public async void RemoveNonsupportedImages_removes_correct_things()
            var mock = new Mock <ISettingsManager>();

            mock.Setup(m => m.GetSupportedExtensions()).Returns(new StringCollection {

            var album = new ImgurAlbum
                Images =
                    new List <ImgurImage>
                    new ImgurImage {
                        Type = "image/jpg"
                    new ImgurImage {
                        Type = "image/png"
                    new ImgurImage {
                        Type = "image/gif"

            album.Settings = mock.Object;

            await album.RemoveNonsupportedImages();

            Assert.Equal(1, album.Images.Count);
            Assert.Equal("image/jpg", album.Images.First().Type);
Beispiel #2
        public void AlbumCRUD()
            string albumTitle       = "K1tt3ns!";
            string descriptor       = "An album created to talk about cats";
            string albumTitleUpdate = "dogsarecool";
            string albumDescUpdate  = "album desc update";

            // grab some images (from another album) to use in our test album
            List <ImgurImage> listOfImages = new List <ImgurImage>(ImgurApiSource.Instance.AlbumImagesAsync(testAlbum).Result);

            // create the album
            ImgurAlbum album = ImgurApiSource.Instance.AlbumCreationAsync(listOfImages, listOfImages[0], albumTitle, descriptor, Privacy.ignore, Layout.ignore).Result;

            Assert.AreEqual(album.Title, albumTitle);
            Assert.AreEqual(album.Description, descriptor);
            Assert.AreEqual(album.ImagesInAlbum, listOfImages.Count);

            // update information
            List <string> stringList    = new List <string>();
            ImgurBasic    responseBasic = ImgurApiSource.Instance.AlbumUpdateAsync(album.deletehash, stringList, null, albumTitleUpdate, albumDescUpdate, Privacy.hidden,;


            // destroy
            ImgurBasic deleteResponse = ImgurApiSource.Instance.AlbumDeletionAsync(album.deletehash).Result;

        public async void GetContent_given_albumid_with_images_of_invalid_type_returns_empty_album()
            var mock = new Mock <ImgurRatelimiter>(null);

            mock.Setup(m => m.IsRequestAllowed()).Returns(true);
            mock.Setup(m => m.LimitsHaveBeenLoaded()).Returns(true);

            var albumId  = "example";
            var imageNum = 15;
            var album    = new ImgurAlbum {
                Images = new List <ImgurImage>(Enumerable.Repeat(new ImgurImage {
                    Type = "image/test"
                }, imageNum))
            var handler = StubHttpClient.GetHandler();

            handler.AddResponse(new Uri($"{albumId}"), HttpStatusCode.OK, new ApiHelper <ImgurAlbum> {
                Data = album

            var source = new ImgurAlbumSource(StubHttpClient.Create(handler), mock.Object);
            var result = await source.GetContent(albumId);

            Assert.Equal(0, result.Images.Count);
            mock.Verify(i => i.LimitsHaveBeenLoaded(), Times.Once);
            mock.Verify(i => i.IsRequestAllowed(), Times.Once);
Beispiel #4
        public void GetAlbumDetailsTest()
            ImgurAlbum album = ImgurApiSource.Instance.AlbumDetailsAsync(testAlbum.ToString()).Result;

            // TODO: Fill in better test details
Beispiel #5
 private static void DumpAlbumInfo(ImgurAlbum alb)
     Console.WriteLine("\nAlbum Info:");
     Console.WriteLine("    Link:        " + alb.Link);
     Console.WriteLine("    Image Count: " + alb.ImagesCount);
     Console.WriteLine("    Date Added:  " + alb.TimeAdded);
     Console.WriteLine("    Views:       " + alb.Views);
     Console.WriteLine("    Delete Hash: " + alb.DeleteHash);
Beispiel #6
        public async Task <ImgurPicture> GetImage(string query)
            ImgurAlbum album = await ImgurConnection.QuerySearch(query);

            if (album == null)
                return([(new Random()).Next(]);
Beispiel #7
        private async Task GetAlbum()
            ImgurAlbum tmpAlbum = null;

            if (File.Exists(_albumSavePath))
                tmpAlbum = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ImgurAlbum>(File.ReadAllText(_albumSavePath));
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpAlbum.DeleteHash))
                    tmpAlbum = null;
                        _ = await _client.GetAlbum(tmpAlbum.Id);
                        Debug.WriteLine($"Album does not exist: {tmpAlbum} with id: {tmpAlbum.Id} -> creating new one");
                        tmpAlbum = null;
            else if (Path.GetDirectoryName(_albumSavePath) != null && !Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(_albumSavePath)))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(_albumSavePath) ?? throw new InvalidOperationException());

            if (tmpAlbum == null)
                tmpAlbum = await _client.CreateAlbum();

