Beispiel #1
        public ProjectConfigModel(DeployWorkConfig deployWorkConfig, ProjectConfig projectConfig)
            OriginalFullPath     = Path.Combine(deployWorkConfig.OriginalPath, projectConfig.ProjectPath);
            DeployWorkTargetPath = deployWorkConfig.TargetPath;
            LastWriteTime        = deployWorkConfig.LastWriteTime;

            ProjectPath = projectConfig.ProjectPath;
            TargetPath  = projectConfig.TargetPath;
            Selected    = projectConfig.Selected;

            IgnoreRules = GetIgnore(deployWorkConfig.IgnoreRules);
            if (deployWorkConfig.IsIgnoreCs)
            if (deployWorkConfig.IsIgnoreConfig)
            IgnoreRules = IgnoreRules.Distinct().ToList();

            ExceptIgnoreRules = GetExceptIgnoreRules(deployWorkConfig.IgnoreRules);
            ExceptIgnoreRules = ExceptIgnoreRules.Distinct().ToList();
Beispiel #2
        public void TestIgnore1()
            IgnoreRules rules = GetRules();

            Assert.AreEqual(true, rules.IgnoreDir("project/", "project/src/bin"));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, rules.IgnoreDir("project/", "project/src/bin/Project.dll"));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, rules.IgnoreDir("project/", "project/src/bin/Project.pdb"));
Beispiel #3
        public void TestIgnore()
            IgnoreRules rules = GetRules();

            Assert.AreEqual(false, rules.IgnoreFile("project/", "project/Documentation/foo.html"));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, rules.IgnoreFile("project/", "project/Documentation/gitignore.html"));
            Assert.AreEqual(false, rules.IgnoreFile("project/", "project/src/Documentation/index.html"));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, rules.IgnoreFile("project/", "project/Documentation/index.html"));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, rules.IgnoreFile("project/", "project/gitignore.html"));

            Assert.AreEqual(true, rules.IgnoreFile("project/", "project/file.o"));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, rules.IgnoreFile("project/", "project/lib.a"));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, rules.IgnoreFile("project/", "project/src/internal.o"));

            Assert.AreEqual(false, rules.IgnoreFile("project/", "project/Program.cs"));
            Assert.AreEqual(false, rules.IgnoreFile("project/", "project/Program.suo"));

            Assert.AreEqual(false, rules.IgnoreFile("project/", "project/bin"));
            Assert.AreEqual(false, rules.IgnoreDir("project/", "project/bin"));
            Assert.AreEqual(false, rules.IgnoreFile("project/", "project/data/bin"));
Beispiel #4
        public override void Execute()
            RepositoryStatus status = new RepositoryStatus(Repository);
            IgnoreRules rules;

            //Read ignore file list and remove from the untracked list
                rules = new IgnoreRules(Path.Combine(Repository.WorkingDirectory, ".gitignore"));
            catch (FileNotFoundException)
                //.gitignore file does not exist for a newly initialized repository.
                string[] lines = {};
                rules = new IgnoreRules(lines);

            foreach (string hash in status.Untracked)
                string path = Path.Combine(Repository.WorkingDirectory, hash);
                if (!rules.IgnoreFile(Repository.WorkingDirectory, path) && !rules.IgnoreDir(Repository.WorkingDirectory, path))

            if (status.AnyDifferences || UntrackedList.Count > 0)
                // Files use the following states: removed, missing, added, and modified.
                // If a file has been staged, it is also added to the RepositoryStatus.Staged HashSet.
                // The remaining StatusType known as "Untracked" is determined by what is *not* staged or modified.
                // It is then intersected with the .gitignore list to determine what should be listed as untracked.
                // Using intersections will accurately display the "bucket" each file was added to.

                // Note: In standard git, they use cached references so the following scenario is possible.
                //    1) Filename = a.txt; StatusType=staged; FileState=added
                //    2) Filename = a.txt; StatusType=modified; FileState=added
                // Notice that the same filename exists in two separate status's because it points to a reference
                // Todo: This test has failed so far with this command.

