/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the style-name of the mapping, or if this is one of our special internal
        /// pseudo-styles, returns a UI-friendly version.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapping">The mapping.</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal static string MappingToUiStylename(ImportMappingInfo mapping)
            switch (mapping.MappingTarget)
            case MappingTargetType.ChapterLabel:

            case MappingTargetType.TitleShort:

            case MappingTargetType.Figure:

            case MappingTargetType.FigureCaption:

            case MappingTargetType.FigureCopyright:

            case MappingTargetType.FigureDescription:

            case MappingTargetType.FigureFilename:

            case MappingTargetType.FigureLayoutPosition:

            case MappingTargetType.FigureRefRange:

            case MappingTargetType.FigureScale:

            case MappingTargetType.TEStyle:

                Debug.Fail("Unexpected Mapping Target Type");
        public void AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded_btMappingsWithNonDefaultMappings()
            DynamicMock mockStylesheet = new DynamicMock(typeof(IVwStylesheet));

            mockStylesheet.SetupResultForParams("GetContext", (int)ContextValues.General, "Emphasis");
            mockStylesheet.SetupResultForParams("GetType", (int)StyleType.kstCharacter, "Emphasis");

            ScrMappingList list = new ScrMappingList(MappingSet.Main, (IVwStylesheet)mockStylesheet.MockInstance);

            list.Add(new ImportMappingInfo(@"\p", null, "Emphasis"));
            list.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(@"\btp", ImportDomain.Main, true);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, list.Count);

            // Test that \btp maps automatically to the corresponding vernacular style ("Emphasis")
            // but does not map into the Back-trans marker domain because Emphasis is a character style.
            ImportMappingInfo info = list[@"\btp"];

            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.Default, info.Domain, @"\btp should not map automatically as a Back-trans marker");
            Assert.AreEqual(MappingTargetType.TEStyle, info.MappingTarget);
            Assert.AreEqual("Emphasis", info.StyleName);
Beispiel #3
        public void AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded_btMappingsWithNonDefaultMappings()
            IVwStylesheet stylesheet = MockRepository.GenerateStub <IVwStylesheet>();

            stylesheet.Stub(x => x.GetContext("Emphasis")).Return((int)ContextValues.General);
            stylesheet.Stub(x => x.GetType("Emphasis")).Return((int)StyleType.kstCharacter);

            ScrMappingList list = new ScrMappingList(MappingSet.Main, stylesheet, TestTeStylesPath);

            list.Add(new ImportMappingInfo(@"\p", null, "Emphasis"));
            list.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(@"\btp", ImportDomain.Main, true);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, list.Count);

            // Test that \btp maps automatically to the corresponding vernacular style ("Emphasis")
            // but does not map into the Back-trans marker domain because Emphasis is a character style.
            ImportMappingInfo info = list[@"\btp"];

            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.Default, info.Domain, @"\btp should not map automatically as a Back-trans marker");
            Assert.AreEqual(MappingTargetType.TEStyle, info.MappingTarget);
            Assert.AreEqual("Emphasis", info.StyleName);
        public void AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded_FigureMarkers()
            DynamicMock mockStylesheet = new DynamicMock(typeof(IVwStylesheet));

            ScrMappingList list = new ScrMappingList(MappingSet.Main, (IVwStylesheet)mockStylesheet.MockInstance);

            list.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(@"\cap", ImportDomain.Main, true);
            list.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(@"\cat", ImportDomain.Main, true);
            list.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(@"\gmb", ImportDomain.Main, true);
            list.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(@"\gmbj", ImportDomain.Main, true);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, list.Count);

            ImportMappingInfo info = list[@"\cap"];

