Beispiel #1
        } // method DrawGrayScaleSpectrograms()

        public static Image <Rgb24> DrawFalseColourSpectrograms(Arguments args, string fileStem, Dictionary <string, double[, ]> spectra = null)
            //DirectoryInfo inputDirectory = args.InputDataDirectory;
            var indexPropertiesConfig = args.IndexPropertiesConfig.ToFileInfo();
            Dictionary <string, IndexProperties> indexProperties = IndexProperties.GetIndexProperties(indexPropertiesConfig);

            return(DrawFalseColorSpectrograms(args, fileStem, indexProperties, spectra));
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws two false-color spectrograms using a default set of arguments.
        /// </summary>
        public static Image DrawFalseColorSpectrograms(string fileStem, TimeSpan dataScale, FileInfo indexPropertiesConfig, Dictionary <string, double[, ]> spectra = null)
            // read in index properties and create a new entry for "PHN"
            Dictionary <string, IndexProperties> indexProperties = IndexProperties.GetIndexProperties(indexPropertiesConfig);

            var args = new Arguments();

            // args.InputDataDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(outputDirectory.FullName, recording.BaseName + ".csv")),
            // args.OutputDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(outputDirectory.FullName + @"/SpectrogramImages");
            args.FalseColourSpectrogramConfig = null;
            args.IndexPropertiesConfig        = indexPropertiesConfig.FullName;
            args.ColourMap1    = LDSpectrogramRGB.DefaultColorMap1;
            args.ColourMap2    = LDSpectrogramRGB.DefaultColorMap2;
            args.TemporalScale = dataScale;

            return(DrawFalseColorSpectrograms(args, fileStem, indexProperties, spectra));
Beispiel #3
        public static void DrawSummaryIndexFiles(
            Dictionary <string, double[]> dictionaryOfCsvColumns,
            IndexGenerationData indexGenerationData,
            FileInfo indexPropertiesConfigFileInfo,
            DirectoryInfo opDir,
            SiteDescription siteDescription,
            FileInfo sunriseDatafile = null,
            List <GapsAndJoins> erroneousSegments = null, // info if have fatal errors i.e. no signal
            bool verbose = false)
            var dto = (DateTimeOffset)indexGenerationData.RecordingStartDate;

            string dateString = $"{dto.Year}{dto.Month:D2}{dto.Day:D2}";
            string opFileStem = $"{siteDescription.SiteName}_{dateString}";

            // Calculate the index distribution statistics and write to a json file. Also save as png image
            var indexDistributions = IndexDistributions.WriteSummaryIndexDistributionStatistics(dictionaryOfCsvColumns, opDir, opFileStem);

            var    start     = ((DateTimeOffset)indexGenerationData.RecordingStartDate).TimeOfDay;
            string startTime = $"{start.Hours:d2}{start.Minutes:d2}h";

            if (start.Hours == 0 && start.Minutes == 0)
                startTime = "midnight";

            string titletext =
                $"SOURCE: \"{opFileStem}\".     Starts at {startTime}                       {Meta.OrganizationTag}";
            Bitmap tracksImage = IndexDisplay.DrawImageOfSummaryIndices(
            var imagePath = FilenameHelpers.AnalysisResultPath(opDir, opFileStem, SummaryIndicesStr, ImgFileExt);

Beispiel #4
        } // method DrawRidgeSpectrograms()

        public static Image DrawRidgeSpectrograms(DirectoryInfo inputDirectory, FileInfo ipConfig, string fileStem, double scale, Dictionary <string, double[, ]> spectra = null)
            string analysisType = AcousticIndices.TowseyAcoustic;

            //double backgroundFilter = 0.0; // 0.0 means small values are removed.
            double backgroundFilter = 0.75;  // 0.75 means small values are accentuated.
            var    dataScale        = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(scale);

            Dictionary <string, IndexProperties> indexProperties = IndexProperties.GetIndexProperties(ipConfig);

            string[] keys = SpectralPeakTracks.GetDefaultRidgeKeys();

            // read the csv files of the indices in keys array
            if (spectra == null)
                spectra = IndexMatrices.ReadSpectralIndices(inputDirectory, fileStem, analysisType, keys);

            var cs1 = new LDSpectrogramRGB(minuteOffset: TimeSpan.Zero, xScale: dataScale, sampleRate: 22050, frameWidth: 512, colorMap: null)
                FileName                 = fileStem,
                BackgroundFilter         = backgroundFilter,
                IndexCalculationDuration = dataScale,

            // set the relevant dictionary of index properties
            cs1.SpectrogramMatrices = spectra;
            if (cs1.GetCountOfSpectrogramMatrices() == 0)
                LoggedConsole.WriteLine("WARNING:  " + fileStem + ":   No spectrogram matrices in the dictionary. Spectrogram files do not exist?");
            else if (cs1.GetCountOfSpectrogramMatrices() < keys.Length)
                LoggedConsole.WriteLine("WARNING:  " + fileStem + ":   Missing indices in the dictionary. Some files do not exist?");

            var stringFont = Drawing.Tahoma8;

            // constants for labels
            Color[]       color       = { Color.Blue, Color.Green, Color.Red, Color.Orange, Color.Purple };
            int           labelYvalue = 3;
            int           labelIndex  = 0;
            Image <Rgb24> ridges      = null;

            foreach (string key in keys)
                Image <Rgb24> greyScaleImage = (Image <Rgb24>)cs1.DrawGreyscaleSpectrogramOfIndex(key);
                var           pixelWidth     = greyScaleImage.Width;

                int height = greyScaleImage.Height;
                ridges.Mutate(g2 =>
                    if (ridges == null)
                        ridges = new Image <Rgb24>(pixelWidth, height);

                    g2.DrawText(key, stringFont, color[labelIndex], new PointF(0, labelYvalue));
                labelYvalue += 10;

