public void Process(ISemanticProcessor proc, IMembrane membrane, Login login)
            IDbContextService  db  = proc.ServiceManager.Get <IDbContextService>();
            List <UserAccount> uas = db.Context.Query <UserAccount>(r => r.Email == login.Email);

            if (uas.Count == 1)
                if (PasswordHash.ValidatePassword(login.Password, uas[0].PasswordHash))
                    if (uas[0].Registered)
                        proc.ServiceManager.Get <IWebSessionService>().Authenticate(login.Context);
                        JsonResponse(proc, login, "{'state': 'OK'}");
                        IWebSessionService session = proc.ServiceManager.Get <IWebSessionService>();
                        session.SetSessionObject(login.Context, "OneTimeAlert", "Welcome Back " + uas[0].FirstName + "!");
                        session.SetSessionObject(login.Context, "UserName", uas[0].FullName);
                        session.SetSessionObject(login.Context, "UserAccount", uas[0]);
                        session.SetSessionObject(login.Context, "RoleMask", uas[0].RoleMask);
                        JsonResponse(proc, login, "{'state': 'RegisterFirst'}");
                    JsonResponse(proc, login, "{'state': 'BadAccount'}");
                JsonResponse(proc, login, "{'state': 'NotFound'}");
Beispiel #2
        protected ContextValueDictionary CreateOrGetContextValueDictionary(ISemanticProcessor proc, Clifton.WebInterfaces.IContext context)
            ContextValueDictionary cvd;
            IWebSessionService     session = proc.ServiceManager.Get <IWebSessionService>();

            if (!session.TryGetSessionObject(context, "CVD", out cvd))
                cvd = new ContextValueDictionary();
                session.SetSessionObject(context, "CVD", cvd);

        public void Process(ISemanticProcessor proc, IMembrane membrane, UpdateAccountInfo acctInfo)
            IWebSessionService session = proc.ServiceManager.Get <IWebSessionService>();
            UserAccount        ua      = session.GetSessionObject <UserAccount>(acctInfo.Context, "UserAccount");

            ua.FirstName = acctInfo.FirstName;
            ua.LastName  = acctInfo.LastName;
            ua.Email     = acctInfo.Email;
            session.SetSessionObject(acctInfo.Context, "UserName", ua.FullName);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(acctInfo.Password))
                ua.PasswordHash = PasswordHash.CreateHash(acctInfo.Password);

            IDbContextService db = proc.ServiceManager.Get <IDbContextService>();

            proc.ServiceManager.Get <IWebSessionService>().SetSessionObject(acctInfo.Context, "OneTimeAlert", "Your account information has been updated.");
            JsonResponse(proc, acctInfo, "{'state': 'OK'}");
        public void Process(ISemanticProcessor proc, IMembrane membrane, Route route)
            IAuthenticatingRouterService routerService = proc.ServiceManager.Get <IAuthenticatingRouterService>();
            HttpListenerContext          context       = route.Context;
            HttpVerb  verb        = context.Verb();
            UriPath   path        = context.Path();
            string    searchRoute = GetSearchRoute(verb, path);
            string    data        = route.Data;
            RouteInfo routeInfo;

            // TODO: Session manager may not exist.  How do we handle services that are missing?
            IWebSessionService session = proc.ServiceManager.Get <IWebSessionService>();

            // Semantic routes can be either public or authenticated.
            if (routerService.Routes.TryGetValue(searchRoute, out routeInfo))
                // Public routes always authenticate.
                bool authenticatedRoute = true;
                bool authorizedRoute    = true;

                if (routeInfo.RouteType == RouteType.AuthenticatedRoute)
                    authenticatedRoute = session.IsAuthenticated(context);

                if (routeInfo.RouteType == RouteType.RoleRoute)
                    authenticatedRoute = session.IsAuthenticated(context);

                    // User must be authenticated and have the correct role setting.
                    if (authenticatedRoute)
                        // Any bits that are set with a binary "and" of the route's role mask and the current role passes the authorization test.
                        uint mask = session.GetSessionObject <uint>(context, "RoleMask");
                        authorizedRoute = (mask & routeInfo.RoleMask) != 0;

                if (authenticatedRoute && authorizedRoute)
                    Type          receptorSemanticType = routeInfo.ReceptorSemanticType;
                    SemanticRoute semanticRoute        = (SemanticRoute)Activator.CreateInstance(receptorSemanticType);
                    semanticRoute.PostData = data;