            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.Default, info.Domain);
            Assert.AreEqual(MappingTargetType.FigureCaption, info.MappingTarget);

            info = list[@"\cat"];
            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.Default, info.Domain);
            Assert.AreEqual(MappingTargetType.FigureFilename, info.MappingTarget);

            info = list[@"\gmb"];
            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.Default, info.Domain);
            Assert.AreEqual(MappingTargetType.FigureFilename, info.MappingTarget);

            info = list[@"\gmbj"];
            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.Default, info.Domain);
            Assert.AreEqual(MappingTargetType.FigureCaption, info.MappingTarget);
Beispiel #5
        public void AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded_FigureMarkers()
            IVwStylesheet stylesheet = MockRepository.GenerateMock <IVwStylesheet>();

            ScrMappingList list = new ScrMappingList(MappingSet.Main, stylesheet, TestTeStylesPath);

            list.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(@"\cap", ImportDomain.Main, true);
            list.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(@"\cat", ImportDomain.Main, true);
            list.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(@"\gmb", ImportDomain.Main, true);
            list.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(@"\gmbj", ImportDomain.Main, true);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, list.Count);

            ImportMappingInfo info = list[@"\cap"];

            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.Default, info.Domain);
            Assert.AreEqual(MappingTargetType.FigureCaption, info.MappingTarget);

            info = list[@"\cat"];
            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.Default, info.Domain);
            Assert.AreEqual(MappingTargetType.FigureFilename, info.MappingTarget);

            info = list[@"\gmb"];
            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.Default, info.Domain);
            Assert.AreEqual(MappingTargetType.FigureFilename, info.MappingTarget);

            info = list[@"\gmbj"];
            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.Default, info.Domain);
            Assert.AreEqual(MappingTargetType.FigureCaption, info.MappingTarget);
        public void SetMappings_Notes()
            ScrMappingList list = new ScrMappingList(MappingSet.Notes, null);

            list.Add(new ImportMappingInfo(@"\a", null, false, MappingTargetType.TEStyle, MarkerDomain.Note, ScrStyleNames.Remark, null));
            list.Add(new ImportMappingInfo(@"\b", null, false, MappingTargetType.TEStyle, MarkerDomain.Default, ScrStyleNames.Remark, null));
                list.Add(new ImportMappingInfo(@"\q", null, false, MappingTargetType.TEStyle, MarkerDomain.BackTrans, ScrStyleNames.NormalParagraph, null));
                Assert.Fail("Illegal mapping (to BackTrans domain) was not caught");
            catch (ArgumentException) {}

            Assert.AreEqual(2, list.Count);

            ImportMappingInfo mapping = list[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(@"\a", mapping.BeginMarker);
            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.Default, mapping.Domain);

            mapping = list[1];
            Assert.AreEqual(@"\b", mapping.BeginMarker);
            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.Default, mapping.Domain);
        /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Clean up any resources being used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="disposing"><c>true</c> to release both managed and unmanaged
        /// resources; <c>false</c> to release only unmanaged resources.
        /// </param>
        /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            //Debug.WriteLineIf(!disposing, "****************** " + GetType().Name + " 'disposing' is false. ******************");
            // Must not be run more than once.
            if (IsDisposed)

            if (disposing)
                if (components != null)
            m_styleListHelper = null;
            m_StyleSheet      = null;
            m_mapping         = null;
            m_cache           = null;
            m_scr             = null;

