private void InitSandbox()

            m_vc.LeftPadding = 0;
            using (new HoldGraphics(this))
                Rectangle rcSrcRoot;
                Rectangle rcDstRoot;
                GetCoordRects(out rcSrcRoot, out rcDstRoot);
                SelLevInfo[] rgvsli = new SelLevInfo[1];
                //rgvsli[1].ihvo = 0; // first morpheme bundle
                //rgvsli[1].tag = (int)WfiAnalysis.WfiAnalysisTags.kflidMorphBundles;
                rgvsli[0].ihvo = 0;
                rgvsli[0].tag  = m_tag;
                IVwSelection sel = null;
                sel = RootBox.MakeTextSelInObj(0, rgvsli.Length, rgvsli, 0, null, true, false, false, false, false);
                if (sel == null)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Could not make selection in InitSandbox");
                    return;                     // can't position it accurately.
                Rect rcSec;
                bool fSplit, fEndBeforeAnchor;
                sel.Location(m_graphicsManager.VwGraphics, rcSrcRoot, rcDstRoot, out m_rcPrimary, out rcSec,
                             out fSplit, out fEndBeforeAnchor);
        internal Rectangle GetSelLocation()
            using (new HoldGraphics(this))
                Rectangle rcSrcRoot, rcDstRoot;
                GetCoordRects(out rcSrcRoot, out rcDstRoot);
                Rect         rcPrimary, rcSec, rcPrimary2;
                bool         fSplit, fEndBeforeAnchor;
                IVwSelection anchor = RootBox.Selection.EndPoint(false);
                IVwSelection end    = RootBox.Selection.EndPoint(true);
                anchor.Location(m_graphicsManager.VwGraphics, rcSrcRoot, rcDstRoot, out rcPrimary,
                                out rcSec, out fSplit, out fEndBeforeAnchor);
                end.Location(m_graphicsManager.VwGraphics, rcSrcRoot, rcDstRoot, out rcPrimary2,
                             out rcSec, out fSplit, out fEndBeforeAnchor);
                int left   = Math.Min(rcPrimary.left, rcPrimary2.left);
                int top    = Math.Min(,;
                int width  = Math.Max(rcPrimary.right, rcPrimary2.right) - left;
                int height = Math.Max(rcPrimary.bottom, rcPrimary2.bottom) - top;

                return(new Rectangle(left, top, width, height));
Beispiel #3
        private void SetContextButtonPosition(IVwSelection sel, int ilineChoice)
            Debug.Assert(sel != null || !sel.IsValid, "No selection!");
            Rect      rcPrimary;
            Rectangle rcSrcRoot;

            using (new HoldGraphics(this))
                Rect      rcSec;
                bool      fSplit, fEndBeforeAnchor;
                Rectangle rcDstRoot;
                GetCoordRects(out rcSrcRoot, out rcDstRoot);
                sel.Location(m_graphicsManager.VwGraphics, rcSrcRoot, rcDstRoot, out rcPrimary,
                             out rcSec, out fSplit, out fEndBeforeAnchor);
            CalculateHorizContextButtonPosition(rcPrimary, rcSrcRoot);
            m_iLineChoice = ilineChoice;
            if (!Controls.Contains(m_contextButton))
Beispiel #4
 private void SetSandboxLocation()
     using (new HoldGraphics(this))
         Rectangle rcSrcRoot;
         Rectangle rcDstRoot;
         GetCoordRects(out rcSrcRoot, out rcDstRoot);
         SelLevInfo[] rgvsli = new SelLevInfo[1];
         //rgvsli[1].ihvo = 0; // first morpheme bundle
         //rgvsli[1].tag = (int)WfiAnalysis.WfiAnalysisTags.kflidMorphBundles;
         rgvsli[0].ihvo = 0;
         rgvsli[0].tag  = MeVirtualHandler.InstallMe(Cache.VwCacheDaAccessor).Tag;
         IVwSelection sel = null;
         sel = RootBox.MakeTextSelInObj(0, rgvsli.Length, rgvsli, 0, null, true, false, false, false, false);
         if (sel == null)
             Debug.WriteLine("Could not make selection in SetSandboxLocation");
             m_tryAWordSandbox.Left = 150;
             return;                     // can't position it accurately.
         Rect rcPrimary, rcSec;
         bool fSplit, fEndBeforeAnchor;
         sel.Location(m_graphicsManager.VwGraphics, rcSrcRoot, rcDstRoot, out rcPrimary, out rcSec,
                      out fSplit, out fEndBeforeAnchor);
         if (m_vc.RightToLeft)
             m_tryAWordSandbox.Left = rcPrimary.right - m_tryAWordSandbox.Width;
             m_labelWidth           = m_rootb.Width - rcPrimary.right;
             m_tryAWordSandbox.Left = rcPrimary.left;
             m_labelWidth           = rcPrimary.left;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the selection rectangle (in printer pixels).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="vwsel">The selection.</param>
		/// <param name="vg">The VwGraphics object.</param>
		/// <param name="fEndBeforeAnchor"><c>true</c> if the end of the selection is before
		/// the anchor.</param>
		/// <returns>The rectangle of the selection in printer pixels.</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		internal Rectangle GetSelectionRectangle(IVwSelection vwsel, IVwGraphics vg,
			out bool fEndBeforeAnchor)
			Rectangle rcSelPrinter;