                //g1.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), 0, 0, width, 0);//draw upper boundary
                //g1.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), 0, 1, width, 1);//draw upper boundary

                // transfer greyscale image to colour image
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < pixelWidth; x++)
                        var col = greyScaleImage[x, y];
                        if (col.G < 150)
                            ridges[x, y] = color[labelIndex];

                labelIndex += 1;
            } //foreach key

        } // method DrawRidgeSpectrograms()
Beispiel #5
        } // method DrawAggregatedSpectrograms()

        public static Image <Rgb24> DrawGrayScaleSpectrograms(Arguments arguments, string fileStem, TimeSpan dataScale, Dictionary <string, double[, ]> spectra = null)
            // default values
            int sampleRate = 22050;
            int frameWidth = 512;

            //double backgroundFilter = 0.0; // 0.0 means small values are removed.
            double backgroundFilter = 0.75;  // 0.75 means small values are accentuated.
            string analysisType     = AcousticIndices.TowseyAcoustic;

            string[] keys           = LDSpectrogramRGB.GetArrayOfAvailableKeys();
            var      inputDirectory = arguments.InputDataDirectory;
            Dictionary <string, IndexProperties> indexProperties = IndexProperties.GetIndexProperties(arguments.IndexPropertiesConfig.ToFileInfo());

            if (spectra == null)
                spectra = IndexMatrices.ReadSpectralIndices(inputDirectory.ToDirectoryInfo(), fileStem, analysisType, keys);

            // note: the spectra are oriented as per visual orientation, i.e. xAxis = time frames
            //int frameCount = spectra[keys[0]].GetLength(1);
            var cs1 = new LDSpectrogramRGB(minuteOffset: TimeSpan.Zero, xScale: dataScale, sampleRate: sampleRate, frameWidth: frameWidth, colorMap: null)
                FileName                 = fileStem,
                BackgroundFilter         = backgroundFilter,
                IndexCalculationDuration = dataScale,

            cs1.SetSpectralIndexProperties(indexProperties); // set the relevant dictionary of index properties
            cs1.SpectrogramMatrices = spectra;
            if (cs1.GetCountOfSpectrogramMatrices() == 0)
                LoggedConsole.WriteLine("WARNING:  " + fileStem + ":   No spectrogram matrices in the dictionary. Spectrogram files do not exist?");

            var list       = new List <Image <Rgb24> >();
            var stringFont = Drawing.Arial14;

            foreach (string key in keys)
                var image = cs1.DrawGreyscaleSpectrogramOfIndex(key);

                int width  = 70;
                int height = image.Height;
                var label  = new Image <Rgb24>(width, height);
                label.Mutate(g1 =>
                    g1.DrawText(key, stringFont, Color.Black, new PointF(4, 30));
                    g1.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), 0, 0, width, 0); //draw upper boundary
                    g1.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), 0, 1, width, 1); //draw upper boundary
                var imagearray    = new[] { label, image };
                var labelledImage = ImageTools.CombineImagesInLine(imagearray);
            } //foreach key

            var combinedImage = ImageTools.CombineImagesVertically(list);

        } // method DrawGrayScaleSpectrograms()
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// 2. Analyses long audio recording (mp3 or wav) as per passed config file. Outputs an events.csv file AND an
        /// indices.csv file
        /// Signed off: Michael Towsey 4th December 2012
        /// </summary>
        public static void Execute(Arguments arguments)
            if (arguments == null)
                throw new NoDeveloperMethodException();

            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# PROCESS LONG RECORDING");
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# DATE AND TIME: " + DateTime.Now);

            // 1. set up the necessary files
            var sourceAudio        = arguments.Source;
            var configFile         = arguments.Config.ToFileInfo();
            var outputDirectory    = arguments.Output;
            var tempFilesDirectory = arguments.TempDir;

            // if a temp dir is not given, use output dir as temp dir
            if (tempFilesDirectory == null)
                Log.Warn("No temporary directory provided, using output directory");
                tempFilesDirectory = outputDirectory;

            // try an automatically find the config file
            if (configFile == null)
                throw new FileNotFoundException("No config file argument provided");
            else if (!configFile.Exists)
                Log.Warn($"Config file {configFile.FullName} not found... attempting to resolve config file");

                // we use .ToString() here to get the original input string - Using fullname always produces an absolute path wrt to pwd... we don't want to prematurely make asusmptions:
                // e.g. We require a missing absolute path to fail... that wouldn't work with .Name
                // e.g. We require a relative path to try and resolve, using .FullName would fail the first absolute check inside ResolveConfigFile
                configFile = ConfigFile.Resolve(configFile.ToString(), Directory.GetCurrentDirectory().ToDirectoryInfo());

            if (arguments.StartOffset.HasValue ^ arguments.EndOffset.HasValue)
                throw new InvalidStartOrEndException("If StartOffset or EndOffset is specified, then both must be specified");

            if (arguments.StartOffset.HasValue && arguments.EndOffset.HasValue && arguments.EndOffset.Value <= arguments.StartOffset.Value)
                throw new InvalidStartOrEndException("Start offset must be less than end offset.");

            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# Recording file:      " + sourceAudio.FullName);
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# Configuration file:  " + configFile);
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# Output folder:       " + outputDirectory);
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# Temp File Directory: " + tempFilesDirectory);

            // optionally copy logs / config to make results easier to understand
            // TODO: remove, see
            if (arguments.WhenExitCopyConfig || arguments.WhenExitCopyLog)
                AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += (sender, args) => { Cleanup(arguments, configFile); };

