Beispiel #1
        // LUCENE-1219
        public void TestBinaryFieldOffsetLength()
            Directory   dir = NewDirectory();
            IndexWriter w   = new IndexWriter(dir, NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(Random())));
            var         b   = new byte[50];

            for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                b[i] = (byte)(i + 77);

            Document doc = new Document();
            Field    f   = new StoredField("binary", b, 10, 17);
            var      bx  = f.BinaryValue().Bytes;

            Assert.IsTrue(bx != null);
            Assert.AreEqual(50, bx.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, f.BinaryValue().Offset);
            Assert.AreEqual(17, f.BinaryValue().Length);

            IndexReader    ir   = DirectoryReader.Open(dir);
            Document       doc2 = ir.Document(0);
            IndexableField f2   = doc2.GetField("binary");

            b = f2.BinaryValue().Bytes;
            Assert.IsTrue(b != null);
            Assert.AreEqual(17, b.Length, 17);
            Assert.AreEqual(87, b[0]);
        public static void VerifyEquals(Document d1, Document d2)
            List <IndexableField> ff1 = d1.Fields;
            List <IndexableField> ff2 = d2.Fields;


            Assert.AreEqual(ff1.Count, ff2.Count, ff1 + " : " + ff2);

            for (int i = 0; i < ff1.Count; i++)
                IndexableField f1 = ff1[i];
                IndexableField f2 = ff2[i];
                if (f1.BinaryValue() != null)
                    Debug.Assert(f2.BinaryValue() != null);
                    string s1 = f1.StringValue;
                    string s2 = f2.StringValue;
                    Assert.AreEqual(s1, s2, ff1 + " : " + ff2);
 public override void WriteField(FieldInfo info, IndexableField field)
     Debug.Assert(DocStatus == Status.STARTED);
     @in.WriteField(info, field);
     Debug.Assert(FieldCount > 0);
Beispiel #4
        public override void AddField(int docID, IndexableField field, FieldInfo fieldInfo)
            DocValuesType_e?dvType = field.FieldType.DocValueType;

            if (dvType != null)
                fieldInfo.DocValuesType = dvType;
                if (dvType == DocValuesType_e.BINARY)
                    AddBinaryField(fieldInfo, docID, field.BinaryValue);
                else if (dvType == DocValuesType_e.SORTED)
                    AddSortedField(fieldInfo, docID, field.BinaryValue);
                else if (dvType == DocValuesType_e.SORTED_SET)
                    AddSortedSetField(fieldInfo, docID, field.BinaryValue);
                else if (dvType == DocValuesType_e.NUMERIC)
                    if (!(field.NumericValue is long?))
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("illegal type " + field.NumericValue.GetType() + ": DocValues types must be Long");
                    AddNumericField(fieldInfo, docID, (long)field.NumericValue);
                    Debug.Assert(false, "unrecognized DocValues.Type: " + dvType);
 public override void AddField(int docID, IndexableField field, FieldInfo fieldInfo)
     DocValuesType_e? dvType = field.FieldType().DocValueType;
     if (dvType != null)
         fieldInfo.DocValuesType = dvType;
         if (dvType == DocValuesType_e.BINARY)
             AddBinaryField(fieldInfo, docID, field.BinaryValue());
         else if (dvType == DocValuesType_e.SORTED)
             AddSortedField(fieldInfo, docID, field.BinaryValue());
         else if (dvType == DocValuesType_e.SORTED_SET)
             AddSortedSetField(fieldInfo, docID, field.BinaryValue());
         else if (dvType == DocValuesType_e.NUMERIC)
             if (!(field.NumericValue is long?))
                 throw new System.ArgumentException("illegal type " + field.NumericValue.GetType() + ": DocValues types must be Long");
             AddNumericField(fieldInfo, docID, (long)field.NumericValue);
             Debug.Assert(false, "unrecognized DocValues.Type: " + dvType);
Beispiel #6
        public void BeforeClass()
            Directory = NewDirectory();
            Analyzer          analyzer = new AnalyzerAnonymousInnerClassHelper();
            RandomIndexWriter writer   = new RandomIndexWriter(Random(), Directory, analyzer, Similarity, TimeZone);

            Documents.Document doc = new Documents.Document();
            doc.Add(NewTextField("field", "one two three four five", Field.Store.YES));
            doc.Add(NewTextField("repeated", "this is a repeated field - first part", Field.Store.YES));
            IndexableField repeatedField = NewTextField("repeated", "second part of a repeated field", Field.Store.YES);

            doc.Add(NewTextField("palindrome", "one two three two one", Field.Store.YES));

            doc = new Documents.Document();
            doc.Add(NewTextField("nonexist", "phrase exist notexist exist found", Field.Store.YES));

            doc = new Documents.Document();
            doc.Add(NewTextField("nonexist", "phrase exist notexist exist found", Field.Store.YES));

            Reader = writer.Reader;

            Searcher = NewSearcher(Reader);
Beispiel #7
            public virtual BytesRef Next()
                while (currentDocId < docCount)
                    if (liveDocs != null && !liveDocs.Get(currentDocId))

                    Document doc = outerInstance.reader.Document(currentDocId, relevantFields);

                    BytesRef           tempPayload  = null;
                    BytesRef           tempTerm     = null;
                    HashSet <BytesRef> tempContexts = new HashSet <BytesRef>();

                    if (hasPayloads)
                        IndexableField payload = doc.GetField(outerInstance.payloadField);
                        if (payload == null || (payload.BinaryValue == null && payload.StringValue == null))
                        tempPayload = payload.BinaryValue ?? new BytesRef(payload.StringValue);

                    if (hasContexts)
                        IndexableField[] contextFields = doc.GetFields(outerInstance.contextsField);
                        foreach (IndexableField contextField in contextFields)
                            if (contextField.BinaryValue == null && contextField.StringValue == null)
                                tempContexts.Add(contextField.BinaryValue ?? new BytesRef(contextField.StringValue));

                    IndexableField fieldVal = doc.GetField(outerInstance.field);
                    if (fieldVal == null || (fieldVal.BinaryValue == null && fieldVal.StringValue == null))
                    tempTerm = (fieldVal.StringValue != null) ? new BytesRef(fieldVal.StringValue) : fieldVal.BinaryValue;

                    currentPayload  = tempPayload;
                    currentContexts = tempContexts;
                    currentWeight   = GetWeight(doc, currentDocId);

        public void TestReadSkip()
            Directory         dir    = NewDirectory();
            IndexWriterConfig iwConf = NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(Random()));

            iwConf.SetMaxBufferedDocs(RandomInts.NextIntBetween(Random(), 2, 30));
            RandomIndexWriter iw = new RandomIndexWriter(Random(), dir, iwConf);