                HashSet<string> stagedRemoved = new HashSet<string>(status.Staged);
                HashSet<string> stagedMissing = new HashSet<string>(status.Staged);
                HashSet<string> stagedAdded = new HashSet<string>(status.Staged);
                HashSet<string> stagedModified = new HashSet<string>(status.Staged);

                HashSet<string> Removed = new HashSet<string>(status.Removed);
                HashSet<string> Missing = new HashSet<string>(status.Missing);
                HashSet<string> Added = new HashSet<string>(status.Added);
                HashSet<string> Modified = new HashSet<string>(status.Modified);

                // The output below is used to display both where the file is being added and specifying the file.
                // Unit testing is still pending.
                /*OutputStream.WriteLine("# Staged Tests: StageType + status.Staged");
                OutputStream.WriteLine("# Staged Total: " + (stagedModified.Count + stagedRemoved.Count + stagedMissing.Count + stagedAdded.Count));
                OutputStream.WriteLine("# Test:     Modified Object Count: " + stagedModified.Count);
                OutputStream.WriteLine("# Test:      Removed Object Count: " + stagedRemoved.Count);
                OutputStream.WriteLine("# Test:      Missing Object Count: " + stagedMissing.Count);
                OutputStream.WriteLine("# Test:        Added Object Count: " + stagedAdded.Count);
                OutputStream.WriteLine("# Modified Tests: StageType w/o status.Staged");
                OutputStream.WriteLine("# Modified Total: " + (Modified.Count+Removed.Count+Missing.Count+Added.Count));
                OutputStream.WriteLine("# Test:      Changed Object Count: " + Modified.Count);
                OutputStream.WriteLine("# Test:      Removed Object Count: " + Removed.Count);
                OutputStream.WriteLine("# Test:      Missing Object Count: " + Missing.Count);
                OutputStream.WriteLine("# Test:        Added Object Count: " + Added.Count);
                OutputStream.WriteLine("# MergeConflict Tests: " + status.MergeConflict.Count);
                OutputStream.WriteLine("# Test:              Object Count: " + status.MergeConflict.Count);
                OutputStream.WriteLine("# UnTracked Tests: status.Untracked");
                OutputStream.WriteLine("# Test:    Untracked Object Count: " + status.Untracked.Count);
                OutputStream.WriteLine("# Test:      Ignored Object Count: Pending");

                //Display the stages of all files
                OutputStream.WriteLine("# On branch " + Repository.CurrentBranch.Name);
                //OutputStream.WriteLine("# Your branch is ahead of 'xxx' by x commits."); //Todo

                if (status.Staged.Count <= 0)
                    OutputStream.WriteLine("no changes added to commit (use \"git add\" and/or \"git commit -a\")");
            else if (status.IndexSize <= 0)
                OutputStream.WriteLine("# On branch " + Repository.CurrentBranch.Name);
                OutputStream.WriteLine("# Initial commit");
                OutputStream.WriteLine("# nothing to commit (create/copy files and use \"git add\" to track)");
                OutputStream.WriteLine("# nothing to commit (working directory clean)");
            //Leave this in until completed.
            throw new NotImplementedException("The implementation is not yet complete. autocrlf support is not added.");
Beispiel #5
        public override void Execute()
            RepositoryStatus status = new RepositoryStatus(Repository);

            IgnoreRules rules;

            //Read ignore file list and remove from the untracked list
                rules = new IgnoreRules(Path.Combine(Repository.WorkingDirectory, ".gitignore"));
            catch (FileNotFoundException)
                //.gitignore file does not exist for a newly initialized repository.
                string[] lines = {};
                rules = new IgnoreRules(lines);

            foreach (string hash in status.Untracked)
                string path = Path.Combine(Repository.WorkingDirectory, hash);
                if (!rules.IgnoreFile(Repository.WorkingDirectory, path) && !rules.IgnoreDir(Repository.WorkingDirectory, path))

            if (status.AnyDifferences || results.UntrackedList.Count > 0)
                // Files use the following StatusTypes: removed, missing, added, and modified, modified w/staged, and merge conflict.
                // The following StatusStates are defined for each type:
                //              Modified -> Unstaged
                //         MergeConflict -> Unstaged
                //                 Added -> Staged
                //        ModifiedStaged -> Staged
                //               Removed -> Staged
                //               Missing -> Staged
                // The StatusState known as "Untracked" is determined by what is *not* defined in any state.
                // It is then intersected with the .gitignore list to determine what should be listed as untracked.