                Debug.WriteLine($"Created album: {tmpAlbum} with deleteHash: {tmpAlbum.DeleteHash}");

            if (tmpAlbum != null)
                _album = tmpAlbum;
                File.WriteAllText(_albumSavePath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_album));
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new album.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="imageIDs">The image ids that you want to be included in the album.</param>
        /// <param name="coverImageId">The id of the image you want to set as the cover.  If the coverImageID isn't in the list you specified in the first parameter, this is ignored.</param>
        /// <param name="title"> The title of the album </param>
        /// <param name="description">The description of the album</param>
        /// <param name="albumPrivacy">Sets the privacy level of the album. Values are : public | hidden | secret. Defaults to user's privacy settings for logged in users.</param>
        /// <param name="albumLayout">Sets the layout to display the album. Values are : blog | grid | horizontal | vertical</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <ImgurAlbum> AlbumCreationAsync(List <string> imageIDs, string coverImageId, String title = "", String description = "", Privacy albumPrivacy = Privacy.ignore, Layout albumLayout = Layout.ignore)
            MultipartFormDataContent content = new MultipartFormDataContent(BoundaryGuid.ToString());

            if (imageIDs.Count != 0 || imageIDs == null)
                string serializedImageList = await Task.Run(() => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(imageIDs));

                content.Add(new StringContent(serializedImageList), ImgurEndpoints.ImageEndpointParameterLookup[ImgurParameters.ids]);
            if (imageIDs.Contains(coverImageId))
                content.Add(new StringContent(coverImageId), ImgurEndpoints.ImageEndpointParameterLookup[ImgurParameters.cover]);
            if (title != "")
                content.Add(new StringContent(title), ImgurEndpoints.ImageEndpointParameterLookup[ImgurParameters.title]);
            if (description != "")
                content.Add(new StringContent(description), ImgurEndpoints.ImageEndpointParameterLookup[ImgurParameters.description]);
            if (albumPrivacy != Privacy.ignore)
                content.Add(new StringContent(Utilities.convertToString(albumPrivacy)), ImgurEndpoints.ImageEndpointParameterLookup[ImgurParameters.privacy]);
            if (albumLayout != Layout.ignore)
                content.Add(new StringContent(Utilities.convertToString(albumLayout)), ImgurEndpoints.ImageEndpointParameterLookup[ImgurParameters.layout]);
            String responseString = await PostAnonymousImgurDataAsync(ImgurEndpoints.AlbumCreation(), content);

            ImgurBasicWithAlbum status = await Task.Run(() => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ImgurBasicWithAlbum>(responseString, _defaultSerializerSettings));

            // By default, we only get the deletehash in the basic response but this should really include the deletehash
            // so we make another call to fill in the rest of the details about the object
            ImgurAlbum album = await this.AlbumDetailsAsync(;

            album.deletehash =;

Beispiel #9
        public async void Downloader(string mediaId)
            album = await imgur.GetAlbum(mediaId);

            for (int i = 0; i < album.ImagesCount; i++)
                using (var client = new WebClient())
                    string filename = Path.GetFileName(new Uri(album.Images[i].Link).AbsolutePath);

                    if (!allIds.Contains(album.Images[i].Id))
                        Directory.CreateDirectory(@"Imgur\" + mediaId);
                        client.DownloadFile(album.Images[i].Link, @"Imgur\" + mediaId + @"\" + album.Images[i].Id + ".jpg");
                        File.WriteAllLines("allIds.txt", allIds);
        public async void ParseSource_given_album_link_calls_ISource_for_album()
            var sourceMock = new Mock <ISource <ImgurAlbum> >();
            var input      = "";
            var albumId    = "test";
            var mockReturn = new ImgurAlbum()
                Images = new List <ImgurImage> {
                    new ImgurImage(), new ImgurImage()

            sourceMock.Setup(m => m.GetContent(albumId)).ReturnsAsync(mockReturn);

            var handler = new ImgurHandler(sourceMock.Object, null);
            var output  = await handler.ParseSource(input);

