public async Task Output_before()
            /* Given */
            var md     = @"
            var reader = new Pipe();
            var writer = new Pipe();
            var sut    = new IncludeProcessor(xref => CreateContentItem("", "included"));

            await reader.Writer.FlushAsync();

            await reader.Writer.CompleteAsync();

            /* When */
            await sut.Process(new IncludeProcessorContext(reader.Reader, writer.Writer));

            /* Then */
            await using var stream = new MemoryStream();
            await writer.Reader.CopyToAsync(stream);

            stream.Position        = 0;
            using var streamWriter = new StreamReader(stream);
            var actual = await streamWriter.ReadToEndAsync();

", actual);
        // Generate a student grade report as a Word document.
        public void GenerateStudentReport(LocalStudent studentData, string reportPath)
            // Ensure that the WordWrapper is disposed when the method finishes
            using (var wrapper = new WordWrapper())
                // Create a new Word document in memory

                // Add a heading to the document
                wrapper.AppendHeading(String.Format("Grade Report: {0} {1}", studentData.FirstName, studentData.LastName));

                // Output the details of each grade for the student
                foreach (var grade in SessionContext.CurrentGrades)
                    // Use the IncludeProcessor to determine which fields in the Grade object are tagged
                    List <FormatField> itemsToReport = IncludeProcessor.GetItemsToInclude(grade);

                    // Output each tagged item, using the format specified by the properties of the IncludeInReport attribute for each item
                    foreach (FormatField item in itemsToReport)
                        wrapper.AppendText(item.Label == string.Empty ? item.Value : item.Label + ": " + item.Value, item.IsBold, item.IsUnderlined);

                // Encrypt and save the Word document
        public async Task Mixed_content_with_headers()
            /* Given */
            var md     = @"
# header
            var reader = new Pipe();
            var writer = new Pipe();
            var sut    = new IncludeProcessor(xref => CreateContentItem("", "included"));

            await reader.Writer.FlushAsync();

            await reader.Writer.CompleteAsync();

            /* When */
            await sut.Process(new IncludeProcessorContext(reader.Reader, writer.Writer));

            /* Then */
            await using var stream = new MemoryStream();
            await writer.Reader.CopyToAsync(stream);

            stream.Position        = 0;
            using var streamWriter = new StreamReader(stream);
            var actual = await streamWriter.ReadToEndAsync();

# header
", actual);
Beispiel #4
 internal void Compile() {
     var fileName = _fileName;
     var device = _device;
     if (!File.Exists(fileName)) {
         throw new FileNotFoundException($"Effect file '{fileName}' is not found.", fileName);
     var fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileName);
     using (var includeProcessor = new IncludeProcessor(fileInfo.DirectoryName)) {
         // SharpDX 当前(2016-04-04)使用的D3DCompiler版本为47,fx目标只支持 fx_5_0。
         // 详见 和。
         // 例如,使用 fx_4_0 的配置进行编译和设置,语法上没问题,但是无法创建 Effect。也就是说,D3DCompile2 是支持 fx_4_0 编译的,但是编译状态中有过时选项警告,
         // 导致能生成 bytecode(Bytecode 属性非空),但是 Effect 创建时抛出异常。
         using (var compilationResult = ShaderBytecode.CompileFromFile(fileName, null, "fx_5_0", ShaderFlags.None, EffectFlags.None, null, includeProcessor)) {
             _dxEffect = new Effect(device, compilationResult.Bytecode, EffectFlags.None, fileName);
Beispiel #5
        internal void Compile()
            var fileName = _fileName;
            var device   = _device;

            if (!File.Exists(fileName))
                throw new FileNotFoundException($"Effect file '{fileName}' is not found.", fileName);
            var fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileName);

            using (var includeProcessor = new IncludeProcessor(fileInfo.DirectoryName)) {
                // SharpDX 当前(2016-04-04)使用的D3DCompiler版本为47,fx目标只支持 fx_5_0。
                // 详见 和。
                // 例如,使用 fx_4_0 的配置进行编译和设置,语法上没问题,但是无法创建 Effect。也就是说,D3DCompile2 是支持 fx_4_0 编译的,但是编译状态中有过时选项警告,
                // 导致能生成 bytecode(Bytecode 属性非空),但是 Effect 创建时抛出异常。
                using (var compilationResult = ShaderBytecode.CompileFromFile(fileName, null, "fx_5_0", ShaderFlags.None, EffectFlags.None, null, includeProcessor)) {
                    _dxEffect = new Effect(device, compilationResult.Bytecode, EffectFlags.None, fileName);
        public MarkdownProcessor(
            IReadOnlyDictionary <string, IReadOnlyList <Snippet> > snippets,
            IReadOnlyList <Include> includes,
            AppendSnippetGroupToMarkdown appendSnippetGroup,
            IReadOnlyList <string> snippetSourceFiles,
            int tocLevel,
            bool writeHeader,
            string rootDirectory,
            bool validateContent,
            string?header = null,
            IEnumerable <string>?tocExcludes = null)
            Guard.AgainstNull(snippets, nameof(snippets));
            Guard.AgainstNull(appendSnippetGroup, nameof(appendSnippetGroup));
            Guard.AgainstNull(snippetSourceFiles, nameof(snippetSourceFiles));
            Guard.AgainstNull(includes, nameof(includes));
            Guard.AgainstEmpty(header, nameof(header));
            Guard.AgainstNegativeAndZero(tocLevel, nameof(tocLevel));
            Guard.AgainstNullAndEmpty(rootDirectory, nameof(rootDirectory));
            rootDirectory           = Path.GetFullPath(rootDirectory);
            this.snippets           = snippets;
            this.appendSnippetGroup = appendSnippetGroup;
            this.writeHeader        = writeHeader;
            this.validateContent    = validateContent;
            this.header             = header;
            this.tocLevel           = tocLevel;
            if (tocExcludes == null)
                this.tocExcludes = new List <string>();
                this.tocExcludes = tocExcludes.ToList();