            // 2. initialize the analyzer
            // we're changing the way resolving config files works. Ideally, we'd like to use statically typed config files
            // but we can't do that unless we know which type we have to load first! Currently analyzer to load is in
            // the config file so we can't know which analyzer we can use. Thus we will change to using the file name,
            // or an argument to resolve the analyzer to load.
            // Get analysis name:
            IAnalyser2 analyzer = FindAndCheckAnalyzer <IAnalyser2>(arguments.AnalysisIdentifier, configFile.Name);

            // 2. get the analysis config
            AnalyzerConfig configuration = analyzer.ParseConfig(configFile);

            SaveBehavior saveIntermediateWavFiles  = configuration.SaveIntermediateWavFiles;
            bool         saveIntermediateDataFiles = configuration.SaveIntermediateCsvFiles;
            SaveBehavior saveSonogramsImages       = configuration.SaveSonogramImages;

            bool filenameDate = configuration.RequireDateInFilename;

            if (configuration[AnalysisKeys.AnalysisName].IsNotWhitespace())
                Log.Warn("Your config file has `AnalysisName` set - this property is deprecated and ignored");

            // AT 2018-02: changed logic so default index properties loaded if not provided
            FileInfo indicesPropertiesConfig = IndexProperties.Find(configuration, configFile);

            if (indicesPropertiesConfig == null || !indicesPropertiesConfig.Exists)
                Log.Warn("IndexProperties config can not be found! Loading a default");
                indicesPropertiesConfig = ConfigFile.Default <Dictionary <string, IndexProperties> >();

            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# IndexProperties Cfg: " + indicesPropertiesConfig.FullName);

            // min score for an acceptable event
            Log.Info("Minimum event threshold has been set to " + configuration.EventThreshold);

            FileSegment.FileDateBehavior defaultBehavior = FileSegment.FileDateBehavior.Try;
            if (filenameDate)
                if (!FileDateHelpers.FileNameContainsDateTime(sourceAudio.Name))
                    throw new InvalidFileDateException(
                              "When RequireDateInFilename option is set, the filename of the source audio file must contain "
                              + "a valid AND UNAMBIGUOUS date. Such a date was not able to be parsed.");

                defaultBehavior = FileSegment.FileDateBehavior.Required;

            // 3. initilize AnalysisCoordinator class that will do the analysis
            var analysisCoordinator = new AnalysisCoordinator(
                new LocalSourcePreparer(),

            // 4. get the segment of audio to be analysed
            // if tiling output, specify that FileSegment needs to be able to read the date
            var fileSegment         = new FileSegment(sourceAudio, arguments.AlignToMinute, null, defaultBehavior);
            var bothOffsetsProvided = arguments.StartOffset.HasValue && arguments.EndOffset.HasValue;

            if (bothOffsetsProvided)
                fileSegment.SegmentStartOffset = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(arguments.StartOffset.Value);
                fileSegment.SegmentEndOffset   = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(arguments.EndOffset.Value);
                Log.Debug("Neither start nor end segment offsets provided. Therefore both were ignored.");

            // 6. initialize the analysis settings object
            var analysisSettings = analyzer.DefaultSettings;

            analysisSettings.ConfigFile                = configFile;
            analysisSettings.Configuration             = configuration;
            analysisSettings.AnalysisOutputDirectory   = outputDirectory;
            analysisSettings.AnalysisTempDirectory     = tempFilesDirectory;
            analysisSettings.AnalysisDataSaveBehavior  = saveIntermediateDataFiles;
            analysisSettings.AnalysisImageSaveBehavior = saveSonogramsImages;
            analysisSettings.AnalysisChannelSelection  = arguments.Channels;
            analysisSettings.AnalysisMixDownToMono     = arguments.MixDownToMono;

            var segmentDuration = configuration.SegmentDuration?.Seconds();

            if (!segmentDuration.HasValue)
                segmentDuration = analysisSettings.AnalysisMaxSegmentDuration ?? TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);
                    $"Can't read `{nameof(AnalyzerConfig.SegmentDuration)}` from config file. "
                    + $"Default value of {segmentDuration} used)");

            analysisSettings.AnalysisMaxSegmentDuration = segmentDuration.Value;

            var segmentOverlap = configuration.SegmentOverlap?.Seconds();

            if (!segmentOverlap.HasValue)
                segmentOverlap = analysisSettings.SegmentOverlapDuration;
                    $"Can't read `{nameof(AnalyzerConfig.SegmentOverlap)}` from config file. "
                    + $"Default value of {segmentOverlap} used)");

            analysisSettings.SegmentOverlapDuration = segmentOverlap.Value;

            // set target sample rate
            var resampleRate = configuration.ResampleRate;

            if (!resampleRate.HasValue)
                resampleRate = analysisSettings.AnalysisTargetSampleRate ?? AppConfigHelper.DefaultTargetSampleRate;
                    $"Can't read {nameof(configuration.ResampleRate)} from config file. "
                    + $"Default value of {resampleRate} used)");

            analysisSettings.AnalysisTargetSampleRate = resampleRate;

                $"{nameof(configuration.SegmentDuration)}={segmentDuration}, "
                + $"{nameof(configuration.SegmentOverlap)}={segmentOverlap}, "
                + $"{nameof(configuration.ResampleRate)}={resampleRate}");

            // 7. ####################################### DO THE ANALYSIS ###################################
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("START ANALYSIS ...");
            var analyserResults = analysisCoordinator.Run(fileSegment, analyzer, analysisSettings);

            // ##############################################################################################
            // 8. PROCESS THE RESULTS
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("START PROCESSING RESULTS ...");
            if (analyserResults == null)
                LoggedConsole.WriteErrorLine("The Analysis Run Coordinator has returned a null result.");
                throw new AnalysisOptionDevilException();