            Assert.Equal(2, output.GetImages().ToList().Count);
            sourceMock.Verify(i => i.GetContent(albumId), Times.Once);
Beispiel #11
        private static async void UploadImage()
                ImgurImage urlImage = await imgur.UploadImageAnonymous("", "name", "title", "description");

                byte[]       buff = File.ReadAllBytes("vs-icon.png");
                MemoryStream ms   = new MemoryStream(buff);

                ImgurImage streamImage = await imgur.UploadImageAnonymous(ms, "name", "title", "description");

                bool updated = await imgur.UpdateImageAnonymous(streamImage.Deletehash, "updated title", "a new description");

                ImgurImage getImage = await imgur.GetImage(streamImage.Id);

                ImgurCreateAlbum createdAlbum = await imgur.CreateAlbumAnonymous(new string[] { streamImage.Id }, "album title", "album description", ImgurAlbumPrivacy.Public, ImgurAlbumLayout.Horizontal, streamImage.Id);

                bool result = await imgur.UpdateAlbumAnonymous(createdAlbum.DeleteHash, new string[] { streamImage.Id, urlImage.Id }, "updated album title", "update album description", ImgurAlbumPrivacy.Hidden, ImgurAlbumLayout.Blog, urlImage.Id);

                bool addImagesResult = await imgur.AddImagesToAlbumAnonymous(createdAlbum.DeleteHash, new string[] { streamImage.Id, urlImage.Id });

                bool removeImagesResult = await imgur.RemoveImagesFromAlbumAnonymous(createdAlbum.DeleteHash, new string[] { urlImage.Id });

                ImgurAlbum album = await imgur.GetAlbum(createdAlbum.Id);

                bool deleteAlbum = await imgur.DeleteAlbumAnonymous(createdAlbum.DeleteHash);

                bool deletedUrlImage = await imgur.DeleteImageAnonymous(urlImage.Deletehash);

                bool deletedStreamImage = await imgur.DeleteImageAnonymous(streamImage.Deletehash);
            catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #12
        private static EmbedData GetEmbedData(ImgurAlbum album)
            var ci = album.Images.FirstOrDefault(im => im.Id == album.Cover) ?? album.Images[0];
            var d  = GetEmbedData(ci);

            d.Url         = "" + album.Id;
            d.Title       = album.Title ?? d.Title;
            d.Description = album.Description ?? d.Description;

            if (album.Images.Length > 1)
                d.Type = EmbedDataTypes.MixedContent;

                foreach (var img in album.Images)
                    if (img != ci)

Beispiel #13
        private static async void UploadImage()
                //bool Check = await API.ChechToken("");

                string Code = API.RequestPin();
                if (Code.Contains(".com"))
                    Console.Write("Write Pin: ");
                    Code = Console.ReadLine();
                ImgurToken Token = await API.RequestTokenWithPin(Code);

                ImgurToken ResetToken = await API.ResetToken(Token);

                Token = ResetToken;
                await API.GetImagesAlbum("Chww0");

                long ImageCount = await API.GetImageCount(Token);


                ImgurAccount Account = await API.GetAccount("letuananh035");

                List <ImgurImage> Images = await API.GetImages(Token);


                ImgurImage urlImage = await API.UploadImage("", "title", "description", Token);

                byte[]       buff = File.ReadAllBytes("vs-icon.png");
                MemoryStream ms   = new MemoryStream(buff);

                ImgurImage streamImage = await API.UploadImage(ms, "title", "description", Token);

                bool updated = await API.UpdateImage(streamImage.Id, "updated title", "a new description", Token);

                ImgurImage getImage = await API.GetImage(streamImage.Id);

                ImgurCreateAlbum createdAlbum = await API.CreateAlbum(new string[] { streamImage.Id }, "album title", "album description", ImgurAlbumPrivacy.Public, ImgurAlbumLayout.Horizontal, streamImage.Id, Token);

                bool result = await API.UpdateAlbum(createdAlbum.Id, new string[] { streamImage.Id, urlImage.Id }, "updated album title", "update album description", ImgurAlbumPrivacy.Hidden, ImgurAlbumLayout.Blog, urlImage.Id, Token);

                bool addImagesResult = await API.AddImagesToAlbum(createdAlbum.DeleteHash, new string[] { streamImage.Id, urlImage.Id }, Token);

