/// <summary>
        ///     A simple function that takes a string and returns both the upper and lower case version of the string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <List <Label> > FunctionHandler(ExecutionInput input, ILambdaContext context)
            var logger = new ImageRecognitionLogger(input, context);

            Console.WriteLine($"Looking for labels in image {input.Bucket}:{input.SourceKey}");

            var key = WebUtility.UrlDecode(input.SourceKey);

            var detectResponses = await RekognitionClient.DetectLabelsAsync(new DetectLabelsRequest
                MinConfidence = MinConfidence,
                MaxLabels     = MaxLabels,
                Image         = new Image
                    S3Object = new S3Object
                        Bucket = input.Bucket,
                        Name   = key

            await logger.WriteMessageAsync(new MessageEvent { Message = "Photo labels extracted successfully" },

        /// <summary>
        ///     A simple function that takes a string and returns both the upper and lower case version of the string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task FunctionHandler(InputEvent input, ILambdaContext context)
            var logger = new ImageRecognitionLogger(input, context);

            var thumbnail = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <Thumbnail>(JsonSerializer.Serialize(input.ParallelResults[1]));

            var labels = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <List <Label> >(JsonSerializer.Serialize(input.ParallelResults[0]));

            var photoUpdate = new Photo
                PhotoId          = WebUtility.UrlDecode(input.PhotoId),
                ProcessingStatus = ProcessingStatus.Succeeded,
                FullSize         = new PhotoImage
                    Key    = WebUtility.UrlDecode(input.SourceKey),
                    Width  = input.ExtractedMetadata?.Dimensions?.Width,
                    Height = input.ExtractedMetadata?.Dimensions?.Height
                Format    = input.ExtractedMetadata?.Format,
                ExifMake  = input.ExtractedMetadata?.ExifMake,
                ExifModel = input.ExtractedMetadata?.ExifModel,
                Thumbnail = new PhotoImage
                    Key    = WebUtility.UrlDecode(thumbnail?.s3key),
                    Width  = thumbnail?.width,
                    Height = thumbnail?.height
                ObjectDetected = labels.Select(l => l.Name).ToArray(),
                GeoLocation    = input.ExtractedMetadata?.Geo,
                UpdatedDate    = DateTime.UtcNow

            // update photo table.
            await _ddbContext.SaveAsync(photoUpdate).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var data = JsonSerializer.Serialize(photoUpdate);

            await logger.WriteMessageAsync(
                new MessageEvent
                { Message = "Photo recognition metadata stored succesfully", Data = data, CompleteEvent = true },

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     A simple function that takes a s3 bucket input and extract metadata of Image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <ImageMetadata> FunctionHandler(ExecutionInput state, ILambdaContext context)
            var logger = new ImageRecognitionLogger(state, context);

            var srcKey  = WebUtility.UrlDecode(state.SourceKey);
            var tmpPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetFileName(srcKey));

                var metadata = new ImageMetadata();
                using (var response = await S3Client.GetObjectAsync(state.Bucket, srcKey))
                    using (var sourceImage = Image.Load(response.ResponseStream, out var format))
                        metadata.OriginalImagePixelCount = sourceImage.Width * sourceImage.Height;

                        metadata.Width = sourceImage.Width;

                        metadata.Height = sourceImage.Height;

                        metadata.ExifProfile = sourceImage.Metadata.ExifProfile;

                        metadata.Format = format.Name;

                await logger.WriteMessageAsync(new MessageEvent { Message = "Photo metadata extracted succesfully" },

                if (File.Exists(tmpPath))
        /// <summary>
        ///     A simple function that takes a string and returns both the upper and lower case version of the string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <ThumbnailInfo> FunctionHandler(Input input, ILambdaContext context)
            var logger = new ImageRecognitionLogger(input, context);

            var size = input.ExtractedMetadata.Dimensions;

            var scalingFactor = Math.Min(
                MAX_WIDTH / size.Width,
                MAX_HEIGHT / size.Height

            var width  = Convert.ToInt32(scalingFactor * size.Width);
            var height = Convert.ToInt32(scalingFactor * size.Height);

            var image = await GenerateThumbnail(input.Bucket, input.SourceKey, width, height);

            var destinationKey = input.SourceKey.Replace("uploads", "resized");

            using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                await image.thumbnailImage.SaveAsync(stream, image.format);

                stream.Position = 0;

                context.Logger.LogLine($"Saving thumbnail to {destinationKey} with size {stream.Length}");
                await S3Client.PutObjectAsync(new PutObjectRequest
                    BucketName  = input.Bucket,
                    Key         = destinationKey,
                    InputStream = stream

                await logger.WriteMessageAsync(new MessageEvent { Message = "Photo thumbnail created" },

                return(new ThumbnailInfo(width, height, destinationKey, input.Bucket));