Beispiel #1
        public static async Task <WordSetReply> GetWordSets(this InWordsDataContext context, int offset = 0, int limit = 50)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
            WordSetReply reply = new WordSetReply();

            var games = (from tags in context.GameTags.Where(d => d.Tags == GameTags.Official)
                         join game in context.Games on tags.GameId equals game.GameId
                         select game).Skip(offset).Take(limit);

            var include = await games.Include(d => d.CreationDescriptions)

            var wordsSets = include.Select(g =>
                var description = g.CreationDescriptions.Single(d => d.LanguageId == 2);
                return(new WordSetInfo()
                    Id = g.GameId,
                    Picture = g.Picture,
                    Title = description.Title,
                    Description = description.Description

Beispiel #2
        public static IQueryable <int> WordsInGame(this InWordsDataContext context, int id)
            IQueryable <GameLevel>     levelsQueryable     = context.GameLevels.Levels(id);
            IQueryable <GameLevelWord> levelWordsQueryable = context.GameLevelWords.Words(levelsQueryable);

            return(levelWordsQueryable.AsNoTracking().Select(w => w.WordPairId).Distinct());
Beispiel #3
        public async void GetUserWords()
            // arrange
            int userId  = 1;
            int otherId = 2;

            using InWordsDataContext context = InWordsDataContextFactory.Create();
            await context.AddAccount(userId);

            await context.AddAccount(otherId);

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            context.Add(CreateUserWordPair(userId, "0", "0-0"));
            context.Add(CreateUserWordPair(userId, "1", "1-1"));
            context.Add(CreateUserWordPair(userId, "3", "3-3"));
            context.Add(CreateUserWordPair(otherId, "2", "2-2"));
            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // act
            var service     = new GetUserWords(context);
            var requestData = new GetWordsRequest();
            var request     = new AuthorizedRequestObject <GetWordsRequest, WordsReply>(requestData)
                UserId = userId
            var reply = await service.HandleRequest(request, default);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(context.UserWordPairs.Where(d => d.UserId == userId).Count(), reply.ToAdd.Count());
Beispiel #4
        public async void RequestContainsExistedWords()
            // arrange
            int userId  = 1;
            int otherId = 2;

            using InWordsDataContext context = InWordsDataContextFactory.Create();
            await context.AddAccount(userId);

            await context.AddAccount(otherId);

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            context.Add(CreateUserWordPair(userId, "0", "0-0", 1));
            context.Add(CreateUserWordPair(userId, "1", "1-1", 2));
            context.Add(CreateUserWordPair(otherId, "2", "2-2", 3));
            context.Add(CreateUserWordPair(userId, "3", "3-3", 4));
            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // act
            var service     = new GetUserWords(context);
            var requestData = new GetWordsRequest();

            requestData.UserWordpairIds.Add(new int[] { 1, 2, 99, 100 });
            var request = new AuthorizedRequestObject <GetWordsRequest, WordsReply>(requestData)
                UserId = userId
            var reply = await service.HandleRequest(request, default);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(4, reply.ToAdd[0].UserWordPair);
            Assert.Equal(new int[] { 99, 100 }, reply.ToDelete.ToArray());
Beispiel #5
        public async void HandleWords()
            await using InWordsDataContext context = InWordsDataContextFactory.Create();

            var creation = new Game {
                GameId = 1

            context.GameLevels.Add(new GameLevel {
                GameLevelId = 1, GameId = 1
            context.GameLevels.Add(new GameLevel {
                GameLevelId = 2, GameId = 1
            context.GameLevelWords.Add(new GameLevelWord {
                GameLevelId = 1, GameLevelWordId = 1, WordPairId = 1
            context.GameLevelWords.Add(new GameLevelWord {
                GameLevelId = 2, GameLevelWordId = 2, WordPairId = 1
            context.GameLevelWords.Add(new GameLevelWord {
                GameLevelId = 2, GameLevelWordId = 3, WordPairId = 2


            var words = new WordsIdsByGameIdHandler(context);
            WordsIdsByGameIdQueryResult test =
                await words.Handle(new WordsIdsByGameQuery { Id = 1 })

