Beispiel #1
        private async Task OutputMessageAsync(string message, bool clear = false)
            await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();

            IVsOutputWindowPane outputPane  = null;
            IVsWindowFrame      windowFrame = null;
            var outputWindow = ServiceProvider.GlobalProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsOutputWindow)) as IVsOutputWindow;

            if (outputWindow != null && ErrorHandler.Failed(outputWindow.GetPane(windowGuid, out outputPane)))
                outputWindow.CreatePane(windowGuid, "Meadow Device Explorer", 1, 1);
                outputWindow.GetPane(windowGuid, out outputPane);

            var  vsUiShell = ServiceProvider.GlobalProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsUIShell)) as IVsUIShell;
            uint flags     = (uint)__VSFINDTOOLWIN.FTW_fForceCreate;

            vsUiShell?.FindToolWindow(flags, VSConstants.StandardToolWindows.Output, out windowFrame);

            if (clear)

            outputPane?.OutputString($"[{DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime()}] {message}" + Environment.NewLine);
        public override int OpenWithSpecific(uint editorFlags, ref Guid editorType, string physicalView, ref Guid logicalView, IntPtr docDataExisting, out IVsWindowFrame frame, WindowFrameShowAction windowFrameAction) {
            frame = null;
            Debug.Assert(editorType == VSConstants.GUID_ProjectDesignerEditor, "Cannot open project designer with guid " + editorType.ToString());

            if (this.Node == null || this.Node.ProjectMgr == null || this.Node.ProjectMgr.IsClosed) {
                return VSConstants.E_FAIL;

            IVsUIShellOpenDocument uiShellOpenDocument = this.Node.ProjectMgr.Site.GetService(typeof(SVsUIShellOpenDocument)) as IVsUIShellOpenDocument;
            IOleServiceProvider serviceProvider = this.Node.ProjectMgr.Site.GetService(typeof(IOleServiceProvider)) as IOleServiceProvider;

            if (serviceProvider != null && uiShellOpenDocument != null) {
                string fullPath = this.GetFullPathForDocument();
                string caption = this.GetOwnerCaption();

                IVsUIHierarchy parentHierarchy = this.Node.ProjectMgr.GetProperty((int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_ParentHierarchy) as IVsUIHierarchy;

                IntPtr parentHierarchyItemId = (IntPtr)this.Node.ProjectMgr.GetProperty((int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_ParentHierarchyItemid);

                ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(uiShellOpenDocument.OpenSpecificEditor(editorFlags, fullPath, ref editorType, physicalView, ref logicalView, caption, parentHierarchy, (uint)(parentHierarchyItemId.ToInt32()), docDataExisting, serviceProvider, out frame));

                if (frame != null) {
                    if (windowFrameAction == WindowFrameShowAction.Show) {

            return VSConstants.S_OK;
Beispiel #3
        private void ActivateOutputWindow()
            var uiShell = ServiceLocator.GetGlobalService <SVsUIShell, IVsUIShell>();

            if (uiShell != null)
                IVsWindowFrame toolWindow = null;
                uiShell.FindToolWindow(0, ref GuidList.guidVsWindowKindOutput, out toolWindow);
Beispiel #4
        public static bool NavigateToFrame(IVsWindowFrame frame, int start, int length) {
            int hr = frame.Show();
            if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(hr)) {
                IVsTextView vsTextView = VsShellUtilities.GetTextView(frame);
                if (vsTextView != null) {
                    return NavigateToTextView(vsTextView, start, length);

            return false;
Beispiel #5
        public void Activate()
            IVsWindowFrame toolWindow = null;

                                      ref GuidList.guidVsWindowKindOutput,
                                      out toolWindow);

        public void Execute(object parameter)
            IVsWindowFrame toolWindow = null;

            _vsUiShell.FindToolWindow(0, ref GuidList.guidVsWindowKindOutput, out toolWindow);

            IVsOutputWindowPane pane;

            if (_vsOutputWindow.GetPane(ref NuGetConsole.Implementation.GuidList.guidNuGetOutputWindowPaneGuid, out pane) == VSConstants.S_OK)
Beispiel #7
        public bool GetAlreadyOpenedDocument(string path, out IVsWindowFrame windowFrame)
            Validate.IsNotNull(path, nameof(path));

            IVsUIHierarchy hierarchy;
            uint itemId;

            // DevDiv 248655:  Calling OpenFile on a previewed document will promote it.
            // Do not promote unnecessarily.  Simply activate the window if it exists.
            if (!VsShellUtilities.IsDocumentOpen(this.singletons.ServiceProvider, path, VSConstants.LOGVIEWID.Code_guid, out hierarchy, out itemId, out windowFrame) || windowFrame == null)
                return false;

            return ErrorHandler.Succeeded(windowFrame.Show());
Beispiel #8
        public void Execute(object parameter)
            NuGetUIThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.Run(async() =>
                await NuGetUIThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();

                IVsWindowFrame toolWindow = null;
                _vsUiShell.Value.FindToolWindow(0, ref GuidList.guidVsWindowKindOutput, out toolWindow);

                IVsOutputWindowPane pane;
                if (_vsOutputWindow.Value.GetPane(ref NuGetConsole.GuidList.guidNuGetOutputWindowPaneGuid, out pane) == VSConstants.S_OK)
        // Initialization Logic

        /// <summary>
        /// Called by anything attempting to open a project file editor window, usually by a command. This will show the window frame, creating it if
        /// has not already been created.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task OpenEditorAsync()
            // We access _windowFrame inside the lock, so we must be on the UI thread in that case
            await _threadingService.SwitchToUIThread();

            lock (_lock)
                // If the editor is already open, just show it and return
                if (_currentState != EditorState.NoEditor)
                    // If we're initializing, _windowFrame might be null. In that case, when the initialization code
                    // is done, it'll take care of showing the frame.
                _currentState = EditorState.Initializing;

            // Set up the buffer manager, which will create the temp file. Nothing else in OpenEditor requires the UI thread (tasks aquire it as needed)
            // so we don't need to resume on the same thread.
            _textBufferManager = _textBufferManagerFactory.CreateExport().Value;
            await _textBufferManager.InitializeBufferAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Open and show the editor frame.
            _windowFrame = await _shellHelper.OpenDocumentWithSpecificEditorAsync(_serviceProvider, _textBufferManager.FilePath, XmlFactoryGuid, Guid.Empty).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Set up the save listener
            _textBufferStateListener = _textBufferListenerFactory.CreateExport().Value;
            await _textBufferStateListener.InitializeListenerAsync(_textBufferManager.FilePath).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Set up the listener that will check for when the frame is closed.
            _frameEventsListener = _frameEventsListenerFactory.CreateExport().Value;
            await _frameEventsListener.InitializeEventsAsync(_windowFrame).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Set up the project file watcher, so changes to the project file are detected and the buffer is updated.
            _projectFileModelWatcher = _projectFileWatcherFactory.CreateExport().Value;

            // Finally, move to the editor open state
            lock (_lock)
                _currentState = EditorState.EditorOpen;
Beispiel #10
        /// <include file='doc\Utilities.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="VsShell.OpenDocumentWithSpecificEditor1"]/*' />
        public static void OpenDocumentWithSpecificEditor(IServiceProvider provider, string fullPath, Guid editorType, Guid logicalView, out IVsUIHierarchy hierarchy, out uint itemID, out IVsWindowFrame windowFrame) {
            windowFrame = null;
            itemID = NativeMethods.VSITEMID_NIL;
            hierarchy = null;
            //open document
            IVsUIShellOpenDocument shellOpenDoc = provider.GetService(typeof(IVsUIShellOpenDocument)) as IVsUIShellOpenDocument;
            RunningDocumentTable pRDT = new RunningDocumentTable(provider);
            string physicalView = null;
            if (shellOpenDoc != null) {
                NativeMethods.ThrowOnFailure(shellOpenDoc.MapLogicalView(ref editorType, ref logicalView, out physicalView));
                // See if the requested editor is already open with the requested view.
                uint docCookie;
                IVsHierarchy ppIVsHierarchy;
                object docData = pRDT.FindDocument(fullPath, out ppIVsHierarchy, out itemID, out docCookie);
                if (docData != null) {
                    int pfOpen;
                    uint flags = (uint)__VSIDOFLAGS.IDO_ActivateIfOpen;
                    int hr = shellOpenDoc.IsSpecificDocumentViewOpen((IVsUIHierarchy)ppIVsHierarchy, itemID, fullPath, ref editorType, physicalView, flags, out hierarchy, out itemID, out windowFrame, out pfOpen);
                    if (NativeMethods.Succeeded(hr) && pfOpen == 1) {

                IOleServiceProvider psp;
                NativeMethods.ThrowOnFailure(shellOpenDoc.OpenDocumentViaProjectWithSpecific(fullPath, editorFlags, ref editorType, physicalView, ref logicalView, out psp, out hierarchy, out itemID, out windowFrame));
                if (windowFrame != null)
                psp = null;
Beispiel #11
 /// <include file='doc\Utilities.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="VsShell.OpenDocument1"]/*' />
 public static void OpenDocument(IServiceProvider provider, string fullPath, Guid logicalView, out IVsUIHierarchy hierarchy, out uint itemID, out IVsWindowFrame windowFrame) {
     windowFrame = null;
     itemID = NativeMethods.VSITEMID_NIL;
     hierarchy = null;
     //open document
     if (!IsDocumentOpen(provider, fullPath, Guid.Empty, out hierarchy, out itemID, out windowFrame)) {
         IVsUIShellOpenDocument shellOpenDoc = provider.GetService(typeof(IVsUIShellOpenDocument)) as IVsUIShellOpenDocument;
         if (shellOpenDoc != null) {
             IOleServiceProvider psp;
             uint itemid;
             NativeMethods.ThrowOnFailure(shellOpenDoc.OpenDocumentViaProject(fullPath, ref logicalView, out psp, out hierarchy, out itemid, out windowFrame));
             if (windowFrame != null)
             psp = null;
     } else if (windowFrame != null) {
Beispiel #12
    public static void OpenDocument(IServiceProvider provider, string fullPath, Guid logicalView, out IVsUIHierarchy hierarchy, uint[] itemID, out IVsWindowFrame windowFrame) {
      windowFrame = null;
      hierarchy   = null;