            FieldType ft = new FieldType();

            ft.Stored = true;

            string @string = TestUtil.RandomSimpleString(Random(), 50);

            sbyte[] bytes = @string.GetBytes(IOUtils.CHARSET_UTF_8);
            long    l     = Random().NextBoolean() ? Random().Next(42) : Random().NextLong();
            int     i     = Random().NextBoolean() ? Random().Next(42) : Random().Next();
            float   f     = Random().NextFloat();
            double  d     = Random().NextDouble();

            IList <Field> fields = Arrays.AsList(new Field("bytes", bytes, ft), new Field("string", @string, ft), new LongField("long", l, Field.Store.YES), new IntField("int", i, Field.Store.YES), new FloatField("float", f, Field.Store.YES), new DoubleField("double", d, Field.Store.YES)

            for (int k = 0; k < 100; ++k)
                Document doc = new Document();
                foreach (Field fld in fields)

            DirectoryReader reader = DirectoryReader.Open(dir);
            int             docID  = Random().Next(100);

            foreach (Field fld in fields)
                string         fldName = fld.Name();
                Document       sDoc    = reader.Document(docID, CollectionsHelper.Singleton(fldName));
                IndexableField sField  = sDoc.GetField(fldName);
                if (typeof(Field).Equals(fld.GetType()))
                    Assert.AreEqual(fld.BinaryValue(), sField.BinaryValue());
                    Assert.AreEqual(fld.StringValue, sField.StringValue);
                    Assert.AreEqual(fld.NumericValue, sField.NumericValue);
Beispiel #9
 internal override void Start(IndexableField f)
     TermAtt      = FieldState.AttributeSource_Renamed.GetAttribute <ITermToBytesRefAttribute>();
     TermBytesRef = TermAtt.BytesRef;
     if (NextPerField != null)
        public void AddField(IndexableField field)
            if (FieldCount == Fields.Length)
                int newSize = ArrayUtil.Oversize(FieldCount + 1, RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF);
                IndexableField[] newArray = new IndexableField[newSize];
                Array.Copy(Fields, 0, newArray, 0, FieldCount);
                Fields = newArray;

            Fields[FieldCount++] = field;
        public void AddField(IndexableField field)
            if (FieldCount == Fields.Length)
                int newSize = ArrayUtil.Oversize(FieldCount + 1, RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF);
                IndexableField[] newArray = new IndexableField[newSize];
                Array.Copy(Fields, 0, newArray, 0, FieldCount);
                Fields = newArray;

            Fields[FieldCount++] = field;
Beispiel #12
        public void TestWithContexts()
            Directory         dir = NewDirectory();
            IndexWriterConfig iwc = NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(Random()));

            RandomIndexWriter writer = new RandomIndexWriter(Random(), dir, iwc);
            KeyValuePair <List <string>, IDictionary <string, Document> > res = GenerateIndexDocuments(AtLeast(1000), true, true);
            IDictionary <string, Document> docs = res.Value;
            List <string> invalidDocTerms       = res.Key;

            foreach (Document doc in docs.Values)
            IndexReader    ir            = DirectoryReader.Open(dir);
            IDictionary    dictionary    = new DocumentDictionary(ir, FIELD_NAME, WEIGHT_FIELD_NAME, PAYLOAD_FIELD_NAME, CONTEXT_FIELD_NAME);
            IInputIterator inputIterator = dictionary.EntryIterator;
            BytesRef       f;

            while ((f = inputIterator.Next()) != null)
                string   field = f.Utf8ToString();
                Document doc   = docs.ContainsKey(field) ? docs[field] : null;
                //Document doc = docs.remove(f.utf8ToString());
                assertTrue(f.equals(new BytesRef(doc.Get(FIELD_NAME))));
                IndexableField weightField = doc.GetField(WEIGHT_FIELD_NAME);
                assertEquals(inputIterator.Weight, (weightField != null) ? Convert.ToInt64(weightField.NumericValue) : 0);
                ISet <BytesRef>        oriCtxs    = new HashSet <BytesRef>();
                IEnumerable <BytesRef> contextSet = inputIterator.Contexts;
                foreach (IndexableField ctxf in doc.GetFields(CONTEXT_FIELD_NAME))
                assertEquals(oriCtxs.size(), contextSet.Count());

            foreach (string invalidTerm in invalidDocTerms)
                var invalid = docs[invalidTerm];

Beispiel #13
            internal virtual void RemoveAllValueFields()
                IEnumerator <IndexableField> it = Document.Fields.GetEnumerator();

                while (it.MoveNext())
                    IndexableField field     = it.Current;
                    string         fieldName =;
                    if (!fieldName.Equals(FIELD_ENTITY_ID))
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: .NET enumerators are read-only:
Beispiel #14
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns the value of the <code>weightField</code> for the current document.
            /// Retrieves the value for the <code>weightField</code> if its stored (using <code>doc</code>)
            /// or if its indexed as <seealso cref="NumericDocValues"/> (using <code>docId</code>) for the document.
            /// If no value is found, then the weight is 0.
            /// </summary>
            protected internal virtual long GetWeight(Document doc, int docId)
                IndexableField weight = doc.GetField(outerInstance.weightField);