            Assert.Equal(2, test.WordTranslationsList.Count);
Beispiel #6
 public LevelCreator(InWordsDataContext context)
     userWordPairRepository  = new UserWordPairRepository(context);
     creationRepository      = new CreationRepository(context);
     gameLevelRepository     = new GameLevelRepository(context);
     gameLevelWordRepository = new GameLevelWordRepository(context);
        /// <summary>
        /// GetOrAdd history usergame and save levels in game levels. Return levels ids.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">database context</param>
        /// <param name="userId">auhtorized user identity</param>
        /// <param name="levelsWords">words id array in list of levels</param>
        /// <returns>Levels ids</returns>
        public static async Task <int[]> CreateLevels(this InWordsDataContext context, int userId, IList <int[]> levelsWords)
            var historyGameId = await context.AddOrGetUserHistoryGame(userId).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var levels = await context.CreateLevels(historyGameId, userId, levelsWords).ConfigureAwait(false);

        public static async Task <int> AddOrGetUserHistoryGame(this InWordsDataContext context, int userId)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));

            var historyGame = (from game in context.Games.Where(d => d.CreatorId == userId)
                               join tag in context.GameTags.Where(d => d.Tags == GameTags.CustomLevelsHistory)
                               on game.GameId equals tag.GameId
                               select game).OrderBy(g => g.GameId).ToArray();

            int historyGameId = 0;

            if (historyGame.Any())
                historyGameId = historyGame[0].GameId;

                if (historyGame.Length > 1)
                    var historyCollisions = historyGame.Skip(1);

                    int[] ids    = historyCollisions.Select(d => d.GameId).ToArray();
                    var   levels = context.GameLevels.Where(g => ids.Contains(g.GameId));

                    levels.ForEach(level =>
                        level.GameId = historyGameId;
                    await context.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                    await context.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                Game game = new Game
                    CreatorId = userId
                await context.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                GameTag historyGameTag = new GameTag()
                    GameId = game.GameId,
                    Tags   = GameTags.CustomLevelsHistory,
                    UserId = userId

                await context.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                historyGameId = game.GameId;
        public async void CreateHistoryGame()
            using InWordsDataContext context = InWordsDataContextFactory.Create();
                context.WordPairs.Add(new WordPair()
                    WordPairId = 2
                context.WordPairs.Add(new WordPair()
                    WordPairId = 3
                context.WordPairs.Add(new WordPair()
                    WordPairId = 4
                context.UserWordPairs.Add(new UserWordPair()
                    UserWordPairId = 1, WordPairId = 2, UserId = 1
                context.UserWordPairs.Add(new UserWordPair()
                    UserWordPairId = 3, WordPairId = 3, UserId = 1
                context.UserWordPairs.Add(new UserWordPair()
                    UserWordPairId = 4, WordPairId = 4, UserId = 1

                ClassicCardLevelMetricQuery request = new ClassicCardLevelMetricQuery()
                    UserId  = 1,
                    Metrics = new List <ClassicCardLevelMetric>()
                        new ClassicCardLevelMetric()
                            GameLevelId          = 0,
                            WordPairIdOpenCounts = new Dictionary <int, int>()
                                { 1, 4 },
                                { 3, 4 },
                                { 4, 1 }

                await context.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                ClassicCardLevelMetricQueryResult result = await new SaveLevelMetric(context)

            var userGameLevel = context.UserGameLevels.First(u => u.UserId.Equals(1));