      //open document
      IVsUIShellOpenDocument shellOpenDoc = provider.GetService(typeof(IVsUIShellOpenDocument)) as IVsUIShellOpenDocument;
      IVsRunningDocumentTable pRDT = provider.GetService(typeof(IVsRunningDocumentTable)) as IVsRunningDocumentTable;
      if (pRDT != null) {
        IntPtr punkDocData;
        uint docCookie;
        uint pitemid;
        IVsHierarchy ppIVsHierarchy;
        pRDT.FindAndLockDocument((uint)_VSRDTFLAGS.RDT_NoLock, fullPath, out ppIVsHierarchy, out pitemid, out punkDocData, out docCookie);
        if (punkDocData == IntPtr.Zero) {
          IOleServiceProvider psp;
          uint itemid;
          shellOpenDoc.OpenDocumentViaProject(fullPath, ref logicalView, out psp, out hierarchy, out itemid, out windowFrame);
          if (windowFrame != null) 
          psp = null;

        } else {

          int pfOpen;

          shellOpenDoc.IsDocumentOpen((IVsUIHierarchy)ppIVsHierarchy, pitemid, fullPath, ref logicalView, (uint)__VSIDOFLAGS.IDO_IgnoreLogicalView, out hierarchy, itemID, out windowFrame, out pfOpen);

          if (windowFrame != null)
Beispiel #13
    public static void OpenDocument( ServiceProvider provider, string fullPath, out IVsUIHierarchy hierarchy,
      out uint itemID, out IVsWindowFrame windowFrame, out IVsTextView view) { 
      view    = null;
      windowFrame = null;
      itemID      = VsConstants.VSITEMID_NIL;
      hierarchy   = null;

      //open document
      IVsUIShellOpenDocument shellOpenDoc = (IVsUIShellOpenDocument)provider.QueryService(VsConstants.SID_SVsUIShellOpenDocument, typeof(IVsUIShellOpenDocument));
      IVsRunningDocumentTable pRDT = (IVsRunningDocumentTable)provider.QueryService(VsConstants.SID_SVsRunningDocumentTable, typeof(IVsRunningDocumentTable));
      if (pRDT != null) {
        IntPtr punkDocData;
        uint docCookie;
        uint pitemid;
        IVsHierarchy ppIVsHierarchy;
          fullPath, out ppIVsHierarchy, out pitemid, out punkDocData, out docCookie);
        if (punkDocData == IntPtr.Zero) {
          Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IServiceProvider psp;
          uint itemid;
          Guid logicalView = Guid.Empty;
          shellOpenDoc.OpenDocumentViaProject(fullPath, ref logicalView, out psp, out hierarchy, out itemid, out windowFrame);
          if (windowFrame != null) 
          psp = null;

        } else {

          Guid logicalView = Guid.Empty;
          int pfOpen;

          shellOpenDoc.IsDocumentOpen((IVsUIHierarchy)ppIVsHierarchy, pitemid, fullPath,
            ref logicalView, (uint)__VSIDOFLAGS.IDO_IgnoreLogicalView, 
            out hierarchy, out itemID, out windowFrame, out pfOpen);

          if (windowFrame != null)
      //return objects
      WindowFrameGetTextView( windowFrame, out view );
Beispiel #14
 internal static IVsTextView GetTextView(IVsWindowFrame windowFrame)
   if (windowFrame != null) {
     object docView;
     windowFrame.GetProperty((int)__VSFPROPID.VSFPROPID_DocView, out docView);
     if (docView != null) {
       IVsTextView textView = docView as IVsTextView;
       if (textView == null) {
         IVsCodeWindow codeWindow = docView as IVsCodeWindow;
         if (codeWindow != null) {
           codeWindow.GetPrimaryView(out textView);
       return textView;
   return null;
        public void Show()
            IVsWindowFrame frame = window?.Frame as IVsWindowFrame;

Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Menu callback event handler that activates the merge pane after selecting work items in Work Item Query view.
        /// See <see cref="MergeWIControl"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        public static void MyWIExpMergeIDCallback(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var origCursor = Cursor.Current;

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            IVsThreadedWaitDialog2 dlg = null;
            int icanceled;

                if (Utilities.paneMerge == null)
                    Cursor.Current = origCursor;
                    MessageBox.Show("Failed to initialize " + Utilities.AppTitle + ": Pane was null.", Utilities.AppTitle);

                var mfrm = Utilities.paneMerge.control;
                mfrm.SuppressEvents = true;
                mfrm.defServerName  = "$/" + Utilities.vsTeamCtxMan.CurrentContext.TeamProjectName;

                IVsWindowFrame frame = Utilities.paneMerge.Frame as IVsWindowFrame;
                if (frame == null)
                    Cursor.Current = origCursor;
                    MessageBox.Show("Failed to initialize " + Utilities.AppTitle + ": Frame was null.", Utilities.AppTitle);

                // Bring the tool window to the front and give it focus

                int  idx       = 0;
                int  iddx      = 0;
                bool nolinks   = true;
                bool bcanceled = false;

                object _lockToken1 = new object();
                object _lockToken2 = new object();
                string sourcePath;

                dlg = Utilities.CreateThreadedWaitDialog("Collecting information about changesets", "Starting to process changesets...", "status", 100);
                dlg.UpdateProgress("Collecting information about changesets", "Starting to process changesets...", "status", 0, 100, true, out bcanceled);

                IWorkItemTrackingDocument doc2 = Utilities.docsrv2.FindDocument(Utilities.dte.ActiveDocument.FullName, _lockToken2);
                if (doc2 == null)
                    Cursor.Current = origCursor;

                foreach (int i in (doc2 as IResultsDocument).SelectedItemIds)
                    IWorkItemDocument widoc = Utilities.docsrv2.GetWorkItem(Utilities.tfscoll, i, _lockToken1);
                    if (widoc == null)

                    if (!widoc.IsLoaded)
                    iddx = 0;
                    while (!widoc.IsLoaded && ++iddx < 10)
                        if (widoc.ItemState == WorkItemState.Error)
                            Utilities.OutputCommandString(widoc.Exception != null ? widoc.Exception.ToString() : "WorkItem cannot be loaded " + i);
                            iddx = i;
                    if (iddx == 10)
                        Utilities.OutputCommandString("WorkItem cannot be loaded " + i + ". Please open it manually and then try to load again.");
                        iddx = i;
                    iddx = 0;

                    foreach (Link lnk in widoc.Item.Links.Cast <Link>().Where(x => x.ArtifactLinkType.Name == "Fixed in Changeset"))
                        Changeset ch = Utilities.vcsrv.ArtifactProvider.GetChangeset(new Uri((lnk as ExternalLink).LinkedArtifactUri));
                        if (ch.Changes == null || ch.Changes.Length == 0)

                        string change = ch.Changes.Take(5).Select(x => x.ChangeType.ToString()).Aggregate((x, y) => x + "," + y);
                        if (ch.Changes.Length > 5)
                            change += "...";

                        string[] relbranches = MergeFactory.QueryBranchObjectOwnership(ch.ChangesetId);
                        if (relbranches.Length == 0)
                            sourcePath = "$/" + Utilities.vsTeamCtxMan.CurrentContext.TeamProjectName;
                            sourcePath = relbranches[0];

                        ListViewItem itm = mfrm.AddNewGridItem(widoc.Item.Id.ToString(), ch.ChangesetId.ToString(),
                                                               ch.CreationDate.ToShortDateString(), ch.Owner, sourcePath, change, ch.Comment,
                                                               new ListViewItemTag(ch.ChangesetId, widoc.Item.Id, sourcePath, ch.CreationDate));

                        Utilities.OutputCommandString("Adding Changeset: " + itm.Name + " => " + sourcePath);
                        nolinks = false;

                        dlg.UpdateProgress("Collecting information about changesets", "Processing changeset: " + ch.ChangesetId, "status", idx++, 100, false, out bcanceled);
                        if (bcanceled)
                            mfrm.SuppressEvents = false;
                            Cursor.Current      = origCursor;
                        if (idx == 100)
                            idx = 0;

                mfrm.SuppressEvents = false;
                Cursor.Current      = origCursor;
                dlg.EndWaitDialog(out icanceled);

                if (iddx > 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("WorkItem cannot be loaded " + iddx + ". Please open it manually and then try to load again.", Utilities.AppTitle);
                else if (nolinks)
                    MessageBox.Show("No linked Changesets where found in selected Work Items.", Utilities.AppTitle);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Cursor.Current = origCursor;
                if (dlg != null)
                    dlg.EndWaitDialog(out icanceled);
                MessageBox.Show(ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message, Utilities.AppTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK);

Beispiel #17
    public int OpenItem(uint itemid, ref Guid rguidLogicalView, IntPtr punkDocDataExisting, out IVsWindowFrame ppWindowFrame) {
      _logger.LogHierarchy("OpenItem({0})", (int)itemid);
      ppWindowFrame = null;

      NodeViewModel node;
      uint flags = 536936448U;
      int hresult = 0;
      if (!_nodes.FindNode(itemid, out node))
        return VSConstants.E_FAIL;

      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.FullPath))
        return VSConstants.E_NOTIMPL;
      IVsUIHierarchy hierarchy;
      uint itemid1;

      if (!VsShellUtilities.IsDocumentOpen(_serviceProvider, node.FullPath, rguidLogicalView, out hierarchy, out itemid1, out ppWindowFrame)) {
        IVsHierarchy hierOpen;
        int isDocInProj;
        IsDocumentInAnotherProject(node.FullPath, out hierOpen, out itemid1, out isDocInProj);
        if (hierOpen == null) {
          hresult = OpenItemViaMiscellaneousProject(flags, node.FullPath, ref rguidLogicalView, out ppWindowFrame);
        } else {
          var vsProject3 = hierOpen as IVsProject3;
          hresult = vsProject3 == null
            ? OpenItemViaMiscellaneousProject(flags, node.FullPath, ref rguidLogicalView, out ppWindowFrame)
            : vsProject3.OpenItem(itemid1, ref rguidLogicalView, punkDocDataExisting, out ppWindowFrame);
      if (ppWindowFrame != null)
        hresult = ppWindowFrame.Show();
      return hresult;
Beispiel #18
 void ShowXamlEditor()
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers given document and editor objects in the RDT under given
        /// hierarchy item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">Hierarchy item identifier for this object.</param>
        /// <param name="document">Refernce to the document object.</param>
        /// <param name="view">Reference to the view object (editor).</param>
        public void RegisterEditor(int item, IDocument document, IEditor view)
            // Validate inputs
            if (item < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.Error_InvalidHierarchyItemID, "item");
            if (document == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("document");
            if (view == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("view");