                if (weight != null) // found weight as stored
                    return((weight.NumericValue != null) ? (long)weight.NumericValue : 0);
                } // found weight as NumericDocValue
                else if (weightValues != null)
                } // fall back
Beispiel #15
 internal override void Start(IndexableField f)
     if (FieldState.AttributeSource_Renamed.HasAttribute <IPayloadAttribute>())
         PayloadAttribute = FieldState.AttributeSource_Renamed.GetAttribute <IPayloadAttribute>();
         PayloadAttribute = null;
     if (HasOffsets)
         OffsetAttribute = FieldState.AttributeSource_Renamed.AddAttribute <IOffsetAttribute>();
         OffsetAttribute = null;
Beispiel #16
 public static void CheckNorms(AtomicReader reader)
     // test omit norms
     for (int i = 0; i < DocHelper.Fields.Length; i++)
         IndexableField f = DocHelper.Fields[i];
         if (f.FieldType().Indexed)
             Assert.AreEqual(reader.GetNormValues(f.Name()) != null, !f.FieldType().OmitNorms);
             Assert.AreEqual(reader.GetNormValues(f.Name()) != null, !DocHelper.NoNorms.ContainsKey(f.Name()));
             if (reader.GetNormValues(f.Name()) == null)
                 // test for norms of null
                 NumericDocValues norms = MultiDocValues.GetNormValues(reader, f.Name());
Beispiel #17
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns the value of the <see cref="Weight"/> property for the current document.
            /// Retrieves the value for the <see cref="Weight"/> property if its stored (using <paramref name="doc"/>)
            /// or if its indexed as <see cref="NumericDocValues"/> (using <paramref name="docId"/>) for the document.
            /// If no value is found, then the weight is 0.
            /// </summary>
            protected internal virtual long GetWeight(Document doc, int docId)
                IndexableField weight = doc.GetField(outerInstance.weightField);

                if (weight != null) // found weight as stored
                    // LUCENENET TODO: See if we can make NumericValue into Decimal (which can be converted to any other type of number)
                    // rather than using object.
                    return((weight.NumericValue != null) ? Convert.ToInt64(weight.NumericValue) : 0);
                } // found weight as NumericDocValue
                else if (weightValues != null)
                } // fall back
        public void FieldIndexHandler_InTreeIndexHandler()
            var fieldValue       = "/Root/A/B";
            var fieldValueObject = (object)fieldValue;
            var snField          = new IndexableField(fieldValueObject);

            var fieldIndexHandler = new InTreeIndexHandler();

            fieldIndexHandler.OwnerIndexingInfo = new TestPerfieldIndexingInfoString();

            var indexed   = fieldIndexHandler.GetIndexFields(snField, out _);
            var parsed    = fieldIndexHandler.Parse(fieldValue.ToString());
            var termValue = fieldIndexHandler.ConvertToTermValue(fieldValue);

            Assert.AreEqual(indexed.First().Type, parsed.Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(parsed.Type, termValue.Type);

            // get back is not supported
        public void FieldIndexHandler_NumberIndexHandler()
            var fieldValue       = Convert.ToDecimal(42L + int.MaxValue);
            var fieldValueObject = (object)fieldValue;
            var snField          = new IndexableField(fieldValueObject);

            var fieldIndexHandler = new NumberIndexHandler();

            fieldIndexHandler.OwnerIndexingInfo = new TestPerfieldIndexingInfoLong();

            var indexed   = fieldIndexHandler.GetIndexFields(snField, out _);
            var parsed    = fieldIndexHandler.Parse(fieldValue.ToString());
            var termValue = fieldIndexHandler.ConvertToTermValue(fieldValue);

            Assert.AreEqual(indexed.First().Type, parsed.Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(parsed.Type, termValue.Type);

            var retrieved = fieldIndexHandler.GetBack(fieldValue.ToString());

            Assert.AreEqual(fieldValue, retrieved);
        public void FieldIndexHandler_IntegerIndexHandler()
            var fieldValue       = 42;
            var fieldValueObject = (object)fieldValue;
            var snField          = new IndexableField(fieldValueObject);

            var fieldIndexHandler = new IntegerIndexHandler();

            fieldIndexHandler.OwnerIndexingInfo = new TestPerfieldIndexingInfoInt();

            var indexed   = fieldIndexHandler.GetIndexFields(snField, out _);
            var parsed    = fieldIndexHandler.Parse("42");
            var termValue = fieldIndexHandler.ConvertToTermValue(fieldValue);

            Assert.AreEqual(indexed.First().Type, parsed.Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(parsed.Type, termValue.Type);

            var retrieved = fieldIndexHandler.GetBack("42");

            Assert.AreEqual(fieldValue, retrieved);
        public void FieldIndexHandler_PermissionChoiceIndexHandler()
            var fieldValue       = new[] { "href", "text", "title", "target" };
            var fieldValueObject = (object)fieldValue;
            var snField          = new IndexableField(fieldValueObject);

            var fieldIndexHandler = new PermissionChoiceIndexHandler();

            fieldIndexHandler.OwnerIndexingInfo = new TestPerfieldIndexingInfoString();

            var indexed = fieldIndexHandler.GetIndexFields(snField, out _);

            Assert.AreEqual(IndexValueType.StringArray, indexed.First().Type);
            var parsed = fieldIndexHandler.Parse(fieldValue.ToString());

            Assert.AreEqual(IndexValueType.String, parsed.Type);
            var termValue = fieldIndexHandler.ConvertToTermValue(fieldValue.ToString());

            Assert.AreEqual(parsed.Type, termValue.Type);

            // get back is not supported
Beispiel #22
        public override void AddField(int docID, IndexableField field, FieldInfo fieldInfo)
            if (field.FieldType.Stored)
                if (NumStoredFields == StoredFields.Length)
                    int newSize = ArrayUtil.Oversize(NumStoredFields + 1, RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF);
                    IndexableField[] newArray = new IndexableField[newSize];
                    Array.Copy(StoredFields, 0, newArray, 0, NumStoredFields);
                    StoredFields = newArray;

                    FieldInfo[] newInfoArray = new FieldInfo[newSize];
                    Array.Copy(FieldInfos, 0, newInfoArray, 0, NumStoredFields);
                    FieldInfos = newInfoArray;

                StoredFields[NumStoredFields] = field;
                FieldInfos[NumStoredFields]   = fieldInfo;

        public void FieldIndexHandler_RichTextIndexHandler()
            var fieldValue = new RichTextFieldValue {
                Text = "Lorem ipsum", Editor = "{dolor: 'sit amet'}"
            var fieldValueInIndex = "lorem ipsum";
            var fieldValueObject  = (object)fieldValue;
            var snField           = new IndexableField(fieldValueObject);

            var fieldIndexHandler = new RichTextIndexHandler();

            fieldIndexHandler.OwnerIndexingInfo = new TestPerfieldIndexingInfoString();

            var indexed   = fieldIndexHandler.GetIndexFields(snField, out _).ToArray();
            var parsed    = fieldIndexHandler.Parse(fieldValueInIndex.ToString());
            var termValue = fieldIndexHandler.ConvertToTermValue(fieldValueInIndex);