            this.snippetSourceFiles = snippetSourceFiles
                                      .Select(x => x.Replace('\\', '/'))
            includeProcessor = new IncludeProcessor(includes, rootDirectory);
Beispiel #7
        internal void Compile()
            var device = _device;

            if (_sourceIsText)
                var textSource = _textSource;
                using (var compilationResult = ShaderBytecode.Compile(textSource, null, "fx_5_0")) {
                    if (compilationResult.HasErrors || compilationResult.Bytecode == null)
                        throw new SharpDXException(compilationResult.ResultCode, compilationResult.Message);
                    _effect = new Effect(device, compilationResult.Bytecode);
                var fileName = _textSource;
                fileName = Path.GetFullPath(fileName);
                if (!File.Exists(fileName))
                    throw new FileNotFoundException($"Effect file '{fileName}' is not found.", fileName);

                var fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileName);
                using (var includeProcessor = new IncludeProcessor(fileInfo.DirectoryName)) {
                    using (var compilationResult = ShaderBytecode.CompileFromFile(fileName, null, "fx_5_0", ShaderFlags.None, EffectFlags.None, null, includeProcessor)) {
                        if (compilationResult.HasErrors || compilationResult.Bytecode == null)
                            throw new SharpDXException(compilationResult.ResultCode, compilationResult.Message);
                        _effect = new Effect(device, compilationResult.Bytecode, EffectFlags.None, fileName);
        public MarkdownProcessor(
            DocumentConvention convention,
            IReadOnlyDictionary <string, IReadOnlyList <Snippet> > snippets,
            IReadOnlyList <Include> includes,
            AppendSnippetsToMarkdown appendSnippets,
            IReadOnlyList <string> snippetSourceFiles,
            int tocLevel,
            bool writeHeader,
            string rootDirectory,
            bool validateContent,
            string?header = null,
            IEnumerable <string>?tocExcludes = null,
            string newLine = "\n")
            Guard.AgainstNull(snippets, nameof(snippets));
            Guard.AgainstNull(appendSnippets, nameof(appendSnippets));
            Guard.AgainstNull(snippetSourceFiles, nameof(snippetSourceFiles));
            Guard.AgainstNull(includes, nameof(includes));
            Guard.AgainstNull(newLine, nameof(newLine));
            Guard.AgainstEmpty(header, nameof(header));
            Guard.AgainstNegativeAndZero(tocLevel, nameof(tocLevel));
            Guard.AgainstNullAndEmpty(rootDirectory, nameof(rootDirectory));

            if (convention == DocumentConvention.InPlaceOverwrite && writeHeader)
                throw new SnippetException("WriteHeader is not allowed with InPlaceOverwrite convention.");

            this.rootDirectory = Path.GetFullPath(rootDirectory).Replace('\\', '/');
            if (Directory.Exists(rootDirectory))
                allFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(rootDirectory, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
                           .Select(x => x.Replace('\\', '/'))
                allFiles = new List <string>();

            this.convention      = convention;
            this.snippets        = snippets;
            this.appendSnippets  = appendSnippets;
            this.writeHeader     = writeHeader;
            this.validateContent = validateContent;
            this.newLine         = newLine;
            this.header          = header;
            this.tocLevel        = tocLevel;
            if (tocExcludes == null)
                this.tocExcludes = new List <string>();
                this.tocExcludes = tocExcludes.ToList();

            this.snippetSourceFiles = snippetSourceFiles
                                      .Select(x => x.Replace('\\', '/'))
            includeProcessor = new IncludeProcessor(convention, includes, rootDirectory, allFiles);
        public async Task Process_full_example()
            /* Given */
            var md     = @"## Syntax

### Include csharp code snippets

#### Include file



#### Include function


            var reader = new Pipe();
            var writer = new Pipe();
            var sut    = new IncludeProcessor(xref => CreateContentItem("", "included"));

            await reader.Writer.FlushAsync();

            await reader.Writer.CompleteAsync();

            /* When */
            await sut.Process(new IncludeProcessorContext(reader.Reader, writer.Writer));

            /* Then */
            await using var stream = new MemoryStream();
            await writer.Reader.CopyToAsync(stream);

            stream.Position        = 0;
            using var streamWriter = new StreamReader(stream);
            var actual = await streamWriter.ReadToEndAsync();

            Assert.Equal(@"## Syntax

### Include csharp code snippets

#### Include file



#### Include function


", actual);