            // Merge and correct main result types
            EventBase[]         mergedEventResults         = ResultsTools.MergeResults(analyserResults, ar => ar.Events, ResultsTools.CorrectEvent);
            SummaryIndexBase[]  mergedIndicesResults       = ResultsTools.MergeResults(analyserResults, ar => ar.SummaryIndices, ResultsTools.CorrectSummaryIndex);
            SpectralIndexBase[] mergedSpectralIndexResults = ResultsTools.MergeResults(analyserResults, ar => ar.SpectralIndices, ResultsTools.CorrectSpectrumIndex);

            // not an exceptional state, do not throw exception
            if (mergedEventResults != null && mergedEventResults.Length == 0)
                LoggedConsole.WriteWarnLine("The analysis produced no EVENTS (mergedResults had zero count)");

            if (mergedIndicesResults != null && mergedIndicesResults.Length == 0)
                LoggedConsole.WriteWarnLine("The analysis produced no Summary INDICES (mergedResults had zero count)");

            if (mergedSpectralIndexResults != null && mergedSpectralIndexResults.Length == 0)
                LoggedConsole.WriteWarnLine("The analysis produced no Spectral INDICES (merged results had zero count)");

            // get the duration of the original source audio file - need this to convert Events datatable to Indices Datatable
            var audioUtility = new MasterAudioUtility(tempFilesDirectory);
            var mimeType     = MediaTypes.GetMediaType(sourceAudio.Extension);
            var sourceInfo   = audioUtility.Info(sourceAudio);

            // updated by reference all the way down in LocalSourcePreparer
            Debug.Assert(fileSegment.TargetFileDuration == sourceInfo.Duration);
            var duration = fileSegment.TargetFileDuration.Value;

                ref mergedIndicesResults,
            int eventsCount           = mergedEventResults?.Length ?? 0;
            int numberOfRowsOfIndices = mergedIndicesResults?.Length ?? 0;

            // 10. Allow analysers to post-process

            // TODO: remove results directory if possible
            var instanceOutputDirectory =
                AnalysisCoordinator.GetNamedDirectory(analysisSettings.AnalysisOutputDirectory, analyzer);

            // 11. IMPORTANT - this is where IAnalyser2's post processor gets called.
            // Produces all spectrograms and images of SPECTRAL INDICES.
            // Long duration spectrograms are drawn IFF analysis type is Towsey.Acoustic
            analyzer.SummariseResults(analysisSettings, fileSegment, mergedEventResults, mergedIndicesResults, mergedSpectralIndexResults, analyserResults);

            // 12. SAVE THE RESULTS
            string fileNameBase = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sourceAudio.Name);

            var eventsFile  = ResultsTools.SaveEvents(analyzer, fileNameBase, instanceOutputDirectory, mergedEventResults);
            var indicesFile = ResultsTools.SaveSummaryIndices(analyzer, fileNameBase, instanceOutputDirectory, mergedIndicesResults);
            var spectraFile = ResultsTools.SaveSpectralIndices(analyzer, fileNameBase, instanceOutputDirectory, mergedSpectralIndexResults);

            //     Convert summary indices to black and white tracks image
            if (mergedIndicesResults == null)
                Log.Info("No summary indices produced");
                if (indicesPropertiesConfig == null || !indicesPropertiesConfig.Exists)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot process indices without an index configuration file, the file could not be found!");

                // this arbitrary amount of data.
                if (mergedIndicesResults.Length > 5000)
                    Log.Warn("Summary Indices Image not able to be drawn - there are too many indices to render");
                    var    basename   = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileNameBase);
                    string imageTitle = $"SOURCE:{basename},   {Meta.OrganizationTag};  ";

                    // Draw Tracks-Image of Summary indices
                    // set time scale resolution for drawing of summary index tracks
                    TimeSpan timeScale   = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1);
                    Bitmap   tracksImage =
                    var imagePath = FilenameHelpers.AnalysisResultPath(instanceOutputDirectory, basename, "SummaryIndices", ImageFileExt);

            // 14. wrap up, write stats
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("INDICES CSV file(s) = " + (indicesFile?.Name ?? "<<No indices result, no file!>>"));
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("\tNumber of rows (i.e. minutes) in CSV file of indices = " + numberOfRowsOfIndices);

            if (eventsFile == null)
                LoggedConsole.WriteLine("An Events CSV file was NOT returned.");
                LoggedConsole.WriteLine("EVENTS CSV file(s) = " + eventsFile.Name);
                LoggedConsole.WriteLine("\tNumber of events = " + eventsCount);

            Log.Success($"Analysis Complete.\nSource={sourceAudio.Name}\nOutput={instanceOutputDirectory.FullName}");
Beispiel #7
        public static void Execute(Arguments arguments)
            var inputDirs = arguments.InputDataDirectories.Select(FileInfoExtensions.ToDirectoryInfo);
            var output    = arguments.OutputDirectory.ToDirectoryInfo();

            string date = "# DATE AND TIME: " + DateTime.Now;

            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("\n# DRAW an EASY IMAGE from consecutive days of SUMMARY INDICES in CSV files.");
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("#    IT IS ASSUMED THAT THE CSV files are already concatenated into 24 hour files.");
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# Summary Index.csv files are in directories:");
            foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in inputDirs)
                LoggedConsole.WriteLine("    {0}", dir.FullName);

            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# Output directory: " + output);
            if (arguments.StartDate == null)
                LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# Start date = NULL (No argument provided). Will revise start date ....");
                LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# Start date = " + arguments.StartDate.ToString());

            if (arguments.EndDate == null)
                LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# End   date = NULL (No argument provided). Will revise end date ....");
                LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# End   date = " + arguments.EndDate.ToString());

            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# FILE FILTER = " + arguments.FileFilter);

            //string pattern = "*__Towsey.Acoustic.Indices.csv";
            FileInfo[] csvFiles = IndexMatrices.GetFilesInDirectories(inputDirs.ToArray(), arguments.FileFilter);