            Assert.AreEqual(indexed[0].Type, parsed.Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(fieldValueInIndex, indexed[0].StringValue);
            Assert.AreEqual(parsed.Type, termValue.Type);

            // get back is not supported
        public void FieldIndexHandler_TagIndexHandler()
            var fieldValue       = "Tag1,Tag2,Tag3";
            var fieldValueObject = (object)fieldValue;
            var snField          = new IndexableField(fieldValueObject);

            var fieldIndexHandler = new TagIndexHandler();

            fieldIndexHandler.OwnerIndexingInfo = new TestPerfieldIndexingInfoString();

            var indexed = fieldIndexHandler.GetIndexFields(snField, out _);

            Assert.AreEqual(IndexValueType.StringArray, indexed.First().Type);
            var parsed = fieldIndexHandler.Parse(fieldValue.ToString());

            Assert.AreEqual(IndexValueType.String, parsed.Type);
            var termValue = fieldIndexHandler.ConvertToTermValue(fieldValue.ToString());

            Assert.AreEqual(parsed.Type, termValue.Type);

            var retrieved = fieldIndexHandler.GetBack("tag1");

            Assert.AreEqual("tag1", retrieved);
        public override void ProcessFields(IndexableField[] fields, int count)

            bool doInvert = Consumer.Start(fields, count);

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                IndexableField field = fields[i];
                IndexableFieldType fieldType = field.FieldType();

                // TODO FI: this should be "genericized" to querying
                // consumer if it wants to see this particular field
                // tokenized.
                if (fieldType.Indexed && doInvert)
                    bool analyzed = fieldType.Tokenized && DocState.Analyzer != null;

                    // if the field omits norms, the boost cannot be indexed.
                    if (fieldType.OmitNorms && field.GetBoost() != 1.0f)
                        throw new System.NotSupportedException("You cannot set an index-time boost: norms are omitted for field '" + field.Name() + "'");

                    // only bother checking offsets if something will consume them.
                    // TODO: after we fix analyzers, also check if termVectorOffsets will be indexed.
                    bool checkOffsets = fieldType.IndexOptions == FieldInfo.IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS;
                    int lastStartOffset = 0;

                    if (i > 0)
                        FieldState.Position_Renamed += analyzed ? DocState.Analyzer.GetPositionIncrementGap(fieldInfo.Name) : 0;

                   * To assist people in tracking down problems in analysis components, we wish to write the field name to the infostream
                   * when we fail. We expect some caller to eventually deal with the real exception, so we don't want any 'catch' clauses,
                   * but rather a finally that takes note of the problem.

                    bool succeededInProcessingField = false;

                    TokenStream stream = field.GetTokenStream(DocState.Analyzer);
                    // reset the TokenStream to the first token

                        bool hasMoreTokens = stream.IncrementToken();

                        FieldState.AttributeSource_Renamed = stream;

                        IOffsetAttribute offsetAttribute = FieldState.AttributeSource_Renamed.AddAttribute<IOffsetAttribute>();
                        IPositionIncrementAttribute posIncrAttribute = FieldState.AttributeSource_Renamed.AddAttribute<IPositionIncrementAttribute>();

                        if (hasMoreTokens)

                                // If we hit an exception in below
                                // (which is fairly common, eg if analyzer
                                // chokes on a given document), then it's
                                // non-aborting and (above) this one document
                                // will be marked as deleted, but still
                                // consume a docID

                                int posIncr = posIncrAttribute.PositionIncrement;
                                if (posIncr < 0)
                                    throw new System.ArgumentException("position increment must be >=0 (got " + posIncr + ") for field '" + field.Name() + "'");
                                if (FieldState.Position_Renamed == 0 && posIncr == 0)
                                    throw new System.ArgumentException("first position increment must be > 0 (got 0) for field '" + field.Name() + "'");
                                int position = FieldState.Position_Renamed + posIncr;
                                if (position > 0)
                                    // NOTE: confusing: this "mirrors" the
                                    // position++ we do below
                                else if (position < 0)
                                    throw new System.ArgumentException("position overflow for field '" + field.Name() + "'");

                                // position is legal, we can safely place it in fieldState now.
                                // not sure if anything will use fieldState after non-aborting exc...
                                FieldState.Position_Renamed = position;

                                if (posIncr == 0)

                                if (checkOffsets)
                                    int startOffset = FieldState.Offset_Renamed + offsetAttribute.StartOffset();
                                    int endOffset = FieldState.Offset_Renamed + offsetAttribute.EndOffset();
                                    if (startOffset < 0 || endOffset < startOffset)
                                        throw new System.ArgumentException("startOffset must be non-negative, and endOffset must be >= startOffset, " + "startOffset=" + startOffset + ",endOffset=" + endOffset + " for field '" + field.Name() + "'");
                                    if (startOffset < lastStartOffset)
                                        throw new System.ArgumentException("offsets must not go backwards startOffset=" + startOffset + " is < lastStartOffset=" + lastStartOffset + " for field '" + field.Name() + "'");
                                    lastStartOffset = startOffset;

                                bool success = false;
                                    // If we hit an exception in here, we abort
                                    // all buffered documents since the last
                                    // flush, on the likelihood that the
                                    // internal state of the consumer is now
                                    // corrupt and should not be flushed to a
                                    // new segment:
                                    success = true;
                                    if (!success)
                            } while (stream.IncrementToken());
                        // trigger streams to perform end-of-stream operations
                        // TODO: maybe add some safety? then again, its already checked
                        // when we come back around to the field...
                        FieldState.Position_Renamed += posIncrAttribute.PositionIncrement;
                        FieldState.Offset_Renamed += offsetAttribute.EndOffset();

                        if (DocState.MaxTermPrefix != null)
                            string msg = "Document contains at least one immense term in field=\"" + fieldInfo.Name + "\" (whose UTF8 encoding is longer than the max length " + DocumentsWriterPerThread.MAX_TERM_LENGTH_UTF8 + "), all of which were skipped.  Please correct the analyzer to not produce such terms.  The prefix of the first immense term is: '" + DocState.MaxTermPrefix + "...'";
                            if (DocState.InfoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
                                DocState.InfoStream.Message("IW", "ERROR: " + msg);
                            DocState.MaxTermPrefix = null;
                            throw new System.ArgumentException(msg);