            Debug.Assert(hierarchyAccessor != null, "Hierarchy accessor is not initialized!");
            Debug.Assert(shell != null, "Hierarchy accessor is not initialized!");

            // Prepare data for shell call
            string moniker        = BuildMoniker(document.TypeName, document.ObjectID);
            Guid   editorID       = Guid.Empty;
            Guid   commandGroupID = view.CommandGroupID;
            IntPtr dataPunk       = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(document);
            IntPtr viewPunk       = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(view);

            // Validate prepared data
            Debug.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(moniker), "Failed to build moniker string!");
            Debug.Assert(dataPunk != null, "Failed to marshal document object!");
            Debug.Assert(viewPunk != null, "Failed to marshal view object!");

            // Variable to store result
            IVsWindowFrame winFrame = null;

            // Initialize IDE editor infrastracture
            int result = shell.InitializeEditorInstance(
                (uint)0,                // Initialization flags. We need default behavior here
                viewPunk,               // View object reference (should implement IVsWindowPane)
                dataPunk,               // Docuemnt object reference (should implement IVsPersistDocData)
                moniker,                // Document moniker
                ref editorID,           // GUID of the editor type
                null,                   // Name of the physical view. We use default
                ref editorID,           // GUID identifying the logical view.
                String.Empty,           // Initial caption defined by the document owner. Will be initialized by the editor later
                String.Empty,           // Initial caption defined by the document editor. Will be initialized by the editor later
                Hierarchy,              // Pointer to the IVsUIHierarchy interface of the project that contains the document
                (uint)item,             // UI hierarchy item identifier of the document in the project system
                IntPtr.Zero,            // Pointer to the IUnknown interface of the document data object if the document data object already exists in the running document table
                // Project-specific service provider.
                hierarchyAccessor.ServiceProvider as Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IServiceProvider,
                ref commandGroupID,     // Command UI GUID of the commands to display for this editor.
                out winFrame            // The window frame that contains the editor

            // Validate result code and frame object
            Debug.Assert(winFrame != null && ErrorHandler.Succeeded(result), "Failed to initialize editor!");

            // Pass frame reference to the editor for caption control
            view.OwnerFrame = winFrame;

            // Display editor if initialized
Beispiel #20
 public void Execute()
     _replFactory.CreateRepl(_frameworkProvider(), Path.GetDirectoryName(_selectedProjectProvider.Get().FullName));
Beispiel #21
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Renders this window visible, brings the window to the top, and activates the window.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>
 /// If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.
 /// </returns>
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 int IVsWindowFrame.Show()
Beispiel #22
        public static void OpenItem(ServiceProvider site, bool newFile, bool openWith, ref Guid logicalView,
                                    IntPtr punkDocDataExisting, IVsHierarchy pHierarchy,
                                    uint hierarchyId, out IVsWindowFrame windowFrame)
            windowFrame = null;
            IntPtr docData = punkDocDataExisting;

            try {
                uint itemid = hierarchyId;

                object pvar;
                pHierarchy.GetProperty(hierarchyId, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_Caption, out pvar);
                string caption = (string)pvar;

                string fullPath = null;

                if (punkDocDataExisting != IntPtr.Zero)
                    try  {
                        // if interface is not supported, return null
                        IPersistFileFormat pff = (IPersistFileFormat)Marshal.GetTypedObjectForIUnknown(punkDocDataExisting, typeof(IPersistFileFormat));
                        uint format;
                        pff.GetCurFile(out fullPath, out format);
                    catch  {
                if (fullPath == null)
                    string dir;
                    pHierarchy.GetProperty((uint)VsConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_ProjectDir, out pvar);
                    dir = (string)pvar;
                    pHierarchy.GetProperty(hierarchyId, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_SaveName, out pvar);
                    fullPath = dir != null?Path.Combine(dir, (string)pvar) : (string)pvar;

                IVsUIHierarchy pRootHierarchy = null;
                pHierarchy.GetProperty((uint)VsConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_Root, out pvar);
                IntPtr ptr;
                if (pvar == null)
                    pRootHierarchy = (IVsUIHierarchy)pHierarchy;
                    ptr            = (IntPtr)pvar;
                    pRootHierarchy = (IVsUIHierarchy)Marshal.GetTypedObjectForIUnknown(ptr, typeof(IVsUIHierarchy));
                IVsUIHierarchy pVsUIHierarchy = pRootHierarchy;

                IVsUIShellOpenDocument doc = (IVsUIShellOpenDocument)site.QueryService(VsConstants.SID_VsUIShellOpenDocument, typeof(IVsUIShellOpenDocument));
                const uint             OSE_ChooseBestStdEditor = 0x20000000;
                const uint             OSE_UseOpenWithDialog   = 0x10000000;
                const uint             OSE_OpenAsNewFile       = 0x40000000;

                if (openWith)
                    doc.OpenStandardEditor(OSE_UseOpenWithDialog, fullPath, ref logicalView, caption,
                                           pVsUIHierarchy, itemid, docData, site.Unwrap(), out windowFrame);
                    // First we see if someone else has opened the requested view of the file and if so,
                    // simply activate that view.
                    IVsRunningDocumentTable pRDT = (IVsRunningDocumentTable)site.QueryService(VsConstants.SID_SVsRunningDocumentTable, typeof(IVsRunningDocumentTable));
                    if (pRDT != null)
                        uint         docCookie;
                        IVsHierarchy ppIVsHierarchy;
                                                 fullPath, out ppIVsHierarchy, out itemid, out docData, out docCookie);
                        if (ppIVsHierarchy != null && docCookie != VsConstants.VSDOCCOOKIE_NIL &&
                            pHierarchy != ppIVsHierarchy && pVsUIHierarchy != ppIVsHierarchy)
                            // not opened by us, so call IsDocumentOpen with the right IVsUIHierarchy so we avoid the
                            // annoying "This document is opened by another project" message prompt.
                            pVsUIHierarchy = (IVsUIHierarchy)ppIVsHierarchy;
                            itemid         = (uint)VsConstants.VSITEMID_SELECTION;
                        ppIVsHierarchy = null;
                    IVsUIHierarchy ppHierOpen;
                    uint           pitemidOpen;
                    int            pfOpen;
                    doc.IsDocumentOpen(pVsUIHierarchy, itemid, fullPath,
                                       ref logicalView, (uint)__VSIDOFLAGS.IDO_ActivateIfOpen,
                                       out ppHierOpen, out pitemidOpen, out windowFrame, out pfOpen);
                    if (pfOpen != 1)
                        uint openFlags = OSE_ChooseBestStdEditor;
                        if (newFile)
                            openFlags |= OSE_OpenAsNewFile;

                        //NOTE: we MUST pass the IVsProject in pVsUIHierarchy and the itemid
                        // of the node being opened, otherwise the debugger doesn't work.
                        doc.OpenStandardEditor(openFlags, fullPath, ref logicalView, caption,
                                               pRootHierarchy, hierarchyId, docData,
                                               site.Unwrap(), out windowFrame);
                        if (windowFrame != null)
                            if (newFile)
                                object var;
                                windowFrame.GetProperty((int)__VSFPROPID.VSFPROPID_DocData, out var);
                                IVsPersistDocData ppd = (IVsPersistDocData)var;
                if (windowFrame != null)
            } catch (COMException e) {
                if ((uint)e.ErrorCode != (uint)OleErrors.OLE_E_PROMPTSAVECANCELLED)
            } catch (Exception e) {
            if (docData != punkDocDataExisting)
Beispiel #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Menu callback event handler that activates the merge pane after selecting paths in Source Control Explorer.
        /// See <see cref="MergeWIControl"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        public static void MySCQuBuildIDCallback(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var origCursor = Cursor.Current;

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            IVsThreadedWaitDialog2 dlg = null;
            bool nolinks   = true;
            bool bcanceled = false;
            int  icanceled;

                if (Utilities.vcext.Explorer.Workspace.Folders.Length == 0)
                    Cursor.Current = origCursor;
                    MessageBox.Show("The workspace is not mapped to any local folder.", Utilities.AppTitle);

                string folderPath = Utilities.vcext.Explorer.CurrentFolderItem.SourceServerPath;
                if (!MergeFactory.ServerItemExists(folderPath))
                    Cursor.Current = origCursor;
                    MessageBox.Show("Target server path is cloacked or doesn't exist.", Utilities.AppTitle);

                if (Utilities.paneMerge == null)
                    Cursor.Current = origCursor;
                    MessageBox.Show("Failed to initialize " + Utilities.AppTitle + ": Pane was null.", Utilities.AppTitle);

                var mfrm = Utilities.paneMerge.control;
                mfrm.SuppressEvents = true;
                mfrm.defServerName  = folderPath;

                IVsWindowFrame frame = Utilities.paneMerge.Frame as IVsWindowFrame;
                if (frame == null)
                    Cursor.Current = origCursor;
                    MessageBox.Show("Failed to initialize " + Utilities.AppTitle + ": Frame was null.", Utilities.AppTitle);

                // Bring the tool window to the front and give it focus

                dlg = Utilities.CreateThreadedWaitDialog("Collecting information about changesets", "Starting to process changests...", "status", 100);
                dlg.UpdateProgress("Collecting information about changesets", "Starting to process changesets...", "status", 0, 100, true, out bcanceled);

                foreach (string sourcePath in Utilities.vcext.Explorer.SelectedItems.Select(x => x.SourceServerPath))
                    int idx = 0;
                    foreach (Changeset ch in Utilities.vcsrv.QueryHistory(sourcePath, VersionSpec.Latest, 0, RecursionType.Full, null, null, null,
                                                                          Int32.MaxValue, true, true, false, false))
                        if (ch.Changes == null || ch.Changes.Length == 0)