Beispiel #8
 /// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mapping">Provides intial values displayed in dialog.</param>
 /// <param name="styleSheet">Provides the character styles user can pick from.</param>
 /// <param name="cache">The DB cache</param>
 /// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 public DummyCharacterMappingSettings(ImportMappingInfo mapping, FwStyleSheet styleSheet,
                                      FdoCache cache) : base(mapping, styleSheet, cache, false, null, null)
     // No code needed so far.
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize this dialog
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fParatextMapping"><c>true</c> if a Paratext mapping is being modified;
        /// <c>false</c> otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="mapping">Mapping object being modified</param>
        /// <param name="styleSheet">Stylesheet containing styles that will appear in the list
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="cache">The cache representing the DB connection</param>
        /// <param name="fBackTransDomainLocked">If <c>true</c>, won't allow the user to
        /// check or clear the BT checkbox. If the incoming mapping is for the back translation
        /// and has a domain of either Scripture or Footnote, these two domains remain
        /// enabled so the user can switch between them, but the Notes domain will be
        /// disabled. If the incoming mapping is not for the back translation, then
        /// this only affects the BT checkbox, not the domain options.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="isAnnotationMapping">If <c>true</c>, forces this mapping to be in the
        /// Annotation domain.</param>
        /// <remarks>We separated this from the constructor so that we can create a mock object
        /// for testing purposes.</remarks>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public virtual void Initialize(bool fParatextMapping, ImportMappingInfo mapping,
                                       FwStyleSheet styleSheet, FdoCache cache, bool isAnnotationMapping,
                                       bool fBackTransDomainLocked)

            m_fParatextMapping = fParatextMapping;
            m_cache            = cache;
            m_scr                        = cache.LangProject.TranslatedScriptureOA;
            m_mapping                    = mapping;
            m_StyleSheet                 = styleSheet;
            m_isAnnotationMapping        = isAnnotationMapping;
            m_fBackTransDomainLocked     = fBackTransDomainLocked;
            m_styleListHelper.StyleSheet = styleSheet as FwStyleSheet;

            //			// if there are items in the styles list and there is not one selected then
            //			// set the first item to be the selected item.
            //			if (lbStyles.SelectedIndex == -1 && lbStyles.Items.Count > 0)
            //				lbStyles.SelectedIndex = 0;

            // Fill in the list selector combo box with the filters for the style list
            // Also set the maximum style level for the style list helper before the
            // style list gets filled in.

            cboList.SelectedIndex = 1;
            // This code was not completely removed for the highly likely case that
            // it gets put back :)
//			switch (Options.ShowTheseStylesSetting)
//			{
//				case Options.ShowTheseStyles.Basic:
//					cboList.SelectedIndex = 0;
//					m_styleListHelper.MaxStyleLevel = 0;
//					break;
//				case Options.ShowTheseStyles.All:
//					cboList.SelectedIndex = 1;
//					m_styleListHelper.MaxStyleLevel = int.MaxValue;
//					break;
//				case Options.ShowTheseStyles.Custom:
//					cboList.SelectedIndex = 2;
//					m_styleListHelper.MaxStyleLevel = ToolsOptionsDialog.MaxStyleLevel;
//					break;
//			}

            chkBackTranslation.Checked = (mapping.Domain & MarkerDomain.BackTrans) != 0;

            // Check the appropriate button for the domain.  This will cause the
            // style list to be loaded correctly for the domain.
            switch (mapping.Domain & ~MarkerDomain.BackTrans)
            case MarkerDomain.Footnote:
                rbtnFootnotes.Checked = true;

            case MarkerDomain.Note:
                rbtnNotes.Checked = true;

                rbtnScripture.Checked = true;

            // select the style name and add the handler for style changes.  This needs
            // to be done after setting the domain since that causes the style list to
            // be loaded the first time.
            m_styleListHelper.SelectedStyleName = MappingToUiStylename(mapping);
            m_styleListHelper.StyleChosen      += new StyleChosenHandler(StyleChosen);

            // if the selected mapping is excluded, then check the box
            if (chkExclude.Checked != mapping.IsExcluded)
                chkExclude.Checked = mapping.IsExcluded;
                SetControlStatesBasedOnExcludeCheckBox(null, null);

            // Create a fake WS for the "Based on Context" item
            string initialWritingSystem = string.Empty;

            // Iterate through the available writing systems and add them to the writing systems
            // combo box.
            foreach (IWritingSystem wsObj in cache.ServiceLocator.WritingSystems.AllWritingSystems)

                // If the mapping's ICULocale matches the current writing system's ICULocale,
                // save the string just added to the combo box so we can initialize the
                // combo box's value with it.
                if (mapping.WsId == wsObj.Id)
                    initialWritingSystem = wsObj.ToString();