                        /* if success was false above there is an exception coming through and we won't get here.*/
                        succeededInProcessingField = true;
                        if (!succeededInProcessingField)
                        if (!succeededInProcessingField && DocState.InfoStream.IsEnabled("DW"))
                            DocState.InfoStream.Message("DW", "An exception was thrown while processing field " + fieldInfo.Name);

                    FieldState.Offset_Renamed += analyzed ? DocState.Analyzer.GetOffsetGap(fieldInfo.Name) : 0;
                    FieldState.Boost_Renamed *= field.GetBoost();

                // LUCENE-2387: don't hang onto the field, so GC can
                // reclaim
                fields[i] = null;

Beispiel #26
        static DocHelper()
            CustomType  = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_STORED);
            TextField1  = new Field(TEXT_FIELD_1_KEY, FIELD_1_TEXT, CustomType);
            CustomType2 = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_STORED);
            CustomType2.StoreTermVectors         = true;
            CustomType2.StoreTermVectorPositions = true;
            CustomType2.StoreTermVectorOffsets   = true;
            TextField2            = new Field(TEXT_FIELD_2_KEY, FIELD_2_TEXT, CustomType2);
            CustomType3           = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_STORED);
            CustomType3.OmitNorms = true;
            TextField3            = new Field(TEXT_FIELD_3_KEY, FIELD_3_TEXT, CustomType3);
            KeyField                     = new StringField(KEYWORD_FIELD_KEY, KEYWORD_TEXT, Field.Store.YES);
            CustomType5                  = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_STORED);
            CustomType5.OmitNorms        = true;
            CustomType5.Tokenized        = false;
            NoNormsField                 = new Field(NO_NORMS_KEY, NO_NORMS_TEXT, CustomType5);
            CustomType6                  = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_STORED);
            CustomType6.IndexOptions     = FieldInfo.IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY;
            NoTFField                    = new Field(NO_TF_KEY, NO_TF_TEXT, CustomType6);
            CustomType7                  = new FieldType();
            CustomType7.Stored           = true;
            UnIndField                   = new Field(UNINDEXED_FIELD_KEY, UNINDEXED_FIELD_TEXT, CustomType7);
            CustomType8                  = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_NOT_STORED);
            CustomType8.StoreTermVectors = true;
            UnStoredField2               = new Field(UNSTORED_FIELD_2_KEY, UNSTORED_2_FIELD_TEXT, CustomType8);

            UnStoredField1 = new TextField(UNSTORED_FIELD_1_KEY, UNSTORED_1_FIELD_TEXT, Field.Store.NO);
            LazyField      = new Field(LAZY_FIELD_KEY, LAZY_FIELD_TEXT, CustomType);
            TextUtfField1  = new Field(TEXT_FIELD_UTF1_KEY, FIELD_UTF1_TEXT, CustomType);
            TextUtfField2  = new Field(TEXT_FIELD_UTF2_KEY, FIELD_UTF2_TEXT, CustomType2);

            Fields = new Field[] { TextField1, TextField2, TextField3, KeyField, NoNormsField, NoTFField, UnIndField, UnStoredField1, UnStoredField2, TextUtfField1, TextUtfField2, LazyField, LazyFieldBinary, LargeLazyField };

            //Initialize the large Lazy Field
            StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                buffer.Append("Lazily loading lengths of language in lieu of laughing ");

                LAZY_FIELD_BINARY_BYTES = "These are some binary field bytes".GetBytes(IOUtils.CHARSET_UTF_8);
            catch (EncoderFallbackException e)
            LazyFieldBinary           = new StoredField(LAZY_FIELD_BINARY_KEY, LAZY_FIELD_BINARY_BYTES);
            Fields[Fields.Length - 2] = LazyFieldBinary;
            LARGE_LAZY_FIELD_TEXT     = buffer.ToString();
            LargeLazyField            = new Field(LARGE_LAZY_FIELD_KEY, LARGE_LAZY_FIELD_TEXT, CustomType);
            Fields[Fields.Length - 1] = LargeLazyField;
            for (int i = 0; i < Fields.Length; i++)
                IndexableField f = Fields[i];
                Add(All, f);
                if (f.FieldType().Indexed)
                    Add(Indexed, f);
                    Add(Unindexed, f);
                if (f.FieldType().StoreTermVectors)
                    Add(Termvector, f);
                if (f.FieldType().Indexed&& !f.FieldType().StoreTermVectors)
                    Add(Notermvector, f);
                if (f.FieldType().Stored)
                    Add(Stored, f);
                    Add(Unstored, f);
                if (f.FieldType().IndexOptions == FieldInfo.IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY)
                    Add(NoTf, f);
                if (f.FieldType().OmitNorms)
                    Add(NoNorms, f);
                if (f.FieldType().IndexOptions == FieldInfo.IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY)
                    Add(NoTf, f);
                //if (f.isLazy()) add(lazy, f);
            NameValues = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            NameValues[TEXT_FIELD_1_KEY]      = FIELD_1_TEXT;
            NameValues[TEXT_FIELD_2_KEY]      = FIELD_2_TEXT;
            NameValues[TEXT_FIELD_3_KEY]      = FIELD_3_TEXT;
            NameValues[KEYWORD_FIELD_KEY]     = KEYWORD_TEXT;
            NameValues[NO_NORMS_KEY]          = NO_NORMS_TEXT;
            NameValues[NO_TF_KEY]             = NO_TF_TEXT;
            NameValues[UNSTORED_FIELD_1_KEY]  = UNSTORED_1_FIELD_TEXT;
            NameValues[UNSTORED_FIELD_2_KEY]  = UNSTORED_2_FIELD_TEXT;
            NameValues[LAZY_FIELD_KEY]        = LAZY_FIELD_TEXT;
            NameValues[TEXT_FIELD_UTF1_KEY]   = FIELD_UTF1_TEXT;
            NameValues[TEXT_FIELD_UTF2_KEY]   = FIELD_UTF2_TEXT;
Beispiel #27
        public override void WriteField(FieldInfo info, IndexableField field)
            int      bits = 0;
            BytesRef bytes;
            string   @string;
            // TODO: maybe a field should serialize itself?
            // this way we don't bake into indexer all these
            // specific encodings for different fields?  and apps
            // can customize...