                        string change = ch.Changes.Take(5).Select(x => x.ChangeType.ToString()).Aggregate((x, y) => x + "," + y);
                        if (ch.Changes.Length > 5)
                            change += "...";

                        string wrkitemstr = "";
                        int    wrkitemid  = 0;
                        if (ch.WorkItems != null && ch.WorkItems.Length > 0)
                            wrkitemstr = ch.WorkItems.Select(x => x.Id.ToString()).Aggregate((x, y) => x + "," + y);
                            wrkitemid  = ch.WorkItems[0].Id;

                        ListViewItem itm = mfrm.AddNewGridItem(wrkitemstr, ch.ChangesetId.ToString(),
                                                               ch.CreationDate.ToShortDateString(), ch.Owner, sourcePath, change, ch.Comment,
                                                               new ListViewItemTag(ch.ChangesetId, wrkitemid, sourcePath, ch.CreationDate));

                        Utilities.OutputCommandString("Adding Changeset: " + itm.Name + " => " + sourcePath);
                        nolinks = false;

                        dlg.UpdateProgress("Collecting information about changesets", "Processing changeset: " + ch.ChangesetId, "status", idx++, 100, false, out bcanceled);
                        if (bcanceled)
                            mfrm.SuppressEvents = false;
                            Cursor.Current      = origCursor;
                        if (idx == 100)
                            idx = 0;

                mfrm.SuppressEvents = false;
                Cursor.Current      = origCursor;
                dlg.EndWaitDialog(out icanceled);

                if (nolinks)
                    MessageBox.Show("No Changesets where found in selected path.", Utilities.AppTitle);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Cursor.Current = origCursor;
                if (dlg != null)
                    dlg.EndWaitDialog(out icanceled);
                MessageBox.Show(ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message, Utilities.AppTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK);

Beispiel #24
 public static void OpenDocumentWithSpecificEditor(IServiceProvider provider, string fullPath, Guid editorType, string physicalView, Guid logicalView, out IVsUIHierarchy hierarchy, uint[] itemID, out IVsWindowFrame windowFrame) {
   windowFrame = null;
   hierarchy = null;
   //open document
   IVsUIShellOpenDocument shellOpenDoc = provider.GetService(typeof(IVsUIShellOpenDocument)) as IVsUIShellOpenDocument;
   IVsRunningDocumentTable pRDT = provider.GetService(typeof(IVsRunningDocumentTable)) as IVsRunningDocumentTable;
   if (pRDT != null) {
     IntPtr punkDocData;
     uint docCookie;
     uint pitemid;
     IVsHierarchy ppIVsHierarchy;
     pRDT.FindAndLockDocument((uint)_VSRDTFLAGS.RDT_NoLock, fullPath, out ppIVsHierarchy, out pitemid, out punkDocData, out docCookie);
     if (punkDocData != IntPtr.Zero) {
       int pfOpen;
       shellOpenDoc.IsDocumentOpen((IVsUIHierarchy)ppIVsHierarchy, pitemid, fullPath, ref logicalView, (uint)__VSIDOFLAGS.IDO_IgnoreLogicalView, out hierarchy, itemID, out windowFrame, out pfOpen);
       hierarchy = null;
       if (windowFrame != null) {
         Guid currentEditor;
         windowFrame.GetGuidProperty((int)__VSFPROPID.VSFPROPID_guidEditorType, out currentEditor);
         object currentView;
         windowFrame.GetProperty((int)__VSFPROPID.VSFPROPID_pszPhysicalView, out currentView);
         if (currentEditor == editorType && currentView != null && physicalView == currentView.ToString()) {
       windowFrame = null;
     IOleServiceProvider psp;
     uint itemid;
     uint editorFlags = (uint)__VSSPECIFICEDITORFLAGS.VSSPECIFICEDITOR_UseEditor;
     shellOpenDoc.OpenDocumentViaProjectWithSpecific(fullPath, editorFlags, ref editorType, physicalView, ref logicalView, out psp, out hierarchy, out itemid, out windowFrame);
     if (windowFrame != null)
     psp = null;
Beispiel #25
    public static void OpenItem(ServiceProvider site, bool newFile, bool openWith, ref Guid logicalView, 
      IntPtr punkDocDataExisting, IVsHierarchy pHierarchy,
      uint hierarchyId, out IVsWindowFrame windowFrame) {
      windowFrame = null;
      IntPtr docData = punkDocDataExisting;
      try {
        uint itemid = hierarchyId;

        object pvar;        
        pHierarchy.GetProperty(hierarchyId, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_Caption, out pvar);
        string caption = (string)pvar;

        string fullPath = null;
        if (punkDocDataExisting != IntPtr.Zero) {
          try  {
            // if interface is not supported, return null
            IPersistFileFormat pff = (IPersistFileFormat)Marshal.GetTypedObjectForIUnknown(punkDocDataExisting, typeof(IPersistFileFormat));
            uint format;
            pff.GetCurFile(out fullPath, out format);
          catch  {
        if (fullPath == null) {
          string dir;
          pHierarchy.GetProperty((uint)VsConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_ProjectDir, out pvar);
          dir = (string)pvar;
          pHierarchy.GetProperty(hierarchyId, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_SaveName, out pvar);          
          fullPath = dir != null ? Path.Combine(dir,(string)pvar) : (string)pvar;

        IVsUIHierarchy pRootHierarchy = null;
        pHierarchy.GetProperty((uint)VsConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_Root, out pvar);
        IntPtr ptr;
        if (pvar == null) {
          pRootHierarchy = (IVsUIHierarchy)pHierarchy;
        } else {
          ptr = (IntPtr)pvar;
          pRootHierarchy = (IVsUIHierarchy)Marshal.GetTypedObjectForIUnknown(ptr, typeof(IVsUIHierarchy));
        IVsUIHierarchy pVsUIHierarchy = pRootHierarchy;

        IVsUIShellOpenDocument doc = (IVsUIShellOpenDocument)site.QueryService(VsConstants.SID_VsUIShellOpenDocument, typeof(IVsUIShellOpenDocument));
        const uint   OSE_ChooseBestStdEditor  = 0x20000000;
        const uint OSE_UseOpenWithDialog  = 0x10000000;
        const uint OSE_OpenAsNewFile  = 0x40000000;

        if (openWith) {          
          doc.OpenStandardEditor(OSE_UseOpenWithDialog, fullPath, ref logicalView, caption, 
            pVsUIHierarchy, itemid, docData, site.Unwrap(), out windowFrame);
        } else {
          // First we see if someone else has opened the requested view of the file and if so, 
          // simply activate that view.
          IVsRunningDocumentTable pRDT = (IVsRunningDocumentTable)site.QueryService(VsConstants.SID_SVsRunningDocumentTable, typeof(IVsRunningDocumentTable));
          if (pRDT != null) {
            uint docCookie;
            IVsHierarchy ppIVsHierarchy;
              fullPath, out ppIVsHierarchy, out itemid, out docData, out docCookie);
            if (ppIVsHierarchy != null && docCookie != VsConstants.VSDOCCOOKIE_NIL && 
                pHierarchy != ppIVsHierarchy && pVsUIHierarchy != ppIVsHierarchy) {
              // not opened by us, so call IsDocumentOpen with the right IVsUIHierarchy so we avoid the
              // annoying "This document is opened by another project" message prompt.
              pVsUIHierarchy = (IVsUIHierarchy)ppIVsHierarchy;
              itemid = (uint)VsConstants.VSITEMID_SELECTION;
            ppIVsHierarchy = null;
          IVsUIHierarchy ppHierOpen;
          uint pitemidOpen;
          int pfOpen;      
          doc.IsDocumentOpen(pVsUIHierarchy, itemid, fullPath,
            ref logicalView, (uint)__VSIDOFLAGS.IDO_ActivateIfOpen, 
            out ppHierOpen, out pitemidOpen, out windowFrame, out pfOpen);
          if (pfOpen != 1) {
            uint openFlags = OSE_ChooseBestStdEditor;
            if (newFile) openFlags |= OSE_OpenAsNewFile;

            //NOTE: we MUST pass the IVsProject in pVsUIHierarchy and the itemid
            // of the node being opened, otherwise the debugger doesn't work.
            doc.OpenStandardEditor(openFlags, fullPath, ref logicalView, caption, 
              pRootHierarchy, hierarchyId, docData, 
              site.Unwrap(), out windowFrame);
            if (windowFrame != null) {
              if (newFile) {
                object var;
                windowFrame.GetProperty((int)__VSFPROPID.VSFPROPID_DocData, out var);
                IVsPersistDocData ppd = (IVsPersistDocData)var;
        if (windowFrame != null)

      } catch (COMException e) {
        if ((uint)e.ErrorCode != (uint)OleErrors.OLE_E_PROMPTSAVECANCELLED) {
      } catch (Exception e) {
      if (docData != punkDocDataExisting) {
Beispiel #26
        /// <include file='doc\Hierarchy.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="HierarchyNode.OpenItem3"]/*' />
        public static void OpenItem(IServiceProvider site, bool newFile, bool openWith, uint editorFlags, ref Guid editorType, string physicalView, ref Guid logicalView, IntPtr punkDocDataExisting, IVsHierarchy pHierarchy, uint hierarchyId, out IVsWindowFrame windowFrame)
            windowFrame = null;