			if (vwsel == null)
				vwsel = FocusedRootBox.Selection;

			if (vwsel == null)
				Debug.Fail("Couldn't find a selection");
				fEndBeforeAnchor = false;
				return Rectangle.Empty;

			// We pass this as source AND destination rectangle to get the selection
			// location relative to the whole document in printer coordinates.
			Rect rcSrc = new Rect(0, 0, (int)DpiXPrinter, (int)DpiYPrinter);
			// Main or only place the selection is (in printer coords,
			// relative to the rootbox!)
			// Secondary place if the selection is a split cursor.
			// true if it is split (if false, do NOT use rcSecondary, it is meaningless).

			// true if end of selection comes before anchor, so the BOTTOM is what
			// we want to be sure to see.
			Rect rcPrimary, rcSecondary;
			bool fSplit;
			vwsel.Location(vg, rcSrc, rcSrc, out rcPrimary, out rcSecondary, out fSplit,
				out fEndBeforeAnchor);
			rcSelPrinter = Rectangle.FromLTRB(rcPrimary.left,,
				rcPrimary.right, rcPrimary.bottom);
			int clientWidthPrinter = ConvertScreenDistanceToPrinterX(
				ClientRectangle.Width, DpiXScreen);
			int clientHeightPrinter = ConvertScreenDistanceToPrinterY(
				ClientRectangle.Height, DpiYScreen);
			if (fSplit)
				// try to get the secondary in there also
				Rectangle rcSel2Printer = Rectangle.FromLTRB(
					Math.Min(rcSelPrinter.Left, rcSecondary.left),
					Math.Max(rcSelPrinter.Right, rcSecondary.right),
					Math.Max(rcSelPrinter.Bottom, rcSecondary.bottom));
				if (rcSel2Printer.Width <= clientWidthPrinter &&
					rcSel2Printer.Height <= clientHeightPrinter)
					rcSelPrinter = rcSel2Printer;

			return rcSelPrinter;
		private void SetContextButtonPosition(IVwSelection sel, int ilineChoice)
			Debug.Assert(sel != null || !sel.IsValid, "No selection!");
			Rect rcPrimary;
			Rectangle rcSrcRoot;
			using (new HoldGraphics(this))
				Rect rcSec;
				bool fSplit, fEndBeforeAnchor;
				Rectangle rcDstRoot;
				GetCoordRects(out rcSrcRoot, out rcDstRoot);
				sel.Location(m_graphicsManager.VwGraphics, rcSrcRoot, rcDstRoot, out rcPrimary,
					out rcSec, out fSplit, out fEndBeforeAnchor);
			CalculateHorizContextButtonPosition(rcPrimary, rcSrcRoot);
			m_iLineChoice = ilineChoice;
			if (!Controls.Contains(m_contextButton))
Beispiel #7
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the primary rectangle occupied by a selection (relative to the top left of the client rectangle).
		/// </summary>
		public Rect GetPrimarySelRect(IVwSelection sel)
			Rect rcPrimary;
			using (new HoldGraphics(this))
				Rectangle rcSrcRoot, rcDstRoot;
				GetCoordRects(out rcSrcRoot, out rcDstRoot);
				Rect rcSec;
				bool fSplit, fEndBeforeAnchor;
				sel.Location(m_graphicsManager.VwGraphics, rcSrcRoot, rcDstRoot, out rcPrimary,
							 out rcSec, out fSplit, out fEndBeforeAnchor);
			return rcPrimary;
Beispiel #8
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Scroll the selection in to the given client position.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sel">The selection</param>
		/// <param name="dyPos">Position from top of client window where sel should be scrolled</param>
		/// <returns>True if the selection was scrolled into view, false if this function did
		/// nothing</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public bool ScrollSelectionToLocation(IVwSelection sel, int dyPos)
			if (m_rootb == null)
				return false;

			if (sel == null)
				sel = m_rootb.Selection;
			if (sel == null)
				return false;

			using (new HoldGraphics(this))
				// Put IP at top of window.