            //LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# Subdirectories Count = " + subDirectories.Length);
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# SummaryIndexFiles.csv Count = " + csvFiles.Length);

            if (csvFiles.Length == 0)
                LoggedConsole.WriteErrorLine("\n\nWARNING from method DrawEasyImage.Execute():");
                LoggedConsole.WriteErrorLine("        No SUMMARY index files were found.");
                LoggedConsole.WriteErrorLine("        RETURNING EMPTY HANDED!");

            // Sort the files by date and return as a dictionary: sortedDictionaryOfDatesAndFiles<DateTimeOffset, FileInfo>
            //var sortedDictionaryOfDatesAndFiles = LDSpectrogramStitching.FilterFilesForDates(csvFiles, arguments.TimeSpanOffsetHint);

            // calculate new start date if passed value = null.
            DateTimeOffset?startDate = arguments.StartDate;
            DateTimeOffset?endDate   = arguments.EndDate;

            TimeSpan totalTimespan = (DateTimeOffset)endDate - (DateTimeOffset)startDate;
            int      dayCount      = totalTimespan.Days + 1; // assume last day has full 24 hours of recording available.

            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("\n# Start date = " + startDate.ToString());
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# End   date = " + endDate.ToString());
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine(string.Format("# Elapsed time = {0:f1} hours", dayCount * 24));
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# Day  count = " + dayCount + " (inclusive of start and end days)");
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# Time Zone  = " + arguments.TimeSpanOffsetHint.ToString());

            // create top level output directory if it does not exist.
            DirectoryInfo opDir = output;

            if (!opDir.Exists)

            // The following location data is used only to draw the sunrise/sunset tracks on images.
            double?latitude        = null;
            double?longitude       = null;
            var    siteDescription = new SiteDescription();

            siteDescription.SiteName  = arguments.FileStemName;
            siteDescription.Latitude  = latitude;
            siteDescription.Longitude = longitude;

            // the following required if drawing the index images
            FileInfo indexPropertiesConfig = null;

            // require IndexGenerationData and indexPropertiesConfig for drawing
            //indexGenerationData = IndexGenerationData.GetIndexGenerationData(csvFiles[0].Directory);
            indexPropertiesConfig = arguments.IndexPropertiesConfig.ToFileInfo();
            Dictionary <string, IndexProperties>    listOfIndexProperties = IndexProperties.GetIndexProperties(indexPropertiesConfig);
            Tuple <List <string>, List <double[]> > tuple = CsvTools.ReadCSVFile(csvFiles[0].FullName);
            var names = tuple.Item1;

            // default EASY indices
            int    redID = 3; // backgroundNoise
            int    grnID = 5; // avSNROfActiveframes
            int    bluID = 7; // events per second
            string rep   = @"bgn-avsnr-evn";

            // ACI Ht Hpeaks EASY indices
            if (false)
                redID = 11;  // ACI
                grnID = 12;  // Ht

                //bluID = 13;  // HavgSp
                //bluID = 14;  // Hvariance
                //bluID = 15;  // Hpeaks
                bluID = 16;  // Hcov

                //bluID = 7;  // SPT
                rep = @"aci-ht-hcov";

                //rep = @"aci-ht-spt";

            // LF, MF, HF
            if (true)
                redID = 10;  // LF
                grnID = 9;   // MF
                bluID = 8;   // HF
                rep   = @"lf-mf-hf";

            IndexProperties redIndexProps = listOfIndexProperties[names[redID]];
            IndexProperties grnIndexProps = listOfIndexProperties[names[grnID]];
            IndexProperties bluIndexProps = listOfIndexProperties[names[bluID]];

            int dayPixelHeight = 4;
            int rowCount       = (dayPixelHeight * dayCount) + 35; // +30 for grid lines
            int colCount       = 1440;
            var bitmap         = new Image <Rgb24>(colCount, rowCount);
            var colour         = Color.Yellow;
            int currentRow     = 0;
            var oneDay         = TimeSpan.FromHours(24);
            int graphWidth     = colCount;
            int trackHeight    = 20;
            var stringFont     = Drawing.Arial8;

            string[] monthNames = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };

            // for drawing the y-axis scale
            int scaleWidth = trackHeight + 7;
            var yAxisScale = new Image <Rgb24>(scaleWidth, rowCount + (2 * trackHeight));

            yAxisScale.Mutate(g =>

                // loop over days
                for (int d = 0; d < dayCount; d++)
                    var thisday = ((DateTimeOffset)startDate).AddDays(d);

                    if (thisday.Day == 1)
                        int nextRow = currentRow + 1;
                        for (int c = 0; c < colCount; c++)
                            bitmap[c, currentRow] = Color.Gray;
                            bitmap[c, nextRow]    = Color.Gray;

                        for (int c = 0; c < scaleWidth; c++)
                            yAxisScale[c, currentRow + trackHeight] = Color.Gray;
                            yAxisScale[c, nextRow + trackHeight]    = Color.Gray;

                        string month = monthNames[thisday.Month - 1];
                        if (thisday.Month == 1) // January
                            g.DrawText(thisday.Year.ToString(), stringFont, Color.White,
                                       new PointF(0, nextRow + trackHeight + 1));  //draw time
                            g.DrawText(month, stringFont, Color.White,
                                       new PointF(1, nextRow + trackHeight + 11)); //draw time
                            g.DrawText(month, stringFont, Color.White,
                                       new PointF(1, nextRow + trackHeight + 1)); //draw time

                        currentRow += 2;

                    // get the exact date and time
                    LoggedConsole.WriteLine($"READING DAY {d + 1} of {dayCount}:   {thisday.ToString()}");