                HashSet<string> hset = new HashSet<string>(status.MergeConflict);
                foreach (string hash in hset)
                    results.ModifiedList.Add(hash, StatusType.MergeConflict);

                hset = new HashSet<string>(status.Missing);
                foreach (string hash in hset)
                    results.ModifiedList.Add(hash, StatusType.Missing);

                hset = new HashSet<string>(status.Modified);
                foreach (string hash in hset)
                    results.ModifiedList.Add(hash, StatusType.Modified);

                hset = new HashSet<string>(status.Staged);
                foreach (string hash in hset)
                    results.StagedList.Add(hash, StatusType.ModifiedStaged);

                hset = new HashSet<string>(status.Added);
                foreach (string hash in hset)
                    results.StagedList.Add(hash, StatusType.Added);

                hset = new HashSet<string>(status.Removed);
                foreach (string hash in hset)
                    results.StagedList.Add(hash, StatusType.Removed);

                results.ModifiedList.OrderBy(v => v.Key);
                results.StagedList.OrderBy(v => v.Key);

            IndexSize = Repository.Index.Size;
Beispiel #6
        public RegistryProcessStatus Process(EnterpriseKeyConfig enterpriseKey, LockRules lockRules, IgnoreRules ignoreRules, RoleRules roleRules, LicenseControl lic)
            List <UserDataFields> fieldsData = null;
            List <UserDataFields> filter     = null;
            TestTimer             tmp        = null;
            Boolean showError = true;

            SqlTransaction trans = null;

                RegistryProcess.ProccessLog dLog = new RegistryProcess.ProccessLog(delegate(String text)
                    Log("\t{profile} " + text);

                tmp = new TestTimer("Process->Starting", dLog);

                Log("Starting registry processor");

                Log("Plugin Config");

                Log("Registry data:");
                Log("\tGenerated Date: " + package.build_data);
                Log("\tContext id: " + this.contextId);
                Log("\tResource plugin id: " + this.resourcePluginId);
                Log("\tResource id: " + this.resourceId);
                Log("\tPlugin: " + this.pluginUri);
                Log("\tImport id: " + this.importId);
                Log("\tPackage id: " + this.packageId);
                Log("\tContainer: " + package.container);
                Log("\tGroups: " + (package.groups != null ? String.Join(", ", package.groups) : ""));

                if (this.pluginConfig.mapping == null)
                    if (!pluginConfig.enable_import)
                        showError = false;

                    throw new Exception("Plugin mapping is null");

                if (this.pluginConfig.mapping.Count == 0)
                    if (!pluginConfig.enable_import)
                        showError = false;

                    throw new Exception("Plugin mapping is empty");

                String where = "ci.status = 'F' and ci.resource_plugin_id = '" + this.resourcePluginId + "' and  ci.import_id = '" + this.importId + "' and ci.package_id = '" + this.packageId + "'";

                tmp.Stop(dbAux.Connection, null);

                 * ======================================
                 * == Resgata Package Track ID*/

                    DbParameterCollection par = new DbParameterCollection();

                    par.Add("@date", typeof(DateTime)).Value = this.package.GetBuildDate();
                    par.Add("@package_id", typeof(String), this.package.pkgId.Length).Value = this.package.pkgId;

                    this.packageTrackId = dbAux.ExecuteScalar <Int64>("select id from st_package_track where flow = 'inbound' and date = @date and package_id = @package_id", System.Data.CommandType.Text, par, null);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    internalLog.AppendLine("Error getting package track entity id: " + ex.Message);

                 * == Final do resgate Package Track ID
                 * ======================================*/

                 * ======================================
                 * == Monta tabela de filtragem*/

                tmp = new TestTimer("Process->Filter table", dLog);

                filter = new List <UserDataFields>();

                //Adiciona os mapeamentos que são ID ou único para filtragem
                foreach (PluginConnectorBasePackageData data in
                    if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data.dataValue))

                    foreach (PluginConfigMapping m in this.pluginConfig.mapping)
                        if ((m.is_id || m.is_unique_property) && (m.data_name.ToLower() == data.dataName.ToLower()) && !filter.Exists(f => (f.Mapping.field_id == m.field_id && f.Equal(data.dataValue.Trim()))))
                            filter.Add(new UserDataFields((PluginConfigMapping)m.Clone(), data.dataValue.Trim()));

