Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// get the bounding box properties for a particular color on the screen
        /// </summary>
        public BoundingBoxProperties getBoundingBoxProperties(System.Windows.Media.Color myColor)

            BoundingBoxProperties rValue = new BoundingBoxProperties();
   = rValue.left = rValue.right = rValue.bottom = rValue.width = rValue.height = 0;
            System.Drawing.Color checkColor;

            checkColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(myColor.A,myColor.R,myColor.G,myColor.B);

            this.screen  = ImageUtility.CaptureScreen(internalHWnd, true);

                System.Drawing.Rectangle myRect = ImageUtility.GetBoundingBoxForColor(this.screen, checkColor);

       = myRect.Top;
                rValue.left = myRect.Left;
                rValue.right = myRect.Right;
                rValue.bottom = myRect.Bottom;
                rValue.width = myRect.Width;
                rValue.height = myRect.Height;
            catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex)
                logComment(" Error in ImageUtils: " + ex);

            logComment(" Bounding box for color: " + checkColor.A.ToString() + " " + checkColor.R.ToString()+ " " + checkColor.G.ToString()+ " " + checkColor.B.ToString());
            logComment(" L: " + rValue.left +  " R: " + rValue.right +  " T: " + +  " B: " + rValue.bottom + " -- H: " + rValue.height + " W: " + rValue.width + "\n");

            return rValue;

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Take a snaphot of the screen bounded by rectangle
        /// </summary>
        public void ScreenSnapshot(Rectangle rectangle)
            Bitmap bmpCapture = ImageUtility.CaptureScreen(rectangle);

            OriginalData.Image = new ImageAdapter(bmpCapture);
            FilteredData.Image = new ImageAdapter(bmpCapture);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes a Snapshot of the HWND screen area
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="HWND">The HWND of the window to take a snapshot for</param>
        /// <param name="clientAreaOnly">Direct to get the client area or the full window</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// Note : Passing an invalid HWND will throw an exception
        public void ScreenSnapshot(IntPtr HWND, bool clientAreaOnly)
            Bitmap bmpCapture = ImageUtility.CaptureScreen(HWND, clientAreaOnly);    //, out rect);

            OriginalData.Image = new ImageAdapter(bmpCapture);
            FilteredData.Image = new ImageAdapter(bmpCapture);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the color on the screen at a certain point
        /// </summary>
        public System.Windows.Media.Color getColorAtPoint(int X, int Y)

            this.screen  = ImageUtility.CaptureScreen(internalHWnd, true);

            System.Drawing.Color myColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);

                myColor = screen.GetPixel(X,Y);
            catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex)
                logComment(" Error in ImageUtils: " + ex); return Colors.Black;

            logComment(" Color at position " + X.ToString() + " " + Y.ToString() + " was " + myColor.A.ToString() + " " + myColor.R.ToString()+ " " + myColor.G.ToString()+ " " + myColor.B.ToString());

            System.Windows.Media.Color returnColor = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(myColor.A,myColor.R,myColor.G,myColor.B);

            return returnColor;
Beispiel #5
        * Function:         Verify
        /// <summary>
        /// Side by Side verification call to perform verifcation for a specific time
        /// </summary>
        public bool Verify(double curTime)
            // if there is no window registered, we can't proceede
            if (!windowRegistered)
                verboseLog += "\n COULD NOT DO VISUAL VALIDATION!!!!!!!!!!! No Window was specified. Defaulting to ValuesOnlyVerify. For VisualValidation, use the following constructor: SideBySideVerifier(Window win) ";

            bool passResult    = true;
            bool valuesCheckOK = true;

            // Snapshot

            this.aniWin.Title = windowTitle;

            System.Drawing.Bitmap animatedCapture = ImageUtility.CaptureScreen(hWnd, true);

            // Set BaseValue to AnimationCalculator Value
            verboseLog = "\n Side by Side Verifier for time " + curTime;

            if ((registeredAnimatableCount == 0) && (registeredUIElementCount == 0))
                verboseLog += " No animations could be registered - nothing to verify";

