public SettingsViewModel(IPermissions permissions,
                                 IGeofenceManager geofences,
                                 IUserDialogs dialogs,
                                 IViewModelManager viewModelMgr)
            this.permissions = permissions;
            this.geofences = geofences;
            this.dialogs = dialogs;

            this.Menu = new Command(() => dialogs.ActionSheet(new ActionSheetConfig()
                .Add("Add Geofence", async () => 
                    await viewModelMgr.PushNav<AddGeofenceViewModel>()
                .Add("Use Default Geofences", async () => 
                    var result = await dialogs.ConfirmAsync(new ConfirmConfig()
                        .SetMessage("This will stop monitoring all existing geofences and set the defaults.  Are you sure you want to do this?"));

                    if (result)
                        await Task.Delay(500);
                        geofences.StartMonitoring(new GeofenceRegion
                            Identifier = "FC HQ",
                            Center = new Position(43.6411314, -79.3808415),   // 88 Queen's Quay - Home
                            Radius = Distance.FromKilometers(1)
                        geofences.StartMonitoring(new GeofenceRegion
                            Identifier = "Close to HQ",
                            Center = new Position(43.6411314, -79.3808415),   // 88 Queen's Quay
                            Radius = Distance.FromKilometers(3)
                        geofences.StartMonitoring(new GeofenceRegion 
                            Identifier = "Ajax GO Station",
                            Center = new Position(43.8477697, -79.0435461),
                            Radius = Distance.FromMeters(500)
                        await Task.Delay(500); // ios needs a second to breathe when registering like this
                .Add("Stop All Geofences", async () => 
                    var result = await dialogs.ConfirmAsync(new ConfirmConfig()
                        .SetMessage("Are you sure wish to stop monitoring all geofences?"));

                    if (result)
            this.Remove = new Command<GeofenceRegion>(x =>