                    // CREATE DAY LEVEL OUTPUT DIRECTORY for this day
                    string dateString = $"{thisday.Year}{thisday.Month:D2}{thisday.Day:D2}";

                    tuple      = CsvTools.ReadCSVFile(csvFiles[d].FullName);
                    var arrays = tuple.Item2;

                    var redArray = arrays[redID];
                    var grnArray = arrays[grnID];
                    var bluArray = arrays[bluID];

                    // NormaliseMatrixValues the indices
                    redArray = DataTools.NormaliseInZeroOne(redArray, redIndexProps.NormMin, redIndexProps.NormMax);
                    grnArray = DataTools.NormaliseInZeroOne(grnArray, grnIndexProps.NormMin, grnIndexProps.NormMax);
                    bluArray = DataTools.NormaliseInZeroOne(bluArray, bluIndexProps.NormMin, bluIndexProps.NormMax);

                    for (int c = 0; c < colCount; c++)
                        for (int r = 0; r < dayPixelHeight; r++)
                            //transformedValue = Math.Sqrt(redArray[c]);
                            var transformedValue = redArray[c] * redArray[c];
                            int redVal           = (int)Math.Round(transformedValue * 255);
                            if (redVal < 0)
                                redVal = 0;
                            else if (redVal > 255)
                                redVal = 255;

                            //transformedValue = Math.Sqrt(grnArray[c]);
                            transformedValue = grnArray[c] * grnArray[c]; // square the value
                            int grnVal       = (int)Math.Round(transformedValue * 255);
                            if (grnVal < 0)
                                grnVal = 0;
                            else if (grnVal > 255)
                                grnVal = 255;

                            //transformedValue = Math.Sqrt(bluArray[c]);
                            transformedValue = bluArray[c] * bluArray[c]; // square the value
                            int bluVal       = (int)Math.Round(transformedValue * 255);
                            if (bluVal < 0)
                                bluVal = 0;
                            else if (bluVal > 255)
                                bluVal = 255;

                            bitmap[c, currentRow + r] = Color.FromRgb((byte)redVal, (byte)grnVal, (byte)bluVal);
                    } // over all columns

                    currentRow += dayPixelHeight;

                    if (thisday.Day % 7 == 0)
                        for (int c = 0; c < colCount; c++)
                            bitmap[c, currentRow] = Color.Gray;

                } // over days
            // draw on civil dawn and dusk lines
            int startdayOfYear = ((DateTimeOffset)startDate).DayOfYear;
            int endDayOfYear   = ((DateTimeOffset)endDate).DayOfYear;

            SunAndMoon.AddSunRiseSetLinesToImage(bitmap, arguments.BrisbaneSunriseDatafile.ToFileInfo(), startdayOfYear, endDayOfYear, dayPixelHeight);

            // add the time scales
            Image <Rgb24> timeBmp1      = ImageTrack.DrawTimeRelativeTrack(oneDay, graphWidth, trackHeight);
            var           imageList     = new [] { timeBmp1, bitmap, timeBmp1 };
            Image <Rgb24> compositeBmp1 = (Image <Rgb24>)ImageTools.CombineImagesVertically(imageList);

            imageList = new [] { yAxisScale, compositeBmp1 };
            Image <Rgb24> compositeBmp2 = (Image <Rgb24>)ImageTools.CombineImagesInLine(imageList);

            // indices used for image
            string        indicesDescription = $"{redIndexProps.Name}|{grnIndexProps.Name}|{bluIndexProps.Name}";
            string        startString        = $"{startDate.Value.Year}/{startDate.Value.Month}/{startDate.Value.Day}";
            string        endString          = $"{endDate.Value.Year}/{endDate.Value.Month}/{endDate.Value.Day}";
            string        title    = $"EASY:   {arguments.FileStemName}    From {startString} to {endString}                          Indices: {indicesDescription}";
            Image <Rgb24> titleBar = ImageTrack.DrawTitleTrack(compositeBmp2.Width, trackHeight, title);

            imageList     = new [] { titleBar, compositeBmp2 };
            compositeBmp2 = (Image <Rgb24>)ImageTools.CombineImagesVertically(imageList);
            var outputFileName = Path.Combine(opDir.FullName, arguments.FileStemName + "." + rep + ".EASY.png");

        } // Execute()
Beispiel #8
        [DataRow(0.1, 35990)] // at this scale 10 pixels are missing... image is padded by 0 px, and misisng 10px
        public void TestImagesHaveCorrectLength(double renderScale, int expectedWidth)
            // this value just represents a 'render as much as you can until this limit' threshold
            const int ImageWidth = 1024;

            var dataScale  = 0.1.Seconds();
            var imageScale = renderScale.Seconds();

            var recordingDuration = 3599.Seconds();

            // we simulate rendering the last tile at each resolution
            var tileDuration  = imageScale.Multiply(ImageWidth);
            var numberOfTiles = (int)Math.Floor(recordingDuration.TotalSeconds / tileDuration.TotalSeconds);
            var startTime     = tileDuration.Multiply(numberOfTiles);

            // 1 second short of an hour - this is the test case
            var endTime = recordingDuration;

            var config = new LdSpectrogramConfig()
                // same color map to reduce memory stress for test
                ColorMap1 = SpectrogramConstants.RGBMap_BGN_PMN_EVN,
                ColorMap2 = SpectrogramConstants.RGBMap_BGN_PMN_EVN,

            var generationData = new IndexGenerationData()
                IndexCalculationDuration = dataScale,
                FrameLength       = 512,
                FrameStep         = 0,
                RecordingDuration = recordingDuration,
            var indexProperties =

