Beispiel #1
        public EpisodeSelectSection()
            JsonParser  jsonParser = new JsonParser();
            IImageCodec imageCodec = ImageCodec.GetRead(ImageCodec.FormatPng);

            foreach (string episode in DirectoryOp.GetDirectories(PathOp.Combine(DualityApp.DataDirectory, "Episodes")))
                string pathAbsolute = PathOp.Combine(episode, ".res");
                if (FileOp.Exists(pathAbsolute))
                    Episode json;
                    using (Stream s = DualityApp.SystemBackend.FileSystem.OpenFile(pathAbsolute, FileAccessMode.Read)) {
                        json = jsonParser.Parse <Episode>(s);
                    json.Token = PathOp.GetFileName(episode);

                    if (!DirectoryOp.Exists(PathOp.Combine(episode, json.FirstLevel)))

                    EpisodeEntry entry;
                    entry.Episode = json;
                    if (json.PreviousEpisode != null)
                        int time = Preferences.Get <int>("EpisodeEnd_Time_" + json.PreviousEpisode);
                        entry.IsAvailable = (time > 0);
                        entry.IsAvailable = true;

                    entry.CanContinue = Preferences.Get <byte[]>("EpisodeContinue_Misc_" + entry.Episode.Token) != null;

                    string logoPath = PathOp.Combine(episode, ".png");
                    if (FileOp.Exists(logoPath))
                        PixelData pixelData;
                        using (Stream s = FileOp.Open(logoPath, FileAccessMode.Read)) {
                            pixelData = imageCodec.Read(s);

                        Texture texture = new Texture(new Pixmap(pixelData), TextureSizeMode.NonPowerOfTwo);
                        entry.Logo = new Material(DrawTechnique.Alpha, texture);
                        entry.Logo = null;


            episodes.Sort((x, y) => x.Episode.Position.CompareTo(y.Episode.Position));
Beispiel #2
        // ToDo: Move parameters to .config file, rework .config file format
        public BitmapFont(Canvas canvas, string path, int width, int height, int cols, int first, int last, int defaultSpacing)
            this.canvas = canvas;

            string png = PathOp.Combine(DualityApp.DataDirectory, "Animations", path + ".png");
            string png = PathOp.Combine(DualityApp.DataDirectory, ".dz", "Animations", path + ".png");
            string config = png + ".config";

            IImageCodec imageCodec = ImageCodec.GetRead(ImageCodec.FormatPng);
            using (Stream s = FileOp.Open(png, FileAccessMode.Read)) {
                PixelData pixelData = imageCodec.Read(s);

                ColorRgba[] palette = ContentResolver.Current.Palette.Res.BasePixmap.Res.PixelData[0].Data;

                ColorRgba[] data = pixelData.Data;
                Parallel.ForEach(Partitioner.Create(0, data.Length), range => {
                    for (int i = range.Item1; i < range.Item2; i++)
                        int colorIdx = data[i].R;
                        data[i]      = palette[colorIdx].WithAlpha(palette[colorIdx].A * data[i].A / (255f * 255f));

                Texture texture = new Texture(new Pixmap(pixelData), TextureSizeMode.NonPowerOfTwo, TextureMagFilter.Linear, TextureMinFilter.Linear);

                materialPlain = new Material(DrawTechnique.Alpha, texture);
                materialColor = new Material(ContentResolver.Current.RequestShader("Colorize"), texture);

            byte[] widthFromFileTable = new byte[256];
            using (Stream s = FileOp.Open(config, FileAccessMode.Read)) {
                s.Read(widthFromFileTable, 0, widthFromFileTable.Length);

            this.height = height;
            spacing     = defaultSpacing;

            uint charCode = 0;
            for (int i = first; i < last; i++, charCode++)
                chars[i] = new Rect(
                    (float)((i - first) % cols) / cols,
                    (float)((i - first) / cols) / cols,

                if (charCode > last || i >= 255)
Beispiel #3
        internal static void InitDefaultContent()
            IImageCodec codec = ImageCodec.GetRead(ImageCodec.FormatPng);

            if (codec == null)
                    "Unable to retrieve image codec for format '{0}'. Can't initialize default {1} Resources.",
            InitDefaultContent <Pixmap>(".png", stream => new Pixmap(codec.Read(stream)));
Beispiel #4
        public TileMap(ILevelHandler levelHandler, string tilesetPath, bool hasPit)
            this.levelHandler = levelHandler;
            this.hasPit       = hasPit;