            // Initialize the combo's value.
            cboWritingSys.SelectedIndex = (initialWritingSystem == string.Empty ?
                                           0 : cboWritingSys.FindString(initialWritingSystem));
        public void AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded_btMappings()
            DynamicMock mockStylesheet = new DynamicMock(typeof(IVwStylesheet));

            mockStylesheet.SetupResultForParams("GetContext", (int)ContextValues.Note, ScrStyleNames.NormalFootnoteParagraph);
            mockStylesheet.SetupResultForParams("GetContext", (int)ContextValues.Text, ScrStyleNames.NormalParagraph);
            mockStylesheet.SetupResultForParams("GetContext", (int)ContextValues.General, "Emphasis");
            mockStylesheet.SetupResultForParams("GetContext", (int)ContextValues.Annotation, ScrStyleNames.Remark);
            mockStylesheet.SetupResultForParams("GetType", (int)StyleType.kstParagraph, ScrStyleNames.NormalFootnoteParagraph);
            mockStylesheet.SetupResultForParams("GetType", (int)StyleType.kstParagraph, ScrStyleNames.NormalParagraph);
            mockStylesheet.SetupResultForParams("GetType", (int)StyleType.kstCharacter, "Emphasis");
            mockStylesheet.SetupResultForParams("GetType", (int)StyleType.kstParagraph, ScrStyleNames.Remark);

            ScrMappingList list = new ScrMappingList(MappingSet.Main, (IVwStylesheet)mockStylesheet.MockInstance);

            list.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(@"\bt", ImportDomain.Main, true);
            list.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(@"\btc", ImportDomain.Main, true);
            list.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(@"\btf", ImportDomain.Main, true);
            list.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(@"\btp", ImportDomain.Main, true);
            list.Add(new ImportMappingInfo(@"\emph", null, "Emphasis"));
            list.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(@"\btemph", ImportDomain.Main, true);
            list.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(@"\btrem", ImportDomain.Main, true);
            list.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(@"\bty", ImportDomain.Main, true);
            Assert.AreEqual(8, list.Count);

            // Test that \bt does not map automatically as a Back-trans marker.
            ImportMappingInfo info = list[@"\bt"];

            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.Default, info.Domain, @"\bt should not map automatically as a Back-trans marker");
            Assert.AreEqual(MappingTargetType.TEStyle, info.MappingTarget);

            // Test that \btc does not map automatically as a Back-trans marker (this is a special exception to the rul).
            info = list[@"\btc"];
            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.Default, info.Domain, @"\btc should not map automatically as a Back-trans marker");
            Assert.AreEqual(MappingTargetType.TEStyle, info.MappingTarget);

            // Test that \btf maps automatically as a Back-trans marker.
            info = list[@"\btf"];
            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.BackTrans | MarkerDomain.Footnote, info.Domain, @"\btf should map automatically as a Back-trans marker");
            Assert.AreEqual(MappingTargetType.TEStyle, info.MappingTarget);
            Assert.AreEqual(ScrStyleNames.NormalFootnoteParagraph, info.StyleName);

            // Test that \btp maps automatically as a Back-trans marker.
            info = list[@"\btp"];
            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.BackTrans, info.Domain, @"\btp should map automatically as a Back-trans marker");
            Assert.AreEqual(MappingTargetType.TEStyle, info.MappingTarget);
            Assert.AreEqual(ScrStyleNames.NormalParagraph, info.StyleName);

            // Test that \btemph maps automatically to the corresponding vernacular style but does not map
            // into the Back-trans marker domain because \emph is a character style.
            info = list[@"\btemph"];
            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.Default, info.Domain, @"\btemph should not map automatically as a Back-trans marker");
            Assert.AreEqual(MappingTargetType.TEStyle, info.MappingTarget);
            Assert.AreEqual("Emphasis", info.StyleName);