            object number = (object)field.NumericValue;

            if (number != null)
                if (number is sbyte || number is short || number is int)
                    bits |= FIELD_IS_NUMERIC_INT;
                else if (number is long)
                    bits |= FIELD_IS_NUMERIC_LONG;
                else if (number is float)
                    bits |= FIELD_IS_NUMERIC_FLOAT;
                else if (number is double)
                    bits |= FIELD_IS_NUMERIC_DOUBLE;
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("cannot store numeric type " + number.GetType());
                @string = null;
                bytes   = null;
                bytes = field.BinaryValue();
                if (bytes != null)
                    bits   |= FIELD_IS_BINARY;
                    @string = null;
                    @string = field.StringValue;
                    if (@string == null)
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("field " + field.Name() + " is stored but does not have binaryValue, stringValue nor numericValue");


            if (bytes != null)
                FieldsStream.WriteBytes(bytes.Bytes, bytes.Offset, bytes.Length);
            else if (@string != null)
                if (number is sbyte || number is short || number is int)
                else if (number is long)
                else if (number is float)
                else if (number is double)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot get here");
 // Called once per field, and is given all IndexableField
 // occurrences for this field in the document.  Return
 // true if you wish to see inverted tokens for these
 // fields:
 internal abstract bool Start(IndexableField[] fields, int count);
Beispiel #29
 protected internal override bool IsStoredField(IndexableField field)
     return(! && base.IsStoredField(field));
        public override void WriteField(FieldInfo info, IndexableField field)
            int bits = 0;
            BytesRef bytes;
            string @string;

            object number = (object)field.NumericValue;
            if (number != null)
                if (number is string)
                    string numStr = number.ToString();
                    sbyte dummySbyte;
                    short dummyShort;
                    int dummyInt;
                    long dummyLong;
                    float dummyFloat;
                    double dummyDouble;
                    if (sbyte.TryParse(numStr, out dummySbyte) || short.TryParse(numStr, out dummyShort) || int.TryParse(numStr, out dummyInt))
                        bits = NUMERIC_INT;
                    else if (long.TryParse(numStr, out dummyLong))
                        bits = NUMERIC_LONG;
                    else if (float.TryParse(numStr, out dummyFloat))
                        bits = NUMERIC_FLOAT;
                    else if (double.TryParse(numStr, out dummyDouble))
                        bits = NUMERIC_DOUBLE;
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("cannot store numeric type " + number.GetType());
                    if (number is sbyte || number is short || number is int)
                        bits = NUMERIC_INT;
                    else if (number is long)
                        bits = NUMERIC_LONG;
                    else if (number is float)
                        bits = NUMERIC_FLOAT;
                    else if (number is double)
                        bits = NUMERIC_DOUBLE;
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("cannot store numeric type " + number.GetType());

                @string = null;
                bytes = null;
                bytes = field.BinaryValue();
                if (bytes != null)
                    bits = BYTE_ARR;
                    @string = null;
                    bits = STRING;
                    @string = field.StringValue;
                    if (@string == null)
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("field " + field.Name() + " is stored but does not have binaryValue, stringValue nor numericValue");

            long infoAndBits = (((long)info.Number) << TYPE_BITS) | bits;

            if (bytes != null)
                BufferedDocs.WriteBytes(bytes.Bytes, bytes.Offset, bytes.Length);
            else if (@string != null)
                if (number is string)
                    string numStr = number.ToString();
                    sbyte dummySbyte;
                    short dummyShort;
                    int dummyInt;
                    long dummyLong;
                    float dummyFloat;
                    double dummyDouble;
                    if (sbyte.TryParse(numStr, out dummySbyte) || short.TryParse(numStr, out dummyShort) ||
                        int.TryParse(numStr, out dummyInt))
                        bits = NUMERIC_INT;
                    else if (long.TryParse(numStr, out dummyLong))
                        bits = NUMERIC_LONG;
                    else if (float.TryParse(numStr, out dummyFloat))
                        bits = NUMERIC_FLOAT;
                    else if (double.TryParse(numStr, out dummyDouble))
                        bits = NUMERIC_DOUBLE;
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("cannot store numeric type " + number.GetType());
                    if (number is sbyte || number is short || number is int)
                    else if (number is long)
                    else if (number is float)
                    else if (number is double)
                        throw new Exception("Cannot get here");
Beispiel #31
 /// <summary>
 /// checks that two stored fields are equivalent
 /// </summary>
 public void AssertStoredFieldEquals(string info, IndexableField leftField, IndexableField rightField)
     Assert.AreEqual(leftField.Name(), rightField.Name(), info);
     Assert.AreEqual(leftField.BinaryValue(), rightField.BinaryValue(), info);
     Assert.AreEqual(leftField.StringValue, rightField.StringValue, info);
     Assert.AreEqual(leftField.NumericValue, rightField.NumericValue, info);
     // TODO: should we check the FT at all?
 public abstract void AddField(int docID, IndexableField field, FieldInfo fieldInfo);
 // Called before a field instance is being processed
 internal abstract void Start(IndexableField field);
        public override void WriteField(FieldInfo info, IndexableField field)
            int bits = 0;
            BytesRef bytes;
            string @string;
            // TODO: maybe a field should serialize itself?
            // this way we don't bake into indexer all these
            // specific encodings for different fields?  and apps
            // can customize...

            object number = field.NumericValue;
            if (number != null)
                if (number is sbyte? || number is short? || number is int?)
                    bits |= Lucene3xStoredFieldsReader.FIELD_IS_NUMERIC_INT;
                else if (number is long?)
                    bits |= Lucene3xStoredFieldsReader.FIELD_IS_NUMERIC_LONG;
                else if (number is float?)
                    bits |= Lucene3xStoredFieldsReader.FIELD_IS_NUMERIC_FLOAT;
                else if (number is double?)
                    bits |= Lucene3xStoredFieldsReader.FIELD_IS_NUMERIC_DOUBLE;
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("cannot store numeric type " + number.GetType());
                @string = null;
                bytes = null;
                bytes = field.BinaryValue;
                if (bytes != null)
                    bits |= Lucene3xStoredFieldsReader.FIELD_IS_BINARY;
                    @string = null;
                    @string = field.StringValue;
                    if (@string == null)
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("field " + field.Name + " is stored but does not have binaryValue, stringValue nor numericValue");