                Log("Filter data:");
                foreach (UserDataFields f in filter)
                    Log("\t[" + f.Mapping.data_name.ToLower() + "] is " + (f.Mapping.is_id ? "ID" : "Unique field") + " = " + f.Value);

                tmp.Stop(dbAux.Connection, null);

                 * == Final tabela de filtragem
                 * ======================================*/

                 * ======================================
                 * == Monta tabela de dados*/

                tmp = new TestTimer("Process->Data table", dLog);

                //Monta tabela de dados com base no mapeamento e dados recebidos
                fieldsData = new List <UserDataFields>();

                foreach (PluginConnectorBasePackageData data in
                    if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data.dataValue))

                    foreach (PluginConfigMapping m in this.pluginConfig.mapping)
                        if ((m.data_name.ToLower() == data.dataName.ToLower()) && !fieldsData.Exists(f => (f.Mapping.field_id == m.field_id && f.Equal(data.dataValue.Trim()))))
                                fieldsData.Add(new UserDataFields((PluginConfigMapping)m.Clone(), data.dataValue.Trim()));
                            catch (Exception ex2)

                Log("Proccess data: " + (fieldsData.Count == 0 ? "empty" : ""));
                foreach (UserDataFields f in fieldsData)
                    Log("\t[" + f.Mapping.data_name.ToLower() + "] Flags (" + (f.Mapping.is_login ? "is_login " : "") + (f.Mapping.is_name ? "is_name " : "") + (f.Mapping.is_password ? "is_password " : "") + ") " + (f.Mapping.is_id ? "is ID" : (f.Mapping.is_unique_property ? "is Unique field" : "")) + " = " + (f.Mapping.is_password ? "*****" : f.Value));

                tmp.Stop(dbAux.Connection, null);

                 * == Final tabela de dados
                 * ======================================*/

                 * ======================================
                 * == Cria o objeto do usuário e tenta localiza-lo*/
                tmp = new TestTimer("Process->Create user object", dLog);

                userData        = new UserData(db.Connection, this.pluginConfig, enterpriseKey, enterpriseId, contextId, resourcePluginId, resourceId, pluginId, pluginConfig.mail_domain, pluginConfig.mail_field_id, filter, fieldsData, package.container);
                userData.OnLog += Log;

                tmp.Stop(dbAux.Connection, null);

                tmp = new TestTimer("Process->Check exists and import enabled", dLog);

                //Não existe e não é possível adicionar
                if ((userData.EntityId == 0) && ((!pluginConfig.permit_add_entity) || (!pluginConfig.enable_import)))
                    String sId = "";
                    foreach (UserDataFields f in filter)
                        if (sId != "")
                            sId += ", ";
                        sId += f.Mapping.data_name + " = " + f.Value;

                    //Add identity to audit
                    userData.AddToAudit("not_exists", null);

                    throw new Exception("Entity not found and this plugin " + (!pluginConfig.enable_import ? "is disabled to import" : "not permit add entity") + ": " + sId);

                tmp.Stop(dbAux.Connection, null);

                tmp = new TestTimer("Process->Check deleted", dLog);

                if (userData.Deleted)
                    String sId = "";
                    foreach (UserDataFields f in filter)
                        if (sId != "")
                            sId += ", ";
                        sId += f.Mapping.data_name + " = " + f.Value;

                    //Add identity to audit

                    throw new Exception("Entity found but marked as deleted: " + sId);

                tmp.Stop(dbAux.Connection, null);

                //Verifica se o registro deve ser ignorado
                //Se sim, nada será realizado, nem bloqueio, nem explusão, nem adição....
                tmp = new TestTimer("Process->Check ignore", dLog);
                if (userData.Ignore(ignoreRules, this.pluginUri))
                    DbParameterCollection par = new DbParameterCollection();
                    par.Add("@resource_plugin_id", typeof(Int64)).Value = resourcePluginId;
                    par.Add("@import_id", typeof(String)).Value         = importId;
                    par.Add("@package_id", typeof(String)).Value        = packageId;
                    par.Add("@status", typeof(String)).Value            = 'F';
                    par.Add("@new_status", typeof(String)).Value        = 'I';