            Assert.Equal(3, userGameLevel.UserStars);
        public static IQueryable <UserWordPair> CurrentUserWordPairs(this InWordsDataContext context, int userid)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));

            return(context.UserWordPairs.Where(u => u.UserId == userid));
Beispiel #11
        public async void GetOfficialSets_ShouldBeOk()
            // arrange
            string picture     = "testPicture";
            string description = "testdes";
            string title       = "testtitle";

            Language language = new Language()
                LanguageId = 2, Title = "ru"

            await using InWordsDataContext context = InWordsDataContextFactory.Create();
            Game game = new Game()
                Picture = picture

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            CreationDescription creationDescription = new CreationDescription()
                CreationId  = game.GameId,
                Description = description,
                LanguageId  = 2,
                Title       = title,

            GameTag gameTag = new GameTag()
                GameId = game.GameId,
                Tags   = GameTags.Official


            // act
            Empty empty   = new Empty();
            var   request = new AuthReq <Empty, WordSetReply>(empty)
                UserId = 0
            var reply = await new GetWordSetsHandler(context).Handle(request);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(description, reply.WordSets[0].Description);
            Assert.Equal(title, reply.WordSets[0].Title);
            Assert.Equal(picture, reply.WordSets[0].Picture);
Beispiel #12
        public async void GetLevelWords()
            // arrange
            int userId = 1;

            await using InWordsDataContext context = InWordsDataContextFactory.Create();
            Game game = new Game()

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            GameLevel gameLevel = new GameLevel()
                GameId = game.GameId

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            List <GameLevelWord> gameLevelWords = new List <GameLevelWord>
                new GameLevelWord()
                    GameLevelId = gameLevel.GameLevelId, ForeignWord = "test1", NativeWord = "тест1"
                new GameLevelWord()
                    GameLevelId = gameLevel.GameLevelId, ForeignWord = "test2", NativeWord = "тест2"

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            await context.AddAccount(userId);

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // act
            var data = new GetLevelWordsRequest()
                LevelId = gameLevel.GameLevelId
            var request = new AuthReq <GetLevelWordsRequest, GetLevelWordsReply>(data)
                UserId = userId
            GetLevelWordsReply result = await new GetLevelWords(context).HandleRequest(request);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(2, result.Words.Count);
Beispiel #13
        public async void DeleteUserWordPairs_ShouldBeOk()
            // arrange
            int userId  = 1;
            int otherId = 2;

            await using InWordsDataContext context = InWordsDataContextFactory.Create();
            await context.AddAccount(userId);

            await context.AddAccount(otherId);

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            context.Add(new UserWordPair()
                UserWordPairId = 1,
                ForeignWord    = "Test1",
                NativeWord     = "Тест1",
                UserId         = userId
            context.Add(new UserWordPair()
                UserWordPairId = 2,
                ForeignWord    = "Test2",
                NativeWord     = "Тест2",
                UserId         = userId
            context.Add(new UserWordPair()
                UserWordPairId = 3,
                ForeignWord    = "Test3",
                NativeWord     = "Тест3",
                UserId         = userId

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            DeleteWordsRequest deletewordsRequets = new DeleteWordsRequest();

            deletewordsRequets.Delete.AddRange(new int[] { 1, 3 });

            // act
            var requestObject = new AuthReq <DeleteWordsRequest, Empty>(deletewordsRequets)
                UserId = userId

            var   deleteWords = new DeleteWords(context);
            Empty response    = await deleteWords.HandleRequest(requestObject).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(1, context.UserWordPairs.Count());
            Assert.Equal("Тест2", context.UserWordPairs.First().NativeWord);
Beispiel #14
        public static async Task <Account> AddAccount(this InWordsDataContext context, int id = 0)
            if (id == 0)
                id = await context.Accounts.MaxAsync(d => d.AccountId) + 1;

            Account account = new Account
                AccountId        = id,
                Email            = $"test{id}",
                RegistrationDate = default,
        public static async Task <int[]> CreateLevels(this InWordsDataContext context, int gameId, int userId, IList <int[]> pairsInLevels)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
            if (pairsInLevels == null)
                pairsInLevels = Array.Empty <int[]>();