            // Test that \btrem does not map automatically as a Back-trans marker (because \rem is a Note style).
            info = list[@"\btrem"];
            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.Default, info.Domain, @"\btrem should not map automatically as a Back-trans marker");
            Assert.AreEqual(MappingTargetType.TEStyle, info.MappingTarget);

            // Test that \bty does not map automatically as a Back-trans marker (because \y has no default mapping).
            info = list[@"\bty"];
            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.Default, info.Domain, @"\bty should not map automatically as a Back-trans marker");
            Assert.AreEqual(MappingTargetType.TEStyle, info.MappingTarget);
Beispiel #11
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert the source line into unicode if necessary
        /// </summary>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private string ConvertSource(string source, ImportMappingInfo markerMapping)
            // If the file is already Unicode then no need to convert it.
            if (m_currentFile.FileEncoding != Encoding.ASCII)

            IEncConverter dataEncoding;

            if (markerMapping == null)
                // If the marker is not mapped, use the containing paragraph's encoding.
                dataEncoding = m_prevDataEncoding;
                // book markers are a special case - do not convert them
                if (markerMapping.BeginMarker == ScrMappingList.MarkerBook)

                if (markerMapping.WsId != null)
                    dataEncoding = GetEncodingConverterForWs(markerMapping.WsId,
                    // For paragraph styles or markers that do not map to existing styles,
                    // or verse or chapter numbers or any default para char style that is
                    // not inline get the encoder from the current domain. Otherwise use
                    // the containing paragraph's encoder
                    if (markerMapping.Style == null || markerMapping.IsParagraphStyle ||
                        markerMapping.StyleName == ScrStyleNames.VerseNumber ||
                        markerMapping.StyleName == ScrStyleNames.ChapterNumber ||
                        (!markerMapping.IsInline && markerMapping.StyleName ==
                        dataEncoding = GetEncodingConverterForMarkerDomain(markerMapping);
                        dataEncoding = m_prevDataEncoding;

                // If the marker maps to a paragraph style or pertains to a non-default domain,
                // then save the encoder as the current paragraph encoder
                if (m_domain == ImportDomain.Main &&
                    ((markerMapping.StyleName != StyleUtils.DefaultParaCharsStyleName &&
                      (markerMapping.Style == null || markerMapping.IsParagraphStyle)) ||
                     (markerMapping.Domain & ~MarkerDomain.Footnote) != MarkerDomain.Default))
                    m_prevDataEncoding = dataEncoding;

            // If an encoder was not found, then just return the text
            if (dataEncoding == null)

            // get a converter and convert the text
            dataEncoding.CodePageInput = EncodingConstants.kMagicCodePage;
            if (source != string.Empty)
                    source = dataEncoding.Convert(source);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new EncodingConverterException(
                                                "kstidEncConverterError"), e.Message, dataEncoding.Name),

Beispiel #12
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Process a segment of text. If there are inline markers, then break out the
        /// pieces and return the next segment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">source text to process</param>
        /// <param name="marker">text of the marker</param>
        /// <param name="literalVerse">literal verse string to use</param>
        /// <returns>the next text segment</returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private ISCTextSegment ProcessNextSegmentOfText(string source, string marker,
                                                        string literalVerse)
            bool              fContinuationLine = (source == m_remainingLineText && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(source));
            int               startPos;
            string            startMarker   = FindNextMarker(source, 0, out startPos);
            ImportMappingInfo markerMapping = m_settings.MappingForMarker(marker, m_mappingSet);

            // If there are no markers, return the entire string as the segment
            if (startMarker == null)
                m_remainingLineText = string.Empty;

            else if (startPos != 0 || marker != string.Empty)
                // If the first marker is not at the start or if this is the very first time
                // through for this line, then save the text from the marker and
                // process the leading text (which may actually be an empty string if this
                // is a line beginning with a paragraph marker followed immediately by an
                // in-line marker).
                m_remainingLineText = source.Substring(startPos);
                source = source.Substring(0, startPos);