                    ExecuteNonQuery(db.Connection, "sp_migrate_imported2", CommandType.StoredProcedure, par, null);

                    par = null;


                tmp.Stop(dbAux.Connection, null);

                //Esta parte do código está propositalmente depois da verificação de existência e se permite add o login
                //Pois este código é dispendioso, e só deve ser executado quando realmente necessario
                tmp = new TestTimer("Process->Check lock", dLog);
                userData.CheckLock(lockRules, this.pluginUri);
                tmp.Stop(dbAux.Connection, null);

                if ((userData.EntityId == 0) && (userData.Locked))
                    tmp = new TestTimer("Process->Check exists and locked", dLog);

                    String sId = "";
                    foreach (UserDataFields f in filter)
                        if (sId != "")
                            sId += ", ";
                        sId += f.Mapping.data_name + " = " + f.Value;

                    //userData.AddToAudit("locked", trans);

                    throw new Exception("Entity not found and this user is locked: " + sId);
                else if (userData.EntityId == 0)//Não existe a entidade
                    tmp = new TestTimer("Process->Add entity (check lic)", dLog);


                    if ((lic.Entities > 0) && (lic.Count > lic.Entities))
                        String sId = "";
                        foreach (UserDataFields f in filter)
                            if (sId != "")
                                sId += ", ";
                            sId += f.Mapping.data_name + " = " + f.Value;

                        throw new Exception("License error: Entity not found and license limit (" + lic.Entities + " entities) exceeded. " + sId);

                    tmp.Stop(dbAux.Connection, null);

                    userData.NewUser = true;

                    tmp = new TestTimer("Process->Add entity (UpdateName)", dLog);


                    tmp.Stop(dbAux.Connection, null);

                    //Cria o login
                    tmp = new TestTimer("Process->Add entity (MakeLogin)", dLog);

                    //Define o campo de login com base nas informações recebidas
                    foreach (UserDataFields f in fieldsData)
                        if (f.Mapping.is_login && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(f.Value.ToString()) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(f.Value.ToString()))
                            userData.Login = f.Value.ToString();

                    Log("Build login...");
                    userData.MakeLogin(pluginConfig.build_login, null);

                    tmp.Stop(dbAux.Connection, null);

                    tmp = new TestTimer("Process->Add entity (MakeEmail)", dLog);

                    //Cria o e-mail
                    Log("Build e-mail...");
                    if (pluginConfig.build_mail)
                        userData.MakeEmail(null, pluginConfig.mail_domain, pluginConfig.mail_field_id);

                    tmp.Stop(dbAux.Connection, null);

                    if (userData.FullName == null)
                        userData.FullName = userData.Login;

                    trans = db.Connection.BeginTransaction();

                    tmp = new TestTimer("Process->Add entity", dLog);

                    DbParameterCollection par = new DbParameterCollection();
                    par.Add("@resourcePluginId", typeof(Int64)).Value = resourcePluginId;
                    par.Add("@alias", typeof(String)).Value           = userData.FullName;
                    par.Add("@full_name", typeof(String)).Value       = userData.FullName;

                    DataTable dtEnt = ExecuteDataTable(db.Connection, "sp_new_entity_and_identity", CommandType.StoredProcedure, par, trans);
                    if ((dtEnt == null) || (dtEnt.Rows.Count == 0))
                        throw new Exception("Erro on insert entity & identity");

                    par = null;

                    userData.EntityId   = (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["id"];
                    userData.IdentityId = (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["identity_id"];

                    Log("New entity/identity");

                    AddUserLog(db.Connection, LogKey.User_Added, null, "Engine", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, 0, 0, this.resourceId, this.pluginId, userData.EntityId, userData.IdentityId, "User added in IAM Database", this.internalLog.ToString(), trans);

                    tmp.Stop(dbAux.Connection, null);
                else if (userData.IdentityId == 0)//Existe a entidade porém não a identidade
                    tmp = new TestTimer("Process->Add identity", dLog);

                    trans = db.Connection.BeginTransaction();

                    DbParameterCollection par1 = new DbParameterCollection();
                    par1.Add("@entityId", typeof(Int64)).Value         = userData.EntityId;
                    par1.Add("@resourcePluginId", typeof(Int64)).Value = resourcePluginId;

