = trans * localCenter;

            IndexedVector3 extent = new IndexedVector3(abs_b._el0.Dot(ref localHalfExtents),
                                                       abs_b._el1.Dot(ref localHalfExtents),
                                                       abs_b._el2.Dot(ref localHalfExtents));

            aabbMin = center - extent;
            aabbMax = center + extent;
Beispiel #25
        public void RenderOthers(GameTime gameTime, ref IndexedMatrix view, ref IndexedMatrix projection)
            for (int i = 0; i < m_textPositionColours.Count; ++i)
                m_spriteBatch.DrawString(m_spriteFont, m_textPositionColours[i].m_text, m_textPositionColours[i].m_position, m_textPositionColours[i].m_color);

            // set mouse cursor to true so we can see where we're aiming/picking.
            m_game.IsMouseVisible = true;

            // restore from sprite batch changes.
            m_game.GraphicsDevice.BlendState        = BlendState.Opaque;
            m_game.GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default;
Beispiel #26
 public RigidBodyConstructionInfo(float mass, IMotionState motionState, CollisionShape collisionShape, IndexedVector3 localInertia)
     m_mass                                 = mass;
     m_motionState                          = motionState;
     m_collisionShape                       = collisionShape;
     m_localInertia                         = localInertia;
     m_linearDamping                        = 0f;
     m_angularDamping                       = 0f;
     m_friction                             = 0.5f;
     m_restitution                          = 0f;
     m_linearSleepingThreshold              = 0.8f;
     m_angularSleepingThreshold             = 1f;
     m_additionalDamping                    = false;
     m_additionalDampingFactor              = 0.005f;
     m_additionalLinearDampingThresholdSqr  = 0.01f;
     m_additionalAngularDampingThresholdSqr = 0.01f;
     m_additionalAngularDampingFactor       = 0.01f;
     m_startWorldTransform                  = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
Beispiel #27
        public override void GetAabb(ref IndexedMatrix t, out IndexedVector3 aabbMin, out IndexedVector3 aabbMax)
            IndexedVector3 halfExtents = (m_localAabbMax - m_localAabbMin) * m_localScaling * 0.5f;

            IndexedVector3 localOrigin = IndexedVector3.Zero;

            localOrigin[m_upAxis] = (m_minHeight + m_maxHeight) * 0.5f;
            localOrigin          *= m_localScaling;

            IndexedBasisMatrix abs_b  = t._basis.Absolute();
            IndexedVector3     center = t._origin;
            IndexedVector3     extent = new IndexedVector3(abs_b._el0.Dot(ref halfExtents),
                                                           abs_b._el1.Dot(ref halfExtents),
                                                           abs_b._el2.Dot(ref halfExtents));

            extent += new IndexedVector3(GetMargin());

            aabbMin = center - extent;
            aabbMax = center + extent;
        /** Re-calculate the local Aabb. Is called at the end of removeChildShapes.
         * Use this yourself if you modify the children or their transforms. */
        public virtual void RecalculateLocalAabb()
            // Recalculate the local aabb
            // Brute force, it iterates over all the shapes left.

            m_localAabbMin = new IndexedVector3(float.MaxValue);
            m_localAabbMax = new IndexedVector3(float.MinValue);

            //extend the local aabbMin/aabbMax
            IndexedVector3 localAabbMin;
            IndexedVector3 localAabbMax;

            for (int j = 0; j < m_children.Count; j++)
                IndexedMatrix foo = m_children[j].m_transform;
                m_children[j].m_childShape.GetAabb(ref foo, out localAabbMin, out localAabbMax);
                MathUtil.VectorMin(ref localAabbMin, ref m_localAabbMin);
                MathUtil.VectorMax(ref localAabbMax, ref m_localAabbMax);
        public void UpdateChildTransform(int childIndex, ref IndexedMatrix newChildTransform, bool shouldRecalculateLocalAabb)
            m_children[childIndex].m_transform = newChildTransform;

            if (m_dynamicAabbTree != null)
                ///update the dynamic aabb tree
                IndexedVector3 localAabbMin;
                IndexedVector3 localAabbMax;
                m_children[childIndex].m_childShape.GetAabb(ref newChildTransform, out localAabbMin, out localAabbMax);
                DbvtAabbMm bounds = DbvtAabbMm.FromMM(ref localAabbMin, ref localAabbMax);
                //int index = m_children.Count - 1;
                m_dynamicAabbTree.Update(m_children[childIndex].m_treeNode, ref bounds);

            if (shouldRecalculateLocalAabb)
        public void Project(ref IndexedMatrix trans, ref IndexedVector3 dir, ref float min, ref float max)
        #if true
            min = float.MaxValue;
            max = float.MinValue;
            IndexedVector3 witnesPtMin;
            IndexedVector3 witnesPtMax;

            int numVerts = m_unscaledPoints.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < numVerts; i++)
                IndexedVector3 vtx = m_unscaledPoints[i] * m_localScaling;
                IndexedVector3 pt  = trans * vtx;
                float          dp  = pt.Dot(dir);
                if (dp < min)
                    min         = dp;
                    witnesPtMin = pt;
                if (dp > max)
                    max         = dp;
                    witnesPtMax = pt;
            btVector3 localAxis = dir * trans.getBasis();
            btVector3 vtx1      = trans(localGetSupportingVertex(localAxis));
            btVector3 vtx2      = trans(localGetSupportingVertex(-localAxis));

            min =;
            max =;

            if (min > max)
                float tmp = min;
                min = max;
                max = tmp;