            IImageCodec codec = ImageCodec.GetRead(ImageCodec.FormatPng);

            tileset = new TileSet(tilesetPath);

            if (!tileset.IsValid)
                throw new InvalidDataException("Tileset is corrupted");

            triggerState = new BitArray(TriggerCount);
Beispiel #5
        internal static void InitDefaultContent()
            IImageCodec codec = ImageCodec.GetRead(ImageCodec.FormatPng);

            if (codec == null)
                    "Unable to retrieve image codec for format '{0}'. Can't initialize default {1} Resources.",

                // Initialize default content with generic error instances, so
                // everything else can still work as expected. We logged the error,
                // and there's nothing anyone can do about this at runtime, so just
                // fail gracefully without causing more trouble.
                DefaultContent.InitType <Pixmap>(name => new Pixmap(new PixelData(1, 1, new ColorRgba(255, 0, 255))));

            DefaultContent.InitType <Pixmap>(".png", stream => new Pixmap(codec.Read(stream)));
Beispiel #6
        private ContentResolver()
            jsonParser = new JsonParser();
            imageCodec = ImageCodec.GetRead(ImageCodec.FormatPng);

            string dz = PathOp.Combine(DualityApp.DataDirectory, ".dz");
            PathOp.Mount(dz, new CompressedContent(dz));

            defaultNormalMap = new Texture(new Pixmap(new PixelData(2, 2, new ColorRgba(0.5f, 0.5f, 1f))), TextureSizeMode.Default, TextureMagFilter.Nearest, TextureMinFilter.Nearest);

            cachedMetadata = new Dictionary <string, Metadata>();
            cachedGraphics = new Dictionary <string, GenericGraphicResource>();
            cachedShaders  = new Dictionary <string, ContentRef <DrawTechnique> >();
            //cachedSounds = new Dictionary<string, ContentRef<Sound>>();

            basicNormal   = RequestShader("BasicNormal");
            paletteNormal = RequestShader("PaletteNormal");

Beispiel #7
        private void PrerenderTexturedBackground()
            try {
                IImageCodec codec = ImageCodec.GetRead(ImageCodec.FormatPng);

                // Try to use "The Secret Files" background
                string levelPath = PathOp.Combine(DualityApp.DataDirectory, "Episodes", "secretf", "01_easter1");
                if (!DirectoryOp.Exists(levelPath))
                    // Try to use "Base Game" background
                    levelPath = PathOp.Combine(DualityApp.DataDirectory, "Episodes", "prince", "03_carrot1");
                    if (!DirectoryOp.Exists(levelPath))
                        // Try to use "Holiday Hare '98" background
                        levelPath = PathOp.Combine(DualityApp.DataDirectory, "Episodes", "xmas98", "03_xmas3");
                        if (!DirectoryOp.Exists(levelPath))
                            // Try to use "Christmas Chronicles" background
                            levelPath = PathOp.Combine(DualityApp.DataDirectory, "Episodes", "xmas99", "03_xmas3");
                            if (!DirectoryOp.Exists(levelPath))
                                // Try to use "Shareware Demo" background;
                                levelPath = PathOp.Combine(DualityApp.DataDirectory, "Episodes", "share", "02_share2");
                                if (!DirectoryOp.Exists(levelPath))
                                    // No usable background found
                                    throw new FileNotFoundException();

                // Load metadata
                JsonParser json = new JsonParser();
                LevelHandler.LevelConfigJson config;
                using (Stream s = FileOp.Open(PathOp.Combine(levelPath, ".res"), FileAccessMode.Read)) {
                    config = json.Parse <LevelHandler.LevelConfigJson>(s);