            // create some fake spectra
            int duration = (int)(recordingDuration.TotalSeconds / dataScale.TotalSeconds);
            var spectra  = new Dictionary <string, double[, ]>();

            foreach (var key in config.GetKeys())
                var values = new double[256, duration].Fill(indexProperties[key].DefaultValue);
                spectra.Add(key, values);

            string basename = "abc";

            var image = ZoomCommon.DrawIndexSpectrogramCommon(

            // since we just asked for a fragment of the image at the end,
            // the expected width is just for that last fragment
            var lastWidth = expectedWidth - (numberOfTiles * ImageWidth);

            Assert.That.ImageIsSize(lastWidth, 256, image);

            Image <Rgb24> bitmap = (Image <Rgb24>)image;

            // test output for debugging
            //image.Save("./" + renderScale + ".png");
            Assert.That.ImageRegionIsColor(new Rectangle(0, 0, lastWidth, 256), Color.Black, bitmap, 0);
Beispiel #9
        } // method DrawAggregatedSpectrograms()

        public static Image DrawGrayScaleSpectrograms(Arguments arguments, string fileStem, TimeSpan dataScale, Dictionary <string, double[, ]> spectra = null)
            int sampleRate = 22050;
            int frameWidth = 512;

            //double backgroundFilter = 0.0; // 0.0 means small values are removed.
            double backgroundFilter = 0.75;  // 0.75 means small values are accentuated.
            string analysisType     = AcousticIndices.TowseyAcoustic;

            string[] keys = LDSpectrogramRGB.GetArrayOfAvailableKeys();

            //LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# Spectrogram Config      file: " + arguments.SpectrogramConfigPath);
            //LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# Index Properties Config file: " + arguments.IndexPropertiesConfig);
            var inputDirectory = arguments.InputDataDirectory;
            Dictionary <string, IndexProperties> indexProperties = IndexProperties.GetIndexProperties(arguments.IndexPropertiesConfig.ToFileInfo());

            if (spectra == null)
                spectra = IndexMatrices.ReadSpectralIndices(inputDirectory.ToDirectoryInfo(), fileStem, analysisType, keys);

            // note: the spectra are oriented as per visual orientation, i.e. xAxis = time frames
            //int frameCount = spectra[keys[0]].GetLength(1);
            var cs1 = new LDSpectrogramRGB(minuteOffset: TimeSpan.Zero, xScale: dataScale, sampleRate: sampleRate, frameWidth: frameWidth, colourMap: null)
                FileName                 = fileStem,
                BackgroundFilter         = backgroundFilter,
                IndexCalculationDuration = dataScale,

            cs1.SetSpectralIndexProperties(indexProperties); // set the relevant dictionary of index properties
            cs1.SpectrogramMatrices = spectra;
            if (cs1.GetCountOfSpectrogramMatrices() == 0)
                LoggedConsole.WriteLine("WARNING:  " + fileStem + ":   No spectrogram matrices in the dictionary. Spectrogram files do not exist?");

            List <Image> list       = new List <Image>();
            Font         stringFont = new Font("Arial", 14);

            foreach (string key in keys)
                var image = cs1.DrawGreyscaleSpectrogramOfIndex(key);

                int width  = 70;
                int height = image.Height;
                var label  = new Bitmap(width, height);
                var g1     = Graphics.FromImage(label);
                g1.DrawString(key, stringFont, Brushes.Black, new PointF(4, 30));
                g1.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black), 0, 0, width, 0); //draw upper boundary
                g1.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black), 0, 1, width, 1); //draw upper boundary

                Image[] imagearray    = { label, image };
                var     labelledImage = ImageTools.CombineImagesInLine(imagearray);
            } //foreach key

            var combinedImage = ImageTools.CombineImagesVertically(list.ToArray());

        } // method DrawGrayScaleSpectrograms()
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// This method used to construct slices out of implicit 3-D spectrograms.
        /// As of December 2014 it contains hard coded variables just to get it working.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Main(Arguments arguments)
            if (!arguments.OutputDir.Exists)

            const string title   = "# READ LD data table files to prepare a 3D Spectrogram";
            string       dateNow = "# DATE AND TIME: " + DateTime.Now;

            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# Index    Properties: " + arguments.IndexPropertiesConfig.Name);
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# Input     directory: " + arguments.InputDir.Name);

            //LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# SonogramConfig:   " + arguments.SonoConfig.Name);
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# Table     directory: " + arguments.TableDir.Name);
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# Output    directory: " + arguments.OutputDir.Name);
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# Analysis SampleRate: " + arguments.SampleRate);
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("# Analysis  FrameSize: " + arguments.FrameSize);

            bool verbose = arguments.Verbose;

            // 1. set up the necessary files
            DirectoryInfo inputDirInfo     = arguments.InputDir;
            DirectoryInfo dataTableDirInfo = arguments.TableDir;
            DirectoryInfo opDir            = arguments.OutputDir;

            // FileInfo configFile = arguments.SonoConfig;
            FileInfo indexPropertiesConfig = arguments.IndexPropertiesConfig;
            FileInfo sunriseSetData        = arguments.BrisbaneSunriseDatafile;
            int      sampleRate            = arguments.SampleRate;
            int      frameSize             = arguments.FrameSize;
            int      nyquistFreq           = sampleRate / 2;
            int      freqBinCount          = frameSize / 2;
            double   freqBinWidth          = nyquistFreq / (double)freqBinCount;

            // 2. convert spectral indices to a data table - need only do this once
            // ### IMPORTANT ######################################################################################################################
            // Uncomment the next line when converting spectral indices to a data table for the first time.
            // It calls method to read in index spectrograms and combine all the info into one index table per day
            //SpectralIndicesToAndFromTable.ReadAllSpectralIndicesAndWriteToDataTable(indexPropertiesConfig, inputDirInfo, dataTableDirInfo);