            // create levles
            var levels = pairsInLevels.Select(d =>
                var game = new GameLevel()
                    GameId = gameId
                game.Historylevel = new Historylevel()
                    DateTime   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    WordsCount = d.Distinct().Count(),
                    GameLevel  = game

            await context.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            // fill levels with words
            for (int i = 0; i < pairsInLevels.Count; i++)
                var   currentLevel    = levels[i];
                int[] currentWordsIds = pairsInLevels[i].ToArray();

                var currentWords = context.CurrentUserWordPairs(userId)
                                   .Where(u => currentWordsIds.Contains(u.UserWordPairId))

                var gameLevelWords = currentWords.Select(w => new GameLevelWord()
                    ForeignWord = w.ForeignWord,
                    NativeWord  = w.NativeWord,
                    GameLevelId = currentLevel.GameLevelId,

            await context.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            return(levels.Select(level => level.GameLevelId).ToArray());
        public async void EstimateTraining_Returns6Stars()
            // arrange
            int userId = 1;

            using InWordsDataContext context = InWordsDataContextFactory.Create();
            Game game = new Game()

            GameLevel gameLevel = new GameLevel()
                GameId = game.GameId

            await context.AddAccount(userId);

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // act
            TrainingDataRequest trainingDataRequest = new TrainingDataRequest();
            Training            training            = new Training {

            training.ClosedCardsMetric = new ClosedCardsMetric();
            training.ClosedCardsMetric.WordIdOpenCount.Add(1, 4);
            training.ClosedCardsMetric.WordIdOpenCount.Add(2, 4);
            training.ClosedCardsMetric.WordIdOpenCount.Add(3, 2);
            training.OpenedCardsMetric = new OpenedCardsMetric();
            training.OpenedCardsMetric.WordIdOpenCount.Add(1, 3);
            training.OpenedCardsMetric.WordIdOpenCount.Add(2, 2);
            training.OpenedCardsMetric.WordIdOpenCount.Add(3, 2);

            var requestData = new AuthReq <TrainingDataRequest, TrainingScoreReply>(trainingDataRequest)
                UserId = userId
            var requestHandler = new EstimateTraining(context);
            var result         = await requestHandler.HandleRequest(requestData);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(6, result.Scores.Single().ClosedCards.Score);
            Assert.Equal(5, result.Scores.Single().OpenedCards.Score);
            Assert.Equal(6, result.Scores.Single().Score);
        public async Task Get_History_Levels()
            // prepare
            var userId = 1;

            using InWordsDataContext context = InWordsDataContextFactory.Create();

            var creation1 = new Game {
                CreatorId = userId, GameId = 1
            var creation2 = new Game {
                CreatorId = userId + 2, GameId = 2
            };                                                               // != user

            context.GameTags.Add(new GameTag()
                Tags = GameTags.CustomLevelsHistory, GameId = 1, UserId = userId
            creation1.GameLevels.Add(new GameLevel()
                Game = creation1,
            creation1.GameLevels.Add(new GameLevel()
                Game = creation1
            creation2.GameLevels.Add(new GameLevel()
                Game = creation2
            creation2.GameLevels.Add(new GameLevel()
                Game = creation2

            // action
            var words = new GetTrainingLevelsHistory(context);
            var test  = await words.Handle((new AuthReq <Empty, GameScoreReply>(new Empty())
                UserId = userId

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(2, test.Levels.Count);
        public async void HandleWords()
            // prepare
            var userId = 2;

            await using InWordsDataContext context = InWordsDataContextFactory.Create();

            var creation2 = new Game {
                CreatorId = userId + 1
            };                                                   // != user
            var creation1 = new Game {
                CreatorId = userId, GameId = 2

            context.GameTags.Add(new GameTag()
                Tags = GameTags.CustomLevelsHistory, GameId = 2, UserId = userId
            creation1.GameLevels.Add(new GameLevel()
                Game = creation1
            creation1.GameLevels.Add(new GameLevel()
                Game = creation1
            creation2.GameLevels.Add(new GameLevel()
                Game = creation2
            creation2.GameLevels.Add(new GameLevel()
                Game = creation2