            if (bytes != null)
                FieldsStream.WriteBytes(bytes.Bytes, bytes.Offset, bytes.Length);
            else if (@string != null)
                if (number is sbyte? || number is short? || number is int?)
                else if (number is long?)
                else if (number is float?)
                else if (number is double?)
Beispiel #35
 public abstract void AddField(int docID, IndexableField field, FieldInfo fieldInfo);
 public override void AddField(int docID, IndexableField field, FieldInfo fieldInfo)
     First.AddField(docID, field, fieldInfo);
     Second.AddField(docID, field, fieldInfo);
Beispiel #37
 protected internal virtual bool IsStoredField(IndexableField field)
     return(isValidKey( && field.fieldType().stored() && !FullTxData.TX_STATE_KEY.Equals(;
        public override void AddField(int docID, IndexableField field, FieldInfo fieldInfo)
            if (field.FieldType().Stored)
                if (NumStoredFields == StoredFields.Length)
                    int newSize = ArrayUtil.Oversize(NumStoredFields + 1, RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF);
                    IndexableField[] newArray = new IndexableField[newSize];
                    Array.Copy(StoredFields, 0, newArray, 0, NumStoredFields);
                    StoredFields = newArray;

                    FieldInfo[] newInfoArray = new FieldInfo[newSize];
                    Array.Copy(FieldInfos, 0, newInfoArray, 0, NumStoredFields);
                    FieldInfos = newInfoArray;

                StoredFields[NumStoredFields] = field;
                FieldInfos[NumStoredFields] = fieldInfo;

Beispiel #39
        private object GetFieldValue(IndexableField field)
            Number numericFieldValue = field.numericValue();

            return(numericFieldValue != null ? numericFieldValue : field.stringValue());
 /// <summary>
 /// Processes all occurrences of a single field </summary>
 public abstract void ProcessFields(IndexableField[] fields, int count);
 internal override void Start(IndexableField f)
     if (DoVectorOffsets)
         OffsetAttribute = FieldState.AttributeSource_Renamed.AddAttribute<IOffsetAttribute>();
         OffsetAttribute = null;
     if (DoVectorPayloads && FieldState.AttributeSource_Renamed.HasAttribute<IPayloadAttribute>())
         PayloadAttribute = FieldState.AttributeSource_Renamed.GetAttribute<IPayloadAttribute>();
         PayloadAttribute = null;
        internal override bool Start(IndexableField[] fields, int count)
            DoVectors = false;
            DoVectorPositions = false;
            DoVectorOffsets = false;
            DoVectorPayloads = false;
            HasPayloads = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                IndexableField field = fields[i];
                if (field.FieldType.Indexed)
                    if (field.FieldType.StoreTermVectors)
                        DoVectors = true;
                        DoVectorPositions |= field.FieldType.StoreTermVectorPositions;
                        DoVectorOffsets |= field.FieldType.StoreTermVectorOffsets;
                        if (DoVectorPositions)
                            DoVectorPayloads |= field.FieldType.StoreTermVectorPayloads;
                        else if (field.FieldType.StoreTermVectorPayloads)
                            // TODO: move this check somewhere else, and impl the other missing ones
                            throw new System.ArgumentException("cannot index term vector payloads without term vector positions (field=\"" + field.Name + "\")");
                        if (field.FieldType.StoreTermVectorOffsets)
                            throw new System.ArgumentException("cannot index term vector offsets when term vectors are not indexed (field=\"" + field.Name + "\")");
                        if (field.FieldType.StoreTermVectorPositions)
                            throw new System.ArgumentException("cannot index term vector positions when term vectors are not indexed (field=\"" + field.Name + "\")");
                        if (field.FieldType.StoreTermVectorPayloads)
                            throw new System.ArgumentException("cannot index term vector payloads when term vectors are not indexed (field=\"" + field.Name + "\")");
                    if (field.FieldType.StoreTermVectors)
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("cannot index term vectors when field is not indexed (field=\"" + field.Name + "\")");
                    if (field.FieldType.StoreTermVectorOffsets)
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("cannot index term vector offsets when field is not indexed (field=\"" + field.Name + "\")");
                    if (field.FieldType.StoreTermVectorPositions)
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("cannot index term vector positions when field is not indexed (field=\"" + field.Name + "\")");
                    if (field.FieldType.StoreTermVectorPayloads)
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("cannot index term vector payloads when field is not indexed (field=\"" + field.Name + "\")");

            if (DoVectors)
                TermsWriter.HasVectors = true;
                if (TermsHashPerField.BytesHash.Size() != 0)
                    // Only necessary if previous doc hit a
                    // non-aborting exception while writing vectors in
                    // this field:

            // TODO: only if needed for performance
            //perThread.postingsCount = 0;

            return DoVectors;
Beispiel #43
 private static void Add(IDictionary <string, IndexableField> map, IndexableField field)
     map[field.Name()] = field;
Beispiel #44
 internal override void Start(IndexableField f)
     TermAtt = FieldState.AttributeSource_Renamed.GetAttribute<ITermToBytesRefAttribute>();
     TermBytesRef = TermAtt.BytesRef;
     if (NextPerField != null)
Beispiel #45
 private static void Add(IDictionary<string, IndexableField> map, IndexableField field)
     map[field.Name()] = field;
        public virtual void SearchIndex(Directory dir, string oldName)
            //QueryParser parser = new QueryParser("contents", new MockAnalyzer(random));
            //Query query = parser.parse("handle:1");

            IndexReader   reader   = DirectoryReader.Open(dir);
            IndexSearcher searcher = NewSearcher(reader);


            // true if this is a 4.0+ index
            bool is40Index = MultiFields.GetMergedFieldInfos(reader).FieldInfo("content5") != null;
            // true if this is a 4.2+ index
            bool is42Index = MultiFields.GetMergedFieldInfos(reader).FieldInfo("dvSortedSet") != null;

            Debug.Assert(is40Index); // NOTE: currently we can only do this on trunk!

