Beispiel #1
        public DownloadProperties(string DownloadID)

            properties = Downloads.DownloadEntries.Where(download => download.DownloadID == DownloadID).FirstOrDefault();

            FileIcon.Source = IconTools.GetIconForExtension(properties.FileName, ShellIconSize.LargeIcon).IconToImageSource();
            FileName.Text   = properties.FileName;

            FileType.Text = SHGetFileInfo_Wrapper.GetFileTypeDescription(properties.FileName);
            Status.Text   = properties.Status != null ? properties.Status : "Unknown";
            Size.Text     = properties.SizePretty != null ? properties.SizePretty : "Unknown";

            SaveTo_txtBox.Text = properties.SaveTo;

            Address.Text     = properties.DownloadLink.ToString();
            Description.Text = properties.Description;

            authUser.Text     = properties.AuthUsername;
            authPass.Password = properties.AuthPassword;

            if (properties.Status == "Complete")
                SaveTo_button.Content = "Move";
                btnOpen.IsEnabled     = true;
                Address.IsReadOnly    = true;

            SaveTo_txtBox.SelectAll();                             // select all text in this box on window load (to show that the box is selectable)

            this.PreviewKeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(HandleEsc); // Close window when escape is hit
Beispiel #2
 private Icon GetIcon(string file, bool smol)
     if (smol)
         return(IconTools.GetIconForExtension(Path.GetExtension(file), ShellIconSize.SmallIcon));
         return(IconTools.GetIconForExtension(Path.GetExtension(file), ShellIconSize.LargeIcon));
Beispiel #3
 private static string IconFromFilePath(string fullName)
     try {
         Icon         icon   = IconTools.GetIconForExtension(fullName, ShellIconSize.SmallIcon);
         Bitmap       bitmap = icon.ToBitmap();
         MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
         bitmap.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Png);
         byte[] bytes = stream.ToArray();
     } catch {
Beispiel #4
        void WhenWindowIsLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // get filename from the uri & assign it to the string filename | Example value of filename = "filename.ext"
            Task <List <Object> > task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Helper.GetFileInfo(DownloadLink, authUser, authPass));

            task.ContinueWith(t =>
                string FileName = (string)t.Result[0];
                long FileSize   = (long)t.Result[1];

                if (FileName != null)                 // when there's no internet connection, the result is always null
                    filename = FileName;

                    // outside this method, they execute before the result is assigned to the filename

                    // append filename to the SaveLocationComboBox items (downloads paths)
                    for (int i = 0; i < SaveLocationComboBox.Items.Count; i++)
                        SaveLocationComboBox.Items[i] = SaveLocationComboBox.Items[i] + filename;

                    // Example value of filenamepath = "C:\Users\Random\Downloads\filename.ext"
                    filenamepath = DownloadDirectory + filename;

                    // fill SaveLocationComboBox with the path and the filename
                    SaveLocationComboBox.Text = filenamepath;

                    // get icon for the given filename & put it into the FileExtIcon Image element
                    FileExtIcon.Source = IconTools.GetIconForExtension(filename, ShellIconSize.LargeIcon).IconToImageSource();

                if (FileSize != 0)                 // when there's no internet connection, the result is always 0
                    filesize = FileSize;
                    FileSizeLabel.Content = Helper.SizeSuffix(filesize);

                // to set the correct redirected url (doesn't do anything when not redirected because the url remains the same)
                Uri newURL = (Uri)t.Result[2];
                if (newURL != null)
                    DownloadLink = newURL;
                    LinkBox.Text = DownloadLink.ToString();
            }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
Beispiel #5
        public DownloadFileInfo(Uri Link, string authUsername = null, string authPassword = null, string LinkObtainedFrom = null)

            DownloadLink = Link;
            authUser     = authUsername;         // value will be null if it isn't assigned by the caller of this method
            authPass     = authPassword;         // same
            obtainedFrom = LinkObtainedFrom;     // same

            // fill LinkBox Text with the DownloadLink
            LinkBox.Text = DownloadLink.ToString();

            // populate folders history into the SaveLocationComboBox
            Helper.ComboBoxHistory("foldersHistory.txt", SaveLocationComboBox);

            // if there's a path saved by the user while previously downloading a file, set it as the DownloadDirectory
            if (SaveLocationComboBox.Items.Count > 0)
                DownloadDirectory = SaveLocationComboBox.Items[0].ToString();

            // set a temporary filename before the background process is completed
            filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(DownloadLink.ToString());

            // append filename to the SaveLocationComboBox items (downloads paths)
            for (int i = 0; i < SaveLocationComboBox.Items.Count; i++)
                SaveLocationComboBox.Items[i] = SaveLocationComboBox.Items[i] + filename;

