protected void ButtonSaveChanges_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // If the values in the controls are not valid, abort:

        if (!Page.IsValid)

        // Move on and parse values.

        Int64 newAmountCents = (Int64)(Double.Parse(this.TextAmount.Text, new CultureInfo("sv-SE")) * 100);

        FinancialAccount newAccount = this.DropAccounts.SelectedFinancialAccount;
        DateTime         newDueDate = (DateTime)this.DateInvoiceDue.SelectedDate;

        if (newAccount.Identity != _invoice.BudgetId)
            // TODO: Reset pre-attestation amount (which is not valid if budget changes)

            if (_invoice.Attested)

            _invoice.SetBudget(newAccount, _currentUser);

        if (newAmountCents != _invoice.AmountCents)
            if (_invoice.Attested)
                if (newAmountCents > _invoice.AmountCents)

            _invoice.SetAmountCents(newAmountCents, _currentUser);

        if (newDueDate != _invoice.DueDate)
            _invoice.DueDate = newDueDate;

        // Close and rebind

        ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "mykey", "CloseAndRebind();", true);