            IntPtr docData = punkDocDataExisting;
            Exception error = null;

                uint itemid = hierarchyId;
                object pvar;
                NativeMethods.ThrowOnFailure(pHierarchy.GetProperty(hierarchyId, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_Caption, out pvar));
                string caption = (string)pvar;
                string fullPath = null;
                if (punkDocDataExisting != IntPtr.Zero)
                    fullPath = VsShell.GetFilePath(punkDocDataExisting);
                if (fullPath == null)
                    string dir;
                    NativeMethods.ThrowOnFailure(pHierarchy.GetProperty(NativeMethods.VSITEMID_ROOT, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_ProjectDir, out pvar));
                    dir = (string)pvar;
                    NativeMethods.ThrowOnFailure(pHierarchy.GetProperty(hierarchyId, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_SaveName, out pvar));
                    // todo: what if the path is a URL?
                    fullPath = dir != null ? Path.Combine(dir, (string)pvar) : (string)pvar;
                IVsUIHierarchy pRootHierarchy = null;
                NativeMethods.ThrowOnFailure(pHierarchy.GetProperty(NativeMethods.VSITEMID_ROOT, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_Root, out pvar));
                IntPtr ptr;
                if (pvar == null)
                    pRootHierarchy = (IVsUIHierarchy)pHierarchy;
                    ptr = (IntPtr)pvar;
                    pRootHierarchy = (IVsUIHierarchy)Marshal.GetTypedObjectForIUnknown(ptr, typeof(IVsUIHierarchy));

                IVsUIHierarchy pVsUIHierarchy = pRootHierarchy;

                IVsUIShellOpenDocument doc = site.GetService(typeof(SVsUIShellOpenDocument)) as IVsUIShellOpenDocument;
                const uint OSE_ChooseBestStdEditor = 0x20000000;
                const uint OSE_UseOpenWithDialog = 0x10000000;
                const uint OSE_OpenAsNewFile = 0x40000000;

                if (openWith)
                    IOleServiceProvider psp = site.GetService(typeof(IOleServiceProvider)) as IOleServiceProvider;
                    NativeMethods.ThrowOnFailure(doc.OpenStandardEditor(OSE_UseOpenWithDialog, fullPath, ref logicalView, caption, pVsUIHierarchy, itemid, docData, psp, out windowFrame));
                    // First we see if someone else has opened the requested view of the file.
                    IVsRunningDocumentTable pRDT = site.GetService(typeof(SVsRunningDocumentTable)) as IVsRunningDocumentTable;
                    if (pRDT != null)
                        uint docCookie;
                        IVsHierarchy ppIVsHierarchy;

                        NativeMethods.ThrowOnFailure(pRDT.FindAndLockDocument((uint)_VSRDTFLAGS.RDT_NoLock, fullPath, out ppIVsHierarchy, out itemid, out docData, out docCookie));
                        if (ppIVsHierarchy != null && docCookie != (uint)ShellConstants.VSDOCCOOKIE_NIL && pHierarchy != ppIVsHierarchy && pVsUIHierarchy != ppIVsHierarchy)
                            // not opened by us, so call IsDocumentOpen with the right IVsUIHierarchy so we avoid the
                            // annoying "This document is opened by another project" message prompt.
                            pVsUIHierarchy = (IVsUIHierarchy)ppIVsHierarchy;
                            itemid = (uint)NativeMethods.VSITEMID_SELECTION;

                        ppIVsHierarchy = null;

                    uint openFlags = 0;
                    if (newFile) openFlags |= OSE_OpenAsNewFile;
                    //NOTE: we MUST pass the IVsProject in pVsUIHierarchy and the itemid
                    // of the node being opened, otherwise the debugger doesn't work.
                    IOleServiceProvider psp = site.GetService(typeof(IOleServiceProvider)) as IOleServiceProvider;
                    int retryCount = 1;
                    while (retryCount > 0)
                            if (editorType != Guid.Empty)
                                NativeMethods.ThrowOnFailure(doc.OpenSpecificEditor(editorFlags, fullPath, ref editorType, physicalView, ref logicalView, caption, pRootHierarchy, hierarchyId, docData, psp, out windowFrame));
                                openFlags |= OSE_ChooseBestStdEditor;
                                NativeMethods.ThrowOnFailure(doc.OpenStandardEditor(openFlags, fullPath, ref logicalView, caption, pRootHierarchy, hierarchyId, docData, psp, out windowFrame));

						catch (Exception e)
                            if (e is COMException)
                                COMException ce = (COMException)e;
                                if (ce.ErrorCode == NativeMethods.OLE_E_PROMPTSAVECANCELLED)
                            // perhaps the editor is not compatible with an existing one.                              
                            // try OpenStandardEditor.
                            if (editorType != Guid.Empty)
                                editorType = Guid.Empty;
                                throw e;

                if (windowFrame != null)
                    if (newFile)
                        object var;
                        NativeMethods.ThrowOnFailure(windowFrame.GetProperty((int)__VSFPROPID.VSFPROPID_DocData, out var));
                        IVsPersistDocData ppd = (IVsPersistDocData)var;
                if (windowFrame != null)
			catch (Exception e)
                error = e;
            if (error != null)
                string msg = error.Message;
                if (logicalView != Guid.Empty)
                    if (editorType != Guid.Empty)
                        msg = String.Format(SR.GetString(SR.EditorViewError), logicalView.ToString(), editorType.ToString()) + "\r\n" + msg;
                        msg = String.Format(SR.GetString(SR.StandardEditorViewError), logicalView.ToString()) + "\r\n" + msg;
				else if (editorType != Guid.Empty)
                    msg = String.Format(SR.GetString(SR.StandardEditorViewError), logicalView.ToString()) + "\r\n" + msg;
                MessageBox.Show(msg, SR.GetString(SR.Error), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                if (windowFrame != null)
                    windowFrame = null;

            if (docData != punkDocDataExisting && docData != IntPtr.Zero)
        /// <include file='doc\VsShellUtilities.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="VsShellUtilities.OpenDocument"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        /// Open document using the appropriate project. 
        /// </devdoc>
        /// <param name="provider">The service provider.</param>
        /// <param name="fullPath">Full path to the document.</param>
        /// <param name="logicalView">GUID identifying the logical view.</param>
        /// <param name="hierarchy">Reference to the IVsUIHierarchy interface of the project that contains the Open document.</param>
        /// <param name="itemID"> Reference to the hierarchy item identifier of the document in the project.</param>
        /// <param name="windowFrame">A reference to the window frame that is mapped to the document.</param>
        public static void OpenDocument(IServiceProvider provider, string fullPath, Guid logicalView, out IVsUIHierarchy hierarchy, out uint itemID, out IVsWindowFrame windowFrame)
            windowFrame = null;
            itemID = VSConstants.VSITEMID_NIL;
            hierarchy = null;

            if (provider == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("provider");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fullPath))
                throw new ArgumentException("fullPath");

            //open document
            if (!IsDocumentOpen(provider, fullPath, logicalView, out hierarchy, out itemID, out windowFrame))
                IVsUIShellOpenDocument shellOpenDoc = provider.GetService(typeof(IVsUIShellOpenDocument)) as IVsUIShellOpenDocument;
                if (shellOpenDoc != null)
                    IOleServiceProvider psp;
                    uint itemid;
                    ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(shellOpenDoc.OpenDocumentViaProject(fullPath, ref logicalView, out psp, out hierarchy, out itemid, out windowFrame));
            if (windowFrame != null)
Beispiel #28
        protected int Open(bool newFile, bool openWith, uint editorFlags, ref Guid editorType, string physicalView, ref Guid logicalView, IntPtr docDataExisting, out IVsWindowFrame windowFrame, WindowFrameShowAction windowFrameAction, bool reopen = false)
            windowFrame = null;
            if (this.Node == null || this.Node.ProjectMgr == null || this.Node.ProjectMgr.IsClosed)

            Debug.Assert(this.Node != null, "No node has been initialized for the document manager");
            Debug.Assert(this.Node.ProjectMgr != null, "No project manager has been initialized for the document manager");
            Debug.Assert(this.Node is FileNode, "Node is not FileNode object");

            int    returnValue = VSConstants.S_OK;
            string caption     = this.GetOwnerCaption();
            string fullPath    = this.GetFullPathForDocument();

            IVsUIShellOpenDocument uiShellOpenDocument = this.Node.ProjectMgr.Site.GetService(typeof(SVsUIShellOpenDocument)) as IVsUIShellOpenDocument;
            IOleServiceProvider    serviceProvider     = this.Node.ProjectMgr.Site.GetService(typeof(IOleServiceProvider)) as IOleServiceProvider;

            var  openState  = uiShellOpenDocument as IVsUIShellOpenDocument3;
            bool showDialog = !reopen && (openState == null || !((__VSNEWDOCUMENTSTATE)openState.NewDocumentState).HasFlag(__VSNEWDOCUMENTSTATE.NDS_Provisional));

            // Make sure that the file is on disk before we open the editor and display message if not found
            if (!((FileNode)this.Node).IsFileOnDisk(showDialog))
                // Bail since we are not able to open the item
                // Do not return an error code otherwise an internal error message is shown. The scenario for this operation
                // normally is already a reaction to a dialog box telling that the item has been removed.

                int result = VSConstants.E_FAIL;

                if (openWith)
                    result = uiShellOpenDocument.OpenStandardEditor((uint)__VSOSEFLAGS.OSE_UseOpenWithDialog, fullPath, ref logicalView, caption, this.Node.ProjectMgr, this.Node.ID, docDataExisting, serviceProvider, out windowFrame);
                    __VSOSEFLAGS openFlags = 0;
                    if (newFile)
                        openFlags |= __VSOSEFLAGS.OSE_OpenAsNewFile;

                    //NOTE: we MUST pass the IVsProject in pVsUIHierarchy and the itemid
                    // of the node being opened, otherwise the debugger doesn't work.
                    if (editorType != Guid.Empty)
                        result = uiShellOpenDocument.OpenSpecificEditor(editorFlags, fullPath, ref editorType, physicalView, ref logicalView, caption, this.Node.ProjectMgr, this.Node.ID, docDataExisting, serviceProvider, out windowFrame);
                        openFlags |= __VSOSEFLAGS.OSE_ChooseBestStdEditor;
                        result     = uiShellOpenDocument.OpenStandardEditor((uint)openFlags, fullPath, ref logicalView, caption, this.Node.ProjectMgr, this.Node.ID, docDataExisting, serviceProvider, out windowFrame);

                if (result != VSConstants.S_OK && result != VSConstants.S_FALSE && result != VSConstants.OLE_E_PROMPTSAVECANCELLED)

                if (windowFrame != null)
                    object var;

                    if (newFile)
                        ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(windowFrame.GetProperty((int)__VSFPROPID.VSFPROPID_DocData, out var));
                        IVsPersistDocData persistDocData = (IVsPersistDocData)var;

                    var = null;
                    ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(windowFrame.GetProperty((int)__VSFPROPID.VSFPROPID_DocCookie, out var));
                    this.Node.DocCookie = (uint)(int)var;

                    if (windowFrameAction == WindowFrameShowAction.Show)
                    else if (windowFrameAction == WindowFrameShowAction.ShowNoActivate)
                    else if (windowFrameAction == WindowFrameShowAction.Hide)
            catch (COMException e)
                returnValue = e.ErrorCode;
                CloseWindowFrame(ref windowFrame);