            // Example value of filenamepath = "C:\Users\Random\Downloads\filename.ext"
            filenamepath = DownloadDirectory + filename;;

            // fill SaveLocationComboBox with the path and the filename
            SaveLocationComboBox.Text = filenamepath;

            // set this, so that the ComboBox.Text isn't empty while the thread is working in the background
            SaveLocationComboBox.Text = DownloadDirectory + filename;

            // try to get the FileExtIcon Image Element Source from the filename, if you can
            FileExtIcon.Source = IconTools.GetIconForExtension(filename, ShellIconSize.LargeIcon).IconToImageSource();
Beispiel #6
        private void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

            mMultiIcon.Load(@"D:\Portable\Adobe\InDesign CC 2018\InDesign13\InDesignPortable.exe");

            List <IconImage> iconImageList = new List <IconImage>();

            foreach (var item in mMultiIcon[0])
                iconImageList.Add(item); // Dosyay ya ait bütün boyutlardaki iconlar listeye eklenir

            IconImage iconImage = iconImageList.OrderByDescending(x => x.Size.Height).First();

            //DP_Container.Children.Add(new System.Windows.Controls.Image()
            //    Source = ToImageSource(iconImage.Icon),
            //    Width = 50,
            //    Stretch = Stretch.Uniform

            Icon largeIcon = IconTools.GetIconForExtension(".html", ShellIconSize.LargeIcon);

            //DockPanel.SetDock(DP_Container, Dock.Left);
            //GetIcon(@"C:\Users\erkan\OneDrive\Masaüstü").ForEach(x =>
            //    DP_Container.Children.Add(new System.Windows.Controls.Image()
            //    {
            //        Source = ToImageSource(largeIcon),

            //        Height = 60,
            //        Stretch = Stretch.Uniform
            //    });
        public static BitmapSource GetIconForExtension(string extension)
            if (iconStore == null)
                iconStore = new Dictionary <string, BitmapSource>();

            if (!iconStore.ContainsKey(extension))
                using (var ico = IconTools.GetIconForExtension(extension, ShellIconSize.SmallIcon))
                    var image = System.Windows.Interop.Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHIcon(
                        ico.Handle, System.Windows.Int32Rect.Empty,
                        BitmapSizeOptions.FromWidthAndHeight(16, 16));
                    iconStore[extension] = image;

Beispiel #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
                // Show help?
                if (args.Length == 0)

                // Show licence?
                if (args[0] == "--licence")

                // Check number of arguaments
                if (args.Length < 2)
                    eExitCode = ExitCodes.eInvalidNumArgs;
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid number of arguments supplied.");
                if (bDebug)
                    Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: Params Valid");

                // Is arg 0 a valid file?
                sExtractFile = args[0];
                if (File.Exists(sExtractFile) == false)
                    eExitCode = ExitCodes.eFileNotFound;
                    Console.WriteLine("File not found, " + sExtractFile);
                if (bDebug)
                    Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: File is: " + sExtractFile);

                // Is arg 1 a valid dir?
                sExportDir = args[1];
                if (Directory.Exists(sExportDir) == false)
                    // Try and create it!
                        if (bDebug)
                            Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: Directory Created: " + sExportDir);
                    catch (Exception eXcep)
                        eExitCode = ExitCodes.eSaveDirInvalid;
                        Console.WriteLine("Directory error, " + eXcep.Message);
                if (bDebug)
                    Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: Directory is: " + sExportDir);

                // OK, lets get the icon...
                Icon icoExtract;
                    icoExtract = IconTools.GetIconForExtension(Path.GetExtension(sExtractFile), ShellIconSize.LargeIcon);
                catch (Exception eXcep)
                    eExitCode = ExitCodes.eIconExtractFailed;
                    Console.WriteLine("Extract failed, " + eXcep.Message);
                if (bDebug)
                    Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: Icon extracted to resource object");

                string sExtractedFileName = Path.GetExtension(sExtractFile).Substring(1) + "-ico.png";
                string sFullPath          = Path.Combine(sExportDir, sExtractedFileName);
                    icoExtract.ToBitmap().Save(sFullPath, ImageFormat.Png);
                catch (Exception eXcep)
                    eExitCode = ExitCodes.eSavePNGFailed;
                    Console.WriteLine("Save PNG failed, " + eXcep.Message);
                if (bDebug)
                    Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: Icon Saved: " + sFullPath);
            } while (false);

            if (bDebug)
                Console.WriteLine("End of program.  Exit Code: " + eExitCode.ToString() + " (" + ((int)eExitCode).ToString() + ").");
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");