                // An inline marker was found at the beginning of the line so process it now
                int    endPos;
                string endMarker = FindNextMarker(source, startPos + startMarker.Length, out endPos);
                if (endMarker != null)
                    m_remainingLineText = source.Substring(endPos);
                    int ichStartOfSegment = startPos + startMarker.Length;
                    if (m_settings.ImportTypeEnum == TypeOfImport.Paratext5 && endPos > ichStartOfSegment)
                        // P5 in-line begin markers don't include the trailing space (for display
                        // purposes), but it is required. Start markers do not end in "*", end
                        // markers do.
                        if (!startMarker.EndsWith("*"))
                            Debug.Assert(source[ichStartOfSegment] == ' ' || source[ichStartOfSegment] == '\t');
                            ichStartOfSegment += 1;
                    source = source.Substring(ichStartOfSegment, endPos - ichStartOfSegment);
                    source = source.Substring(startPos + startMarker.Length);
                    m_remainingLineText = string.Empty;

                // For inline markers, get the mapping info
                markerMapping = m_settings.MappingForMarker(startMarker, m_mappingSet);
                marker        = startMarker;

            // need to process chapter/verse references on continuation lines
            if (fContinuationLine && (marker == @"\v" || marker == @"\c"))
                GetReferenceForLine(marker, ref source, ref literalVerse);

            // Build a segment to return
            return(new SCTextSegment(ConvertSource(source, markerMapping),
                                     marker, literalVerse, m_currentStartRef, m_currentEndRef,
                                     m_currentFile.FileName, m_lineNumber));
Beispiel #13
            private bool LoadProjectMappings(string project, ScrMappingList mappingList, ImportDomain domain)
                // If the new project ID is null, then do not load mappings.
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(project))

                // Load the tags from the paratext project and create mappings for them.
                IScrText scParatextText;

                    // ParatextShared has a static collection that is responsible for the dispose of any IScrText objects
                    scParatextText = ScriptureProvider.Get(project);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    m_IsParatextInitialized = false;

                foreach (ImportMappingInfo mapping in mappingList)
                    mapping.SetIsInUse(domain, false);
                    foreach (var tag in scParatextText.DefaultStylesheet.Tags)
                        if (tag == null)
                        string marker    = @"\" + tag.Marker;
                        string endMarker = string.Empty;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tag.Endmarker))
                            endMarker = @"\" + tag.Endmarker;

                        // When the nth marker has an end marker, the nth + 1 marker will be
                        // that end marker. Therefore, we have to skip those "end style" markers.
                        if (tag.StyleType == ScrStyleType.scEndStyle)

                        // Create a new mapping for this marker.
                        mappingList.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(marker, endMarker, domain, false, false);
                    var parser = scParatextText.Parser;
                    foreach (int bookNum in scParatextText.BooksPresentSet.SelectedBookNumbers)
                        foreach (var token in parser.GetUsfmTokens(ScriptureProvider.MakeVerseRef(bookNum, 0, 0), false, true))
                            if (token.Marker == null)
                                continue;                                 // Tokens alternate between text and marker types
                            ImportMappingInfo mapping = mappingList[@"\" + token.Marker];
                            if (mapping != null)
                                mapping.SetIsInUse(domain, true);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // A lot goes on in the try block, so this exception doesn't necessarily mean Paratext is inaccessible,
                    // so don't mark Paratext as uninitialized
Beispiel #14
        public void AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded_btMappings()
            IVwStylesheet stylesheet = MockRepository.GenerateStub <IVwStylesheet>();