            // action
            var words = new GetUserGameStoryHandler(context);
            var test  = await words.Handle(new GetUserGameStoryQuery()
                UserId = userId

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(2, test.Count);
        private static void CreateGame(HashSet <GameLevelWord> words, InWordsDataContext context)
            HashSet <GameLevel> gameLevels1 = new HashSet <GameLevel>
                new GameLevel()
                    GameLevelWords = words,

            context.Games.Add(new Game()
                CreatorId  = 0,
                GameLevels = gameLevels1
Beispiel #20
 private async void AddFakeUser(InWordsDataContext context)
     context.Accounts.Add(new Account()
         AccountId = 1,
         Email     = email,
         Hash      = new byte[255],
         Role      = role
     context.Users.Add(new User()
         UserId   = 1,
         NickName = nickname
     await context.SaveChangesAsync();
        public async void HandleWords()
            var userId = 1;

            await using InWordsDataContext context = InWordsDataContextFactory.Create();

            var pair = new WordPair()
                WordForeign = new Word(), WordNative = new Word()

            context.UserWordPairs.Add(new UserWordPair()
                UserId = userId + 1, TimeGap = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-5), WordPair = pair
            context.UserWordPairs.Add(new UserWordPair()
                UserId = userId, TimeGap = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-5), WordPair = pair
            context.UserWordPairs.Add(new UserWordPair()
                UserId = userId, TimeGap = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1), WordPair = pair
            context.UserWordPairs.Add(new UserWordPair()
                UserId = userId, TimeGap = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1), WordPair = pair
            context.UserWordPairs.Add(new UserWordPair()
                UserId = userId, TimeGap = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(2), WordPair = pair
            context.UserWordPairs.Add(new UserWordPair()
                UserId = userId, TimeGap = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(3), WordPair = pair
            context.UserWordPairs.Add(new UserWordPair()
                UserId = userId + 1, TimeGap = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(3), WordPair = pair


            var words = new GetLearningUserWordsId(context);
            var test  = await words.Handle(new GetLearningUserWordsIdQuery(userId)).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Assert.Equal(3, test.Count());
Beispiel #22
        public async void HistoryLevelHistoryGameExistWordsExists()
            const int userId = 1;

            // initialise
            await using InWordsDataContext context = InWordsDataContextFactory.Create();
            CreateContextWithExistedGame(context, userId);
            await context.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var testQuery = new CustomLevelMetricQuery()
                UserId  = userId,
                Metrics = new List <ClassicCardLevelMetric>()
                    new ClassicCardLevelMetric()
                        GameLevelId          = 0,
                        WordPairIdOpenCounts = new Dictionary <int, int>()
                            { 1, 4 },
                            { 2, 5 },
                            { 3, 1 }

            // act
            var handler = new CreateHistoryLevelsRequest(context);
            CustomLevelMetricQuery actualResult = await handler.Handle(testQuery).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // assert
            var expectedLevels            = 1;
            List <GameLevel> actualLevels = context.GameLevels.Where(g => g.GameId.Equals(1)).ToList();

            Assert.Equal(expectedLevels, actualLevels.Count);
            var expectedLevelWords = 3;
            var actualLevelWords   = context.GameLevelWords
                                     .Where(d => actualLevels.Contains(d.GameLevel));

            Assert.Equal(expectedLevelWords, actualLevelWords.Count());

            Assert.Equal(4, actualResult.Metrics[0].WordPairIdOpenCounts[2]);

