Beispiel #1
 public CSharpToJavascriptConverter(IWebBrowserWindow context, IJavascriptSessionCache cacher, IJSCommandFactory commandFactory, IWebSessionLogger logger)
     _Context        = context;
     _CommandFactory = commandFactory;
     _Logger         = logger;
     _Cacher         = cacher;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens a new browser window
        /// <para>Note: If changing browser types, all windows opened by the previous type must be closed first</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">The URL for the window to navigate to</param>
        /// <param name="webBrowserType">The type of browser to open (e.g. "IE", "Chrome", "Firefox", "Safari")</param>
        /// <param name="closeAllOtherBrowserWindows">If true, all browsers of type webBrowserType will be closed before opening the new window</param>
        /// <param name="maximizeWindow">If true, the new window will be maximized if not already</param>
        public static BrowserWindow Open(string url, string webBrowserType, bool closeAllOtherBrowserWindows = true, bool maximizeWindow = true)
            WebBrowserType browserType = ParseBrowserType(webBrowserType);


            if (closeAllOtherBrowserWindows)

            IWebBrowserWindow _browser = Agent.OpenNewBrowser(url);

            if (maximizeWindow)

            //hackhack: below waitForDocumentReadyState occasionally raise exception, so catch it then retry to open the browser
            catch (WebOperationFailedException)
                _browser = Agent.OpenNewBrowser(url);

            //Logger.Instance.LogInfo("Opening a browser window, url: " + url + ", browser type: " + webBrowserType);

            return(new BrowserWindow(_browser));
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Unattaches the window from the framework agent and subsequently reattaches it
        /// <para>Users can input the amount of waiting time they want (unit: ms)</para>
        /// </summary>
        public void RefreshAttachmentToAgent(int waitTime = TabSleep)
            IntPtr handle = TfsBrowserWindow.WindowHandle;

            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(waitTime); // Random wait. Without it this method didn't seem to work cross-browser.
            TfsBrowserWindow = Agent.AttachToExistingBrowserWindow(handle);
 public HtmlViewContext(IWebBrowserWindow webBrowserWindow, IUiDispatcher uiDispatcher, IJavascriptFrameworkManager javascriptFrameworkManager,
                        IWebSessionLogger logger)
     _IWebBrowserWindow          = webBrowserWindow;
     Logger                      = logger;
     UiDispatcher                = uiDispatcher;
     _JavascriptFrameworkManager = javascriptFrameworkManager;
Beispiel #5
        public static WebBrowserWindowDimensions GetDimensions(this IWebBrowserWindow browser)
            var width  = browser.ExecuteJScript <int>("return window.outerWidth;");
            var height = browser.ExecuteJScript <int>("return window.outerHeight;");

            return(new WebBrowserWindowDimensions {
                OuterHeight = height, OuterWidth = width
 public HTMLViewContext(IWebBrowserWindow webBrowserWindow, IDispatcher uiDispatcher, IJavascriptFrameworkManager javascriptFrameworkManager,
                        IJavascriptChangesObserver javascriptChangesObserver, IWebSessionLogger logger)
     _IWebBrowserWindow          = webBrowserWindow;
     _logger                     = logger;
     UIDispatcher                = uiDispatcher;
     _JavascriptChangesObserver  = javascriptChangesObserver;
     _JavascriptFrameworkManager = javascriptFrameworkManager;
Beispiel #7
 public CSharpToJavascriptConverterTests()
     _Cacher = Substitute.For <IJavascriptSessionCache>();
     _Cacher.When(c => c.CacheFromCSharpValue(Arg.Any <object>(), Arg.Any <IJSCSGlue>()))
     .Do(callInfo => _Cache.Add(callInfo[0], (IJSCSGlue)callInfo[1]));
     _Cacher.GetCached(Arg.Any <object>()).Returns(callInfo => _Cache.GetOrDefault(callInfo[0]));
     _GlueFactory       = new GlueFactory(null, null);
     _Logger            = Substitute.For <IWebSessionLogger>();
     _IWebBrowserWindow = Substitute.For <IWebBrowserWindow>();
     _CSharpToJavascriptConverter = new CSharpToJavascriptConverter(_IWebBrowserWindow, _Cacher, _GlueFactory, _Logger);
Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Close the browser window
 /// </summary>
 public void Close()
         if (TfsBrowserWindow != null)
         TfsBrowserWindow = null;
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Find a browser window by title of the same browser type as this object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="possibleWindowTitles">An array of the possible browser window titles to look for</param>
        /// <param name="ignorePreviouslyAttachedWindows">If true, ignore any windows that have previously been attached to by the framework</param>
        /// <param name="isModal">
        /// Whether or not the window to attach to is modal, meaning a child window that requires user interaction
        /// before being able to return to operating the parent window
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="timeoutMs">The duration in milliseconds to try to find the popup window</param>
        /// <returns>The reference to the browser window</returns>
        public BrowserWindow FindPopupBrowserWindow(string[] possibleWindowTitles, bool ignorePreviouslyAttachedWindows = true, bool isModal = false, int timeoutMs = 5000)
            int originalTimeout = TfsBrowserWindow.FrameworkAgent.FindBrowserWindowTimeout;