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
                        // Is it JSON?
                        // NOTE: "JSON" is passed in as a string, not object.  So this is what it looks like in the Javascript:
                        // $.post("/geeks/createProfile", '{ "profileName": "foobar" }'
                        // Note the surrounding ' marks
                        if (data[0] == '{')
                            JsonConvert.PopulateObject(data, semanticRoute);
                            // Instead here, the data is passed in as an object, which comes in as params.  The Javascript for this looks like:
                            // $.post("/geeks/createProfile", { "profileName": profileName }
                            // Note the lack of surrounding ' around the { }
                            // Example: "username=sdfsf&password=sdfsdf&LoginButton=Login"
                            string[] parms = data.Split('&');

                            foreach (string parm in parms)
                                string[]     keyVal = parm.Split('=');
                                PropertyInfo pi     = receptorSemanticType.GetProperty(keyVal[0], BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase);

                                if (pi != null)
                                    // TODO: Should handling of "+" be before or after the UnescapedDataString call?
                                    object valOfType = Converter.Convert(Uri.UnescapeDataString(keyVal[1].Replace('+', ' ')), pi.PropertyType);
                                    pi.SetValue(semanticRoute, valOfType);
                    else if (verb.Value == "GET")
                        // Parse parameters
                        NameValueCollection nvc = context.Request.QueryString;

                        foreach (string key in nvc.AllKeys)
                            PropertyInfo pi = receptorSemanticType.GetProperty(key, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase);

                            if (pi != null)
                                // pi.SetValue(semanticRoute, Uri.UnescapeDataString(nvc[key].Replace('+', ' ')));
                                // TODO: Should handling of "+" be before or after the UnescapedDataString call?
                                object valOfType = Converter.Convert(Uri.UnescapeDataString(nvc[key].Replace('+', ' ')), pi.PropertyType);
                                pi.SetValue(semanticRoute, valOfType);

                    // Must be done AFTER populating the object -- sometimes the json converter nulls the base class!
                    semanticRoute.Context = context;
                    proc.ProcessInstance <WebServerMembrane>(semanticRoute, true);
                    // Deal with expired or requires authentication.
                    switch (session.GetState(context))
                    case SessionState.New:
                        // TODO: Oh man, this is application specific!!!
                        session.SetSessionObject(context, "OneTimeBadAlert", "Please Sign In");
                        //proc.ProcessInstance<WebServerMembrane, StringResponse>(r =>
                        //	r.Context = context;
                        //	r.Message = "authenticationRequired";		// used in to handle SPA error responses
                        //	r.StatusCode = 403;

                    case SessionState.Authenticated:
                        proc.ProcessInstance <WebServerMembrane, StringResponse>(r =>
                            r.Context    = context;
                            r.Message    = "notAuthorized";                                                             // used in to handle SPA error responses
                            r.StatusCode = 401;

                    case SessionState.Expired:
                        session.SetSessionObject(context, "OneTimeBadAlert", "Session expired.  Please sign in again.");
                        //proc.ProcessInstance<WebServerMembrane, StringResponse>(r =>
                        //	r.Context = context;
                        //	r.Message = "sessionExpired";				// used in to handle SPA error responses
                        //	r.StatusCode = 401;
                proc.ProcessInstance <LoggerMembrane, ST_Log>(msg => msg.Message = "Using default handler: " + verb.Value + ": " + path.Value);
                // Put the context on the bus for some service to pick up.
                // All unhandled context are assumed to be public routes.
                proc.ProcessInstance <WebServerMembrane, UnhandledContext>(c => c.Context = context);
Beispiel #5
        public void Process(ISemanticProcessor proc, IMembrane membrane, Route route)
            IAuthenticatingRouterService routerService = proc.ServiceManager.Get <IAuthenticatingRouterService>();
            IContext context = route.Context;
            HttpVerb verb    = context.Verb();
            UriPath  path    = context.Path();

            string    searchRoute = GetSearchRoute(verb, path);
            string    data        = route.Data;
            RouteInfo routeInfo;

            IPAddress addr = context.Request.RemoteEndPoint.Address;
            string    ip   = addr.ToString();

            // Handle localhost format.
            if (ip == "::1")
                addr = new IPAddress(new byte[] { 127, 0, 0, 1 });

            Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss tt ") + "IP: " + addr.ToString() + "    URL: " + route.Context.Request.Url);

            // TODO: Session manager may not exist.  How do we handle services that are missing?
            IWebSessionService session = proc.ServiceManager.Get <IWebSessionService>();