				Rectangle rcSrcRoot;
				Rectangle rcDstRoot;

				// Expand the lazy boxes 1 screen up
				GetCoordRects(out rcSrcRoot, out rcDstRoot);
				rcDstRoot.Offset(0, -ClientRectangle.Height);
				PrepareToDraw(rcSrcRoot, rcDstRoot);

				// Expand the lazy boxes 1 screen down
				GetCoordRects(out rcSrcRoot, out rcDstRoot);
				rcDstRoot.Offset(0, ClientRectangle.Height);
				PrepareToDraw(rcSrcRoot, rcDstRoot);

				// Get the difference between where we want the selection to be and its
				// current position
				Rect rcPrimary;
				Rect rcSecondary;
				bool fSplit;
				bool fEndBeforeAnchor;
				GetCoordRects(out rcSrcRoot, out rcDstRoot);
				sel.Location(m_graphicsManager.VwGraphics, rcSrcRoot, rcDstRoot, out rcPrimary,
					out rcSecondary, out fSplit, out fEndBeforeAnchor);
				int difference = dyPos -;

				// Now move the scroll position so the IP will be where we want it.
				ScrollPosition = new Point(-ScrollPosition.X, -ScrollPosition.Y - difference);

			// If the selection is still not visible (which should only be the case if
			// we're at the end of the view), just take whatever MakeSelectionVisible()
			// gives us).
			if (!IsSelectionVisible(sel) && dyPos >= 0 && dyPos <= ClientHeight)
			return true;
Beispiel #9
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the rectangle of the selection. If it is a split selection we combine the
		/// two rectangles.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="vwsel">Selection</param>
		/// <param name="rcIdeal">Contains the rectangle of the selection on return</param>
		/// <param name="fEndBeforeAnchor">[Out] <c>true</c> if the end is before the anchor,
		/// otherwise <c>false</c>.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected internal void SelectionRectangle(IVwSelection vwsel, out Rectangle rcIdeal,
			out bool fEndBeforeAnchor)
			Debug.Assert(vwsel != null);
			Debug.Assert(m_graphicsManager.VwGraphics != null);

			Rect rcPrimary;
			Rect rcSecondary;
			bool fSplit;
			Rectangle rcSrcRoot;
			Rectangle rcDstRoot;
			GetCoordRects(out rcSrcRoot, out rcDstRoot);

			vwsel.Location(m_graphicsManager.VwGraphics, rcSrcRoot, rcDstRoot, out rcPrimary, out rcSecondary,
				out fSplit, out fEndBeforeAnchor);
			rcIdeal = rcPrimary;

			if (fSplit)
				rcIdeal = Rectangle.Union(rcIdeal, rcSecondary);
				if ((AutoScroll && VScroll && rcIdeal.Height > ClientHeight) ||
					(DoAutoHScroll && rcIdeal.Width > ClientRectangle.Width))
					rcIdeal = rcPrimary; // Revert to just showing main IP.
Beispiel #10
		// We don't need AfVwScrollWnd::ScrollBy - can be done directly in .NET

		/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Finds the distance between the scroll position and the IP (i.e. the distance
		/// between the top of the window and the IP).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sel">The selection used to get the IP's location. If
		/// this value is null, the rootsite's current selection will be used.</param>
		/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public int IPDistanceFromWindowTop(IVwSelection sel)
			if (sel == null && m_rootb != null)
				sel = m_rootb.Selection;

			if (sel == null)
				return 0;

			using (new HoldGraphics(this))
				Rectangle rcSrcRoot;
				Rectangle rcDstRoot;
				GetCoordRects(out rcSrcRoot, out rcDstRoot);

				Rect rcPrimary;
				Rect rcSecondary;
				bool fSplit;
				bool fEndBeforeAnchor;

				sel.Location(m_graphicsManager.VwGraphics, rcSrcRoot, rcDstRoot,
					out rcPrimary, out rcSecondary, out fSplit, out fEndBeforeAnchor);