            // ############ use next seven lines to obtain slices at constant DAY OF YEAR
            string key           = KeyDayOfYear;
            int    step          = 1;
            int    firstIndex    = 71;
            int    maxSliceCount = TotalDaysInYear + 1;
            var    xInterval     = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60); // one hour intervals = 60 pixels
            int    rowId         = 3;                        // FreqBin
            int    colId         = 2;                        // MinOfDay

            // ############ use next seven lines to obtain slices at constant FREQUENCY
            //string key = keyFreqBin;
            //int step = 100;
            //int firstIndex = 0;
            //int maxSliceCount = nyquistFreq;
            //var XInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60);
            //int rowID = 1; // DayOfYear
            //int colID = 2; // MinOfDay

            // ############ use next seven lines to obtain slices at constant MINUTE OF DAY
            //string key = keyMinOfDay;
            //int step = 5;
            //int firstIndex = 0;
            //int maxSliceCount = LDSpectrogram3D.Total_Minutes_In_Day;
            //var XInterval = TimeSpan.FromDays(30.4); // average days per month
            //int rowID = 3; // FreqBin
            //int colID = 1; // DayOfYear

            // These are the column names and order in the csv data strings.
            // Year, DayOfYear, MinOfDay, FreqBin, ACI, AVG, BGN, CVR, TEN, VAR
            string colorMap = "ACI-TEN-CVR";
            int    redId    = 4; // ACI
            int    grnId    = 8; // TEN
            int    bluId    = 7; // CVR
            int    year     = 2013;

            for (int sliceId = firstIndex; sliceId < maxSliceCount; sliceId += step)
                // DEFINE THE SLICE
                //sliceID = 300; // Herz
                int arrayId = sliceId;
                if (key == "FreqBin")
                    arrayId = (int)Math.Round(sliceId / freqBinWidth);

                var fileStem = string.Format("SERF_2013_" + key + "_{0:d4}", arrayId);

                // 3. Read a data slice from the data table files
                List <string> data;
                var           outputFileName = $"{fileStem}.csv";
                var           path           = Path.Combine(opDir.FullName, outputFileName);
                if (File.Exists(path))
                    data = FileTools.ReadTextFile(path);
                    if (key == KeyDayOfYear)
                        data = GetDaySlice(dataTableDirInfo, year, arrayId);
                        data = GetDataSlice(dataTableDirInfo, key, arrayId);

                    FileTools.WriteTextFile(path, data);

                // 4. Read the yaml file describing the Index Properties
                Dictionary <string, IndexProperties> dictIp = IndexProperties.GetIndexProperties(indexPropertiesConfig);
                dictIp = InitialiseIndexProperties.FilterIndexPropertiesForSpectralOnly(dictIp);

                // 5. Convert data slice to image
                string[]        indexNames = colorMap.Split('-');
                IndexProperties ipRed      = dictIp[indexNames[0]];
                IndexProperties ipGrn      = dictIp[indexNames[1]];
                IndexProperties ipBlu      = dictIp[indexNames[2]];
                Image <Rgb24>   image      = GetImageSlice(key, data, rowId, colId, redId, grnId, bluId, ipRed, ipGrn, ipBlu, freqBinCount);

                // 6. frame the image and save
                image = Frame3DSpectrogram(image, key, arrayId, year, colorMap, xInterval, nyquistFreq, sliceId, sunriseSetData);

                // 7. save the image
                outputFileName = $"{fileStem}.png";
                path           = Path.Combine(opDir.FullName, outputFileName);
            } // end loop through slices
        }     // end Main()
        [DataRow(0.1, 35990)] // at this scale 10 pixels are missing... image is padded by 0 px, and misisng 10px
        public void TestImagesHaveCorrectLength(double renderScale, int expectedWidth)
            // this value just represents a 'render as much as you can until this limit' threshold
            const int ImageWidth = 1024;

            var dataScale  = 0.1.Seconds();
            var imageScale = renderScale.Seconds();

            var recordingDuration = 3599.Seconds();

            // we simulate rendering the last tile at each resolution
            var tileDuration  = imageScale.Multiply(ImageWidth);
            var numberOfTiles = (int)Math.Floor(recordingDuration.TotalSeconds / tileDuration.TotalSeconds);
            var startTime     = tileDuration.Multiply(numberOfTiles);

            // 1 second short of an hour - this is the test case
            var endTime = recordingDuration;

            var config         = new LdSpectrogramConfig();
            var generationData = new IndexGenerationData()
                IndexCalculationDuration = dataScale,
                FrameLength       = 512,
                FrameStep         = 0,
                RecordingDuration = recordingDuration,
            var indexProperties =

            // create some fake spectra
            int duration = (int)(recordingDuration.TotalSeconds / dataScale.TotalSeconds);
            var spectra  = new Dictionary <string, double[, ]>();

            foreach (var key in SpectralIndexValues.GetKeys())
                spectra.Add(key, new double[256, duration]);
                var bgnKey = nameof(SpectralIndexValues.BGN);
                if (key == bgnKey)

                // due to a bug in DrawRgbColourMatrix the ACI calculation ends up being NaN.
                // This we fill one of our other spectra to a non-zero value to get the black colour we desire
                // Bug reference:
                var sumKey = nameof(SpectralIndexValues.SUM);
                if (key == sumKey)
                    // this forces ACI calculation to 0 / 1 instead of 0 / 0

            string basename = "abc";

            var image = ZoomCommon.DrawIndexSpectrogramCommon(

            // since we just asked for a fragment of the image at the end,
            // the expected width is just for that last fragment
            var lastWidth = expectedWidth - (numberOfTiles * ImageWidth);

            Assert.That.ImageIsSize(lastWidth, 256, image);

            Bitmap bitmap = (Bitmap)image;

            // test output for debugging
            //image.Save("./" + renderScale + ".png");
            Assert.That.ImageRegionIsColor(new Rectangle(0, 0, lastWidth, 256), Color.Black, bitmap, 0);