        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to navigate a VS editor to the text marker.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="usePreviewPane">Indicates whether to use VS's preview pane.</param>
        /// <param name="moveFocusToCaretLocation">Indicates whether to move focus to the caret location.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if a VS editor was opened.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The <paramref name="usePreviewPane"/> indicates whether Visual Studio opens the document as a preview (tab to the right)
        /// rather than as an "open code editor" (tab attached to other open documents on the left).
        /// </remarks>
        public bool NavigateTo(bool usePreviewPane, bool moveFocusToCaretLocation)

            bool documentWasOpened = false;

            // Make sure to fully populate region.
            if (!this.TryToFullyPopulateRegionAndFilePath())

            // If the tag doesn't have a persistent span, or its associated document isn't open,
            // then this indicates that we need to attempt to open the document and cause it to
            // be tagged.
            if (!this.PersistentSpanValid())
                // Now, we need to make sure the document gets tagged before the next section of code
                // in this method attempts to navigate to it.
                // So the flow looks like this. Get Visual Studio to open the document for us.
                // That will cause Visual Studio to create a text view for it.
                // Now, just because a text view is created does not mean that
                // a request for "tags" has occurred. Tagging (and the display of those tags)
                // is highly asynchronous. Taggers are created on demand and disposed when they are no longer
                // needed. It is quite common to have multiple taggers active for the same text view and text buffers
                // at the same time. (An easy example is a split-window scenario).
                // This class relies on a persistent span (this.persistentSpan) being non-null and valid.
                // This class "creates" the persistent span when it is asked for its tags in the GetTags
                // method.
                // To facilitate that, we will:
                // 1) Open the document
                // 2) Get the text view from the document.
                // 2a) That alone may be enough to make the persistent span valid if it was already created.
                // 3) If the persistent span still isn't valid (likely because we have crated the persistent span yet), ask ourselves for the tags which will
                //    cause the span to be created.
                IVsWindowFrame vsWindowFrame = SdkUIUtilities.OpenDocument(ServiceProvider.GlobalProvider, this.resolvedFullFilePath, usePreviewPane);
                if (vsWindowFrame == null)


                documentWasOpened = true;

                // At this point, the persistent span may have "become valid" due to the document open.
                // If not, then ask ourselves for the tags which will create the persistent span.
                if (!this.PersistentSpanValid())
                    if (!SdkUIUtilities.TryGetTextViewFromFrame(vsWindowFrame, out ITextView textView))

                    var componentModel = (IComponentModel)Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(SComponentModel));
                    if (componentModel == null)

                    IPersistentSpanFactory persistentSpanFactory = componentModel.GetService <IPersistentSpanFactory>();
                    if (persistentSpanFactory == null)

                    if (!this.TryCreatePersistentSpan(textView.TextBuffer, persistentSpanFactory))

            if (!this.PersistentSpanValid())

            // Now, if the span IS valid it doesn't mean that the editor is visible, so make sure we open the document
            // for the user if needed.
            // But before we try to call "open document" let's see if we can find an active view because calling
            // "open document" is super slow (which causes keyboard navigation from items in the SARIF explorer to be slow
            // IF "open document" is called every time.
            if (!documentWasOpened ||
                !SdkUIUtilities.TryGetActiveViewForTextBuffer(this.persistentSpan.Span.TextBuffer, out IWpfTextView wpfTextView))
                IVsWindowFrame vsWindowFrame = SdkUIUtilities.OpenDocument(ServiceProvider.GlobalProvider, this.resolvedFullFilePath, usePreviewPane);
                if (vsWindowFrame == null)


                if (!SdkUIUtilities.TryGetActiveViewForTextBuffer(this.persistentSpan.Span.TextBuffer, out wpfTextView))

            ITextSnapshot currentSnapshot = this.persistentSpan.Span.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot;

            // Note that "GetSpan" is not really a great name. What is actually happening
            // is the "Span" that "GetSpan" is called on is "mapped" onto the passed in
            // text snapshot. In essence what this means is take the "persistent span"
            // that we have and "replay" any edits that have occurred and return a new
            // span. So, if the span is no longer relevant (lets say the text has been deleted)
            // then you'll get back an empty span.
            SnapshotSpan trackingSpanSnapshot = this.persistentSpan.Span.GetSpan(currentSnapshot);

            // If the caret is already in the text within the marker, don't re-select it
            // otherwise users cannot move the caret in the region.
            // If the caret isn't in the marker, move it there.
            if (!trackingSpanSnapshot.Contains(wpfTextView.Caret.Position.BufferPosition) &&
                wpfTextView.Selection.Select(trackingSpanSnapshot, isReversed: false);

                if (moveFocusToCaretLocation)

        public void OpenDetailsToolWindow(TreeViewArtifact Artifact)
            string METHOD = CLASS + "OpenDetailsToolWindow";

                //Find the existing window..
                toolSpiraExplorerDetails window = this.FindExistingToolWindow(Artifact, true);

                if (window != null)
                    //If the window is hidden and is not in an unsaved state, reload window contents.
                    //   If window is not hidden, simply bring it to foreground.
                    //   If window is not created, load window contents.
                    //   If window is hidden and in an unsaved state, simply bring it to foreground.

                    //See if we need to reset the content.
                    if (!window.IsContentSet || (window.IsHidden && !window.IsChanged))
                        //Generate the details screen.
                        object detailContent = null;
                        switch (Artifact.ArtifactType)
                        case TreeViewArtifact.ArtifactTypeEnum.Incident:
                            frmDetailsIncident detIncident = new frmDetailsIncident(Artifact, window);
                            detailContent = detIncident;

                        case TreeViewArtifact.ArtifactTypeEnum.Requirement:
                            frmDetailsRequirement detRequirement = new frmDetailsRequirement(Artifact, window);
                            detailContent = detRequirement;

                        case TreeViewArtifact.ArtifactTypeEnum.Task:
                            frmDetailsTask detTask = new frmDetailsTask(Artifact, window);
                            detailContent = detTask;
                        //Set toolwindow's content.
                        if (detailContent != null)
                            ((cntrlDetailsForm)window.FormControl).Content = detailContent;

                    //Get the frame.
                    IVsWindowFrame windowFrame = (IVsWindowFrame)window.Frame;
                    windowFrame.SetProperty((int)__VSFPROPID.VSFPROPID_FrameMode, VSFRAMEMODE.VSFM_MdiChild);
                    ((dynamic)((cntrlDetailsForm)window.FormControl).Content).IsHidden = false;
                    //Log an error.
                    Logger.LogMessage(METHOD, "Could not create window.", EventLogEntryType.Error);
                    MessageBox.Show(StaticFuncs.getCultureResource.GetString("app_General_WindowOpenErrorMessage"), StaticFuncs.getCultureResource.GetString("app_General_WindowOpenError"), MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogMessage(ex, "OpenDetailsToolWindow()");
                MessageBox.Show(StaticFuncs.getCultureResource.GetString("app_General_UnexpectedError"), StaticFuncs.getCultureResource.GetString("app_General_ApplicationShortName"), MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
Beispiel #31
        /// <summary>
        /// This function is called when the user clicks the menu item that shows the
        /// tool window. See the Initialize method to see how the menu item is associated to
        /// this function using the OleMenuCommandService service and the MenuCommand class.
        /// </summary>
        private void ShowSolutionBuilderWindow(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // show solution builder

                // Get the instance number 0 of this tool window. This window is single instance so this instance
                // is actually the only one.
                // The last flag is set to true so that if the tool window does not exists it will be created.
                SolutionBuilderWindow window = this.FindToolWindow(typeof(SolutionBuilderWindow), 0, false) as SolutionBuilderWindow;
                if (window == null)
                    window = this.CreateToolWindow(typeof(SolutionBuilderWindow), 0) as SolutionBuilderWindow;
                    if ((null == window) || (null == window.Frame))
                        throw new NotSupportedException(Resources.CanNotCreateWindow);

                // wire up solution builder window events
                window.Control.ProgressChanged               -= SolutionBuilderControl_ProgressChanged;
                window.Control.ProgressChanged               += new SolutionBuilderControl.StatusChangeEventHandler(SolutionBuilderControl_ProgressChanged);
                window.Control.StatusChanged                 -= SolutionBuilderControl_StatusChanged;
                window.Control.StatusChanged                 += new SolutionBuilderControl.StatusChangeEventHandler(SolutionBuilderControl_StatusChanged);
                window.Control.OutputChanged                 -= SolutionBuilderControl_OutputChanged;
                window.Control.OutputChanged                 += new SolutionBuilderControl.StatusChangeEventHandler(SolutionBuilderControl_OutputChanged);
                window.Control.OpenOutputSolutionRequested   -= SolutionBuilderControl_OpenOutputSolutionRequested;
                window.Control.OpenOutputSolutionRequested   += new SolutionBuilderControl.SolutionEventHandler(SolutionBuilderControl_OpenOutputSolutionRequested);
                window.Control.ShowSolutionDesignerRequested -= SolutionBuilderControl_ShowSolutionDesignerRequested;
                window.Control.ShowSolutionDesignerRequested += new SolutionBuilderControl.SolutionEventHandler(SolutionBuilderControl_ShowSolutionDesignerRequested);

                // show designer window

                // show getting started help
                if (window.Control.DataContext is BuilderViewModel)
                    (window.Control.DataContext as BuilderViewModel).ResourcesFolder.ShowGettingStartedHelp();

