Beispiel #1
        public ScriptBuilder(string name, string description, IWrapperInfo @event)
            Name        = name;
            Description = description;
            SourceEvent = @event;
            _exprStack  = new Stack <IExpression>();

            // The root node must always be a Block for scripts.
            Push <BlockExpression>();
Beispiel #2
        public Expression Build(BuildContext context)
            // Find the wrapper info for the class. This will contain
            // all the actions/conditionals/properties we can use.
            IWrapperInfo info = context.Interface.GetWrapper(ClassName);

            if (info == null)
                return(context.Error($"CallExpression references unknown class: {ClassName}"));

            // Determine the way in which we should locate this class instance
            IWrapper @class = null;

            switch (Ref.RefType)
            case ClassRef.TypeNone:

            case ClassRef.TypeId:
            case ClassRef.TypeStr:
                if (!(@class = InstantiateClass(info)).InitRef(context, Ref))
                    return(context.Error($"CallExpression invalid class reference: {Ref.Value}"));

            case ClassRef.TypeParam:
                // Our wrappers are initialized in the IEvent.Init functions.
                @class = (IWrapper)context.ExecContext.GetParam(Ref.Value);
                if (@class == null)
                    return(context.Error($"CallExpression references unknown parameter: {Ref.Value}"));

            string funcName = FuncName;

            if (funcName.Contains("."))
                // funcName is something like text.lower, i.e., a member of a member
                string[] propertyNames = funcName.Split('.');
                for (int i = 0; i < propertyNames.Length - 1; ++i)
                    // The tokens leading up to the function name MUST be properties, since they
                    // return a wrapper that also has functions.
                    string property = propertyNames[i];
                    if (!info.Properties.ContainsKey(property))
                        return(context.Error($"CallExpression references unknown property: {property}"));

                    // Use reflection to get the instance of the class (reflection is OK for building).
                    var m = info.Properties[property].Info;
                    @class = m.Invoke(@class, null) as IWrapper;

                    // Get the wrapper representing this property
                    info = context.Interface.GetWrapper(m.ReturnType);
                    if (info == null || @class == null)
                        return(context.Error($"CallExpression failed to locate property: {property}"));

                // The last token is the relative function name
                funcName = propertyNames[propertyNames.Length - 1];

            // Locate the function in the wrapper info
            FunctionInfo func;

            if (info.Actions.ContainsKey(funcName))
                func = info.Actions[funcName];
                if (func.Info.ReturnType == typeof(Task))
                    // To ensure in-order execution of asynchronous calls, we wrap the action call
                    // with a task enqueue function that will enqueue task functions into the
                    // script execution context, which will then run the tasks and await them.
                    var body = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(@class),
                    var taskFunc = Expression.Lambda <Func <Task> >(body).Compile();
            else if (info.Conditionals.ContainsKey(funcName))
                func = info.Conditionals[funcName];
            else if (info.Properties.ContainsKey(funcName))
                func = info.Properties[funcName];
                return(context.Error($"CallExpression references unknown function: {funcName}"));

            return(Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(@class), func.Info, ConvertedParams(context)));
Beispiel #3
 private static IWrapper InstantiateClass(IWrapperInfo i)
 => (IWrapper)Activator.CreateInstance(i.Type);