Beispiel #23
        public async void TrainingIds_Ok()
            // arrange
            int userId  = 1;
            int otherId = 2;

            await using InWordsDataContext context = InWordsDataContextFactory.Create();
            await context.AddAccount(userId);

            await context.AddAccount(otherId);

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var time = DateTime.UtcNow;

            context.UserWordPairs.Add(new UserWordPair()
                UserWordPairId = 1, UserId = userId, NativeWord = "1", ForeignWord = "1", Background = false, TimeGap = time
            context.UserWordPairs.Add(new UserWordPair()
                UserWordPairId = 2, UserId = userId, NativeWord = "2", ForeignWord = "2", Background = false, TimeGap = time.AddDays(1)
            context.UserWordPairs.Add(new UserWordPair()
                UserWordPairId = 3, UserId = userId, NativeWord = "2", ForeignWord = "2", Background = false, TimeGap = time.AddDays(2)
            context.UserWordPairs.Add(new UserWordPair()
                UserWordPairId = 4, UserId = otherId, NativeWord = "3", ForeignWord = "3", Background = false, TimeGap = time
            // act
            var requestObject = new AuthReq <Empty, TrainingIdsReply>(new Empty())
                UserId = userId

            var addWords = new GetTrainingIds(context);
            TrainingIdsReply response = await addWords.HandleRequest(requestObject).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(2, response.UserWordPairs.Count);
            Assert.Contains(1, response.UserWordPairs);
            Assert.Contains(2, response.UserWordPairs);
Beispiel #24
        public async void ResendEmailIfUnverfed()
            string testEmail = "*****@*****.**";

            // arrange
            await using InWordsDataContext context = InWordsDataContextFactory.Create();

            Account account = new Account()
                Email = testEmail, Hash = new byte[255], Role = RoleType.Unverified
            User User = new User()
                Account = account, NickName = "user"

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var mock = new Mock <IEmailTemplateSender>();

            mock.Setup(a => a.SendMailAsync(testEmail, It.IsAny <EmailTemplateBase>()));
            // act
            var registration = new ChangeEmail(context, mock.Object);

            var requestObject = new AuthorizedRequestObject <EmailChangeRequest, EmailChangeReply>(
                new EmailChangeRequest()
                Email = testEmail,
                UserId = account.AccountId

            var test = await registration.HandleRequest(
                new AuthorizedRequestObject <EmailChangeRequest, EmailChangeReply>(
                    new EmailChangeRequest()
                Email = testEmail,

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(1, context.EmailVerifies.Count());
            mock.Verify(a => a.SendMailAsync(testEmail, It.IsAny <EmailTemplateBase>()), Times.Once());
Beispiel #25
        public async void RegisterExistedEmail()
            string email = "*****@*****.**";

            // arrange
            await using InWordsDataContext context = InWordsDataContextFactory.Create();
            Account account = new Account()
                Email = email,
                Hash  = new byte[256],
                Role  = InWords.Data.Enums.RoleType.Unverified
            User user = new User()
                Account = account, NickName = "nick"

            await context.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var mock = new Mock <IEmailVerifierService>();

            mock.Setup(a => a.InstatiateVerifierMessage(It.IsAny <User>(), It.IsAny <string>()));
            var jwtMock = new Mock <IJwtProvider>();

            jwtMock.Setup(a => a.GenerateToken(It.IsAny <ClaimsIdentity>())).Returns("token");
            // act
            var registration = new UserRegistration(context, jwtMock.Object, mock.Object);
            // assert
            var request = new RequestObject <RegistrationRequest, RegistrationReply>(
                new RegistrationRequest()
                Email    = email,
                Password = "******"
            var reply = registration.HandleRequest(request);