            // walk all registered animatables, obtain expected and actual values and compare
            for (int i = 0; i < registeredAnimatableCount; i++)
                object           expectedValue = myValidator.Verify(registeredAnimatableObjs[i].animClock, registeredAnimatableObjs[i].baseValue, curTime);
                DependencyObject current       = registeredAnimatableObjs[i].animObj;
                object           currentValue  = current.GetValue(registeredAnimatableObjs[i].animProp);

                verboseLog += "\n" + current.GetType().ToString().Substring(current.GetType().ToString().LastIndexOf(".") + 1);
                verboseLog += " " + registeredAnimatableObjs[i].animProp.ToString().Substring(registeredAnimatableObjs[i].animProp.ToString().LastIndexOf(".") + 1) + " Anim:: prog: ";
                verboseLog += registeredAnimatableObjs[i].animClock.CurrentProgress.ToString() + "   exp : " + expectedValue.ToString() + " act: " + currentValue.ToString();

                if (!myValidator.WithinTolerance(currentValue, expectedValue, this.toleranceInPercent))
                    passResult = false; verboseLog += " <-----"; valuesCheckOK = false;

                current.SetValue(registeredAnimatableObjs[i].animProp, expectedValue);
                ((System.Windows.Media.Animation.Animatable)current).ApplyAnimationClock(registeredAnimatableObjs[i].animProp, null);

            // walk all registered UI Elements, obtain expected and actual values and compare
            for (int i = 0; i < registeredUIElementCount; i++)
                object    expectedValue = myValidator.Verify(registeredUIElementObjs[i].animClock, registeredUIElementObjs[i].baseValue, curTime);
                object    currentValue  = registeredUIElementObjs[i].animObj.GetValue(registeredUIElementObjs[i].animProp);
                UIElement current       = registeredUIElementObjs[i].animObj;

                verboseLog += "\n" + current.GetType().ToString().Substring(current.GetType().ToString().LastIndexOf(".") + 1);
                verboseLog += registeredUIElementObjs[i].animProp.ToString().Substring(registeredUIElementObjs[i].animProp.ToString().LastIndexOf(".") + 1) + " Anim:: prog: ";
                verboseLog += registeredUIElementObjs[i].animClock.CurrentProgress.ToString() + "   exp : " + expectedValue.ToString() + " act: " + currentValue.ToString();

                // check to make sure the values match. If they do, setting valuesCheckOk to
                if (!myValidator.WithinTolerance(currentValue, expectedValue, this.toleranceInPercent))
                    passResult = false; verboseLog += " <-----"; valuesCheckOK = false;

                current.SetValue(registeredUIElementObjs[i].animProp, expectedValue);
                current.ApplyAnimationClock(registeredUIElementObjs[i].animProp, null);

            // obviously, if the calculated and actual values do not match, there is no need for visual validation
            if (valuesCheckOK)
                // Snapshot
                System.Drawing.Bitmap staticCapture = ImageUtility.CaptureScreen(hWnd, true);

                // Visual Verification
                passResult = imageCompare.Compare(new ImageAdapter(staticCapture), new ImageAdapter(animatedCapture));
                if (!passResult)
                    verboseLog += "\n The comparison has failed. Anim_" + curTime.ToString() + ".bmp  and  Static_" + curTime.ToString() + ".bmp have been written out";
                    animatedCapture.Save("Anim_" + curTime.ToString() + ".bmp");
                    staticCapture.Save("Static_" + curTime.ToString() + ".bmp");
                verboseLog += "\n VISUAL VALIDATION SKIPPED!!!!!!!!!!! The values did not match, no sense comparing";
                passResult  = false;

            // Now lets put the animations back
            for (int i = 0; i < registeredAnimatableCount; i++)
                DependencyObject current = registeredAnimatableObjs[i].animObj;
                current.SetValue(registeredAnimatableObjs[i].animProp, registeredAnimatableObjs[i].baseValue);
                ((System.Windows.Media.Animation.Animatable)current).ApplyAnimationClock(registeredAnimatableObjs[i].animProp, registeredAnimatableObjs[i].animClock);
            for (int i = 0; i < registeredUIElementCount; i++)
                UIElement current = registeredUIElementObjs[i].animObj;
                current.SetValue(registeredUIElementObjs[i].animProp, registeredUIElementObjs[i].baseValue);
                current.ApplyAnimationClock(registeredUIElementObjs[i].animProp, registeredUIElementObjs[i].animClock);