                    DataTable dtEnt = ExecuteDataTable(db.Connection, "sp_new_identity", CommandType.StoredProcedure, par1, trans);
                    if ((dtEnt == null) || (dtEnt.Rows.Count == 0))
                        throw new Exception("Erro on insert identity");

                    par1 = null;

                    if ((Boolean)dtEnt.Rows[0]["new_identity"])
                        Log("New identity");

                    userData.IdentityId = (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["identity_id"];

                    AddUserLog(db.Connection, LogKey.User_Added, null, "Engine", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, 0, 0, this.resourceId, this.pluginId, userData.EntityId, userData.IdentityId, "Identity added", this.internalLog.ToString(), trans);

                    tmp.Stop(dbAux.Connection, null);

                    DbParameterCollection par = new DbParameterCollection();
                    par.Add("@entity_id", typeof(Int64)).Value = userData.EntityId;
                    par.Add("@date", typeof(DateTime)).Value   = this.package.GetBuildDate();
                    par.Add("@package_id", typeof(String), this.package.pkgId.Length).Value = this.package.pkgId;

                    dbAux.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE st_package_track SET entity_id = @entity_id where flow = 'inbound' and date = @date and package_id = @package_id", System.Data.CommandType.Text, par, null);
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    internalLog.AppendLine("Error updating package track entity id: " + ex.Message);

                if (trans == null)
                    trans = db.Connection.BeginTransaction();

                    tmp = new TestTimer("Process->Lockunlock", dLog);

                    //Só permite alterar este status se for um plugin de entrada
                    if ((pluginConfig.permit_add_entity) && (userData.Locked != userData.LastLocked))
                        Log((userData.Locked ? "Locking user" : "Unlocking user"));
                        AddUserLog(db.Connection, (userData.Locked ? LogKey.User_Locked : LogKey.User_Unlocked), null, "Engine", UserLogLevel.Debug, 0, 0, 0, this.resourceId, this.pluginId, userData.EntityId, userData.IdentityId, (userData.Locked ? "Locking user" : "Unlocking user"), (userData != null ? userData.LockedInfo : ""), trans);
                        //Caso não permitido retorna ao estado anterior
                        userData.Locked = userData.LastLocked;

                    tmp.Stop(dbAux.Connection, null);
                    tmp = new TestTimer("Process->UpdateFields", dLog);

                    //Atualiza as propriedades (fields)
                    Log("Updating user values...");
                    userData.UpdateFields(trans, pluginConfig.enable_import);

                    tmp.Stop(dbAux.Connection, null);

                    if (pluginConfig.enable_import)
                        tmp = new TestTimer("Process->BuildPassword", dLog);

                        Log("Building password...");

                        tmp.Stop(dbAux.Connection, null);
                        tmp = new TestTimer("Process->UpdateUser", dLog);

                        //Registro tudo que está pendente no banco
                        Log("Updating user data (name, login and password)...");

                        tmp.Stop(dbAux.Connection, null);
                        tmp = new TestTimer("Process->UpdateGroups", dLog);

                        //Registro tudo que está pendente no banco
                        if (pluginConfig.import_groups)
                            Log("Updating user groups...");
                            userData.UpdateGroups(trans, package.groups);

                        tmp.Stop(dbAux.Connection, null);

                    tmp = new TestTimer("Process->update collector_imports", dLog);

                    //Excluir estes registros processados
                    //ExecuteNonQuery(conn,"delete from collector_imports where " + where.Replace("ci.", ""), CommandType.Text, null, trans);
                    //ExecuteNonQuery(conn,"update collector_imports set status = 'I' where " + where.Replace("ci.", ""), CommandType.Text, null, trans);

                    /*	@plugin_uri varchar(500),
                     *  @resource_id bigint,
                     * @import_id varchar(40),
                     * @registry_id varchar(40),
                     * @status varchar(2),
                     * @new_status varchar(2)*/

                    tmp.Stop(dbAux.Connection, null);
                    tmp = new TestTimer("Process->Commit", dLog);

                    Log("Commit user data on database");
                    trans = null;

                    //try to rebuild user index
                    for (Int32 i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                            if (pluginConfig.enable_import)
                        catch {

                    tmp.Stop(dbAux.Connection, null);