            Assert.Equal(StatusCode.AlreadyExists, request.StatusCode);
            Assert.Equal(1, context.Accounts.Count());
            mock.Verify(a => a.InstatiateVerifierMessage(It.IsAny <User>(), It.IsAny <string>()), Times.Never());
        public async Task WhereAnyTestUserWordPairTest()
            // prepare
            var userWordPairsList = new List <int>()
                2, 3, 4
            var expectedWordPairsList = new List <int>()
                3, 4, 4

            await using InWordsDataContext context = InWordsDataContextFactory.Create();
            context.UserWordPairs.Add(new UserWordPair()
                UserId = 1, UserWordPairId = 1, WordPairId = 2
            });                                                                                               // Bad
            context.UserWordPairs.Add(new UserWordPair()
                UserId = 1, UserWordPairId = 2, WordPairId = 3
            });                                                                                               // Good
            context.UserWordPairs.Add(new UserWordPair()
                UserId = 1, UserWordPairId = 3, WordPairId = 4
            });                                                                                               // Good
            context.UserWordPairs.Add(new UserWordPair()
                UserId = 2, UserWordPairId = 4, WordPairId = 4
            });                                                                                               // Good
            context.UserWordPairs.Add(new UserWordPair()
                UserId = 2, UserWordPairId = 5, WordPairId = 3
            });                                                                                               // Bad
            await context.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            // act

            var actualList = context.UserWordPairs.WhereAny(userWordPairsList).Select(d => d.WordPairId).ToList();

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(expectedWordPairsList, actualList);
Beispiel #27
        public async void GetTokenOnExistFalsePassword()
            // arrange
            await using InWordsDataContext context = InWordsDataContextFactory.Create();

            var mock = new Mock <IPasswordSalter>();

            mock.Setup(a => a.EqualsSequence(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <byte[]>())).Returns(false);
            var jwtMock = new Mock <IJwtProvider>();

            jwtMock.Setup(a => a.GenerateToken(It.IsAny <ClaimsIdentity>())).Returns("token");

            // act
            var token    = new UserToken(context, jwtMock.Object, mock.Object);
            var response = await HandleRequest(token);

            // assert
Beispiel #28
        public async void GetTokenOnExistRightPassword()
            // arrange
            await using InWordsDataContext context = InWordsDataContextFactory.Create();

            var mock = new Mock <IPasswordSalter>();

            mock.Setup(a => a.EqualsSequence(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <byte[]>())).Returns(true);

            var jwtMock = new Mock <IJwtProvider>();

            jwtMock.Setup(a => a.GenerateToken(It.IsAny <ClaimsIdentity>())).Returns("token");
            // act
            var token = new UserToken(context, jwtMock.Object, mock.Object);
            var test  = await HandleRequest(token).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(1, test.UserId);
Beispiel #29
        private void CreateContextWithExistedGame(InWordsDataContext context, int userId)
            context.Games.Add(new Game {
                GameId = 1
            context.GameTags.Add(new GameTag()
                UserId = userId, Tags = GameTags.CustomLevelsHistory, GameId = 1
            context.WordPairs.AddRange(new List <WordPair>()
                new WordPair()
                    WordPairId = 2
                new WordPair()
                    WordPairId = 3
                new WordPair()
                    WordPairId = 4

            context.UserWordPairs.AddRange(new List <UserWordPair>()
                new UserWordPair()
                    UserWordPairId = 1, WordPairId = 2, UserId = userId
                new UserWordPair()
                    UserWordPairId = 2, WordPairId = 3, UserId = userId
                new UserWordPair()
                    UserWordPairId = 3, WordPairId = 4, UserId = userId
Beispiel #30
        public async Task GetWordsAsync()
            // arrange
            await using InWordsDataContext context = InWordsDataContextFactory.Create();
            await CreateTestContext(context);

            WordSetWordsRequest requestData = new WordSetWordsRequest()
                WordSetId = context.Games.First().GameId
            var request = new AuthReq <WordSetWordsRequest, WordSetWordsReply>(requestData)
                UserId = context.Users.First().UserId

            // act
            var reply = await new GetMarkedWordsHandler(context).Handle(request);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(2, reply.Words.Count);