                LevelHandler.LevelConfigJson.LayerSection layer;
                if (config.Layers.TryGetValue("Sky", out layer))
                    if (layer.BackgroundColor != null && layer.BackgroundColor.Count >= 3)
                        horizonColor = new Vector4(layer.BackgroundColor[0] / 255f, layer.BackgroundColor[1] / 255f, layer.BackgroundColor[2] / 255f, 1f);

                    switch ((BackgroundStyle)layer.BackgroundStyle)
                    case BackgroundStyle.Sky:
                        texturedBackgroundShader = ContentResolver.Current.RequestShader("TexturedBackground");

                    case BackgroundStyle.Circle:
                        texturedBackgroundShader = ContentResolver.Current.RequestShader("TexturedBackgroundCircle");

                // Render background layer to texture
                string tilesetPath = PathOp.Combine(DualityApp.DataDirectory, "Tilesets", config.Description.DefaultTileset);

                ColorRgba[] tileMapPalette = TileSet.LoadPalette(PathOp.Combine(tilesetPath, ".palette"));

                TileSet levelTileset = new TileSet(config.Description.DefaultTileset);
                if (!levelTileset.IsValid)
                    throw new InvalidDataException();

                using (Stream s = FileOp.Open(PathOp.Combine(levelPath, "Sky.layer"), FileAccessMode.Read)) {
                    using (DeflateStream deflate = new DeflateStream(s, CompressionMode.Decompress))
                        using (BinaryReader r = new BinaryReader(deflate)) {
                            int width  = r.ReadInt32();
                            int height = r.ReadInt32();

                            TileMapLayer newLayer = new TileMapLayer();
                            newLayer.Layout = new LayerTile[width * height];

                            for (int i = 0; i < newLayer.Layout.Length; i++)
                                ushort tileType = r.ReadUInt16();

                                byte flags = r.ReadByte();
                                if (flags == 0)
                                    newLayer.Layout[i] = levelTileset.GetDefaultTile(tileType);

                                bool isFlippedX        = (flags & 0x01) > 0;
                                bool isFlippedY        = (flags & 0x02) > 0;
                                bool isAnimated        = (flags & 0x04) > 0;
                                bool legacyTranslucent = (flags & 0x80) > 0;

                                // Invalid tile numbers (higher than tileset tile amount) are silently changed to empty tiles
                                if (tileType >= levelTileset.TileCount && !isAnimated)
                                    tileType = 0;

                                LayerTile tile;

                                // Copy the default tile and do stuff with it
                                tile            = levelTileset.GetDefaultTile(tileType);
                                tile.IsFlippedX = isFlippedX;
                                tile.IsFlippedY = isFlippedY;
                                tile.IsAnimated = isAnimated;

                                if (legacyTranslucent)
                                    tile.MaterialAlpha = /*127*/ 140;

                                newLayer.Layout[i] = tile;

                            newLayer.LayoutWidth = width;

                            RecreateTexturedBackground(levelTileset, ref newLayer);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Console.WriteLine("Cannot prerender textured background: " + ex);

                cachedTexturedBackground = new Texture(new Pixmap(new PixelData(2, 2, ColorRgba.Black)));
Beispiel #8
        private void InitializeInput()
            if (virtualButtons != null)
                // It's already initialized...

            DualityApp.Keyboard.Source = new KeyboardInputSource(this);
            //DualityApp.Gamepads.AddSource(new GamepadInputSource(this));

            const float dpadLeft       = 0.02f;
            const float dpadTop        = 0.58f;
            const float dpadWidth      = 0.2f;
            const float dpadHeight     = 0.37f;
            const float dpadThresholdX = 0.05f;
            const float dpadThresholdY = 0.09f;

            IImageCodec  imageCodec = ImageCodec.GetRead(ImageCodec.FormatPng);
            AssetManager assets     = Context.Assets;