                    DbParameterCollection par = new DbParameterCollection();
                    par.Add("@resource_plugin_id", typeof(Int64)).Value = resourcePluginId;
                    par.Add("@import_id", typeof(String)).Value         = importId;
                    par.Add("@package_id", typeof(String)).Value        = packageId;
                    par.Add("@status", typeof(String)).Value            = 'F';
                    par.Add("@new_status", typeof(String)).Value        = 'I';

                    ExecuteNonQuery(db.Connection, "sp_migrate_imported2", CommandType.StoredProcedure, par, null);

                    par = null;

                     * ======================================*/
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (trans != null)

                    trans = null;

                    throw ex;

                tmp = new TestTimer("Process->UpdateRoles", dLog);

                //Por fim verifica as roles
                if (pluginConfig.enable_import)
                    userData.UpdateRoles(null, roleRules, this.pluginUri);

                tmp.Stop(dbAux.Connection, null);

                    dbAux.AddPackageTrack(this.packageTrackId, "engine", "Process sucess: " + this.internalLog.ToString());
                catch { }

                AddUserLog(dbAux.Connection, LogKey.User_ImportInfo, null, "Engine", UserLogLevel.Debug, 0, 0, 0, this.resourceId, this.pluginId, (userData != null ? userData.EntityId : 0), (userData != null ? userData.IdentityId : 0), "User process status", this.internalLog.ToString());

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (tmp != null)
                    tmp.Stop(dbAux.Connection, null);

                String traceError = "";
                traceError += "Erro: " + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace;

                Log("Erro: " + ex.Message);
                if (ex.InnerException != null)
                    Log("Erro: " + ex.InnerException.Message);

                Log("StackTrace: " + ex.StackTrace);

                if (showError)
                    if (ex is SqlException)
                        AddUserLog(dbAux.Connection, LogKey.User_ImportError, null, "Engine", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, this.resourceId, this.pluginId, (userData != null ? userData.EntityId : 0), (userData != null ? userData.IdentityId : 0), ex.Message, SafeTrend.Json.JSON.Serialize2(new { import_id = importId, package_id = packageId, db_laet_error = LastDBError }));
                        AddUserLog(dbAux.Connection, LogKey.User_ImportError, null, "Engine", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, this.resourceId, this.pluginId, (userData != null ? userData.EntityId : 0), (userData != null ? userData.IdentityId : 0), ex.Message, SafeTrend.Json.JSON.Serialize2(new { import_id = importId, package_id = packageId, trace_error = traceError }));

                    dbAux.AddPackageTrack(this.packageTrackId, "engine", "Process error: " + SafeTrend.Json.JSON.Serialize2(new { error_message = ex.Message, error_stack_trace = ex.StackTrace, import_id = importId, package_id = packageId, trace_error = traceError }));
                catch { }

                //Se o erro for de deadlock, mantem o registro na base para ser reprocessado
                if (!(ex is SqlException) || ((ex is SqlException) && (ex.Message.IndexOf("deadlock") == -1)))
                    ExecuteNonQuery(dbAux.Connection, "update collector_imports set status = 'E' where status = 'F' and resource_plugin_id = '" + this.resourcePluginId + "' and  import_id = '" + this.importId + "' and package_id = '" + this.packageId + "'", CommandType.Text, null);
                    ExecuteNonQuery(dbAux.Connection, "delete from collector_imports where status = 'E' and resource_plugin_id = '" + this.resourcePluginId + "' and  import_id = '" + this.importId + "' and package_id = '" + this.packageId + "'", CommandType.Text, null);


                //throw ex;

                if (trans != null)

                trans = null;

                Log("End of registry processor");

                if (fieldsData != null)
                fieldsData = null;
        public virtual async Task PrepareUpdate()
            string[] files   = { };
            string[] folders = { };

            if (Directory.Exists(basePath))
                var    rules     = new IgnoreRules(new string[] { });
                string gitignore = Path.Combine(basePath, ".gitignore");
                if (File.Exists(gitignore))
                    rules = new IgnoreRules(gitignore);

                files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(basePath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
                        .Where(x => !rules.IgnoreFile(basePath, x)).Select(StringExtensions.NormalizedFilePath).ToArray();

                folders = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(basePath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
                          .Where(x => !rules.IgnoreDir(basePath, x)).Select(StringExtensions.NormalizedDirPath).ToArray();