                // TODO: remove this later
                window.DesignerWindow = this.FindToolWindow(typeof(SolutionDesignerWindow), 0, false) as SolutionDesignerWindow;

                // if solution is already open, load it

                IVsWindowFrame windowFrame = (IVsWindowFrame)window.Frame;

                // put solution builder output to output pane
                SolutionBuilderPane.OutputString("Solution Builder shown.");
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Error showing solution builder: {0}", ex.ToString()));
                // put exception message in output pane
                string           message   = ex.Message;
                System.Exception exception = ex.InnerException;
                while (exception != null)
                    message  += "\r\n" + exception.Message;
                    exception = exception.InnerException;
        /// <include file='doc\VsShellUtilities.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="VsShellUtilities.OpenDocumentWithSpecificEditor"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        /// Open a document using a specific editor. 
        /// </devdoc>
        /// <param name="provider">The service provider.</param>
        /// <param name="fullPath">Full path to the document.</param>
        /// <param name="editorType">Unique identifier of the editor type.</param>
        /// <param name="logicalView">In MultiView case determines view to be activated by IVsMultiViewDocumentView. For a list of logical view GUIDS, see constants starting with LOGVIEWID_ defined in NativeMethods class</param>
        /// <param name="hierarchy">Reference to the IVsUIHierarchy interface of the project that can open the document.</param>
        /// <param name="itemID"> Reference to the hierarchy item identifier of the document in the project.</param>
        /// <param name="windowFrame">A reference to the window frame that is mapped to the document.</param>
        public static void OpenDocumentWithSpecificEditor(IServiceProvider provider, string fullPath, Guid editorType, Guid logicalView, out IVsUIHierarchy hierarchy, out uint itemID, out IVsWindowFrame windowFrame)
            windowFrame = null;
            itemID = VSConstants.VSITEMID_NIL;
            hierarchy = null;

            if (provider == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("provider");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fullPath))
                throw new ArgumentException("fullPath");

            //open document
            IVsUIShellOpenDocument shellOpenDoc = provider.GetService(typeof(IVsUIShellOpenDocument)) as IVsUIShellOpenDocument;
            IVsRunningDocumentTable pRDT = provider.GetService(typeof(IVsRunningDocumentTable)) as IVsRunningDocumentTable;
            string physicalView = null;
            if (pRDT != null && shellOpenDoc != null)
                ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(shellOpenDoc.MapLogicalView(ref editorType, ref logicalView, out physicalView));
                // See if the requested editor is already open with the requested view.
                IntPtr punkDocData = IntPtr.Zero;
                uint docCookie;
                IVsHierarchy ppIVsHierarchy;
                    ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(pRDT.FindAndLockDocument((uint)_VSRDTFLAGS.RDT_NoLock, fullPath, out ppIVsHierarchy, out itemID, out punkDocData, out docCookie));
                    int pfOpen;
                    uint flags = (uint)__VSIDOFLAGS.IDO_ActivateIfOpen;
                    int hr = shellOpenDoc.IsSpecificDocumentViewOpen((IVsUIHierarchy)ppIVsHierarchy, itemID, fullPath, ref editorType, physicalView, flags, out hierarchy, out itemID, out windowFrame, out pfOpen);
                    if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(hr) && pfOpen == 1)
                    if (punkDocData != IntPtr.Zero)

                IOleServiceProvider psp;
                ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(shellOpenDoc.OpenDocumentViaProjectWithSpecific(fullPath, editorFlags, ref editorType, physicalView, ref logicalView, out psp, out hierarchy, out itemID, out windowFrame));
                if (windowFrame != null)
                psp = null;
Beispiel #33
        protected virtual void GotoSource(VSOBJGOTOSRCTYPE gotoType)
            // We do not support the "Goto Reference"
            if (VSOBJGOTOSRCTYPE.GS_REFERENCE == gotoType)

            // There is no difference between definition and declaration, so here we
            // don't check for the other flags.

            IVsWindowFrame frame        = null;
            IntPtr         documentData = FindDocDataFromRDT();

                // Now we can try to open the editor. We assume that the owner hierarchy is
                // a project and we want to use its OpenItem method.
                IVsProject3 project = ownerHierarchy as IVsProject3;
                if (null == project)
                Guid viewGuid = VSConstants.LOGVIEWID_Code;
                ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(project.OpenItem(fileId, ref viewGuid, documentData, out frame));
                if (IntPtr.Zero != documentData)
                    documentData = IntPtr.Zero;

            // Make sure that the document window is visible.

            // Get the code window from the window frame.
            object docView;

            ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(frame.GetProperty((int)__VSFPROPID.VSFPROPID_DocView, out docView));
            IVsCodeWindow codeWindow = docView as IVsCodeWindow;

            if (null == codeWindow)
                object docData;
                ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(frame.GetProperty((int)__VSFPROPID.VSFPROPID_DocData, out docData));
                codeWindow = docData as IVsCodeWindow;
                if (null == codeWindow)

            // Get the primary view from the code window.
            IVsTextView textView;

            ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(codeWindow.GetPrimaryView(out textView));

            // Set the cursor at the beginning of the declaration.
            ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(textView.SetCaretPos(sourceSpan.iStartLine, sourceSpan.iStartIndex));
            // Make sure that the text is visible.
            TextSpan visibleSpan = new TextSpan();

            visibleSpan.iStartLine  = sourceSpan.iStartLine;
            visibleSpan.iStartIndex = sourceSpan.iStartIndex;
            visibleSpan.iEndLine    = sourceSpan.iEndLine;
            visibleSpan.iEndIndex   = sourceSpan.iEndIndex;
Beispiel #34
        private int OpenItem(bool newFile, bool openWith, uint editorFlags, ref Guid editorType, string physicalView, ref Guid logicalView, IntPtr docDataExisting, out IVsWindowFrame frame, WindowFrameShowAction windowFrameAction)
            frame = null;

            if (this.ProjectMgr == null || this.ProjectMgr.IsClosed)
                return VSConstants.E_FAIL;

            int result = VSConstants.S_OK;
            uint[] ppItemId = new uint[1];
            ppItemId[0] = this.ID;
            int open;
            IVsUIHierarchy project;
            string fullPath = GetMkDocument();

            // check if the file exists
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(fullPath))
                // TODO Inform clients that we have an invalid item (wrong icon)
                //// Inform clients that we have an invalid item (wrong icon)

                return VSConstants.S_FALSE;

            IVsUIShellOpenDocument sod = (this.ProjectMgr as CogaenEditProject).Site.GetService(typeof(IVsUIShellOpenDocument)) as IVsUIShellOpenDocument;
            if (sod != null)
                    // try to get hold of the open file
                        , this.ID
                        , GetMkDocument()
                        , ref logicalView /* LOGVIEWID_Code to show xml behind */
                        , (uint)__VSIDOFLAGS.IDO_ActivateIfOpen
                        , out project
                        , ppItemId
                        , out frame
                        , out open);

                    // file is not open
                    if (open == 0)
                        // TODO load doc data
                        Load(fullPath, 0, 0);
                        docDataExisting = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(ObjectBuilder);

                        if (openWith)
                            result = sod.OpenStandardEditor((uint)__VSOSEFLAGS.OSE_UseOpenWithDialog//(uint)__VSOSEFLAGS.OSE_ChooseBestStdEditor
                            , GetMkDocument()
                            , ref logicalView /* VSConstants.LOGVIEWID.Code_guid for xml behind*/
                            , Caption
                            , this.ProjectMgr
                            , this.ID
                                // TODO pass docData!!!!
                            , docDataExisting
                            , this.ProjectMgr.Site as Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IServiceProvider
                            , out frame);
                            __VSOSEFLAGS openFlags = 0;
                            if (newFile)
                                openFlags |= __VSOSEFLAGS.OSE_OpenAsNewFile;

                            openFlags |= __VSOSEFLAGS.OSE_ChooseBestStdEditor;

                            if (editorType != Guid.Empty)
                                result = sod.OpenSpecificEditor(editorFlags
                                    , fullPath
                                    , ref editorType
                                    , physicalView
                                    , ref logicalView
                                    , Caption
                                    , this.ProjectMgr
                                    , this.ID
                                    , docDataExisting
                                    , this.ProjectMgr.Site as Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IServiceProvider
                                    , out frame);

                                result = sod.OpenStandardEditor((uint)openFlags
                                , GetMkDocument()
                                , ref logicalView /* VSConstants.LOGVIEWID.Code_guid for xml behind*/
                                , Caption
                                , this.ProjectMgr
                                , this.ID
                                , docDataExisting
                                , this.ProjectMgr.Site as Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IServiceProvider
                                , out frame);
                        if (result != VSConstants.S_OK && result != VSConstants.S_FALSE && result != VSConstants.OLE_E_PROMPTSAVECANCELLED)
                        // eventually show window
                        if (frame != null)
                            object var;

                            if (newFile)
                                ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(frame.GetProperty((int)__VSFPROPID.VSFPROPID_DocData, out var));
                                IVsPersistDocData persistDocData = (IVsPersistDocData)var;

                            var = null;
                            ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(frame.GetProperty((int)__VSFPROPID.VSFPROPID_DocCookie, out var));
                            this.DocCookie = (uint)(int)var;

                            if (windowFrameAction == WindowFrameShowAction.Show)
                            else if (windowFrameAction == WindowFrameShowAction.ShowNoActivate)
                            else if (windowFrameAction == WindowFrameShowAction.Hide)
                    // file is already open
                        ObjectBuilder = Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(docDataExisting) as ObjectBuilder;

                        if (frame != null)
                            if (windowFrameAction == WindowFrameShowAction.Show)
                            else if (windowFrameAction == WindowFrameShowAction.ShowNoActivate)
                            else if (windowFrameAction == WindowFrameShowAction.Hide)
                catch (COMException e)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Exception e:" + e.Message);
                    result = e.ErrorCode;
                    CloseWindowFrame(ref frame);
            return result;
Beispiel #35
        private void SelectNodeWithProperties(CFGNode node)
            IVsWindowFrame frame = null;

            if (frame == null)
                var shell = _parent.GetVsService(typeof(SVsUIShell)) as IVsUIShell;
                if (shell != null)
                    var guidPropertyBrowser = new
                                         ref guidPropertyBrowser, out frame);

            if (frame != null)

            var selContainer = new Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.SelectionContainer();
            var items        = new List <CFGNode>();

            selContainer.SelectedObjects = items;