            Material matDpad, matFire, matJump, matRun, matSwitchWeapon;

            using (Stream s = assets.Open("dpad.png")) {
                matDpad = new Material(DrawTechnique.Alpha, new Texture(new Pixmap(imageCodec.Read(s)), TextureSizeMode.NonPowerOfTwo));
            using (Stream s = assets.Open("fire.png")) {
                matFire = new Material(DrawTechnique.Alpha, new Texture(new Pixmap(imageCodec.Read(s)), TextureSizeMode.NonPowerOfTwo));
            using (Stream s = assets.Open("jump.png")) {
                matJump = new Material(DrawTechnique.Alpha, new Texture(new Pixmap(imageCodec.Read(s)), TextureSizeMode.NonPowerOfTwo));
            using (Stream s = assets.Open("run.png")) {
                matRun = new Material(DrawTechnique.Alpha, new Texture(new Pixmap(imageCodec.Read(s)), TextureSizeMode.NonPowerOfTwo));
            using (Stream s = assets.Open("switch.png")) {
                matSwitchWeapon = new Material(DrawTechnique.Alpha, new Texture(new Pixmap(imageCodec.Read(s)), TextureSizeMode.NonPowerOfTwo));

            virtualButtons = new[] {
                new VirtualButton {
                    Left = dpadLeft, Top = dpadTop, Width = dpadWidth, Height = dpadHeight, Material = matDpad, CurrentPointerId = -1

                new VirtualButton {
                    KeyCode = Key.Left, Left = dpadLeft - dpadThresholdX, Top = dpadTop, Width = (dpadWidth / 3) + dpadThresholdX, Height = dpadHeight, CurrentPointerId = -1
                new VirtualButton {
                    KeyCode = Key.Right, Left = (dpadLeft + (dpadWidth * 2 / 3)), Top = dpadTop, Width = (dpadWidth / 3) + dpadThresholdX, Height = dpadHeight, CurrentPointerId = -1
                new VirtualButton {
                    KeyCode = Key.Up, Left = dpadLeft, Top = dpadTop - dpadThresholdY, Width = dpadWidth, Height = (dpadHeight / 3) + dpadThresholdY, CurrentPointerId = -1
                new VirtualButton {
                    KeyCode = Key.Down, Left = dpadLeft, Top = (dpadTop + (dpadHeight * 2 / 3)), Width = dpadWidth, Height = (dpadHeight / 3) + dpadThresholdY, CurrentPointerId = -1

                new VirtualButton {
                    KeyCode = Key.Space, Left = 0.68f, Top = 0.79f, Width = 0.094f, Height = 0.168f, Material = matFire, CurrentPointerId = -1
                new VirtualButton {
                    KeyCode = Key.V, Left = 0.785f, Top = 0.71f, Width = 0.094f, Height = 0.168f, Material = matJump, CurrentPointerId = -1
                new VirtualButton {
                    KeyCode = Key.C, Left = 0.89f, Top = 0.64f, Width = 0.094f, Height = 0.168f, Material = matRun, CurrentPointerId = -1
                new VirtualButton {
                    KeyCode = Key.X, Left = 0.83f, Top = 0.57f, Width = 0.055f, Height = 0.096f, Material = matSwitchWeapon, CurrentPointerId = -1

                new VirtualButton {
                    KeyCode = Key.D, Left = 0.8f, Top = 0.1f, Width = 0.06f, Height = 0.1f, CurrentPointerId = -1
                new VirtualButton {
                    KeyCode = Key.N, Left = 0.9f, Top = 0.1f, Width = 0.08f, Height = 0.16f, CurrentPointerId = -1

                new VirtualButton {
                    KeyCode = Key.Enter, Left = 0.68f, Top = 0.79f, Width = 0.094f, Height = 0.17f, CurrentPointerId = -1
                new VirtualButton {
                    KeyCode = Key.Enter, Left = 0.785f, Top = 0.71f, Width = 0.094f, Height = 0.17f, CurrentPointerId = -1
                new VirtualButton {
                    KeyCode = Key.Enter, Left = 0.89f, Top = 0.64f, Width = 0.094f, Height = 0.17f, CurrentPointerId = -1

            showVirtualButtons = true;
            allowVibrations    = Preferences.Get("Vibrations", true);