                ImgurAlbum album = await API.GetAlbum(createdAlbum.Id);

                bool removeImagesResult = await API.RemoveImagesFromAlbum(createdAlbum.DeleteHash, new string[] { urlImage.Id }, Token);

                bool deleteAlbum = await API.DeleteAlbum(createdAlbum.Id, Token);

                bool deletedUrlImage = await API.DeleteImage(urlImage.Deletehash);

                bool deletedStreamImage = await API.DeleteImage(streamImage.Id, Token);
            catch (Exception e)
        public static IMGURDec GetImages(string contextURL)
            IMGURDec _dec = new IMGURDec();

            _dec.ContextURL = contextURL;
            string[]          _ext  = Tools.GetFileExtension(contextURL);
            ImgurDotNet.Imgur _gurl = new Imgur();
            bool _isImage           = false;

            try { ImgurImage _img = _gurl.GetImage(_ext[0]); _isImage = true; }
            catch (Exception ex) { }
            if (!_ext[1].Equals("=(") || _isImage)
                if (_isImage)
                    //is image
                    ImgurImage _img = _gurl.GetImage(_ext[0]);
                    _dec.FullURLs = new string[] { _img.OriginalUrl.ToString() };
                    _dec.IsAlbum  = false;
                    _dec.Titles   = new string[] { _img.Title };
                    _dec.Descs    = new string[] { _img.Name };
                    if (!_ext[1].Equals("=("))
                        _dec.FileTypes = new string[] { _ext[1] };
                        _dec.FileNames = new string[] { _ext[0] + "." + _ext[1] };

                        if (!_ext[1].Equals("gif") && !_ext[1].Equals("gifv"))
                            string[] _mime = _img.Type.Split(new char[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            if (!_mime[_mime.Length - 1].Equals(_dec.FileTypes))
                                _dec.FileTypes = new string[] { _mime[_mime.Length - 1] };
                        string[] _ext0 = Tools.GetFileExtension(_img.OriginalUrl.ToString());
                        _dec.FileTypes = new string[] { _ext0[1] };
                        _dec.FileNames = new string[] { _ext0[0] + "." + _ext0[1] };
                    _dec.FullURLs  = new string[] { contextURL };
                    _dec.IsAlbum   = false;
                    _dec.Titles    = new string[] { "NOTITLE" };
                    _dec.FileTypes = new string[] { _ext[1] };
                    _dec.FileNames = new string[] { _ext[0] + "." + _ext[1] };
                    _dec.Descs     = new string[] { "NODESC" };
                ImgurAlbum _alb       = _gurl.GetAlbum(_ext[0]);
                string[]   _fullURLS  = new string[_alb.Images.Count];
                string[]   _titles    = new string[_alb.Images.Count];
                string[]   _descs     = new string[_alb.Images.Count];
                string[]   _fileTypes = new string[_alb.Images.Count];
                string[]   _fileNames = new string[_alb.Images.Count];
                int        _count     = 0;
                foreach (ImgurImage _img in _alb.Images)
                    string[] _ext2 = Tools.GetFileExtension(_img.OriginalUrl.ToString());
                    _fullURLS[_count]  = _img.OriginalUrl.ToString();
                    _titles[_count]    = _img.Title;
                    _descs[_count]     = _img.Caption;
                    _fileTypes[_count] = _ext2[1];
                    _fileNames[_count] = _ext2[0] + "." + _ext2[1];
                    if (!_ext[1].Equals("gif") && !_ext2[1].Equals("gifv"))
                        string[] _mime = _img.Type.Split(new char[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        if (!_mime[_mime.Length - 1].Equals(_fileTypes[_count]))
                            _fileTypes[_count] = _mime[_mime.Length - 1];
                _dec.IsAlbum   = true;
                _dec.FullURLs  = _fullURLS;
                _dec.Titles    = _titles;
                _dec.Descs     = _descs;
                _dec.FileTypes = _fileTypes;
                _dec.FileNames = _fileNames;