            ITrackSelection track = _parent.GetVsService(typeof(STrackSelection)) as ITrackSelection;

            if (track != null)

            if ((Keyboard.Modifiers & ModifierKeys.Control) > 0)
                // If control is pressed then to nothing
                foreach (var v in GraphControl.Graph.Vertices)
                    if (v.IsSelected)

            IVsStatusbar statusBar = (IVsStatusbar)_parent.GetVsService(typeof(SVsStatusbar));

            // Make sure the status bar is not frozen
            int frozen;

            statusBar.IsFrozen(out frozen);

            if (frozen != 0)

            // Set the status bar text and make its display static.
            statusBar.SetText(node.MethodName + " (" + node.SourceCodeMappingString + ")");

            // Freeze the status bar.
Beispiel #36
        private int Open(bool newFile, bool openWith, uint editorFlags, ref Guid editorType, string physicalView, ref Guid logicalView, IntPtr docDataExisting, out IVsWindowFrame windowFrame, WindowFrameShowAction windowFrameAction)
            windowFrame = null;
            if(this.Node == null || this.Node.ProjectMgr == null || this.Node.ProjectMgr.IsClosed)
                return VSConstants.E_FAIL;

            Debug.Assert(this.Node != null, "No node has been initialized for the document manager");
            Debug.Assert(this.Node.ProjectMgr != null, "No project manager has been initialized for the document manager");
            Debug.Assert(this.Node is FileNode, "Node is not FileNode object");

            int returnValue = VSConstants.S_OK;
            string caption = this.GetOwnerCaption();
            string fullPath = this.GetFullPathForDocument();

            // Make sure that the file is on disk before we open the editor and display message if not found
                // Inform clients that we have an invalid item (wrong icon)

                // Bail since we are not able to open the item
                // Do not return an error code otherwise an internal error message is shown. The scenario for this operation
                // normally is already a reaction to a dialog box telling that the item has been removed.
                return VSConstants.S_FALSE;

            IVsUIShellOpenDocument uiShellOpenDocument = this.Node.ProjectMgr.Site.GetService(typeof(SVsUIShellOpenDocument)) as IVsUIShellOpenDocument;
            IOleServiceProvider serviceProvider = this.Node.ProjectMgr.Site.GetService(typeof(IOleServiceProvider)) as IOleServiceProvider;

                int result = VSConstants.E_FAIL;

                    result = uiShellOpenDocument.OpenStandardEditor((uint)__VSOSEFLAGS.OSE_UseOpenWithDialog, fullPath, ref logicalView, caption, this.Node.ProjectMgr, this.Node.ID, docDataExisting, serviceProvider, out windowFrame);
                    __VSOSEFLAGS openFlags = 0;
                        openFlags |= __VSOSEFLAGS.OSE_OpenAsNewFile;

                    //NOTE: we MUST pass the IVsProject in pVsUIHierarchy and the itemid
                    // of the node being opened, otherwise the debugger doesn't work.
                    if(editorType != Guid.Empty)
                        result = uiShellOpenDocument.OpenSpecificEditor(editorFlags, fullPath, ref editorType, physicalView, ref logicalView, caption, this.Node.ProjectMgr, this.Node.ID, docDataExisting, serviceProvider, out windowFrame);
                        openFlags |= __VSOSEFLAGS.OSE_ChooseBestStdEditor;
                        result = uiShellOpenDocument.OpenStandardEditor((uint)openFlags, fullPath, ref logicalView, caption, this.Node.ProjectMgr, this.Node.ID, docDataExisting, serviceProvider, out windowFrame);

                if(result != VSConstants.S_OK && result != VSConstants.S_FALSE && result != VSConstants.OLE_E_PROMPTSAVECANCELLED)

                if(windowFrame != null)
                    object var;

                        ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(windowFrame.GetProperty((int)__VSFPROPID.VSFPROPID_DocData, out var));
                        IVsPersistDocData persistDocData = (IVsPersistDocData)var;

                    var = null;
                    ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(windowFrame.GetProperty((int)__VSFPROPID.VSFPROPID_DocCookie, out var));
                    this.Node.DocCookie = (uint)(int)var;

                    if(windowFrameAction == WindowFrameShowAction.Show)
                    else if(windowFrameAction == WindowFrameShowAction.ShowNoActivate)
                    else if(windowFrameAction == WindowFrameShowAction.Hide)
            catch(COMException e)
                Trace.WriteLine("Exception e:" + e.Message);
                returnValue = e.ErrorCode;
                CloseWindowFrame(ref windowFrame);

            return returnValue;
Beispiel #37
    public static void OpenItem(IServiceProvider site, bool newFile, bool openWith, uint editorFlags, ref Guid editorType, string physicalView, ref Guid logicalView, IntPtr punkDocDataExisting, IVsHierarchy pHierarchy, uint hierarchyId, out IVsWindowFrame windowFrame) {
      windowFrame = null;
      IntPtr docData = punkDocDataExisting;
      try {
        uint itemid = hierarchyId;

        object pvar;        
        pHierarchy.GetProperty(hierarchyId, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_Caption, out pvar);
        string caption = (string)pvar;

        string fullPath = null;
        if (punkDocDataExisting != IntPtr.Zero && punkDocDataExisting.ToInt64() != -1L) {
          fullPath = VsShell.GetFilePath(punkDocDataExisting);
        if (fullPath == null) {
          string dir;
          pHierarchy.GetProperty((uint)VsConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_ProjectDir, out pvar);
          dir = (string)pvar;
          pHierarchy.GetProperty(hierarchyId, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_SaveName, out pvar);          
          // todo: what if the path is a URL?
          fullPath = dir != null ? Path.Combine(dir,(string)pvar) : (string)pvar;

        HierarchyNode node = pHierarchy as HierarchyNode;
        IVsUIHierarchy pRootHierarchy = node == null ? (IVsUIHierarchy) pHierarchy : node.projectMgr;
        IVsUIHierarchy pVsUIHierarchy = pRootHierarchy;

				IVsUIShellOpenDocument doc = site.GetService(typeof(SVsUIShellOpenDocument)) as IVsUIShellOpenDocument;
        const uint   OSE_ChooseBestStdEditor  = 0x20000000;
        const uint OSE_UseOpenWithDialog  = 0x10000000;
        const uint OSE_OpenAsNewFile  = 0x40000000;

        if (openWith) {          
					IOleServiceProvider psp = site.GetService(typeof(IOleServiceProvider)) as IOleServiceProvider;
					doc.OpenStandardEditor(OSE_UseOpenWithDialog, fullPath, ref logicalView, caption, pVsUIHierarchy, itemid, docData, psp, out windowFrame);
        } else {
          // First we see if someone else has opened the requested view of the file.
					IVsRunningDocumentTable pRDT = site.GetService(typeof(SVsRunningDocumentTable)) as IVsRunningDocumentTable;
          if (pRDT != null) {
            uint docCookie;
            IVsHierarchy ppIVsHierarchy;
            pRDT.FindAndLockDocument((uint)_VSRDTFLAGS.RDT_NoLock, fullPath, out ppIVsHierarchy, out itemid, out docData, out docCookie);
            if (ppIVsHierarchy != null && docCookie != VsConstants.VSDOCCOOKIE_NIL && pHierarchy != ppIVsHierarchy && pVsUIHierarchy != ppIVsHierarchy) {
              // not opened by us, so call IsDocumentOpen with the right IVsUIHierarchy so we avoid the
              // annoying "This document is opened by another project" message prompt.
              pVsUIHierarchy = (IVsUIHierarchy)ppIVsHierarchy;
              itemid = (uint)VsConstants.VSITEMID_SELECTION;
            ppIVsHierarchy = null;
          IVsUIHierarchy ppHierOpen;
          uint[] pitemidOpen = new uint[1];
          int pfOpen;      
          doc.IsDocumentOpen(pVsUIHierarchy, itemid, fullPath, ref logicalView, (uint)__VSIDOFLAGS.IDO_ActivateIfOpen, out ppHierOpen, pitemidOpen, out windowFrame, out pfOpen);
          if (pfOpen == 1 && editorType != Guid.Empty) {
            if (windowFrame != null) {
              Guid currentEditor;
              windowFrame.GetGuidProperty((int)__VSFPROPID.VSFPROPID_guidEditorType, out currentEditor);
              if (currentEditor == editorType) {
                goto done;
            windowFrame = null;
            pfOpen = 0;
          if (pfOpen != 1) {
            uint openFlags = 0;
            if (newFile) openFlags |= OSE_OpenAsNewFile;

            //NOTE: we MUST pass the IVsProject in pVsUIHierarchy and the itemid
            // of the node being opened, otherwise the debugger doesn't work.
            IOleServiceProvider psp = site.GetService(typeof(IOleServiceProvider)) as IOleServiceProvider;
            if (editorType != Guid.Empty) {
              doc.OpenSpecificEditor(editorFlags, fullPath, ref editorType, physicalView, ref logicalView, caption, pRootHierarchy, hierarchyId, docData, psp, out windowFrame);
            } else {
              openFlags |= OSE_ChooseBestStdEditor;
              doc.OpenStandardEditor(openFlags, fullPath, ref logicalView, caption, pRootHierarchy, hierarchyId, docData, psp, out windowFrame);
            if (windowFrame != null) {
              if (newFile) {
                object var;
                windowFrame.GetProperty((int)__VSFPROPID.VSFPROPID_DocData, out var);
                IVsPersistDocData ppd = (IVsPersistDocData)var;
        if (windowFrame != null)

      } catch (COMException e) {
        if ((uint)e.ErrorCode != (uint)OleErrors.OLE_E_PROMPTSAVECANCELLED) {
      } catch (Exception e) {
        if (e != null) {
        if (docData != punkDocDataExisting && docData != IntPtr.Zero) {