            Bits liveDocs = MultiFields.GetLiveDocs(reader);

            for (int i = 0; i < 35; i++)
                if (liveDocs.Get(i))
                    Document d = reader.Document(i);
                    IList <IndexableField> fields = d.Fields;
                    bool isProxDoc = d.GetField("content3") == null;
                    if (isProxDoc)
                        int numFields = is40Index ? 7 : 5;
                        Assert.AreEqual(numFields, fields.Count);
                        IndexableField f = d.GetField("id");
                        Assert.AreEqual("" + i, f.StringValue);

                        f = d.GetField("utf8");
                        Assert.AreEqual("Lu\uD834\uDD1Ece\uD834\uDD60ne \u0000 \u2620 ab\ud917\udc17cd", f.StringValue);

                        f = d.GetField("autf8");
                        Assert.AreEqual("Lu\uD834\uDD1Ece\uD834\uDD60ne \u0000 \u2620 ab\ud917\udc17cd", f.StringValue);

                        f = d.GetField("content2");
                        Assert.AreEqual("here is more content with aaa aaa aaa", f.StringValue);

                        f = d.GetField("fie\u2C77ld");
                        Assert.AreEqual("field with non-ascii name", f.StringValue);

                    Fields tfvFields = reader.GetTermVectors(i);
                    Assert.IsNotNull(tfvFields, "i=" + i);
                    Terms tfv = tfvFields.Terms("utf8");
                    Assert.IsNotNull(tfv, "docID=" + i + " index=" + oldName);
                    // Only ID 7 is deleted
                    Assert.AreEqual(7, i);

            if (is40Index)
                // check docvalues fields
                NumericDocValues   dvByte               = MultiDocValues.GetNumericValues(reader, "dvByte");
                BinaryDocValues    dvBytesDerefFixed    = MultiDocValues.GetBinaryValues(reader, "dvBytesDerefFixed");
                BinaryDocValues    dvBytesDerefVar      = MultiDocValues.GetBinaryValues(reader, "dvBytesDerefVar");
                SortedDocValues    dvBytesSortedFixed   = MultiDocValues.GetSortedValues(reader, "dvBytesSortedFixed");
                SortedDocValues    dvBytesSortedVar     = MultiDocValues.GetSortedValues(reader, "dvBytesSortedVar");
                BinaryDocValues    dvBytesStraightFixed = MultiDocValues.GetBinaryValues(reader, "dvBytesStraightFixed");
                BinaryDocValues    dvBytesStraightVar   = MultiDocValues.GetBinaryValues(reader, "dvBytesStraightVar");
                NumericDocValues   dvDouble             = MultiDocValues.GetNumericValues(reader, "dvDouble");
                NumericDocValues   dvFloat              = MultiDocValues.GetNumericValues(reader, "dvFloat");
                NumericDocValues   dvInt       = MultiDocValues.GetNumericValues(reader, "dvInt");
                NumericDocValues   dvLong      = MultiDocValues.GetNumericValues(reader, "dvLong");
                NumericDocValues   dvPacked    = MultiDocValues.GetNumericValues(reader, "dvPacked");
                NumericDocValues   dvShort     = MultiDocValues.GetNumericValues(reader, "dvShort");
                SortedSetDocValues dvSortedSet = null;
                if (is42Index)
                    dvSortedSet = MultiDocValues.GetSortedSetValues(reader, "dvSortedSet");

                for (int i = 0; i < 35; i++)
                    int id = Convert.ToInt32(reader.Document(i).Get("id"));
                    Assert.AreEqual(id, dvByte.Get(i));

                    sbyte[]  bytes       = new sbyte[] { (sbyte)((int)((uint)id >> 24)), (sbyte)((int)((uint)id >> 16)), (sbyte)((int)((uint)id >> 8)), (sbyte)id };
                    BytesRef expectedRef = new BytesRef((byte[])(Array)bytes);
                    BytesRef scratch     = new BytesRef();

                    dvBytesDerefFixed.Get(i, scratch);
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedRef, scratch);
                    dvBytesDerefVar.Get(i, scratch);
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedRef, scratch);
                    dvBytesSortedFixed.Get(i, scratch);
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedRef, scratch);
                    dvBytesSortedVar.Get(i, scratch);
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedRef, scratch);
                    dvBytesStraightFixed.Get(i, scratch);
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedRef, scratch);
                    dvBytesStraightVar.Get(i, scratch);
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedRef, scratch);

                    Assert.AreEqual((double)id, BitConverter.Int64BitsToDouble(dvDouble.Get(i)), 0D);
                    Assert.AreEqual((float)id, Number.IntBitsToFloat((int)dvFloat.Get(i)), 0F);
                    Assert.AreEqual(id, dvInt.Get(i));
                    Assert.AreEqual(id, dvLong.Get(i));
                    Assert.AreEqual(id, dvPacked.Get(i));
                    Assert.AreEqual(id, dvShort.Get(i));
                    if (is42Index)
                        dvSortedSet.Document = i;
                        long ord = dvSortedSet.NextOrd();
                        Assert.AreEqual(SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS, dvSortedSet.NextOrd());
                        dvSortedSet.LookupOrd(ord, scratch);
                        Assert.AreEqual(expectedRef, scratch);

            ScoreDoc[] hits = searcher.Search(new TermQuery(new Term("content", "aaa")), null, 1000).ScoreDocs;

            // First document should be #0
            Document doc = searcher.IndexReader.Document(hits[0].Doc);

            assertEquals("didn't get the right document first", "0", doc.Get("id"));

            DoTestHits(hits, 34, searcher.IndexReader);

            if (is40Index)
                hits = searcher.Search(new TermQuery(new Term("content5", "aaa")), null, 1000).ScoreDocs;

                DoTestHits(hits, 34, searcher.IndexReader);

                hits = searcher.Search(new TermQuery(new Term("content6", "aaa")), null, 1000).ScoreDocs;

                DoTestHits(hits, 34, searcher.IndexReader);

            hits = searcher.Search(new TermQuery(new Term("utf8", "\u0000")), null, 1000).ScoreDocs;
            Assert.AreEqual(34, hits.Length);
            hits = searcher.Search(new TermQuery(new Term("utf8", "lu\uD834\uDD1Ece\uD834\uDD60ne")), null, 1000).ScoreDocs;
            Assert.AreEqual(34, hits.Length);
            hits = searcher.Search(new TermQuery(new Term("utf8", "ab\ud917\udc17cd")), null, 1000).ScoreDocs;
            Assert.AreEqual(34, hits.Length);

Beispiel #47
 internal override bool Start(IndexableField[] fields, int count)
     DoCall = Consumer.Start(fields, count);
     if (NextPerField != null)
         DoNextCall = NextPerField.Start(fields, count);
     return DoCall || DoNextCall;