            Log($"Downloading tree JSON: {treeUrl}");
            string data;

                data = await DownloadStringAsync(treeUrl);
            catch (Exception e)
                isUpdateAvailable = false;
                Log("Error while downloading tree!");
            Log("Downloaded tree JSON");

            var tree = Json.Parse <GHTree>(data).tree;

            foreach (var item in tree)
                item.localPath = Path.Combine(basePath, item.path).NormalizedPath(item.type == GHTreeItemType.blob);

            string[] remoteDirectories = tree.Where(x => x.type == GHTreeItemType.tree).Select(x => x.localPath).ToArray();
            var      remoteFiles       = tree.Where(x => x.type == GHTreeItemType.blob).ToArray();
            var      filesToDownload   = remoteFiles.Where(x => !CompareSHA(x.localPath, x.sha)).ToArray();

            changedFiles = IntersectBlobsWithFiles(filesToDownload, files).ToArray();
            newFiles     = filesToDownload.Except(changedFiles).ToArray();
            removedFiles = files.Except(remoteFiles.Select(x => x.localPath), new SamePath()).ToArray();

            removedDirectories = folders.Except(remoteDirectories, new SamePath()).Distinct(new SubPath()).ToArray();
            newDirectories     = remoteDirectories.Except(folders, new SamePath()).ToArray();

            downloadSize = filesToDownload.Sum(x => (long)x.size);

            if (newDirectories.Length == 0 &&
                removedDirectories.Length == 0 &&
                changedFiles.Length == 0 &&
                newFiles.Length == 0 &&
                removedFiles.Length == 0)
                Log($"New version detected for {modName}, but local files and remote files are identical");
                isUpdateAvailable = false;
        public override void Execute()
            RepositoryStatus status = new RepositoryStatus(Repository);

            IgnoreRules rules;

            //Read ignore file list and remove from the untracked list
                rules = new IgnoreRules(Path.Combine(Repository.WorkingDirectory, ".gitignore"));
            catch (FileNotFoundException)
                //.gitignore file does not exist for a newly initialized repository.
                string[] lines = {};
                rules = new IgnoreRules(lines);

            foreach (string hash in status.Untracked)
                string path = Path.Combine(Repository.WorkingDirectory, hash);
                if (!rules.IgnoreFile(Repository.WorkingDirectory, path) && !rules.IgnoreDir(Repository.WorkingDirectory, path))

            if (status.AnyDifferences || results.UntrackedList.Count > 0)
                // Files use the following StatusTypes: removed, missing, added, and modified, modified w/staged, and merge conflict.
                // The following StatusStates are defined for each type:
                //              Modified -> Unstaged
                //         MergeConflict -> Unstaged
                //                 Added -> Staged
                //        ModifiedStaged -> Staged
                //               Removed -> Staged
                //               Missing -> Staged
                // The StatusState known as "Untracked" is determined by what is *not* defined in any state.
                // It is then intersected with the .gitignore list to determine what should be listed as untracked.

                HashSet <string> hset = new HashSet <string>(status.MergeConflict);
                foreach (string hash in hset)
                    results.ModifiedList.Add(hash, StatusType.MergeConflict);

                hset = new HashSet <string>(status.Missing);
                foreach (string hash in hset)
                    results.ModifiedList.Add(hash, StatusType.Missing);

                hset = new HashSet <string>(status.Modified);
                foreach (string hash in hset)
                    results.ModifiedList.Add(hash, StatusType.Modified);

                hset = new HashSet <string>(status.Staged);
                foreach (string hash in hset)
                    results.StagedList.Add(hash, StatusType.ModifiedStaged);

                hset = new HashSet <string>(status.Added);
                foreach (string hash in hset)
                    results.StagedList.Add(hash, StatusType.Added);

                hset = new HashSet <string>(status.Removed);
                foreach (string hash in hset)
                    results.StagedList.Add(hash, StatusType.Removed);

                results.ModifiedList.OrderBy(v => v.Key);
                results.StagedList.OrderBy(v => v.Key);

            IndexSize = Repository.Index.Size;