            stylesheet.Stub(x => x.GetContext(ScrStyleNames.NormalFootnoteParagraph)).Return((int)ContextValues.Note);
            stylesheet.Stub(x => x.GetContext(ScrStyleNames.NormalParagraph)).Return((int)ContextValues.Text);
            stylesheet.Stub(x => x.GetContext("Emphasis")).Return((int)ContextValues.General);
            stylesheet.Stub(x => x.GetContext(ScrStyleNames.Remark)).Return((int)ContextValues.Annotation);

            stylesheet.Stub(x => x.GetType(ScrStyleNames.NormalFootnoteParagraph)).Return((int)StyleType.kstParagraph);
            stylesheet.Stub(x => x.GetType(ScrStyleNames.NormalParagraph)).Return((int)StyleType.kstParagraph);
            stylesheet.Stub(x => x.GetType("Emphasis")).Return((int)StyleType.kstCharacter);
            stylesheet.Stub(x => x.GetType(ScrStyleNames.Remark)).Return((int)StyleType.kstParagraph);

            ScrMappingList list = new ScrMappingList(MappingSet.Main, stylesheet, TestTeStylesPath);

            list.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(@"\bt", ImportDomain.Main, true);
            list.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(@"\btc", ImportDomain.Main, true);
            list.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(@"\btf", ImportDomain.Main, true);
            list.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(@"\btp", ImportDomain.Main, true);
            list.Add(new ImportMappingInfo(@"\emph", null, "Emphasis"));
            list.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(@"\btemph", ImportDomain.Main, true);
            list.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(@"\btrem", ImportDomain.Main, true);
            list.AddDefaultMappingIfNeeded(@"\bty", ImportDomain.Main, true);
            Assert.AreEqual(8, list.Count);

            // Test that \bt does not map automatically as a Back-trans marker.
            ImportMappingInfo info = list[@"\bt"];

            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.Default, info.Domain, @"\bt should not map automatically as a Back-trans marker");
            Assert.AreEqual(MappingTargetType.TEStyle, info.MappingTarget);

            // Test that \btc does not map automatically as a Back-trans marker (this is a special exception to the rul).
            info = list[@"\btc"];
            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.Default, info.Domain, @"\btc should not map automatically as a Back-trans marker");
            Assert.AreEqual(MappingTargetType.TEStyle, info.MappingTarget);

            // Test that \btf maps automatically as a Back-trans marker.
            info = list[@"\btf"];
            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.BackTrans | MarkerDomain.Footnote, info.Domain, @"\btf should map automatically as a Back-trans marker");
            Assert.AreEqual(MappingTargetType.TEStyle, info.MappingTarget);
            Assert.AreEqual(ScrStyleNames.NormalFootnoteParagraph, info.StyleName);

            // Test that \btp maps automatically as a Back-trans marker.
            info = list[@"\btp"];
            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.BackTrans, info.Domain, @"\btp should map automatically as a Back-trans marker");
            Assert.AreEqual(MappingTargetType.TEStyle, info.MappingTarget);
            Assert.AreEqual(ScrStyleNames.NormalParagraph, info.StyleName);

            // Test that \btemph maps automatically to the corresponding vernacular style but does not map
            // into the Back-trans marker domain because \emph is a character style.
            info = list[@"\btemph"];
            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.Default, info.Domain, @"\btemph should not map automatically as a Back-trans marker");
            Assert.AreEqual(MappingTargetType.TEStyle, info.MappingTarget);
            Assert.AreEqual("Emphasis", info.StyleName);

            // Test that \btrem does not map automatically as a Back-trans marker (because \rem is a Note style).
            info = list[@"\btrem"];
            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.Default, info.Domain, @"\btrem should not map automatically as a Back-trans marker");
            Assert.AreEqual(MappingTargetType.TEStyle, info.MappingTarget);

            // Test that \bty does not map automatically as a Back-trans marker (because \y has no default mapping).
            info = list[@"\bty"];
            Assert.AreEqual(MarkerDomain.Default, info.Domain, @"\bty should not map automatically as a Back-trans marker");
            Assert.AreEqual(MappingTargetType.TEStyle, info.MappingTarget);