            TfsBrowserWindow.FrameworkAgent.FindBrowserWindowTimeout = timeoutMs;

                IWebBrowserWindow popup = (possibleWindowTitles.Length == 1) ?
                                          TfsBrowserWindow.GetPopupWindow(possibleWindowTitles[0], isModal, ignorePreviouslyAttachedWindows) :
                                          TfsBrowserWindow.GetPopupWindow(possibleWindowTitles, isModal, ignorePreviouslyAttachedWindows);

                return(new BrowserWindow(popup));
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
                TfsBrowserWindow.FrameworkAgent.FindBrowserWindowTimeout = originalTimeout;
 internal AwesomiumTestHTMLWindowProvider(IWebView webView, Uri path)
     HTMLWindow = new AwesomiumTestHTMLWindow(webView, path);
Beispiel #11
 public ChromiumFXHTMLWindowProvider(CfxClient cfxClient, IWebView webview, Uri url)
     _Webview   = webview;
     _CfxClient = cfxClient;
     HtmlWindow = new FakeHTMLWindow(cfxClient, webview, url);
 internal AwesomiumTestHTMLWindowProvider(IWebView webView, Uri path)
     HTMLWindow = new AwesomiumTestHTMLWindow(webView, path);
 public TestCefGlueHTMLWindowProvider(CefFrame iFrame, TestCefClient cefClient)
     _TestCefClient = cefClient;
     HtmlWindow     = new TestCefGlueWindow(iFrame, cefClient);
 public TestCefGlueHTMLWindowProvider(CefFrame iFrame, TestCefClient cefClient)
     _TestCefClient = cefClient;
     HTMLWindow = new TestCefGlueWindow(iFrame, cefClient);
Beispiel #15
 /// <param name="booleanExpression">Ex. foo == true</param>
 public static void WaitOnJScriptExpressionTrue(this IWebBrowserWindow browser, string booleanExpression)
     browser.WaitOnJScriptExpression(60, string.Format("return {0};", booleanExpression), "true");
 public ChromiumFXHTMLWindowProvider(CfxClient cfxClient, IWebView webview, Uri url) 
     _webview = webview;
     _CfxClient = cfxClient;
     HTMLWindow = new FakeHTMLWindow(cfxClient, webview, url);
Beispiel #17
        public static T ExecuteJScript <T>(this IWebBrowserWindow browser, string script)
            var result = browser.ExecuteJScript(script);

            return((T)Convert.ChangeType(result, typeof(T)));
Beispiel #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a BrowserWindow by using the static method Open
 /// </summary>
 private BrowserWindow(IWebBrowserWindow browser)
     TfsBrowserWindow = browser;
Beispiel #19
 public FirstLoadEvent(IWebBrowserWindow window)
     Window = window;