            // Semantic routes can be either public or authenticated.
            if (routerService.Routes.TryGetValue(searchRoute, out routeInfo))
                // Public routes always authenticate.
                bool authenticatedRoute = true;
                bool authorizedRoute    = true;

                if (routeInfo.RouteType == RouteType.AuthenticatedRoute)
                    authenticatedRoute = session.IsAuthenticated(context);

                if (routeInfo.RouteType == RouteType.RoleRoute)
                    authenticatedRoute = session.IsAuthenticated(context);

                    // User must be authenticated and have the correct role setting.
                    if (authenticatedRoute)
                        // Any bits that are set with a binary "and" of the route's role mask and the current role passes the authorization test.
                        uint mask = session.GetSessionObject <uint>(context, "RoleMask");
                        authorizedRoute = (mask & routeInfo.RoleMask) != 0;

                if (authenticatedRoute)                     // user is authenticated

                if (authenticatedRoute && authorizedRoute)
                    Type          receptorSemanticType = routeInfo.ReceptorSemanticType;
                    SemanticRoute semanticRoute        = (SemanticRoute)Activator.CreateInstance(receptorSemanticType);
                    semanticRoute.PostData = data;

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
                        // Is it JSON?
                        // NOTE: "JSON" is passed in as a string, not object.  So this is what it looks like in the Javascript:
                        // $.post("/geeks/createProfile", '{ "profileName": "foobar" }'
                        // Note the surrounding ' marks
                        if (data[0] == '{')
                            JsonConvert.PopulateObject(data, semanticRoute);
                            SetUrlParameters(context.Request.Url.ToString(), semanticRoute, receptorSemanticType);
                        else if (MultiPartParser.IsMultiPart(data))
                            MultiPartParser.ContentType ct = MultiPartParser.GetContentType(data);
                            string content = MultiPartParser.GetContent(data);

                            if (!(semanticRoute is IFileUpload))
                                throw new RouterException("Semantic route class must implement IFileUpload");

                            ((IFileUpload)semanticRoute).Content = content;
                            // Instead here, the data is passed in as an object, which comes in as params.  The Javascript for this looks like:
                            // $.post("/geeks/createProfile", { "profileName": profileName }
                            // Note the lack of surrounding ' around the { }
                            // Example: "username=sdfsf&password=sdfsdf&LoginButton=Login"
                            // Use $.post(url, JSON.stringify(data) to convert to JSON
                            string[] parms = data.Split('&');

                            foreach (string parm in parms)
                                string[]     keyVal = parm.Split('=');
                                PropertyInfo pi     = receptorSemanticType.GetProperty(keyVal[0], BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase);

                                if (pi != null)
                                    // TODO: Should handling of "+" be before or after the UnescapedDataString call?
                                    object valOfType = Converter.Convert(Uri.UnescapeDataString(keyVal[1].Replace('+', ' ')), pi.PropertyType);
                                    pi.SetValue(semanticRoute, valOfType);
                    else if (verb.Value == "GET")
                        SetUrlParameters(context.Request.Url.ToString(), semanticRoute, receptorSemanticType);

                    // Must be done AFTER populating the object -- sometimes the json converter nulls the base class!
                    semanticRoute.Context = context;
                    // TODO: Why are we doing this on the caller thread, except for debugging???
                    proc.ProcessInstance <WebServerMembrane>(semanticRoute, true);
                    // Deal with expired or requires authentication.
                    switch (session.GetState(context))
                    case SessionState.New:
                        // TODO: Oh man, this is application specific!!!
                        session.SetSessionObject(context, "OneTimeBadAlert", "Please Sign In");
                        //proc.ProcessInstance<WebServerMembrane, StringResponse>(r =>
                        //	r.Context = context;
                        //	r.Message = "authenticationRequired";		// used in to handle SPA error responses
                        //	r.StatusCode = 403;

                    case SessionState.Authenticated:
                        proc.ProcessInstance <WebServerMembrane, StringResponse>(r =>
                            r.Context    = context;
                            r.Message    = "notAuthorized";                                                             // used in to handle SPA error responses
                            r.StatusCode = 401;

                    case SessionState.Expired:
                        session.SetSessionObject(context, "OneTimeBadAlert", "Session expired.  Please sign in again.");
                        //proc.ProcessInstance<WebServerMembrane, StringResponse>(r =>
                        //	r.Context = context;
                        //	r.Message = "sessionExpired";				// used in to handle SPA error responses
                        //	r.StatusCode = 401;
                // proc.ProcessInstance<LoggerMembrane, ST_Log>(msg => msg.Message = "Using default handler: " + verb.Value + ": " + path.Value);
                // Put the context on the bus for some service to pick up.
                // All unhandled context are assumed to be public routes.
                proc.ProcessInstance <WebServerMembrane, UnhandledContext>(c => c.Context = context);